Dr Stones Ed Clinic

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Mar 23, 2009


"You certainly look fit and healthy, but I gather that all is not as fit as might be desired. This lab work was collected at 7:30 this morning, the urinalysis and blood work are all normal for a 28 year old male. Testosterone levels are high normal, so that certainly is not the problem. No semen specimen here?", said Dr. Stone.

"That's the problem. I can't even call up an erection to produce a specimen!", said Dan.

"How long has your erectile dysfunction been present?"

Dan answered, "For three years. The first month of marriage went OK. We made love at least a few times a week and then my problems became progressively worse. By the end of six months, I couldn't get it up hard enough to use even though my wife tried every trick we could think of. Eight months later she gave up and got a divorce. We're still good friends but she remarried and is happy. I'm now dating a lady I like a lot. She wants to make love but I'm totally limp. I need help!"

"The medical history and physical examinations this morning were entirely benign and as unremarkable as the laboratory work. How old were you when you had your first orgasm?"

"Thirteen, if wet dreams count.", Dan replied.

"How about when awake?", asked the doctor.

"Fourteen.", replied Dan.

"By masturbation, I assume?", said Dr Stone.

"Well, sorta.", said Dan.

"It's not a very happy memory and I'd just as soon not go into it."

"We can't help if we don't have all the facts, so please, pleasant or not, tell me how it came about."

Well, we were out in the woods, my buddy Jack from next door and I, fishing. The fishing was pretty slow and we got talking about girls. He noticed I had a bulge in my pants and we got to talking about stiffies, and by that time he had a tent in his jeans too. He asked if I knew how to jack off and I admitted I didn't know what he was talking about. So he offered to show me and he, ah, well, he stimulated me with his hand, and I had an orgasm."

"And how did it feel?" asked Stone.

"Awesome except that I know it was wrong, and I started feeling guilty. And worse, he wanted payback and I didn't want to do it but he threatened to tell my folks what we were doing, so I, ah, did him."

Dr.Stone, "And how did that feel?"

"Awful. I mean I felt more quilty, and he got my hand all covered with his goo, and I kept washing it in the stream but I kept smelling that Chlorox smell."

"Can you tell me what day of the week that was, and what you were wearing on your fishing trip.?"

"Well, it was a monday, one of those teacher retreat things in September... September 12, as a matter of fact. And we both were wearing jeans but I had on a plain white tee shirt and he had a red polo shirt."

"And having learned how to achieve an orgasm, how often did you masturbate after that?"

"I did once in awhile, when I just couldn't help it, but I felt awfully guilty about it and I really tried to stop. Oh, I guess I did myself a couple of times a month."

"And with yout wife, were you having sex before marriage?", asked Dr. Stone.

"Oh, no. We were both from Evangelical Christian households and we waited until we were married to have carnal relations."

"Now it's time for me to finish the physical examination.", said Dr. Stone. "You must be getting tired of wearing nothing but that flimsy little paper gown. If you would come over and stand in front of me, please. Alright, your penis is quite normal, your testicles are quite large and quite normal. I'll try to be gentle but this may be uncomfortable.", said the doctor as he pulled on a rubber glove. "I will slip a finger into your rectum to check your prostate and the examination is done. Alright, that concludes the physical exam." The doctor noted, as he removed his glove, that Dan's penis had significantly enlarged with the examination... "Next, we have two very important tests to finish your evaluation. First, I will apply this device to your penis. It wraps around the base of your organ as a cuff and will measure any change in penile size or blood flow. Next, I will apply this electric vibrator to the penis. Ah, note the brisk and substantial increase in penis volume and size. Quite normal, if unusually substantial.. You may indeed have been denied release for some time. Next, using the same cuff, I will project on the wall to your left, a series of brief videotapes. Here is a score sheet, and you are to note how erotically stimulating each is. Score 10 for very stimulating, 5 for so/so and 1 for not at all. Do not ponder, put down quickly what you feel, because the clips will come back to back in rapid succession. At the same time, the cuff will record the physical response of the penis to the films. Ready, here you go."

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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