Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Feb 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know them at all. I have never met them. I don't know if they are or are not gay/bi/straight/or in Polyamerous relationships. There now if your not old enough to read this then don't -- This is gay Fiction.

Personal Note:

Hello everyone, I wanted to thank everyone show wrote and asked about the accident. I appreciate all the mail. If I missed, writing back to anyone I am sorry. Actually, there was quite a bit more of the mail this time. For everyone out there: Yes we are all well and the car has finally been replaced. Of course, now we have to go testify against the Drunken Marine that hit us. The guy is trying to plea-bargain down the charges when he was the one drunk and racing and destroying a $20,000 car..

Authors notes on the story at the end as usual. See you all soon again. write me or


Opening the Eyes

By Grayson S Vellar

Last Time:

Sleeping brought me home..

I swam in the warmth of the ocean. The waters engulfed me as I dove deeper into the blackness I felt contentment and happiness emanating from the water as it washed away all my worries. Out of six months of hell, I had now fallen into the beginnings of heaven. His arms feeling secure, he eyes showing me their desires. He made me live again, where I thought, for sure that I was going to die. After what had been happening as of late with Glenn and Manerva I was beginning to dwindle away from my self image of hope. But here I swam in his eyes a sea of emotions and love. I was drifting again as I closed my eyes and relaxed yet again dreaming of him in my heart and soul. The waters began to pull away, as I was now cold and bare to the air of the world above.

"You know if you swim and think any harder. I would have to guess the last six years have made you happier than I thought. I know what this has done for me. I also know that our love is stronger than any other I have seen in my lifetime. I love you Michael." I heard Kevin's voice as I leaned back against him drifting in the water. I felt him give way as the ocean began to roll and the tide dropped me naked and bare to the shore.

I was cold bewildered and lost as a Blanket wrapped tightly around me. I snuggled down thinking of the love of this man so true and pure. How had I ever fallen in love with such a man like Glenn? His heart was true for a time but his eyes always spoke the truth. I knew we were wrong for one another from the beginning. But with Kevin I have known for the past.. The past..

(And Now)

Waking moment of truth...

My eyes flew open, as I lay tucked into the bed we had shared. It was not six years. There was no ocean. I had sleep in my eyes as my blurred surrounding came into view I looked towards the door and there he stood. I rubbed my eyes to see him more clearly. It was not him at all...

"Brian, what are you doing standing over there?" I asked seriously thinking I was in another dream.

"Oh, Kevin and I were just talking about you. He's getting coffee right now. I have to admit it again, he is right you are too cute when you sleep," he grinned. "He is going to be sad when he find out about your waking up. You looked so content and then all of the sudden you had that little lost boy look. It was so cute." He grinned wider while he finished his thought.

"Thanks I guess." I said as I pulled the sheet away and began to get up from the bed. I quickly recovered myself as I noticed I was not wearing anything in bed. I grinned and shook my head reminding myself not to do that again as I looked at Brain who was just starting to laugh. As quick as I could I wrapped the sheet around me again. Two times now I had not had enough sense to stay covered in his presence and for the same amount of times he has always had the curious grinning blushing expression that makes me wonder "what if?"... But, I would never leave my Boo. I love him increasingly every day.

"Don't even think about laughing Brian. I have had a hard enough morning in my head as it is." I said.

"Looks like you are still having a hard morning." he said referring to my morning wood. He half jogged away from the doorway as I just blushed and just remained setting there wrapped in the sheet. Soon enough, I was getting tired of just staring off in thoughts of revelry. I had begun to think back to my dream. 'The wonderful dream of a future to be' I hoped..

"I need to get up now," I half said to myself out loud. I shifted around on the bed to look for my clothes. They were of course not in sight. 'Great, alone in a house with three of the Backstreet Boys, and nothing to wear' I thought as I looked over to Kevin's dresser. 'I bet he has something I could wear' I continued the conversation in my head as I pulled the sheet clear of the mattress and headed over to the door to close it. 'Bet he's in his office too' I continued on my thinking conversation.

I opened the top drawer to the dresser. 'Socks, nothing but socks' I asked myself knowing it was what I was seeing. 'So organized, his mother would be proud' I finished my thought as pulled open the left top drawer. 'Ah here is something to put on' I reached in and pulled out a pair of navy blue boxer briefs. 'I better not think about this too much or I will never get dressed' I thought pulling them on and dropping the sheet into a pile around me. I walked over to the closet and opened the door wide. He had several shirts but nothing I wanted to wear really. It all looked so formal from the man I had known for only a few days. He in my eyes was now and forever, much more casual than all of this. All too real and down to earth, nothing like I had pictured him before. But all the same, he was much better than I could have ever truly dreamed of.

I turned back towards the dresser and opened the next set of drawers down. There were several thing to wear in here I found a casual shirt, dark blue with a single stripe of white and orange. Long enough to cover most of the boxers. As I closed the drawer, I walked back over to the closet. I open the doors entirely this time and found some cargo pants.

'This really is not my style' I was more than willing to dress for the man in my life now. But, I would have to get used to the little differences we all have. I slipped the pants on and headed into the bathroom to handle my hair and teeth before the trek out to find him.

'No doubt he's in his office or downstairs with the guys'. But I was not sure either way I would have to go find him.

"Kevin, I really am happy for you. You know why?" Brain asked sitting on the balcony just outside of Kevin's office.

"Envy," Kevin replied grinning.

"No," Brian said dejectedly. "I just think you deserve to be happy that's all," Brian finished drifting off in his own thought. Kevin noticed his sudden loss of conversation and looked over at him fearing the worse. To his dismay he was right, Brian was wishing for more out of a relationship. He had been so close for so long. But, nothing would ever come of it and Kevin was certain of that one fact alone. So certain in fact that he even once had set Nick down and told him to steer clear of leading Brian on. He felt bad for doing it but he was just looking out for Brian at the time.

"You know Brian, when Michael and I met the other day, I had no idea it was to be the day. I would have never let it cross my mind," he paused as Brian turned to look at him. "It will happen when you least expect it I am living proof," Kevin said as he took a drink of his coffee.

"I know but you are a lucky man. I know that for sure after this morning," Brain laughed as he sat back staring at his cousin.

"What do you mean by that? Or do I really want to know?" Kevin asked leaning back with his back to me as I stepped up behind him. I signaled Brian to keep quiet of my arrival as I leaned over to Kevin ear.

"I went in to check on him while you were on the phone. Well, he jumped out of bed. There he stood um.. Tall as a redwood," Brain said looking directly at me. Kevin spit coffee out and began to laugh hard until I bit his earlobe.

"Good morning," I whispered still standing behind him. "Where are my clothes?" I asked hiding behind him keeping out of his site as he tried to turn around. "Oh, no you don't Brian already saw everything this morning and there is only one free show a day. You have to pay a price," Brain began to laugh as I kissed the back of Kevin's neck.

"Come here you," Kevin said pulling me around into his lap. His eyes shot open wide as if in shock. "Wow, AJ's clothes never looked so good," he said as he stared at me. Brain was loosing it now as he laughed even harder. Nick walked out into view standing in the doorway.

"Hey AJ what are you doing here I didn't hear you.. Oh, Michael good morning for a minute there I thought. Never mind I don't want to know," he yawned and headed back into the house.

"Ok where are my clothes. I think I should change. I know you all don't think I look like AJ. I don't have the tattoo's and the wild hair to go with the clothes," I said, attempting to stand up as Kevin held me tight in his arms.

"I'm going check on Nick," Brian said, while standing up and walking inside. I was laughing as I sat there staring into Kevin's eyes, however I didn't let my eye forget to see the depressed look on Brian's face.

"What's going on with Brian?" I asked knowing that I should not be asking.

"We took time for ourselves and I have a deal to make with you. If we live our lives for us and don't take so many other problem on maybe, just maybe we can handle our own lives," I looked at Kevin and realized I had asked that to happen. I had asked him to not let everyone else's problem become ours. For no I would let the Brian situation go, eventually it would be necessary to talk to one of them about it. A sudden wicked streak came into mind.

"So, what are you doing with AJ's clothes. I bet not everything I am wearing is his," I said.

"Boxers or brief's," he asked with a worried expression.



"Navy," I said leaning in to kiss him; he was grinning.

"There, now you did it? You mixed our clothes up. But, on you they look a lot better than AJ," he returned the kiss.

"Hmm, I bet AJ wouldn't agree. Where are my clothes?" I asked knowing some how this subject was being avoided.

"Wash," he said kissing my neck. I growled as he bit slightly.

"We better not do this out here. Don't want to get caught up in the moment," I said trying to pull off his lap only to have him pull me back down.

"So, as long as there is PR we can do anything we want. People will believe anything they want. Half the world thinks we are gay anyhow," He said referring to the rest of the guys and returned to my neck. I was becoming lost in his kisses as he lifted the shirt I was wearing.

"And Frank will have the other half knowing in no time," I said kissing his neck.

"Oh no you didn't," Brian said as he walked back out onto the balcony. Kevin leaned forwards and rested his head against my chest. I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair.

"What time is it Brian?" I asked. Brian looked around to the other side or the office.

"11:30, why?" He asked, not looking directly at Kevin and I.

"I have to call Liz this morning," I said as Kevin lifted his head and looked up at me. I tried to get up but Kevin wrapped his arms around me and held me in his lap. I was sitting draped across his legs as he placed his right arm under me and his left under my legs.

"Shall I carry you across the threshold?" he grinned.

"Is this the honey moon," I asked.

"I wish it was."

"When we set the date it will be here sooner."

"Then we are setting the date?"

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"You made me think and feel."

"You do the same for me. If I hadn't had Fatima, there I would not have had the courage. Hey, wait I didn't have the courage you over heard our conversation." I said thinking back to the first day.

"Hearts are for romance," he said kissing me and walking inside the office. Brian was staring at us as Kevin set me down on the desk. I was stunned as Kevin turned around and grabbed Brian by the arm.

"He needs to call his Sister in law. Why don't we get some breakfast ready? We have to get ready for the press soon," Kevin said, closing the door waving back at me.

'Okay here goes nothing' I thought as I dial the hotel telephone number. There were three distinct rings on the other end of the phone.

"Hello!" Liz shouted into the phone.

"Liz?" I asked shocked at the volume she was yelling at.

"Sorry Michael not to cut you off but you better get to the press outside before your brother completely makes a fool out of himself he is going on camera in about 30 seconds hun." I hung up the phone and jumped off the desk immediately heading down the stairs in a rush crashing into Chuck

"Are you all right?" I yelled and saw that he was. "Look there's no time Jeff is out front with the press!" I said, pulling him with me as I ran towards the back door.

Chuck and I headed out ran along the side of the house. Kevin was still in the bathroom upstairs and Brian was standing watching us as we headed around the side. He called out to Kevin to hurry up before things went completely out of control.

As Chuck and I made it down the side walkway I eased, forwards not realizing Chuck would run past me. Chuck's attempt at stopping Jeff failed as he only made a fool out of himself in the process. Chuck was running so fast that he never noticed the wet grass slipping and sliding he fell at Jeff's feet. It was to be the same exit and entrance for these two and now the cameras were present to see it all. Flashes went off at the opening to the sidewalk from the end of the driveway. Jeff quickly turned around and helped Chuck to his feet.

The two looked at one another for a long moment before Jeff let him go. They were silent for a moment, as the camera's still flashed with every shoot being taken. It was happening their lives now would change with everyone else's. Jeff smiled at Chuck as he finally accepted his fate it was now to happen whether they liked it or not. They were stuck with the inevitable; it was to be them as a couple.

"Kiss him!" someone, shouted from out in front of the house.

Jeff being the ham that he is turned to the voice pointing at himself and then back to Chuck. There was a cheer as several more flashes went off. Jeff silently asked Chuck if it was all right. He was not going to just do it. It had to be a joint effort and Chuck was more than apt to accept as he stepped forwards looking into Jeff's eyes. They wrapped their arms around each other tightly as their lips met and fate was set for the two.

Kevin ran up to my side to see what was going on. We were both smiling beyond anyone's imagination. There was a happy not for my brother and his love. There was finally a sense of completion all around. Kevin nodded towards the two as they now stood holding hands smiling to the crowd. I thought we were out of sight, but soon realized we were not.

"Kevin!" the same voice shouted this time.

Kevin and I walked forwards to the edge of the house. There were people lined up alone the front lawn. No one attempted to step any further. This seemed odd to me but I watched as they all mingled around back and forth in little side stepping motions to get the better angle and view. Brian, AJ, and Howie stepped out of the front door followed closely by JC and Justine. There were several shouts to the guys and us to say something.

I looked at Kevin who in turn smiled grabbing my hand as we ran to the middle of the lawn. This was the scariest moment of my life yet at the same time it was the most excitement I had ever felt in my life. Kevin and I facing the public together as one, I held my breath.

"Breath," Kevin whispered facing me as we looked into one another's eyes.

"I'm trying," I replied as he reached up and caressed the side of my face. Several cameras went off again this time there was a complete silence about this whole circus. Brian, AJ, and Howie now stood behind us grinning and waving at the crowd. I stopped seeing them I stopped seeing what was going on around us for that one moment. Here we were and I knew it was right as we looked deep inside one another's eyess and held that frame of time drawing in our own power of the emotions we shared. This was our time. Our moment and here we were to face the world to show them that we as a couple meant something away from the lights and music. These people didn't know me but soon it would happen. We as a couple didn't really concern ourselves further as to what they thought

"May I kiss you," Kevin asked in the sweetest tone of voice I have ever heard in my life.

There was a renewed strength building in me as he placed his hands in mine. We both knew this would be the first time for us to show our feelings in public. I love him and he loves me this was the moment to show it to the world. Just a few days ago, it was the furthest thing from my mind and now here we stood ready to make it real ready to make it right. Before I would have hidden my feelings and never told anyone. However over in this short time, I had learned to open up and it was all because of this man.

"Sometime I can actually see you thinking deep inside. Remember the other day at the theater what I said to you. I meant it," Kevin said leaning in and placing a gentle lingering kiss to my lips. "Respect" Kevin, said smiling at me.

It was the most wonderful kiss I ever received in my life. Here we were standing in front of a crowd of people yet at the same time it was only the two of us. There was a rush of noise as everyone was cheering and clapping. I was grinning through the kiss. I grinning inside and out as the goose bumps rose on my arms and I felt the weight of the worries lift completely away leaving just he two of us to live without the strife.

"Love," I said in response.

"Kevin, how does it feel to be able to finally tell the truth," a woman shouted over the crowd as she stepped forwards.

"I never lied. It was just assumed all this time. I mean I never really said yes or no to it either way publicly," Kevin said as Brian and the others stood close to us.

"Well, guys what do you think of all this," the woman continued directing her question to the others.

"What's there to think? He's still our Kevin we have always known. I mean this is just another aspect of him," JC said smiling as Justin shook my hand.

"By the way I'm Justin," he said smiling as the cameras went off again.

"I know who you are," I said laughing.

"I know that but the press doesn't. Besides this way, I can show you how happy I am without causing Train to get all jealous. It's for the press," he said winking at me making me smile and laugh. Kevin looked over at us seeing us laughing. The good thing was that the reporters were still far enough back. They didn't really know what was going on. Kevin winked over at me and grabbed me around the waist pulling me close to him.

"So, what's in store for the happy couple now," the woman persisted.

"Vacation after we finish setting up the production for the video. We also have a small charity event we will be doing here in a few weeks. That is I mean if we all want to do it," Kevin said smiling. Everyone was nodding their heads as Kevin continued shocking me to the bone but making me happier than I have ever been. "Of course, with all of the planning for the wedding we are going to personally be really busy on top of that." There was a cheer as the cameras went off again. I was smiling as I looked to him to see him doing the same squeezing my hand in his.

A tall man in sunglasses and baseball hat stepped through the crowd he was carrying a paper bag in one hand as the other swung freely at his side. No one noticed him at first until he cleared the edge of the reporters. He continued to walk towards Kevin and I as everyone went silent. Kevin was immediately on the defensive as his entire body tensed up and he stood firm as I now drifted languidly behind Kevin for shelter.

"Knock it off Kevin," a deep voice stated as he turned around to the crowd and removed his hat. Next, his sunglasses were removed as the cameras went off and Kevin laughed realizing the mistake he had made.

"Actually folks N'Sync has been asked to do the same charity event," Lance Bass said as he waved to the guys as they now stood on the porch. I had missed their exit during all the happiness and smiling. However, all of them now stood there smiling and waving to us.

"Lance! What do you think about all of this with Kevin and Michael," A woman shouted from the sidelines.

"What's there to think or consider? I mean they are still the same people I have always known. With the exception of Michael, but I do know Kevin. He and I have talked a lot over the years. We both serve sort of the same functions in the bands on the administrative end in the public's eye. If Kevin and Michael are to be together than who am I to step in the way. I know Kevin he is not hasty in his judgment. They have my support on this and any other issue they may face. That is what true friends do for one another," Lance said smiling at Kevin as I moved back around to his side. Ann Richardson stepped out onto the porch to assess the situation.

"Mrs. Richardson, do you have anything you would like to add to this?" A young man shouted from the right hand side of the crowd.

"Well," Ann shouted to which Kevin and I turned to see what was going to happen as she walked up front to join us.

"The truth I am happy for the two of them. I know what it is to be alone. I love my son; he has made a good choice in his heart. And a Richardson heart I can tell you is true in judgment and is honest in feelings," Ann said hugging the two of us. "You're welcome," Ann whispered to me.

'You could do so much for me if you just would. If you just knew, I am I, and you are you. I know it and you don't know it and you could do so much for me if you just would. If you just would then I could tell you and then nobody would have to know it except you and me' I now knew what it meant and it flashed through my mind. It was about acceptance and understanding it was about being yourself and being what you choose to be. No one had to accept us but no one had the right to deny us to be just that 'Us'

'You won his heart. You are meant to be. He wanted to help you. No one has ever tried to help you. Usually they turn their backs on you' I snapped out of it as I felt Kevin pulling me to him. I had been thinking so hard I had missed the latest question.

"She asked you if we are still going to proceed with the video as planned," Kevin said to me and Jeff stepped forwards.

"We are still going to film the video. But as most of you know it takes a lot of work and planning. This project is for the fans alone at this point. With the guys leaving to perform for the charity event, it would be assumed that there would be a delay in the filming process. However, my assistant and I will be working on making it a reality for them when they return," Jeff said referring to Chuck.

"So there is love between you two I take it," the woman continued asking.

Jeff took a step back and looked to Kevin and I when we didn't react. I knew now that he was right that they would be caught in the rift. But, I also knew if he had not have showed up here today this would have never come up. It was his own doing and.. Just as my mind was still rambling on, I heard the words I never would have thought he could say.

"Charles and I have been. Well, you see it is a hard situation to dissect here with you today. I love my wife very much and she loves me as well. You see." Jeff said looking down and taking a deep breath.

"What he is trying to say is. For a long time, we all have lived in the same home as a family. You all may assume that it is unconventional at best. However as unconventional as it is. It is also what makes us happy," Liz said as she walked up the driveway.

Several flashes went off as the camera's turned to face Liz. She waved them off as if uninterested. Jeff looked over at Charles and tried to find the words to say. Charles saw the look in his eyes and knew that Jeff was ready whether he wanted to admit it or not. He did not want to hide anymore and it was time to open up.

"What Liz is trying to say it that we are a family because we choose to be happy. Jeff loves Liz and he loves me as well. Try explaining this to the world. It is not a easy situation to explain," Chuck said looking out at guy holding his hand up high. "Yes, go ahead," Chuck said as he pointed to the man in his twenties.

"What you two have is quite common actually. I believe it is called a Polyamerous relationship," He said leaning his click board back far enough for all of us to notice a sticker of a Parrot on it.

Charles grinned and shook his head yes to the man as Jeff took his hand in his. 'The truth is as time has gone by we have been made to feel unnatural and that is not right. A man should be able to be talented and working in the US. It isn't right that we have to hide and pretend that we are something that we are not. All of you have done things, experienced things, that are not always considered normal. We just happen to be in the lime light for everyone to see it," Jeff said looking down at the two hands (his and Chuck's) wrapped together.

"I love him, I suppose I always will. He loves me too, and we tell each other all the time. Liz and I have come to conclusions over the years that we are truly supposed to be good friends nothing more. It may hurt us when the day comes that we divorce. Now that is not going to happen tomorrow or the next day. We are still a family until we decide not to be. There is a joint effort here to consider," Jeff said pulling the hands to his face and kissing them where they were joined.

"I must admit that I had a hard time dealing with all of this a few days ago. But after serious consideration and further education, I learned that what they have is real. It is as real as any other love that any of you know," Ann said quickly and turned walking back to the house.

"Mrs. Richardson, can we..." Ann turned and immediately told the woman what she thought.

"No you can not, I think we have said enough. Who's right is it to justify love other than the people who feel it," Ann said walking back into the house and ignoring the rest of what was to be said.

(To Be Continued)

Authors notes...

  1. I wanted to let everyone know I lost most of my data for this story with a computer crash. However I have a lot of it in long form (hand Written) So I will be continuing on wither way.

  2. Any ideas you all have at this point would be helpful. I actually have an idea of where to go next but Keeping this going will be hard if I don't actually find some new ideas. I don't want to do buss accidents and Explosions again.. For those of you out there, they get old to write about after a while.

  3. As for the sequel, It will probably be about 5-10 installments only. The time line is going ot jump ahead in increments to show Michael's life as he grows older telling you all about his love an sex life.

  4. I also would like to apologize for one weird thing. I realize I have never written a sex scene for these two. It is coming up here really soon.

  5. Okay that's it for now.. write me

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