Dragon Legend

By eric leung

Published on Oct 10, 2000


Well, this is my first time to write a story, please give me some comment if you like or dislike it. I am Chinese so if someone can help me to check my grammar mistake, please e-mail me, my e-mail address is (fantasy-eric@hotmail.com). And Dave, if you read this story, please contact me. Your e-mail was canceled.

Disclaimer: this is only a fiction. I'm not saying anyone in N*sync is gay, and I don't know them. If you are offended by gay relationship or you are under 18, please leave

Dragon Legend

Chapter One

Did you ever hear anything about the legend about the Chinese dragon before? In legend, the dragons live in the deep sea. They are powerful and strong, can easily destroy everything. Dragons know lots of magic too, they can change to form of human, but if they touch water, they will change back to the dragon from. Legend said the king of dragon is the god that administers the raining and the ocean. Well, the king of the dragon has lots of sons and daughters. This story is about one of the son of the king of dragon. His name is Dragisk. He is different to other dragon. His mother is a human who was kidnapped by the king of the dragon. So, Dragisk is half-man half-dragon. Everyone in the deep-sea palace loved him. All his brothers and sisters care him, his life was happy until his 18 year-old birthdayiK

Dragisk was walking to his father's room. He was so happy because after dragon turns to 18. They can go out the palace and learn how to grant water to the lands. He walks in his father's room and saw that his father was making out to a young dragon girl.

"Dad, can you stop chasing behind the young girls? I don't want to have more brothers and sisters. Did you remember how many children you have?"

"Oh! My little baby! How are you? Are you exciting about your birthday?"

"Dad! Can you stop call me little baby! It makes me sick. Dad, you are 2069 years old, please stop chasing girls."

The king of the dragon start to laugh and said, "Your dad still very young, and don't worry, your brother bring me the protection from the human world so you will not have little brothers or sisters in the future."

"Oh! Protection, do you meaniKmean condoms?" Dragisk ask, "Can I see it? Dad, can I see it? I never see one before."

The king of the dragon put out a condom from his drawer and gave it to his son. And Dragisk said, " Wow dad, can I keep it? I want this for my birthday present. Brother Logonisk said the condom can bring you happy and lucky."

"Sure my son. You can keep it and I have other present for your birthday. You are 18 now, you need to learn how to grant water to the human world, so I give you the dragon pearl. Don't lose it, it's really important. Okay, you can leave now. I need to finish my work now." Then the king of dragon started to make out to the girl.

"Okay dad. Bye" Dragisk walk out the room and walked down to the passage. He saw his little brother stood at the end of the passage.

"Hay, Dodo, what are you doing in here, I think it's your nap time." Dragisk said to his little brother.

Dodo ran in front of Dragisk and hug his brother and said, "Dragisk, please don't go to the human world. I had a nightmare, I see you go to the human world and never come back."

"Hay, don't be silly little bro. I will be back, and I will buy you something funny. Ok? But you need to promise me that you will behave."

"And you need to promise me that you will come back."

"Okay, I promise.'

After a long tour, the N*sync finally had a two month break. JC decided to have a vacation by himself, Justin wanted to go with him but JC resisted. JC told to Justin that something was bother him and he needed some own time to think. Although Justin was worry to his best friend, he finally agreed to his friend. JC took the early plane to the Miami. After he went to the hotel and checked in. He decided to have a walk on the beach. That day was very hot and humid, lots of people on the beach. JC pull lower his cap and tried to hide his faceiK

"Ok, Dragisk. Before we go to the human world. I need to tell you something. First, don't lose the dragon pearl, if you lose it, you cannot control the weather. Second, always use a fake name in the human world, don't tell your true name to human. Third, don't touch water or you would change back to the dragon from. And final, don't fall in love with human, you can have sex to human but remember don't fall in love to human." Dragisk's brother, Logonisk said.

"Ok, bro. Don't worry, I am a big boy now." Dragisk said.

Dragisk and Logonisk land on a small beach and they change to human form. Dragisk changed to a handsome young man, he had a short dark brown hair and brown eyes. His body is perfect and beautiful.

"Dragisk, fly up to the sky and start the raining, our weather book said that we need a very small rain today. Don't make it wrong." Logonisk said.

Dragisk flew up to the sky, he tried to use the raining spell but he failed then he try again. This time he tried it very hard, he use all his energy on the spell, and the sky started to fall hails. The hails destroyed lots of things and many people got hurt.

"Shit! What am I doing?" Dragisk said to himself. He flew down from the sky and he tried to help the injury people. Then he saw a young man did the same things too. A handsome young man who had the most beautiful eyes in this world. Dragisk felt his heart jump very fast, he was totally attracted by these beautiful eyes. Suddenly, Dragisk heard that someone is shouting help. Dragisk looked out the sea and saw a little child was sitting on the floating bed and shouting. Dragisk ran out to the sea and the beautiful young man ran out too. They reached the floating bed on the same time and they save the little child. The young man smiled to Dragisk and he tried to talk to Dragisk. But Dragisk noticed that his lower body changed back to dragon from. Then he remembered that he couldn't touch the water.

JC walked on the beach. Suddenly, the sky started to drop the hails. JC hide under a big tree so he didn't get hart but he saw lots of people got hurt. So after the hailstorm was stop, he tried to help the injury people. Then he saw a young boy sat on the floating bed crying. So he ran out to the sea and try to save the child. When he reach to the floating bed, he saw a handsome young man tried to save the child. He smiled to the young man and he tried to talk that young man, but the young man dive in the water and disappear.

JC sat down on the beach, the sky started to turn dark and the stars shined on the sky. JC looked up from the sky and he started to cry. He felt so lonely, he knew that he had good friends and family but he still felt so lonely. He wanted love. Someone who loved him and he loved. Suddenly, a peaceful voice said, "are you ok?"

After Dragisk was scolded by his big brother, he decided to have a walk on the beach. He was totally attracted by this world. He thought the human world was beautiful. When he was enjoying the peaceful, he heard some crying noise. He saw a young man sat on the beach crying so he asked the man is he ok. When he saw the face of the young man, his heart started to jump very fast again.

JC use the back of his right to wipe his tears, then he showed a smile to the young man and said, "yeah, I am ok, thx." The young man sat down beside him and said, "My name is DraiKGon, hum, my name is Gon, are you really ok?" JC can really feel the concerned in his voice, JC felt so warm in his heart.

"Yeah, I am ok." JC showed a smile to Dragisk. Dragisk's heart jumped very fast, he stared to JC's face. "Are you ok?" JC ask him.

"Yeah, ohiKhumiKwhatiKwhat is your name?" Dragisk asked.

"My name is Josh, you are the guy who try to save the child today, am I right? Where are you going after you save the child, I just see you dive in the water."

"OhiKhumiKwell, after I know the child is save and I am in hurry so I leave."

"Are you a Chinese? You look like a Chinese."

"My dad is a Chinese but my mom is a American, so I am a mix."

They started to chat. They talk about their families, hobbies and other things till the sun raised. "WelliK" JC said, " I am so happy to meet you, you are really cool guy, this is my cell phone number, if you don't have anything to do, maybe we can hang out tonight."

"Great, then I will call you tonight, is that ok?"

"Sure, I am so tired. I need to go back my hotel and have a nap. Call me later."

They said good bye to each other and JC walk back to his hotel. After a hot shower, he went to the bed and had a very good sleep. When he woke up again, it was 6:00 p.m. His cell phone was ringing, he reach the phone chick the button.

"Hello, Josh speaking."

"HumiK Josh, it's me, Gon. Am I woke you up?"

"Nope, I decide to wake and you call me in the same time."

"Great, what are you decide to do tonight?"

"Maybe we have a dinner first, then we do to a club. Is that ok to you?"

"Sure, I am on the lobby now, is 30 minutes enough to let you prepare?

"Yep, why don't you come up to my room. It's better then waiting on the lobby.'

"Sure, then I will see you later."

This night, they have a great time, most of the time. They talk to each other anything and nothing. JC knew he was totally attracted by this beautiful young man. He never felt that way but he knew that he fell in love to Gon. He just treated him like a normal person. Gon was so lovely and cute. Every time, when JC saw Gon smile, he felt so warm and peaceful. But after this night, he didn't see Gon again. JC was so disappointed.

Dragisk felt the same way to JC. He knew he started to fell in love. However, he knew that he could not fall in love with human. His heart is so painful, but he knew he could not see JC any more. Two weeks later, after that night, Dragisk and Logonisk went out side to do their raining job.

"Dragisk, this time don't make a mistake again, I will do up the sky. You read the weather book carefully this time. Remember your finger point where, I will make a lightning on there, so do not point wrong. Ok?" Then Logonisk flew up to the sky. Dragisk doing a great job until he saw JC was walking toward him.

"Hello Gon! Why don't you call me the past two week? i really miss you."

"I am so sorry Josh. I have lots of things to do."

"What are you doing here?"

"HumiK" at this time, Dragisk carelessly point to JC, and a lightning hit on JC.

"Shit! Are you ok?! JC, wake up!" tbc

This is the chapter one, please sent me some comment if you like it.

Next: Chapter 2

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