Dreams Coming True

By B-Rok Fan

Published on Mar 20, 2000


The usual stuff applies, this is a complete work of fiction, it is not meant to imply anything about anyone, especially Brian Littrell or any other members of the Backstreet Boys. I just want to say that, gay or not, I am a huge fan of them and would never in anyway degrade any of them in any way. :o)

If you are in any way offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relationships between consenting adult men, then please do not read this, or if it is in anyway illegal or you to read this then don't read it.

Feel free to drop me a line at brokfan_1@yahoo.com if you have any comments (good or bad), questions, or suggestions concerning the story.

Dreams Coming True Part 2

I just stood there in shock watching the restroom door swing shut behind Brian. I'm not sure how long I just stood there because I didn't come my senses again until a very large man with a bad toupee walked in the restroom and asked if I was all right as he walked by.

I managed to mumble a weak "Sure." as I stumbled out the door, my heart still pounding and my head reeling from the fact that I had just met Brian Littrell AND was going to gee him again tonight!

After taking a moment to compose myself, I quickly sprinted to the food court where I saw Fiona sitting under the skylight sipping a drink and playing with what looked like the remains of some Chinese food in a plate in front of her.

"Once again, where the hell have you been?" I could tell she was more pretending than really upset by my tardiness.

"Fi, you WILL NOT believe what just happened to me!" I stammered out while getting funny looks from the people eating and chatting nearby, because I was practically yelling at the top of my lungs.

"Well, go on, spit it out! And it better be good! Do you know how long I've been sitting here?!" She obviously believed that I had made her wait here just to annoy her.

"OK, um... after we split up I went to look at the CD's and then on the way back here I needed to use the bathroom so I went in and..." I had to take a break to catch my breath. "And when I was about to leave the restroom the door opened and Brian burst in and locked the door to get away from a horde or girls."

"Brian who?" was all Fiona said looking very confused and a little worried about my sanity.

"Brian Littrell, you idiot! Who do you think!" I said at a whisper, so I wouldn't draw any more attention to myself than I already had.

Now she really thought I was crazy. "Honey, listen to me," she said in her best motherly tone, "Brian Littrell didn't come in the bathroom with you. Maybe someone who looked a little like him or something but trust me it wasn't him." She was in full patronize mode now.

"Oh yeah, then why would all the girls be after him, and why would he offer us backstage passes to the Backstreet Boys concert tonight, as payment for wasting my time waiting for the crowd to disperse!" Once again I was almost screaming at her.

She grabbed both of my hands and brought me back down into my seat across from her. "You mean to tell me that Brian Littrell wants me and you to come to the concert tonight backstage to pay you back for ten minutes of your wasted time?"

"Yep, that's about the sum of it." I said proudly with my usual stupid grin.

Now it was Fi's turn to freak out, "Oh my God! I can't believe it! You actually talked to him! I'm going to meet the Backstreet Boys tonight!"

Just like she had done me earlier, I grabbed both her hands and lowered her back into her seat. "Shhhh, sweetie, I don't think it is good for the entire mall to know that a Backstreet Boy is shopping around here somewhere... at least I doubt that Brian would appreciate the advertisement." I whispered.

"You're right, sorry," she said sheepishly, "Just lost it there for a sec."

So we talked about all the details of my encounter with Brian and what we were going to do tonight. We decided that if we were going to do this, we were going to do it right. We first took all our previous items out to the car and returned to the mall. I decided on a pair of cargo pants, a white T-shirt, with a royal blue shirt over it, and Fiona picked out a black dress that was suggestive to say the least.

It was still about two hours before time for the concert, but we decided that it was better to be early than late, and besides we could beat the crowds... we were wrong.

As we got out of the car, there were girls everywhere. It was obvious that the Boys were already there because I could see their bus near the back entrance and as we pushed our way through the crowd I heard more than a few excited conversations about how cute Nick had looked or how cool AJ's hat was.

When Fi and I reached the back entrance we came face to face with a man that had to be close to seven feet tall and could easily weigh 350 pounds.

Fi nudged me from behind to make me speak. "Um, hi," was all I could think of.

"Name?" the large man grunted. Had I not been right in from of him, I couldn't have even heard him over the continuing screams of the crowds behind me.

"Uh, Josh Lawson. Mr. Littrell assured me that my companion and I would have backstage passes." I was feeling a little more confident now with the man, despite that he had thus far said only one word to me.

The guard lifted his clip board and began flipping through the papers that were on it, then took a pen and put a mark on it. He then took the walkie-talkie off of his belt and said a few words into it and turned and opened the door.

Without question, Fi and I quickly crept through the door where on the other side we were met by a woman, who introduced herself as Barbara. She bent over and reached into a small box on a table near her and quickly produced 2 cards on long strings. "These will get you pretty much anywhere you want to go, Mr. Lawson" she said with a smile as she passed them to me.

"Please call me Josh" I said while taking the passes from her and giving one to Fiona.

"OK, Josh. I hope you enjoy the show" Barbara said as we walked on and entered the first hall we came to which was full of people running around working on lighting, sounds, and other things.

Looking down at the cards Barbara had given us, I noticed that these weren't just backstage passes. They were All Access passes!

Suddenly Fiona poked me in the ribs with her elbow, and I jumped. "Hey what did you do that for?"

"I said, 'Are you nervous'." Apparently she had been talking to me, but in my fascination I hadn't noticed.

"Me, nervous?" I joked, "Terrified."

"Relax, they're just people like you and me," Fi said playfully.

"Yeah I know, but these aren't just people, they are the Backstreet Boys. And you can't deny that you aren't as excited as I am."

Just at that moment I saw AJ's head pop out of a room just down the hall and yell something while laughing. Fi and I glanced at each other and said simultaneously, "That must be the dressing room." and we both started giggling. We always found it funny how our minds seemed to work on exactly the same level.

I stepped up to the door that AJ had just shut again. As I knocked I heard a lot of laughs and a lot of shuffling around inside. Finally the door opened and there stood Howie on the other side grinning at us.

Just as I was about to introduce myself, I spotted Brian on the couch against the wall, and he greeted me. "Hey Josh, come in!"

Without hesitation, Fi and I both stepped in and Howie closed the door behind us. Nick and AJ were on the same couch with Brian, and Kevin stood near a refrigerator in the corner drinking a Coke. "Hey Brian, I see you made it out of the mall alive," I joked.

He jumped up with one shoe on and the other still lying on the couch, and walked over to us. "Guys, this is Josh, you know the guy I met at the mall today... and this must be Fiona." he said sweetly while shaking Fi's hand.

Fi seemed to try to speak but nothing came out; she just sort of stopped moving and turned a deep red instead.

"It looks like Fi has lost her ability to speak at the moment, but I promise, she is usually a little more articulate than this." I couldn't believe how at ease I was with Brian.

"Well, if you're fans, I'm sure you know who everyone around here is." Brian said while looking me in the eyes and giving me that incredible smile that I loved so much.

"Yeah I guess so." I said while glancing around and saying hello the rest of the Boys.

When Nick finished lacing his shoes up he jumped up and came over to me and Brian returned to the couch to put on his other shoe. "Rok here says that you gave him a little help today at the mall."

"Well, I don't know if you could call it 'help' but something like that, yeah." even though I was talking to Nick I kept my eyes locked on Brian the whole time.

Finally Fiona had loosened up enough to actually speak and was over near the fridge talking to Kevin about something.

When Brian got his shoe on he got back up and walked back over to Nick and I and looked me in the eyes as if he was wanting to say something.

He was making me a little uncomfortable so I decided I needed to say something to break the ice a little more. "Listen, Brian, I want to thank you for giving me the chance to come here and see the show and meet you guys. It really means a lot to me."

"Well I'm glad I could do something for you." he said simply while never taking his eyes off mine.

Just then a side door to the room opened and a man dressed in black stuck his head in. "Five minutes, guys," he said with a grin and closed the door again.

Kevin stepped into the middle of the room. "Ready?"

The others joined them and they started humming and harmonizing together to warm up their voices.

Fi and I just stood back and listened with awe at the beautiful voices that were right in front of us. They finished the song and then each filed out the side door with Kevin in the lead.

Just when we thought we were about to be left by ourselves, I felt a hand rest on my arm and begin to pull. "Come on! You don't want to miss the show!" Brian said as he tugged on me. He just looked in my eyes and I felt something pass between us, though I wasn't sure what it was, but I couldn't help but grin.

We followed them to the edge of the stage just out of view of the audience. Each took the hand of the one closest to him and Brian extended his hand to me, which I took, and I gave my hand to Howie who was on the other side of me and we all bowed our heads. Fi was never really "into" group prayers so she opted to not participate. Kevin said a few words of prayer and then they had a small cheer of support for themselves before breaking apart and preparing to rush onstage.

I couldn't resist the temptation and it didn't really mean anything, so I reached over and tapped Brian on the shoulder. When he looked my direction I leaned in close and said "Good luck," and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

For a moment I wasn't sure if I should have done it because of the shocked face that came over Brian, but my fears were soon erased as a grin came over him and he said a cheerful "Thanks!" as the music to "Larger Than Life" came on and they rushed out on stage and started the performance.

To be continued...

OK I know I promised this part would be more interesting, and I think it was. I just can't have everyone jumping into bed together for no reason... I want this story to be more than that. I just have to follow what comes to me and this is what it turned out to be... I hope you liked it.

Next: Chapter 3

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