Dreaming Or Imagining

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Mar 21, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



1 - Young Footballer, Simon


G. Cutter

A bright and sunny Thursday morning in March, probably a good indication that spring is on it's way. No much going on outside but I have just seen the postman cycle by so I may as well hang around to see if he has anything. The point is that I was awoken around half an hour ago by some muppet reversing a bloody great lorry outside with the loudest reverse bleepers in the world, no matter but it was a good sleep and an interesting dream.

At the moment of waking, or just before... I don't know how these things work, I was watching a gaggle of kids playing football (soccer that is) on some waste ground and suddenly someone slapped me on the back. I span around to see a cheeky dark faced brat in black shorts run by me to join his mates. Automatically I flung my arm out to slap him on the bum, just the sort of thing you don't do in this day and age, at least not in this part of the world. Funnily enough his shorts started to slip and I was treated a view of his very skinny brown legs as his shorts went south and a glimpse of a pair of tighty whities as he stumbled. He pulled them up and carried on running flashing me a huge grin over his shoulder and giving me the finger.

Did I know the boy? Didn't I? Maybe, an composite face and young body of all the young footballers I'd tended to in my last job. Anyway, he was a sweety and probably around fifteen, a youngish fifteen. Certainly not a child and not old enough to be a youth. It is strange how you can wake from some sleeps remembering nothing and others remembering things as if they'd just happened. Another thing... in my dreams I'm always (with exceptions) a hale and hearty youth of seventeen or eighteen or a young twenty something, never as I am now, a bitter and twisted seventy one year old.

That's it... that's the introduction, nice to share a one sided chat and good morning from the sunny South (of England that is).


What if I could go back to bed and pickup on the dream. If I could and I did I suppose it would go a bit like this...


I ran out onto the field feeling a bit miffed, it wasn't often I got slapped on the shoulder by a schoolkid (and quite heavily) and then got a big smile and the finger to top it off. I must know him although I didn't recognise the tyke. I was barely eighteen and as it was my small house right behind me I was quite entitled to be there. Someone kicked me the ball and we were off. No goals, nor organisation, just a lazy and half hearted kickabout in the midday sun, a bit of one on one tackling and general boyish cameraderie.

The kid's ages seemed to range from a couple of tiddlers around eleven upto a small group of fifteen or maybe young looking sixteens. I saw my assailant flitting around and every time he saw me he gave me the same cheeky grin. Unfortunately football isn't one of those games where you can grab hold of someone or even get a decent grope as in rugby. It's all about being fast and nifty with your feet... I was always rubbish as my school played rugger of which the only thing I remember was the big hot bath like a swimming pool (well, I would, wouldn't I?).'

The kickaround wound down to a close and we all flopped out in the sun removing our shirts and idly chattering, my little chum sprawled alongside me and gave me yet another of his friendly grins, a knowing grin if you know what I mean. Some kids give you this semi smirk as if they're reading your mind and are spot on target, with me they are they're normally right.

'How's it going, Mick?' He produced a bottle of water from somewhere and offered it. I took a swig, thanked him and handed it back after wiping the top as one does. I glanced down at his lovely long brown legs which disappeared into his baggy black shorts leaving the imagination bubbling under. I knew he had tight white briefs on although they may have been y-fronts and I damn well knew him but there was no name.

I didn't reply. I just looked at him feeling a bit like a shop dummy but managed a little smile.

'Simon. Whatcha doing tonight?' One of his friends spoke to him and I had the name I wanted. He replied something along the lines that he was doing 'nuffink' which, at least, had him speaking the same language as I did.

'Still in the same job?' Simon asked and it came to me. I was the barman and groundsman at the local football club and that's how I knew the kids. They were all my customers for cold drinks, crunchies, munchies and the occasional crafty can of lager (the older ones that is).

'Yeah, I've got a couple of days off.' I looked around and realised that what I had supposed was waste ground was the dog end of the playing field and naturally enough the lads tended to wander around the area when on school holiday. Well, they're always on holiday in dreams and this was my custom built edition. It all began to become clearer now. Simon was just one of the many boys but one I liked because of his ready grin and he seemed to be one of those unputdownable characters. He always spread a bit of sunshine around, he was just one of those kids. I couldn't remember what team he played for which was a pain as the teams were graded by age but I had him down as around fifteen coming on sixteen. Baby faced but not soppy and dark skinned, slightly Romany with a thatch of dark almost black hair that hadn't seen a barber for many a moon. A little scruff but not that little and apart from his name and the fact he knew me I was just as mystified.

The other lads drifted away, some mounted bikes and cycled away others walked off across the field to the main road, Simon was the last and he just lay there squinting up at the sun and then at me. 'Holidays are boring,' he announced and shook his now empty water bottle.

'Wanna Coke or something?' I asked. If he knew me as he clearly did then he also knew that I lived in the small cottage the other side of the little lane that seperated the housing from the sports field. Safe from footballs but not from the faster and much harder cricket balls.

'Yeah, cheers,' he grinned again and as I stood so did he. I forgot to mention that he'd taken his shirt off with the others and he was a sight for sore eyes. A well sun tanned and well developed chest for his age tapering down to a slim waist. A gently rounded belly with a miniscule belly button and really yummy darker brown titties. The buy was a wet dream come true but it was a dream after all. There wouldn't be much point in dreaming up an ugly skank to take home for tea and muffins or is it tea and sympathy?

We walked across the lane to my little nest which remains pretty standard in my imagination. A fair sized house just small enough to be called a cottage, usual style; open the door onto a small passage which led to a room to the right facing the road, then another room which had access to the garden. A kitchen and single toilet at the end finished that. I knew that up the stairs there would be two bedrooms one larger that the other and a full bathroom and toilet suite. I knew my little dream house as I'd been there so often I could have marketed the damn place. The garden wasn't that big and scruffy which is one of my favourite words, naturally enough sometimes the garden backed onto open fields or woodlands depending on my mood I suppose.

I sat Simon down in the airy kitchen and offered him a can of whatever I was placing in my stories, normally it's Coke but they have't paid their placement fees lately and I prefer Pepsi anyway. He smiled his thanks and raised his can in a toast.

'So, what are you doing with your holidays, Sy,' I said right off the top of my head.

'Not a lot,' he sniffed. 'It's such a long holiday.'

'First one I've heard complain,' I sat down opposite but not facing him off you understand, maybe slighly to one side, I liked his half profile. 'Aren't you going away with the Scouts?'

'Ah, yeah, I forgot about that but that's not until next month and it's only a fortnight.'

'Under canvas with the chums,' I grinned.

'Mostly wallies,' he sniffed again. 'A couple of decent ones though.' He looked at me and I sensed he might be a little awkward with me being on our own, it was upto me to get things moving. I've got to admit most of my dreams end just as I'm about to score which I understand is newish kidspeak for fuck. Fuck's a terrible word and so is shag so I'll settle for the rather yuppie 'bonk' which sounds stupid but couth in a weird way. Anyway (says he gathering his thoughts)... here we were sitting in my sunlit kitchen slurping concentrated sugar in liquid form and he was making no attempt to move on, clearly a boy with time to waste.

Remember that this is a dream written in real time, a dream as I would like it to go so it will undoubtedly finish up like many of my stories and that's on a bed.

'Wanna sit in the lounge?' I offered. 'It's cooler and cosier.'

'Why not?' He stood and followed me as I led through to my dream lounge. That's the one with a big plasma screen, loads of home entertainment equipment and my computer, a baby burglar's goldmine but I don't dream burglars. For those of you who know my place the naughty Russian DVDs or tapes are in the little cupboard under the screen.

He flopped down on the sofa as I sat and patted a place besides me. God, those long brown skinned legs were driving me wild, I just wanted to see those shorts disappear but I'm making this one last. 'Comfy?'

'Yeah, it's nice in here,' he jumped as I punched a remote and the television came on. 'Nice and relaxed,' he opened his legs as if allowing air to circulate. His bare leg brushed against mine just that little bit too hard and I pressed back. I used to play this game at school under the desks provided the neighbouring kid was attractive enough. It was an initial move and easy to downgrade or upgrade depending how things went.

We watched the screen for a bit and some dreary daytime show was running, boring, boring until I felt his leg press against mine again, he must have moved in a little. This time I pressed back and left my knee there. He gave a little sigh and fumbled with his crotch, he was either getting warm or horny, I'd vote for horny as the knee pressing caper had gone past the accident stage.

'You've got room to ship a nice wife in here,' he spoke with a strained voice.

'Not my scene.' There, that told him. This time I did the knee pressing bit and he giggled. He pressed back and that was it. 'The last kid who played the kneesy game with me got taken behind the school toilets.'

'Really, he grinned. 'And then what happened?'

'We got up close and personal.'

'Really?' His voice cracked.' How personal?' God, he was asking for it and he got it. I reached out and put my hand on his bare upper leg, his skin was warm and dry to the touch and he gave another of his little sighs. He seemed to relax as I squeezed his thigh and moved in closer. I made the final move and moved my hand up placing it onto the back of his smooth neck stroking up into his thick dark hair. He gave another little sigh more of a moan really and gave a little shuffle in as I dropped my hand coaxing him in tighter. 'Anyone can see in from your garden,' he whispered as if we were bugged.

'No one here but us chickens.' My hand was inside his thigh but now edging up his shorts and he slid down the sofa a little as if making himself ready. There was a definite bulge in his shorts which indicated loose briefs. On impulse but feeling quite safe I put my hand on his lump feeling the hardness and heat. 'You're not in a rush?' I whispered close to his ear.

'No,' he squeaked as his voice cracked.

'Good,' I dropped my head like the vampires do in the movies. I brushed his neck with my lips and slipped my tongue out tracing over the smooth skin to the side of his mouth. He turned his head slighly and we kissed. I noticed his bright green eyes glaze just before he closed them and returned my kiss fervently. A second later my tongue slipped between his lips and we were mouth to mouth. I felt his mearty mass twitch and harden even further. 'Ready for an adventure,' I spoke into his mouth. Yeah, I know, camp as hell but it was a dream after all.

'Yeah,' he croaked giving a pelvic thrust up into my hand.


'Whatever,' he giggled and broke from the kiss and deliberately reached out for the fork of my legs. 'Yeah,' he grinned feeling my erection still contained in my own briefs.

'Come on,' I took his hand and helped him to his feet, he looked relaxed but slightly nervous at the same time, quite a trick but kid's manage it. I guided him to the stairs and pushed him ahead. His shorts clung where he had been sitting and as I followed him up I put my hands on the slippery silk of more likely nylon and gave a gentle tug.

Geroff, you loony,' he laughed and stood still for a moment. That's all it took I jerked them right down and he stepped out of them. I could smell his boy odour as I also stepped up and kissed his tightly contained bottom. His bulging erection was taking up the slack leaving the material stretched tightly across his beautiful little bottom. He held the bannisters as he stood there and I snuffled up into his crack forcing the thin cotton into a mini wedgie. 'Pervo,' he giggled and stepped up again leaving me with a spinning head.

'Right ahead,' I prompted him and followed as he went into my bedroom. Once inside he quite boldly flopped onto my big bed and looked up at me fumbling with his crotch again. His erection was big, bigger than it should be for a boy of his stature. His solid shaft lay pointing to his right hip with it's outline clear even down to his swollen glans which nestled in the middle of a damp spot.

'Cooler in here,' he spoke quietly and gave me a little smile. 'You like?' He moved his arms and legs in a sort of snow angel movement. 'Come on then Tricky Micky.'

'I should call you Sly Simon,' I replied kneeling on the bed alongside him and dropping my head again only this time to kiss his smooth and quite hard belly, he had the vague outline of the famous six pack they always wobble on about, in fact, he was a little toughy footballer if a tad on the short side.

'Nice,' he ruffled my hair and gently pushed my head down. Fair enough, that's where I was headed. I lifted the waistband of his underpants and his meaty and fully erect boy cock slipped free like a snake searching for prey. I pushed his briefs down and took a casual lick of his jerking meat. Boy sweat, boy funk and the taste of precum assaulted my senses as he thrashed his legs and kicked his underpants clear. He was absolutely gorgeous fully naked. Brown skinned other than an area where he had clearly worn speedos, as smooth as smooth could be, just a small and very tight pubic bush accompanied by a hairless scrotum. He had a few hairs under his arms but they didn't concern me, I crouched over his body and took his tight eggs into my mouth, so sweet and that sweaty boy smell was driving me mad. I slipped my hands under his bottom clasping one sweet cheek in either hand and gently squeezing. 'Yeah, fuckin' nice,' he whispered gently prodding into my mouth as I started to move my lips up and down his solid cock. It was as big as mine and I was in my fully grown eighteen year old form, he had a very big dick on a tough looking fourteen or fifteen year old body.

Just what I liked and why not? It was my dream... a big dick and a tight little arse on a small but perfectly formed body. I began to take him right down as far as I could as he whined and pumped upwards. He was oozing precum as if overflowing with boy juice which he was, all my dream boys did. I dreamt of young princes not young princesses, all my kids were boys and were virile.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah...' he chanted holding my head tightly and fucking upwards. He would cum quick, he was bubbling under but when we bonked later on it would take longer. I quivered at the thought of his big cock inside me and his warm and lustful body crushed to mine as we did the dirty but he was now squealing.

'Slow down, Tiger,' I whispered as I let his stiff and saliva drenched cock jerk up onto his belly. 'Take your time,' I grasped his flesh and took it in again moving up the bed for comfort. I loved the taste of his hard flesh and his slimey precum in my mouth and suddenly he spurted. No warning just a long moan and I felt the first splash of his warm spunk in my mouth and as I swallowed two more squirts jetted into my mouth which I swallowed down but only after rolling the white cream around my teeth. Then he flopped like a puppet with cut wires as I sucked him dry and moved up his body licking and sucking his now sweat sheened skin. He finally grinned and moved up the bed so that his head was propped up against the headboard. I straddled his hips and shuffled up until my own swaying meat was in front of his face.

He grinned at me and took hold of my offering gently working the foreskin over the glans and watching with some fascination as a white drop of semen oozed free and dropped onto his brown chest. He grabbed my upper thighs and dragged me in a little until he could easily reach me and his tongue flickered out lapping directly from the souce. I groaned but let him take his time and after some gentle wanking and lapping he took my glans into his mouth. He clearly wasn't moving any more, he'd done enough and I reached out to the wall and holding myself steady began to move my hips. He opened his mouth and allowed me to fuck his face. He flathanded my belly to stop me getting carried away but sucked and slurped as my hardness slid in and out of his warm wetness and his eager suction. In one of my more savage dreams I'd have held his head and shoved it right down his throat but this was a gentle one and I just lazily pumped between his sweet lips.

'I'm cuming,' I grunted at last and he just grinned around my cock and held it steady as the throbbing and pumping began. He swallowed the first two blasts and then coughing and spluttering pushed me back just a little and watched cross eyed as my erection spewed more of my creamy juice onto his jaw and his chest.

'Nice one,' he cackled rubbing my spunk into his body like skin lotion. I dropped down the bed taking his head in my hands and brought his lips to mine so that we shared my spunky excess from his jaw. He must have liked the taste as we finished up like a pair of love birds pecking and licking at each other. 'We've got all afternoon,' he mumbled as we slipped down the bed in a tight embrace. I had my hands on his tight little bottom binding us together and he held me in a similar fashion. Any tighter and we'd have had cracked ribs. As we gently moved I could feel his penis hardening up again as it ground against mine but as he'd said, we had all afternoon.

Now there always has to be a shower scene in a dream sequence so we had that as well. I've got to admit we both had stonking great erections so it was more of a soapy fleshfight than a shower and my erotic imaginings reached feverpeak. His lithe and slippery body in my arms, his ineffectual attempts to prong me and my just as futile goes at parting his cheeks all added to the fun. By the time we were finished and drying off we were both so frustrated and horny we finished up down on the bathroom carpet nearly in a sixty niner. Nearly but not quite, I wanted proper sex and so did he, we reluctantly broke free and staggered into the bedroom.

Oh, joy! One of the nice things about dreams are the variation. The room was dark now and lit by just one bedside light, just the way I liked it (no surprise there).

Simon's teeth flashed in the gloom and his brown skin now looked dark golden in the lamplight, his green eyes were transluscent, he radiated sex and his stiff member jerked up on his belly as he lay looking at me with a half smile on his face,

'If you fuck me bad, I shall fuck you worse.' I threatened/offered/proposed as I lay alongside him. Whew... how's that for a drop in the charm level.

'I'd better be nice then,' he giggled and lay atop me slipping his meaty mass between my legs, his oozing helped and he pumped up and down as I fondled his tight, high riding little cheeks. "Just like jelly on springs". OK, I've used the phrase many times but they were, if I was a cannibal he'd be just a few bones by now, I was that hungry for his love, his body and his fat cock in reverse order so you can work that one out.

He was on heat and moaned as he fucked between my thighs, I was going to risk it and trust that his precum would provide adequate lube, love would do the rest. I raised my knees to my chest as all wantons do and held his gaze as he knelt up. He knew what he wanted and he was going for it. A bold boy, he just put his dripping and plumlike glans against my pucker and holding his breath pushed.

I nearly yelled at the brief pain but once he was in me it went to be replaced with a feeling of absolute fullness. His thick cock speared my pucker and he grinned at me completely in control as he started rocking to and fro on his knees driving his hot meat deeper and deeper. 'Jesus, Simon,' I moaned but he lowered his face to mine and his sweet lips met mine. My mouth was filled with his sweet breath and his slippery tongue as his mansized boy cock penetrated deeper and deeper. I put my legs onto his back crushing him in and he started to go. It was good, the only thing that beats being dream fucked is dream fucking for the obvious reasons... ask any young teen.

In and out, in and out. I loved it, his warm body on mine, his hot cock and that feeling of being complete and joined with someone whose image has drifted through your life for years if not decades. Simon was my top image. Someone slightly smaller than myself, someone slightly younger and the the brown skinned gypsy or Mediterranean type. I loved them, I loved him and suddenly he rammed home with a sweaty thwack and froze.

I looked up at his scrunched up face and it happened. I felt his cock jerk inside me and then that unmistakable pulsing within me and then it... the pumping and the feeling of warm cum gushing into my anus and rectum. He slowly started to move again still voiding his boy seed inside me until he slowed to a halt and lay on me as my legs slipped down his sweaty back. We lay together until his limpening penis slipped free and without a word he rolled off me and lay on his back alongside.

I think I must have covered his slender body in frantic kisses even to giving his shrunken noodle a quick suck. OK, it had just been inside me and you go over the top a bit in dreams, I don't do it normally believe me. All the while I moved around on the bed and finally got between his legs which he quite happily raised offering his sweet boy fanny. This was it, the dirty bit.

I bent his knees back to his chest exposing his umber little pucker and took my first lick. Yummy... sweat, boy funk and that incredible smoothness as he wriggled and he held my hair as if demanding to be eaten. I forced my tongue inmas far as possible feeling him open up just a fraction but enough to feel the real smoothness, the inside of his hole, his very private place now shared my me.

I intruded one finger and this is another bit I love. The firm flesh gripping me and the sighs as I start to loosen up his tight ring and give him some relief before the real thing. I didn't use any lube as he was slick enough with saliva and I was precum coated, I actually swiped some from my bulging glans and smeared it on his ring and then withdrew.

'Don't hurt me,' he whispered gazing at me with those extraordinary green eyes in the golden light.

'Never.' I never would hurt a lover, I'm not one of those who liked to humble and punish smaller people... they call them sadists. I want the joining and the sex to be pleasurable for both partners. 'Ready, Sy?'

'Go on,' he looked at me with his mouth slightly open and I guided myself onto his puckered little buttom (rosebud sounds nice but it never made any sense to me) and pushed.

I gasped and almost cried out as I felt my swollen glans part his ring quite easily on the spit and cum drooling from my knob. One smooth push and I was in his heat and his tightness. I started to fuck straight away and he gave little mews and gasps as I filled him with my hot cock. The boy loved it and clung to me tightly as I filled him to my pubics. I tried a bit of long cocking which had him begging for more and then settled down to the final frantic furlong. He bounced about under me as I thrust and rammed into his sweet, loving and totally willing body until my climax.

It was wonderful as it always in in both dreams and inaginings. He writhed and squealed as his own penis which had reawakened jerked on his smooth brown belly squirting his thick creamy essence onto his hard tummy at the same time as I filled his sweet pussy with streamer after streamer of my thick spunk. Boy pussy, boy fanny, the same thing but so sweet and so desirable to the elderly dreamers amongst us.

Always a shame when you have to return to this shitty planet but that cretin with the lorry was now dumping a huge container and I was well and truly awake with young rapidly Simon fading in my mind. Never fear, I'd see him again I was sure about that. I hope against all logic and the known evidence that when the final and biggest sleep of all happens he's there out in the darkness waiting for me.

Yeah, stupid, silly and trite and even asinine but one can hope. You never know.

If I expire with nurses and whatnot gathered around my death's bed and my last gasp is 'Simon' they'll have no idea. You'll know.


for now

I might take a trip to catch up with some of my other characters or even someone elses characters next time around. We'll see.

This thread or small series is exactly what the title describes. Dreams, part dreams and wild imaginings... even fantasy. I'll add to it when something drifts through my mind which doesn't easily fall into some sort of category. Maybe even short non runners where I ran out of puff and wouldn't normally see the light of day. You can blame that arsehole and his lorry for waking me up the other morning for this one. And I do dream of 'Simons' all the time


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