Dreaming of Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 25, 2024


This is a story based off an older series I have written 'With the Ramgards'. It's from those furry tales I like so. These hybrid humanoids, half man hand ram. And this is a tale of man with beast. So if you do not like this. Kindly move on. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it..

**** **** **** + **** **** **** Dreaming of Ramgards'(5)

... I had been standing there at the side of the road. My cart damaged from a broken wheel. I was going to get ready to settle down for the evening. Figuring I would have to come up with some solution to my predicament on how to get the wheel fixed and myself back in the road. Least I get a chance to find this 'zion' of freedom. But after seeing figures heading towards me as dick was falling. Fear entering my body at whom may be coming to possibly kill me. A group of non-human creatures that lurked these roads and the forest beyond them. I saw that the creatures coming towards me were ramgards. The fear faded quickly and I figured they would at least leave me be. They reached me and stopped to see that I was in trouble. One of them asked if they could give me aide.

"Oh. Can you?" I said back "That would be most appreciated sir"

Before I knew it I had all the beasts working to get my wheel fixed and back in order. Lifting the cart and then removing, fixing and then replacing the wheel. It took them but a few hours of work to do it to. And this was most impressive. Yet as the beasts worked all I could see and study was their powerful physiques. Tall muscular creatures that had bodies of sheer beauty. And I could not help but stare at them Then when they finished they suggested to set up a camp for the evening. As it was late and they had a long journey as well. I stayed as well when one of them suggested I feast with them. And I really was not in the mood to try and catch up on my journey as I was tired and hungry. So I smiled and agreed. Again thanking them for the aide when I needed it so.

"You are most welcome" the one said

I sat down next to this creature as one of his friends started pouring stew they had quickly made into bowls for all to eat. Handing me one

"I am Val" he said to me "This is Dandr. And he is Messr, and that one over there feeding us is Charm." "We can never leave someone such as yourself to fend alone in such a situation" "I would suggest when getting to next town to get a proper new wheel installed. This fox will only last so long"

Again I thanked them as we sat down and ate. The stew was warm and good. And as the beast set up tents to sleep in I headed back to my cart for sleep. Dandr stayed awake as a watchman. So how s friend could sleep.

"One must always keep watching as there are still wolfen out there in the forests." He said, then he winked at me

I nodded and then headed to my cart. Inside I made up a bed and then crawled in it to get some slumber. I could hear the sounds of the night outside. Crickets in the distance and loons in the trees. I was eerily creepy as I hated being here at the side of the road like this. But at least there was a ramgards standing watch just a few yards away in the trees. I could call out in the night should something come for me in the middle of night. I had dosed off for a bit before feeling the cart move. Then it creaked. My eyes shot opened as I looked to see a form entering the covered cart. I was about to cry out when I saw the shape of the head. I reached ofp we and clicked on the lantern. Then looked back to see the ramgards Dandr was the one crawling into the cart.

"Ohh. Dandr" I sighed "What is it. Doid you need something? "Yes" he said back

That was when he crawled up and on top of me. I looked down at his stearn face. Wondering why he was in here with me. But then he answered

"I wish to have you " he said plainly "I could see your desire for us on your face. "I could smell it on you" "And I feel it the least you may do as repayment for our help"

He then sat up and began to loosen his loin trouser. That was when I noticed his bulge. The beast was apparently excited and ready for something of a sexual nature. I was thinking to protest, but his body somehow flexed in his actions. His pectorals bulging above as he moved. The powerful muscle growing right as I looked upon them Then he pulled out his rod. Pale grey and large. Very large Dandr grabbed it and waved it at me. Telling me I was to pleasure him.

"Here" he said "Take this in your mouth"

He then moved up on me as he told me to suck. That was when his monstrous balls fell out. They hit me in my belly as the dropped from his trousers. They were huge. My eyes widened as they fell onto those enormous stones. One of the easily as big as both of mine combined. And they hung down low in his huge sack.

"Oh my God" was all I could say...

*** **** **** + **** **** ** More to cum

Next: Chapter 6

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