Dreams Coming True

By B-Rok Fan

Published on Mar 19, 2000


Alright, here we go! This is my first attempt at writing any real type of story, adult or otherwise.

This story is a complete work of fiction, and is not meant to imply anything about anyone. While some of the characters may be loosely based on people that I know, none are meant to actually represent anyone, particularly any member of the Backstreet Boys. Though we may wish they were gay, and some of them may actually be, this in no way states that they are. :o) If any of the BSB happen to be reading this (like D LS says "We can dream can't we?"), feel free to drop me a line and tell me what you think!

OK, usual standards apply, If you are in any way offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then please do not read this. Also, if it is in any way illegal for you to read material such as this then don't... or do and just don't get caught.

I also want to take this opportunity to recommend a story that I think is one of the best things I've ever read, and that is "Brian & Me" by D LS. It is very well written and a great story overall!

Since this is my first attempt at this sort of thing all comments, good or bad, are welcome, as well as any suggestions you might have as to how I could make the story better. You can contact me at brokfan_1@yahoo.com


Dreams Coming True by brokfan_1

Part 1

Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep

I reached over and hit the snooze button on my alarm clock for the third time of the morning then turned over to catch my last dream of the night, but just when I was almost asleep again my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said groggily into the receiver.

"Hey Sleepyhead, please tell me you're not still in bed!" It was my best friend since 7th grade, Fiona. "Don't you know what today is?!"

"Not especially," I replied, though I wasn't really listening to a word she was saying.

"You idiot! Today is the day the tickets for the Backstreet Boys go on sale!" she screamed. As usual Fiona was her stressed out over bearing self. I had told her to make sure I got up in time to start calling for them as soon as they went on sale at 10 AM, but now I was starting to regret my choice of wake-up calls.

"OK, I'm getting up. What time is it?" I asked her while glancing over to my clock to find out for myself. I am not a morning person AT ALL.

"It's almost 9. You're ass was supposed to be up and already over here by now!" she scolded me while I could tell she was stuffing her breakfast in her mouth between words. "Now get up, shower, and get over here now. I'll try to save a pancake or two from my mother, the bottomless pit."

"That would be sweet of you," I said sarcastically while I thumbed through the closet looking for something comfortable to wear. Since I was just going over to Fi's there was no need to be formal, so I decided to go with a pair of sweatpants and a Shania Twain T-shirt I had gotten at her Memphis concert last year.

"OK, well hurry. You don't want to miss the chance of a lifetime to see the Backstreet Boys do you?" She knew how much the BSB meant to me. Since last August when she admitted to that she was bi-sexual and then I told her that I was gay, we had really opened up to each other, and she knew exactly how important these tickets were to me.

We said our quick good-byes and then I got in the shower. The hot water running over me quickly erased the last bits of sleep that lingered from the night. I then brushed my teeth and commenced with the chore of shaving. I really hated the fact that I had finally gotten old enough to have to shave every day to avoid looking shaggy. I started humming the tune to "As Long As You Love Me" to myself.

"You're up early for a Saturday" I heard my grandmother say from the other side of the door. "Going somewhere?" Nanny (as I called her) had really been more of a mother to me than grandmother. My Mom was there, but she wasn't really what you would call "there for me."

"Yeah, I'm gonna run over to Fiona's for a little while this morning" I yelled over the running water, as I toweled my face off , wrapped the towel around my waist, and opened the door.

"Oh, going to see your girlfriend, huh?" she said with a suggestive voice. I just couldn't bring myself to come out to my family. There were just too many different possible reactions, none of which I was ready to respond to. I was comfortable coming out to Fiona, because she had already told me that she was bi-sexual, but I my family was a different story.

"No, Nanny. I have already explained this a hundred times. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend... we're just friends!" She replied with rolling eyes, as I stepped back into my bedroom and closed the door.

I quickly got dressed and was headed out the door, when I saw Nanny in the kitchen cooking breakfast for herself and Mom and Dad. "Are Mom and Dad still asleep?"

"Yeah, I was gonna get them up in about 10 minutes," she said absently as she cracked an egg into a frying pan.

"Will you tell them where I went?"

"Sure, anything else you want me to tell them?"

"Just that I love them. See you after while!" I said as I closed the door. I hopped in my car and in about 10 minutes I pulled into Fiona's driveway.

As I got out of the car I checked my watch. 9:45. It had taken me a little longer to get to Fiona's than I had expected, and she was already out the door coming to drag me into the house with her.

"Where the hell have you been?" she screeched as she led me to her room where she already had both phones in her house ready and waiting. "We should have already been trying to get through. They may open the lines early."

"Sorry, it took me a little long to shave and get ready. Besides you should appreciate the trouble that I go through to look so good for you," I said as I plastered a goofy grin on my face.

She stood back and looked me up and down taking in my ripped sweatpants and faded sneakers. "I'm sure Shania would appreciate the promotion she is getting from you, but in my opinion, the next time you try to `look so good for me'... try harder." We both broke into our patented giggles that we got when around each other.

"Here, it's almost 10. We should get started" Fi (as I usually called her) tossed me the cordless phone. "Just press redial. I already tried it earlier." I pressed it and heard the numerous beeps of the 1-800 number to buy the tickets being dialed into the phone and then the annoying beep of the busy signal.

"Busy," I said sadly.

"Well don't just stand there like a sack of potatoes! Try again!" she said as she started doing the same on her cell phone.

We spend the remainder of the morning and over half the afternoon pressing redial and getting the same busy signal over and over and over again while going about our usual business. It's amazing how you can adapt to perform almost any task while holding a telephone at your ear.

At almost 3 I threw the phone down on the bed. "That's it! I give up! If I have to hear that stupid busy signal again, I swear I am going to shoot myself!" I fell back onto Fiona's bed.

"I know what you mean. I'm sorry we couldn't get through. I know how much this concert means to you." I could tell Fi was genuinely sorry, even though there was nothing that she could have done to change things.

"Hey I didn't really expect to be able to get tickets anyway. I guess I can get along just admiring Brian from afar for a little longer." I tried to put on my best smile to hide how disappointed I really was.

The weeks leading up to the concert came and went as I entered contest after contest in a vain attempt to get those tickets. Eventually I forgot about the concert and decided that I would have to make due with the CD's alone.

It had been a long semester at Beauregard High School. It was my Senior year and I was definitely ready to get out of there! I turned 18 in September so I could really quit anytime I wanted but I didn't really want to. My plan was to graduate high school and then I was going to start at Union University in Jackson.

I sat in 4th period working on the usual databases and spreadsheets, when Fiona, who was in the class with me, came over to my workstation and knelt down so she could whisper in my ear. "What have you got planned for tomorrow?"

"Nothing much. Why?" An honest enough answer, since I spent most of my time working on homework or studying during the school week to keep up my perfect 4.0 GPA (which I am not bragging about but am very proud of) I usually took any time off on the weekends as sort of a recuprative time, to just rest and catch on my music and reading... but I wasn't going to tell Fiona that!

"Well I was planning on going to Nashville and doing a little shopping, and I really didn't want to do it alone." I could tell that she was trying to avoid actually asking me to go with her, so I thought I would force an invitation out of her.

"Well it's too bad that I have plans to go out with a few hot chicks and party all day and all night." I tried to make it sound as fun and exciting as possible as I lied.

"Oh give me a break! Like any 'hot chick' would ever go out with you, or you would ever go out with any hot chick!" One of Fiona's more amusing traits is her way of getting overly emotional and upset over the littlest things.

"Oh, so you're... inviting me to go with you?" I grinned slyly.

"YES! Will you please go with me shopping tomorrow in Nashville?!!" she screamed way to loud for the classroom which drew the teacher's attention.

"Ms. Morgan, is there a problem?" she asked in her not so happy voice.

"No ma'am, just Josh being his usual annoying self," she snickered as she quickly made her way back to her own workstation.

I got Fi's attention and mouthed the words "It's a date."

She just smiled and gave me the `OK' sign.

We decided that our best bet to get all the shopping done in one place was to go to the Bellevue Mall. When we first got there we decided to go to The Gap first then American Eagle.

After we finished at American Eagle we decided it would be best for us to separate. Fiona headed to Bath and Body Works while I decided to check out the CD's.

While going through the new release rack I saw some stuff from Celine Dion and Faith Hill as well as some other stuff that didn't really strike me as interesting. It was still a little while before I was supposed to meet back up with Fiona for a late lunch, so I had to some up with a way to waste some time.

I decided to just walk around and see what I can see. While walking I saw the Mens' Room which reminded me that I hadn't used the restroom for a few hours. I stepped into the room which was completely empty. I stepped into the nearest stall and did my business.

As I was drying my hands I suddenly heard what sounded like a riot outside the Mens' Room. "What the..."

The door of the restroom burst open and a guy rushed in and slammed the door shut behind him and locking it. He was out of breath and looked like his clothes had almost been torn completely off of him.

"What is going on out there?" I asked him. He still looked a little haggard but was at least catching his breath. He was about to talk when it sounded like the door was about to be broken down by a horde of girls.

"Just the usual," he said with a grin, and even with the baseball cap and the big sunglasses, I knew exactly who had just rushed in the restroom. BRIAN LITTRELL!

"Oh my God! You're... you're... you're..." I stammered while trying to get my mouth to catch up with my brain.

"Yeah, I'm Brian. Please don't tell me you're a fan too," he said with a grin while still trying to catch his breath. "Whew! It's a madhouse out there."

"Yeah, I can tell. Hi, I'm Josh." I was actually shaking from excitement, but I was trying to keep it together.

"I'm Brian Littrell," he extended his hand for a shake.

"I know," I smiled the best smile I could muster under such circumstances.

Brian looked at the door which was still shaking under the pounding fists of about 30 teenages girls all trying to get a glimpse of the Backstreet Boy. "Do you mind if we wait a few minutes before opening the door?"

"Nah, I don't really have anywhere to be right now," I lied. I was supposed to meet Fi very soon for lunch.

He looked at the few small bags I had set next to the sink. "Doing some shopping?"

"Yep, my friend Fiona and I just needed an excuse to get away for a while."

"It's the little things like shopping that I really miss while we're on the road." He smiled that gorgeous grin and I just melted into a puddle of stupidity.

"Well... I... um... I know what you mean," I managed to stutter out.

There was a few minutes of awkward silence while the screams outside the door slowly quieted. Then Brian spoke up again. "I know I wasted a lot of your time in here, asking you to not open the door and all. Why don't you let me make it up to you?"

"Oh that's not necessary. Just getting to meet you was enough," I could feel the blush rising in my cheeks.

"Please. I insist. Why don't I get you and Fiona some tickets to tonight's concert and some backstage passes, so you can come back and hang out with me and the rest of the guys for a while," he said while pulling off his hat and sunglasses to reveal those amazing baby blues.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I was going to get to go to the concert AND have backstage passes. "That would be great! I tried to get tickets but they were sold out."

"OK, great!" he certainly was happy that I would be coming to the show. "I'll get it set up. Just come around to the back. I'll make sure you're on the list. Josh...?" he motioned with his hands asking for my last name.

"Lawson." I said. Though I had calmed down some, my heart was still racing.

"Alright, Josh Lawson, I'll see you later tonight," he said while putting his cap and glasses back on. "You think it's safe to make a run for it?"

I put my ear to the door and heard silence. "Sounds like it."

"Great. Wish me luck" he said while making a goofy face and bolting out into the mall.

To be continued...

I know nothing much happened in this part, but be patient. I promise the next part will be a little more interesting. :o)

Next: Chapter 2

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