
By eric jones

Published on Jul 5, 2016

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Feedback is welcome.

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Tariq, Corey and their linebacker friend Cedric pulled up on Simms' street. He was easy to find. It took about 5 minutes for Tariq to get his address.

They had their plan. They each knew their role. Tariq was leading. He called the shots.

Cedric was the brute force. He might be needed to get in the house or to run interference if there was trouble. Corey was keeping a look out, and he was going to make sure they got out of there in a hurry. Tariq had the gun in his lap.

Being smart, and having seen their share of crime shows on TV, they were prepared for the night. Gloves, flashlights and all black clothes. Like cat burglars. But they weren't going to steal. The goal was stealth. And overwhelming force. Operation Shock & Awe.

Simms was gonna learn a lesson.

"Y'all niggas know the plan, right?" Tariq asked one last time.

"Damn, nigga, chill. We got it." Corey didn't need to be spoon-fed. This wasn't complicated. His boy Tariq was too worried about shit. It wasn't like him. In the back of his mind, this gnawed at Corey. He couldn't shake the feeling. There was something about this gig that didn't quite fit.

Cedric grunted and nodded his head. He was just a mercenary. He didn't really know these fools. As long as he got his money he didn't give a shit.

"Aiight," Tariq said. "Let's do dis. And stay quiet."

Tariq was committed.

The three guys got out of the truck, gathered silently in front and when they were all together they headed towards the house.

It was a dark night, but they didn't have far to go.

As they turned to head up the driveway Tariq stopped dead in his tracks. He backed away deliberately, swinging his arm to motion the guys back.

After backing in to Corey, he turned and whispered, over and over in an insistent tone.

"Go, Go, Go!"

"Da fuck?" Corey mumbled, wondering what in the hell was happening.

They rushed back to the truck, jumped in and backed away with the lights off. Tariq was in a hurry to get away.

"Man, what da fuck is happenin?" Corey asked.

"Cops were there," Tariq deadpanned.

"Cops?" Corey couldn't believe it.

Cedric just shook his head.

"Yeah. Two cop cars in da driveway. House all lit up. I don't fuckin know." Tariq was confused. And surprised.

"Well let's roll man," Corey urged. Tariq agreed.

He got about two blocks away and pulled over.

"I gotta go back and see what the deal is," Tariq said.

"Back? No fuckin way man. Not with cops." Cedric finally voiced his opinion.

"Y'all niggas ain't gotta go. But I'm goin' back."

"Why, dude?" Corey was generally amazed.

"I gotta know what he did. See what da cops doin' there," replied Tariq.

"Man, fuck dat. You wanna go to jail too?" Corey really thought Tariq was nuts.

"I ain't gonna get arrested. I just wanna see what's goin' down."

The car was quiet for a minute.

"I can get out here," said Cedric. He had heard enough.

"Man I can drop you somewhere."

"Naw, I'm out. Later." And with that, Cedric got out and walked away.

A few more seconds of silence and Tariq was ready to go.

"Where can I drop you man? By the school?"

"What you gonna do?" Corey asked.

"I'm gonna get as close as I can and see what I can see or hear," Tariq told him.

"You try anything with the cops there and you gonna get busted." Corey didn't trust Tariq. He wasn't thinking straight.

"The cops ain't nevah gonna see me, bruh."

"They catch you wit dat gun and some shit is gonna pop off, man. Think!" Corey was really worried about his friend.

Tariq thought about it. The gun didn't make any sense now. It was just an unnecessary risk. Corey was making sense.

"You right. Imma leave da gun in da truck."

Corey was relieved. The cops being there amped this shit up too much. They still needed to back away, but for some reason Tariq was determined to go.

"Aiight, man. Let's go."

"Go where?" Tariq asked.

"Imma go with ya."

Tariq spun to look at his friend.

"Nah man, you done enough." Tariq didn't want his friend involved with the police.

"I ain't gonna let you go by yaself." Corey was still a little worried about his friend. That seed of worry in the back of his mind had grown.

"Ya sure?" Tariq asked.

"Let's roll," was Corey's response.

Tariq wanted to go by himself, but now he didn't know how to brush Corey off. He had agreed to roll with him for what could have turned out as some foul shit. A little reconnaissance seemed like small potatoes in comparison. To insist he leave now wouldn't make sense.

Tariq pulled off and headed back towards Simms's house. Corey wasn't the only one worried that night. Tariq's head was buzzing too.

Eric laid there wondering.

Everything was so confusing now.

He didn't know what to feel. It was all mixed up. Apprehension. Nervousness. And... There was something else, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He couldn't give it a name. His mind was spinning. Up was down and down was up.

Simms wanted to destroy him. This Tariq guy wanted to avenge him. He didn't know Tariq at all. He knew Simms too well. He didn't know what to think.

He barely remembered a simpler time. When his life seemed uncomplicated. When his path was uncluttered.

Now he was feeling things that didn't make any sense. Feelings that didn't fit in his world.

He didn't have these feeling even a week ago or so ago. It was all happening so quickly.

Tariq. That dreaded guy who was all up in his business. He was angry. And then he wasn't. He was nosy, and then he seemed to care. He was quiet, but seemed like he had so much to say. And he was everywhere. And he was available. He responded to Eric when he was in need. He was...

Oh, never mind...

Simms. Saying that name in his mind gave Eric a shudder. He thought about that nasty, threatening email. Blackmail. Or whatever the hell it was. He had been so nice. He made Eric feel things he never felt before. There was a.. a draw to him. Eric hated him, though. He thought about the video. He told himself he hated him. He was a threat. He was...

Oh, never mind...

Eric realized he was just scared. When he looked at all the things happening he was just plain scared. He couldn't talk to his friends about this. He certainly couldn't talk to his family. It wasn't only dangerous, it was embarrassing. He wasn't just in trouble, he was exposed. There was no way he could come clean without revealing WAY too much about himself - the kind of stuff he didn't know about himself, and the kinds of things that others wouldn't understand.

How would he explain being in Simms' apartment. How would he explain the video. Sure, there were parts that made him look like a victim, but there were bound to be parts that weren't so clear. Even if he had been drugged and raped against his will, he was still naked in a stranger's bedroom. Would the start of the recording show him enjoying a blow job from a big black dude? Anyone who viewed that video would know he was attracted to dudes. That was something even Eric wasn't comfortable with himself.

What would Simms say? Would he talk about their meeting at the club? Would he reveal their online conversations? Would he lie? Hell yeah, he would lie.

Everything pointed to one outcome. Eric was there by choice. What happened to him was his choice. He shuddered again.

And he had been there by choice. He had been attracted to that guy. There was an edge to him that Eric couldn't explain. He was confident. He was charming, but he wasn't the least bit feminine or weak. He had been strong the whole time. He went down on Eric but Eric didn't think of him as a girl. He had been a man the whole time. Masculine. And then mean. That's right, a mean asshole rapist.

Eric jumped out of bed and sat on his balcony. He pulled out a cigarette and fired up. Smoking just seemed like the right thing to do. The burning taste in his mouth didn't offend him. It seemed like the first step in calming his mind.

The cigs are Tariq's brand. The ones he had tried the first night he got slapped by Tariq in the mall. The night they stared at each other on those benches. It seemed like a million years ago.

He blew smoke in to the warm nighttime air and just sat there. Smoking made him think about Tariq. He remembered how his hand looked the night that Tariq gave him back his phone. He remembered his cologne. He remembered the blank expression that wouldn't look away. He remembered brushing against him going through the doorway at the mall. And he remembered their revealing conversation earlier tonight.

Tariq has asked him questions about things he wouldn't have told his best friend. Tariq had asked and Eric had answered. He didn't want to hold back. I mean with this guy what was the point. He knew his darkest secret already. What was the point of hiding anything?

But he hadn't been totally honest, Eric realized. He had stopped short of blurting out all the things on his mind. Some of the things that only really dawned on Eric while he was being questioned by Tariq. Some of the things that Eric wasn't really comfortable with himself.

He flung the cigarette to the ground below. Someone would clean that up before his family saw it. But fuck it! If his dad found it so what. He had bigger concerns than his parents knowing he smoked.

He went back inside and laid on the bed again. He just couldn't relax his mind.

After checking his phone, he reached for the laptop and fired it up. He surfed a few pages impatiently, but wasn't really in the mood for news, entertainment or shopping. He pulled up his favorites and clicked on his email link without thinking. As soon as his inbox appeared Eric felt his stomach drop.

There was an email from earlier he had missed. A couple of hours ago it looked like. The subject line was "WHORE"

Eric swallowed hard. All the fear and anxiety came rushing back. Without thinking he clicked on the message. As it opened he thought, "fuck, might as well get it over with..."

The message read, simply:


Eric laid back. Damn. What an asshole. Stringing him along. It was torture.

He opened the first email. The one with the video and the the threat. He clicked play and watched the clips. It was the first time he had looked at it since the night it arrived. It was all the worst stuff. Or was it? Eric couldn't really remember it all. This seemed like a lot of bad stuff. That look on his face and from so many angles. He looked... Damn. It was too much.

He clicked play again. Nothing changed. The same expressions. The same scenes. That demanding voice...

He slammed the laptop closed and felt a single tear run down his cheek. He turned over and buried his face under a pillow. When he turned over to lay on his stomach, Eric realized his dick was hard.

"What the fuck," he thought. He prayed that sleep would come.

Next: Chapter 12

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