
By Laura Johnson

Published on Nov 30, 2000


ok and then to Piper! My god girl you are the best! your feedback cheered me up so much, I have been having a shit load of fun with my crappy life lately and reading your feedback made me actually smile, so thank you!!! A thank you to everyone else who like "Dreaming" too!!! Ok disclaimer.... No it's not true, No they don't know me, no i don't know them. And yes I get angry when people plagerize...averts gaze from brit* :) Ok so anyways...the long awaited chapter six...

Chapter six.

Quiet. Dead quiet. No one talked, no one really breathed. No one said anything or even whimpered. the shock was enough to suffocate them all. Joshua Scott Chasez, one of thier best friends, one of their brothers tried to kill himself and they didn't know why. Each one had their suspicions; joey figured it was his fault. He was constatly teasing him. Chris figured maybe jc was having a bad love life...sort of Romeo and juliet. Lance blamed himself. He was the peacekeeper...and he failed at seeing that there was something wrong with jc to stop him before it was too late. But Justin...Justin knew the truth...or thought he knew. The curly haired singer never took his eyes off of the sleeping form of his best friend. he was asleep in the hospital bed, rushed from the hotel, his stomach pumped and he was given some medication to counter act what ever pills did take effect on him. He figured jc was in love with him and couldn't...wouldn't tell anyone cuz he as afraid. What he didn't know about were the dreams. The very thing that sparked jc's obsession and drove him over the edge. Justin just figured it was all his fault. no matter how you put it. It was jc's love for him that made him depressed, it was justin's fault he wantd to die. he did it. And the guilt was literally killing him. It wasn't just the guilt though. There were other thoughts that clouded his mind...other thoughts he'd never tell anyone...ever.


Ok short chapter!!! My god I didn't realize how short that was! Ok so for you readers...here's Chapter 7 too...god that was short. And yes eventually there will be...eh hem (quote) "Hot, Steamy Sex scenes" <---a request. But not now.....later.


Darkeness everywhere. it terrified him. There was no wind, no light, just a steady eeire calm. And he was all alone. His heart beat rapidly in his chest and his breathing was raged. All alone. "Am i dreaming?" he asked himself out loud. "Justin are you here?" No answer. which confused him, Justin was always in his dreams. But not this time...Wait...what was that? he turned around but saw only darkeness. then he heard it again. What was that?? "Justin??" It was crying...who was crying...he was alone in this dark abyss...

Some one was crying. Why? Who? "Jc..." A voice said in the distance. "Don't leave me...I love you too much." that was Justin. Where was he?

"I did this to you..."

'no you didn't justin!!' He couldn't see him.

"I made you love me."

'I fell in love with you!!!' Where was he?

"I almost killed you."

'you saved me.' There was only darkness

"I don't deserve you."

'you deserve the best.' How come he could hear him but not see him?

"I don't deserve love."

'You deserve all the love you can get.' Still only darkness

"I don't deserve to live."


The darkness started to fade. And then there was nothing.


End chapter.

Ok there's that. Yawn, I'm kinda weary about it...you tell me what you think. Rei_Mars13@excite.com

Next: Chapter 3: Dreaming 8 9

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