Dot the Is

By Dymondbolt

Published on Nov 12, 2007


Dear readers; here's the next part of a multi orientational saga. Ooo. What a neat word. Saga. This will be my first. I hope you like it. It's a little short but the next two should be a bit more lengthy. Heh-heh-heh.

Disclaimer: This is a Science Fiction Story with Male to Male Sex and Love Relationships. If you are under eighteen years of age, you should not be here. You have been warned.

Dot the I's... ~ Part 2 by dymondbolt

Gloria the Twisted Matter Containment specialist(TMCs) was watching James fingers fly across the keyboard of the terminal and the controls of the Transmission/Containment interface.

Gloria said " Gee James, too bad you don't play keyboards."

James finished and hit the last button before a siren burped once and an automated voice said "Containment estimate one hundred percent. Transmission in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Transmit."

The threads of some very bright light flew out of the Transmission Pod(TP)'s door. Then ceased. Bright light flashed out of the Receiver Pod(RP)'s door and then a light glow faded away.

The automated voice said " Transmission successful. Transmit Mass equal to Receive Mass."

James smiled at Gloria and said " What'ya mean too bad. I do play keyboards. I was in a band in High School and College. And Why do you have that stupid statement of equal mass automated? What ever goes in , has to come out."

Gloria frowned at James and said " James, James, James. That is not true. You can have bleed off or absorption from three of the major components."

James walked to the chalk boards that seemed to be in every workshop and lab at the facility. What was neat, was that they were all electronic. They were recording and able to bring back pertinent information on demand. James flipped through to the basic equations and said "Show me what you mean."

Gloria took the electronic chalk and made an out growth sub equation of the containment routines. That was when James musician soul saw something he had missed before. He started to write equations that flowed from what Gloria was writing. She lost steam as he wrote six major out growth equations from what she had just written.

Gloria was stunned and said " Oh my god."

James said " Yeah. And look at this one. I like this one."

Gloria saw it immediately. The musician in her soul said "A Standing Wave of Matter."

James smiled and said " And you get credited with the idea and name. I wouldn't have thought of it if you hadn't mentioned music before telling me about Mass Loss(ML). The Standing Wave of Matter principle."

Gloria was about two inches taller than James and she smiled and said " Thank you James."

James smiled and said " Your welcome. Of course now we have to find a way to contain the Bio-Matter as a Standing Wave, once it's bled off of something alive."

Gloria frowned and said " It'll have to be a very large space. with low voltage field generators. and it'll have to be an odd shape for all the Bio-Matter to be viable as a Standing Wave.

They both frowned and then in unison said " Terry."

Gloria went to the phone and hit a few numbers. She was just getting through to Terry as he cycled through the security door.

Terry hung up and said " As if your computer wouldn't start chirping how happy it was that it finished one of the mission goals. Then you two start flinging up equation after equation on the gossip board.. You know their all hooked into my monitor board. " He looked at Gloria and said "Well you should." That was how they found out they had the hots for each other.

Gloria had written the words 'Wanna get frisky/" and then erased it before Terry came into the room. Then an hour later he wrote back in the same space, while he was in another room. He told her 'Sure. and the cave room is empty right now.' The Cave Room(CR) has surfaces that project images and can record the surface impressions of the people in the room. So if someone rolls around the impression can be recorded and played back.

He neglected to tell her that he was recording the movements of the people in the cave room. So they had a beautiful piece of performance art in eroticism. She was only angry at him for five minutes. He replayed the recording and she couldn't stop giggling. She was rather proud of their enthusiasm in trying so many different positions. She counted up to forty two before he started to kiss her again. She lost track after that.

Terry said " So what is all of this and particularly this one, that looks so musical?"

James said " Well Gloria reminded me of the potential for Mass Loss in Transmission. I thought it would negate Transmission and Reset Crystallization at Transmission point. But her equations all show that that doesn't happen."

Some of the components would hold on to the drained Mass and give it back up when a Purge/Cleans function was passed through the conduit. In he older systems(before James), they would end up with some very odd and foul smelling bits of gunk after a Purge/Cleans.

They had corrected the flaws before James had been brought in to the lab.

Terry said " Is this a standing wave?"

Gloria said " Yes. And it looks like we can drain specific matter from the transmission and store it in a Containment room. It has to have the right size and shape for the Standing Wave Harmonics. But then when it's the right shape, the containment energy will be very very low. LIke twelve volts through out the entire surface of the room."

Terry was smiling and he never smiled this early on a project. He looked at his watch and said " James, why don't you take an early lunch. Gloria and I need to check a few things out in the Cave Room."

James blushed and said " Yes, sir. Hour and a half lunch sound good?"

Gloria and Terry said " Perfect!" at the same time. Then they blushed.

James was already heading for the cafeteria to find Ivan and Leon for a little bit of fun. Ivan Dickson was the Transmission Containment systems specialist and Leon Dresser was the

Bio-Pattern Recognition systems and the Pattern Re-Crystallization Devices engineer. They were in a relationship together(both being gay). But they enjoyed a playmate or two when they both agreed on the hotness of the Playmate. Luckily James fit the bill.

James was going to get them all to meet at Terry's office. Since Terry's office was always open during the day, James was hoping he'd forget to lock it up when Gloria and he started to use the CR. Some things a straight couple did were very fun for a gay couple to do. James just had to make sure to get Vern to take a break for lunch right now. Vern was one of the Three Graces. The security family hired to watch over the eggheads. Vern was gay and had a hankering for James that was equally held by James for Vern. It wasn't love, but the amount of lust was a powerful one. They watched out for each other in that regard. Vern was considered very hot by Ivan and Leon.

A company that encouraged nooners was a very good place to work. And Work, work, work. Oh yeah. Lots of work.

James was looking at Vern's very muscular body from the door leading into the cafeteria. James thought 'Humm. If you can drain mass out. Then you can add mass in. '

The thought of Vern with another fifty or sixty pounds of muscle was a really hot idea. It was giving James a very thick chubby. James was hoping Vern noticed right away so they could take care of it like Terry and Gloria were. Ivan and Leon would have to wait for next time. Vern's smile when he saw James, got James erection a lot harder. Vern noticed and met him half way.

Vern said " Where can we go to take care of that problem you seem to have?"

James said " Terry's office is going to be empty for about an hour."

Vern frowned for a second and said " I won't ask how you know that. I'll just grab something for you to eat and meet you there in ten minutes."

James said " Cool. I'll get the rubbers and lube."

Vern chuckled and said " Great minds think alike. Ten minutes."

James said "Ten minutes."

They were both there in eight.

End part 2

I hope you liked it. The next part will have Ivan and Leon swapping sizes and strengths. It should be a bit steamy.

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