Dreams and Wishes

By Dennis

Published on Mar 3, 2000


Legal Disclaimer: This is a entirely fiction, all rights of NBC, Constant c Productions and Amblin Television in association with Warner Bros. and Creator Michael Crichton are respected. This is not meant to imply anything about either the character or the actors mentioned, specifically :Goran Visnjic, Noah Wyle, Julianna Margulies, and Anthony Edwards. This is I repeat an entirely fictious work. IF your underage, or it's illegal to read such materials in your city, state, country, etc. Please do not read on. If your offended by same sex encounters, homosexual material, gay romance, fantasy, etc. do not read on. That being said, if you wish to read the story, please do so and enjoy. All feed back is welcome. If you haven't yet read my other story Love of an Angel, what are you waiting for??? Please do feel free to contact me via ICQ my # is 61902044, or via AIM under my SN of Saphireflame. Please do not try to e-mail me at aol, I do not at this time have an aol account. If you wish to e-mail me do so at Denn0113@yahoo.com

One final note here for you folks, I have recieved requests to bring other characters into this, I will be doing so. BUT it's not going to happen immediately. I want to play around and explore a little further the relationship between Carter and Luca. I also decided to keep it a little more realistic than some folks. Meaning, they don't hop in bed and instantly fall in love and decided to spend the rest of their lives together. Sorry, the real world that we live in doesn't work that way and even though this is fantasy, it has to have some basis in reality. They will not always have an easy time, or even a good time. There will be problems, complications and isssues. Keep an eye out only time will tell what happpens, that and your feedback folks. That all said, onto the show.

When last we left off...

As they lay there face to face, Luca made a sudden impulsive move, and kissed John full on the lips. As John suddenly realized what was happening, he started at first to struggle against it and then suddenly started kissing him back.

"Oh Luca" he moaned as they broke off the kiss to catch their breath, "If only you had known how long I dreamed of this moment, but we can't your drunk and so am I. I would be taking advantage of you."

"Ah but we can," the luscious Dr. Luca responded. "It's not at all taking advantage of me. I have wanted you since the day I first saw you. So aloof and dignified. A vision of an angel made flesh. I have been driving myself mad trying to figure out how to make a play for you." Silencing John with another kiss, they both groaned as they realized how long they had both wanted this and the pleasure that it was.

Dreams and Wishes

`A Dream is a wish your heart makes, when it's fast asleep. A dream is a wish your heart makes....'

Onto the Main Show (One last note, this part is told from Carter's perspective, for an intresting POV)

All I could think about was how great this felt to be with Luca, and how nervous I felt. I had never before made out even as far as kissing with another guy. What would he think of my inexperience. I lost all track of my thoughts as he slowly pulled my shirt out of my pants. I felt the touch of his tough, yet gentle hands on my bare flesh at last.

Pulling John's shirt out Luca slowly stroked his bare flesh feeling John shudder underneath him as he touched him. "Oh John you feel so good" Luca spoke.

"Mmmm, and you do too" I responded as I slowly ran my hands up and down his back, tracing gentle patterns over his shirt. "Shall we take this into the bedroom where we can be more comfortable?" I asked, unsure but willing to take the risk to have this stud with me.

Propping himself up so he could look me in the eye Luca asked. "Are you sure, really sure about this John? I don't want to rush this with you and have both of us unhappy."

Looking up into his dreamy eyes, I knew that no matter what I could trust him. "I am more sure than anything else in my life of this." I told him, pulling him down for another passionate kiss.

Next Chapter...

As we broke off the kiss, we both managed to detangle ourselves and get to our feet. Blushing ever so slightly at my very noticeable bulge. I glanced over and saw a even bigger one on Luca. 'Oh good god' I thought to myself 'How big can he be?' Noticing the direction of my glance Luca just winked at me.

As we walked back to the bedroom, me leading the way I thought to myself for the final time that night. 'Well I am not going to be a virgin much longer', with a chuckle.

As we entered the bedroom I pulled Luca to me once more as we kissed passionately and ran our hands over eachothers bodies. I slowly let my hands drift down his back to rest upon his oh so tight butt. I deepened our kiss once more as we just held eachother and ground our bodies together.

Slowly Luca broke off the kiss reluctantly and stepped back from me. Seeing my dissapointment he just said "The best is yet to come."

With that he slowly started stripping off his clothes to the beat of an imaginary song playing in his head. As first his shirt came off and then his shoes, I glanced admiringly at this handsome hunk before me, what ever had I done to be so blessed. As his pants followed shortly behind his shoes he spun around in a circle.

Giving off a perfect show of all his parts. Stopping with his back to me he slowly, sensually stripped out of his boxers. Revealing a marvellous ass that was delectable as anything I could have ever imagined.

"Well," Luca asked me, turning around slowly. " Enjoy the show?" he finished facing me with a huge tool pointing straight out at me...'Good god, he's got to be at least 8 or 9 inches' I thought to myself.

"More than you can imagine hot stuff" I responeded. "Now it's my turn I suppose?"

"Not this time, I want to be the one to strip you." Luca said to me in a husky tone. "Just like taking the wrapping off of a present."

"I don't know about that," I responded a little unsure of myself. "After all, your more of my present than I'm yours."

As he slowly moved over to stand in front of me, he looked into my eyes. "I am yours and you are mine for now and as long as you will want me" he responded softly. Slowly he spun me around and looped his arms around me. Gently he unbuttoned my shirt. Followed by the button on my jeans and then the zipper was done. At which point he gently touched me.

Spinning me around to face him once more he knelt down and took off my shoes before shucking off my pants and skimpy briefs. Briefs which were now quite wet with anticipation. Standing back up, he slid the shirt off of me and just pulled me too him. As we kissed again we slowly shuffeled over to the bed where the main entertainment was to come.

Next Chapter...

As we layed down on the bed, he slowly pulled my arms up and positioned them above my head. Leaning in he whispered in my ear "Close your eyes and just let yourself feel" With that I closed my eyes as he worked his sensual magick upon me.

Kissing me first upon the forehead and then the eyelids. He then proceeded to kiss every part of my face except for my lips. Which he pointedly avoided. As he nibbeled on my ear I felt like I was in heaven. Finally he came back and kissed me upon the lips. As he did so I just melted into his arms. Breaking off the kiss he proceeded to slowly layer kisses down my neck and across my chest stopping to first play with my right nipple gently teasing it with soft kisses and carressing it with his tongue even as his thumb and forefinger played with it's mate on the other side.

Moaning my approval, I let my hands slide over my lover as I stroked his back and stretched my fingers to lightly run over his nice behind. Letting them glide back up his back I played with his hair as he shifted over to my other nipple. As he worked his tortorous skills on me I felt myself growing harder and harder. Wishing that I knew more about gay sex I laid back in anticipation of what was to come.

Breaking off his deliriously wonderful assault on my chest he propped himself up on one arm. To look at me as he continued to gently run his other hand over me. Softly, almost hesitantly he asked me those fateful words... "John, are you sure you want this? If you want we can stop now, but if we don't well I won't be able to stop later."

"I want you more than you could ever imagine Luca, I have dreamed about this since I met you. I just never dared hope that it would happen."I answered. I hope that my hesitance and nervousness weren't showing.

Ah but they were for with his next words I knew that. "Your a virgin aren't you John? You haven't ever made it with another guy have you?" Lucas asked softly, but with caring in his voice.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Afraid that I was turning him off with my inexperience.

"John, it's all right, I just want to make your first time very special for you and me both. I am just nto sure that it would be so right if we rushed into this. I want to take the time to show you what all it can be like. I just don't feel right making yoru first time a drunken fumbling." Luca said in a rush.

"I..I.. Luca, thanks I want this so much, but I am so unsure of what to do. I just was afraid that if I admitted that I didn't know what I was doing that it would turn you off." I replied at once relieved yet anxious.

"Tell you what John, let's just spend the night in eachother's arms and get to know eachother better. We don't have to have sex right away. IT's not that important a thing for me." Luca said.

Next Chapter...

BEEEP BEEEEP, the damn alarm clock went. Waking up I tried to recall the events of the previous night but It was a vague fog. Reaching out I groped for the alarm clock. Finally finding it I turned it off. Realizing that the bed seemed a bit crowded I tried to remember who was with me. Cracking my eyes open, I spotted the object of my dreams. He looked so innocent and sweet laying there asleep. I just propped myself up and watched him as he slept.

Glancing at the alarm clock I realized we had to get up very soon or else we would be in trouble. Leaning over I gently kissed him on the lips.

As his eyes suddenly sprang open and he kissed me back I realized that things were suddenly looking much better that morning. Breaking off the kiss I felt Luca stretch out a little as I held him. "I could get used to waking up like that" Luca said to me.

"As could I", I replied. "A handsome dream like you beside me and a beautiful sunlit morning. But, if we don't get up and moving soon, we will be late for work."

"Oh god, is it that late already?" Luca asked me. Glancing at the alarm clock he made a face. "Well I guess that means we have to get showered and shaved quickly and get on our way." Luca said with a pout on his face.

"Well, how about you hop in the shower first and I will try to throw something together quickly so we don't feel too horrible after all the drinking we did last night." I replied with a grin. "I have a old fashioned cure all for hangovers. Just don't use up all the hot water."

Leaning in for another kiss, Luca said "Well we could save some time and shower together. After all you and I allready know what we look like in the nude."

"No thanks, if we do that. We'd be lucky to get to work on time. Next time though we can. After all I think we both have tomorrow off." I replied with a grin.

Next Chapter... Later that morning, in the break room (This is told from a narrator's point of view)

"All right John, spill it." Carol said. "You walked in today in a wonderful mood, positively glowing. Which you never are first thing in the morning. What gives?"

'It's nothing, Carol. I just..., well I just managed to make some peace with myself and I am in a good mood is all." Carter replied. "It's nothig really, just got a good nights sleep and feel the better for it."

"All right if you say so. But I thought you and Luca were a bit at odds more rivals than friends? You two seem awful chummy..." Carol broke off as a sudden thought hit her.

"Carol? You were saying what about me and Luca?" John asked, suddenly nervous.

"You were in a weird mood yesterday, today your in great mood, you left last night with Luca, and today you two are pals. NO, No, I can't be thinking this." Carol responded. "You two aren't. John please tell me you two aren't suddenly involved with eachother?!?!?!?"

"Uhhh, Carol. Come on, let's be serious here, Me and Luca. You have got to be kidding me" John responded just a tad too quickly and defensively.

"You are, that's why.... Oh God, what I am going to do." Carol asked. "John, you haven't been here long enough to have learned about the one resident we had a while back. Promise me one thing, just don't let anyone know about this. After work, the two of you have to meet me over at Magoo's we need to have a very long talk about all this. I am not going to spill your secret but there's a few things you need to know."

"All right I can be there and Luca should be able to as well." Carter responded. "But what's the problem?"

Well folks, sorry for the twists and turns here, I just was going to write it out as a simple sex scene, but it didn't feel right. So thus you have what you have. Sorry for the shortness and the cliff hanger but I am a little distracted at the moment. But bear with me I shall have the next part done within a week or two. I have several projects going at once so I am not always able to get one out on time. The next segment will be good, I promise you that but just wait to see for yourself.

I have recieved several requests to bring other folks into the series. In particular Dr. Danny. Now I am not promising I will or won't bring him in, but I am not too sure about him at the moment. He's not the most favorite of my characters on the show. But If I do it won't be for at least two or three more parts before any new figures are woven in. Well not as main characters at least. I do expect to be dragging Dr. Weaver in probably in the next section and possibly Marc Greeene as well. Just keep an eye out and what will happen will be revealed. I also am working on a direct slash of Buffy The Vampire Slayer focusing on Xander and Spike. NO it's not going to be the usual Spike and Xander slash that's out there. I am basing it off of what's currently going on with the series and let's just say Spike's time has come to pay for his deeds. Muhahahahaha, Yes it will be intresting. It's in production right now and will be out in about a week or so. It's tenatively titled "Twists and Turns"

Please, oh please do write me at Denn0113@yahoo.com, I appreciate reading what folks think and I do reply to one and all. I will try to be a bit more prompt in the future. Bear with me I am doing a lot of things all at once. But thanks to all my readers who actually took the time to write.

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