Dorm Delights

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 5, 2020


Dorm Delights


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It was the mid 60s. Gay liberation had not yet peeked. I was just starting my first year of college. Like most universities of the time it was a mostly male institution. Coed dorms were not even on the radar. The female population was housed in a few dorms on the other side of the campus guarded by "house mothers", a feared group of older women. My fellow freshman likened them to old maid virgins guarding the virginity of their charges.

My dorm, one of the older on campus, was typical of the time. Twin rooms, maybe 20 on a floor with a gang bathroom at the end of the hall. We also had a " guardian". Usually a senior or a grad student. They were pretty laid back as a group. Being in charge of a group of teenage hormonal boys required keeping a blind eye closed most of the time. There were college bars just outside of the campus gates. Most weekends my fellow freshmen, those with fake IDs, would stumble in two sheets to the wind. Our minders would be on hand to pass out aspirin.

My own experience since I had a real ID was to sneak six packs of beer in for one of our late night card games. Unfortunately, my first room mate was an ass, a bully to top that. My friends urged me to just pop him in the nuts to calm him down. I finally followed their advice just before the holiday break. They were right, he dropped out over the winter break.

I returned to find a half empty room and a new room mate being moved in by his parents. He was a transfer from another state university. I was stunned when I first saw him. He was a tall, Irish kid from Boston. His parents, like most, were overprotective. They asked me a lot of questions about the university and campus life. Like my family they were very catholic. I assured them that their son was in good hands.

As soon as he parents left Craig, my new roomie, pulled off his slacks and shirt. He was standing there in front of me in his tight white briefs and a t shirt. I was taken aback for a minute as I saw the bulge in his briefs. He raised his fists in triumph like he's just won a fight. He yelled "At Last! Free!" I laughed knowing the feeling. I reached into the back of my closet and pulled out my bottle of bourbon half filling 2 glasses on my desk. We toasted to college life. He downed the glass all at once. I was slower, savoring the whiskey. "OK" he began "Tell me all about life on campus. I want to know and do everything. I spent the last semester living at home. I have three sisters so no real privacy, if you know what I mean." Boy was he ripe for the picking!

I decided to start off with my own tale. I told him of my obnoxious roommate from the first semester. I told about the punch to the nuts that I gave him with the encouragement of my friends. He laughed falling back on his bed. He snickered "Don't' worry, I won't bully you." We both had another drink and I explained about the girls' dorm and the house mothers. I told him that my friends thought that the house mothers all had the keys to the girl's chastity belts hidden up their withered cunts.

He asked about the dorm rules since we were drinking. I explained that our dorm monitors were pretty laid back. They were good for an aspirin if anyone had a hangover. He asked about the other guys on the floor. I told him about the weekly card game and the beer run. I asked him how he felt about nudity since it was an all male dorm. He told me that living with his sisters in a catholic household he always had to be dressed. I explained that seeing a naked guy coming from the gang showers was normal. I went on to mention that morning wood was a common sight. I casually mention that I preferred to take care of business before going to shower. But some guys saved time in the morning by taking care of two things at the same time. As I talked, I did notice a bit of stiffness in his crotch region. I went on to say that I hoped it didn't bother him. Craig was visibly blushing but said "It's all good." Now I began to take a better look at him. His auburn hair was cut short and the muscles in his chest told me that he did take care of his body. All in all, he was my type of guy.

I suggested that we head out to one of the cafeterias on campus to get dinner and maybe have a drink at a bar just outside the campus afterwards. He quickly dressed and we headed out. Once we got some food, I saw some of my buddies and took Craig over to meet them. Most of them knew that I was into guys. It wasn't a big deal. Seeing my new roommate a few of them joked that I should break him in. I gave them a hard stare to quit it. We had our usual conversation about what was going on around the campus. I noticed Craig relax into the conversation. As we finished, I told them I was taking Craig to one of the bars off campus. Someone joked "Don't' let him get you drunk." I ignore the comment.

The bar was crowded, I managed to get us a couple of seats at the bar and ordered some beers. I looked around at the crowd. Some of whom I recognized, others not. I turned to Craig saying " Those girls" nodding to a group nearby. "Are townies, probably underaged and jail bate, just incase they hit on you. The ones huddled in the corner are cheer leader types hoping to latch onto a possible pro athlete to marry and keep them in a higher style." He nodded that he understood. There were the usual guys- jocks, the nerds, the wanna be famous and then there were the older gents hoping to pick off a stray guy to take home to their beds. I explained them all and also told him that the various bars rotated 25 cent draft beer nights to lure the college boys in.

We finished two rounds before heading back to the dorm. On the walk I pointed out spots where guys and girls went to do the nasty. Craig seemed curious when I said guys. He asked "You mean guys do the girls there, right? " I simply said "Or each other too" We got back to the dorm and I decided to shower to get rid of the smoke smell. Craig agreed to do the same. We stripped naked, grabbed towels and headed to the showers. No one else had returned yet so the shower was empty. This was the first time we actually saw each other naked. He had a pretty nice uncut cock, a bit longer than mine. The rest of the body was even better than I imagined. I caught him looking at my naked body too. Neither of us said anything as we showered. I was the first to finish and went back to the room. Craig was right behind me. I guess he got a good look at my ass as I walked in front of him.

In the room I explained that I slept in the nude and hope he didn't mind. He just laughed saying "We all have the same equipment so why not. I'll try it out tonight too." I had trouble falling asleep thinking about the nude hunk sleeping not four feet away from me. After tossing for a while I got up and pulled out the bottle of bourbon. I heard Craig stir in his bed. He sat up, the sheet falling to his waist leaving the upper body on full view. "Want a night cap?" I asked holding up the bottle. He shook his head no. I took my glass and the bottle sat on my bed. "You having trouble sleeping?" I asked. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Jake," he began "Do guys really do each other? Isn't it a sin? I laughed then got serious "This is college, a time when we experiment. The rule is the same as Los Vagus what goes on in the dorm stays in the dorm. There's a rule -- it has to be consensual for both parties. That's it. My former room mate crossed the line one night when he rather too loudly tried to force me to suck his cock. Sadly for him, someone was in the hall and heard him. The dorm monitor on duty was called and he heard the same thing. I understand that his leaving was not voluntary. Plus, some of the guys on the floor taught him a lesson. Craig thought for a minute and said "So if guys help each other out it's ok?" I noticed that his cock was now at full mast and with a shiny drop on the tip. I looked up into his face and saw a familiar need. "If you want your room mate to help you with that problem?" I nodded to his stiffness, "All you have to do is ask, nicely."

Craig looked up to me with pleading eyes and a shy smile. I nodded that I understood. He stood and walked the few feet to my side of the room. His hard cock leading the way towards me. He stood right in front of me saying "Please Jake, I need your help?" The tip moved to touch my lips. I tasted the shinny drop on the end with my tongue. Not saying another word I opened my mouth to take him in, He gasped at the new sensation he was experiencing. I grabbed his thighs holding him in place as his cock went to the opening of my throat. It seemed much longer than I thought earlier. I moved my hands to his butt feeling the hard muscles of his ass. He reached down to hold my head in place. There was really no need. I was going to rock this boy's world now that I had a chance.

Craig didn't last long, he whispered "I'm going to cum!" I didn't, couldn't let go of him . I held him tight against my face as I felt the first volley explode, It was as sweet as any I'd had before. Three, four more quickly followed down into my stomach, I savored each one. Finally, he stopped and fell forward onto me. I held him to my chest feeling his heavy breathing as we both caught our breath. He reached up to hold my cheek asking, "Can I kiss you?" I nodded in the affirmative. Our lips met first with tenderness then with passion. He pushed me on my back. His strong body holding me down. He kissed my neck and asked, "Do you think I can sleep in your bed tonight?" I just pulled him tight against my body.

When I woke he was spooned behind me. Our naked bodies were glued together with our sweat and the cum which had dripped from his cock. I felt his moist tip in my ass crack and turned to face him I whispered to him "Remember what goes on in our form room stays in the room.:" He opened his eyes and said "But I want it every night, ok ?" I ruffled his head and said "I've created a monster. Time to get up and start your new college life.

Everyone else was up and in the shower early. We walked down the hall naked with Craig following me like a puppy dog, One of my friends was in the shower when we arrived and asked "Did he show you the ropes yet? " I slapped him on his ass hard. Everyone else laughed at our antics. We quickly finished showering and went back to our room. I asked Craig about the courses he'd need to take. They were the same basic ones that all freshmen had to take. Over breakfast we talked about his class load and the professors. Registration was the usual nightmare of long lines and over filled classes. I'd registered before leaving on the break so was able to help him. After a trip to the bookstore and the campus bank we carried our box loads of books back to the room. With the handouts provided for each class we spent hours trying to organize ourselves.

Before we knew it the day had passed and it was time to eat. I suggested that we order take out and spend the rest of the night going over the expectations of the various professors. With burgers, sodas, and lots of coffee we were able to make sense of it all. As we were relaxing over the final cup of coffee when we heard a throbbing from the room next door. Craig looked up to me asking "Could they be...?" I muttered "Probably, they're just getting to know each other again. They probably heard us last night too." He blushed at the idea. But soon was wrestling with me saying "When in Rome.." I didn't put up much resistance. We fucked for what seemed like hours. As we later lay holding each other Craig said "I know that we've only known each other for barely a day, but I feel closer to you than anyone else in my life." Something inside me wanted to fight it. But I knew it was true.

Hope you enjoyed this one

Next: Chapter 2

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