Dreams Coming True

By B-Rok Fan

Published on Sep 26, 2000


This story is purely fictional and in no way is meant to imply anything about anybody, particularly Brian Littrell or any other Backstreet Boy. This story also involves sexual relationships between adult consenting men, so if you are offended by such material or it is in any way illegal for you to read this, then please do not.

Thanks to Raymond for emailing me. I promise I'll get back to you! I appreciate every email i get from readers!

I want to also extend sincere congratulations to Brian and Leighanne on their wedding. I wish them both all the happiness life has to offer.

Dreams Coming True Part 6

As the door came shut behind us I realize that there were no lights on in the room and the curtains were pulled shut, so there were hardly enough light in the room to see by. Just as I was thinking this I heard Brian make a small sound and then I heard a loud crash.

I quickly began feeling around on the wall for a light switch and finding one I flipped it. I found Brian stumbling to his feet with a broken lamp lying on one side of him and a pair of tennis shoes he had tripped on on the other.

"Um... Brian, why do I get the feeling you share this room with Nick?" I said with a giggle while helping him up.

"Yep, and the sad part is that the maids cleaned this room up this morning," Brian said while showing off the disasterous room in a way that reminded me of the girls of The Price Is Right. Clothes littered the floor everywhere, one of the beds' sheets were tossed off the side, it was a complete mess.

"How do you put up with this?" I said while picking up a pair of boxers and holding them as far out from me as possible with two fingers before tossing them aside.

"I guess after so many years, you sort of get desensitized," Brian said as he took my hand and led me to the balcony. "Why don't we sit out here and talk, it's a nice day out."

I nodded my approval and followed him out.

Brian and I each took a seat in chairs facing each other.

"So," I said expectantly.

"So," Brian repeated back at me. "I realize you probably know a lot more about me than I do about you, so I'd like to get to know you, Josh Lawson."

I smiled at him and took his hand into mine. "All right, what do you want to know?"

"OK, for starters, what do you do?"

"Actually I'm a student."

"Oh cool, what college do you go to?"

"No, not college. I'm a senior in high school," I said with a faint uncertainty. It hadn't occured to me that Brian thought I was older than I really am.

"High school? Oh my God, how old are you?" he said with what sounded like utter shock.

"I'm eighteen, Brian. How old did you think I was?" I said with a laugh. I was hoping the age difference didn't matter that much. I mean what is six years difference anyway. My father is eleven years older than my mother.

"I don't know, I just assumed you were at least 21, I mean you look a lot older than eighteen," he said with a grin.

"Brian is this going to make a difference in how you feel about me?" I was already in tears at the possibility of losing him.

"Josh, of course not! I don't care if you're eighteen or eighty, I would still care about you."

"Thank you, Brian. That means a lot to me," I said while squeezing his hand gently. "Anyway, like I said before I got all emotional, I am a senior in high school"

"So are you out of the closet?"

"No way. I know how my little town would react. You have to understand, I live in a very small town with strong Baptist beliefs and not very open minds. I can't even tell my parents. The only people I have told are Fiona and my best friend Michael, who is also gay."

"I know exactly what that's like. I haven't told anyone, but Nick. Well, and you," he said while giving me a caring smile. "I can't bring myself to even tell Kevin, and he's my cousin," Brian said sadly. It was obvious that he was going through the same things I was, but it was even harder for him, because he had four other guys whose lives it could affect.

"So Nick knows you're gay?" I then remembered the way Nick had been acting at the concert the night before. The way he kept laughing and Brian kept blushing when I came near. "Just what were you and Nick talking about before I interrupted last night?"

"You," Brian said cutely with an evil grin.

"What about me?" I said trying to sound persuasive.

"Nuh-uh," he said while making a zipping motion in front of his mouth.

Brian stood up and backed toward the door to the room, and I got up from my chair and pretended to sneak up on him. He opened the balcony door and darted through with me right behind.

I finally caught up to him and tackled him onto the bed. We stopped moving with me sitting on his legs with my legs on each side of him, and his arms pinned above his head.

"Tell me now, or face zee consequences," I said in my best evil spy accent.

"Never!" Brian shouted and tried to break free from my grasp.

I leaned down and put my face inches from his. "Ve have vays of making you talk."

"Sounds like fun," Brian said as he brought his lips to mine. I released his hands and ran my hands down the length of his arms, down his sides to the bottom of his shirt. Running my hands under his shirt I began massaging his chest and stomach while deepening the kiss.

Brian's hands came to the back of my head and then to my shirt quickly pulling it over my head, leaving my hair standing on end. "Fair's fair." I said while pulling his shirt off of him as well.

"Ready to spill the beans yet?" I said while running a finger around his left nipple.

"Not even close."

"All right, you asked for it" I said in a seductive whisper. Then instead of kissing him again I quickly began tickling him and breaking into laughter. Brian fought to try to get me back but I wasn't about to let him get the best of me. We continued this until we were both out of breath and collapsed onto the bed next to each other.

"Fine! You win. I told Nick I thought you were gay, and he was trying to get me to make a move on you," he said between breaths.

"There now. See that wasn't so hard was it?" I said like a dentist after pulling a tooth.

"No, but I know something that is hard," Brian said with a grin.

"Well, you ain't the only one," I said as Brian climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck.

At that moment the door to the the hotel room opened and Nick, Fi, and Howie stepped in talking and laughing... until they saw us.

To Be Continued...

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