Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Jun 7, 2000


Warning! If you not old enough leave otherwise enjoy it, it's fiction!

Thanks to everyone who mailed me and to those of you who are reading and not mailing me please just send me a note to say you liked it. I love to at least find out who is reading...

Again read the other great series' out there:

Lonely Lance. He's all I need. (I talked to him yesterday and he is writing more!) My surprise romance We admitted it Fixing the Backstreet Boy's Open Arm's

Drop me a line at

Don't Want You Back-Part 10

The One

By Grayson S Vellar

Kevin's house

I was pacing the floor just inside of the front door not knowing what was to become of their intimate evening. I was unsure of our plans for the evening. With all that had been happening with the label, I was again beginning to wonder if the devotion that we showed for each other was best for the group. But, with everyone, standing together there was no stopping the love we all felt. 'Right?' I asked myself only stopping for a brief second and I was back to walking the floor. I remembered today and how Brian and Jerry reunited. I remembered how it felt, to finally see the love Brian so desired coming into his life. Brian wanted it and he knew it was right. 'But what if it wasn't mean to be' I thought and quickly banished that thought. But, 'If it were to ever get out what would happen to the group?' Kevin walked up behind me wrapping his arms around me and stopping my worries and my mind as it spun out of control.

"Penny for your thoughts," Kevin asked squeezing me around the waste.

"Just worried about everything," I replied.

"Even in my arms you worry?" Kevin asked kissing the back of my neck.

"Never," I replied, as the doorbell rang.

Kevin opened the door only to be greeted a limousine driver holding up his hand to knock again. Soon enough we were on our way. One thing I will never get used to is riding in these big cars. They draw too much attention and never let you be just yourself. I guess that since I have never spent a lot of time around one I find them confusing. I found myself drawn suddenly back inside the silent car and away from my distant thoughts as Kevin cleared his throat.

"So where do we go now?" I asked.

"I reserved NYPD tonight," Kevin said, looking down at his watch.

"The New York Police Department?" I questioned grinning.

"No, New York Pizza and Delicatessen," Kevin said drawing me into the limousine and tickling me.

"Well, I guess this is a big evening. I have never been there," I said sliding directly into his lap playfully.

"You'll like it," Kevin said placing a small kiss on my lips making me grin.

"You know we could always just stay in here and.. ya know," I said grinning trying to imply sexual favors.

"We could but, we aren't going to," Kevin grinned back. All too soon for my taste, the car was pulling into the parking lot and I had but a moment to kiss him before I found myself peering out the window.

The restaurant was dark as we pulled up but the parking lot was full. Howie had done exactly as Kevin had asked and made this as discrete as possible in one respect. But, in another respect he had not covered up the cars parked in the lot. I could see Howie's car parked right out in the open and under normal circumstances, this would have been a problem. However, the driver continued around to the backside of the restaurant. I ignored the obvious miscalculation with the cars in the lot as I looked at the dark restaurant.

"Kevin are you sure it's open. It's all dark inside," I asked.

Kevin had wanted only their closest friend to be here tonight. He had a surprise for me. He was ready to be us out in public but not in the public eyes. The prying press even if he was out and it was excepted would kill us. He never wanted us to be alone again. We were in love.

"Yes, I called them just before we left the house. It is a private night for us though so you won't see to much action from the outside," Kevin said and started to walk towards the doors only to be stopped by my not joining in on his brisk pace.

"Okay Kevin spill it I know you better than this. What are you up too?" I asked catching hold of Kevin's arm with both of my hands.

"You'll see," Kevin replied and took my hand in his walking towards the door.

"Welcome gentlemen," A man in his mid to late twenties said approaching Kevin and I.

"Your table has been prepared Mr. Richardson and your other guests have already started to arrive," he finished leading us down a hallway towards what appeared to be the main sitting area of the restaurant.

"Thank you Paul," Kevin said grinning at the man

"Kevin what other guest," I asked now knowing for sure he was up to something.

"Friends," he quietly replied.

"Okay, I am sure you have allot of friends. What friends are we meeting tonight?" I asked in hopes of him answering me.

"Old Friends," Kevin answered as the double doors opened up to the dinning hall just on the other side. Paul smiled at him eagerly and closed the doors behind us leaving no choice but to head forwards. There was no noise there was nothing to be seen. The only thing in front of us was a row of candles leading us down a path to a table on the opposite wall. I could hear whispers and slight bits of giggling coming from all around us as we approached the table. As soon as we were seated, two waiters came running down the isle blowing out the candles including the ones on our table. Kevin was grinning as we now cuddled up close to one another. There was a complete hush in the room as the waiter started to light candles leading another direction across the room. Soon enough the doors opened again and there stood Brian and Jerry.

"I'll be right back," Kevin said giving my hand one last squeeze before he bolted from the table. I couldn't see where he went. I watched as the waiters did the same across the room as they began to blow out the candles leading up to Brian and Jerry.

'What are they up too,' I asked myself and soon enough I found out as a small stage was lit up and AJ stood alone donning a black top hat and red tailed jacket. He looked as if he was trying to be a Circus ringmaster.

"Ladies and Gentleman may I have your attention please," AJ said laughing as the words came out of his mouth. The only light in the room was on him. All eyes were no doubt glued to him as he smiled and waved towards my table. I laughed loudly as he was playing the fool. Soon enough though, I realized he was not waving at me at all.

"You're laughing because he is making a fool of himself, I'm laughing cus your next," Fatima said from out of the blackness to my left.

"Should I be worried," I asked. Soon enough my question was answered.

Kevin appeared in a top hat and green jacket much like AJ's. As he walked across the stage with a serious look on his face circus music began to play loudly. It was warped in some way though. As if it was playing at odd speeds along the way as he walked. I noticed that Brian had joined them as he stumbled onto the stage and smiled. He was dressed similarly but with a blue jacket.

"My my my look at all the people no one can see," AJ said as he waved his hands in front of the light.

"I wonder who is all out there," Brian said with a grin.

"I wonder what we should do to find out," Kevin said in a deep growl.

"Lights would help?" Nick said as he walked up dressed completely normal.

"Lights would, but why not make everyone suffer a little more," AJ asked smiling.

"I'll get the light's!" Howie shouted just to my right hand side," I jumped half out of my skin as he burst into laughter.

"Howie you know I need him why give him a heart attack," Kevin laughed into the microphone.

"Love is a wonderful thing," Nick said into the Mic.

"Eww no songs by that old man. Lets try something new," Brian said laughing.

"You know the rule if it is said we sing it," Kevin said laughing at the look on Brian's face.

"You're joking right?" Brian said.

"Yes," Kevin answered flatly.

"So, Kevin Scott Richardson this is what you had planned for the evening. I bet there was no food being delivered either was there," AJ said poking Kevin in the side and tickling him, to which Kevin busted up laughing.

"Brian all you had to do was tell me not to tell Jerry, I would have kept it a secret," Nick whispered into Brian's ear but holding a microphone close by.

"And who says I didn't plan this for you too," Brian said. Nick let the words sink in for a second before he launched himself on top of Brian sending the two friends sprawling in a wrestling match. There was a round of catcalls from the room and still they did not separate. Their microphones made thudding noises as the two rolled back and forth.

"Okay, okay, you two knock it off. We don't need to witness this," AJ said into the microphone in his hand. Still no lights had come on the only way anyone could see AJ was the candles that now surrounded the stage as the electric light turned off leaving the guys standing in the fiery glow.

"So we are here tonight at the request of Kevin and Howie. None of you really know why yet. But, I do, and it's my job to let you all know," AJ said while the guest all cheered at the grin on his face.

"Oh no you don't silly man this is my show and we are all going to have some fun," Kevin said laughing at him.

"Silly man? Have some fun, from the way your walking you already had some fun," AJ shot back to which I went completely silent. Everyone else was laughing hysterically as Fatima slid in next to me.

"Truthfully I just wanted us all to get together for a evening and be ourselves. I mean how often do I get to tell everyone big news," Kevin said holding up his hand to stop the whistling.

"Big news well now were talking. What you're already pregnant?" AJ said laughing again.

"No seriously, I have great news and I also have something to say that is not all that happy in some senses but in others it is great," Kevin said pausing as the waiters returned to the tables lighting the center candles on each table.

"I told my mother about me and Michael tonight. I can tell you that this did not go well for her. Brian you and Aunt Jackie are my family. You guys are my family." Kevin said breaking down on the stage with everyone watching. Each of the guys tried to hug him individually but ended up in a group hug. I looked on from my seat with tears streaming down my face.

"You know you should go to him," Fatima said into my ear.

"If I do I chance ruining everything he has gained," I said thinking of the repercussions.

"You love him right?" Fatima asked and I looked at her quickly.

"You do! I knew you did, but what is all this worry about if you didn't love him. He is doing what is best for him. He is doing what is best for you." Fatima said to me as she stood up and took my hand in hers.

We walked up to the stage and the guys all pulled away letting Kevin and I face one another. I looked into he tear swelled eyes and still I could see the love of the man that I had given my mind, body, and soul too earlier. He was expressionless as he saw my tears he didn't move as I stepped up on the stage. There no sound coming from who ever else was in the room. All I was aware of was Kevin. Here we had planned an evening with friends and it had turned into a heart felt cry between us. Who would remain at our sides when all was said and done?

"I thought if I just sat back and watched I could do it and you would get the support you needed from your friends. But, I can't just set there. I love you," I said walking slowly towards him. He only took one step towards me as we embraced and the guys engulfed us on all sides.

"Don't cry forever. Just cry a tear or two," I said knowing it would start another joke.

"C'Note. Why them? I have nothing against them, but if your gonna sing it might as well be something easy," Nick said smiling as everyone pulled away.

"Oh really," I replied grinning.

"Goodbyyyye it time for me to gooooo," I started knowing it was not the same song but he had it coming.

I'll call you in the morning So, I can let you know I know it hasn't been easy To love man like me Some day if we try There will be no good-byes and we will live happily

Cus I'll be there, one day, and you will be right next to me," Nick began to tickle my sides as I broke free from the song.

"That's not the same song," Nick shouted as Kevin pulled me tighter to him.

"I know but you said pick something easier. At least it was by the same group," I laughed.

"Okay, lets get back to the happiness then," AJ said into the microphone.

I turned around to see who he was talking to out in the audience. As I turned, I lost it there before me stood Liz, Tommy, and Jeff. I never expected her to be here. Chuck was no where to be seen. All the tables had been lit up with small candles now and I could see partial figures and faces behind them but there were only another 20 to 25 people out there.

"Liz, come up here. I want you to meet the people changing my life. More importantly the man changing it," I said while holding Kevin's and stepping forwards to meet.

The little stage was crowded already as we stepped up the edge. Liz had tears in her eyes as she hugged me and turned to Kevin. There was moment of silence as she stepped directly up to him wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

"Your welcome in our family anytime," she said letting her tears fall. "No one should lose their family and some day she will regret what ever happened tonight. I can't promise you she will change her mind. But, we will be your family too," Liz said as Tommy tugged on the back of her skirt.

"Mommy can I hug him too," Tommy in he best four-year-old voice.

"No you can't," Nick said picking him up and swinging him in the air in the center of the guys.

Tommy giggled as each of the guys gave him plenty of attention. I was getting tired quick it had been a long two days since we had started all tthis happy family band stuff. My mind was running in all sorts of directions as the house lights dimly came on. Apparently, the mood for candles was over as all the tables had been cleared of the close friends who now surrounded us at the foot of the stage.

"Trey where are you?" Kevin asked as a man walked up from the back of the crowd. He was tall red hair, very handsome if you asked me and he was smiling wide at me as he approached. He looked at me directly in the eyes as he reached out and hugged me close to him.

"Take care of him please," Trey said releasing me and looking over at Kevin and hugging him quickly.

"You deserve the best Bro. I think he may be the one. Especially if he can keep up with everything that has been going on. By the way, we all need to talk about what I have found out," Trey said.

"Hey Trey you want to let go of my man so I can do something for him," I said ginning at the two.

"Kevin," I said taking a deep breath as everyone faded into the background in my mind.

"Yes," Kevin said taking both of my hands in his.

"You may want to sit down for me," I said as a stool made its way behind him. "I have been waiting a long time to do this properly and with the right person. Your it, you know how I feel. But." I said reaching into my front pocket feeling my father's wedding band. "I also know what is right. I know from watching my parents and their love what makes a happy couple. My father died several years ago, as most everyone knows. Much like yours, he was a caring man with a heart so big no one could believe he was gone. Kevin, Jeff can tell you what he meant to me and what I felt the day he died. I never wanted to believe it I never could believe it until." I started to let the tears fall down my cheeks as I gripped the ring tight in my hand.

"Until the day my mother gave me the one thing that meant so much to them both. It was the sign of life for them. It was not just a ring. It was the un-began beginning and the never-ending line that formed it into a circle. It was the sign of unending love they shared with no beginning or end. It was his ring," I said holding out palm up.

"Some may say this is too soon. Some may say it just is. It just is right. It just is the way we are and who we are. We are the ring is, with no end and no beginning for all to see. We may have to hide. But, to those that know us they know what it means. They know what it will take to make it our own as we live day to day. I promise you that in time we will be completely one. As a sign of my promise, I give you my father's ring. I give you the one thing I know to mean love and promises from the heart. If you take this, we will be one. But." I began to cry harder as I watched his tears fall. My voice began to catch in my throat as I turned and looked at Jeff and Liz my heart began to ache. Jeff was crying holding her so tight. It was what I wanted; it was the beginning I needed.

"Will you wear this ring as my promise to you to love you as you love me," I asked holding out the ring in between my index finger and my thumb.

"Yes," Kevin said in a quiet voice and I moved to slip it onto his finger. My father's hands had been the one thing I remembered the most about him. I wanted to have mine be just like them they held me when I was a child they carried me as I grew. They caressed away my broken hearts cries. Kevin's ring finger was the right fit as my father's ring slipped gently down to fit his heart and mine. Everyone cheered as Kevin stood up taking me in his arms and kissing me with passion and vigor. There was a moment when I felt my head go light and my thought cease to exist. We were to be this happy in life. We were to be congratulated in this world for our own accomplishments. We stood facing one another and my heart was home as everyone hugged and kissed and cried around us.

"Kevin are you going to introduce me to the man that has taken away all my hope," a young familiar man asked. His eyes caught me in a trance as we shook hand I was lost there. I was hopeless, until Kevin squeezed my shoulder.

"I would like you to meet." I cut him off.

"Joshua, I mean JC right?" I asked.

"That's me Josh," he said smiling back at me.

"Competition for my man's heart too I see," Kevin said.

I looked over at him quickly to see if he was serious. But, what I saw made me more comfortable than I would have expected. The rest of the guys were pre-occupied with everyone else, in the room they had not even noticed JC. Kevin was smiling back at me with the word surprise written in his eyes.

"No competition and don't let Justin hear you say that either. You're going to get me in trouble if you do," JC said smiling at Kevin the same way he had at me. I could tell it was his endearing quality; it was what people knew him by. I suppose I should have been surprised at he and Justin's relationship, but it just didn't matter.

"Justin here?" Kevin asked.

"No he is spending time with his family tonight," JC answered.

"Good for him then. But at least you were able to come," Kevin said.

"I wanted to meet the man that stole your heart in two days. It is pretty amazing if you ask me," JC said laughing.

"What's so amazing about it," I asked rejoining the conversation.

"Kevin here has tried his hand at falling in love. But he usually finds the other person is not right within a couple of hours. You beat the records. Well, all records except where Howie is concerned. But, I am a good judge of these things and you are the one he needs," JC said making me feel good about all this again.

"I get an invitation to the wedding right," Chris asked walking up.

"What is this boy band night?" I said laughing.

"Yeah every teenage and prepubescent girls dream," Nick said slinging his arm around my shoulder as the rest of the guys crowded around.

"So, you going to answer my question or what?" Chris asked.

"Yes, you are invited when the time is right," I said and I immediately saw Kevin light up again. Trey approached us again this time smiling as he looked as if he had been crying.

"Kevin I am so happy for you. But, can we talk," Trey said with tears running down his face.

"Tomorrow we'll talk at lunch, are you okay?" Kevin asked smiling.

"I'll be fine," Trey answered.

"Keith I know you better than that," Kevin said looking directly in the eyes.

"Lunch is fine tomorrow Kevin and you know I prefer Trey D," Trey said. I was completely confused by all of this.

"Okay Lunch tomorrow, we will all get together and talk," Kevin said letting the issue go.

"Perfect as long as you're paying?" Trey laughed asking.

"Of course would I not for my oldest friend," Kevin said. They suddenly looked like old friends to me. Their body language took on a relaxed quality that Kevin only had with the guys so far from what I could tell. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of someone I thought I recognized.

"Two days and look what you have done to him," JC said.

"Happier than even Joey when I finally gave in and went for it," Chris said looking at JC for confirmation. I laughed at the two, as Joey looked half-worried walking up with that comment being thrown in.

"Actually your right," JC said looking back at Kevin. "And look how you two turned out," JC said referring to Joey with a head node.

"Yeah we are great aren't we," Chris joked. Chris leaned over immediately kissing Joey who smiled the whole while.

"Where's Lance?" Brian asked with Jerry at his side.

"Lan." Chris said drifting off as he saw their hand intertwined. "Brian is there something you want to tell me?" Chris asked as JC caught on and laughed at the dumb struck look on Chris's face.

"Oh yeah, I guess we should tell you that we are all having lunch this week to explain everything," Brian said. Jerry stood there laughing at the expression Chris was giving him as he reached out and grabbed their hands.

"You're gay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah and so are you and your point is," AJ threw into the mix.

"Oh never mind," Chris said then replied. "You pick the day for lunch and we will work it all out," Chris said smiling.

"Kevin, I'm going to get out of here I have to make preparations to replace the little bit of costuming we did have for this video shoot. I may be out all day tomorrow so I want to get an early start," Fatima said hugging the two of us.

"No problem Fat, give us a call tomorrow," Kevin said, soon enough it was AJ's turn.

"I'm going to head out too, I will talk to y'all to tomorrow morning," AJ said following Fatima.

"Those two are together now. Man I gotta catch up," JC said laughing.

"No they aren't, but it is an interesting thought now isn't it?" I said laughing sending Kevin into a giggling fit.

Judy Adams...

Judy Adams sat alone in her family home that evening. She was contemplating the situation with the Backstreet Boys and their involvement with Jack Lyons. The two had been married once. At one time, she would have even said she loved him. But, these days, the days were they where both getting older, there was too much distance between them to tell what he was going to do.

"Hello," Judy said into the phone as she answered it. She was sitting alone in her father's office. It was here that she had come to when she needed to grow into her own after her parents had passed on. They had been gone for over a year but this was still the place she came to. It was here the day after the funeral that she decided to leave Jack. It was here ever since that important information was set into play that she lived in piece.

"Is Jackie there," a young woman asked her in the phone.

"No, this is Judy. Is there something I can do for you," Judy asked.

"I don't know if you can help me. I'm looking for Jackie. I have been all night. He was supposed to come here after work and never showed up. I just hope everything is alright," the young woman said. Judy's heart went out to her. She knew these nights, she knew the emotions of being left in the dark by Jack.

"Have you tried O'Sullivan's on Birch and 10th?" Judy asked not knowing why she was helping this girl.

"Yes. Judy I have tried everywhere. No one knows a thing. I just happened to find your number in an old day runner he had laying in a suitcase.

Judy remembered that Day Runner. She had given that one to him just after he started at The Firm. Of course, now they worked mainly with Jive records. Ever since the switch however Jack's head had gotten to big for his body.

"Look.." Judy paused not knowing who she was talking to. "What's your name?" Judy abruptly asked not even thinking about it.

"Francine," the young girl answered a little hesitantly not sure of what was going on.

"Look Francine, he is not known to be the most sensible man when it comes to relationship. I am sure he is out gallivanting around some where. But, there is one thing you can count on he always comes back," Judy said very calmly knowing this was killing the girl on the other end of the phone.

"But he is going to be the father of my baby," Francine cried into the phone. She had not heard from him since she placed the call to his office earlier today. She was worried and had never heard of Jack as being the sort of man Judy was making him out to be.

"So, he is the father of my son. He has been for 14 years it's not like he is going to change his habits," Judy realized suddenly how sharp all this conversation was and took steps to prevent it from being so bad. "Francine, would you like to meet and talk maybe the two of us can figure out where he's at. Two heads are better than one sometimes?" Judy asked hoping this woman would take her up on the proposition.

"Okay, where?" Francine asked. She needed help, she need to know what was going on. It was not like him in her mind to desert her. She had known the love he was capable of. She had seen it in his eyes. She had seen it in his soul.

Judy went on to telling Francine where she lived. If she was to meet Jack's newest conquest, it was going to be here in her own home. If she was going to help her figure it all out, she was going to do it on her own terms. Francine probably was a nice enough kid. Judy figured, to Jack that was all she was, another young face. Judy knew him better than to think anything nice about him and his philandering. She had been there herself.

Back at NYPD.

"Kevin we need to get home soon, so you want to go and." I started to say only to be stopped as I heard a gasp come from Howie. He was in the middle of turning around when he saw a very drunk Glen standing in the main doorway with a man I thought I recognized.

"What the Fuck is going on?" Howie shouted as he ran up to Glen.

To be Continued...

New top 10 although they are not as exciting as the others they will be next time!

  1. check it out! 2. Trey! Who the hell is Trey D, Keith? 3. Father's Ring OMG! (I know some of you thought a bracelet was cool. But you

gotta admit it was a great moment for them.) 4. Are all the NSYNC guys Gay? 5. Where the hell was Mandie? 6. Fatima and AJ? Well it would be cool wouldn't it? (As long as the sex is

Implied... I won't write it ewwww.) 7. OMG Jack has a child and a girlfriend and X-wife 8. Glen is cheating on Howie already and after we all believed he was okay

after all? 9. Michael likes C'Note? (Only when I'm in the mood.) 10. Nick and Brian are really screwed when it comes to friendship.. They keep

wrestling and confusing everyone.. Sometimes even themselves..

Write me and let me know what you all

Next: Chapter 11

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