Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Mar 16, 2000


This is the second in a series entitled, Dorm Life

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts.

Football Practice

Jay had forgotten the fact that he'd signed up to play on the dorm's flag football team until he checked his voice mail and Ron, the athletics director for the dorm, voice was there reminding him practice was tonight at 6 o'clock on the lower intramural field. Jay had just finished taking the last of 3 tests and really didn't feel like doing much of anything tonight, but he'd given his word that he'd play and "your word is your bond" according to his grandmother. It was 4 o'clock, that gave him a hour and a half to take a quick nap then take the 10 minute walk to the field. It would do him some good to get out of the room.

He'd pretty much isolated himself in there for the last week studying. He did manage to go out to dinner with the newlyweds but that was about it in the way of entertainment. Besides, a couple of the guys from his floor supposedly were going to be on the team. This would give him an opportunity to get to know them better and make some new friends as well.

Jay got there a little before 6 and the field was already full of people. Some were running, others were practicing soccer, football, frisbee, and a portion of the field, the part Jay was standing own, had several football games already in progress. Jay looked in the direction of the guys practicing football but didn't recognize any faces so he decided to stay put and watch the football game in front of him and wait until he saw Ron. The game appeared to be between a couple of fraternities and appeared to be in its latter stages. Both teams were wearing colored mesh shorts and t-shirts. One team had maroon shorts & t-shirts with their fraternity symbol done in gold across the front of the t-shirt & gold numbers on the back, while the other team had blue shorts & white t-shirts with blue fraternity symbols on the front of their t-shirts and blue numbers on the back.

Jay had been standing there for a couple of minutes before his eyes fixed on one of the guys wearing maroon and gold. He was in one of Jay's classes. He'd seen him in his religion class before but never really paid him much attention. Jay thought his name was Paul but wasn't sure. Jay was sure that he hated that class though, not because of the instructor but because of the location. It was in the oldest building on campus, in the lower level, only had one window that you couldn't see in or out of, and their class was the only one taking place at that time of the day. Most students skipped at least 1 of the 2 classes each week for those reasons. But now watching Paul run up and down the field, Jay couldn't seem to take his eyes off him. He stood about 6'2" 220 with brown hair, blue eyes, mustache & goatee with thick curly brown hair on his legs. Jay could tell he worked out but he didn't have a "gym" body. Instead he had a ruggedness that Jay liked. In examining his new feelings he was beginning to see that while he wasn't attracted to just one type of guy, rugged blue collar type guys always made him hot. Firemen, cops, cowboys, construction workers, truckers, and his personal favorites the Ag guys on campus all were frequent visitors in his jerk off fantasies. Unfortunately, there hadn't been too many of those this semester.

Hard to jerk off with your roommate in the room and the times when he wasn't, Jay never knew when he'd be back.

Before he knew it Jay was standing there on the field having a vivid fantasy involving himself and the guy from the football game. This had been happening to him a lot lately. He'd see an attractive guy and almost immediately his mind would generate an intense, passion filled fantasy involving Jay and the guy. The entire scenario would be vivid, realistic, and plausible, but eventually Jay would realize it was just a fantasy and poof it was over. Like now, Jay and the guy were both 15 minutes early for religion class. They sat there for about 5 minutes not saying anything then the other guys started up a conversation.

They ended up talking about the class, the instructor, the assignments, the grading scheme, etc. Jay mentioned the awful location and the fact that it always felt like a sauna in class. The guy agreed that it wasn't the ideal place to teach a class, but it would be the perfect make-out place being so secluded and isolated. Jay agreed, but couldn't help wondering where that came from. The guy just kept talking about how all you would need to do is close the door and no one would ever know anyone was in here.

"You know these rooms are sound proof, too."

"No I didn't" replied Jay.

"Yeah, the original architect was experimenting with the design or at least that's what they told us when I came for my high school visit 3 years ago."

Jokingly Jay added, "And here it was I thought the reason we never heard anyone was because we were the only ones in the building."

"Well that too."

"Maybe one day I'll meet someone to test your theory" Jay said.

"Maybe" was all the guy said, but the way he said it made Jay think.

Not knowing where this conversation was going, Jay tired to steer it to the fact that class should've begun almost 10 minutes ago and the room was empty outside of them. He was about to mention it when he saw the small handwriting in the top corner of the blackboard. "Dr. Schlitz class cancelled."

"Well damn," Jay exclaimed. "We've been sitting here for 25 minutes and class is cancelled."

Jay thought for sure that Paul would be just as upset as he was, but he wasn't prepared for the response he got.

"I saw that note about 5 minutes ago, but I was starting to like where our conversation was going so I didn't say anything about it."

Jay's mouth was wide open in disbelieve. He new what Paul was talking about and the fact that Paul didn't look to be going anywhere anytime soon confirmed it for him. And if that wasn't enough, what Paul said next definitely did.

"You know having you mouth open like that might be construed as an open invitation."

With that Paul grabbed his book bag and stood up. Jay was sitting in his desk still in shock over the last comment, but amazingly he was also hard as a rock. He was hoping that Paul had been saying those things for shock value and having achieved what he was after, he was going to his next class. Jay knew that in his present state he couldn't leave first without Paul seeing his obvious predicament. Jay was wrong, because as Paul got to the door, he pulled it shut and locked it. Then he turned and dropped his books and said, "so you up to proofing my theory." Before Jay could answer Paul had closed the gap between the two leaned down and planted one of the hottest, wettest and best kisses on Jay's lips he'd ever felt. Whatever objection he was going to voice was silenced as Paul's hot, thick, and unyielding tongue did inventory in his mouth. No sooner than the kiss was broken, Jay looked up to see Paul standing in front of him with his 8" sword dripping precum and pointed directly at his mouth. Jay inhaled the musky aroma and was about to inhale Paul's manhood when, "birp, birp, birp" the whistle went off indicating the end of the game.

Jay's first instinct was to look down and make sure the cup he was wearing had done its job and no one around him was aware of his current state of arousal. Luckily it had, but Jay still felt uneasy as though someone was watching him. Paul's team had won 28-21. As he was running off the field Paul nodded to Jay almost as if he knew what Jay had been thinking and to say maybe next time we'll get to finish. Just then Ron & several other guys from the dorm showed up. Jay didn't recognize most of the guys, except for Josh & Brian who were on his floor. They started throwing the ball around, running pass plays, doing cornerback drills. It was then that Ron asked everyone what position they preferred to play. Everyone had their favorite except Josh who said he hadn't played organize football since he was 12. Ron asked how he felt about playing cornerback and asked Jay to run some pass plays to help Josh get acquainted to the position. They continued to practice for another 15 minutes before Ron called everyone to him. Jay and Josh were able to get one more play off, but the ball was thrown short and Josh laid out and knocked the pass down. As Jay was helping Josh up, he saw a distinct rise in Josh's mesh shorts. Almost as quickly as he saw it, Josh put his hands in front of his shorts and looked into Jay's eyes briefly. Jay looked away as though he saw nothing, but he could already feel his mind generating one hell of a fantasy.

So as Ron was going over the league rules, the schedule of games, the game times, and some other stuff, Jay was off in fantasyland. It was similar to Paul, Jay had noticed Josh on the floor but he'd never really thought about Josh in that way until just a few minutes ago. Josh was an attractive young man standing about 5'9" 160lbs; short cropped blonde hair, warm blue eyes, not skinny but not muscular either. What's the word? Sinewy, that's the word to describe Josh, sinewy. A farm kid from the western part of the state.

In Jay's fantasy, Jay offered Josh a ride back to the dorm following their first game. Josh was like sure but can we stop somewhere and get something to eat first. He just wasn't in the mood to eat at the cafe tonight.

The game was a hard fought contest that Jay's team won. It came down to the last play of the game; if it worked they'd win if it didn't they'd lose. It worked to perfection; Jay caught the halfback pass and scored from 50 yards away. In the car, Josh told Jay he was amazed Jay made the catch because if it had been thrown to him he'd probably have choked and dropped it. Jay told Josh how when he played in high school the coach always said that his best feature was his hands. They were "soft" enough to catch almost anything thrown his way.

"Yeah, these hands have helped me lead the team in catches even though I was a fullback."

The conversation during the short ride to Wendy's was about Jay's high school football career and why he didn't try and walk on to the university's team. Jay told him that while he loved the game, realistically he had no shot at making the NFL and recognizing that he wanted to concentrate on school. He couldn't tell him the other reason. Jay knew he wouldn't be able to handle seeing so many half naked, near naked, buck naked, virile, athletic guys almost everyday in the locker room after practice as well as before and after games. While he wasn't attracted to Donavin, he did have one hell of a body, and if any of the other guys had a body like his Jay would be sporting wood every day. In Wendy's the conversation turned from Jay to Josh. Josh was a farm kid in school studying computer engineering. His family wanted him to have an opportunity to do something other than farm and since Josh loved computers he thought he could see himself doing that for a living. Besides, his older brother and father had the farm running more efficiently than ever.

Josh was the one to bring up the topic of girlfriends and dating. It seemed that he wasn't dating anyone at present trying to concentrate on his grades. Jay said that's what he was doing too. Jay could tell that Josh wanted to ask something but was a little unsure about whether or not he should, so Jay said.

"Whatever you're thinking go ahead and ask it. I sure it's nothing I haven't heard or thought."

Josh lowered his voice just in case the people around him might be interested in what he was saying. "The dorms aren't the most private place in the world and there are times when I need to be alone, if you know what I mean. What do you do?"

Jay was like no need to be embarrassed, "If you're like me you're a young man with fully functioning equipment and every now and then you need to ensure its working properly. Unfortunately, I don't know what to tell you. Luckily, Donavin's on the football team and sometimes when I absolutely have to I can do it then, but even then I'm not sure when he'll come back. What about you?"

"Kevin's almost always in the room. Sometimes when I know he has class, I'll skip just to have the room to myself and take care of things."

What Josh said nest Jay hadn't forgotten but it honestly had become packed in long-term storage for later retrieval, although it did get a lot of air time the first couple days afterwards.

"Jay, you remember that first practice. Don't take this the wrong way, but the entire time I had a boner. I know you saw it but you were a good guy not to say anything. I don't know what it was but it just wouldn't go down. Luckily, Kevin wasn't in the room when I got back."

"Yeah I did notice but I've been there before. I guess its all the physical exertion and testosterone pumping through your body during practice."

Josh looked up from his fries and said, "yeah, that could be it or it could've been the fact that I think you're hot as hell and I'd love to sleep with you."

Jay nearly choked on the mouthful of hamburger he'd just taken a bite of. His ears heard what was said but his brain was having a hard time processing it. Jay was searching Josh's eyes to see if he was joking but all he saw was a look of lust and fire.

"Before you say anything, I saw you that day before our first practice as you were watching that football game. I saw the way you were staring at that frat guy. I saw the effect whatever it was that you were thinking about him had on you too. I watched you for about 10 minutes and that's when I thought just maybe. I'm not way off am I?"

Stuttering, Jay said, "No, no. I've just never done anything although I've been thinking about it a lot here lately."

Taking the initiative Josh said, "Kevin's gone home for the weekend to see his girlfriend, so my rooms available if you're interested in changing that."

The two left Wendy's and headed back to the dorm. Jay followed Josh to his room. Once inside they closed the door. At first they weren't sure how to start, but as is often the case, lust took over. Jay leaned in and planted a kiss on Josh similar to the one he had imagined being planted on him by Paul. He used his tongue to examine each one of Josh's teeth, his tongue, and what he thought were Josh's tonsils.

By the time they came up from air both bodies were operating on autopilot. It was Josh's turn to go tonsil diving. He attacked Jay's mouth with total abandon and as the two were seemingly devouring each other with their mouths, their hands were hurriedly undressing each other. Pretty soon they both were standing totally naked.

Jay slowly broke the kiss and began a trial of licks and bites down Josh's chest, stopping to lick, nibble, and bite each of Josh's tits until they were two rock hard peaks sticking out from his chest. Jay continued down across Josh's abs with their faint dusting of brown hair and began to follow the thin prominent trail of hair that led to the object of his lust. Although Josh was 2 inches shorter than Jay, his cock made up for the difference. Jay knew his cock was a legitimate 7.5 thick inches but Josh had to be at least 9" and thicker. That was one stereotype out the door but then again he'd dismissed that stereotype after his first JV football practice in 9th grade when he caught a glimpse of Adam Pope's now legendary 10" monster. Even when it was soft it hung a good 7" inches. Anyway, next to Adams' this was the next biggest white dick Jay had seen since then.

Jay just stared at it for a few seconds feeling the hard muscle gripped in his hand. The aroma from it was making him drunk with lust. He gripped it harder and a large drop of precum oozed out of the big cock head. Intrigued by the site and wondering about the taste, Jay leaned in and extended his tongue to lick the precum off the head of the cock. Slowly, as though he was trying to see how many licks it would take to get to the creamy center. Pretty soon, Josh was oohing and aahing from the sensation Jay was creating on his cock with his tongue. Jay licked at the head with short jabs of his tongue. He'd then slowly took his tongue and traced it around the rim of Josh's cock head sending Josh into another chorus of oohs and aahs. Soon Josh couldn't take it anymore; he had to feel his cock inside Jay's hot wet mouth.

He grabbed Jay by the back of his head and slowly began to ease his cock inside the warm cavern that was Jay's mouth. Jay took to cock sucking like a duck to water. He was applying the right amount of suction while also using his tongue to do a dance around Josh's cock head. Seeing that Jay had things well in hand, Josh took his hands from the back of Jay's head and began to twist and pinch Jay's nipples. It was like a lightning bolt struck Jay because he became even more animated and hungry. Soon Jay had deep- throated Josh's 9" monster. He loved the feel of the cock as it stretched his throat to the limit. The sensation of sucking this big cock and the sensation created by Josh working on his nipples had him hot as hell. The expert blowjob he was giving Josh couldn't continue. Soon Josh had his hands back on Jay's head slamming his cock down Jay's throat as far as it could go. Jay knew Josh was close as Josh's large sperm factories had pulled up close to the base of his cock. It was then that he got his brilliant idea, right when he felt Josh go over the edge, he inserted his middle finger up Josh's ass. "The shocker" or at least that's what one of the guys in high school called it. He said his girlfriend at the time did it to him and he'd never come as much as that since. He must have been telling the truth because Josh screamed not in agony but in total abandonment. His cock was like a fountain. The cum just kept coming and coming. So much so that it began to spill outside the corners of Jay's mouth and drip down his face and neck. Jay loved the taste. It was like thick,creamy, sweet and sour sauce.

"Jay, will you be able to make it next Tuesday?" Asked Ron drawing Jay out of his fantasyland.

"Yeah sure, I should be there. What time was it again?" Jay asked still a little dazed.

"Seven" replied Ron. "Also if anyone needs a ride just let me know before Tuesday. If there's nothing else, I'll see you guys Tuesday."

Jay couldn't wait to get out of there. That was twice he'd worked himself into a sexual frenzy today. It was a good think his cup was doing its job or he'd really become the talk of the dorm probably the entire campus. He was glad he didn't drive to practice. The walk back to the dorm would do him some good perhaps he could get control of his fantasies before he made it back to the room. Otherwise he hoped Donavin wasn't in the room because he was definitely in need of some release.

Next: Chapter 3

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