Down Time

By moc.loa@6742BMK

Published on Apr 29, 2001



Down Time By KMB

Well I wasn't intending on writing this story, but this idea was suggested to me and I just couldn't resist. If I get good feedback on this story, it could be the first of many one-shot deals that I write.

So if you enjoy this story, please let me know by emailing me at If writers don't get feedback then they assume that no one is reading their stories and it's a pretty discouraging feeling.

Now for the warnings....blah blah blah...No one under 18 can read this story. No one under 18 can even be a member of this egroup. This story is entirely fictional. We can pretend that it's real, but that's all it is...pretend. I have no knowledge that either Eliza Dushku or Kirsten Dunst have even the slightest sapphic urges

Onto the story...

In the grand scheme of things there were really two kinds of Americans. There were East Coasters and West Coasters. Eliza Dushku was an East Coaster. She may have been a rising star in Hollywood, but it didn't mean s he had to change as a person. She wasn't about to become another one of those ass kissing phonies telling everyone she met how great they were even if she truly couldn't stand them.

Hollywood may have been where she was going to find fame and money, but Eliza's heart still belonged on the East Coast. When you examined her makeup, she was still just a bad ass chick from Boston who preferred speaking her mind than engaging in the mindless blather she found too often in Hollywood. For the most part Eliza found the people on the West Coast to be as fake as some of the face lifts and boob jobs she saw on a daily basis.

Of course there were exceptions and one of those exceptions was standing right before Eliza with a bright smile on her face.

"Are you ready to go?" Kirsten Dunst asked her friend and co-star.

"Just give me a minute," Eliza replied as she grabbed a few things and stuck them in her beach bag.

"Great, I want to get out in that sun as soon as possible," Kirsten declared. Though her attempts were often futile, Kirsten was always searching for a great natural tan on her usually pale skin.

Kirsten was usually the type of person that Eliza didn't want much to do with. She was blonde. She was perky. She was Hollywood. Yet Eliza couldn't help but instantly like her the moment they met. While they were filming "Bring It On" they had bonded quickly and Eliza was happy to see the friendship didn't end the moment the director declared, "It's a wrap."

It was a friendship that Eliza hadn't been expecting, so she often wondered why she connected so well with her. Perhaps it was the fact that for all her Hollywood aura, Kirsten was just a transplanted Jersey chick. But Eliza knew it went deeper than that. She knew the reason she liked Kirsten so much.

"You're going to love this place," Eliza promised. "I found it the other day. It's nice and secluded. We can get in all the uninterrupted sun worshiping that we can handle. To hell with skin cancer warnings."

"Yeah," Kirsten cheerfully agreed. "I'll regret it later, but sometimes you gotta live for the moment and set your skin to bake level."

Even Eliza had to admit that working in Hollywood resulted in some sizable perks and one of them was the fact that while the rest of the world was stuck in a daily grind of going to work and commuting back home, she and Kirsten were on a beautiful beach in Bermuda.

The box office returns for "Bring It On" had been much bigger than even the most optimistic studio executives could have predicted. So, in a rare example of corporate generosity, the studio had decided to reward their two stars with an all expenses paid vacation to Bermuda. They had even gone out and rented a beach house for Eliza and Kirsten right by the ocean.

For the first day or so of the trip Eliza and Kirsten didn't do much but sleep in in their soft beds, do some serious girl talk and thank God they didn't have to worry about a 7 a.m. call on set. They were living the good life and Eliza intended to take full advantage of it. She supposed it made her a bit of a hypocrite to condemn the West Coast attitude on one hand and accept this perk, but as she watched the sun set every night over the ocean she figured she could learn to live with herself.

However, at that moment Eliza's attention wasn't focused on any sunset. It was focused on her blonde co-star as they walked down from the house toward the beach. The first day they had arrived, Eliza had discovered a nice little section of the beach that was away from the crowds. She had only been too eager to invite Kirsten to share it with her and they were headed there now.

Eliza tried to pump herself full of self control, but she didn't know if it was going to be enough. She just hoped Kirsten wasn't picking up on the real reason she liked spendingn time with her so much.

Almost as soon as she had hit puberty, Eliza had realized she was into girls. She discovered this about herself when she found herself unable to stop focusing on the developing bodies of her female classmates. For a time Eliza had thought she was a full on lesbian, but by this time in her life she was quite comfortable with her bisexuality.

Eliza knew that when all was said and done there was no substitute for a real flesh and blood cock between her legs, but she did love women. She loved everything about them. Their faces. Their hair. Their breasts. Their asses. There wasn't a single part of a woman's body that Eliza wasn't in to and right now she was heavy into Kirsten.

Kirsten wasn't usually the type of girl Eliza went for, but the blonde girl was bringing about a deep infatuation in her co-star. Eliza knew nothing could come of her crush, but she didn't prevent that from having Kirsten play the starring role in her very active girl on girl fantasies. Eliza had to stop herself from blushing when she remembered how she had dreamt last night about making love to Kirsten. The pictures in her mind were so vivid that Eliza hadn't been able to stop herself from pushing her hand inside the boxers she slept in and fingering her pussy until she came with images of a naked and wet Kirsten playing around in her mind.

Eliza didn't like to mix business with pleasure and she didn't want to take a risk by making a bold move on Kirsten. It just wasn't smart to have romances with co-stars, especially when they were the forbidden, sapphic kind.

If her advances were rejected or if the relationship went bad it could create adverse working conditions. That was why Eliza never moved on any of her co-stars and why it had been so hard to work alongside Sarah Michelle Gellar all those days on the Buffy The Vampire set. Eliza was almost relieved when they wrote her out of the show. It was sheer torture to be that close to Sarah and not give herself a chance to get her into bed.

It was even harder to be with Kirsten now. Eliza never had any indication that Sarah might have had any type of craving for pussy, but she could really feel the chemistry between her and Kirsten. It was so apparent to Eliza that she had suggested to the director that her character in "Bring It On" not have a boyfriend and that there be a scene with her and Kirsten platonically sleeping in the same bed. This way they could add a little edge to the material and get the tongues wagging of those who spent their time searching for lesbian subtexts in their films and television shows.

They were long done with filming the movie, but still Eliza restrained herself around Kirsten. For once she didn't want to sabotage a friendship by adding sex to the mix. She had taken friendships with men and women to that level before, but she just didn't think Kirsten would go for it and Eliza didn't want to lose the opportunity to at least stare at her and fantasize about her. However, sharing a beach house with Kirsten was making her want her even more and often Eliza wondered if she'd have enough control to stop herself if Kirsten even gave her half an indication she was into girls.

"Wow, this is great!" Kirsten announced as she and Eliza stepped over some rocks to find the small portion of beach that Eliza had unofficially claimed as her own. "I hope you planted a flag or something here so that everyone else knows its hands off to them."

"Oh I plan to have an armed guard patrol the area every day and shoot all trespassers," Eliza joked as Kirsten's comments snapped her off of her thought train. Obviously there was no way she could keep anyone else from using this little cut off section of the beach, but for now she was going to enjoy it.

Eliza quickly found her attention drawn to something else she wanted to enjoy as Kirsten kicked off her sandals, pushed off her shorts and peeled off her tight t-shirt, revealing her bikini clad body. The entranced brunette almost had to slap herself to stop staring and undress before she began to drool.

Already feeling the warm sun on her skin Eliza pulled off the long t-shirt she had worn over her bikini. It wasn't her most daring ensemble. She had some nice thongs she wore when she wanted to be blatantly seductive, but she went for a slightly more subtle number today. Still Eliza had to admit her black bikini did show off her body well. The top pushed her breasts up just enough to get any guy hankering for more and the bottom was cut nicely to show off the curves of her ass.

"Wow...looking hot today Ms. Dushku," Kirsten teased. "Looks like someone's out to snag herself a man."

"Oh yeah, you're not exactly wearing a burlap sack are you, Ms. Dunst," Eliza teased right back, grateful that Kirsten was oblivious to her true intentions. "I'm not the only one out there today who's dressed to thrill."

Kirsten blushed at the compliment but she definitely appreciated it. Eliza's body was a little bit better than hers, but she certainly had a figure that was worth showing off as often as possible. Her suit was far from daring, a pink number with a white frill around the top and bottom. In fact it was a little too innocent for Kirsten's taste, but she did like the way it fit nice and snug to her body. It was sweet, but it also made for a nice teasing come on. Kirsten liked the contrast and she liked how sexy the bikini made her feel.

Eliza also was a big fan of that particular contrast and she once again found her will power weakening. If she was a woman of less self control, Eliza knew that she'd have been all over Kirsten the second she'd pulled her shorts down. However Eliza kept repeating to herself what a bad idea it would be to make a move on Kirsten. It seemed to be working as Eliza felt her pulse slowing down to a normal level and her arousal meter begin to dial down. However Kirsten then said the magic words that were guaranteed to send Eliza right back into the danger zone.

"Hey Eliza, would you mind putting some lotion on my back?" Kirsten innocently asked, not aware what an effect the request would have on her friend. "I don't want to be suffering from third degree burns for the rest of our time here."

Eliza wasn't quite sure how to react. It had been a totally non-sexual request, but to her libido it had the same effect as it would have if Kirsten had turned to her and said, "Eliza, would you please eat my pussy?"

"Sure problem," Eliza slowly replied knowing that Kirsten would surely notice the way her hands trembled or the way her bikini bottom was slowly growing damp from the desire in her pussy. But if Kirsten did notice how aroused Eliza was becoming, she didn't call her on it.

Her defenses weakening, Eliza once again found herself repeating her mantra about why this was such a bad idea. She never got involved with co-stars. It could hurt her friendship with Kirsten. It could get her a bad reputation. However, none of that seemed to matter when Eliza touched Kirsten's strong, sexy back with her hands. She loved touching her soft skin. She was close enough to smell the lingering scent of the shampoo Kirsten had used that morning in the shower and it was intoxicating.

As Kirsten stared off into the ocean, oblivious to the lust crazed girl behind her, Eliza was close to snapping. She wanted Kirsten. She wanted her more than she had wanted any male or female before. She was a beautiful piece of West Coast forbidden fruit and Eliza wanted a long lingering taste.

Everything about Kirsten was turning her on at that moment. Her skin was so soft and each touch on her back was making Eliza's pussy even wetter. Wind was kicking up a little and it was blowing strands of Kirsten's blonde hair around her neck and face and Eliza could feel she was about to lose it.

Suddenly Eliza hit what must have been a sensitive spot on Kirsten's back because the blonde let out a soft moan. It was nothing, almost a mew, but it pushed Eliza past the point of self control. She allowed her face to move in closer to Kirsten's neck. The smell of her hair was driving her crazy and she couldn't have stopped herself even if she wanted to. Throwing caution to the wind, Eliza leaned in and softly pressed her lips to the back of Kirsten's neck.

Naturally the feel of those wet lips against her skin was a bit of a surprise to Kirsten. She quickly turned around to see what was going on.

"Eliza, what are you-"

That was all Kirsten got out before she felt Eliza's ruby red lips pressing against hers. Kirsten's eyes shot wide open at the first sensation of the kiss, but she didn't push her friend away. Their lips pressed against each other's in a close mouthed kiss that seemed to last forever before Eliza finally began to consider what it was she was doing.

Part of her brain told her to stop the kiss immediately and apologize to Kirsten. She should just stop and let Kirsten slap her or yell at her or do whatever she wanted to do. She couldn't just grab Kirsten and do this to her, she found herself thinking. It wasn't right to take advantage of her like this.

Unfortunately, and much to Eliza's delight, she found her body completely ignoring that part of her brain and continuing her attack on Kirsten. Almost as if she was catching her breath, Eliza paused for a second before continuing anew. There was nothing gentle about the kiss this time. Eliza's tongue forced its way into Kirsten's mouth and whether because of shock or arousal, it was accepted.

Eliza's wicked lust for Kirsten was in control of her brain now and the sexual tension that had been building up for the past few days was fueling her on. Eliza wanted Kirsten and she wasn't about to be refused. Of course how could Kirsten refuse when her lips were sealed in a passionate kiss with her co-star?

The sounds of the waves crashing into the beach could easily be missed amidst the frenzied moans of the two girls as they kissed with what seemed to be growing strength with each passing second. It would have made more sense to get out of the outside if they were going to do this, but Eliza was very much in the sense be damned mood. Instead she moved her hands downward, squeezing Kirsten's breasts through her bikini top and feeling the nipples swell under her touch.

Feeling the effect her touch had on Kirsten's nipples only convinced Eliza that she was doing the right thing by giving into her lust. Her left hand continued to maul Kirsten's chest as her right hand moved downward until she was at the edge of Kirsten's bottom.

It's now or never, Eliza told herself and she knew that never was for losers. Not pausing a second to reconsider, Eliza pushed her hand into Kirsten's bottom and felt her warm pussy with her bare palm. This action caused Kirsten's body to stiffen and her tongue almost reflexively to shoot into Eliza's mouth. It was a bit of a violent reaction, but Eliza was hardly adverse to some rough stuff. She didn't want to stop. She didn't want to pause. She knew any interruption would give Kirsten a chance to back away, and she couldn't let that happen now.

"Mmmm you like that, don't you baby?" Eliza moaned, not expecting nor receiving a verbal response from Kirsten. "You feel my hand inside there? I'm going to finger fuck you Kirsten. Mmmmm oh God I've been dreaming about your sweet pussy for so long and now it's mine!"

If Kirsten had any objection to this dramatic turn of events, she did not vocalize it. Instead she merely let out a deep moan straight from the libido as one, then two and then three of Eliza's fingers slipped into the soft folds of her pussy. Eliza's practiced fingers easily captured her aching clit and began to rub it making Kirsten's moans longer and deeper and getting her pussy wetter and wetter.

"Ohhhhhh you love it!" Eliza hissed, her eyes practically glazed over with lust. "How can a girl as innocent as you love my fingers inside her so fucking much? Oh Kirsten, I've been dreaming of taking you like this baby. Come all over my fingers. Come for Eliza. Come for me right here on the beach."

Kirsten didn't care if they were on the beach, on Mars or in the owner's box at a Yankees-Red Sox game. This felt soooooo good and she didn't want it to end. Eliza's fingers pumped into her pussy, filling her up so nicely and making her crave more contact. Kirsten was no virgin but she had never felt anything like this. There was nothing to compare the feelings of intense pleasure that was making her brain buzz.

It was almost a disappointment to Kirsten when she came. The arrival of her orgasm was as sudden as the kiss that had started this whole encounter. It was like stepping on a land mine, it was sudden and it was intense. Kirsten bit down on her lower lip to keep from screaming her joy. Her teeth broke through, drawing just the slightest amount of blood, but the blonde didn't mind. It felt too good to notice a little thing like a tiny lip wound. Her body shook against Eliza's amazing fingers over and over again, soaking her bottoms and Eliza's hand with cream in the process.

By the time Kirsten finally stopped gasping she saw that the pink of her bottoms had almost become red from the pussy cream her orgasm had produced. She also saw Eliza take her cum covered hand to her lips and begin to lovingly lick off what she had just given her.

"Mmmmm," was all Eliza could say as she lovingly licked off every drop of Kirsten's essence from her own fingers. Kirsten stared at this and began to wonder what had just happened and what was going to happen next.

Seeing the uncertainty in Kirsten's eyes, Eliza felt a flicker of guilt. It was like the switch that had been thrown when she kissed Kirsten was put back and Eliza the sex predator became Eliza the friend again.

"Oh my God Kirsten...I..." was all Eliza could get out of her mouth from what was intended to be a heartfelt apology. The reason this was interrupted was because Kirsten's response was to wrap her arms around Eliza's neck and pull her into a hot, regret free kiss. Kirsten didn't feel taken advantage of, far from it. She wanted to do this. She didn't want to back away.

Caution was fully thrown to the wind this time as the ocean air encircled them and seemed to intoxicate them. Neither girl showed any hesitancy or inhibition and soon they were passionately kissing and feeling each other up through their tops. They wanted nothing more than to be naked with one another and making each other come as many times and as many different ways as possible.

Only a sudden gust of wind snapped them back to reality. As each girl had the other's long hair blown into her face, Eliza realized they were quite vulnerable to discovery if they stayed where they were. This may have been a section of the beach that was not often used, but it was hardly private and neither woman wanted to attract any curious onlookers, especially of they had a camera and a good lens. So Eliza reluctantly pulled away from Kirsten . However neither one of them wanted this encounter to end, so Eliza had a suggestion.

"What say we get back to those soft beds of ours?" Eliza asked with a naughty twinkle in her eye.

Kirsten returned the look of lustful longing and seconded the idea.

"Race ya," the blonde playfully replied and they were put of their secluded spot and going up the beach as quickly as they could. Their beach bags and clothes were forgotten as the two bikini-clad girls ran inside, giggling all the way. They didn't want to waste a second, as if the slightest delay could jolt them away from this wonderful moment of shared passion.

They raced all the way up to the house and as soon as they were safely inside Eliza and Kirsten were once again kissing passionately. Their lip lock continued even as they moved toward Eliza's bedroom and it didn't end until the lapsed Mormon chick pulled her blonde lover down onto the bed with her.

Kirsten couldn't believe this was happening, but she was loving every second of it. She hadn't found Eliza's sudden kiss to be any type of violation. Once she had gotten over the surprise, she had obviously enjoyed it.

That initial kiss had brought up feelings in Kirsten she had held dormant for a long time. She had always been kind of curious to see what it would be like with another girl, but she had never acted on it. It had just been a fantasy.

Kirsten could remember the time when she was filming "The Virgin Suicides" and a crew member had left a porn magazine lying around. Being curious, Kirsten had snuck away with it and flipped through it. Once she stopped giggling and blushing about how out of character something like this was, she really got into the layouts of two girls with one another. That night she had gotten so turned on by what she saw that she had fingered herself to sleep, fantasizing about what it would be like to be one of the girls in those pictures.

After that night Kirsten had thrown the magazine away and tried to forget how turned on she'd gotten from what she'd seen. But now with Eliza's kiss all those feelings of curiosity came flying back and the way Eliza had taken her right there on the beach with her fingers had made her want to return the favor a thousand times over.

"I'm not forcing you into this, am I?" Eliza asked as she ran a finger over Kirsten's thigh. She ached for Kirsten, but she wanted to make sure that she wanted it to. Eliza was feeling a little twinge of guilt for what she'd done and needed to hear it was ok. "I mean I don't want to do this if you don't want to."

"Oh God no," Kirsten smiled as she felt her body shiver from Eliza's touch. "I want this. I really do. I'm just kind of new at being with a girl."

"Well I'm not," Eliza stated confidently, she couldn't believe she was really going to get Kirsten where she wanted her. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"And what if I don't want you to be gentle?" Kirsten teased as she settled in on the bed and let Eliza go to work on her. She was getting more into this with each second and she knew by the time she was naked she'd have no more doubts.

"Oooh looks like you've got a naughty side," Eliza grinned before kissing the eager Kirsten again. "I think we need to explore that fully."

For now though Eliza was content with exploring Kirsten's body and to do that properly she knew the blonde had to shed that bikini. Eliza pulled herself on top of Kirsten, their lips still pressed together, as her hands worked around to her back and to the string for her top. Working quickly, Eliza managed to undo the string tie. She then pushed Kirsten's top off, revealing her firm breasts and hard little nipples.

Seeing a shade of pink pass over Kirsten's face, Eliza quickly moved to dispel any nerves the blonde might have about this. She immediately leaned down and began to suck on Kirsten's nipples, running her tongue over the points first to induce maximum hardness. This did the trick as Kirsten soon lost any insecurity she might have had about being naked with another girl.

As she sucked on Kirsten's firm little tits, Eliza couldn't stop her exploration. Her hand, almost of its own volition, snaked its way down toward Kirsten's bikini bottoms. There Eliza felt the heat of Kirsten's pussy as she palmed the dampening fabric of her bottom.

"Mmmm I can feel how wet you still are," Eliza informed her new lover. "I'm going to make your pussy come so hard."

"Ohhhh yes Eliza you're turning me on so much," Kirsten stated. "Please don't stop what you're doing. I loved how you fucked me with your fingers. Now you're making me even hotter."

"Don't worry sweetie I'm not going to stop," Eliza promised. "I just want to get you naked first."

Kirsten could only lay back and moan in desire as she thought of herself naked and exposed to her friend. Her whole body was keyed for an explosion of pleasure and she couldn't wait for Eliza to get her bottoms off and make love to her.

Eliza wasn't inclined to do much waiting either and, after kissing her way down Kirsten's body with soft wet lip marks leaving a trail, she hooked her fingers into her friend's pink bottom. Pulling the fabric off her body was only getting her more and more worked up. The more Eliza saw of Kirsten the more she wanted her and when she saw her trimmed dirty blonde bush and the prize that lay beneath it she almost lost it and dove right in. Eliza managed to steady herself and get the bottoms down her legs.

Realizing that she neither of them had bothered to take off their sandals, Eliza quickly removed her own before gently pulling Kirsten's off. Eliza couldn't help but stare at Kirsten's pretty little feet. God she looked so beautiful lying their naked on the bed. Every part of her body was both adorable and fuck all sexy. She was naughty and nice at the same time and Eliza wanted to see both sides in action as quickly as possible.

Hoping this wasn't the only time she'd be able to experience Kirsten's naked body, Eliza continued to stare. God she just wanted to devour this chick and possess every little bit of her. There wasn't a single bit of flesh that Eliza didn't want to make hers. It was time. Kirsten was ready for this and Eliza was going to give her all she had.

She could easily sense Kirsten's need and the lips of her pussy were wet with desire as Eliza positioned herself between her open legs. After taking a deep whiff of Kirsten's aroused scent, Eliza tantalizingly ran her tongue up the length of Kirsten's slit, licking up her collected juice and getting a taste of what she had to offer.

"Mmmmmm oh Eliza please don't tease me," Kirsten begged as she writhed on the bed in pleasure. "I need you so bad. Please do it to me. Eat my pussy!"

Kirsten felt her own nipples tighten as the word "pussy" passed her lips.

She had never used that word before it had always seemed so dirty, but now it felt so natural to speak it.

That was all Eliza needed to hear and she didn't hesitate another second.

Kirsten's clit was swollen and begging to be licked so Eliza happily obliged. Her tongue began making gentle movements up and down the swollen bud. She wanted not to rush Kirsten and only when the blonde began to moan for more did Eliza pick up the pace.

Soon Eliza was staring up at Kirsten with passionate eyes as her lips and tongue brought the girl to heights of pleasure she had never experienced before. Kirsten couldn't believe it felt this good. She wished she'd acted on her curiosity before, but she was happy she had someone like Eliza to break her in. Her experienced tongue felt so good as it explored the pink folds of her pussy and made her feel so so good.

Kirsten felt herself lift her hips up so Eliza could get more of her tongue inside her. It was like her body was acting on pure carnal instinct and all she wanted was to come all over this beauty's face. Eliza was making her feel so much pleasure that she wanted to give her a reward and soon.

"Mmmmm ohhhhh yess Kirsten fuck my face," Eliza moaned even though her words were muffled by the beautiful pussy in her face. As she licked her friend, Eliza's own arousal was approaching the temperature of molten lava. She slipped her own hand inside her black bikini bottoms and began to finger fuck herself as she ate Kirsten out. Eliza didn't want to come yet, but she had to at least find some relief before she went mad.

Eliza used her free hand to make sure the lips of Kirsten's labia were spread as she began to really tongue her hard little clit. She knew it wouldn't be long before her friend was coming all over her and the sampling of her cum that she had tasted before had left her hungry for more. She looked up again and saw Kirsten on the bed, her head thrown back against the soft pillows as she mauled her own breasts. Eliza couldn't believe this was really happening. She had Kirsten Dunst naked in her bed and she was about to come. It was even better than she had fantasized about.

"Eliza! I'm gonna come!!! Oooooooohhhh yessssss mmmmm..." Kirsten moaned as she felt her body tense up with the promise of a rip roaring orgasm just a lick away.

"Don't hold back sweetie...just let it come," Eliza instructed before going right back to Kirsten's pussy. Kirsten took that advice to heart and a moment later Eliza felt the full force of her orgasm right up against her face. Kirsten's body rose and fell over and over again on the bed as she felt like her orgasm touch every cell in her body. Through every lurch and hump, Eliza kept her face right between Kirsten's legs, making sure not to miss a single drop of her cum.

For all she knew, Kirsten might have blacked out from the pleasure. All she did know is that at some point she closed her eyes and when she opened them she saw a very happy Eliza staring at her face. She saw the way the sunlight hit the wetness around Eliza's chin and lips and with another shudder of pleasure, Kirsten realized she was looking at the lingering aftereffect of her just completed orgasm.

Eliza wasn't sure how Kirsten was going to react now that she had come. With first timers there were different degrees of reaction. Some were hungry for more and others were filled with remorse over the taboo they had just broken. Which category would Kirsten fall into?

Scarcely had the question passed through Eliza's mind before Kirsten answered it with a passionate kiss on the lips. Kirsten tasted herself all over Eliza's face and it gave her a wicked thrill to do so.

"Mmmmm now it's my turn," Kirsten then said as she pushed Eliza down onto her back.

Eliza was happily surprised by the sexually aggressive side of Kirsten that was now making an appearance. Pulling herself back up Eliza began kissing Kirsten again with them both on their knees on top of the bed.

"Oh you'll get your turn and then some," Eliza promised as she reached around back to undo the snap to her bikini top. She then shrugged it off her chest exposing her naked breasts to Kirsten. "What do you think of these tits baby?"

"Mmmm they're beautiful," Kirsten answered. "You're beautiful. I love your body Eliza."

Kirsten then went about demonstrating that she meant what she said by beginning to suck on Eliza's nipples, tonguing between her breasts and tasting the sweat that ran down her curves. Eliza moaned and played with Kirsten's hair as she did this, grateful for the pleasure she was now finally feeling in her body.

As she pressed her first female lover down on the bed and let her hands and lips explore her body, Kirsten couldn't believe that she had gotten such pleasure from another girl. All her life it had felt like something had been missing. Was this it? Even if it wasn't, it sure as hell was a lot of fun and that was something Kirsten could always get into.

Kirsten was all over Eliza's body, taking a quick taste of her flesh before moving onto another patch of exposed skin. She was so lustfully hungry for her new lover, she barely knew how to take it all in. Kirsten wanted to experience all of her and she wanted to have it all happen at once.

She knew she should slow down and let Eliza settle in, but her body was like a brand new toy and Kirsten couldn't wait to get it out of its wrapping.

Though she wanted to Kirsten to eventually slow down and give her a proper fuck, Eliza was enjoying the frenzied kisses, gropes and tonguings that she was getting from the eager blonde. She was getting off on the fact that Kirsten was so obviously into her body that she couldn't get enough. That was a boost to the ego and too the sex drive.

"Mmmm yes Kirsten, touch me all over," Eliza moaned as she shut her eyes and let the pleasure cascade over her half nude body. "Oh God you're making me so wet baby. Get your lips all over me. Kiss me everywhere."

Kirsten did as she was told. Though she knew her ultimate destination was going to be between Eliza's legs she was making damn sure to taste every bit of her skin first. Finally she got a wicked little thought and decided to leave Eliza with a little reminder of this moment. Kirsten got back to Eliza's breasts and began giving her little nips with her teeth and sucking on her flesh.

Eliza was a little taken aback by this action. She had a positively no exceptions policy of no hickeys. But then again that was a policy she'd only had to explain to men and Kirsten sure didn't fit that description. Besides this felt so good that she decided to let her new lover continue. They'd already broken so many rules, what was one more?

When the series of hickeys reached their conclusion, Eliza moaned in disappointment. Her flesh felt lonely without Kirsten's lips and teeth on it. However those moans soon turned to aroused excitement when she saw where the blonde was headed. Soon she felt the blonde's hot breath against her soaked black bottoms and if she hadn't liked this bikini so much she would have just torn them off to give Kirsten easy access to her pussy.

Kirsten was just as eager to get a taste of Eliza as Eliza was to be tasted so she didn't even wait until she got the bottoms off to get her first taste of another woman. Instead, Kirsten merely pulled the bottoms to the side and extended her tongue for a delightful first lick of Eliza's pussy. Freed from her inhibitions, Kirsten found herself improvising new ways to get Eliza off. Soon Kirsten was rubbing the edge of Eliza's bottoms between the lips of her labia as she stabbed at her with her tongue.

"Ohhhhhhh Kirsten my pussy is so fucking wet for you," Eliza moaned. "I need you to fuck me! Please! I need you!"

Kirsten took sympathy on Eliza's cries for sexual satisfaction, after all she had just been in a similar position. So Kirsten stopped her explorations and pulled the wet bottoms off of Eliza's body. She flung the garment over the side of the bed where it lay with the rest of their discarded clothing in a monument to their overpowering lust for one another.

When Eliza's pussy was revealed to her Kirsten had to stare at it for a moment. She had never been this close to a naked woman before and she was staring at beautiful Eliza Dushku right before her eyes. Sweat covered her breasts and stomach as she her breath was coming out in ragged bursts. Her need was apparent and the dark hairs of her bush were wet with her pussy juices. Eliza looked so beautiful in her aroused state that Kirsten took a mental picture that she wanted to last forever.

It was then that Kirsten summoned up all her courage and pressed her lips to Eliza's pussy. She had tasted her own pussy a few times, but she had never experienced what another woman could be like. From her first taste, though, Kirsten was hooked. When the first taste of Eliza's juice passed through her lips onto her tongue the blonde immediately felt a craving for more.

Kirsten pressed her face deep into Eliza's pussy, wanting to feel her all over. Someone could have accurately tagged them as a couple of sluts at that moment, but Kirsten didn't care. All that mattered was the beautiful woman before her and getting her to experience pleasure.

Trying to imitate what Eliza had just done for her, Kirsten let her tongue tickle the brunette's throbbing clit. Starting slowly, Kirsten soon began a buildup of speed and as soon happily lapping away at her first pussy.

"Mmmmm Kirsten you're a natural," Eliza moaned as her fingers continued to play with the blonde head that was buried between her legs. "Ohhhh eat my pussy baby. Don't stop what you're doing!"

Kirsten wanted to make Eliza come as bad as she had ever wanted anything.

It was like them both having orgasms would seal the secret union they had begun on the beach with that first kiss. The idea of being with a woman was a buried fantasy an hour ago and now she was on the verge of bringing Eliza to orgasm.

Continuing her tonguing of Eliza's sweet little pussy, Kirsten was already imagining what other fantasies they could turn into realities with each other. Eliza's juice was beginning to hit her face as Kirsten hungrily sucked and tongued her clit. Eliza's pussy was like a ripe kiwi, just ready to explode with juice at the first bite.

"Come for me Eliza...please," Kirsten moaned as she teased and stroked the girl's soaked pussy. "Come all over my face like I came all over you."

"Oh I will..." Eliza promised, sweat dripping off her forehead. "Just lick me more and I will come all over that pretty blonde face."

With a smile Kirsten did as was requested and it certainly brought out the desired reaction. A long, sweet tongue lash on Eliza's clit brought her over and soon Kirsten was happily tasting Eliza's cum.

Her warm tongue kept at it as Eliza humped Kirsten's juice covered face. Eliza loved making love to another woman but there was just something so passionate about this encounter with Kirsten that made it extra special and worth the long wait. She came until she had no more energy left to do anything more than lay back on the soft bed and moan softly.

"Did I do ok?" Kirsten asked after she emerged from between Eliza's legs with a happy grin on her face.

"Oh you did way better than ok," Eliza replied as she pulled Kirsten up to her and held her tight. Both of them were rather short on energy at that point, but they didn't want to be away from each other so they just cuddled in their wonderful afterglow. The two naked girls then dozed off together, their faces still covered in a reminder of their sexual encounter.

When Eliza finally awoke it was only because of the sensations of a tongue ticking inside her pussy. She quickly shook the sleep off of herself and pulled Kirsten up for a kiss.

"I wan wondering what it was going to take to get you up," Kirsten teased as their bare breasts pressed together, hardening their nipples almost instantly.

"Oh my God, I've created a nympho," Eliza joked causing Kirsten to slap her ass in response.

"I'll show you who the nympho is," Kirsten challenged as Eliza sat up against Kirsten. Their legs locked as they continued to kiss and fondle each other's body. Eliza's hand went down to feel Kirsten's firm ass and the blonde moaned in response. This brought them even closer together and soon their pussies were rubbing together creating welcome sparks to both of their libidos.

"Mmmm now this is a feeling I like," Kirsten declared as she felt Eliza's clit press against her own.

"Up for some scissors action then, huh?" Eliza replied as she began to rub her pussy harder and faster against Kirsten's.

"Ooooh so that's what they call this," Kirsten gasped as she returned Eliza's speed with some added friction of her own. "I like it a lot. I could get used to this."

"Oh God yessss..." Eliza moaned. "It's all the fun of fucking without any cocks making a mess all over."

This remark plus the sensations the scissoring was creating elicited a sweet long laugh from Kirsten and to Eliza is was one of the most beautiful things she had ever heard. As soon as Kirsten was done laughing Eliza immediately had to kiss her. Their lips pressed against one another as they held each other close, as if they were trying to become one person.

Their pussies humped up against one another as they continued to kiss. Soft moans escaped their lips but that was the only sound they could make as the two girls drove each other to orgasm once again. They were both so focused on making each other come that they almost didn't notice how good it felt to be rubbing each other.

"Mmmm oh Eliza...I'm gonna...I'm gonna come..." Kirsten managed to groan as the sensations proved to be too much for her.

"Wait...wait...wait...I'm not there yet..." Eliza begged. "I want to come with you...I'm almost there...Please wait for me."

"Ok...ok..." Kirsten gasped. "Just please hurry..."

"I'm almost there..." Eliza declared. "Rub me just a little harder and I'll come. Come with me Kirsten!"

Kirsten did rub just a little bit harder and, as promised, Eliza began to come. Her cries echoed throughout the otherwise empty house. Kirsten soon joined her in what almost became a contest to see who could drown the other's orgasm out.

They were free of worries and inhibitions. They were just focused on each other. Eliza and Kirsten rubbed their pussies together as they got wetter and wetter. The sheets were pretty much ruined, but Eliza sure as hell didn't care. They were pressed up against each other so every bit of their bodies were touching...lips, breasts, pussies...everything. Soon their orgasms were exploding like land mines of bliss and their throbs and shudders added pleasure to each other.

When they finally couldn't take any more they fell back into each other's arms.

"I never thought it could be this good," Kirsten gasped as she struggled to catch her breath. "Mmmmm I think you've gone down and gotten me hooked on pussy now."

"Well just as long as it's my pussy you're hooked on," Eliza replied se xily as she pecked Kirsten's lips.

"Oh believe me I am," Kirsten declared. "I think you're going to turn me into quite the little slut before we get back home."

"Ummmm so does that mean you think you might want to do this again?" Eliza nervously suggested. She didn't want this to be some kind of one time thing between her and Kirsten.

"You just try and keep me away from you," Kirsten giggled. "Sweetie, I don't think we're going to be sleeping alone for the rest of this trip. I know you've got a lot to teach me about the fine art of girl on girl."

"You got that right. I can show you a lot of tricks and each one is nastier than the next," Eliza promised with an evil smile as she and Kirsten began to playfully wrestle and roll around the bed.

Kisses and giggles filled the room for the next little while as the two girls played and pressed their naked bodies together as much as possible.

"Speaking of nasty, I think I need to clean up a little," Kirsten stated as she got out of the bed felt her skin all sticky with sweat and girl cum. "I'm kind of in the mood for a long, hot shower. Think you might be interested in joining me?"

"Just give me a second you nympho," Eliza laughed as she watched Kirsten blow her a kiss and shake her sexy ass as she walked toward Eliza's bathroom.

Eliza still couldn't believe her fantasy had come true. Kirsten was hers and it looked like this was going to be one hell of a vacation. Maybe there was something to be said for living the West Coast lifestyle after all.

This story is copyright 2001 from Sharkboy Productions. Reposting this story without my permission is not allowed and will result in me taking action against your web site.

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