Dorm Life

By NightWatcher

Published on Apr 10, 2000


This is the eighth in a series entitled, Dorm Life.

This story involves sexual situations between consenting mature adults, and is therefore intended for mature audiences. No one under the age of 18 or in an area where such material has been deemed unacceptable should read any further. The persons and places that are mentioned in this story and series are FICTIONAL, at least thus far. This story deals with homosexual relationships, and expressions of love. If this offends you, then again, you should read no further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Series Note: Imagination is one of the most erotic tools we possess in our repertoire. Unfortunately it's a tool seldom used. It is my hope in writing this series to bring back the use of imagination in our erotic experiences along with romance and passion without losing the steam, the heat, and the lustful energy of the story. This series centers on one student, Jay, and his search for love, happiness, and fulfillment, all while dealing with life in and outside a dorm. Some parts will be written in regular story form, but other parts are going to be written as though they were coming from Jay's journal. This allows us a glimpse inside Jay's thoughts.

Writer's Note: This wasn't were I had intended this series to go, but you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men. Thanks to the suggestions of several people, I'm going to keep Adam and Jay together, for now at least. So in order to continue the series, the focus will change a little. I'll still provide updates about Jay and Adam. After all Adam is suppose to be going to school in NYC, how will that affect his and Jay's new found love. The new focus will be the dorm itself and since it's now the focus it should have a name, Layvary. This means new characters, different situations, the possibilities are endless. So I hope you enjoy.

Millennium man: Continuation

Setting: When we last left Adam and Jay, Jay had decided to spend the rest of his vacation with Adam. In doing so he confirmed his sexuality to his mother. The pair decided to spend a quiet evening at home. Adam cooked dinner and after dinner they retired to the family room to watch Runaway Bride starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. Now the continuation of their story.

"I love movies with happy endings. It gives me hope that I'll find true love one day."

Adam punched Jay lightly in the arm, "So what are you saying?"

Jay hadn't realized the slip of his tongue until Adam punched him. "Sorry. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet that it actually has happened to me."

"It's okay," replied Adam. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again. I made a promise to your mother and I'm a man of my word."

With that Jay placed a kiss on Adam's lips, "How did I get so lucky?"

"Depends if you can answer how I got so lucky," said Adam. "Someone must be looking out for us. I guess they knew we both needed to grow up a little first."

Jay was still amazed. It was the same Adam from high school, but then it wasn't. He still had that child like persona about him that virtually everyone had been drawn to in high school, but now there was more. He was mature, confident, and directed. Yet he still knew how to relax and have fun. Jay recalled how in high school Adam had the ability to brighten up any room and to disperse any clouds that might be looming. He was the kind of person that people gravitated to solely because of his personality. He could see that he still had it. The combination of the mature Adam and the fun loving Adam was doing a number on Jay. He was hesitant to say it was love for fear he might lose it, but no other feeling could describe it. He couldn't see himself anymore without Adam. He didn't want to see himself anymore without Adam.

Adam broke Jay's trance when he said, "I feel the same way."

"What?" was Jay's reply.

"I feel the same way. I could tell what you were thinking and I just want you to know I feel the same way. I never thought I'd be here, with you. I imagined it countless times, but I'd assumed it would be one of those unfulfilled dreams. Now that it's reality, my mind is having a hard time processing it, but it will. You can be sure of that."

Taking Jay's head in his hands, Adam placed a tender kiss on Jay's lips. Placing his arms around Adam, Jay pulled him on top of him and they kissed tenderly for the next five minutes. It wasn't the kiss of uncontrolled lust, but a kiss of deep passion and love.

Jay broke the kiss. Holding Adam's face in his hands he said, "I think it's time we went upstairs."

"If you say so," was Adam's reply. The two walked hand in hand up the large staircase. During the trip to the bedroom, they never lost eye contact except once when Adam leaned in and kissed Jay just as tenderly as he had before on the family room floor. There was definitely no doubt in Jay's mind anymore, he was in love and there was nothing he could or would do about it.

Adam stopped Jay, as he was about to open the bedroom door.

"I want to do this right." With that Adam swept Jay up into his arms and opened the door. Jay knew Adam wasn't the lanky kid he used to be anymore. Adam carried Jay in his arms to the bed where he laid him down slowly. "You don't know how many times I've dreamed of doing that." As he was climbing onto the bed, Jay met Adam with a kiss. The kiss lasted forever as neither person was in a rush to end the moment. A slow passionate kiss of love, as all their kiss seemed to be. They each seemed to lose themselves into the other whenever their lips met and now was no different.

Without breaking the kiss Jay began to undo Adam's shirt. Pretty soon he had it completely unbuttoned and he began to work on undoing Adam's shorts. It was all done at a relaxed pace. They knew there was no need to rush anything. Once Adam was totally devoid of clothes, it was Adam's turn to undress Jay. They had to break their kiss as Adam pulled off Jay's shirt and undershirt. It didn't take long before they were again rapped in a passionate kiss, just this time they were both totally naked with the exception of their white socks. Without knowing it they had each told the other of one of their most intimate fantasies, making love with only their socks on. Jay and Adam both thought it to be the sexiest thing, but they wouldn't tell each other that until later.

Hands were everywhere during their kiss. Jay's roamed freely over Adam's back, butt, balls, cock, stomach and nipples. While Adam's were roaming just as freely over every nook and cranny of Jay's body. With every touch of some yet undiscovered portion of the others body, a new sensation was generated into their own. Pretty soon they were a writhing, moaning, entwined ball of flesh with their legs draped over each other and their arms continuing to explore. It appeared that neither was in definite control as they alternated back and forth as to who was going to be on top.

It was Adam who took control. He pinned Jay on his back and began a slow descent down his body with his mouth. His first stop was Jay's neck. He licked his neck thoroughly. This brought uncontrolled sobs from Jay, as this was one of his most erotic zones. Adam took note of that and continued his descent. His next stop was at Jay's nipples. He teased them first with his hands. Lightly rubbing his fingers across the chocolate cover nubs. After they'd become hard points, Adam began to lightly lick them one at a time. Jay felt as though he was on one continuous roller coaster ride. Jay had long found out that his nipples were the most erotic part of his body, and Adam's slow torture had him on the brink of losing his self-control. Although Adam was enjoying the sweet torture he was providing Jay, his goal was something a little lower. He used his tongue to follow the tail of hair that started just above Jay's belly button and lead down his stomach into his crotch. Adam kept his fingers lightly brushing across Jay's nipples however.

Once at Jay's crotch Adam began to lightly lick around the inside of Jay's thighs. The sensation created by this coupled with Adam's slight rubbing of Jay's nipples had him writhing and moaning uncontrollably. Adam loved watching Jay's reaction immensely. He wanted Jay to always remember this night. Lifting up Jay's cock and giving it a gentle squeeze, Adam ran his tongue down and across Jay's nuts. The sweet smelling aroma of Jay's crotch was becoming an aphrodisiac to Adam. He felt himself beginning to lose control, but he knew there would be other times for unbridled passion, tonight was about making love.

Jay felt the small of his back curve and his legs being lifted. Luckily Adam had stopped his nipple torture apparently to regain the use of his hands. With them he was slowly lifting Jay's legs into the air. Jay knew what was going to happen next and helped out by grabbing his ankles. He wasn't prepared however, for the new sensations generated as Adam's tongue slowly made it's way down the trench of Jay's ass. When it made contact with his rosebud, he almost let go of his legs. Adam had an amazing technique of lightly tapping the rosebud with his tongue and just as it was relaxing and expanding, he would slip his tongue inside as far as it would go. He ate Jay's ass for 5 minutes. When he finished it was very relaxed and wet, both inside and out.

Realizing that he'd provided enough foreplay and his own passion at the brink of uncontrolled lust, he ended his assault on Jay's ass. He ascended back up Jay's balls to grab and admire the hard throbbing cock that lay waiting for him. Jay's right thigh was completely soaked with precum as Jay's cock responded to Adam's oral assaults. Lifting the cock up, he began to lick up the cock residue. The taste was sweet to Adam and he was an immediate addict. After completely cleaning the area, he focused his attention to the source of the sweet fluid. Looking at Jay's cock he could still see it was continuing to leak the precious fluid. Not being one to let something so precious go to waste, Adam began to follow the trail left by the fluid down Jay's cock back up to its source at the head. There he delved down into Jay's cock head with his tongue trying to get every drop of fluid that was there. It seemed that the more he licked up, the more there was. He knew what he had to do.

To keep from letting any of it escape he vacuumed Jay's entire cock into his mouth. As soon as he did it Jay shot straight up, amazed at the amount of heat and incredible amount of suction surrounding his cock. It took every ounce of strength he had to keep from losing his load right there. He looked down to see Adam's eyes smiling at his reaction. He knew that it was time for him to take control.

Grabbing Adam by the ears, Jay eased him off of his cock and proceeded to pull him up to his lips for one hot kiss. As they were kissing he slowly rolled Adam over so that now he was on his back and Jay was in the driver's seat.

"My turn. After all, turn about is fair play," was all that Jay said.

With that he began to mimic Adam's actions of before. He licked and nibbled on Adam's neck. He especially enjoyed the way that Adam moaned each time that Jay ran his tongue across his Adams' Apple. Realizing that he too had his eye on something bigger, he continued down Adam's chest stopping at his nipples. There he gave them the same attention that his now sore and continually throbbing nipples had received. He lightly rubbed them, then lightly licked them, until finally he mounted an all out assault that had Adam writhing and moaning uncontrollably, similar to the state he had previously been in.

Adam's body was in complete control as his mind seemed to relinquish total control to his nervous system and the different sensations that was been generated throughout his body. Jay continued to rub and harass Adam's tits as he followed the line created by Adam's abs straight into his crotch. There he came face to face with the cock he'd wanted since high school. It lay on Adam's right thigh and appeared to be gushing precum. At ten inches it would definitely be both a mouth and a hand full. Jay had intended to devour Adam's ass as he had done his, but looking at Adam's dick just throbbing in his face he couldn't resist, he had to have it.

Before he put it in his mouth, he wanted to see what flavor it would have so he proceeded to slurp up the precum on Adam's thigh. Adam was watching this keenly, and when Jay went to stick the 10" monster into his mouth, Adam took it from Jay's hands and began to slowly slide it across Jay's face. It left precum streaks from ear to ear, across his lips and on his cheeks. Adam then gave control of his cock back to Jay.

"Just wanted to mark you as mine and let you know that this is all yours from now on. Whenever and wherever," announced Adam.

Jay grasped the steel hard rod in his hands and began to lightly swipe his tongue across the tip collecting the precum that had trickled out on his tongue. It tasted so sweet going down but with a little bet of a tang once it was in your throat. Jay quickly became accustomed to the taste. Opening his mouth wide he slowly sucked Adam's bulbous head into his mouth. With only the head in his mouth he began to attack it with his tongue, circling it, stabbing at the eye, and licking it with the flat part of this tongue. All the while he was relaxing his throat muscles to so he would be able to accommodate Adam's length and girth.

Slowly he let Adam's cock begin it's descent down his throat. He had to suppress his gag reflex when Adam's cock first gained entry into his throat, but after a couple minutes of allowing his throat to expand he was okay. He did have to come up for air though, but after a quick breathe he went back down on Adam's cock, going a little further than before. He kept up this pattern of going as far as he could go, relax, come up, quick breathe, and then back down until finally he felt the hairs of Adam's crotch scratch his nose. He new then that he had all 10 thick inches down his throat.

After allowing his throat to get used to the intruder he began a slow ascent up Adam's cock until only the head was trapped in his mouth again. Then just as slow as he had ascended he descended again, this time not stopping until Adam's cock was buried completely in his throat. Jay continued his long stroke sucking of Adam's cock increasing his pace and intensity with every stroke. It didn't take long for Jay's mouth to be a blur going up and down Adam's dick and for Adam to be completely lost in lust. Adam didn't know how, but Jay's throat seemed to ripple every time his dick was buried completely down Jay's throat. The sensation was amazing.

Not wanting to be left out he, managed to get Jay to swing his body around so that he too could return the pleasure to Jay that he was receiving. Jay did a 180 on Adam's dick without letting it leave his mouth. The new sensation of having his dick buried deep in Adam's throat only intensified his lust for Adam's cock. The two were awash in total sexual abandonment. The only thing on their minds were bringing pleasure to each other.

Jay felt his dick slip out of Adam's mouth and begin to slide on Adam's chest. He also felt as Adam repositioned Jay's body so that Jay's ass was directly inline with the onslaught of Adam's tongue. Adam attacked Jay's ass with much more intensity than he had before. Jay could tell that Adam was an ass man. The way Adam was eating Jay's ass, the way Jay's cock was rubbing across Adam's chest, and coupled with the filling of fullness in Jay's mouth, Jay was nearly on the verge of delivering up his load. But just then Adam stopped eating his ass and he felt something long and skinny make its way up his ass. The new sensation made him stop sucking Adam's cock and just lay there. It didn't take him long to realize that Adam had stuck a finger up Jay's ass and was gently rubbing Jay's prostate. Jay could only slurp on Adam's dick as his ass was being assaulted. Soon Adam had two then three fingers working easily in and out of Jay's ass. Jay wasn't sucking Adam's dick anymore, he was using it more like a pacifier.

Jay was amazed that all this anal stimulation hadn't made him lose his load, but seeing where this was hopefully leading he began to give Adam one of the sloppiest and wettest blowjobs possible. Pulling off Adam's cock, Jay turned so that he straddled Adam's waist and rocked back so that Adam's cock was inside the groove of his ass-crack. Looking into Jay's eyes, Adam asked, "Are you sure."

Jay replied, "This is my way of marking you. Letting you know that this is all yours from now on. Whenever and wherever."

Reaching behind himself he began to aim Adam's cock at his split soaked hole. He slowly rubbed the tip across his rosebud a couple times to ensure it was locked on target. Adam then took Jay's hand away and replaced it with his own. Jay began to lower himself onto Adam's cock. It was rough going at first, even with the expert ass-rimming job Adam had done and the expert blowjob Jay had done. Relaxing his body as completely as possible and thinking of the pleasure that Adam would feel, Adam's cock was able to make it through Jay's tight back door. For the next 5 minutes Jay lowered himself inch by inch down Adam's cock until he felt the hairs of Adam's crotch scratch his ass.

The feeling of fullness in his lower half matched the feeling of fullness he felt early when he had Adam's cock buried deep in his throat. The way his ass muscles were clutching and grabbing at Adam's cock was mind blowing. Jay began to slowly raise up off of Adam's cock until only the head was still strapped in his ass. Then he lowered himself just as slowly until the entire 10" were buried once again. He continued riding on Adam's cock increasing his speed with each thrust. Each pass of his ass up and down Adam's cock brought it in direct contact with Jay's prostate. Jay's cock was drooling cock slime uncontrollably. Then when Adam began pinching his nipples, it was as if they had a direct feed to both his ass and his balls. Lust took over and Jay began to raise and lower himself rapidly on Adam's cock.

Seeing that Jay had adjusted to his size and was now actively fucking himself onto Adam's dick, Adam pulled Jay to his chest and rolled Jay onto his back, never letting his cock slip from the tight vice that was engulfing it. Once Jay was on his back, Adam's mouth found Jay's and then the two began a passion filled kiss. Adam used this distraction to grind his cock into Jay's ass. He could feel Jay's groan through the kiss. He would've stopped had it not been for Jay's hands on his ass pulling him deeper inside. He took this as a cue and really began to fuck Jay's ass while the two continued their heated kiss. He alternated between long powerful thrusts and a slow gentle glide.

It became obvious to both that the end was near, Jay felt the cum that had been storing up in his balls began its sudden and determined rise up his cock and fire out of his cock. It shot up between their two bodies, with the first shot hitting Adam on the chin and dripping onto Jay's neck. The next 6 of 7 shots fell in decreasing positions across their chests. The vice like grip of Jay's ass as he blew his load was all the added stimulation need for Adam's canon to fire out 9 or 10 powerful volleys up into the tight confines of Jay's tight ass. Even through his own powerful orgasm, Jay was able to feel each spurt as it ricocheted off the walls of his thoroughly fucked ass.

The two laid motionless plastered together by Jay's load for the next five minutes as neither had the energy nor the desire to move. Adam on top of Jay with his head on Jay's shoulder and his cock now empty still buried up Jay's ass. The next sign of movement was Adam removing his cock from its new holster and the next sound was the suctioning sound that came with Adam's cock removal.

Sitting up on his side and looking in Jay's eyes, Adam said. "Was that perfect because I love you?."

"I love you too and my sentiments exactly."

"However, there is one thing that would make it better," replied Adam.


"A shower," replied Adam. "You're a mess." Jumping off the bed he said, "Last one to the shower has to remake the bed."

Following close behind Jay said, "I thought we'd sleep on the dirty sheets tonight as a reminder."

In the shower the two washed off the cum that was plastered to their skin. Jay had to jump out suddenly as Adam's little men wanted to make a hasty retreat. Before he could get back in Adam, got out.

"I was thinking. I have this big jacuzzi tub and until now no one to share it with. Besides after that workout I need to relax my sore muscles."

So Adam turned on the jets and he and Jay climbed in. Snuggled close together they just soaked and relaxed. Somewhere during all this Jay feel asleep. He came back to when he felt the nudge on his shoulder. The jets had been turned off and Adam was waiting outside the tub with a towel to dry him off. Jay thought, this I can definitely get used to. After drying off Adam led him back to the bedroom and there was a freshly made bed, a couple of lighted candles, and Jay heard the raspy voice of Tina Turner singing, "never in my wildest dreams."

Adam blew out the candles and the two climbed into bed snuggled up together and they were off to sleep.

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