Dream Boy

By Darron, Darron The Witch, The Witch

Published on Jul 25, 2005


"Hush now don't you cry, wipe away the teardrop from your eye.

You're lying safe in bed, it was all a bad dream spinning in your head. Your mind tricked you to feel the pain, of someone close to you leaving the game,

Of life. So here it is another chance, wide awake we face the day, the dream is over.

Or has it just begun?..."

-Silent Lucidity (Queensreich)

Dream Boy By Danny The Witch

Part II The Adventures Of The Element Boys

"...From their transmitter, to the receiver, all across the universe

Out of your speaker.

Radio waves from Mars, radio waves from Mars.

...How lucky for me and you..."

-Radio Waves (O.M.D.)

"Mars 'aint the kind of place to raise your kids.

In fact its cold as hell.

And there's no one there to raise them,

If you dig."

-Rocket Man (Sir Elton John)


While I was asleep I had another dream. This one was kind of a nightmare. I dreamed I was standing on what was very apparently a foreign planet. The terrain didn't look like anything like that on Earth. The dirt was kind of reddish, or maybe a brownish reddish.

It wasn't the terrain that made it obvious I was standing on another planet however, it was the sky. It was night time, but there was quite a bit of light to see. The sky was the spookiest I could ever imagine. The atmosphere seemed to be made of smoke-- dense, thick. And the air was warm.

The sky was reddish also and as I looked around I noticed that the sky itself wasn't red, it was more like glowing, or kind of flickering or refracting light from a distant source. As I stared at this strange phenomenon, it occurred to me that this looked strangely familiar, and my mind wondered searching for an answer to what was causing this strange flickering reddish light in the atmosphere. I also realized I could smell sulpher in the air.

And then all at once I remembered that I had seen this kind of thing before. Once, a few years ago there was a large brush fire not too far from the city I lived in, there were ashes blowing everywhere, and the sky had this same smoky consistency, and flickering reddish glow.

'But, ' I thought to myself. ' If the sky is refracting a fire, this has got to be the biggest damn fire there ever was, something like- ' And that's when I turned around and I saw behind me far in the distance, the biggest damn volcano you could ever imagine- 'Oh My God!! " My heart skipped three and a half beats just then as soon as I saw it.

The volcano must have been, I don't know at least fifty miles away, maybe further, and it towered-- I mean TOWERED! I couldn't even guess how high it was, maybe seven miles high?? It had a very flat top, wide across, that looked like it stretched for fifteen miles. It looked just like that mountain in that movie Close Encounters, you know the one, what was it called? It was called DEVIL'S TOWER, except Devil's Tower, Wyoming would look like a little pile of sand compared to this!!

I stood there staring, hypnotized by the volcano and the sky- all of it. This planet seemed smaller than Earth, I thought I could actually see the curvature at the horizon, but, maybe it was an optical illusion. I kept staring at the top of the volcano; it gave no signs that it was active, but it was obvious that this was the source of the light refraction in the sky, and also the warmth in the otherwise freezing air. There was a great fire in the mouth of that volcano.

And I could also hear, what sounded like voices blowing in the breeze, sometimes louder sometimes faint-- like thousands of voices-- of people, it sounded like-- screaming??

When the wind was right, it sounded like they were all screaming; men, women and children, and the sounds seemed to be emanating from the top of that towering mountain where there was - no doubt - a giant lake of fire.

"Where am I? Is this hell?" I said to myself out loud, "Is that The Lake Of fire?"

I started to panic now, I didn't like being here. I felt like this place was cold, in spite of the warm air I was chilled to the bone. This place also seemed old, ancient, AND distant, abandoned in a far corner of the solar system, further away than anyone could possibly imagine. I felt cold, isolated, completely alone, and scared. Suddenly terror took over me.

"HELP!!!" I yelled. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!"

"HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!" I yelled again, and again hysterically, trying to shout over those strange voices of agony in the wind that seemed to be getting louder and louder.


And then I heard somebody calling my name. It sounded like Chris's voice but it didn't sound like Chris at all.

"Dereck. Dereck Wake up-- "You're having a nightmare. Wake up."

I opened my eyes, and there was Chris, kind of pushing on my chest with both of his hands, rocking me gently back and forth. I sat up in the bed and focused on the clock. It was just after midnight; 12:24 AM.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh man, Chris is it good to see you," I said rubbing sleep out of my eyes, "I've just been to hell and back!"

Chris looked at me funny, with a kind of puzzled look on his face; the corner of his mouth folded up just a little as if he were considering. Suddenly he said, "You couldn't have been to hell and back."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, there's no such place." he said matter-of-factly.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked. I noticed again Chris' face taking on very complex facial expressions, even in the darkness of the nearly light-less room It was very obvious.

"Well-- Let's just say there was a hell, why would you think you would ever be going there?" he asked with a concern in his voice that surprised me.

"Well, " I said pausing for just a moment not sure if I should complicate this ten-year-old's life but deciding to be honest-- I don't know- I felt compelled to be honest-- I can't explain. I looked into his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes and said, "I don't know-- because I'm gay?"

Again I watched as Chris' facial expressions showed a host of emotions; concern, understanding, caring, loving...

"This might be hard for you to understand, but if you can understand it, know that of all the things God doesn't like-- you being gay isn't even on the list."

"It isn't?"

"No." he said and I felt something weird was going on-- I felt like, Chris was talking inside of my head-- you know like telepathy except he wasn't transmitting words he was transmitting emotions- - I felt a deep deep concern emanating from this little boy-- deeper than what seemed possible.

I suddenly got up and turned on the light, and then sat down on the bed next to Chris. In the light, I could see much clearer now what I only slightly noticed in the shadows-- I know this is going to sound really strange but Chris' face wasn't Chris' face-- Its hard to explain but, its not like his face was PHYSICALLY different-- it was the animation of his face-- its like a different person was behind the flesh and the muscles, an older person, older, wiser, and with so much compassion. And, somehow strangely familiar.

"Isn't it good to be home?" He asked me.

I nodded. "Who are you?" I asked.

His eyes showed an intelligence far beyond my understanding. His expression said without words, 'Don't you know?'

"I'm the one who loves you." He said finally.

I didn't really understand what was happening, but I didn't think this was my imagination. I could hardly believe my ears or my eyes.

"Wha- wha- What do you want?" I asked, slightly stumbling my words.

"I want all of you." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing how to respond.

And then he said, "You're only missing one."

I shrugged my shoulders again, "I don't understand." I said finally.

And then I watched as Chris put one hand up to his mouth; palm open, and with exagurated gestures, and puckered up lips, he let out a deep breath across his hand in my direction as though he were blowing me a kiss except the duration of the blow being longer; several seconds.

And then, without warning, I watched as Chris' eyes and facial expressions went back to his own again. All I could do was stare, dumbfounded.

Those same eyes that a moment ago were filled with awareness beyond explanation, were now sleepy and only half open.

"Wa- Why's the light on? " Chris asked me, looking slightly disoriented. "Wh- What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing sweet-heart, nothing's the matter-- Sorry I woke you." I said. I got up and turned the light off, and then got back under the covers. Chris immediately took up a snuggling-up position next to me as before.

"Chris?" I said.

"Um hum?" he mumbled.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"What do you mean?" He said looking at me in the darkness.

"Do you remember me having a nightmare?"

He shook his head, "Did you have a nightmare? You can leave the light on-- I don't mind."

"No, no, its okay, I don't need it on-- I'm perfectly fine."

I closed my eyes, and Chris laid his head on my chest. In less than a minute I was asleep again.

The next morning we were both awakened by Tommy and Sean. I could feel something cold on my face. It felt like water was hitting me, on my face and hair.

"Come on get up you two," Tommy said. I felt someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes and it was Sean, who had jumped up onto his bed. He was pointing a squirt gun at Chris, slightly hosing down his face.

"Come on, get up already!" Sean said to Chris. "My parents have breakfast ready."

"Yea, and it'll give 'em a chance to meet you," Tommy said to me.

Chris woke up and said, "Are my parents here too?" He asked while wiping water off of his nose with the back of his hand.

"Yup-- And your step-brother too." Tommy added.

"So, you can meet our Aunt and Uncle!" Sean said with enthusiasm, "They're the coolest."

"What's with the squirt gun?" I asked. "You could've just shook us awake."

"Vampire test," Sean said. "If you were a vampire, you're flesh would be melting off your face right now."

"Why-- is that supposed to be holy water or something?" I asked.

Sean's face turned into a bit of a scowl at that, "Or something-- even better."

"Like what?" I asked skeptical.

"Like water from The Jordan River," Tommy interjected.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said.

"No, " Sean responded. "Our parents have a lot of it-- they use it for special ceremonies and stuff."

"Water from The Jordan River?"

"Yup--" Tommy said, doubling up his chin.

"And its supposed to kill vampires?" I asked still sounding skeptical.

"No, " Sean said, "NOTHING can kill a vampire-- they're already dead!" As if I had just made the most ridiculous supposition about vampires ever one could make.

"Let's put it this way - It gives them a nice pain," Tommy added, "and a nice little mess to deal with- melting flesh!"

I twisted my brow in thought, "What kind of ceremonies?" I asked curious.

"Baptisms," Tommy said, "They baptized water boy over here" he said pointing to Sean's number "9" mark.

"And, next thing you'll be telling me you were baptized with fire," I said to Tommy.

"Not with fire- BY fire," Chris said suddenly jumping into the conversation.

I said to Chris, "Which would mean that YOU were baptized by-"

"Earth." Chris interrupted.

I looked around at all of them a little confused but having an intuition now that they weren't joking.

"So, I would have to be baptized by-- what?" I asked.

"That's easy, " said Chris, "Your baptism would be by Spirit, but- we've never done that one before."

"Okay," I said not really understanding.

I was about to say more but Suddenly someone was yelling from downstairs, "Foods getting cold!!"

Chris literally jumped out of the covers, and headed off to Tommy's room, wearing only his Scoobie-Doo Underoos, -- I followed him, me in my pajamas, and Sean and Tommy behind me.

I was thinking in the back of my head, "Their parents are involved in this- what am I getting myself into? Something, way over my head- that was for sure."

When we got inside Tommy's room, Chris and I started getting dressed. My eyes couldn't help but to notice the large black- velvet painting of Jesus with black-reddish hair. I looked at the painting, and then at Chris-- the tones were very similar. Then we all headed downstairs.

When we passed through the living room that's when I noticed that Sean and Tommy's parents had the Stereo system on and playing. There was a Teak reel-to-reel player running, and the sounds were lovely-- they must have had quadraphonic-- as I could here the music coming from all directions-- Which at the moment was an old Jimmy Rodgers tune that I happened to know; "Honeycomb" that was just fading out. I spotted two large Altec speakers in each corner of the room-- Now that really impressed me. What I would give to have those two babies in my room. The first song I would play through them would be the Imperial March theme by John Williams. Man, I could only imagine what those puppies could do if you pumped up the volume.

The next song that came on was an Elvis tune, I was pretty sure it was "Love me Tender," but as I wanted to stay and listen, I was being politely pushed from behind."

"Come on," Tommy said, "Breakfast-- remember!"

We all squeezed by a completely undecorated Christmas tree, me accidentally brushing my arm up against it, and being slightly prickled by Douglas Fir needles.

"Ouch, "I protested but no one was paying any attention.

"Ahh, here they are," I heard a grown-up say as we all entered the dining room, that must have been Sean and Tommy's mother. "You must be Dereck,"

"Hi Mrs. Thompson," I said.

She then introduced me to everyone in the room. "Tommy this is -"

"Our dad," Sean said out loud.

"Hi Mr. Thompson." I said.

She continued, "And this is Chris' mom and dad; my sister Mary-Lou, and Joe, this is Dereck."

"How do you do," they said to me."

My eyes bugged out a bit when I realized Chris' mother was named Mary-Lou, being that I had Jesus on the brain because of that painting. I also noticed where Chris got his red tint from, for his mom had bright red hair as bright as Lucile Ball, and freckles to boot. I paused for just the quickest moment that I don't think they noticed and I said, "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. -"

"Josephson, " Chris' dad said.

I started a quick coughing spasm at that point, but got it under control quickly enough. I nodded, being at that moment without the ability to speak properly.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Mrs. Thompson asked me.

"Fine, " I managed to croak out. I coughed once more though.

"And, " Mrs. Thompson continued, "This is Chris older brother Jimmy, and his friend Pete."

Jimmy looked to be about my age, and Pete probably about a year younger. Chris' brother Jimmy had jet black hair like their dad's, and was of average looks, except for the fact that he was absolutely devoid of any facial blemishes which seemed to curse most kids our age. His friend Pete, however, had dark sandy blond hair, not too long, but not too short, bright green eyes, and had very attractive features; a little too skinny maybe for his height but otherwise nearly perfect-- he could be in the movies.

I noticed also that Jimmy had a mark on his right wrist-- this one were the letters 'ATE' which I guessed stood for Water in the same abbreviated fashion as Chris' mark did for Earth. I looked over at Pete who had the mark 'd'. I thought to myself that this might be the boy that Chris had mentioned before that he knew, which, if that was true, that would mean he has a brother with a 'b' mark.

I tried to say hello, but all that came out was a kind of dry raspy sound, more like a ribbit, you know like the sound a frog makes, than any discernable words.

"Hello," they both said to me.

"I'll be right back--" I tried to say which came out more like 'Ribbit-ribbit-ribbit-ribbit'

I went to the bathroom and drank about a half-quart of water out of the tap, hoping to get a little bit of moisture back into my throat which felt like it had dried up like a prune left sitting outside in the sun for a week.

When I came back in Mrs. Thompson was saying, "Well don't just stand there everyone-- Let's eat!"

We all sat down and ate eggs and toast with pancakes, and all the works and it was really a good breakfast.

I kept looking for any marks on the grown-ups but didn't see any. I did notice though that Sean and Tommy's mom and dad were both wearing pentagrams. Chris folks were wearing pendants too but they weren't pentagrams-- they had six points, and they looked like two triangles superimposed over each other except one was inverted. Chris' brother wasn't wearing any kind of a pendant, nor was Pete; the same as Chris, but of course the two Thompson kids were both wearing their pendants.

I had calmed down quite a bit during the feast but I have to admit, this all seemed a bit strange to me, seeing so many strange symbols and pendants, especially on adults. It was like I was having breakfast with The Munster's or something. Once again I had that feeling come over me all at once, that I was into something way over my head.

During breakfast Mrs. Josephson said, "We're all going to the mall later to see a movie, you boy's are welcome to come-"

I looked at Sean and Tommy, and we were all in agreement-- "Thanks Mr. Josephson, but that's okay." Sean and Tommy said.


"Oh thanks, no, I've got to get home in a couple of hours."

"Well, thought we'd offer."

"Thanks for the offer though." I said.

"Mom-Dad?" Chris asked.


"Would you mind if I stay with Sean and Tommy and Dereck?"

"That okay with you guys?" Mr. Thompson asked us.

We all agreed and after breakfast, we all helped to clean up, and then all the grown-ups headed out, as well as Pete and Jimmy to see a matinee of Star Trek - The Motion Picture.

After they had all gone and we were all back in Tommy's room, Tommy spoke first, "Well, what do you think-- You like our family?"

"Yes." I spoke.

"And my family?" Chris said.

"Its funny you should mention that..." I said.

"What?" he asked with wide eyes.

"No nothing, I like them just fine," I said, involuntarily glancing up at the black-velvet painting of Jesus. "Its just that I noticed a lot of co-incidences," I added.

"Like what?" His eyes still wide.

"Never mind." I said.

"What is it?" Tommy and Sean asked.

"Last night-- in the middle of the night I had this nightmare, and Chris woke me up, but-- Ahh, I know this is going to sound crazy-- but-- it wasn't Chris."

Sean and Tommy and Chris looked at me intently but said nothing.

"Who was it then?" Chris asked in this meek voice that sounded like a mixture of curiosity and slight intimidation, as though he were afraid of the answer.

I stared back and said nothing. They were all looking at me now, waiting for an answer. I couldn't put it into words. All I could do was to keep glancing at the Black-Velvet painting and then back at Chris and then back to Sean and Tommy.

"Finally, after what seemed like about a million years that no one spoke, Sean suddenly burst out laughing."

"What?" I asked.

"I get it-- ," he said but apparently couldn't stop laughing long enough to get out more than just those three words.

I looked at Tommy; blank face. I looked at Chris, he still had a little scared look on his face. Apparently they weren't offering me any clues.

"What?" I asked Sean. "What do you get?"

Sean turned towards Chris, "He thinks your Jesus."

Tommy then burst out laughing, and Sean went back to laughing the instant he had coughed out that revelation. Now the two brothers are BOTH laughing their heads off, and Chris and I are just starring at each other.

After they started to calm down finally I said, "I'm not kidding-- this really happened."

"We know, " Tommy said and looking at Chris, "He's done it to both of us too, more than once."

"Done what?" Chris asked innocently. "Nobody will tell me. I want to know-- what is it I do?"

"That thing that you do." Sean said, and then burst out laughing again.

"That's all they ever tell me- 'You did that thing you do again'!"

And with that the two of them burst into a second round of hysterical laughter.

"What's so funny??!!" I said as I started to chuckle too. Soon, all four of us were laughing.

Tommy calmed down and tried to explain, "First time it happened to me, " Tommy said, "I was so freaked out-- Chris didn't remember a thing about it."

"Me too Sean said. He told me he wanted 'All of me.'"

"That's THE SAME thing he told me!!" I shouted.

"Me too, " Tommy said.

We all looked at Chris.

"What!! What I do?"

"I told you, Dereck thinks your Jesus." Sean said.

"I'm not Jesus-- My name is Christopher Joshua Josephson!"

"This time my eyes really did completely bug out of my head just hearing all the names together like that! I know everyone saw them bug out even Chris 'cause he re-coiled his neck back in surprise involuntarily"

Tommy burst out laughing so hard, when he saw Chris do that I thought he was going to pee his pants, then Sean, then Chris and then me were all laughing again.

"What's so funny!!" I said between laughs.

Tommy tried to explain in-between breaths, "We both thought the same thing-- me and my brother. "

Sean added, "Yea we both thought the same EXACT thing as you Dereck."

"But- " I started to say.

"Its co-incidence," Tommy said.

"He's Jewish, his hair looks just like your painting-- his name, his mom's name; Mary-Lou, his dad; Joe! He even has a half brother named Jimmy!! And if that's not bad enough, his brother's friend's name is PETER!!"

"Pete!" Chris interjected, "His name is Pete not Peter."

"Whatever!" I said. "Next thing, you're going to tell me he was born on Christmas Eve!!"

Chris said, "How'd you know?"

Everyone was silent after he said that. I scanned all of their faces, no one said a word. "No!! Don't even tell me this!!" I shouted.

"Just kidding," Chris said. and everyone started laughing again.

"Close though, " Sean said, "He was born on the 24th just not December 24th-- October 24th."

"AND, this should make you feel better too, " Tommy said, "Although its true that Jesus did half a half brother named James-- It was a YOUNGER half brother."

"So Chris isn't Jesus?" I said meekly.

I guess Tommy couldn't take any more and suddenly burst out laughing again.

"Jesus!! I'm not Jesus Dereck. Why does everybody think I'm Jesus?" Chris asked.

"We don't" Sean said, "We used to-"

"Actually, Chris has a very special talent", Tommy said, "What you experienced last night-- Me and Sean have experienced it too-- and its actually a lot more common than you might think-- it happens to people everyday-- all over the world and its called a Christophony."

"What is it?" I asked.

"God talking though someone," Sean said. "It doesn't mean that person is God-- "

"In fact, Its probably happened to you before-- God talks to us all the time-- except most of the time we miss it-- He can show up at any time, any place, anywhere, and usually when you least expect it."

"A chrissophony??" I said.

"Close-- a Christophony." Tommy repeated.

"Its a chrissophony because my name is Chris," Chris said, and then added, "Just kidding."

"You're turning out to be quite the little kidder," I said to him, and then turning to Tommy I said, "Well it is true, it did seem strangely familiar." I said.

"After it happens to you a few times you even begin to immediately recognize His face, no matter who He appears through- - you recognize Him by his face-- his expressions." Tommy said.

"Or by his voice," Sean said, "I always recognize His voice."

"Usually he shows up when your in trouble," Tommy added.

"Or when you call out for Him." Sean added.

"Anyways, " Tommy said, as he put his hands on Chris' little shoulders, "Our little cousin here-- Is like an open Channel-- The One, chooses to appear through him often."

"Nice gift," I said to Chris.

Chris just shrugged his shoulders, "I never remember it." he said.

"So you're really not Jesus?" I asked him again.

"No, I'm not Jesus-- my name is-" Chris started

"No!! Please," And I put a hand over his mouth.

"And besides, " Sean said, "How do you even know it was Jesus, did He SAY He was Jesus?"

"No," I reported.

"He's never said to us He was Jesus either - Usually He calls himself The One," Sean said. "Didn't He call himself The One with you too?"

"Um, actually, I don't think so-- He told me He was the one that loved me."

"Well there you have it-- THE ONE that loves you." Tommy said.

"Oh shit-- you're right!" I exclaimed.

"So, the point is-- we don't know that He's Jesus. Do we?" Sean asked.

"No, guess not." I said.

"Did He say anything else to you though?" Tommy asked.

"Um, well, let me think-- yea. He told me that there was only one missing, and then He blew me a kiss, " I said, "Have any idea what THAT means?"

They both shook their heads.

Chris was looking curious all of a sudden. "What is it?" I asked.

"I was just thinking, oh never mind-- its probably not important." he said.

"No tell us," I said.

"Yea tell us," the brothers said.

"Well-- You each say that He told you that He wanted all of you but, maybe He didn't mean He wanted You."

"What do you mean," Tommy asked.

"Well, He could've meant US-- you know-- He wants all of US." Chris explained.

"Yea-- I get it now, " I said, 'I want ALL OF YOU' meaning US!"

"Yea," Chris said-- but I don't know-- maybe, is all I'm saying- - that's what He could've meant."

Sean and Tommy nodded also.

"And another thing, " Chris added, "How do you know that He's a he? You said so yourself Tommy-- God can appear through anyone, even a lady."

"Never thought about it," Tommy said.

We were all silent for a moment reflecting on Chris' obviously surprising intellect. Suddenly Sean, as usual, changed the subject.

"So, now that we got all that cleared up, and we all know that we haven't been fooling around with Jesus," Sean said, "anyone want to fool around?"

"I do!" Chris said holding his hand up in the air and waving it around enthusiastically, and bracing it with his other hand they way a school boy would who was raising his hand up, anxious to be called on by the teacher.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Sean looked at Chris and then looked over at me, and I said, "Well, as long as your sure he's not Jesus!"

Chris responded by pulling his dick out of the elastic of his shorts; it boinged right out-- already hard! I had forgotten how boingy it was. He flicked it with his hand a couple of times- which made me laugh.

"Would Jesus do this?" Chris said, and me not having a clue how he could ask that with a strait face.

"Guess not," I said.

"But then again, " Tommy added, "One never knows do they?"

"Stop it Tommy- I'm not Jesus!"

Tommy started laughing, and then Chris laughed also.

"Look, seriously though, I hope this makes you feel better-- He only does what he does, after midnight." Tommy said.

"That does make me feel better actually," I said. "Okay, let's do this, but we HAVE to hurry," I said, looking at Tommy's nine clocks, "I have to split soon, or I'll get in trouble - My parent's want me home, we're going shopping for a Christmas Tree."

Chris started taking off his clothes in a hurry as though he were a contestant in some sort of absurd stripping contest. You know, last one to be naked is a rotten egg. As he was undressing he said 'I want to be a top this time!"

We all got our clothes off, and Chris was the only one standing there with a total boner-- unconsciously boinging it around again with one hand.

"That's right-- you're a top virgin," Tommy said. "So, you get to pick who you want to do."

Chris looked around the room, boining his dick with his hand over and over while he studied all of us. Then he pointed at me. "Dereck-- I want to do Dereck," he said with this wicked grin, that made me laugh in spite of myself. I could just hear Chris saying, 'Would Jesus do that? Would he smile this totally wicked, but simultaneously cutest-damn-grin you ever saw? Hu? Would Jesus do that?'

Tommy went and got the jar of Vaseline, and I laid down on my back on the bed. What can I say-- who am I to deny a top- virgin their first choice.

"Here, I'll help you," Tommy said to Chris. I watched as Tommy applied the Jelly to Chris' stiff stiff bone.

"I bet you he can go for a long long time, " Sean said, "'Cause he can't ejaculate yet."

I held my legs up high in the air as Chris wiggled into position, with Tommy helping him. I reached under my leg, and grabbed hold of his stiffie, and put it against my hole. "Go ahead, " I said, "Push it in."

Chris pushed his dick part way in, and Tommy pushed him from behind with both hands on his ass, which caused Chris' bone to go all the way in, in one moment.

"Ahhhhh," I said.

And Chris started wiggling it around while it was in there-- he was actually making me feel really really good. He was literally screwing me. Tommy pushed him suddenly again and I got a quick jab of his dick in me.

"Ahhhhh," I grunted.

"He likes that-- keep doing that every now and then-- you're doing great," Tommy told Chris.

Tommy was stroking his cock now, and getting harder and harder. So was I hearing Chris make these little high-pitched grunting noises as he jabbed me every so often.

Suddenly Sean crawled up on the bed, and straddled my chest. He stroked my cock with one hand, while Chris was repeatedly screwing me and jabbing me alternately.

Sean wiggled himself closer to my face, and was poking his dick at my lips. That's when I caught sight of the black-velvet portrait of Jesus on the wall above my head again.

"Tommy saw me glance at it and asked, "You want me to take it down?"

"No, no its okay, " I said, and I opened my lips and let Sean stick his boner in my mouth. I sucked on Sean while Chris fucked me. And I was trying to reach around Sean to stroke myself but I couldn't reach. I guess Tommy saw what I was trying to do, because a moment later I felt him stroking my erection.

"Ohhhh, Ahhhh," I grunted feeling like the total center of attention of everybody. Everybody was doing something to me and the sensations were bringing me closer and closer to nirvana.

Suddenly I felt Sean squirt hot cumm inside my mouth.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," he said as he shot three powerful squirts, and then a couple smaller ones. I swallowed as soon as he pulled his dick out.

Chris was really pistoning me by this time, turning out to be quite a natural top-- thank God he had a really small boner. Otherwise he would be killing me.

Sean got off of me, and Tommy took his place. Damn, I was getting double-team-tagged!

I opened up my mouth wide and Tommy started fucking my mouth with a fever. Apparently Sean got behind Chris and was helping him with his quick forward thrusts, so that each time Sean pushed him into me, it felt like Chris' dick was going to pop out of mouth for a split-second.

Tommy leaned way forward, so that he was practically lying on top of my face, using my mouth as a fuck-hole. I heard Chris gasp, obviously having his first dry orgasm, and would probably have another in a minute or so.

Tommy was really driving his cock into my mouth, forcing his dick-head against the back of my throat. I decided to try and let it penetrate my esophagus. And when I did I started to gag and momentarily suspended cock-sucking.

"Ahhhh fuckkk yeaaaa," Tommy said when he felt his dick go part way down my throat.

I let him put his dick back in my mouth again, and let him push it, this time, much more slowly, through the back of my throat. He got his dick-head through the opening in my throat, and I held it there, not letting him penetrate further. No gagging so far. I then popped his dick-head back out, and then let him push it in again.

"Ahhhh damn Dereck, " Tommy moaned as I did this, "What the fuck are you doing to my dick?-- I'm gona cum!!!!"

Suddenly I pushed his dick-head back out from inside of my throat not wanting to choke on cum, but Tommy, practically laying on my face, kept his cock inside of my mouth while he came. Hot salty squirts were hitting the back of my throat. Tommy squirted so much damn cum into my mouth I couldn't possibly swallow all of it, and it started leaking out of my cock-filled mouth.

I heard Chris have another orgasm, and was fucking me really hard now. I felt Sean start sucking my cock, and I only lasted about another minute.

"Ahhhh gona cum!!!!' I said. Sean kept sucking, and I shot about three powerful squirts right into Sean's sucking mouth.

Chris had another orgasm, and growing tired, pulled out of my ass.

"Not bad sport, " I said. "You fucked me pretty good."

We all laid on the bed in momentary exhaustion.

"I can't wait to get together with you all again-- maybe next week-end, I'll ask okay?"

"Totally, " we all said in agreement.

Afterwards, I got dressed quickly. I was already late getting back home. "Bye Everyone," I said, "Bye Chris-- Hope to see you next week!"

"Bye Dereck," Chris hollered as I showed myself the way down stairs. Outside, I jumped on my bike and rode like the wind, trying to make up for lost time.

Along the way it seemed as if the wind ITSELF was against me. I could hardly believe it! Here I was, my parents actually expecting me home by a certain time, so we could go do this Christmas Lot thing-- which for some crazy idea my dad had that it was a family event-- give me a break- shopping for a Christmas Tree?? Anyways, I'm late, I had one chance to make the time up and that was if the wind was behind me, like it usually is in this direction-- but INSTEAD I encounter this freak wind blowing in from the east, which must be one of those dramatic desert wind conditions that sometimes effects this area that everyone talked about when I first moved here.

It was amazing, it was REALLY starting to blow! I'd be riding along, and suddenly, a gust would hit me, that must have been like sixty miles an hour-- nearly completely stopping me on my bike even though I was pedaling full power. The gust would blow by, and I'd start moving again, only to have another hit me like thirty seconds later.

I didn't have my Walkman with me, so I brought music into my head-- its a talent of mine-- since I was really little-- I can recall music photographically-- well, auditory that is. I don't know how I do it, and for a long time I thought everyone could do it-- but what I do is I remember a song, and the song, the music, all of it, I'll start to hear it in my head.

I had conjured up what I thought a very ap-po-pro song into my head in this fashion, it was 'Against The Wind', by Bob Seiger, and I started singing along out loud, trying to shout over this freaky wind every time a gust hit me.

"Against the wind, I'm still ridin' against the wind," I sang (sometimes I change the words) I'm older now but I'm still ridin', against the wind...," I sang completely hunched forward on my bike trying to crank out as much torque on the pedals as I possibly could.

Suddenly a gust hit me that stopped me completely. I had to put my foot down to stop from tipping over. This was hard to believe, I couldn't ever remember, a wind storm so strong. Trash was blowing all over the place, and leaves and dust and dirt. I had to shield my eyes. Then another one hit. 'Man this gust was strong.' I was thinking, 'Shit seventy miles an hour it felt like.'

I got off my bike, and started walking forward with determination, keeping my head down so dust wouldn't blow into my eyes. Well, I thought to myself, maybe this will give me a good excuse to be late-- I might as well relax, I don't think we're going to the lot in a dry hurricane!!


Man, it took me over an hour to get home. I didn't have to explain anything to my parents, they were both watching the news, as soon as I opened the back door, my mom said, "Oh Thank God, we we're worried."

My dad said, "This is one of the worst-- telephone polls are being reported going down all over the city, We're glad you're home- - and not riding around in this."

"Who could ride?? I had to walk my bike home, and that wasn't even easy!" I said.

"We're not going to the lot tonight-- forget that," My dad said, "Want to watch the news with us?"

"Um-- no, I'll take a rain check on that." I said, "I'll be in my room, listening to music." I said.

My parents went back to watching the news-- anytime something was going on, my parents were all over it-- brush fire, slight earthquake, sonic boom, anything-- On came the news where they would watch hypnotized to find out all the details. I could care less. I hated television. And I especially hated the news. OBVIOUSLY, there was a wind storm going on-- Duhh!!!! What else do you need to know? Here, I could do the news the way it should be done:

"Good evening everybody, this is the local news. We are currently having a really freaky wind storm, gusts of seventy miles per hour, maybe more. If you're indoors stay there if you're not get your ass inside. Okay, that's the end of the news for tonight, wish I had more to report. AND THAT'S the way it is!!"

But, that's NOT the way it is-- Oh crap and the radio news is even worse-- I remember this little earthquake we had once, I didn't even FEEL it!! My dad was listening to the radio outside in the garage and turned on to a news station to find out more. Crap, they just kept telling you the same old thing over and over-- 'We Just had an earthquake-- we don't know how big yet, we'll let you know as soon as WE know-- In fact, We don't know anything, except that we just had an earthquake, but AS SOON as we know more, we'll report what we know. Five minutes later-- DUM DUM DUM, And at the top of the news right - We just had an earthquake-- We don't know anything else-- but We'll let you know more.... blah blah blah, and then you get these guys trying to fill time, all they do is talk about earthquakes. What to do if one happens, how to prepare for one-- Oh give me a break NOBODY prepares for earthquakes-- its like preparing for an auto wreck! And besides, if this WAS 'the big one' don't you think it'd be a little late for all that now. Its so stupid-- Oh, and THE BEST part is when they start taking calls, that's a riot-- now THAT'S news-- let me tell you, it goes like this:

"Hello, caller one your on the air."

"Hello Dick? We felt it over here where we live."

"What did it feel like?"

"Well it was kind of a rolling motion. It woke us up."

"Well thank you for that, Next caller."

"Hi Dick? We felt it too over where we live, but it was more like a shaking motion."

"Ok, thank you, next caller."

"Hi dick, just wanted to let you know we felt it-- it made our dogs bark. It felt like a rocking motion..."

Man, at least, if we were having a tornado or a hurricane, like on the east coast, at least they might be able to tell you like WHERE ITS HEADED or where to go to get help if your house blows down, you know some USEFULL information like that. Not in California though, no, no, no, out here all you have is crap for news.

And the worst is when they interrupt PRIME-TME television and do one of these SPECIAL REPORTS, just to give you some stupid useless news. I remember this one time, I was watching Emergency when I was much younger. All of a sudden the show goes off and I'm looking at this blue slide that says "We interrupt this program to bring you a SPECIAL REPORT" and they just leave us hanging for like thirty seconds staring at this stupid blue slide, everyone no doubt wondering, Okay, has WWIII started? How long till the nukes get here?-- Maybe sooner than the stupid report comes on maybe-- I swear-- people must have actually had heart attacks starring at that blue slide!!

So When the SPECIAL REPORT actually DOES finally come on-- they told us we we're currently experiencing a severe thunder-storm to stay indoors-- I'm like - Oh Crap, like I couldn't see the lighting and hear the thunder-- DUH!!! OBVIOUSLY, we were experiencing a severe thunderstorm-- so, ok, I didn't know it was the worst one to hit Los Angeles in like a hundred years - but is that really news?-- its more like trivia-- the point is I think everyone knew we were having a really fucking-A thunder storm. I mean, it'd be forgivable if they at least interrupted the show BEFORE the storm got here to let everybody know that a really bad lightning storm was on the way so people would have a chance to get inside-- but then again, if you're watching TV to even SEE the report, you're already inside-- so what was the damn point?? I couldn't figure it out-- they made me miss like half of the show Emergency, which really pissed me off because you know the show keeps playing even though no one's watching it, they don't stop the show for the special report or re- wind it or anything-- I mean-- damn, the report could have been like ten seconds longs-- bad lightning storm over L.A. get inside now! Back to the show-- I mean the blue slide ALONE took up at least a half minute if not longer. I think that was when I first started thinking that I hated television.

When I got into my room I put on my headphones. I looked through my record collection. I needed something to help me-- well, meditate."

I finally decided upon Led Zeppelin-- I was in one of those moods. I dropped the needle on the groove that begins the track "Stairway To Heaven" , and then lowered the dust cover, and laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.

While the song was playing, I was having some wild visualizations. I kept thinking about Chris, except it wasn't Chris, blowing me a kiss-- his lips puckered up, that long, really long blow-- my mind was recalling that freaky wind on the ride home-- I kept seeing that Black-Velvet painting of Jesus with red hair-- then I'd have a visual of Chris' mom, and her bright red hair, The pentagrams around Sean and Tommy and Sean and Tommy's parents-- all the weird marks, my own marks-- And the wind-- My mind kept going back to the wind-- AND there was something about THE WIND in the dang song I was listening to. This one line kept repeating itself in my head that went, 'And its whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, than the piper will lead us to reason' connected up with this other line, 'And your stairway lies on the whispering wind...'

After the track was over, I just laid there in the silence of my headphones. Whispering wind, whispering wind, the wind, the wind... It was almost like I was in a delirium, the trance lasting long after the song was over. The visuals, the images, the thoughts, all rumbling though my mind like a fast moving train-- the monorail at Disneyland.

Suddenly I took the head-phones off and opened my eyes. The wind outside was still howling. Not as strong as before but very consistent. The shutters on my windows were creaking and buckling slightly with each gust. It was dark now, and creepy. The wind was warm too, so I had my window open. Here it was December, and its like eighty degrees outside. The curtains blowing all over the place just like that one line from the song, 'Don't Fear The Reaper' - Ughhh, just thinking about that song now gives me the creeps since I saw that one ad that said 'Don't fear the reaper.'

Later on, I decided to watch a movie on ON-TV with my folks in the living room. I could handle that-- It was commercial free. It was kind of a sexy and violent movie and all that, that usually my parents wouldn't invite me to watch-- but, I guess they wanted to draw me out of my room-- my dad again, thinking that television was another 'family event' me not wanting to watch TV he took as me being anti-social, when it really wasn't that way at all. Anyways, the movie was 'Excalibur' and at first I expressed interest to watch it, being that the story IS interesting, with King Arthur and the knights of the round table and all that, especially Merlin and magic and everything BUT I have to say a little ways into the movie I found myself becoming disinterested. How could they take such an exciting story as King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table and make it as boring as hell?? Well, my dad told me this was the adult version of the tale not the kid's version-- the only thing I could figure from that is that adults like things really damn boring!! And Long!! Did I mention that? Damn, by the time the movie was over, I was ready for bed!! Maybe, I thought, adults watched movies like this so they wouldn't have to take sleeping pills. After the movie was over I felt like I'd taken two Valium, mixed with a couple of shots of whiskey, and smoked a joint on top of that!!

I got into bed, and I kept the window open being that it was so dang warm in the house. The wind was still blowing, and I wondered if there'd be anything still left standing that wasn't anchored down, by morning. Now it being dark in my room as well as dark outside, the sound of the wind, and the curtains blowing, was really, really spooky.

My mind went back to this one part of the movie, where they were talking about the round table, and that the circle wouldn't be complete without this one knight. I started thinking about what Chris said to me in that weird trance he was in, 'There's only one missing...', 'I want all of you', and then the sound of the wind outside, and then from the movie, 'The circle is incomplete', 'I want all of you', 'There's only one missing' back and forth back and forth back and forth, and then the image of Chris blowing me that long, long kiss, Wheeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww, and the wind, and the wind, and the wind, as I drifted off into the darkness.

And I had another strange dream...

I actually thought I had awoken, but I guess it was a dream. I looked at the clock, and it was just after midnight. I was wearing only my underwear, because it was so warm. It was still really warm, really really, warm and I took off my briefs, so that I was totally nude. I seemed to have been in a weird trance. I was drawn towards the open window. There's usually a screen on it, but in the dream there was no screen. I approached the window, walking through the drapes that were blowing this way and that. Some-how the shutters had blown loose and were flapping and banging against the side of the house. The wind was still howling.

I climbed up onto the window sill, and just like that dove off, like there was a swimming pool below me, which of course there wasn't. Instead of going down though, I went up, right into the windy air, and started flying around like I was some kind of a bird or something-- I didn't have to flap my arms though, I just coasted right up and up and up into the night sky.

Above me was what I thought was the moon, but it was red, blood red. If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn it was the planet mars, but as large as the moon. It was beautiful, although eerie, and I was visually attracted to it. 'How strange,' I thought to myself as I set a trajectory strait up setting my sights on this strange moon.

It got really windy, the higher I went and I got pretty high up. It was a really realistic dream. I could see street lights and the lights from cars below me. I kept flying, the warm night breeze, nipping at my hair and my face, like I was a dog sticking my head out a car window going fifty five miles per hour down the freeway.

And the wind was whispering to me. I could hear what sounded like voices in the wind as it flew past me, it was saying, 'You're only missing one' and 'The circle is not complete' - The voices weren't loud or anything-- in fact it was really subtle-- you could miss it almost.

I was flying along, when I saw another figure up ahead of me, another person, just flying along at the same altitude-- which we were both pretty high, like, I don't know, a few thousand feet. I was curious. I'd had flying dreams before, but never before had I encountered someone else flying around while I was flying. As I approached the figure I could tell he was a boy, and that he also was naked.

I got closer and closer and closer to the boy. He was facing forward, so I didn't know if he was aware of me. Finally I reached him. I could tell he was about eleven years old. Dark sandy blond hair, medium length blowing every which way. His arms stretched out as though he thought he were an airplane or maybe pretending to be one. I flew up along his left flank. I have to say I thought his nude body to be very attractive; he had the cutest little butt.

I risked frightening him by tapping him on the shoulder. I had expected maybe he would react surprised but he turned his head to look at me as if he knew all along I was there. He looked angelic, absolutely beautiful, especially being that he was flying, and naked like that. All he was missing were the wings, which apparently, like myself, he didn't need. He had bright green eyes. And instead of him reacting in surprise-- he surprised ME by wrapping his arms around me and kissing me full on the mouth. Just as if we were already lover's and he had expected my supernatural nocturnal arrival.

Oh what a kiss. Our tongues intertwined, and our bodies intertwined as we both flipped lateral while flying, as though we were doing a flying-dance. Twirling around this way and that however the wind wanted, as we kissed and embraced each other.

The boy's genitals were pushed up against my own, and I could feel we were both getting erections. We kissed, and hugged, and twirled, and floated, and rubbed our bodies together, a thousand feet above the clouds.

The boy's arms were wrapped around my neck and as I looked while we kissed I saw on his right wrist in dark black bold magic marker style ink, the letter 'b' which I knew stood for 'breath' meaning the element air.

And suddenly it all came to me. Your only missing one-- The circle is incomplete -- The pentagram-- The elements -- Tommy was Fire, Sean was Water, Chris was Earth, and I was Spirit, There was one missing.

"Air," said the whispering wind.' Just as if it had read my mind.

I was getting lost in the passion of the moment. Oh that kiss. That absolutely angelic face, that beautiful body. I didn't even know who he was, or what his name was, we'd never even spoken a word to one another which I guess is un-necessary when meeting somebody flying in a dream. My heart was pounding, my innards warming up. My libido igniting.

I couldn't resist. Our boners both fully erect now, I reached one hand down to feel the boy's dick. It was warm, and stiff, and as I started gently stroking it, he moaned softly. I gently squeezed and he moaned again. I slowly started masturbating the boy. He continued to moan softly life the purr of a kitten as he reached down to reciprocate. I felt his hand when he touched me, wrapping his fingers around my now fully hard cock. A shiver went down my spine. He started stroking it, and we kissed, as we flew, through the air, the wind, floating, twirling, as the wind would have it.

I heated up, like a burning flame. By the sound of his moans as we stroked each other gently, apparently he was heating up himself, their was the evidence of a growing intensity in the boy, as if he might suddenly ignite. If only we would ignite, we'd be a double shooting star through the night sky.

And all around us was the wind, blowing, rushing by, and whispering, 'This is the one', 'The circle is now complete'

He reached orgasm first, and I was surprised when I could feel warm liquid on my hand. He continued to stroke me, however, and with the other hand the boy grabbed the back of my head and refused to break the kiss. As my own orgasm approached, his kiss became more and more passionate, and his strokes more intense. After only a few moments I ejaculated myself, a mile over the city below.

We continued to kiss, long after we both peaked and to allow ourselves to dance and sail down the current of this windy river of dreams.

And the whole time, the wind never stopped, and the wind never stopped whispering.

When I awoke the next morning, I noticed that the wind had gone. And that my shutters really had blown open.

I laid in bed for several minutes. I fully recalled every aspect of the dream-- I realized that we all were a circle, that we were only missing one-- the one who represented Air, AND I realized I already had a hunch who Air was. If I was right, Pete had a younger brother and whoever he was, was the only one that was missing. And I also had a hunch that Chris had already met him.

When I threw the covers off of myself to get out of bed I also realized that I was totally nude.

"...There's a place I like to hide. A doorway that I run through in the night.

Relax child you will learn. I only didn't realize that you were scared.

Its a place where you will learn to face your fears and trace the years,

On the wings of the night.

Commanding in another world, suddenly you hear and see this magic new dimension.

I will be watching over you. I'm going to help to see you through.

I will protect you in the night. I'm smiling next to you, in silent lucidity."

-End Chapter Six-

--Thanks for all your e-mails, chapter Seven will be coming shortly. --I hope you like the story thus far, please send your comments to darronthewitch@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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