Dont Want You Back

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on Mar 23, 2000


This is a Homoerotic story based on celebrities living or dead. If you are under the age of 18 or live in a place where it is illegal to read such materials please leave now. When we say celebrity, we mean a person who is famous in reality. This does no imply anything of the sexuality of the people that we intend to portray.

Hello everyone I am finally back a ready to seriously write. Some of you may already know. Some may not. I have been working on an actual novel and it often time's rakes my brain over the creative coals. So, with that in mind I have decided to return to the one thing I love to write about. "The Backstreet Boys" Even though no one (outside of the boys) truly knows their sexual orientation they are still great guys and writing about them in this fashion does not make them gay. But boy do I wish. (Crosses fingers) So, there I said it..

Any comments or questions are welcome send them to

Don't Want You Back-New Family Ties

By Grayson S. Vellar

As the news report finished up the hour, they announced that Mr. Littrell had been secretly released and was resting well at home safe. Jerry smiled in relief and lay down on the couch watching TV. Soon enough, after crying and the stress of having Fatima in a bad mood for sure, he fell asleep without another word being heard from the news anchor or station break.

'Brian I need to tell you something,' Jerry dreamed himself telling Brian as they walked through a darkly lit room.

Brian turned to Jerry and grinned while placing his index finger to Jerry's lips. It felt so good to have him caress his lips. It felt so good in fact that he never wanted Brian to stop. In time the past he had waited for this moment to come. But, now that it was happening, Brian would not let him say it. He would not as he only grinned, his childlike beautiful grin at him. Jerry's frustration grew, as he could no longer wait.

'No, I have to tell you how I feel,' Jerry said while slowly removing Brian's touch, but not letting go of his hand as they now faced off towards a new beginning.

'Then tell me what I long to hear,' Brian said fading into blackness.

The room was suddenly cold and lonely as Jerry felt his nervousness spin out of control again the words rang through the room as he found himself falling into the darkness that surrounded him. Floating and falling all the same his mind was racing as he tried to regain control of this reality of shadows and light. He hoped he dreamed this moment would come and now his existence depended on his very voice to say the words but he could not speak. Jerry looked down to find his lower body to be becoming part of the liquid shadows that now completely surrounded him and threatened to overthrow his soul.

'Not a religious man am I, but god must exist. For if he does not how must I be forsaken,' Jerry thought, as he began to disappear his mind screamed one last line.

'God is love? Is it wrong to love?' Jerry screamed as his own form disappeared.

"I love you!" Jerry shouted throwing his arms out as he awoke from his nightmare in his living room with the television still on as night had engulfed the world outside.

Kevin had woken up earlier than he normally would have this morning. His heart pounded in his chest as he took a quick breath in looking at Michael in his sleep. Nothing could have made him happier than to see Michael lying next to him. But, he couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't a wrong decision to start this relationship so hastily. They hardly knew each other. How could he love someone so true that he felt he hardly knew at all? His mind reeled on as he lay there watching his sleeping angel. He loved him in his mind. Was it true? 'How can I love someone so strong so quickly?' Kevin asked himself as he looked on. 'He cares for me like no other. He makes me feel where I choose not too. He makes me believe I can love freely and understands that I can not,' Kevin thought remembering the time they had already spent getting to know one another so far. 'I love him and it is a fact, but I hardly know him. We will conquer that in time,' Kevin still weighing the fact in his mind had not noticed Michael opening his eyes to look up at his looming love. Michael was content as he began to wonder much of the same things. My eyes fluttered open to the sight of Kevin looming over me deep in thought. I did not want to break his mood I love to look at him like this. 'It makes me cherish the thought of our love but is it real?' 'Michael is my all and my one important thing. How can he love someone who has to be distant? Is this lover true can he love me with all of my privacy and secret thought? I can let him in but do I trust him? And if I trust him why so quickly?' Kevin thought as I watched him in my own world of thought now. 'He loves me so quickly and strong and yet I hardly know this man. Yet, I feel like I have known him my entire life. I wrote this video for him and him alone. I made this happen and fought for it to create love. Now the love that I created it from is gone. But, the love I feel here tells me that I made it for the right reasons. Glen was not so long ago? Where does this leave me?' I asked myself as my conscious internal voice answered him clear. 'Your in love,' both Kevin and I concluded as we heard the words in our minds. "Brian wake up," Nick teased tickling Brian's sides. Brian shot up in bed hacking, and coughing. He was having a hard time breathing. Nick was in shock feeling bad for what he had just done. He did not expect Brian to react so badly to his attempt at playful humor. Brian seeing his accomplished acting skills paying off began to laugh. "Brian you're alright!" Nick shouted realizing the ploy. "Yeah Nick and I couldn't resist," Brian said laughing even harder now. Nick being made the fool tackled Brian to the bed straddled him and began to tickle him for real this time. "Better watch out Nicholas people may think things; with you on top of me like this," Brian chuckled out as Nick blushed and immediately hopped off of him. "Hey, not funny buddy!" Nick said standing over Brian next to the side of the bed. "It's hilarious form my point of view," Brian said. "You would think so," Nick said and then began a plot of his own. "But then again, it did feel kind of comfortable," Nick said sounding mischievous and childlike. As he started to climb on top of Brian, he began to get nervous. "Nick what are you doing. I was joking," Brian said putting up protest. "I'm not," Nick said leaning into Brian's face. "Tell me how you really feel Brian," Nick asked. "I feel awkward at the moment Nicky," Brian said with tears filling his eyes. As much as he would truly love this moment to happen, he knew it could never be real. "I'm sorry Brian. I was only joking. I know you are lonely, I know it's my fault." Nick said trailing off. "No, it's never your fault Nick," Brian said reaching up and holding his best friend. "Best friends yes, lovers no. You have Mandie. I may be slightly jealous of the other people in everyone's lives, but I blame no one but myself," Brian said releasing his grip on Nick who still remained right there holding Brian now. "You just haven't found the right person yet Brian. It's going to happen when you least expect it," Nick said looking Brian in the eyes. "Besides if I was gay we couldn't, we're like family, too close." Nick said standing up and pulling Brian by the arm to get him to get out of bed. "Come on let's eat something." Brian reluctantly climbed out of bed and followed Nick out of bedroom. As they passed through the living room Brian grabbed the television remote and hit the power button. As the screen came to life his froze in his tracks letting Nick walk on ahead. He could not believe his eyes. Fatima was on television speaking with reported in front of her now burned studio. "Nick come back in here!" Brian shouted towards the kitchen. "What?" Nick said walking back in with a box of cereal in his hands. "Fatima's on TV," Brian said almost in shock. "So, her studio burned down," Nick said as the scene changed on screen. 'Last evenings arson attempt seems to have several groups of people interested in the Backstreet Boys well being. All across this nation, several groups are crying out for justice. It seems the boys were practicing for the Fatboo production of 'Don't Want You Back' their new video, when the fire broke out. There seems to be speculation as to whom started the fire that burned down this private studio. It appears that there were activities during the days events that lead one to believe foul play was at hand, Christine,' Steve Jensen said directing the story back to the studio as one last camera shot of the burned building flashed on screen. "AJ get in here there's trouble!" Howie screamed from his bedroom watching the same news report across town. "What is it?" AJ asked walking into the room in his boxer and wife beater not knowing Glen was lying with Howie. "Too late, they already finished," Glen said, looking at AJ with a lust filled eye. "Okay what did I miss," AJ asked not even giving him the time of day. "The news just showed the studio and Fatima. They were talking about us and how the world is in turmoil and so on and so forth," Howie said flipping through the channels trying to find another report. Just as he hit channel 23, there was a shot of the studio completely burned to the ground along with half of Glen's car gone. "Wow, I had no idea how bad it was," AJ said looking on in amazement. ~~~~~~~~~~~Jerry's Living Room~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jerry had not been able to go back to sleep. He was too distraught now to think straight. Seeing the studio and it's complete destruction was all it took to make him worry even more. He had not heard from Fatima yet but he knew it was going to be a trying day. His heart hurt him dearly as he realized he almost never got to tell Brian how he felt. Now, he was slowly beginning to wonder if it was a good idea to tell him at all. In his mind, it was the words 'What if?' that kept making him rethink his position. The phone began to ring as the broadcast new ended. "Hello," Jerry asked humbly depressed. "Jerry, it's Fatima. I need you to help me find a place to hold rehearsals today. There is going to be a lot of press there as well. We have to have exposure as well as keep them at bay." Fatima said waiting for an answer but Jerry was too distant to answer her. "Jerry are you there? Is everything alright?" "I'm here.." Jerry began to think. "I just have a lot on my mind sorry. We can have the practice in the High School auditorium." Jerry said knowing he had access if he needed it. "Jerry that is to much exposure," Fatima said, she still in deep thought. "We could always use my fathers theater. It's been closed for a year now but I still haven't managed to sell it so I have all the access we need if you want to use it," Jerry said thinking of the place that he had spent all of his time as a youth. "Sounds great. That's the one on fifth street right?" Fatima asked. "Yeah that's it. I'll have to go there early and set up the lighting and all but, it should be large enough. The press could even watch from the seating area I suppose," Jerry said trailing off. "That's great Jerry, but lets keep the press out of the theater," Fatima said. "What ever you say Fatima. Look I have to get going if we are going to do this," Jerry said hanging up the phone not even waiting for her to answer. Fatima was confused but with all that had happened in the last day, she was willing to over look the shortcomings of her friend. She had work to do and had to make it all look natural within just a few hours. Soon she found herself dialing the one person who could make everything look like normal activity. "Kevin is that you," Fatima asked me hearing my deep voice on the phone. "Fatima by now you should recognize my voice this is Michael," I replied grinning with Kevin lying next to me looking confused. "Michael what are you.. Oh, never mind just give Kevin the phone please," Fatima said. "Hello," Kevin said into the phone. "Kevin look we are moving the practice this afternoon and I wanted to let you in on the new location. I want to make everything look as normal as possible. Since the world now knows about Fatboo Production it seems there is a lot of interest regarding your well being," Fatima said pausing to let him speak. "Okay where are we meeting at then?" Kevin asked. "Is that all you have to say? Kevin look this is big news we are now known as being in charge of the new video. There is going to have to be some sort of an announcement one this whole situation. We have to figure out how to handle all of this," Fatima said making a pointless argument. "Fatima, first calm down. Second, why do we need to make a big deal out of it? There is no need to worry. If we worry, then everyone else will follow suit," Kevin said and then continued after he heard a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone. "Well then I guess it is up to me to decide what to do next then right?" Fatima said pausing looking down at the note she had just written to herself. "Look I have Jerry's dance team showing up at the old Western Miles Theater on 5th street. We need to get busy. I know you have a meeting with Jeff today but when you are done, I need you too." Kevin cut her off. "Fatima we need you at the meeting today as well. I think it would be best if we all set down with Jeff and worked out the deal. You have to be there since you are a partner. Have Jerry take care of the dancers until we get there," Kevin said in a commanding tone. "Kevin I don't." Fatima was cut off again. "Fatima we need you here, once everything is set we will go to the theater," Kevin said. "Okay I will be there, but we leave after everything is ready to go," Fatima said. "Deal, now get moving it's already." Kevin paused looking at the clock. "10:30?" Kevin said and asked me at the same time. "Yes, Kevin what's the matter you start dating and you get lazy on me, Bye for now Boo," Fatima said hanging up before he could respond. "Dating! It's not just dating," Kevin said catching my attention immediately. "What's that all about," I asked curious. "She called me lazy," Kevin whined. "For dating me?" I asked whining the same way. "God you two are meant for each other," Nick said from the doorway catching their full attention. Both of us looked like they were going to attack so he ran back down the hall to the stairs. "We really should close that door before we start getting really personal," Kevin said with an evil grin staring down at me. "Really personal? How personal?" I growled teasing him. "How about I close the door and." Kevin started only to be cut off by Brian. "Not right now Kevin we need to get moving," Brian said from the doorway. "Okay," Kevin said kissing me on the forehead before standing up and walking across the room. He had not realized he was not wearing anything until it was too late. I was laughing hysterically at the look on Brian's face until Kevin walked over and pulled back the blankets exposing my naked body to Brian. "Hey none of that. I'm the one who needs loving and you go flashing your man at me," Brian said walking away from the door to join Nick downstairs. Kevin and I looked at one another as he headed into his closet and began throwing out cloths onto the bed. I was lying there just grinning like a fool thinking how lucky I was when he suddenly tackled me onto the bed. "Do I have to dress you too?" He asked while pinning me down. "No but you could just lay down here with me and forget about my brother showing up today," I replied. I was trying to act like I was joking but he saw through my ploy. "We have to go and do this. You two need to settle your differences. I love you Michael and I will be there for you the whole time. Look Brian and Nick are ready to go and we have to be there soon. There is nothing to worry about we will all be there with you today. You have our support," Kevin said bending down looking me straight in the eyes. "Kiss me," I said agreeing to his terms and my own comfort. No time like the present he leaned down in and brushed our lips together sending an aura of electric shock through my body. Soon enough we headed out in my explorer towards the East Side of town. Kevin was driving making me nervous. He was unaware of it because I didn't let on, but none the less, he was cautious. "You know Michael, Kevin hasn't driven a car himself since before we went on tour together," Nick said from the back seat. "Lies all lies. Don't listen to them Michael, I may be out of practice but at least I am driving again," Kevin said to me while I must have turned a pale color as he began to laugh. "Don't listen to either one of them Mike," Brian began. "Kevin does most of the driving when we rent cars." He finished glaring over at Nick. "By the way Nick have you called Mandie. You know she is probably worried after what happened last night." Kevin said matter of factly. "Uh not yet." Nick questioned himself. "You know guys who would have thought you were actually normal guy. It kind of makes me think that all the magazines lie about you guys," Kevin was grinning as he careened down the highway. "Lies are good some times, like Kevin having a girlfriend for instance," Brian said grinning. "Yeah and I knew that one was a lie, as of last night. I mean no man with a girlfriend is going to sleep naked in a bed with another man." I said watching him blush, while setting next to me. I looked back at Brian and realized I killed to bird with one stone, as he was blushing just as much. I was giggling uncontrollably until Kevin reached over and ran his hand up my thigh. When his fingers brushed lightly against my dick, I was in shock and ecstasy relishing the attention. "Well, I now know how to shut him up quickly. But, it wont be something I will be doing," Nick said placing his shades on his face and leaning back into the seat. Now we all were laughing as Kevin pulled up to a Rod Iron Gate. "I take it we are here," I asked. "Yes we are. Let's just hope they are up," Kevin said punching in a series of numbers into the keypad. "I'm sure they are look there's AJ now," Nick said pointing out AJ dancing and waving from the front door. "Who's car is that," Kevin asked as I looked over and saw Jeff's car parked right near the front. "My brother's of course he's early. Always is for that matter," I said suddenly becoming uneasy. "Jeff's car?" Kevin asked in a whisper, not sure what to think. "Yeah, I think I want to go home now. Can't we just leave? I mean I don't' think I can deal with this right now," I said feeling my nerves fraying into a million shards. "Brian, Nick could you two cover for us for a few minutes please?" Kevin said stopping the car and taking my hand in his. "We need to take a minute here guys." Kevin said looking at me, not letting my eyes loss sight of his as the guys stepped out and headed towards the front door. "Kevin, I just don't know if I will survive this. The reason I left him behind in the first place has nothing to do with him and Chuck. I didn't even know about the two of them when I left.." I paused as I began to reel in my own distant thought. "Kevin I left because I thought he would never accept him. Now here I sit getting up the courage to face him with the one thing that will make him happy for me. He even has found the same things in himself. At least part of the same things in him," I said thinking about everything. "I'm not letting you go," Kevin simply stated staring at me and then continued knowing he had my full attention. "We may be crazy but this is right. I know it is. You have this spark about you that makes me want to be more than I already am. I never click with anyone this fast Michael. I won't lie to you and say that I haven't had my fair share of hoping in instant relationships. I may not have had many over all but from my past I can say I was a lot more cautious of and now with you I don't even think about it. You are the one I want. Think about it, I want to support you because you will and do, do that for me already. It may be in small ways, but I feel like you are part of me and I hate to get hurt. I wont let you get hurt in there I promise," I was crying as he spoke and looked into my soul telling me just what I wanted to hear. Just what I needed to hear. "Kevin, I know you're the one.. I know in my heart when it tells me this is the quick fix it is not just a fix. It is everything to me already and that scares me, not because I don't want it but because I do. I know it's right because you love me I can see it in your eyes and every second I spend with you I want to return that love to you." I sniffled as he leaned forward ready to cry as well but trying to hold it in and be the strong one. "I love you Kevin and some day I hope I can show you the same way you do me every time you look at me," I said as he froze in front of me. "You just did Michael," Kevin said leaning into me ready to kiss me just as his door opened behind him. Instead of pulling away, he persisted ignoring the ominous figure standing behind him. His lips were on fire as they first made contact with mine. I felt he world slip by, as nothing else mattered. The moment was set as I encircled him in my arms. Nothing could ever compare to how this man my Kevin made me feel right here and now. My tongue roamed free across his as our hearts pounded out of control. I opened my eyes to see him doing just the same thing. We gently pulled away knowing this was the moment of commitment for us. We would never want another it was Love. "I love you, so much Jeff," I heard a deep voice behind Kevin. "I love you too," Jeff replied looking at Chuck. My brother was so content in his endeavors that he had not even noticed Kevin and I smiling at them seeing the same things in them that we now had. Of course they had to look just as I leaned forwards and began to nibble on Kevin's. To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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