Dorm Room Fashion Show

By Kleinger Gespenst

Published on Dec 31, 2019


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Sun was setting as Darby Long climbed the hill to the 9th grade dorms. From the beginning of school 2 months earlier, the 15-year-old took an immediate fancy to Newton Stills, a very cute blond boy a year younger than he. With fewer than 600 students, everyone eventually knew everyone at the Southern Sierra School for Boys. It wasn't long before they became friends when the new kid was having trouble with Basic in the computer lab.

Though an open secret at the all-boys school that a lot of the students discretely hooked up, it was still the 80s, and nobody wanted to be caught doing "homo stuff." If you were even caught beating off, you might end up with a nick-name like "Stroker." But adolescent boys have robot bodies controlled by hormones, and the joy-stick can not be ignored.

Unlike the boys shoving their hands down each others' trousers dreaming about girls, Darby had figured out he was gay by age 11, as had another boy at school with whom Darby fooled around. He also hoped Newton would be into it. But for the time being, he just played it cool.

That Saturday night, about half the school had signed up to attend a dance at an all-girls school, including Newton and Darby. After dinner, it would be a couple of hours before they loaded into buses. Darby quickly showered and changed, then hustled up to Newton's dorm to go with ride with him to the dance. Secretly, he planned to catch the younger boy while dressing, so he could at last see the 14-year-old's goods.

Unfortunately, he was moments late, entering just as Newt was buttoning up his shirt.

"Hey Darby," the 9th-grader said. "Whatddya think of this shirt?"

The older boy appraised the plain blue oxford. "Looks kind of preppy boring," he said.

"I was thinking the same." Newton frowned, and pulled off his shirt. Darby gazed longingly at the slender, smaller boy's dime-sized nipples. Maybe he stared too hard, as Newton seemed to crack a little smile, before pulling on a red shirt with "New Wave" graphics.

"That looks good, Newt," Darby said.

The younger boy smiled. "Do you think it's sexy?"

Darby swallowed, and did his best to shrug. "Yeah, I think the girls will probably think so."

"What about these pants, Darby?" Newt turned a 360 to show off his black twill trousers. "Do you think they're sexy?"

"Uh, sure. Yeah, they look good."

Fortunately, Darby was sitting with his legs crossed, concealing the swelling in his trousers. The younger boy grinned mischievously at him.

"So how do I know if my underwear's sexy?"

If Darby had been drinking anything, it would have come out of his nose. As it was, he just turned bright red.

Newt pulled open his closet door, went inside, and closed it. A minute later, Newton emerged, wearing only his striped boxers and socks. Putting a hand on his hip and smiling innocently at the older boy, he asked, "Do you think girls would like these?"

Again shrugging, Darby said, "I, uh, I guess so. I mean, I'm not a girl."

Newt giggled. "Ok, hold on a second," he said, before closing the closet door behind himself.

A moment later, the 9th-grader emerged in a pair of skin-tight, bone-white Jockeys. Darby couldn't help but stare at the small, but defined bulge in the front. Newton noticed, and grinned teasingly.

"So what do you think of these? Are these sexy?"

"Uh, sure. I mean I dunno. Girl's would probably like those, too." Fuck girls, he thought. I love him in briefs. The adorable blond boy looked even younger and more innocent in tighty-whities. He was a slender, yet solid angel.

Newton turned around, so Darby could admire the small spheres stretching the woven back panel. "You think so?" Newton asked, running a hand down one side of his undies.

"Yeah. Uh, they show off your ass. Girls would like that."

"Do you like my ass?" Newt asked in a very naughty voice.

By then Darby gave up all pretense, and quietly croaked, "Yeah. I really like your ass, Newt. You have a beautiful ass."

The younger boy turned and grinned. "I thought so. Remember when we were wrestling?"

Darby couldn't help but remember. It was huge investment in his spank bank. After soccer practice one afternoon, he'd met up with Newton on the walk back from the fields. Soccer players showered in their dorms, while football players cleaned up and stored their gear in the gym locker room. But the gym water was broken, so like all the other JV football players, Newton was walking back in everything but his helmet and shoulder pads. Darby teased the little running back that only sissy sports used pads, which ended up in playful shoving, then rolling in a sweaty heap in muddy grass. Darby had grown rigid in his soccer shorts, praying his jockstrap would conceal his erection from detection. And when his leg dragged across Newton's hard, plastic cup, he grit his teeth, dreaming of what might be inside.

Darby sheepishly nodded, and Newton grinned, saying "I could feel your hard-on when you rolled onto my back.

The older boy reddened again, but then noticed the tube swelling up the front of Newton's briefs. The 14-year-old walked over to Darby, looking deeply into his eyes. "I was hard, too. You have no idea how much that hurts in a cup." The two boys chuckled.

Without asking, Newton grabbed Darby's knees to uncross his legs, then sat sideways onto the older boy's lap.

"Oh, looks like your boner might be a permanent condition," Newt teased,

The warmth of soft young boy bottom on his groin made Darby impossibly harder, and his cocked pulsed helplessly against the fleshy mass. Newt wrapped an arm around the older boy's neck, then leaned his lips in to softly kiss Darby's cheek.

"Don't you want to touch my butt?" he whispered into Darby's ear.

"Yeah, I do," Darby whispered back, sliding his hand across Newton's far hip, cupping the pliant, cotton-wrapped flesh. His forearm rested on a the pulsating pole stretching Newton's snug undies. Gently squeezing Newton's left butt cheek, he brought his lips to the younger boy's. As the two kissed, Newton slowly pressed his hips upward, rubbing his cotton-cloaked hardness against Darby's arm.

Their tongues met, and Newton quietly moaned, humping a little into Darby's arm, and then grinding back into the older boy's rigid cock. Breaking away, Newton stood up, and pulled Darby to his feet.

"Let's see what you're wearing," he said, unbuttoning the older boy's shirt. Darby pulled it off, while Newton unbuckled his belt, and undid his trousers. As his pants dropped to his ankles, he heard the younger boy mutter in disappointment.

"I was hoping you'd been in something that showed off your sexy legs," Newton said. "Boxers just hide everything." Everything except the damp spot on the upper left of Darby's underpants.

"Sorry," Darby shrugged. Rappers were starting to show off their boxers, and many older boys were switching to them so they'd look more grown up. Deep down, Darby missed the reassuring pressure briefs brought to his groin, and the way they hugged his buns.

"Wait - did you say my legs are `sexy?'" Darby asked. No one had ever said that before. He looked down at the lightly downy hairs sparsely emerging from his soccer-hardened calves.

"Oh, yeah. Why do you think I go to all your games?"

The younger boy grew thoughtful, then smiled. "I've got an idea," he said, pushing Darby into his closet. Reaching onto one of his shelves, he pulled a pair of his white undies and handed them to Darby.

"Put these on, and give me a fashion show." Giggling, he shut the door on Darby.

The older boy was a good six inches taller than the 9th grader, and didn't think the smaller boy's underpants would fit. But he dropped his boxers anyway, and slowly pulled them on. They were tight, compressing grooves into his legs, and the moist tip of his desperately throbbing hardness peaked out of the waistband.

Nervously, Darby stepped out of the closet. Did he look ridiculous? But the hungry smile spreading across Newton's face said otherwise.

"Whoa. You look fucking hot, Darby," the younger boy said in a very low and quiet voice.

His eyes grew wide, taking in the sight of the older boy's slim hips and abdomen, divided from his hidden treasures by a tightly constricting waistband, digging into a firm, pale pelvis. Darby's upper body, still a darker hue from summer sun, contrasted nicely with the bone-white of the small boy's underpants. The cotton weaving stretched so tightly across Darby's genitals that Newton could admire every detail of the older boy's full sack, and the dark shadow of a bush squashed behind a madly throbbing treasure. Newton had learned how to suck a cock from an older cousin years before, and he couldn't wait to taste the thin trickle of boy juice pumping out of Darby's nozzle with every beat of his pulsating dick.

"You really think so, Newt?"

"Fuck yeah, dude," the younger boy whispered. "Come here."

The two pressed together, dragging their hands around each other's bare backs, fluting circles around their lean expanses. Twilight was falling, and the school hadn't started up the furnaces yet, so the boys shivered in their embrace.

Darby's hands slid down to squeeze both of Newton's firm little melons, and the younger boy sighed, before the boys' lips met again for a tender kiss.

"Let's get in bed," Newton quietly suggested, and Darby readily agreed.

Side by side under the single bed's warm covers, the two teens kissed more passionately, and their hands ran up and down each other's sides, then caressed tummies and legs. Squeezing a hand onto the lower part of the younger boy's bottom, Darby used his middle finger to gently goose the steamy arch between Newton's legs. Newton moaned, and pressed into the older boy.

"Mmmm..." Darby murmured. "I've been wanting this so badly."

"Meee tooo," Newton whispered.


He could barely register his luck, while falling into the urgent sensations strangled by tight underwear. Meanwhile, the 9th grader's cotton-cloaked cock rhythmically pressed into Darby's hip, just where the very tight leg elastic furrowed a small valley across the 10th grader's sinews.

"Dude, you're like the hottest guy at school," Newton said in all honesty. "And you're really cool."

Trailing his fingertips from Darby's nipples, down his slender hairless torso, to the front of the older boy's taut undies, Newton gently clasped the 10th-grader with his thumb, index finger and palm.

"Neeewt!" the older boy moaned, as the 14-year-old pressed the flat of his hand into Darby's rigid hardness.

"So this is what your dick feels like," Newton whispered in delight, as moisture oozed over the top of Darby's tourniquet-like waistband onto his wrist. Slowly, he stroked up and down Darby's 5 inches, feeling every texture of the older boy's steaming meat through the tight cotton wrapper.

Resting his head on Darby's shoulder, Newton reached further, to cup and caress Darby's full basket, adding pressure to the fabric almost painfully squeezing his scrotum. At the same time, the older boy slid his fingers down to curl around the slender tube straining up the length of Newton's briefs. The younger boy squirmed and sighed as Darby gently stroked Newton from tip to base with a thumb and two fingers.

Bringing their lips together again, the boys opened the mouths, and their tongues met to dance. Though he wasn't much of a leaker, a spot of moisture was seeping through the front of Newton's skimpy undies. Darby's were getting much damper, and his hips started to rock in time with the Newton's rubbing.

Nose to nose, the boys were breathing toothpaste minty breath into one another's panting mouths, teasing each other's cocks mercilessly. Eventually, Darby had to hold the real thing, and he reached under Newton's waistband to his damp, circumcised head. It felt like hard spongey rubber covering a piece of pounding steel. Darby used some of the small drops of moisture dribbling from the younger boy's pee-hole to gently circle that sensitive dome with a thumb and index finger.

Newton inhaled sharply and groaned, "Oooh, Darby, that feels hellacious." Unconsciously, he cocked his knee to spread his legs wider, opening himself helplessly to the older boy's hand. He couldn't help but squeeze Darby hard, roughly stroking his undie-strangled hardness, making the 10th grader moan. The constricting waistband of his briefs mercilessly dragged up and down his tender head, doubling the friction on his boyhood.

Darby could feel his nuts contracting, his orgasm building.

"Newt," he huffed quietly, "You're gonna make me come! I don't think I can hold it."

Praying in vain Newton would ease up, the younger boy only stroked him faster, furiously polishing his throbbing adolescence with that absurdly tight center panel. As Darby moaned "Nooo, please, Neeeewt" the younger boy curled down, under the covers. Newton couldn't see anything, but he savored the yeasty smell, and brought his lips toward his masturbating hand. With his other fingers, he found Darby's waistband, and he pulled it back enough so his lips could seal around the older boy's drooling nozzle.

The hot, wet sensation surrounding his knob was too much for Darby. The hand that could no longer reach Newton's boyhood found the 9th grader's longish blond hair, and clutched a fistful. Sucking hard, while stroking harder, Newton milked a powerful jet of thick, milky come, and eagerly swallowed. Darby bit into a pillow, groaning as a second surge flared out of his cock. Three more followed, until Newton gently squeezed the last drop from Darby's softly pulsing dick.

Darby sighed, slowly regaining his breath, while Newton straightened up, emerging from the bedding, and kissed him on the cheek.

Darby sighed. "So rad! I don't think I've ever come so hard," he panted. He was still a little dizzy, as he wrapped an arm around the younger boy, then kissed him passionately. When their tongues met, the 15-year-old could taste his own semen.

Newton's thigh draped over Darby's, and the older felt the 9th grader's hardness pulsating against his slender hip. As they continued kissing, Darby's free hand slid down Newton's tummy, then in between his hip's and Newton's warm, humid briefs. Clasping the 14-year-old's rigid boyhood through damp cotton, Darby slowly and gently stroked the boy's cock with his palm for several minutes. When Newton started to thrust into him, Darby rolled the younger boy onto his back.

Shifting up onto his knees, and hooking his thumbs into the waistband of Newton's undies, Darby whispered, "Let me take these off." Newton bent his knees and raised his hips, and Darby quickly skinned off the 9th grader's tighty-whities. With the bedding hanging from his shoulders, Darby gazed down at the slim but muscular youth, naked and hard in the dimming twilight.

Newton gave him a nervous look. "Uh, I know I'm not that big," he said, quietly, anxiously hoping his 3.5 inches were OK with the older boy. Darby smiled as the turgid little prong bounced against a nearly bald pubic mound. Only a smattering of light blond hairs ringed Newton's flexing hardness, and the central seam dividing his hairless sack ran almost a half inch onto his pale, swollen dick.

"It's beautiful, Newt," he whispered. "Your dick is perfect."

Darby knelt below Newton's feet, letting the blanket and sheet fall down to cover them again while he bent between the younger boy's widely spread legs. Resting on elbows just below Newton's buttocks, Darby slid his arms around the younger boy's hips to caress his tummy, while he delicately kissed the pink helmet's glistening tip.

Making an "O" with his lips, he slid Newton's dick along his tongue, making the younger boy tremble. When his nose rested against the silky starting of puberty, he pursed his lips at the very base of the small, throbbing penis and pulled all the way back to the tip, where he fluttered his tongue across the boy's pee-hole. As Darby savored the faint sweet flavor seeping from the 14-year-old penis, he heard Newton moan.

Sealing his lips around Newton's knob, he sucked the boy cock all the way in again, and suckled him so hard his cheeks were concave. Sliding back and forth and waggling his tongue under Newton's pounding prick, Darby felt hands clutching his hair in tight fists. Soon, the younger boy was thrashing and grinding and gasping. Darby's head moved faster, licking and sucking and pulling pleasure from the young boy's root.

Darby pulled a hand away from Newton's heaving tummy, to gently clasp and knead the boy's bald scrotum. He rolled and fondled each of the 9th-grader's nuts, memorizing every detail with his fingertips. Newton couldn't hold back, and Darby felt the young boy's sack pulling as he loudly groaned. His back arched, and his hips thrust upward into Darby's face. A watery stream of sweet and salty boy soup hit the back of Darby's throat. Then another. Swallowing, he was rewarded with one more dribble, before the 14-year-old fell back.

As Newton slowly softened in his mouth, Darby caressed the younger boy's thighs and hips. When Newton regained his breath, Darby let the young boy's dick slide from his lips, then lay down beside him. Newton rolled onto his side, smiling, and leaned to kiss gently kiss the older boy.

"I think your lips were made for my dick," Newton whispered, giggling.

"I think your dick was made to be eaten, and I could suck it all night," Darby replied. Then he glanced at Newton's alarm clock.

"Shit. We have to get going. Buses will be leaving for the dance in a half hour."

"Oh fuck that," Newton said, sliding his fingers into Darby's underpants, grasping the older boy's hardening cock. "This is the only thing I want to dance with."

But they had both signed up, and they'd get demerits if they blew it off. In resignation, they got dressed. Still, Darby kept on the younger boy's undies, reliving their brief coupling in his mind all night, and for many nights to come. ==================================================================== If you got this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you like this story. Part 2 is coming soon.

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Next: Chapter 2

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