Dream Boy

By Darron, Darron The Witch, The Witch

Published on Aug 22, 2005


"...When passion is declared a sin,

And intimacy is outlawed,

Love becomes the most defiant crime of all..."

-Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

"I would like, if I may, to take you on a very strange journey...

It's astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes its toll.

But listen closely, 'cause not for very much longer,

I've got to keep control...

...Its so dreamy, oh fantasy free me,

So you can't see me, no, not at all. In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention,

Well secluded, I see all With a bit of a mind flip, you're into the time slip

and nothing can ever be the same..."

-Time Warp (Rocky Horror Picture Show)

Dream Boy by Danny The Witch

"...Secret secret-- I've got a secret...

I'm not a hero, I'm not the savior, forget what you know. I'm just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control.

Beyond my control, beyond my control..."

-Mr. Roboto (Styx)

"...I don't know how, you were inverted, no one alerted you..."

-While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Beatles)

"The truth is never hard to find you kept it hidden well. I hope to live long enough,

to tell the secret I have learned, until then, It'll burn inside of me..."

  • Live To Tell (Madonna)


When we all got onto the bicycle path I tried to sit on my ten- speed and slowly ride along as Tommy didn't have a bike to ride and was walking.

Almost the moment I got onto the bicycle I realized the seat was way too high for me now. I went through a moment of trying to balance it, and then tipped over.

"Crap!! I REALLY am smaller!" I said in frustration as I managed somehow not to tear the pants I was wearing and scab up my knees.

Tommy and Sean were very polite and didn't laugh, although I'm certain they were tempted to.

"Looks like I'm gona be a kind of a klutz for awhile 'till I get used to my new size," I said.

Sean said, "You'd better walk it for now."

Tommy helped me back up onto my feet while Sean pulled the bicycle off of me.

"We can help you lower the seat when we get to the house," Tommy said.

Sean said, "Yea- We've got tools in the garage."

"Thanks guys," I responded humbly.

I brushed off my pants as I said, "These are my favorite jeans! They don't make them like this anymore. I'm sure glad I didn't ruin them!"

"Actually, " Sean said with a somber look, "You're a lot more stylin' now."

"Humm?" I asked.

"Over sized t-shirts are in right now!" Sean said with a grin.

"And, " Tommy said pointing at my leg-cuffs, "Floods are out!"

I looked at my feet- the pants reached all the way down to my shoes, completely covering my socks. That was actually cool because I really loved these jeans and I had thought I was going to eventually have to get rid of them being that I was getting teased more and more often when I wore them to school; kids would say, 'When's the flood coming' or 'Expecting a flood?" and stuff like that because my cuffs were too high. My mom had bought these pants for me over a year ago, and as chance would have it, just before I went through this radical growth spurt. Six months later the length was already too short revealing my socks. I tried to compensate by wearing my pants lower around my hips, and although that worked for while, eventually that didn't help either, as I was still going through this terrific growing phase which I guess co-in sided with the onset of puberty.

Now, as I looked down and observed, these jeans seemed to fit me perfectly - they weren't even tight around the waist anymore. My underwear was a different story however. I could tell they were about three sizes too big for me now. Through my jeans I could feel my genitals kept flopping out through the over-sized leg- hole. I kept trying to readjust myself, as they say, while starting to walk my bike.

Sean noticed that I kept grabbing myself for like the fourth time in a row, tugging this way and that. "You alright down there?" he asked.

"They're too big-- my stuff keeps flopping out!" I said.

"What your balls? You're balls are too big?" Tommy asked.

"No!! My underwear!!" I said getting more and more frustrated.

"I'll give you a few pairs of mine, " Sean said, "I think they'll fit, we're about the same size now."

"Thanks," I said now feeling humbled for the second time.

"You know what quitters are?" Tommy suddenly asked.

I shook my head.

"Socks, when the elastic is all stretched out on 'em so they won't stay up on your damn leg anymore." Tommy informed me.

"Okay," I said.

"You know what's the only thing worse than quitter socks?? Leg holes that quit on your underwears!!" Tommy said.

We all laughed out loud at that.

"Hey Sean, " I said changing the subject, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, my now littler friend!!"

"When we were, you know-- over there," I looked at Tommy for a second, and then back at Sean, "Mitch said something that I don't understand-- he said that the story of Lucifer getting kicked out of heaven was an interesting rumor-- what did he mean by that exactly?"

Sean shrugged his shoulders. I looked at Tommy, since he seemed to be the one of us three that knew the most stuff about the bible-- second only to Chris.

Tommy picked up my que and responded by saying, "Well- it IS an interesting rumor."

"I don't understand, listen, I know I don't know that much about the bible and all that but I DID attend Christian school for a little bit-- admittedly, not for very long, however, the only story I really remember them telling me about the bible that I can remember with any detail, is this story about Lucifer starting a rebellion in heaven, and getting kicked out of heaven and Michael, the archangel having this big battle, and then Lucifer becoming Satan and the devil and all that-- It seems to me, and tell me if I'm wrong, isn't that the most famous story in the bible?"

"Yea, " Tommy said, "The most famous story in the bible that ISN'T in the bible!"

"What do you mean?" I asked bewildered. "Why did they tell us that then? I remember it used to keep me up at nights wondering how that could possibly happen. I mean if Angel's can fuck up that bad-- I didn't stand a chance! I mean I used to think ok, so God loves me NOW, but what about later-- after I fuck up?"

"This is a little secret Dereck about the bible-- And if you don't believe me look it up yourself-- NOWHERE in the entire bible-- old testament or new testament, including the books of the Apochra, the dead sea scrolls, or any other biblical or psudo-biblical text says anywhere that the angel Lucifer is or became Satan or the devil."

"That's incredible-- I mean it's the most famous story in the bible!!" I said completely astonished!, "Apparently, if this be true, I was totally lied to.

"Well, if they told you that Lucifer became the devil or Satan or that the two are the same AND that that's in the bible-- yes, they lied to you. Because, I can ASSURE you It's not anywhere in the bible."

"Holy Crap!!"

"And if they ever told you that the devil or Satan is or ever was a heavenly host or an angel and that THAT was in the bible-- they lied to you again."

I looked at Sean-- he just shrugged his shoulder's again.

Joshua, I shall call him Joshua right now since Chris already explained to us all that his name was never Jesus, said himself, in the book of John, which you know-- if you've read it yet-- You really should do you're homework my littler friend-- and I quote: Satan is a liar, a thief, and a murderer AND HAS BEEN SINCE THE BEGINING..."

"Wow!!" I said.

"And, " Tommy continued, "The reason Joshua added that last part 'Since the beginning' on there is because even back then the Pharisees were saying stuff like the devil used to be an angel and was loved by God and fell from heaven--"

"I still don't understand-- How can they get away with saying its in the bible when it isn't?"

"They say a lot of stuff's in the bible that isn't-- Especially to little kids- in an attempt to brainwash them, being that they're a bit naive and not likely to question adults in this way. It really is dastardly. Because even if years later they find out that it isn't true-- they have so many years of thinking that way that its really hard to give up the concept once its been planted in their mind since they were a wee little kid. I mean its like, Oh crap-- tell a Christian that Jesus isn't his real name-- and prove it to him, and more than likely they'll keep on praying in Jesus name even though they know that wasn't his name because they've been doing it all their life-- and how can they just stop doing it now?"

"The reason the world-wide Catholic church started this rumor, and its been going on ever since, is that they wanted to make people believe in the devil as an actual living, breathing intelligent entity, and the best way to do that was to give him an actual name- - a personal name-- Satan wasn't good enough because 'Satan' is not actually a name-- its a word-- and it means 'The Adversary'-- they linked the personal name of Lucifer up with the devil and invented this story, thereby giving the devil an actual name, personalizing him, and making him more real."

"You kind of lost me," I said.

"Dereck-- There's only one small passage in the entire bible that even mentions the name Lucifer, and that's in the Hebrew books of the prophets; the book of Isaiah. Now this particular passage in Isaiah which mentions the name Lucifer, has got to be one of the most convoluted passages in all of the old testament. It breaks just about every rule of writing ever made-- It refers to two people in the passage-- one the angel Lucifer, and the other a man who was the King of Tyre-- the narrator keeps jumping back and forth referring to one and then the other without giving any reasonable indication as to who is being talked about at any particular sentence. The entire passage defies any reasonable interpretation because of how confusing its written. It starts off describing the angel Lucifer, who was loved by God-- the passage does describe a "falling" but not to hell-- to earth, as a lightning bolt. The passage does not say that Lucifer is Satan, or that he was kicked out of heaven or that he is the devil or that he started a rebellion and a war in heaven. Furthermore, even within the same sentence it seems like the narrator is talking about Lucifer but it makes no logical sense-- for example-- it says there in that passage ...that his fall was caused by the love of money-- now that doesn't make any sense does it? That has got to be referring to the king of Tyre-- a MAN could be tempted by power and money-- in fact, the entire description of the fall, and the rebellious statements attributed to Lucifer-- the five famous 'I will's'-- I will ascend my throne higher than the throne of God, I will be like the most high-- is PROBABLY, described to the King of Tyre and not to Lucifer at all-- after all, Lucifer was not described as having a throne but The king of Tyre was a king, had a kingdom and therefore also a throne- -in fact the only thing from that passage you can reasonably attribute as being described of Lucifer is that he dwells in the highest heaven, that he is beautiful and wise, and loved by God-- all the rest of it is PROBBLY referring to the king of Tyre, a money hungry, power lusting king, who thought he was God, and desired for his kingdom to be the greatest in all of heaven and earth and to be worshiped by men. In fact, the lightning bolt representing Lucifer's decent, was THE proverbial lightning bolt-- you know the one, whenever someone's thinking becomes so convoluted they make a ridiculous statement, something to the effect that they're more powerful than God-- tempting God to strike them by lightning-- in this case, the lightning bolt represented Lucifer, the bringer of light (truth); lucidity (clear thinking) which is what his name means--"

"That's fantastic!" I said.

Tommy continued, "The name of Lucifer has got to be the most maliciously maligned name of all names. If Lucifer was of THE WORLD, he could file a petition with the world courts, for libelous defamation of character and he would win because none of these people spreading this lie around would have half a chance of proving its validity in court, even IF the court agreed to use the bible as an authority text. The whole thing started on an assumption, and you know what it is to ASSUME? To make an ASS out of U and ME!"

"Uh hu," I said, rearranging my littler package one more time.

"And, " Tommy said, "A major violation of one of the ten commandments: 'Thou shall not bear false testimony against another."

"So, " I said, "What about Satan? Is he real?" I asked.

Sean suddenly spoke, "I can answer that!!" he said. "Read the book of John-- that's all I can say-- People say Joshua spoke a lot about the devil, hell, and demons, but what they seem to fail to grasp is that these are symbols of The World. In fact Joshua never referred to demons at all-- he called them devils."

"I don't get it." I said.

Sean looked at Tommy, and motioned for him to explain more.

"Go ahead-- tell him," Tommy said to Sean.

"But, I'm not very good at explaining stuff like this," Sean said.

"You can-- just tell him the truth." Tommy said.

"Well, Satan means 'The Adversary' and Joshua uses this term, however, he also describes the world as being 'The Adversary'-- many many times that assimilation is made between the word Satan and The World-- therefore, Satan is not an actual person but a symbol for The World, or worldly concepts, which is 'The Adversary'. Devils, very similarly, represent particular popular and 'worldly', 'godless' ideologies. Apparently personified -- The key to understanding this is in the verse where Joshua says to Peter, 'Get behind me Satan' now unless you're under the assumption that Peter was momentarily 'possessed' by the devil just then-- the only other reasonable interpretation is that Joshua rebuked him because he was displaying an un-godly, popular, world view, which was at the heart of his arguing."

"But," I said, " I thought that Joshua actually TALKED with Satan in the wilderness?"

"Yea-- good point," Sean said, "Each temptation by the devil represented a world idea and mocking skepticism, things like you need to eat, you need to drink, stop all this spirituality nonsense-- you're gona die if you don't eat-- he doubted him being a son of god, the same way they will doubt you being a son of god saying things like -- well if your really a son of god than miraculously make food for yourself, and clothes, and obviously you don't need to get a job since your a son of god-- so forth and so on, how are you going to pay the rent, and so forth-- the devil was described as a mocking spirit, representing 'the reality of the world'-- In the next temptation, he is saying to Joshua, well if your really a son of god than jump off this cliff-- they'll tell you the same thing. And the final temptation is a beautiful representation of Satan being the world-- for that is exactly what he shows Joshua-- is the entire world-- all of its thrones and kingdoms, riches, abundances, etc... mocking him still more, more or less saying, aren't even the least of these kingdoms better than your surreal, ethereal spiritual kingdom that is your throne-- in other words, that kingdoms of the earth are real and spiritual kingdoms are nonsense. Like, oh in other words-- A satanic message is a message which transmits worldly pragmatism-- of practical advise with the underlying message being that there is no God or that you should not depend on him.

"Ok stop-- don't say anymore-- I read the book of John but I have to go over it again now."

"Its about time!" Tommy said.

"Can we talk about Mars now?" Sean asked.

"Yes yes , please," I responded.

"Finally!" Sean said. "You asked us earlier at lunch, if our guardians come from mars, and I was thinking about that during the rest of my classes-- I know this is going to sound weird and at first its going to sound unrelated but just keep listening you need to know this-- And I have to start all the way at the beginning... "

"Alright," I said.

"Okay, the modern UFO phenomenon officially starts with the invention of the Camera. Now people have been seeing UFOs and stuff forever. Probably, they've always been here, but whatever it was that people were seeing was hardly taken seriously since they usually observed things when they were alone. However the camera changed all that. In the beginning, cameras were expensive and not too many people had then but eventually more and more people owned them, and more and more often these observations starting being substantiated by photographs. Around the early 1900's or so, UFO reports being substantiated by photographic evidence was being sensationalized by the press. The government became interested in the phenomenon at about that time."

Sean suddenly stopped and looked at me, "Have you ever read the book Chariots Of The Gods by Edward Von Donikin?"

I responded immediately, "Of course I have that book-- Ask Tommy, I'm an alien nut!"

"Good-- then you know that Von Donikin brought up several interesting conceptions about aliens, one being his speculation that biblical descriptions of angels in the bible-- particularly in the book of Ezekiel, but also in other stories such as the story of Elijah, and Jacob, are actually depicted more as flying VEHICLES than actual persons-- He combs through the old testament, to show, as a kind of thesis, that THERE IS evidence of UFO's in the bible." Sean explained.

"Okay, yes I remember that," I said.

"Okay, and he brings up several other speculations but the main speculation in the book was quite interesting, and as far as I know was the first book to speculate on the origins of possible aliens on earth making a connection between modern day UFO phenomenon and Von Donikin's new speculation as to their origin-- Now there is good reason to bring this up because like I said, it was the first time this type of logic was brought out to the American people-- the book received heavy criticism when it came out-- it was really weird-- no doubt certain factions of the government went to considerable length to discredit Von Donikin so people wouldn't take his book seriously And here's the reason why."

"Okay, Is this the theory that aliens were involved with our own creation?" I asked.

"Yes," Sean responded. "And its kind of a logic puzzle- And I'll show you how it goes, but first let me give you some history. During WWII, the technology of RADAR was perfected by the allies, mostly in America. And it was with the aid of RADAR that the discovery of UFO's was basically discovered and proven. Before then, it was a legend based on what who saw and stuff like that-- but now, with RADAR the military had corroboration of evidence to authenticate eyewitness testimony. In other words, hard evidence that there really was a UFO phenomenon. This is critical, because not very long after the war ended-- the American government, perceiving these things as a possible threat, worked on ways to shoot one down. Eventually, they decided to try shooting concentrated RADAR beams at them. The first experiment was conducted over our most secure military installation at the time; in Roswell New Mexico. Not only was that the only Air Force Base where we held nuclear weapons, but, it also was a hot spot on UFO activity. The military believed they were spying on the Air Force Base-- This was really bothering the Air Force, all this air- activity over the one base in the entire country that housed nuclear weapons. Security was paramount. They altered normal RADAR to create an amplified and focused beam very similar to LASER technology, and then when one of these UFO's came by, they locked onto it from RADAR, and hit it with this beam. It worked-- the spacecraft crashed landed shortly thereafter on this farm nearby, which started the biggest legend of modern UFO lore ever."

"Yes-- Roswell-- very famous, Hanger eighteen, all that stuff," I said.

"An alien body," Tommy said.

"Yes, an alien body and many other rumors. Okay, so you know all that. This is the thing-- the U.S. government had suspected the possibility of the UFO phenomenon as being real, and being extra-terrestrial in origin, all the way back to the early part of the twentieth century. Since then the government was faced with a dilemma-- having to do with WHAT do we do IF we eventually do discover that these guy's are extra-terrestrial in origin?? Big question. Should we tell the American people AND the world, or should we keep it a secret? Was their basic dilemma. Now-- I know I'm jumping. Dr. Sigmund Freud, a famous Vienna psychiatrist whose been called the father of modern Psychiatry, among all of his theories about the subconscious mind and all that-- also came up with a very little known theory that became of paramount interest to the government- This theory by Freud stated that human beings have an innate fear of aliens. And he called the phobia--Xenophobia. It was because of this theory by Freud that the government set out to conduct a little experiment to find out if it was true-- That experiment was the Mercury Theatre radio play of The War Of The Worlds. The results were that people committed suicide and there was all kinds of chaos that erupted around the country as a direct result of that broadcast. Even though at that time the government couldn't prove the existence of aliens-- they already knew, that if in the future they discovered they were in fact real and watching us-- they COULD NOT tell the American public. "

"So here it is after the war, we've developed RADAR and we know that UFO's are real-- however we can't prove that they are extra-terrestrial-- for all we know-- it could be anybody-- maybe the Russians, with secret technology they got from the Germans-- who knows. Here's the point-- We didn't ACUALLY know that we were dealing with Extra-Terrestrials until AFTER they shot one down, and discovered the body. That is when things went into overdrive in secret channels in the American Government."

"Wow!! I said.

"It gets better, " Tommy said, "Keep listening!"

Sean continued, "The American Government's top priority, as a matter of defense, FIRST was to come up with some reasonable idea of their origin. They contacted the countries leading scientific Astronomers and Astrophysicists. The results of all that brain- picking of top scientific minds left the government with a terrible puzzle to try and solve. What happened is that the feedback they got from scientists was that the question of IF there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe was really irrelevant-- most scientists stated that it was impossible according to the physics established by Einstein, for them to ever make contact with us. The problem being that, you can't travel faster than the speed of light. It works like this- although astronomers conceded that the probability of highly intelligent life elsewhere in the universe was very high-- the stated that the probability of intelligent life evolving anywhere close enough to earth for them to make contact was so improbable, as to be practically impossible. This presented a puzzle-- because the government knew they were here, and now they knew two other things-- If Einstein was right-- which all scientists agreed he was, then number one we knew they couldn't have come from far away, but we also knew they couldn't have evolved nearby. So, where in the hell did they come from-- who were these extra-terrestrials. If they evolved millions of light years away, they could never get here- - and the likelihood of two separate and independent intelligent life-forms evolving on two nearby planets, such as in our solar system was so unlikely it was unanimously agreed was impossible. So where did they come from?"

"You got me?" I said.

The government didn't know-- and they had no clues. However, that was, until John F. Kennedy came along with a new idea, that was so preposterous it had to be taken seriously, AND, this little theory of his eventually got him killed.

What JFK hypothesized was actually a kind of logic-- his solution to the puzzle was very creative. He speculated that if they couldn't have come from far away, and it was impossible for them to have evolved independently nearby was that they didn't evolve independently. In other words, his hypothesis was that they did come from nearby, but that they were related to us, like cousins; that there might have been a single original evolution of man, and these beings, and then after a partial evolution, these two species, us and them separated and evolved independent after the separation. Like I said, it was preposterous. However, scientists conceded that that was the most likely scenario. JFK immediately put NASA into the direction of Solar System exploration. Only problem was, they needed funds, and his appropriations were constantly being dogged by congress who were completely unaware of our little 'alien' problem. Kennedy, however, continued to appropriate as much funds as he could to NASA who went into full gear. Later, Kennedy came up with a neat little solution to get congress to beef up NASA to the point it needed to be. To tell them that it was mandatory we get to the moon before The Soviets. He told them enough to make the point. Now, why did we have to get to the moon? This is how that happened-- even though we knew life could not have evolved on the moon-- it was the most likely place for an alien base. There was A LOT of UFO traffic around earth, and basically military experts all agreed they had to have a base somewhere. It was agreed that it was very unlikely they had a base on earth since we would know it if they did. There was a possibility it could be under the ocean, however, that was deemed unlikely eventually because if they did, we have a lot of maritime traffic and aircraft traffic over the oceans, and somebody would have seen something if these spacecraft were flying in and out of the ocean. It was decided that the moon was the most likely place for an alien base-- The dark side of the moon would provide the perfect place to hide a base from earth since that side of the moon never faces the earth. It was for that reason that The Eagle landed on the dark side of the moon."

"Wow!!!" I said.

"Its gets better Dereck!! Keep listening!"

"That was in 1969. We really did go to the moon, and investigated the dark side. The American people never saw that-- what they saw was movie lights and magic-- a staged landing on the moon, on the side that faces earth and a completely uninteresting terrain. If it was so uninteresting, why did we continue to go there so many more times-- to study moon rocks?? Give me a break. Each televised event was a repeat of the first. A real moon shot but faked television, disguising the true mission. A few years later the movie Capricorn One comes out, a barely disguised attempt to let the people know the truth."

"But," I said, "It had to be true-- I mean it WAS ON TV!"

"Yea right," Sean said, "Its funny you should say that-- they did this study I read about once after the movie Capricorn One came out, and they asked people 'Did we really go to the moon?' and most people answered 'Of course, yes' and then they asked them, 'Do you think there's any possibility we didn't?' and most people responded adamantly, 'Of course not-- that's impossible' and then when they asked them how they could be so sure, the most popular response was 'Because I saw it on television!"

"What did we find there?" I asked.

"A monolith."


"Okay, a monolith is a symbol-- what we didn't find was a base. What we found was intentional artifacts placed there to let us know two things; one that they existed, and the other thing; a pointer in the direction of Mars. In other words, what was left there on the moon, they meant for us to find, and it was meant to tell us to go to Mars."

"Wow!!" I exclaimed.

"Almost immediately after, Stanley Kubrick releases his new film 2001 A Space Odyssey which basically tells the world exactly what happened on the moon. Only he describes it as a Monolith-- Well we all know that a Monolith is a symbol. In the movie, the Monolith leads them to Jupiter-- he changed the names of the planets to protect the innocent. A few years later, Von Donikin releases his book The Chariots Of The Gods which contains basically the same hypotheses that Kennedy came up with about the origin of the extra-terrestrials linked to the UFO phenomenon-- this information was leaking out and the government knew it, mostly from NASA- comprised of mostly well intentioned pioneers of truth that want the American people and the world to know the truth. "

"Okay, then what?" I asked.

"Then the first Mars shot took off. About a year later, the spacecraft separates into the lander and the orbiter, the orbiter takes up an orbit around the planet Mars and the lander lands. All of the television and press focuses on the lander-- its a diversion; it showed us lots of pictures of red dirt.-- the real mission involved the orbiter. The orbiters mission was to take detailed pictures of the entire surface of Mars which would be analyzed later, hoping to show some kind of evidence of an extra-terrestrial base. In July on 1976, NASA found exactly what they had been hoping for-- Pictures that came back from the orbiter of a region on Mars named Cydonia. On July 30th, 1976 an excited NASA after fully evaluating the photo-graphs by their most educated scientists to rule out any possibility of an error announced to the American public they had proof of intelligent life on Mars.

"You're talking about the face right?" I asked.

"Yes the face, and a number of other anomalies in the Cydonia region including a pyramid ten times the size of the famous pyramid Of Giza. And as far as the face on Mars-- It WAS human!! There could not arguably have been a more perfect Monolith constructed for us to find that could possibly have communicated the message any more succinctly that us and them are somehow related, particularly since the structure is estimated to be about a billion years older than the first primate on Earth."

My look was incredioulous.

"I told you it gets better-- it gets better still, trust me, keep going Sean." Tommy said.

"Well- wait before you go on-- What exactly did they find on the moon?" I asked Sean.

"That's still open to speculation-- what has leaked out is that they were all symbols of Mars in one way or another." Sean said.

"And that's it, nothing else?" I asked.

"Well-- there was something else they found out about the moon," Sean said.

"What?" I asked impatient.

"It was the gravity-- see-- There was far less gravity on the moon, then they're should have been-- that much has leaked out," Sean said.

"So what does that mean?" I asked.

"The moon is hollow," Sean said matter of factly.

"That's where their base is isn't it?" I asked.

"More than likely," Sean said. "Not fully hollow, but a major excavation for sure. Let me continue."

"Please," I said.

"Okay, now I have to go way back... Um, okay, How much do you remember about history and archeology?" Sean asked me.

"I don't know," I said.

"Okay, well according to archeology, your modern man; Homosapiens--"

"Hey," Tommy interrupted, "Watch who your calling a Homosapien!!"

"Shut up-- I'm trying to explain all this okay-- okay, this is the thing-- Homosapiens have been around for something like a million years maybe a little longer." Sean said and then looked at me.


"Okay but," he continued, "So modern man with the same size brains we have, and the same potential for language and mathematics, and science and all that-- existed for about a million years," he said and then paused again looking at me.

"What?? " I said, "Okay so modern man has been around for a million years, okay I'm with you,"

"Okay you got that, but how long has CIVILIZED man been around?" Sean asked me.

"A million years??" I guessed.

"Wrong!! Only about a hundred thousand-- probably much less than that." Sean said with all of this dramatic effect added for emphasis.

"So, for like nine hundred thousand years modern man existed but-" I said.

"BUT-- didn't speak, didn't write, didn't read, didn't farm, didn't build things, and more or less ran around naked throwing rocks at animals in order to eat." Sean said.

"Wow-- and they all had the same brains we have today?" I asked.

"YES!!" Sean yelled and then turning to Tommy, "I think he's starting to get it."

Tommy nodded, and patted me on the back.

Sean continued, "So-- for like for over ninety percent of man's existence, we ran around like animals BECAUSE we were only missing one thing--"

Another pause, I guess for effect. So I asked, "And what was that?"

""What do you think it was?" Sean challenged me.

"Um-- knowledge??"

"Very close Dereck!! Damn boy, I knew you were smart. Technology-- technology was the only thing they needed."

"Ah ha-- of course-- knowledge and technology they go hand in hand." I said.

"So, there man is, existing for over NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS living like animals, even though they are FULLY CAPABLE of being technological creatures. Once civilization begins on this planet, less than a hundred thousand years ago, they go from cave-men to what you see today in one tenth the time."

"Okay," I said.

"Now here's what the archeologists tell us, these guys are very interested in studying how this all began-- that's what they do-- they dig stuff up, and reconstruct what so and so civilization was like-- okay, here goes, and please listen because not only is this interesting, its important-- okay. Suddenly around a hundred thousand years ago, the first CIVILIZATION pops up on the planet-- a bunch of humans got together apparently in the area which is now called Egypt and apparently did something truly remarkable; something that no humans had ever done before in NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS--"

"OKAY I'M LISTENING," I said with eyes all bugged out. "What did they do?"

"A lot of things-- like I said, they formed a language that could be spoken, AND written-- they formed mathematics, they started building tools, and as a result began to farm-- and do all kinds of things-- in short-- They formed the first civilization."

"I was wondering, " I said suddenly, "How do you invent language anyways-- especially if you don't have any language to begin with?"

"Very good question-- it certainly must not have been easy since no group of people had ever done it before."

"Is this like hieroglyphics and stuff?" I asked.

"Yes-- the first language." Sean said, "I really am impressed-- most people don't know this stuff."

"Why thank you," I said sticking my chin out.

"BUT-- There is something that I have to tell you really confuses the archeologists," Sean said.

"What?" I asked looking at Tommy.

"Why are you looking at me?? Sean's telling the story." Tommy said.

I looked back at Sean, "What?"

"Well it seems like the biggest co-incidence there ever was."

"Okay," I said.

"Modern day Egypt wasn't the only place that a civilization apparently 'broke-out' suddenly after almost a million years-- it happened somewhere else too, at apparently the same time, and completely independent."

"You got to be kidding me?"

"No, like I said, Its like the biggest co-incidence ever," Sean continued, "Mesopotamia-- which is where modern day Iraq is-- same exact thing apparently happens to another group of humans at about the same exact time, that could not have had any contact with each other."

"This is getting weird," I said.

"It gets better," Tommy said.

"Now, both civilizations have a written record-- which is the most interesting stuff to archeologists. Both of the civilizations have a creation story-- that is to say they have a story to indicate when technology started and how."

"Oh crap, this is getting good," I said.

"They both state in their written records that this technology, mostly of language, but other stuff too, was a gift given to them by- - Extra-Terrestrials."

"No way," I said.

"Man, they've got drawings of spacecraft, and 'gods' coming down from the skies and landing and all kinds of crap." Sean said.

"I do think I remember that from the book now," I admitted.

"In the Egypt area, around Cairo where the great pyramid is-- this is the area of the first civilization and, well, I don't know exactly how to tell you this-- so I'll just say it-- they called the place Mars."


"Yes, their word for the planet Mars-- the place they write in their records is the place the 'visitors from the sky' told them they came from."

"How come they don't teach us this in school?" I asked.

At this point we got to Sean and Tommy's house. We all headed to the garage where they helped me with lowering my bicycle seat. Afterwards, Tommy went and got three cans of cold Seven-up from the outside refrigerator where they kept the soda.

"Thanks, " I said as Tommy handed me a can.

"At this point I'm going to add my own two bits-- for whatever its worth," Tommy said as he patted the top of the workbench with the palm of his hand.

"Up-up, " Tommy told me motioning me to sit up on top of the workbench which I did. Sean followed suit sitting next to me.

"Being that I was in Christian school for a few years, I can tell you that there is something that the religious people have caught onto, something they use as kind of a selling point for religion for new recruits-"

At this point Tommy's left hand found its way to my crotch while his right hand began fondling Sean. As Tommy began playing with my dick through my pants, my boner came back almost like magic, just at this simple touch.

"Um-- it might get hard for me to pay attention if your going to do this and talk at the same time," I said.

"I can play and talk at the same time-- all you have to do is sit there and listen. Okay, now this is what it is-- you know a lot of churches, mostly protestant but other ones too try to incorporate modern scientific knowledge with their sermons to try and make it sound like Christianity is up on the newest facts-- and one thing they've caught onto-"

Tommy had taken off my shoes and now unbuttoned my jeans and was motioning me to pull my pants and underwear down. I did so, and Tommy pulled them off of my legs letting them drop on the floor.

"Damn dude-- You got skin!!" Tommy suddenly said interrupting himself.

"What?" I said as I looked down at myself, and sure enough-- there wasn't much, but what was there was pretty obvious-- It seemed that I was re-growing my foreskin.

"Nice-- very nice," Sean said as he leaned over and took a closer look. "You'll like skin-- Its really cool"

"I'm becoming more and more like you guys aren't I?" I asked.

Tommy nodded.

"You ARE one of us now." Sean said.

Then Tommy continued with his explaining as he slowly played with my dick, and Sean pulled out his dick and Tommy played with his too.

"One thing that they say at these churches, you know, to try and convince people of the evidence for the existence of God is they'll say something like that everything is perfect here-- just right- - you know, the earth is just the right distance from the sun-- the planet doesn't get too hot, or too cold, there is like a thousand things that science tells us are just right to support life on Earth-- many religions talk about the Earth being in perfect balance, almost like an actual living breathing organism, so that nothing gets very off kilter to the point that life on Earth would suffer. Now here's the thing--When I was in Christian school they used to tell us about what NASA discovered on other planets-- and what they discovered is true-- one thing science has discovered by our probes on other planets is that NATURE is more violent then we really before had any idea. There's not just thousands of conditions that could render life extinct on our planet but there's literally a billion conditions that keeps everything in check here on Earth-- On other planets like Venus, Mercury, the moons of Jupiter, etc... You get temperatures that range from hundreds of degrees below zero at night, to hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime-- you get winds in excess of seven hundred miles an hour-- constantly things are happening by nature on these planets, a billion things, that any one of them start a chain reaction to produce phenomenon too violent for that planet to possibly sustain life, even if the atmospheric conditions and such were just right. Scientists have discovered that nature is entropic-- that is to say that things naturally break down from a more organized system to a less organized system until eventually total disorganization. Evidence of Entropy can be seen everywhere scientists look anywhere in the universe except one place-- here. So here's the point-- Are you listening?"

"Uh hu," I said as Tommy slowly masturbated me-- very very slowly, kind of playing with the little tiny bit of foreskin that I now had also.

"Okay-- take evolution-- they say well everything was just right in the primordial Earth, for the simplest organic life that we know of to form-- a single celled ameba. So okay-- let's just say that that really happened-- You take all the factors into consideration, that we now know about nature-- and the odds are like a billion trillion trillion to one that the environmental factors on the earth would CONTINUE to provide a friendly planet to SUSTAIN life. The Christians are very astute to notice that science really does not have a clue WHY everything on earth seems to be very conveniently held between very moderate parameters-- everything from wind and storm conditions to temperature, volcanic activity, earthquake activity, chemical composition of the atmosphere-- EVERYTHING.. and they make this argument that God is doing this. There argument is very convincing and many go up to the alter after the show-- and that's not my point-- my point is, is that the religious people, especially these Catholics and Protestants that have looked at the scientific record from this perspective HAVE noticed something absolutely true that most people don't realize."

"Oh My God that feels good!!" I gasped. "What did you just do?" Tommy was playing with the underside of my dick head pressing the tip of his index finger against it and making a quick circular motion kind of like.

"They are right about one thing, " he continued ignoring my outburst, "The Earth's environmental conditions are ABSOLUTELY being manipulated by intelligences in order to keep nature on Earth within certain moderate parameters-- for the benefit of mankind-- and it should be obvious to any scientist, whether they be astronomer or geologist or biologist or whatever."

"I'm listening, " I gasped as Tommy continued to vibrate the base of my head with his finger. Apparently he was doing the same thing for Sean who was leaned back on the workbench with his eyes closed softly purring.

Tommy continued, "Every time nature on Earth starts to act in some way to create a domino effect eventually threatening those parameters SOMEBODY or SOMETHING counteracts. This has been going on for a very long time.

"Uh hu," I said.

"Now-- One more thing I want to tell you-- and that's about DNA... Now the double helix was discovered AFTER Charles Darwin published his thesis on Natural Selection in which he included his theory of evolution. IF, he had known what we know about DNA now, he never would have published that theory. At the very least he would have revised it. Here's the thing-- the theory of evolution is very convincing, and it actually holds water AFTER that single celled ameba formed-- Its at least PLAUSIBLE based on the evidence that all life on earth, although shockingly improbable, COULD have evolved from that first single cell-- and the reason it could is because of what we now know about DNA-- HOWEVER, the error in the theory of evolution is now obvious-- that first single cell-- could never have just come together-- no matter how right the environmental conditions were. Scientists have for years been trying to duplicate the primordial conditions that Darwin stated formed that first cell-- its actually not that hard-- some gasses, some water, a little electricity for a lightning bolt, etc..., No matter how perfect they make the conditions, they've never seen a single living cell spontaneously create itself out of the chemical soup-- and we now know why-- DNA is a code. It is an undeniable DIGITAL SEQUENCE. Its information. Data. Instructions for biological life. A program. DNA contains trillions of bits of information that instruct the cell how to eat, how to convert food into energy, how to breath, how to multiply and how to alter itself. What we know now is that first living cell had to have had a complete gene sequence or it would never have survived. The odds of a trillion bit coded sequence just 'coming together' by chance is, well-- impossible. What Darwin observed on all of his travels all over the world; that all life on Earth appears to be related, was a correct observation, however, his theory of natural selection which attempted to account for it, was flawed. The fact is that that first single cell, had all the DNA information it needed not only to live, divide and multiply but also to evolve into other life forms. In other words, life on earth did evolve-- but not because of some natural occurrence-- It was programmed to, by a trillion bit DNA strand."

"Wow!!" I said. "Are you saying that the genetic information for the evolution of man was contained in that first ameba?"

"Yes. The most amazing thing about the DNA sequence is that only about less than fifteen percent of the data is concerned with instructions to the cell. The rest of the data-- we don't know what it is."

"Oh man, Tommy that feels so good." I said.

"But, I KNOW what it is..." Tommy said, "It's a cipher."

Suddenly I sat up, "A cipher?" I said.

"Yes yes, a code-- My Uncle is a code-hacker-- he says he was contacted by some scientists at UCLA who gave him the data-- they wanted to know if it was--well a language-- a code-- a cipher. His company printed up a big block of this data in digital-- you know numbers-- and they're trying to break the cipher. They're convinced it's a language. Incredible hu??

"Do you have a copy of the print out?" I asked.

Tommy pulled the computer paper out of his back-back-- here you go," he said as he handed to me.

On the computer paper was a giant line of numbers with no spaces that looked like this:

798264694892372830892108310830326146982164916298479182 479812964314159265357987871282781271872122981964868346 483493040762376732675874838213141592653564736439649632 493249479834789374839645374979327489278764937888331415 926535537595948795773648376483548328724056837965438745 783846783646023314159265356483264832674873648736483276 483702648346832648327648736484493213141592653538287638 273812638726390827639216392379182739879812063768126540 431415926535837892763812763862183768276387260321876382 698357987598374983816314159265354698649874983479879837 84798379479237987473064817737211590742927...

...but it went on for about four pages.

"Tommy, " I said, "Can I keep this?"

"Certainly, " he said. "I heard you have a code of sorts yourself," he said.

"Yes yes, " It's in my back pocket of my pants I said pointing below at my jeans. Tommy got the piece of paper out and unfolded it.

I was still staring at the print out, clearing my mind, letting my sub-conscious do all the work, as Mr. Curtain taught me. Suddenly I saw something, "This is amazing!" I said.

"What?" Sean asked.

"This is Pi right here." I pointed. I scanned and found Pi again. "And look over here too," I said.

"Yes, the scientists at UCLA noticed that also-- the first eleven digits rounded off, repeated every 64 bytes."

"64 bytes??" I said even more amazed. "This is incredible!"

"What??" Tommy asked.

I knew a little about computer's, having learned how to program the TRS-80 and the Commodore 64, and reading all about the new Z8080 microprocessor chip that Texas Instruments invented in Popular Electronics.

"What??" Tommy asked.

"64 bytes is the heart of the computer chip."

"Do me a favor, " Tommy said, "Don't tell anyone I gave this to you."

I nodded. "Are you saying this same identical sequence is in every single human being?"

"Better than that, " Tommy said, "Its in every single living thing on this planet."

"Well, " I said, "If I was the government and found an alien body-- You know what'd be the first thing I'd do?"


"I'd test the DNA!"

"Very good point. One thing is for sure-- if the aliens share this same exact DNA sequence-- then we definitely know one thing for certain." Tommy said.

"Let me guess- That they are not as alien as we might thing." I said.

"Exactly-- proof positive that we share a common ancestor."

Tommy grabbed my ankles and starting pulling on them, ""Now legs up," Tommy said.

I lifted my legs up, and Tommy immediately went in-between them bending over a bit, and the next thing you know his tongue was probing my butt-hole.

"That tickles," I said.

He pushed his tongue inside, and wiggled around for a minute or so. I leaned back and enjoyed the sensations.

I turned to Sean, "God this feels good. He's never done this for me before-- Why is he doing this now?"

"Sean looked at me and smiled and said, "He's looking for left- overs from the fountain of youth."

Tommy continued to lap and slurp and tongue-fuck my hole for several minutes, eventually standing erect again, in-between my legs.

"Ahhh," Tommy said, "The sweet sweet nectar of the gods!"

Sean let out a little chuckle. I started to let my legs down and Tommy immediately grabbed my ankles, "No, no, my darling angel. We've only just begun," and then turning to Sean he said, "Instruments-STAT."

Sean jumped off of the workbench and ran to the door that lead inside the house.

After Sean had left, I asked Tommy, "What did you have in mind?"

"I think it's time Dereck, that you become fully aware. What do you think?"

I nodded, a little apprehensive for some reason.

"You know Dereck, the ancient Sumerians had this little hypothesis about the creation of man- they wrote a record in sand script- they came up with this story about how aliens came to Earth and in order to speed up the 'evolutionary' process, genetically altered humans by hybriding them with their own DNA thereby transforming humans into sentient creatures just like themselves. In still others they hybrid other of their characteristics-- some genetic characteristics express themselves physically, others non- physically. The aliens, according to their legend, had many non- physical capabilities mostly to do with the mind such as psychic powers, as well as super-immunity, and slow or no aging process, Are you listening?"

"Yes," I said.

Tommy let my legs down for a bit, and continued, "Some of the aliens wanted to create a hybrid with humans that did not alter them PHYSICALLY from the other humans, so that these particular alien hybrids would be indistinguishable physically from the other humans. In other words PHYSYCALLY there'd be very little or no difference. However they would have alien characteristics that expressed themselves non-physically. Some of these characteristics were for identification, like for example sexual attraction.

Tommy looked at me for a response so I said, "Yes."

"Most of these characteristics, except the identifiers, were programmed to remain dormant and could only be ACTIVATED by specific circumstances. The Sumerians indicated that mostly it was certain combinations of sounds, but also included symbols, and other specific circumstances-- a kind of code key to 'turn on' these hidden genetic characteristics.

I nodded.

"The reason they did this is, according to the Sumerian record, was because not all of the aliens were in agreement about this so called experiment. According to their record, a certain extra- terrestrial by the name of Enki secretly hybrid these humans with the 'psychic' genes as well as other genes that the other aliens considered forbidden for the hybrids. The other aliens argued that those genes should not be hybrid into the humans because if they were then not only would the humans be sentient but they would be just like them.

Enki fearing that the others had a secret plan of destroying all the humans after this 'experiment' was over, secretly bread these genes into certain hybrids. He programmed those genes to lie dormant, so that the others would not know that he had done this. The Sumerians called Enki 'The Friend Of Man' because he had developed much sentiment for the hybrids after they were created , since they were now sentient, he considered that this new man, should not be regarded as animal or simple life but had all the same rights of his own race. In fact, he considered the new man to be like his own children; kin to his own race. He now believed it unethical for the original experiment to proceed IF, there was a secret plan to destroy the new man, afterwards. Enki argued with the others that the moment they created the first hybrid , that he was no longer an it, but a full fledged citizen of the universe, and to kill him later would be an act of murder.

Later on, Enki decided that IF he discovered evidence that the others DID plan on murdering the new sentient race, he would organize secretly with others sympathetic to the new creation and develop a plan to 'save' the new race of man.

Covertly, Enki discovered that his suspicions were true-- the others were planning not only to murder the new man, but all humans off of the face of the earth with a giant flood. Enki knew that he could not prevent this catastrophe for the others had already started a chain of events that could not be stopped. However, Enki and his outraged sympathetic group which consisted of about one third of all of the visiting aliens, developed a plan to 'save' the humans.

First, he devised a plan to help a 'handful' of sentient humans survive. Second, he secretly hybrid all of the 'forbidden' characteristics of the extra-terrestrials into them. Not only psychic abilities but knowledge as well. Third he inscribed the knowledge of the code keys to activate these characteristics onto two giant pillars, that he set into the ground with a solid base, designed to survive the world wide flood. The pillars were named Moab and Joab; the twins. Legend has it that the Egyptians found the first pillar, almost entirely intact and was the basis of all of their 'mystery school teachings' the second pillar, according to legend, was found much later, in several pieces by Moses and the wondering Israelites on their famous forty year trek across the wilderness. Moses already being schooled by the Egyptians in the language of the first pillar being that he was a high priest and heir to the throne of Egypt. The knowledge they deciphered became the basis of the Hebrew mystery beliefs considered so sacred that for a thousand years it was forbidden for them to write it down; only to be passed orally from generation to generation. A little while later, apparently, knowledge of sound extracted from one of the pillar fragments allowed Joshua to construct a special horn which destroyed the fortress wall which protected Jericho in that now infamous story. Also, apparently, were the instructions of how to build the famous 'Ark of the covenant' which was a radio transceiver that allowed Moses to communicate with the extra- terrestrials now on Mars, first finding a spot of high altitude; atop Mt. Sinai, and because there is a considerable delay of communication between the distance of Mars and Earth, this accounts for why Moses stayed atop the mountain for so many many hours at a time.

The final part of Enki's plan, was to start a war against the others-- to guarantee they could no longer interfere with this new race ever again. Even though the others outnumbered them two to one, Enki and his sympathizers, had the element of surprise. A fierce war erupted; literally a war in the heavens-- both sides utilizing nuclear weapons, to fight for their lives. Enki was determined to force the others to leave and not come back, or else face destruction.

The battle raged on for a little while, until the other aliens decided that it wasn't worth the fight and the risk of destruction, in a conflict over the fate of man and returned, according to the Sumerians to their tenth planet, the first planet beyond our solar system. Enki and his clan, stayed here, setting up a base on mars, and becoming the protectors of the human race from any further visitors from planet ten. Enki also devised a plan, starting after the flood, to eventually activate all of his special hybrids, who he considered the eventual inheritors of the planet Earth, eventually being able to defend the planet on their own and no longer would Enki and his clan be burdened with that responsibility.

Sean suddenly came back into the garage holding a Macies bag in one hand, walked back over to the workbench jumping up and sitting down once again with the bag next to him.

As soon as he sat down, Tommy lifted my legs back up and said to Sean, "Vaseline-"

Sean reached into the bag and pulled out the jar and handed it to Tommy.

Tommy liberally applied the jelly to his boner, and then applied some around and inside of my hole using his finger. He said, "The special sounds and symbols and other trigger phrases and such have been transmitted through music and other means subliminally starting about the last twenty five years, and combined with other meditative techniques many, like yourself Dereck, have become partially aware. However, these triggers will only help you to become partially awakened, to become fully awake, the mind must be forced to 'flip' into its originally intended alignment.

I nodded as though I understood.

Tommy handed the jar back to Sean and then said to him, "Towel-"

Sean handed Tommy a damp washrag and Tommy carefully wiped his hands clean and handed the rag back to Sean.

Tommy then said to Sean, "Handcuffs-"

Sean reached into the bag once more and pulled out a shiny pair of nickel-plated handcuffs-- looking very much like the real thing and not a toy. Sean reached over and snapped one of the cuffs around my right wrist, and then reached over and tried to grab my left wrist and I suddenly pulled my hand away.

"Do you trust me?" Tommy asked me.

I nodded, and allowed Sean to lock both of my wrists together in front of me.

"Gag-" Tommy said.

Sean reached back into what was apparently I understood his little bag of tricks and pulled out a large scarf which he twisted, and then reached towards me with it and told me to open up my mouth, which I did and then he put part of the scarf in my mouth.

"Bite down hard," Sean said.

I did as he told me, and Sean then reached around and tied the scarf really really tight behind my head.

"Now try to yell," Sean told me.

I yelled really loud, but all that came out was a quiet muffled sound.

At this point I started to get scared and immediately those two red lights suddenly started buzzing around first me and then around Tommy and then Sean. They looked just like glowing bees.

"Dereck, " Tommy said very calmly, "Why are you scared? I'm not going to hurt you, either is Sean. I'm just going to fuck you- that's all."

Even though I was scared, I was also terribly aroused. My boner was sticking straight up and almost the veins appeared to be threatening the very flesh that jacketed them, as though the veins might at any moment suddenly burst out of my penis.

"You trust me don't you?" Tommy asked meekly. "And Sean too, right?"

I looked at Sean and then back to Tommy. finally I nodded.

Still the red lights continued to flutter around apparently not convinced that I was in no danger.

Sean looked at his brother, and then at the red lights and then at his brother again. "Do it, he said."

His brother looked at him questioningly, and Sean nodded.

Tommy turned to me and said, "I'm going to give you a safe out, okay?"

I nodded.

"You have my word and Sean's word that if you safe out we'll immediately stop whatever were doing and release you, right Sean?"

"You have our word Dereck-- " Sean said solemnly.

Tommy spoke again, "Me and my brother would never ever hurt you Dereck. Do you believe me?"

I nodded in agreement. I tried to say 'yes' but all that came out was a muffle.

Tommy continued, "If you want to safe out, make an AOK sign with your fingers, okay?, with both hands so we'll both be sure to see it, okay? If you do that, you have our word we'll stop immediately and we won't ask any questions, okay?"

I nodded. I was feeling much better now.

"I'm also going to give you a caution-safe. Just give us a warning, that's all I ask, give us the chance okay? If your thinking that you're about to safe out, use your caution-sign first, okay?"

I nodded.

"To make your caution sign just bring your hands up to your face, and with the index finger of your right hand, move it alongside the side of your nose starting at the nostril all the way to the base and back all the way down again-- This will let us know to take caution, that you're about to safe out, and we'll try our best to let up a little bit, okay?"

I nodded again.

Sean leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, "We love you Dereck," he said.

Tommy also leaned over me and kissed me on the forehead, just at the spot representing the third eye. "Yes, We both love you Dereck. We would never hurt you."

Suddenly, all the remaining fear left me and the red lights responded immediately; zipping away and out of sight faster than the eye could see. Once the fear was gone I realized I was feeling more sexually excited than ever before. I didn't know what my friends were planning to do to me but I had their promise that they had no intentions of hurting me and I believed them. Apparently, my being bound and gagged and feeling quite vulnerable and not knowing exactly what they were going to do was now turning me on terribly, I could hardly wait to begin. This I found somewhat surprising. One thing I knew for sure, if anybody else besides Tommy and Sean tried this I could not have been relaxed like this and excited.

"Are you ready?" Tommy asked me.

I nodded.

Tommy then began to gently ease his cock into my hole. A very familiar feeling to me by now, always he was so gentle with his larger member.

"You're hole is sooo much tighter now, almost like your a virgin again; its awesome," Tommy said.

He slowly pushed until he was all the way in me, while holding my ankles by his hands which he now rested onto his shoulders.

"Now, let me just hold it here for a little while and let you get used to it," he said.

It didn't hurt at all but I nodded anyways-- it seemed Tommy and Sean wanted full control right now, with whatever it was they had planned.

Tommy said, " You know Dereck, within the book of John is an awesome secret. Did you finally get around to reading it yet?"

I nodded in agreement.

"Very good!" Tommy responded. I knew you would. Anyways, there is a secret in there that historically has been so guarded that no less than three crusades were inspired in the attempt to eliminate all evidence of its truth. They were only partially successful. For almost a thousand years the world wide reigning Catholic church, which held a monopoly on Christianity during that time would only allow the new testament to be printed for CLERGY ONLY- forbidding church members from reading it for themselves. So certain were they that non-clergy might catch the clues that John left in his writing, and in their belief, not having a solid understanding of the faith, would certainly lead them to MISUNDERSTAND or misinterpret John's gospel, leading to heresy. For even greater insurance those bibles that were printed were only allowed to be printed in Latin just in case somebody might gain access to a bible or read it unauthorized. All clergy were required to learn Latin and Mass itself was only recited in Latin as well as all direct quotations from the new testament. All of this in a vain attempt to protect this secret and the expected resultant heresies."

I nodded. Although I didn't know any of this what Tommy was talking about, I did understand WHAT it was he was talking about.

"You know the secret don't you?" Tommy said, "Of course you do. You REALLY HAVE read the gospel according to John. The one book the Romans tried their very best to exclude from the new testament. Of course, I should have known- you now have partial intuitive awareness; you're subconscious now being very effective to pick up clues and put together their logical meaning. I can tell by your eyes that you know. I should have known-- You're good with ciphers-- you're sixth grade teacher making sure that you knew it too."

I nodded again.

Tommy began to slowly move his cock around inside of me very gently, making my insides to become aware of its presence, kind of moving it around in a tight circle, as if to say to my insides, hey, make room for me. It was weird because I had just gotten to the point where I was no longer aware of it inside of me, having gotten used to the 'filled up' feeling.

Sean reached over and started playing with both of my nipples. Touching them lightly with his fingers, in a circular motion, tickling and teasing the hell out of them. My body started to rhythe because it tickled but at the same time it was surprisingly erotic. Sean's touching of my nipples seem to do things to my dick and inside my ass as well becoming more aware of Tommy's movements inside of me.

"I'll fill in the details for you," Tommy said, "Of course you already know that Jesus was gay. John reveals that very nicely to those that pick up his clues. He was never married and according to Phariseetic law at that time all priests were required to be married, it was a religious law-- not a roman law who had jurisdiction over legal matters in Palestine area at the time. Now, the Catholics tried to cover this up - the fact that Jesus was never married and was therefore technically in violation of Jewish religious law, by requiring all priests NOT to be married after the example of Jesus. But John makes it clear the real reason he never married, and you already know that.

Now in spite of this, although the Pharisees strongly encouraged Jesus to stop calling himself a priest because he was in violation of Jewish law-- there really wasn't anything they could actually do to stop him since the Roman's had clear jurisdiction and there was no Roman law about that. The Pharisees were forced to tolerate this. However, over time the Pharisees had suspicions of their own about the sexual interests of Jesus, and plotted against him, to try and figure out a way to have him arrested for some kind of violation of Roman law.

Now I already told you that one of the identifying characteristics of Enki's hybrid's was homosexual interest. You already know that John quotes Jesus saying repeatedly 'I am not of this world' BUT what I haven't told you yet is there is a greater identifying sign of those that are descendants of the hybrids AND partially or fully aware-- in short, a taste for young flesh-- very young-- AS WELL AS a true desire to be very young themselves. John not only cleverly reveals that Jesus is in love with a specific male, but that this particular male he is lovers with is actually still a boy. He only indicates very early puberty, which would be no older then fourteen, maybe as young as twelve, a happy medium is thirteen.

Now, you might ask, how does John know all this?? Good question. Because the boy Jesus was in love with was John himself. John was the lover of Jesus.

Three crusades to try and destroy all the evidence both of Jesus sexual interests as well as all records of John's true age at the time he knew Jesus. Not only did the crusaders pillage the holy land but they also ransacked uncountable villages throughout France, where many, inspired by the gospel of John, that had slipped secretly into their hands written in Greek, formed their own churches promoting both homosexuality AND sexual unions between boys and men. They were teaching that the union of two males was more sacred than between man and woman and a union between boy and man the most holy unions of all. This one book inspired much art in France; many thousands of artists to paint depictions of John and Jesus as lovers, as well as depict John to be little more than a boy. The invading crusaders went from village to village burning these paintings as well as other forms of art, although much has survived to this day. They also murdered men, woman and children who were exposed to the heresy, declaring them all to be heretics and enemies of the church of Rome.

On the last crusade, the church marched to France yet again, apparently, being unsuccessful to stomp out the heresies on earlier attempts, went into France and with viciousness, and determination to finally put an end to all this, massacred over twenty thousand children, all boys, that admitted that they were lovers of men, which they stated was the most holy love, according to the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ. This coined the children's crusade, the church has tried in vain to cover up this most haines atrocity, but the truth has withstood the test of time and will never be erased. On that last crusade, over two thousand churches were burned to the ground, as well as whole villages burned in the night, whose residents burned to death while they slept.

Tommy was slowly, oh so slowly, fucking me now, torturously slow. Sean was still tickling my nipples and instead of me getting used to it, my nipples were becoming more and more sensitive as well as my dick and my ass-hole. I was starting to feel as though I were being tortured with pleasure.

Occasionally, Sean would alternately lick one nipple or the other while he continued to rub circularly on the other-- just lightly- - ever so lightly touching his tongue to the tip of my nipple and making that same circular motion. He seemed however to more favor my left nipple paying more attention to teasing it all to friggin hell.

Again, it was weird but it seemed that my nipples were directly connected to every other sexual area of my body-- making every sexual nerve ending more sensitive, and producing more pleasure from a very light touch. My calves had goose-bumps all up and down them, and occasionally Sean would ever so lightly touch my flesh there and the flesh would actually jump and quiver producing like an electric current of pleasure.

I was really beginning to writhe and rythe now, everywhere Sean touched, reacted like my calves. Tommy's cock inside of me, slowly fucking me, was more pleasurable now, than anything else I'd ever felt, but teasing also, making me want, desire badly for him to fuck me harder.

Sean noticed my growing condition and said, "You know Dereck, this may amaze you but the mind can take only so much pleasure-- not too much actually-- a relatively small amount, before- -"

Sean continued to tease and tickle my nipples, occasionally he'd lick and take a very subtle nibble on one or the other. His hands were touching me all over my flesh now, in all the endogenous zones, so lightly touching, like a feather-- I felt like I was being driven, slightly mad by the sensations although, like I said, becoming more pleasurable and sensitive as though my mind were turning a potentiometer that controlled sensitivity in order to feel the subtle sensations Tommy and Sean were giving me, more pleasurably.

Tommy continued with his story, "So in love with boys was Jesus that he offered eternal life to them, and not just boys but all children and also eternal life to any man who shared this very special love for boys-- He called them his chosen ones. And not just men, but to anyone sympathetic for the love between boys and men. His chosen ones though he warned would be hated and despised, for they hated and despised him, that they would be called wicked and evil, just as they called him wicked and evil, and that some would be persecuted, arrested, or even killed, just as they arrested him and killed him. 'God did this,' Jesus said, 'In order to confound the wisdom of the wise-- the wisdom of the world-- for God's folly is wiser than the wisest of ungodly men.' He said further that anyone who is persecuted for his sake, should rejoice for their reward will be great.

They crucified him, but the biggest lie of all is that it had nothing to do with Jesus calling himself God. After Judas Iscariot came to see the Pharisees after the last supper, he had witnessed John and Jesus together as lovers-- Jesus didn't even try to hide it. The other disciples were also witnesses. He went to the Pharisees and finally gave them the evidence they were looking for, eyewitness testimony that Jesus and John had a relationship of sensual nature. According to Hebrew law, any relations between a male and another male was a crime punishable by death-- in fact according to Phariseetical law it is THE ONLY non-violent crime that is punishable by death. A mob of Phariseetical Jews gathered in front of Pilot's castle demanding to be seen by Pilot-- the Roman governor-- When Pilot agreed to see them, it became clear to him immediately that they were demanding he have Jesus arrested and executed. When he asked him for what Roman law has he violated- - they began to become confused, realizing that Pilot was asking for a LEGAL reason. They told him that Jesus claimed to be God and Pilot wasn't phased-- there was no Roman law that forbade anyone from making such a proclamation-- besides the point, Jesus NEVER DID claim that he was God, he insinuated that he was divine but he never claimed that he was God. Besides that, a proclamation that you are God is NOT a crime punishable by death in Jewish law--but--Homosexuality was. John makes it clear in his gospel that THE REAL REASON the Pharisees were demanding Jesus arrest, was because of the testimony of Judas Iscariot as to the true nature of the relationship between Jesus and John-- However-- the Pharisees knew damn well that there was no Roman law that forbid sexual unions between males-- although it was looked down upon by Roman civilization IT WAS NOT illegal. Furthermore, It was the idea of a man allowing himself to be used as girl that was considered shameful in Roman society, however, the idea of a boy of adolescent age giving himself to a man he cared for in this way was NOT considered shameful but was ACTUALLY encouraged and was a common practice in Roman society, it only became shameful AFTER a certain age-- this practice is most famous between apprentice boy's of adolescent age and their teachers. Therefore, the fact that John was only a boy was also not illegal under Roman law so far as he was of pubescent age and consenting.

So, the Pharisees were in a bind, they had to come up with SOMETHING to tell the governor to have Jesus arrested and it had to be a LEGALY binding reason under Roman law. Pilot was not about to just give in to their wishes as the Christians portray it either- because he knew damn well Jesus was immensely popular as a teacher and many people believed he was the true Messiah of the Jews. Cesar himself had already had a meeting with Pilot and warned him that the Pharisees were going to plot something haines against Jesus and that he'd better not do something that causes a revolt. The Pharisees at first left, not being able to come up with any kind of legal crime Jesus had committed under Roman law, but John makes it clear that THE RESON they wanted him killed was that they believed he was guilty of sexual perversion under old testament interpretation of the book of Deuteronomy; punishable by death.

They then went to Herod, who presided over Jewish matters, supposedly being Jewish himself, and Herod was a great help because Herod being familiar with Roman law also, told them that they could accuse Jesus of treason. It was reaching, and he told them that Pilot probably wouldn't fall for it but TECHNICALLY, he told them that as long as they made an accusation that could POSSIBLY be true, under Roman law, the man had to be arrested and questioned to determine his guilt or innocence.

When the Pharisees went back to Pilot after being counseled by Herod, they made their accusation-- they accused Jesus of treason because they claimed they witnessed Jesus on many occasions claim to be king. Under Roman law, anyone with no authority to the crown who claims such an authority is guilty of treason- a crime punishable by death.

Pilot at first didn't fall for it, but finally decided to give in and have Jesus arrested so that he could question the man whom he was certain would indicate that he never claimed to be THE KING, only that he claimed to be a king-- not of any earthly kingdom but of a spiritual kingdom-- Pilot was no fool. He then planned to release him after questioning-- However, after questioning Jesus, when Pilot went back to the Pharisees to tell him he would release Jesus because he was guilty of breaking no Roman law-- they began to riot. Out of fear of a situation that could anger the Cesar-- he gave in and had Jesus Crucified. I'm not making this stuff up-- Me and Sean have access to a secret Masonic library where there's copies of the evidence, much of it originating from France and the Palestine area acquired by the ancient Knight's Templar in the first Crusade. "

During this whole time that Tommy was explaining this I was twisting and turning this way and that as Tommy continued to slow fuck me-- was teasing me past the point almost of endurance-- between Sean who was still teasing all of my endogenous zones now, using my nipples to turn up the sensitivity of light touch everywhere to the point of utter diabolical madness.

I began to feel something funny happening in my mind.

"The point is, that John reveals is that Jesus was gay, a boy- lover, they knew it for a fact by Judas testimony and they demanded Jesus be arrested and crucified for it. "

I could barely listen any longer, even my hearing seemed to become more sensitive though.

"I know hard to believe and for the un-godly," Tommy said, "the truth is impossible to believe but WITH GOD all things are possible."

I know this sounds crazy, but the more I was sexually teased and tortured in this way by Sean and Tommy, still the more pleasurable the sensations, as though it had gone off of the meter.

I reached out for my dick but Sean slapped my hand away. He said, "The mind fights to achieve orgasm, to avoid the kind of pleasurable torture your experiencing now because it is a fact that the mind can not take very much pleasure."

It was like someone lightly tickling my feet, except the feeling was definitely sexual in nature- and the longer the tickling kept up, the sensitivity of the flesh increased becoming more and more erotic, in this case slowly building up in the beginning but now increasing it seemed exponentially.

I tried once more to grab my dick but Sean slapped my hand away once more.

"Ah-ah-ah," he said, "they'll be none of that."

A few moments later, my dick began to throb on its own, 'Oh God,' I thought to myself, 'I'm going to auto-orgasm, thank-God!' but Sean grabbed the base of my dick and squeezed hard, really hard, and the orgasmic feeling began to fade and then disappear. I felt like crying-- I was twisting my body this way and that but Sean was now leaning on me and Tommy held my ankles firmly with his strong hands.

In my mind, the only way I can explain it is I felt something was like about to give. All I can describe it is that it felt like all the circuits in my brain were straining against a resistance to just suddenly reverse polarity! And the resistance which was strong in the beginning was now straining to prevent it. The pleasure-torture I was experiencing apparently was weakening this barrier. I felt my mind began to turn, like inside my head, to flip.

"Ahhhhhhhh," I said, in agonizing pleasure.

Tommy was still slowly- oh so slowly, fucking me, screwing me, my body so used to him inside me now I was no longer aware of his full member unless it moved. And he was moving it ever so slightly, in a twist and also in and out. When he momentarily pulled his cock out of me, only to slowly re-enter, the moment it broke of free of my hole, my body perceived that a part of myself had just left. That he had just removed something that belonged there. Instantly desiring its return. Tommy, as though realizing this would tease me by waiting a few moments before he re-entered. It was torture.

I reached my hand-cuffed hands up to my face and brushed the side of my nose with my right index finger, giving the caution sign-- I could barely take anymore-- I needed to be sucked and fucked and good.

Sean immediately stopped teasing my nipples-- he had at that moment been softly nibbling on my left nipple. He grabbed my cock and gave it a few good strokes while at the same time Tommy immediately reacted by driving his cock all the way into me and giving me a few good fucks. Pulling it all the way out and driving back in again.

"Ahhhh God Yes!!!!!" I yelled muffled by the gag in my mouth.

However, that was all they did, and then eventually slowed down and were once again teasing my flesh like before. I literally felt like my left nipple that Sean kept biting ever so slightly was going to start squirting milk for God's sakes!!!!

After a few more minutes of this it felt like my flesh had become so sensitive that even a ray of incandescent light on my quivering flesh might send tiny magnified waves, after waves of sensual pleasure through my whole body.

I was now screaming in my gag. My hands fought against the handcuffs, my feet fought against Tommy's firm grasp. My body tried to fight Sean's weight on my chest.

And then it happened. Suddenly, and without any further warning.

I couldn't stop it once it begun. I had no time to safe, and there was hardly any point in safing out now. All at once that inner wall of resistance within my mind just dissolved and melted away and my mind reversed polarities; all my thought, emotions, perceptions, everything in that moment just switched, just like that.

I heard a loud pop. I thought at first Tommy had quickly pulled his cock out of my ass, but I was mistaken. The sound came from inside my mind. I tried in vain to flail my hands and feet against the handcuffs and Tommy's grip but to no avail.

Tommy and Sean had a radio on in the background. It was playing the song Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers. The song was just where that line finished 'And time can do so much...' when it happened. And now, it was playing backwards.

Time seemed to have slowed almost to the point of being still. I watched in amazement as some beads of sweat fell of Sean's golden locks onto my belly- I saw each bead, gracefully dance in mid-air as though defying gravity- like time-lapse macro- photography.

Time seemed slowed but it wasn't- it was going backwards! Tommy and Sean were also talking backwards. But no, that's not quite right. I was perceiving time going both forwards AND backwards simultaneously. I could hear the song going both forwards and backwards at the same time. Tommy and Sean were talking backwards, but I could also hear every word they were saying.

Sean said (forwards): "I think we did it!!"

Tommy (forwards): "Oh fuck man, look at his eye-- isn't that the most beautiful third eye you've ever seen in your life?"

Tommy: (forwards): "Dereck-- Can you hear me? Your One Eye-- IS FULLY OPEN!! You did it!!"

Sean: (forwards): "We did it Dereck!!"

Tommy (backwards): "We never worried, we knew you wouldn't safe out."

Sean (backwards): Your conscious and sub-conscious perceive time opposite.

"Wow," I said. I didn't know if it was forwards or backwards, maybe both.

Sean unshackled my wrists with a key he pulled out of his bag of tricks, and also untied my gag. It felt good to be able to talk again.

I continued to marvel at my new perception. "Everything's going forwards and backwards," I said forwards-- and backwards I heard myself say quite to my surprise, "I love you guys."

The brothers both said to me forwards, "We love you too," and backwards I heard, "Forever and ever, friend."

And then Tommy said, "Time to get what you want-- no more teasing, and backwards, I heard, "and hard!"

Sean leaned over and started sucking my cock with a passion as though he were trying to suck my cum right up from out of my balls, by sure force.

Tommy pulled his cock entirely out of my ass, and then started fucking me royally.

I leaned back," Ahhhhhhhh, " I moaned in pure satisfaction.

Tommy fucked me like fucking was going out of style, and Sean sucked as though there may not be any dicks left to suck tomorrow.

I closed my eyes and watched it all happen.

Tommy was panting now, sweat dripping from his bangs. His face contorted in passion. He was fucking me hard-- and I was loving it-- I learned that I like it all kinds of different ways. Everyone has there own style-- And it seems whatever I need, is whatever I get-- right now, I needed it hard and fast, and Tommy was giving me exactly what I had waited too long for. He was being an animal, but inside my desire matched his raw urge.

Sean had part of my dick just inside his throat and was squeezing his throat muscles around the head of my cock-- Where in the hell did he learn to do that!? I could feel it each time he attempted to swallow while my cock was part way in--

"Ahhhh, damn, Keep doing that Sean!!" I pleaded.

On the workbench which was set very low near the floor, I guess for working while sitting, allowed Tommy to fuck me while he was standing, however, the workbench wasn't that wide, and my position was a bit awkward. It became even more awkward as Sean maneuvered himself in an attempt to get into a sixty-nine position with me. But when he finally got himself into the best position he could, his angle was way off for me to be able to reach his dick with my mouth. His ass, though, was pushing right up against my face. I spread his cheeks wide to have a look at his hole. I had only done this one other time, and my motive was to get Sean's come that shot all over little Chris' ass, but, I decided since Tommy did it to me, I might as well also, and I knew it felt really damn good.

I stuck out my tongue, and gave his hole a little taste. It tasted clean. I then licked the perimeter of his hole, while Sean continued to deep throat my dick-head. I licked the perimeter of his hole for a minute or so and then tested the opening with my tongue by pushing just a little but. Sean let out a little moan, and by instinctive reaction, surprised by how powerful my tongue was I just stuck it all the way in.

In order to get my tongue all the way up into Sean's hole, I had to press my face firmly up against his buns-- there wasn't much for me to see but blackness. Occasionally, I'd pull my tongue out to see some action but Sean was blocking me from seeing anything.

'I wish I could see,' I thought to myself. And instantly two lights came zooming back into the room, except this time they were both blue. Bright as a laser though, same as before, except now they were blue. Both of the lights took up a position just in front of Sean and they were allowing me to see. I could now clearly see Sean sucking my cock, close up, just like in a movie. The other one was allowing me to see Tommy penetrating me from an above position.

Sean glanced up momentarily seeing the blue light which was only about six inches away from him. He let my dick pop out of his mouth and sang, 'Let the blue light special, shine a light on me, let the blue light special, shine your ever lovin' light on me," and then went back to sucking on my cock.

Tommy saw the lights too and said to me, "They always get the best angles too," as he said it, first two other blue lights came into the room, and then two more behind them. There were now six blue lights taking up hovering position all around us like news choppers covering a live news event. They took up strategic 'camera' positions, two in front of me to see me tongue-fucking Sean's ass- hole, two in front of Sean, two in front of Tommy showing penetration. I knew all this because everyone's blue-lights were projecting their prospective 'camera' positions up on the ceiling, including my own; sex images-- it looked like live porn. I could see two live-close-up's of Tommy's cock fucking me, from slightly different angels, two live images of Sean sucking my cock, and then two more of me and Sean's ass.

I watched in amazement for a few moments, and then squeezed my face in between Sean's buns again, sticking my tongue back into the warm opening. I saw the two blue lights struggling to get the best angle, and being aware of them tried to angle myself so they could get a good view. I would lick and tongue-fuck him for a bit and then loon look back up at the ceiling to catch all the action. This was better than anything I'd ever imagined-- it was better than mirrors.

Tommy suddenly shoved his cock all the way deep in me and held it there, pressing his full body weight on me. The pressure on my prostate was perfect. With that, and Sean deep throating me, I couldn't take any more.

"Arggghhhhh," I moaned, "Gona----"

I glanced up and saw Sean pull his mouth off of my cock, holding his mouth open about three inches away as I had one of my most powerful orgasms to date. It felt like the orgasm started in my feet-- my feet cramped up, and a moment later, the first powerful squirt went strait up and into Sean's open mouth-- bulls eye-- it looked great from the images on the ceiling-- obviously Sean did this for visual theatrics. He closed his lips for just a moment to swallow and the second squirt went all over his closed lips-- this was fucking hot-- seeing my cum dripping off of his lips. I shot again and again, Sean trying his best to keep up with the squirts.

Suddenly Tommy pulled out of my ass-hole, and I watched the ceiling images, where he basically shot his cum all over his little brother's face adding to the cum already dripping off of his pretty continence. He even had one nice globule hanging from his bangs.

Me and Tommy had finally cum, but that left Sean and I wanted to make sure his orgasm was as good as gets. I stopped watching the supernatural multi-camera live-porno movie of ourselves, and shoved my tongue all the way back into Sean's dark hole. Tongue fucking him feverishly. 'Can you make somebody cum just by tounging their ass?' I thought to myself. I didn't know-- but I discovered that I could maneuver my hand around, and I grabbed Sean's cock and started stroking him rapidly. His dick was as hard as I'd ever felt it and kind of pointing strait down at the position he was in, which if it wasn't for Tommy blocking him, he would fall right on his head off of the workbench, being that he was working against gravity to keep his balance like he was.

I stroked him hard and fast while I tongue fucked his hole, in and out in and out in and out.

Sean started moaning louder and louder and louder. And a moment later I actually FELT his ass muscles squeeze my fucking tongue hard.

"Uuuuuuggghhh!!!" Sean groaned, as I felt my hand become wet and slick. "Uuuuuuggghhh!!" he moaned again.

His sphincter finally relaxed after a few moments and I slid my tongue out.

Sean and I got up off of the workbench. I looked at Sean's face, he had managed to wipe most of his brother's cum off except for one big fat splotch right on his nose, I leaned in as if to kiss him, and stuck my tongue out and licked the bridge of his nose, getting most of it. We then kissed, and then Tommy joined in adding his own tongue with the both of ours in my first ever three way kiss.

"I love you guys," I said.

We all rested for several minutes, after that I noticed my perception was basically back to normal. The blue light's had left in a spectacular exit, darting off to the four corners at lightning speed.

"Is my eye closed again?" I asked, taking up a more proper sitting position on the bench with Sean sitting next to me as we had been before all the fun and games began.

"For now, but you can open it wide any time you want," Tommy replied.

"Yea, YOU'RE in control again now," Sean said.

I was a bit confused and I guess my expression showed it.

Tommy said, "Dereck, may I please introduce yourself to yourself...."

My eyes were wide.

"When you were a wee little pup, you started out being only sub-conscious; your subconscious perceives time in reverse. Then later on a little phenomenon happened to you called self-awareness- - at that point you began developing a conscious awareness. You began to talk, and perceive yourself as part of something bigger; the world. You began to compare yourself to other people. At some point, while you were still little, you let the world convince you that there was only conscious perception-- after all, it was all you could perceive in others. Later on, you let fear, and the world convince you that only one perception was real-- your conscious perception-- you began to identify you as being that perception only-- but, it was a lie- YOU are both perceptions. You buried the other part below awareness, and let your CONSTRUCTED awareness take full control. Its not your fault-- everybody does it-- Its a necessary evil. Now, YOU are in control once again being able to perceive both your outer and your inner senses; which comprises the whole YOU-- so, may I introduce you to yourself."

"Its a blast hu?" Sean asked as he ran back into the house.

"Oh crap-- Do you know the time?" I asked.

"We love you too," Tommy said.

I looked at him puzzled, "Thanks, "I said.

"You have no idea what you just said backwards do you?" Tommy asked.

"No, " I said, and suddenly my eye opened up again. I said, "Do you know the time," out loud, and I heard what I said backwards. It was amazing. I'll keep it a little secret for now, but I'll say this-- I had no idea what I was saying until now.

Sean came back into the room and I immediately said to him, "Do you know the time?"

"I love you too," he said.

"No really, what time is it?" I asked, closing my eye again.

"Really late," he said.

"Like how late?" I asked.

"Its about eight o'clock," he said as he handed me four pairs of clean underwear.

"Crap, I gota go-- my parents are gona kill me," I said as I got dressed.

"Don't worry, " Sean said, "Earlier when I went in the house the phone rang and I answered it-- It was your mom wanting to know where you were-- I told her you were here with us and we were all having wild sex in the garage-- just kidding-- I told her we were watching a movie on Select TV. She said it was ok, she didn't need to talk to you, she just said she wanted you to call her when we were done having sex-- I mean done watching the movie."

"Uh hu," I said, "Probably you did say that backwards."

"I can't help it-- none of us can. We always tell the truth, the sub-conscious never lies. It's not my fault though that your mom can't HEAR backwards."

"By the way-- where are YOUR parents," I asked.

"They usually don't get home until after eight," Sean said, "Doncha remember?" he asked.

"Oh yea," Well I better go call my mom and head home. Was she mad?"

"No she said that the reason she called was that you and your dad were gona go shopping for a new television or something, and that they wouldn't be home until later."


I called my mom and it turned out, it was true they had bought one of those new projection TV's.

"I'll see you guy's later," I said to Sean and Tommy.

"Tomorrow at the 'amp," Sean said.

"Yea-- meet us at the bowl," Tommy said.

"Got it."

I got on my bicycle and headed home, riding through an entirely different world than the one I had always thought I knew.

End Chapter eight.

[Author: Thank you everybody who sent me a line of encouragement. My E-mail address is :

darronthewitch@yahoo.com - Thanks again everybody.

Darron The Witch AKA Danny The Witch.]

Next: Chapter 5

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