Double Dating

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Apr 22, 2000



Double Dating


"Attack of the Killer Tomatoes-Part 6" and "Rocky vs Godzilla" were only an excuse to make out at the drive-in. The sound droned on, but there was a lot of frantic whispering going on.

"Aw, come on, honey, don't worry about them...they're not looking. They're too busy themselves."

Denise sat in the back, her tits hanging out, curled up with Chad. She didn't mind petting and all--hell, they did that all the time.

"I-I can't Chad. You know I'm not ready to go all the way. And I can't do that other thing. Just let me pump it off for you."

"Come on, babe, just put your lips around it. You'll like it, and the stuff tastes good...I promise!"

"Oh yeah, how would you know? You do it to yourself? Or maybe you've been sucking off your football buddies, hunh?" she teased.

"Don't be stupid. I just know, that's all. Now, come on, you know you're gonna do it eventually...why not now?"

"Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. But I can't do it with them in the front. You want me to pump it or not?"

"Forget it. If I gotta settle for another handjob I'll do it later. You jerk me off like you're milking a cow! Just watch the movie."

Things weren't going any better in the front seat.

"Don't, Jason, don't!" She squirmed and made Jason's fingers slip from her moist twat. "Let's just kiss, ok? You can feel my titties."

Dropping the girls off, the two boys stopped off at Jason's for a couple more beers. Hell, it was Saturday night and not yet midnight.

"Fucking bitches!" Chad cried, slumping onto the couch with a beer in his hand. "Getcha all hot, then freeze up! EVERY FUCKIN' TIME!"

"Yeah, I know just what you mean," Jason agreed, sitting on the other end of the couch. "I thought college girls were supposed to put out. They still play games like they did in high school."

"You didn't do so bad last week. We could see her head bobbin' up and down in your lap most of the second movie!" he laughed.

"Yeah, but what a dog she was! Still, you didn't promise much when you introduced me to her. But she does give good head...and sucked that creamy load right down!"

"I remember," Chad nodded. "I kinda wish I didn't like Denise so much. Going steady really has its drawbacks... especially when she won't put out. I got fuckin' hot nuts all the time, man. Really gonna smack the weinie tonight! But I'm sure gettin' tired of doing it myself. She can't even do that right!"

"Yeah, my dick and my hand are gettin' much too familiar," Jason laughed. "Of course, they always have been rather good friends!"

They laughed and took a couple more swigs off their beers, downing them. Jason got up to get them another can, but Chad stood up.

"Naw, listen man, I gotta go while I can still drive. Besides," he thrust his crotch out, innocently showing off the hardon in his pants, "I gotta take care of this soon!" Then he half stumbled and leaned on the couch arm.

"I still got the tingles, too," Jason said. "But, maybe you better rest a bit and sober up. Maybe you'd better stay here tonight. Better than taking a chance at getting into an accident, right? It's just a pull-out bed, but there's plenty of room for both of us."

"Whew! Maybe you're right. I'm in no condition right now. But I'm going into the head. I gotta jack off. Man, my dick's feeling too good to let it go to waste by passing out, you know?"

"Yeah, I'm next!" Jason laughed, then got an idea. "Hey! What the hell, man. Why should we just go pull a fast jerk off into the toilet when we're feeling so hot and horny? I was planning on putting on a porno tape to jack-off to. W-why don't we just both do it? I'll open up the bed and we can get comfortable."

"Uh, I don't know, man," Chad chuckled, tipsy enough not to discount it out of hand. "Shit, I never jerked off with another guy watchin' me. Not since I was a kid, anyway. It'd be too weird."

"Hey, I know just what you mean, Chad. But I'm so fuckin' hot...and I've been looking forward to watching a tape for the last two hours. And even though you're staying, I don't want to miss out. Besides, we're big boys--why be bashful? We both do it--probably the same way."

"Yeah, but..." Chad shuffled his feet.

"Hell, we can pretend we're alone. We don't hafta talk, or even look at each other. Come on, man, I wanna get off--and so do you!"

"Fuck, why not?" Chad laughed. "Kinda silly standing here talking like schoolboys. Let's pound off! Uh, since I'm staying, how about grabbing us another brew--don't matter now!"

"Alright! Let me pull the bed out and you go pick out a tape over on the shelf."

Chad surveyed the collection and picked out "Cheerleaders Take It Up the Ass at Half-Time." Jason straightened out the sheets, then went for the beer. He also grabbed some chips and pretzels, then thought better of it and put them back. Maybe they'd feel like eating afterwards. When he arrived back in the living room Chad was already sprawled out under the covers, only his smooth, naked chest showing above the sheet.

"That was sure quick!" he laughed, handing Chad his beer. "A little bashful about taking your clothes off, maybe!"

"Yeah, a little I guess. I put the tape in. You got a remote?"

"Yeah, here." He tossed the control onto the bed between Chad's legs. "Leavin' me to do a solo strip act, hunh?"

"Aw, I ain't gonna look," Chad assured him, lightheartedly. He lifted the remote and started the tape, settling back onto a large pillow. Jason quickly shimmied out of his shoes and socks, hesitating just before yanking his Jockeys down. When he did, his prick sprung up and bounced against his belly hard as a rock before straightening out! He blushed, seeing Chad's eyes widen.

"Damn! Guess you are on the rail tonight! Don't take this wrong, buddy, but seems to me Pam was off her rocker for turn- ing you down! That's quite a...well, you know!"

Jason laughed. "Yeah, my dad said I musta pushed my way to the front of the line when God was givin' out the peckers!"

"Your old man saw you with a hard-on!"

"Yeah, caught me in the showers once jacking off! He just made his smart remark and let me alone. Made me feel good, though. After I got over the shock of gettin' caught!"

"Shit. Now I'm feeling even more shy about this. You make me feel like a dwarf!"

"Who you kiddin'? I seen ya soapin' up in the showers. Mine's long and skinny, but yours looked like it was pretty fat."

"Yeah? You been checkin' me out?" He looked accusingly at Jason.

"N-no!" Jason gulped. "Just noticed, that's all!"

Chad laughed. "Hey, just kiddin' buddy. Guys're always checking each other out. You oughta hear the guys on the football team when they're in the showers. Shit, the girls outta hear the guys on the football team! They'd think we were all homos! Always jokin' about the size of a guy's equipment or the shape of his buns. Warning the guys with little asses not to drop the soap! Course they're always teasin', but some guys even get hard-ons with all the sex talk!"

"Yeah, do you?" Jason asked, inquisitively, pulling back the sheet and slipping in after taking his shirt off.

"Hah! Only once," he admitted. "Hornsby just wouldn't let loose. He kept ribbin' me about how my prick would really bust a cherry cause it's...and you're is kinda thick."

"Hornsby, hunh? Figures," Jason muttered.

"Hunh? What about Hornsby?"

"Nuthin', tell you later." He suddenly whipped the sheet from them and tossed it to the foot of the bed. "Well, now ain't that the epitomy of modesty! Here we are, ready to do some serious meat pounding, and you're laying there with your shorts still on!"

Chad blushed, feeling foolish. "Gee, I've just never done anything like this with another guy, you know?" He looked at Jason for a bit of understanding.

"Chad, we're not doing this with each other...exactly. We're just doing it...I don't know...alone, but together." Then he laughed. "It is kinda like being schoolboys, ain't it? Much as we've seen each other naked, it's really different doing this, hunh? Fuck it! We got some monkeys to slap around. Get those shorts off. Let's watch the movie."

Chad raised his knees and slipped his shorts off. Sure enough, he had a mighty thick dong that wasn't exactly in the short department, either. It just didn't match up to Jason's nine inches of length. He quickly put his hand over it, trying to shield it.

"Unh uh," Jason said, "show it off. You got a good gander at mine, now let's see yours. Yep, that's a thick fucker alright. OK. Now that that's settled, let's watch the movie. No more talking, and no more looking. Let's pretend we're all alone, jacking off like we always do."

The two horny boys stayed silent for a long time, watching the movie quickly getting into some action, as they languidly stroked their hard pricks. Actual shots of a football game, with bleachers full of spectators were intermixed with a studio set of sexy cheerleaders with very skimpy skirts where the head cheerleader was priming her girls for the half-time show.

"OK, girls. Let's see those moves. Cynthia. You know you weren't supposed to wear any underpants for half-time," she lifted the girl's skirt, "now pull them off!" All the other girls were bent over showing their naked asses and twitching them around. Cynthia slowly, in closeup, slipped her panties off, showing the viewer how succulently moist her pussy was. The one male cheerleader went down the line inspecting each bent-over bottom. He slipped his finger into each wiggling cunt and told them all they would be a sensation out there! Then the head cheerleader said, "Oh, no Bruce. You're a cheerleader too. You'll be out there with us!" A close-up of Bruce's surprised face.

"Woah!" Jason gasped. "Funny you picked this one out. A friend loaned it to me. I haven't even seen it yet. Don't tell me Brucie's gonna get it too!"

"Aw, they pull that all the time. Brucie'll have the biggest cock and end up fucking every one of them!" Chad assured Jason, as if he were a connossieur of porno tapes.

"OK, girls...and Bruce...let's go put on a show!" Another real shot of screaming football fans, then a studio shot of the cheerleaders rushing into a fake outdoor clearing and going into a bump and grind routine, lifting their skirts and showing off their naked goodies. Suddenly, an equal number of football players join them, wearing only their shoulder pads and jock straps! They stand in a line behind the girls, playing with their pouches. The cheerleaders bend over and lift their skirts, wiggling their naked behinds. Then, one at a time, each girl turns around and kneels before her athlete and begins to massage his pouch and run her tongue over it until she eventually pulls out his hard, stiff prick! The camera pans over the long line of girls, each with a prick in her hand as they simultaneously begin to give the footballs players blowjobs!

Chad and Jason are lost in their silence again, working themselves up even stiffer, as the sight of all those luscious blowjobs begin to make their own throats dry. At the same time, they each grab their can of beer and take a swig. They're not even aware they'd done engrossed in the film are they.

Lots of cocksucking and ball-lapping are shown, then each girl in turn bares her ass and gets a prick shoved in her!

"Jeez!" Jason broke the silence between them, but not looking at Chad. "They really are gonna take it up the ass!"

Chad didn't say anything. He just kept watching the sex movie. He'd worked up a slow, sensuous rhythm on his prick and he even slightly resented Jason's talking because it had made him lose his sense of isolation. But his prick was much too excited by then, and he forced himself to immediately go back to the languid masturbation he'd been enjoying. "Fuck it," he thought to himself. "This is too good. I don't give a shit if he is watching me do it!" He even grasped his pecker hard at the base and noisily slapped it around some.

Jason couldn't help but look. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched his buddy work on his bone, entranced at the sensuous movements of Chad's hand. He even tried to emulate it, to cool off. He'd been doing a quick-flick jerk that was getting him much too close, too soon.

Chad noticed the change of motion out of the corner of his eye. He'd caught sight of Jason's movements earlier, just for a second, and wondered how the guy could hope to make it last the way he was beating the hell out of his long prick! Each looking down at angles at each other's cocks, their eyes met for a second.

"T-this bed's not as wide as you said," Chad remarked.

"Yeah, seemed wider when I first thought about it," Jason agreed.

"You were peekin'!" Chad accused.

"So were you!" Jason returned. They both laughed uproariously, half from their tipsiness, and half from their sexual excitement.

"Fuck it, man!" Jason giggled. "Never had a guy jerkin' off in bed with me before! Sure I'm gonna watch!"

"Yeah, why not. Kinda silly pretending we're not looking at each other, isn't it?" Jason grunted in agreement.

After a while of unashamedly watching each other, quick lip-biting glances at each other's horny, expressive faces, Jason make a previously-unacceptable suggestion.



"W-would it, uh, be alright...if I...felt it? Just cause I...I wonder what a thick cock would feel know...if I had one? Mine's kinda skinny. I'm just wondering what it'd be like. Can I?"

"Uh..." Chad gasped. "S-sure, if you wanna."

"You're not gonna think I'm going queer on you, are you?"

Of course that was Chad's immediate reaction. But as soon as Jason as much as said he wasn't, Chad felt a great sense of relief. This whole thing had been putting him on edge. Right from the moment that Jason had suggested they do this. But Jason's words somehow put him at ease about the whole thing, and even made him feel a bit adventurous.

"Course not! I never thought that! I mean, hell, I'd like to try yours out, too. See what havin' a long stroke's like! Must be real different." He reached over, crossing Jason's outstretched hand, and banging against it. They both laughed nervously at their own obvious feelings of guilt. But they did it. They each grabbed for the other guy's hot, stiff pecker, and felt it up. There were a few moments of tenseness, but then they kinda silently agreed to keep it up as they rested back on the pillows, jacking each other slowly and tenderly.

They did this for a long time. Occasionally one of them would flinch from the pleasure, and let out a quiet moan. But mostly, they were enjoying having their pricks handled while they watched hot cocks working in and out of the cheerleaders' undulating assholes! "Never fucked a chick up the ass," Chad said. "Have you?"

"No," Jason admitted. "But I'll bet it's tight!" He scooted closer to Chad, making it more comfortable for the two of them to play with each other.

Slowly, ever so slowly, their inhibitions gradually grew into a sense of mutual comfort. Watching fuck movies and jacking a buddy off--nothing wrong in that...nothing wrong at all!

"Hey, Jason?" Chad looked at his friend, tentatively.

"Y-yeah?" Jason answered, flashing hot at the underlying sexual tone in the voice. They were playing with each other, and Chad was about to ask him a question. Maybe a BIG question. Chad was still holding his cock, so Jason felt it wouldn't be a negative thing, but what if it was a positive thing? In that split second, he tried to imagine the endless possibilities of what a positive suggestion might entail. Would he be willing to go along with it? He'd always admired his butch, athletic friend, and gone along with anything he'd ever suggested. But this...Jason was suddenly frightened of, and more aware of, his more subservient role of follower to Chad's more dominating personality. But the way his prick was beginning to leak, he was sure that he'd agree.

"Y-you don't think what we're doing is w-wrong, do you?"

"Uh, what you mean, Chad?" he knew exactly what he meant, but was unprepared for his non-explosive question.

Chad burst out of his soft, quiet, manner. "Shit! Dummy! We're laying here playing with each other! What do you think I mean?" Then he chuckled, and fell back onto the pillow, instantly reverting back into his soft voice and squeezing Jason's cock. "Do you think it's bad?"

Jason was surprised to detect a tone of unsureness in his buddy's cracking voice. And he delighted in sensing Chad's vulnerability! It was enough to make him confidently squirm up even closer, and take a firm grip on Chad's cock and stroke it.

"What the hell's bad, buddy? You're making me feel great! And I sure as hell hope I'm making you feel good. Nothing's wrong," he assured him, "were just two buddies... helping each other out. I don't mind it at all. If it makes you feel any better, I...I like your hand on my pecker. Hell, I like my hand on your pecker! I mean, sure it's queer! But we're not!"

"That's what I was thinking," Chad gushed. "The way you make my dick feel, I could go for doing this all the time! Well, I mean, when we can't get chicks, of course!"

They both grunted agreement at that, and rested back stroking each other with more obvious enthusiasm and delight. Then they caught what was happening on the screen.

"Holy shit!" Chad cried. "Look at that, willya?"

"Yeah! Brucie's suckin' cock!"

Chad reached for the remote and backed the film up to where the sequence began.

"Always wanted to fuck a cheerleader up the asshole!" the linebacker smiled into Bruce's terrorized face.

"G-gee..." Bruce gulped. "Wouldn't you rather have one of the girls?" The bruiser looked down the line. "Naw, you got the tightest little fanny of 'em all! Slip those pants down. Let's get a looksee at those sweet buns!"

The action shifted to underneath shots of the girls getting their asses plowed while they fingered their pussies. Chad put it on double speed until the shot of Bruce kneeling and sucking. The football player was running his big finger over the kid's puckered anus. Bruce squirmed as the finger was shoved inside!

"Aw, come on. I'll suck you instead! How's this?" He yanked the jockstrap down and out fell a large, floppy cock. He started to jerk it up stiff while he got his face underneath and nuzzled the big hanging balls! He gave him a quick nut- wash, then put his mouth over the cock and began to suck on it!

"You'll suck me anyway!" He pulled his finger out and Bruce turned around on his knees, grateful. An overhead shot showed the line of cheerleaders getting fucked, then zoomed in on the cocksucker at the end. The guy fucking the cheerleader next to them looked over and asked the guy how it felt.

"He's a hot little cocksucker," he replied, rustling the boy's hair.

"Hmm, maybe I'll try him next!" the guy chuckled.

"Damn! Never seen a guy suck cock," Jason gasped. "Man, look at him go! That's a big prick he's taking all the way down his throat!"

"Yeah," Chad agreed, "never knew a chick who could do that--even to my little thing!"

"Little?" Jason laughed. "Sure doesn't feel little in my hand. It's so fuckin' fat!"

Chad smiled at him. "No match for this long thing I'm holding!"

"Kind of a nice change, hunh? You know, from beatin' your own? No big deal...right? Makes we wonder why guys don't do it to each other all the time without all the bullshit."

"M-maybe cause it makes them want to do THAT!" Chad giggled and pointed at the screen where Bruce was deep-throating the big cock. He'd finished his last beer, and was feeling no pain. He was starting to get giddy from the excitement. Jason was in a similar condition.

"S-speak for yourself, guy!"

"Ha! I-I think I am!" he turned away and chuckled.

"Don't tease, Chad," Jason warned, "I'm just liable to pull your head down and let you do it!"

"Sorry, buddy, no freebies!"

"Yeah? What's that mean?"

"Tit for tat, asshole!" Chad grinned.

"You wanna play with my tits, too?!"

"Wish you had some--I'd lick 'em!"

"Well," Jason squeezed his left tit into a tiny ball, "here, suck my titty! What you can't get in your mouth is wasted, remember!"

Chad laughed and playfully bent over and licked Jason's nipple.

"Hell, guy. If that's the best you can do, no wonder Denise isn't putting out!"

Chad giggled and put his mouth over Jason's tit and sucked on it a little. "What? No milk?" he chided.

"Aw, sorry, but I know where you can suck for lots of cream, Brucie! Ooops, I mean Chad!"

That reminded them. They stopped kidding to look at the screen. They saw a closeup shot of Bruce's face. His mouth hung open and he had an amazed, dreamy look on his face. Behind him, the football player was driving his big cock in and out of Bruce's asshole as he held the cheerleader's naked hips!

"OH! YEAH! THIS IS GOOD! FUCK ME HARDER...HARDER!" The sounds of the crowd screaming in excitement can be heard in the background. The bent-over girls are smiling and waving their pompoms, still bouncing their bottoms back and forth.

"Damn! He takes it up the can as well as he takes it down the throat!" Chad cried with a touch of admiration.

"Sure, dummy, he's a pro!"

"Yeah, but look at his face. He ain't fakin' it, man, he fuckin' LOVES that cock up his tail!"

"Does that really surprise you? Not me. Don't you ever finger-fuck yourself while you jack off?"

"Well, yeah," Chad admitted, "but a couple of fingers don't match that huge, long joint!"

"A couple!" Jason laughed. "You do go for it. I've only managed to get one finger in there!"

"Guess we mess around pretty much the same, hunh?" Chad remarked.

"Sure seems like it," Jason agreed. " ever stick things up your candles or big round things?"

"Once in a while. I got this dildo a chick left at my place a while back, and sometimes I..."

He stopped because Jason couldn't hold his grin anymore and had burst out laughing! Chad looked at him, unbelieving, realizing he'd just been taken. He let go of Jason's prick and smacked the guy's hand away from his dong.

"Prick! That was a shitty thing to do!"

"N-no...I...I'm sorry," he couldn't stop laughing, "it's not...I'm not makin' fun of you. Ha! Ha! Ha! I just..."

"It's not that funny, you asshole!" Chad was getting angry.

"HEH! YES IT IS! Don't...don't get angry, man. I'm not teasing you about it--I promise, Chad. I'm not laughing cause you do it, honest I'm not. I'll bet it feels good. I just can't stop laughing because I'm picturing you jacking off with a big electric dildo up your asshole... ha! ha! and the damn thing short-circuits and you're bouncin' all over the bed spurtin' cream all over yourself! And you can't stop coming because you can't let go...and steam's coming out of your ears! HA! HA! HA! Crazy, man!" Jason continued his hysterics.

Chad pictured it actually happening to him, and he burst into wild laughter along with his friend. Seeing Chad getting the joke, Jason began to laugh all the harder. They rolled closer, occasionally slapping each other, until they were laying back on the pillows looking at each other, smiling. Jason kept his smile, but suddenly spoke seriously to his friend.

"Hell, man. I wouldn't make fun of you about something like that." Then he got an evil grin on his face. "Anyway, not before you jacked me off!" he laughed again.

"Turd!" Chad smiled. "I still think it was rotten making me admit that." He playfully punched Jason in the stomach.

"Hey," he grabbed Chad's hand and wrapped it around his cock again, "if I wasn't so tight down there, I'd be diddlin' myself too! I know my one finger feels good when I squeeze my button. Maybe we oughta expand our horizons, as long as we're doing this anyway. Whadda you think?"

Chad reached over and grabbed Jason's hand and slapped it back on his own prick. "If you're leading up to a mutual finger-fuck, man, forget it! This is great, but I ain't stickin' my finger up a guy's asshole--even yours!"

"I wasn't thinking about that," Jason said. Then he caught the view on the screen again. "Jeez! Look at that!" Bruce was now sitting on the football player's cock, bouncing his ass rapidly up and down...taking every long, fat inch! He was also sucking on another player. The sounds of excitement from the crowd were at a high pitch.

They settled back, much as they were before, stroking each other's meat back into fierce erections. First one, then the other, began to let his hand slip down around the healthy balls and fiddle, including them in their manipulations. All part of the package, they both thought to themselves. They watched Bruce's slutty ass work the stud over, and their dicks flinched when the guy pulled out and shot all over his ass! The other guy shot sperm into his face, and over his outstretched tongue! Bruce put his mouth back on the cock to catch the rest, while he jacked streams of jizz out of his own cockhead!

"This thing must be almost over," Jason said. "You wanna back it up a ways so we can come when they do?"

"You don't want to go back to where the girls are taking it up the ass?" Chad suggested, merely as a question.

"Naw, fuck the girls. This is BOYS night!" He laughed. "Besides, I think we missed all those other shots. Bruce must have been the hit of the half-time show!"

"Uh, Jason?" Chad hesitated, but felt he had to know. "What'd you mean, you weren't thinking about that?"

"Oh, nothing. Let's just do it."

"Come on, tell me."

"Naw, I don't wanna be mistaken and hurt your feelings."

"Mistaken...about what? Come on, give!" Chad demanded, squeezing his hand tightly around Jason's leaking prick.

"Forget it, willya. I'm probably wrong."

"Look," Chad insisted, "we've done too much tonight for any bullshit. If you're're wrong. But you gotta go ahead and spit it out. I won't get mad if you're thinking something weird, honest."

Jason pitched his head a bit toward Chad and looked at him out of the corner of his eye and nodded.

"You wanna suck my cock?" he asked. "You wanna try see what it's like? I think you want to, and it's okay." Jason was blunt.

Chad blushed and gulped. "I...I..."

"Hey!" Jason turned, a happy smile on his face. "You didn't get mad! You didn't say much, and you're beet red, but you didn't get mad. I thought you were hintin' at it...a while ago ...but I couldn't be sure. Were you?" Jason asked, looking at Chad expectantly.

"You think I...why did you think..."

"I don't remember exactly, now," Jason shrugged, "I just got that feeling. Something you said, I don't know. I just got the feeling that maybe you'd want to try it!" Jason studied Chad's confused, embarrassed expression. Then he chuckled. "Yeah, I was right, wasn't I? You haven't even denied it yet!" Then, before Chad could express any indignation at what Jason knew to be true, he held up his hand to shush him. "Relax, man, I'm not trying to rag your nuts. Maybe Brucie gave us the fever. I'll suck your dick if you'll suck mine! I already know you want to try it...but will you do it? I'll do it with you, man! I'll put my mouth over your prick and suck on it. Will you suck mine?"

"God, Jason! COCKSUCKING?!"

"You want to, don't you?" Jason was insistent.

"Well...yeah, I-I do. But...I'm just so horny!"

"Ain't that the idea, buddy? Hell, I'm creamin' all over your hand! Sure we're horny. Why the hell else would we be thinking about sucking cock!" Jason moved his body up and layed down alongside Chad. He grabbed his prick and wagged it in Chad's face. At the same time, he took hold of Chad's throbbing cock, noticing that similar juices were forming on his knob. Chad didn't fight the change in body movements, and he didn't seem intimidated at the sight of Jason's large prick bobbing in front of his face. He just remained silent, and apprehensive, and looked down at his smiling friend manipulating his prick.

"Well, if you wanna be chicken, go ahead," Jason remarked. "It was your idea...I wasn't even thinking about it. But finding out that you were thinking about it, made me wanna do it! So...jack me off or something...but I'm gonna blow you... CHICKEN!" Jason abandoned Chad to his hesitations. He turned his head and plunged his mouth over his friend's fat cockhead and tasted it. It was a bit stale from the daily grind, but mostly from his own handjobbing. He wished he'd washed his hands before they'd begun this, but the excitement of having that smooth, exciting flesh in his mouth--so fat and bloated!-- made him soon forget that. Besides, the way he began moving his mouth up and down Chad's prick, he soon had all that licked off anyway!

Chad was eagerly manipulating his prick, sending coursing thrills up from his balls, and Jason decided that if that's all Chad wanted to was alright. He--Jason--was going to get every bit of excitement out of this that he could. He was amazed at how much he was enjoying it. He'd blow his buddy. Blow his fuckin' brains out! He knew he could trust Chad to keep his mouth shut no matter how much he slobbered over his prick. So he slobbered to his heart's content! But he also knew that Chad was watching him. And he intended to make his pleasure apparent, so that his buddy would loosen up and do the same. He wiggled his butt--thrusting his prick into Chad's masturbating hand, making his excitement plain. He pulled off and started to nibble at Chad's balls! He slopped all over them, eagerly tasting his buddy's hot nuts!

Chad thought about the implications of sucking a cock--even his straight buddy's. But he couldn't deny--even when faced with the accusation--that he had indeed been thinking about doing it. Jason's bluntness had caught him off-guard and made him speechless. But he was speechless from excitement! He wasn't hesitating nearly as much as Jason thought he was. Chad had a firm grip on his friend's long cock and he loved the way he was squirming. But mostly, he loved watching him going down on him! Oh, he desperately wanted to put his mouth over Jason's prickhead. He just couldn't take his eyes off his buddy giving him a blowjob! He knew that once he started sucking Jason, he would no longer be able to watch himself being sucked off. It was mesmerizing! And all the more exciting because Jason obviously didn't care any more whether Chad sucked him or not. He was down there happily chewing down and even licking his balls!


Jason pulled up, his lips and chin wet. "I never would have believed it either, buddy. I'm really diggin' on your hot cock! Come on, man, suck me. If you get off on it as much as I am, you'll get plenty of opportunities to watch me blowing you! I'LL FUCKIN' BLOW YOU ALL THE TIME, MAN! BIG FUCKIN' FAT COCK! SUCK ME, BABY, THIS SHIT IS FANTASTIC!"

Chad grabbed Jason around the ass and gripped his prick-- aiming it at his mouth. Then he plunged down on it. He wanted to feel as much of the long prick full in his mouth before he settled down to using his mouth all over it. Oooh, he teased himself. That long cock felt wonderful between his lips. Still, he pulled off of it and began to run his tongue up and down the shaft. Jason's cock was so full and stiff the veins were bulging. Chad loved the feel of running his tongue over those nasty veins, feeling the blood pulsing within. The lights were up brightly, and he gazed at the crimson skin as he licked it. How strange...the cock looking ugly as it pulsed. He squeezed it hard, making the veins bloat even more, delighting in the excitement of making Jason's prick look as ugly and formidable as possible. And therefore...even more beautiful! He wondered at the power of a man's cock! Then he proceeded to do what men had done through the ages...he moaned in pleasure and attempted to suck the power of that cock into himself!

As much as he'd played and experimented with his own cock, Chad should have known that Jason was enjoying an even more profound experience at viewing his heavily-veined, pulsing prick! Chad's cock was so thick that even soft the veins stood out, menacingly. Now, trying to engulf as much of it as he could, Jason tried feebly to run his tongue along those veins as he stuffed his mouth full! Mostly, he got the fat knob lodged securely between his lips and sucked like mad while he squeezed the shaft and fondled the balls.

The tape had finished, rewound, and started again. It was the beginning of half-time and the crowd was cheering wildly. Both boys suddenly imagined themselves as part of the enter- tainment. They were naked, out on the field, being cheered on as they lewdly 69'd--blowing each other off--in front of 40,000 spectators! They swung both arms around each other's asses and pulled those pricks into their mouths. Gushes of hot, delicious sperm flooded their eager, virgin mouths. They knew it was coming...but still it was a surprise. They totally amazed themselves at how easily they were able to continue sucking and still swallow down the heavy load of tangy cream. No two faggots ever got together and gave each other better suckjobs than these two straight buddies!

"Um, I liked it, man." Jason cooly stated, laying back, smoking a cigarette. He didn't look at Chad.

''Hnnchgh," Chad cleared his throat, taking a drag from his own cigarette, then taking a long sip of his fresh beer. He also didn't look at Jason.

Their bodies were more separated now, but they still layed side-by-side on the small bed, avoiding each other's gaze. "Yeah, that was a pretty fierce orgasm," Chad agreed, "one of the best. Much too good to pass up. Guess we'd better do this again, hunh?"

Jason turned, grabbing his beer off the end table to his right.

"Sure looks that way." He settled back down. They both stared at the screen. Chad had turned down the sound on the remote shortly after they'd straightened up. The girls were still tossing around their pompoms as they took cock up the ass. The boys dragged on their cigarettes and watched passively. Jason took a deep drag and spoke as he let it out in a long-drawn out stream. "You got nice balls."

"Thanks," Chad nonchalantly acknowledged the compliment. "Your cum tastes pretty good."

"Yours too," Jason said, "you sure come a lot."

"Yeah...always did. So, whadda you think?"

It was Jason's turn to clear his throat. "Hnndkgh. Well wanna try butt-fuckin' next time?"

"Hmmm. Who goes first?" Chad asked, matter-of-factly.

"Hell, I don't know. Wanna flip a coin?"

"Why not? We'll flip over anyway."

"Yeah. Couple of beers and we'll be ready to go again to give the other guy a chance," Jason admitted, absentmindedly watching Bruce being confronted by the linebacker.

"Probably won't even need the beer," Chad stated.

"Hmmm. Probably not," Jason said, flatly. "We're pretty far gone."

"Gee, you think so?" Chad asked, unemotionally.

"Yeah. See that pussy on the screen? That do anything for you?"

", not much."

"Me either. You wanna be my boyfriend?" Jason said, languidly.

"Hmmm. We'd hafta kiss for that, wouldn't we?"

"Well, yeah, I guess we would."


They turned to each other and burst out laughing. They hugged tightly, delighting in the way they'd played their blase game completely in tune with each other! They ran their hands over each other's naked body, holding close, feeling a warmth of emotion between them that bordered on--and might possibly be--love...and they'd never even kissed. But it was soon coming, and they both had no doubt that it would be good. They hungered for it, and willing teased themselves. They were fired up enough to fuck all night, but they silently agreed to put it off. Just like they'd been putting off this kiss for what seemed an eternity to each of them. And they now knew exactly what they were doing. All the walls were down, all systems go, and they knew just how to tease each other into the next millenium. Slow and easy, their relationship would last forever!

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