Dream Til Its Real

By Grayson Vellar

Published on Jan 11, 1999


Ok all, this is an erotic story of a M/M relations if you have no desire for such things then Do Not Read This! If you are under 18 or live in a state where you are not allowed to view this these kinds of materials Do Not Read This!

If you are wanting a Erotic male fantasy story this one is it try it and let me know what you think and I will try to get back to everyone This is my first attempt so bear with it and enjoy. Bye for now.

Authors notes: I have received a lot of E-mail in regards to this story please feel free to continue to respond I am still trying to get back to everyone and will continue to do so Thank you.


By Grayson S. Vellar

In our last scene: "I have to tell you something you told me everything about yourself then and I had to find a way to be with you so I made my life to you. I wasn't going to stay in that town and work for your father for the rest of my life I needed to get out of there and you were my beacon in the night. I just had to. I loved you since before you left. But, I knew you would never have me that way. I was ashamed and had to be with you. So for the past 20 months I made my way to you. I lost the weight grew a little and other things happened I became a new person but still the same inside just for you. I love you Grayson." Michael said, as I held him tightly as he fell asleep in my arms.

"I Love you too Michael." Tears fell as I watched him sleeping that night. I had finally found a Love so true I had no idea it existed.


Chapter 2

By Grayson S. Vellar

As the morning sun began to pour into the windows leaving nothing untouched, I rolled over searching with closed eyes for my new love. As I felt past the sheets and onto his side of the bed I found no warmth where he should have been lying. Opening my eyes I was greeted to an empty bed. I rolled back over to my side of the bed and closed my eyes hoping what was happening was not. To my dismay I knew I had to remove myself from the bed or I would never find out what was going on. Just as I had decided to move the phone rang stirring my half wake half-sleeping state to rise and shine although I felt more tarnished than anything.

"Good morning!" A familiar voice said to me in the phone. " We thought you would never get up." He said in his cheery voice once again.

"I am up now who is this?" I said as calmly as I could.

"Well it is me Scott from the Science Department. We are conducting a survey to see how many guys you are willing to sleep with in one day."

Suddenly I heard the phone crash to the ground and a loud voice yelling. I was in shock.

"You bastard! You son of a bitch leave him alone!"

It sounded like Michael. "I only told you so you would understand why I am like I am. I love him damn it!" Michael shouted, and I now knew who it was. I could hear the phone thrashing around, being picked up, and someone breathing heavily into the receiver.

"You might want to come pick-up your Bitch before we really hurt him." a snide voice breathed into the phone. I began to cry as I tried to believe this was not happening.

"Well, Faggot you going to come get him or do we now bury him in the back yard? We wont hurt you faggot; you never lied to your friends about yourself at least not to us. Or, do we know you? Come on bitch come and get him! You'll find him behind the student union building. You can pick up his sissy ass there, and my what a fine ass it is. " The phone was slammed down as I began to cry so hard I could not see.

I quickly thought all this through, but to no avail, then I dialed my best friend Tina's number. It rang several times until her answering machine picked up.

"Tina I need help here! Where are you? I really need you and as many people as you can get together to come to the student union building in about 15 minutes. Please do this for me. I need all the help I can get. It is an emergency!" I was crying so hard that I almost got sick at this point. The answering machine suddenly turned off and I heard the phone moving around on the other end.

"Hello?" She said in a half waken tone.

"Tina, please help me, please help me, please help me,..." I repeated several times until she interrupted me.

"Grayson! Calm the hell down! I will help you just have to tell me what is going on. Now what is going on?" She said with more concern than I had ever heard her express.

"I need you to gather as many people as you can at the Student Union building in back by the archways. I have to go in alone but you need to be there to stop them. I need your help..." I was angry now and thinking clearly.

"Stop who Gray? " She asked.

"Stop the guys from killing him. I need support to stop them in case they come after me."

"Killing who?"


"That guy in your dream? Gray, go back to sleep and save him there; they can not hurt you." She hung up the phone. She was the only person to know about the dreams so to call her was perhaps a bad idea. But, she was my only hope.

I quickly re-dialed the number hoping she would pick-up. To no avail, I heard the machine answer I hung up and did it again and again until I lost count. She answered and was really mad and awake now. I began to shout as soon as I heard her breathing.

"Look Tina, I know I have not been the best friend to you. Although I always thought I had been and now I need you. If you don't want to help me then go back to sleep. But, before you do call some people and get them over there! I have to go I really have to help Michael. I won't lose him to this. I won't! " I began to shake as I clung to the phone awaiting response.

"I hope that you're serious Gray and this is real because if it's not we are finished. I will do what I can." Tina said as she hung up. I was once again alone on my quest.

I pulled on my clothes and headed for the door, not thinking, just doing. I made it out to the front of the school just blocks away in no time. I felt my adrenaline rushing as I hit the main quad, and headed straight down to the Student Union building. It's gothic pillars stood high above all else as I approached. I felt a sudden calm as I walked past the main entrance seeing Tina standing just inside, and she waved me by. I had no idea what she had planned but I was hoping she would not let me down. Walking down the tree covered sidewalk to the back of the building I was beginning to become scared of the outcome of these events as I rounded the corner leading me into the shady area.

I could see Michael slumped over on a bench as I approached the low hanging tree line. No one else was in sight I endeavored to continue on with my task. Michael looked up slightly as I approached him. He was beaten badly, but not badly enough as to not speak.

"Gray," he mumbled, as his tears steamed down his face. "Gray, you have to get out of here. They are--" only to be interrupted by a round of sarcastic applause from behind me as I continues to approach him.

"Bravo, Bravo, Bravisimo! And the winner of best fuck goes to Michael O'More!" Scott said, as he made his presence known. I quickly interrupted him as I spoke with my hate filled voice.

"Nice guys. Look what you did to the little Faggot. Now try and see if you can do it to me. I am not so willing." I turned to see Scott twice my size. I could hear voices in the background obviously willing to help him in his fight to right our wrong.

"Oh look guys a little bitch who thinks he can out do us all. "He began to laugh out as he took his first steps towards me.

Several more people stepped out from the tree line as I stood calmly. Nothing would stop me. I had to get Michael out of here. I was scared, yes, but I would not lose this fight. I had not spent the better part of my life in fear and I certainly was not going to start now. Scott continued to move closer toward us as the others held their ground.

"Scott you may think your beating the hell out of us is going to stop the world from turning, but it's not. Just because you are an insecure little boy who will always be a little boy does not mean that genetics is suddenly going to take a turn in your favor and make you a man after all. What makes you think you can beat me? Your nothing without the help of your friends" I pointed to the crowd.

"A computer geek with no life has no life to live, so, why waste space with your presence? You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into, do you?" He stopped and held his ground as I took my first step forwards. No mistaking it, I did the best I could to look mean and intimidating, as I stood tall at my full height, head held high, he was still bigger than I was. I knew I hadn't had a shot at winning but, I was damned sure going to try.

"Oh, so now it is a matter of space. This has nothing to do with your life, so you want ours to control. I think not Scott. It is just a matter of time before you realize all the guys behind you are not as hateful and insecure as yourself. You see they have not got a vendetta against the gay community because some of them may actually have gay friends, some may even be gay themselves, or have family who are. You will never know that, from this day forwards you will always be unscrupulously lied to as to their personal lives. Because, the very wolves you surround yourself with can not trust you. You have lived your life freely until now. You have done your damage. You are hiding behind that scared little boy you call Scott "The Man". You are hidden in your lies and deceit. "I took another step forwards proving my point as he stepped away from me. "You think I am the little victim but I will never be a victim to your hatred. Because it is the things within your own self you hate." I had not noticed but we had suddenly been joined by several new arrivals as Tina reached my side.

"So, Scott, you seem to be suddenly outgunned in your little war against them. " Tina said as she motioned a hand towards the crowd now showing her numbers.

"This is not how it is supposed to be. You are supposed to be a guy, a man; fuck women, drink beer, do man things. How can we trust you if you go looking at our asses, feeling us up in our sleep, making your own feeling secret, hiding like the dogs you are? If you think I will accept any of this you are wrong. You should have been drowned as a child like a cat thrown into the river. I hate everything you are and everything you make our children become. I hate what you do to society..."

Tina had enough of his hatred as she round house kicked him into the planter to his left.

"You hate him? Well, let me tell you something buddy, I don't give a rat's ass where you go or what you do. I will haunt you for the rest of your life. A girl, yes me, threw your ass away like a piece of garbage." She went to the planter and spit in his face. "Nothing deserves to be treated as you have my friends and nothing that you do or say will ever harm them. You are a dead man if I see you near them again. Do you understand me?" She was shouting but either no one noticed from the front of the building or they were waiting and watching to see how her explosion would end.

Michael moved to his feet and slowly walked to me from behind. His arms traced around my waist and I felt it was time to finish this up.

"Tina," She did not hear me at first. "Tina!" She spun around to see Michael.

"I think it is time I finish this up. Could you take Michael to the bench and sit with him for a moment?" She looked at me with confusion but moved to me and removed Michael from my back. I approached Scott cautiously and turned towards the guys who had come with him.

"All of you who hate me so much step forwards." I motioned the crowd but no one moved. A guy from the back looked down at his own feet for a moment and then moved to the front of the crowd. I was surprised, but none the less continued on in my quest to vent out my frustrations.

"What makes you hate me? I don't even know you!"

"He does not hate you, he hates Me." he said not looking up from his feet.

"What? How is that?" I replied calmly.

"He hates me because I am the one he fears. I was his roommate until just now. I have decided to move out. I have made it clear to him in the past that I have feelings for him that I should not have. Until today it had not mattered. I had no--" He began to cry looking directly at Scott then Michael.

"--no reason to move. I have not found a way to dissuade my feelings for him and after he vented all his anger out on Michael, I now know I must move on or he will hurt more of us because of me. He is a good man. I have seen him that way. But never before have I seen him hate so much..." He moved to the planter to help Scott out. Scott grabbed the hand and pulled himself to his feet.

"John you know that isn't true I like you guy, but this was just me getting slapped in the face by that bitch Michael. He lied to me; told me about his girls and told me he was straight. I trusted him with all my secrets for the past year and now he tells me he loves this--this guy." He pointed to me while staring at John.

Michael stood up and limped to me, his left eye now black, his face bruised, holding his right shoulder with his left hand, skinned knuckles bleeding. I almost cried as I saw him in a state I would never wish upon anyone, even Scott himself. I felt my tears welling up and he approached Scott and held his hand out to him as a sign of trust regained. The two-shook hands and then it happened. Michael doubled up his right fist and sucker-punched Scott in his face. John reeled back from the move and began to whimper. As Scott hit the ground, Michael began to stare down at him as he slowly lowered himself to the ground. With his bruised body moving slowly John saw his opportunity to step in. He moved in front of Scott.

"Michael you won't do this. I won't let this go on any more. I will stop you with force if I have too. Scott has no need for any more pain; pain that I have caused him. Your bitterness is my doing. I will take your beating but you will not harm him." Tina stepped up to the male dog pile.

"John get out of this before I hurt you myself! " She yelled as she pulled him away from Scott.

"You have wronged me one too many times Scott. I hate to do this but I must. " Michael said as Scott sat up still bleeding from his split lips.

"I'm sorry Michael ... I--" Michael landed on him as he passed out.

"He's out cold! " Scott shouted as he gently shook Michael

I moved quickly to Michael's side trying to figure out what to do next. My heart was pounding as Tina stepped up and started to shake him by his shoulder. Scott began to tear up as he finally had realized what was going on. He wrapped both his arms around Michael and rocked him slowly. I began to panic as several people approached and tried to pick him up. Only to find they had to lift Scott with him. Scott would not let Michael go as he stood lifting him up and the others steadied him. Scott pickled him up into his arms and began to head out the back entrance of the little clearing.

"We have to get him to the Dr.'s or there is no telling what will happen. I am so sorry Michael I hope you can forgive me for this. "Scott said as he moved ahead of the crowd with Tina and myself on either side of him.

"Scott you might want to put him down he hit you pretty hard your bleeding. " Tina said as I began to slide into his place holding Michael close to my chest as I walk at a fast pace.

"Scott we need a vehicle where are you parked?" I said not thinking just doing now once again.

"Over here." He said, pointing to the faculty parking area. I made note of the location for future reference but had no need for asking him right now.

We approached a Toyota Limited and each of them climbed in opposite sides of the vehicle as I slide Michael onto the back seat. I quickly slipped in next to him and we were on our way. I went for Michael's wallet only to find no sign of Insurance card or anything of a Medical nature.

"We're going to have a problem when we get there he has nothing on him to say he belongs here. No school ID, No Drivers License, No--" I said as Scott interrupted.

"He won't Gray, he has not since I first met him. Look I have a way to get him taken care of but no questions are to be asked. You got that?" Scott said in his authoritarian way.

"You just get us there and I will decide what I ask you about and how I do it. " Tina said as he reached over and punched him in the shoulder trying to show her controlled anger.

"Just do it. But whatever it is it had better be now because he is not waking up here." I cried out as we careened Down State Street to an older part of campus.

The medical building he parked in front was one I had never noticed before very modern in comparison to the rest of campus but still old enough in style to blend in. I quickly jumped out and headed for the door to look for help. Scott ran past me and went inside as I reached the door he turns around to yell to me.

"Just give me a second. I will have someone come out to get him, you just hold on." Scott shouted as he headed down the hall to an office and headed inside.

"You really think we can trust him Gray. After all you have been through, this is kind of strange don't you think? " Tina asked only to be interrupted my Scott and a young man walking out of the building towards us at full pace.

"We have to get him inside quickly. How long has he been out like this? " The man said as he picked Michael up in his arms and ran for the door.

"About 10 minutes! " Tina shouted from next to me as they were now a good 20 feet away from us. We quickly ran after them only to be stopped outside of a medical room as Scott came back out being pushed from behind.

"We have to wait out here I take it? " I said as I looked at Scott and calmly reached out for him as he shied away form me.

"It's alright Scott. I just want to say thank you for changing your mind to bad you could not do it sooner. Like before this happened!!! " I shouted at him as the doctor came through the door. And headed right for us.

"First of all keep it down and it is going to take time to check him out maybe you should just go for now and come back in a hour or so? "He said as I read his name badge.

"Tom you may not know us but thank you I will stay. He is kind of my responsibility here. " I said but had nothing to back it up as he raised his eyebrow at me. Tina grabbed my hand as he looked down I suddenly realized I was giving myself away. She clung close to me as I was now in the spotlight of his glare as he reached into my soul searching for the hidden truth.

"Fine, come with me." He said as Tina marched right along with me.

"No. You stay here." He said as I reached over and touched her face and looked deep into her eyes. Trying not to laugh knowing we were being watched was all I was thinking.

"Come on Gray. You have some explaining to do." I suddenly realized I had not introduced myself to him. How did he know my name?

We walked a little farther down the hallway and entered the office Scott had gone into before. I first noticed we were alone and second I was uncomfortable in his presence.

"Yes, Scott told me what had happened at Union building now I need to know what really happened. I can only assume Michael and he got into another fight since they always do. We joke about it on the team like they are a married couple it is really a funny situation. But, enough of that you tell me what happened. Why are you here? " Tom said as he and I stood facing one another in the darkness of low lighting and the bad taste in your mouth that wont go away.

"I woke up to Scott yelling at me over the phone. He told me to pick Michael up behind the Student Union Building. I got there but not before calling people to help me with this one because I was not sure what to expect. Michael had already been beaten up; I have no idea what happened to him. " I began to tear up and he could see it as I turned away and looked out the opposing windows. I heard him moving around behind me, as I turned I could see him sitting at the desk, silent and in concentrating.

"Sit down Grayson." He gestured towards the chair in front of the desk. I complied and sat quietly as he began to speak.

"It is apparent to me you are lying about your relations with that girl since she is a well know Lesbian at the club I go to. Further more. Michael and Scott have been fighting for quite a while most likely a lovers spat." He said as I was in shock.

"A what? " I was angry and upset and confused nothing made sense I only wanted to wake up next him nothing more. Michael entered my mind from the previous evening and there he stayed as I grew in confidence and quiet strength.

"Come on Gray don't tell me you had not figured this out? You didn't know that they are gay. Hello, am I the only one who figured it out. They spend all their mornings together and then most evenings. They are inseparable except when they fight. When they make up they are gone for hours, I suppose it is possible they are talking things out. I mean it is entirely possible I am wrong. But, then again you got it bad for Michael too. " He smiled as I was in shock.

"I want to talk to Scott alone," I said in my guttural hateful tone.

"OK when? " He asked as he stood from his chair, knowing that it was to be now or never.

Scott entered the office as I sat in the Desk chair now facing away from him. He took a seat and said nothing as I turn to face him. He was silent as I leaned over the desk and pulled out a pad of paper from the center drawer.

"You know it's funny Scott. All things have common places in a world so violent and cruel. You see even you have had, and do have, or may even still have a place. After all, it is all up to your answers here with me today. Be truthful and I will be the same with you." I said calmly as I began to tap the tip of the pencil into the pad bellow.

"Well then ask me anything you want it doesn't matter now." He said as He tried to look calm as I was leaning into the desk.

"Question number 1: Do you really hate gay people or are these some huge games you played today? " I said leaning over the pad as if it were a scorecard.

"Gray, you have to understand my position here. I am well known and have a reputation to protect he lied to me. I was mad because... because, well you see. Um." Scott said as Gray cut him off.

"Question number 2: Have you and Michael ever had a relationship, sex, or otherwise? " I asked as tears started to form, knowing I had to hold back all the emotions inside.

"Gray, I can not answer these. I think you had better talk to Michael yourself. He is the one who..."

"No you're going to answer them because he, if you hadn't noticed, is currently incapacitated from you beating on him! Now answer the fucking question, asshole! "

"I can't! "

"You will." I said as hateful and cold as I could be.

"Alright then if you have to have it here it is. He and I I mean we.... Oh all right! You should know he hasn't been pineing away for you all these months he has had an ongoing relationship with me. At least that is what I thought it was. We have not had sex in over a year and I was the one who helped him get to where he is. You got the prize I had made. You got his love I got his friendship. Yes, good damn me I am jealous of you. Yes, he loves you and not me! I hate you both for being happy while I have waited a patiently to have him!" Scott shouted as he shook in his chair crying like a baby.

"Question number 3: Why the hell did you beat him up?" I asked calmly disregarding my personal feeling for the moment.

Silence filled the room as Scott continued crying and turned away from me. I was beginning to become irritated when there was a low knock at the door. I quickly jumped to my feet and open the door to find Tom standing there with a huge smile on his face. He was beaming as he pulled me out of the office. Scott began to stand only to have Tom hold his hand out in his direction and close the door behind us. We walked a short distance down the hallway as he finally began to speak.

"First off, Michael is going to be fine no major damage mostly, bumps bruises and a few scraps. Minus the fact he has a black eye he is going to be fine. He passed out due to stress anxiety and the actual adrenaline. But, over all he is fine. " He paused long enough for me to sigh and hug his tightly.

"Second, when you go back in you will notice that the intercom on the phone is on. We have been listening. You're a great debater. Third and finally he is lying through his teeth. If you don't believe me ask Michael he was so mad I had to restrain him. I thought he was going to rip them off the table. Scott is trying to break you two up. He's just a little newbie Drama queen trying to get what he wants. Don't fall for it..." Tom said as I started to speak.

"I had that figured out for some reason I already knew that. Don't ask me how but I knew. " I said as he started again. Tina stood close by listening to our conversation.

"So, here is my plan I go back in and tell him Michael is not going to make it." Tom grinned from ear to ear.

"I don't think that is a good idea at all, let me get him to admit it." Tina said.

"No let me Tina." I said as Tom sighed

"Ok, let's do both you think you can cry on command here?" He asked me still grinning.

"I guess so what do you have in mind?" I asked.

He quickly filled me in on his makeshift plan as I went down to see Michael in his room. With the lights low and Michael laying on a small table still I was in total shock as I entered the room. He had been cleaned up and now that I was calm I looked on in astonishment. Earlier I had not taken it into complete affect. I began to cry as I leaned over him lying there. He was still strapped to the table as I heard a conversation coming from the other side of the room. I walked over to see who it was and there was the phone. Tom was speaking to Scott asking him how he was doing. Michael stirred on the table.

"Hun can you turn that up I want to hear it too. " He said as I turned the volume up in compliance.

I walked over to Michael and stood next to his bed as we listened together.

"Scott, I don't know how to fill you in on this but. You need to stay calm and understand what I am saying here ok. " Tom said as his voice boomed over the phone.

"Yeah what is it Tom. You know I will take care of whatever it is dud. If it's money it's covered, you know I'm good for it. " Scott almost sounded concerned.

"No, it's about Michael..." We could hear the tears in his voice.

"You see he is on some kind of heart medication and when you guys took care of him by beating he like you did. Well, his body in now rejecting his meds and he is dying. He only has a few hours left from what I can tell. I don't know what to do... I can't figure out what to do..." Tom totally broke down like a crying baby.

I started to laugh as Michael chuckled behind me. I looked deep into his eyes as I kissed him gently on his lips. I could taste the dried blood on his split lip as I savored the sensation of the softness. He slightly flinched as I pulled away.

"You know he was lying then right? " Michael said as he tried to reach up only to find himself still restrained.

"I don't know yet. I have to do some more investigating, before I can answer that one. I really don't know what to make of this whole thing yet. " I said as he relaxed onto the table and tears filled his eyes.

"Michael did you sleep with him? " I said in a muffled voice.

"No. We were only friends, I swear to you. I have only loved you in my life and that is all I need in this life. " He said through his tears.

"Good." I said as I leaned over and held him as I released his restraints.

"Now, you stay here and I am going to get what I want out of him. " Just as I finished Tom entered the room.

"You better hurry before he bolt out of there. He is so confused. "He said as he came over and check Michael's eye which had nearly swollen shut.

"Wish me luck." I said as I gently kissed Michael before I started to leave.

"Luck. " He whispered to me as I exited the room and Tina joined them from the corridor.

As I worked my way down the hall I had to think this all to be real in my mind. I had to believe that Michael was dying in there and had to make it real. I could not show signs of any lies. I had to make Scott see what he had done I had to make it real. I had to make him pay for ruining my life and killing my love. I felt the tears start to flow as I made my way down the hallway. As I reached the door tears started to streak down my face as I entered the darkness. I turned the switch on and made my way to the desk.

"Scott you need to get out of here but first I have a plan. " I said as I began to wipe away the tears.

"A plan? " Scott looked at me astonished.

"Yes. You need to go and pretend like you and Michael never had anything together. Pretend like you never slept with him and I will pretend like you never said it ok? Can you do that? We are going to pretend like this never happened. " I began to cry aloud in huge sobs and moans and rock in my chair. " Pretend... You never knew him as I do. Pretend..." I sobbed louder as Scott stood from his chair. I hoped my plan had worked.

"Gray, I'm sorry and you can not take the blame for this. You can't..."

"I have nothing left to live for he is dead. First you took his life now you tell me you had his love. I got nothing. You have it all. You got him, not me " I mumbled through my sobs. " You had him... You got..."

"No Gray, I never had him I wanted him. I never had him he loved you. He wanted to be with you. He came to tell me this morning. I was jealous and out of my mind I made a mistake if I could take it back I would. He loved you, not me. " He paused for a moment as my tears ran out, I continued to rock. He tried to comfort me more as he held me tight. " I will do what is right now I will take the heat since I did it. I loved him Gray I want you to know that. "

"But, you have John too..." I sobbed loud as he had his head resting on my shoulder.

"I don't think he will ever forgive me either. Besides after what I have done I will be in jail. They will not be letting me out for a long time. " He cried as he stood with his back to the entrance to the office.

Michael walked into the room head held high with Tom standing close behind. Scott remained with his back to the door. Michael stepped in and made his way across the room to Scott. Tina remained quiet as she stood out side pacing back and forth.

"If you do love me as much as you say then you can be happy for me and make it up to us later. Right now your mother is due in anytime. We have to vacate or were all going to be dead. " I grinned at Michael's little pun. Scott spun around in his place and hugged Michael so tight Michael yelped from the pain.

"Michael I'm... I'm so sorry you... I will make it up to you, I swear. " Scott said as he held him tight.

"Ok, enough Scott. We have to go. John will pick us up. As a matter of fact he should be out there right now..." Just as I said it the office door opened.

"What was the rush for guys? " He asked as he noticed Scott and Michael.

"My mom is on her way in now. "

"God! Don't you two ever stop fighting and making up! " He yelled as he stood his ground.

"See I told you. " Tom said to me as they all laughed.

We drove in the two cars back to our building. Tina ran for her own floor as the four of us made way to our floor. As quickly as the day began so it ended Michael came back to my apartment as John and Scott stayed in Michael's working things out. Tina going to sleep once again.

Michael and I made our way to bed after getting him undressed and situated I found it hard to fight my urges. But, I resisted his charms, even with his bruises he is charming. We lay together for about an hour awake and told one another "I Love you and how much" before drifting off to sleep. While just down the hall Scott and John found one another for the first time.

"Scott I have loved you ever since the day we met. "

"John I can say I care for you but I am not sure of who I am anymore. I hurt my best friend today over jealousy. "

"Just stay with me tonight and we will see who you are later. "John said as he gently kissed Scott.

"Ok, I will but I am not promising anything. " Scott said as he gently kissed John and began to open his mouth. His first kiss and so much passion with so little effort it felt so right as their tongues met and began to dance back and forth.

"We better get some sleep before we go to far and I make a mistake again. " Scott said as he held John on the bed still fully clothed and they slept.

Michael & I slept though the night not fearing because we finally made it, back to one another's arms. He awoke several times with nightmares but they soon would subside and he would fall back asleep. As I lay there watching him I told him again how much I love him and he would smile in his sleeping state of mind.

(TO BE CONTINUED) Contact me at Gkolschowsky@geocities.com

Next: Chapter 3

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