Drew and Jason

By Don G

Published on Oct 31, 2005


Here's the start of a fantasy I've fleshed out into something of a story. If it's met with interest/constructive critism, then I'll add another installment.

Thanks for reading.

Don G.

Drew and Jason

Silverdale Washington is known for two things: Rain and sailors. The naval base nearby made the town a lot of money, as the sailors come in to spend the paychecks that arrive every two weeks. Most of the heads in the Sandpiper belonged to the men who crewed the submarines. They were a close-shaven bunch of guys: athletic, well groomed, and hunted constantly by the inevitable female admirers, lusting after them and their money.

Drew watched the crowd, just as he had for two years. He was a regular here, though it wasn't for the beer. It was for the men. Drew worked for The Naval Criminal Intelligence Service, or NCIS. He was hired for a very odd job. To be bait. Drew had a good, solid build. Wide shoulders, narrow hips, square jaw.

He is handsome, and that's his weapon. Though the navy denies it, sailors are regularly dismissed due to people like Drew. He would find a sailor or marine who would look at him just a bit too long, or catch a guy checking him out while he was taking a piss, and later he would start a nice conversation with the guy. Eventually, Drew would invite him back to his room for a drink, or "whatever". Almost every time, the guy would go. Drew could pick fags with uncanny accuracy. As soon as the guy tried to make a move on him, Drew had him. He'd tell the guy to leave, and turn him in the next day. He knew he was making the navy a better place to serve, and that's why he did what he did.

Tonight, he watched a young man come through the door, alone. That was odd. Most of the time, the military traveled in packs. Drew observed the young sailor as the man looked around the bar. The guy's eyes met Drew's and moved on. He seemed innocent enough. He walked across the room to the bar and ordered a beer. Drew supped his, taking his eyes from the man for a moment. When he looked up, he saw the young man look away from him, and take his beer from the bartender.

'Gotcha.' Drew almost grinned and took another small drink from the beer. The man sat at a table across from Drew, and occasionally cast a glance at him as he drank his alcohol. Drew knew this game. He sat there for a while, exchanging glances with the guy, reassuring the sailor he was interested. The man finished his beer and got up, presumably to go piss. As he came even with Drew, the sailor stopped.

"Say, you don't happen to have the time do you?" The young man's voice was deep, and surprised Drew. He fumbled for his watch, and looked up at the sailor's face.

"I ... uh ..." Drew found himself staring. The eyes gazing back at him were a steel blue- gray. His hair was closely cropped into a high and tight, and looked black in the bar light. "It's 2210." Drew swallowed, and forced a semblance of composure.

"Thanks." The sailor's voice rumbled and we went on to the bathroom. Drew forced himself not to stare after him.

'What the hell was that?' He shook his head and finished his beer. He got up and frowned. A half-erection had begun in his pants. "Damn it." Repositioning his dick as inconspicuously as possible, he walked to the bar and ordered another beer. He sat at the bar and decided that this one was probably not a good idea to go after. He reached into his back pocket for his wallet and felt someone walk behind him. The sailor brushed Drew's back with his arm as he passed and Drew's dick jumped to full mast instantly.

"Sorry." The sailor leaned over the bar and ordered another beer. He looked casually over at Drew. "You know this town? I'm new here and get lost all the time." He smiled a near perfect set of teeth at Drew. "My name's Jason." Jason stuck his hand out toward him. Drew shook it and swallowed to clear his throat. "I'm Drew ..." Immediately he mentally kicked himself. He never gave out his real name to his targets. Something was wrong. Drew slowly pulled his hand from Jason's grip, and felt reluctant to do so. He liked touching this guy.

'Fuck. I'm attracted to him. A man! I'm attracted to a guy.' Drew was relieved to see the bartender delivering the drinks and pulled out a few bucks. "I got this." Jason paid for both the drinks. He flashed that same smile at Drew.

"Thanks." Drew picked up his beer and tried not to think about the way Jason's voice rumbled in his chest. "Yeah, I've been here a while. I know the town." A moment of silence stretched, and Drew realized this was the moment to land the hook, if he was going to at all. "You know," he started, even though his stomach felt filled with butterflies, "I could show you around." He quickly added, "If you wanted me to, that is."

"Yeah. That'd be cool." Jason sipped his beer then looked critically at Drew. "You all right? You look a little unsteady." Drew had downed his beer at the table earlier and had drank three before that. He usually sipped them, and guzzling had taken its toll. "Did you drive here?"

Drew nodded. "Yeah." He drank his beer and stood on his wobbling legs to leave. "It's fine. I'll call a cab." Drew made every effort to not look at Jason. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder just as he began to walk away.

"You sure? I could take you home."

Drew had enough wits about him to know that'd be a bad thing. Under no circumstance could he let a target know where he lived. There was a bugged room in a hotel the navy set him up with as part of his operation, but that'd be suspicious for someone who's been here "a while".

"I ... uh ..." Drew struggled to say something which wouldn't cause suspicion, or make Jason give up. The sailor let him flounder with a patronizing smile reserved for drunks.

"How about you come to my pad and crash out? Then you can show me around Silverdale tomorrow."

Drew really liked the way Jason's voice sounded. "Yeah. Yeah, that'll be fine." His mind screamed warnings which were promptly ignored. Alcohol had eroded any power that part of his mind may have had, and Drew followed Jason outside and into a small hardtop Jeep.

Jason started the Jeep and drove out of the lot toward a hilltop full of apartments. During the trip, Drew's rational mind tried to reassert itself and met with a moderate amount of success. Through quite an act of will, he kept from staring at Jason, but his penis was at least semi-hard for the entire trip.

They parked outside one of the buildings and Jason helped Drew up the stairs to the second floor. They both entered the apartment and Jason shut the door. "So, you want the tour before you crash?"

"Sure." Drew slurred the word, just a little. Jason showed him around his place. It was a typical bachelor pad, though no pictures of women (or men) graced the walls.

"And here's the bedroom. You'll sleep here and I'll take the couch." Jason walked out of the room and looked over his shoulder. "If you need anything, let me know."

Drew nodded and sat heavily on the edge of the bed. He reached up, and fumbled with his jacket buttons. Jason made his bed on the couch and looked back in on Drew, who was still on the bed, trying to take off his coat. He laughed and walked back into the room.

"Here." Jason knelt down on the floor and unbuttoned the denim jacket. "All right, lay down." Drew did as he was told and let Jason take off his boots. Drew then felt his belt being tugged on, and his jeans were unfastened. He squirmed a bit as Jason tugged off his jeans to help the process along and laughed as they came off.

"What's so funny?" Jason asked, as he folded Drew's jeans.

"It's just ... I've never been undressed by a guy before. It's kinda weird."

Jason gave a chuckle of his own. "Well, seems you don't mind too much." That's when Drew realized he had a raging hard-on which was painfully obvious through his boxer-briefs.

Drew woke with a sore throat and a nasty taste in his mouth. His mind was still foggy as to where he was and he sat blearily up in bed.

"Good morning." A bass rumble beside him made Drew jump. He turned to see Jason laying beside him.

"Uh ..." Drew tried desperately to remember the happenings of last night. "I ... I thought you were sleeping on the couch."

"Well, I was. But you were sick last night. I had to clean up after you then set you on your side so you didn't choke on your own vomit." Jason wrinkled his nose. "You're a tough man to wake when you've been drinking."

Drew swallowed, noticing his painful throat. "Ugh. I'm sorry. You wanted a tour, not to have to baby-sit." He swallowed again. "Can I have some water? My throat is killing me."

Jason got up out of bed and padded over to the fridge. Drew watched as he walked away in nothing but a pair of boxers. He tore his eyes away before Jason turned around and made his way back. Jason handed a cold bottle of water to him and Drew drank half of it down. "Wow. You're thirsty." Drew handed him back the bottle. "You hungry too?"

Drew nodded. "Yeah."

Jason went back into the kitchen and pulled a few pans out of the cupboard. "Hope you like eggs. Cuz you're getting an omelet."

"Sounds good." Drew swung his legs onto the floor and noticed he had on a pair of sweat shorts. "Uh, where'd my underwear go?"

"Should be in the dryer. I had to give you a pair of my shorts." Jason stuck his head around the kitchen partition to look at Drew. "You got throw-up all over yourself."

"Wonderful. Sorry again."

"Don't worry about it." Jason fried the eggs and made some toast for them to eat. When it was all done, they both sat down and Drew couldn't get it out of his head that Jason had undressed him. They both ate their meal without much chatter and Jason stood to clean the plates and glasses.

Drew watched his backside as he worked. "You should let me do those." He found himself saying. "After all the trouble I've been ..."

Jason laughed. "I said don't worry about it Drew." A thrill went through Drew when Jason said his name. "It's just dishes."

Drew stood and came up behind him. His dick was plain enough to see, tenting the material of the shorts. He glared down at it and tried to adjust to make it less obvious. It worked, a little.

"Here." Drew stood next to Jason and rinsed the dishes as the sailor washed them.

Jason didn't complain about the help, and let him work. Their shoulders touched occasionally and Drew had to stop himself from simply wrapping his arms around the man. Looking down to see if his boner had escaped the confines of the sweats Drew noticed that Jason had an erection of his own. And he had grown quiet.

"Jason," Drew pulled his gaze up to look at the man's face, "are you all right?"

Jason turned and looked into his eyes and Drew could see a hunger and fear warring in the man's face. Suddenly, he realized something.

'He's new. He's never been with a guy.'

"I'm ... I'm ok." Jason screwed his face up in a frown. "Maybe ... maybe we should get dressed." He turned, a scowl on his face. Drew grabbed his arm.

"Jason, are you ..."

Jason stopped moving and wouldn't look at Drew. "Look, I'm trying to ... to not ..." He paused for a moment then he turned and pointed at his crotch. "This is what happens when you touch me, all right? So, unless you like that kind of thing, you shouldn't touch me."

Drew stared at the lines of Jason's crotch. He could see the outline of the head of his penis, and wanted to touch it, very badly. "I ... I think ..."

Drew wrapped his arms around Jason. The surprised sailor seemed to resist for a heartbeat, then returned the favor. He felt Jason's hands run up his spine and heard him groan in pleasure as Drew did the same. That groan vibrated in Drew's chest and his dick swelled with absolute desire.

Jason rubbed Drew's neck and head, then paused with his lips inches from Drew's. He looked at Drew, searching his face, seeming to memorize it, then leaned in and kissed him. He was tentative at first. Then he realized that he liked what he was doing and gave into it.

Drew led them to the bed and slid his hands down to Jason's waist. He pushed down the boxers Jason was wearing, and felt the man's penis swing free. Jason gasped as Drew closed his strong hand around his dick. The sailor fondled Drew through his shorts, then slid his hand down the waistband and gave Drew a few, tight-fisted strokes. Drew groaned, and kissed Jason. His rational mind was gone. All he wanted, right now was sex with this man.

Drew pulled off his shorts, and Jason did the same. They lay down on the bed, face to face with Drew on top of Jason. The sailor moaned with pleasure and his deep voice turned Drew on even more. "God, I love your voice." Drew gasped as they ground their hips together. The friction of their dicks and nuts rubbing together was driving Jason close to orgasm.

Drew stopped seconds before Jason came, and kissed him until the moment passed. He could feel pre-cum lubing them both up and knew it wouldn't take much to finish either of them off.

He rubbed Jason's cock and balls, and migrated down to the man's ass. Drew wasn't versed in the practicality of fucking a guy, but he knew how it worked in theory. He looked up at the head board and saw what he was after. He reached up and grabbed some baby-oil from the shelf from a well used bottle and lubed his dick by stroking it a few times. Even that almost did him in, and he hissed in effort to stop from coming.

"Go slow, all right Drew?" Jason breathed, knowing what Drew was going to try. Jason leaked pre-cum on his belly as Drew put his well lubed fingers up his ass. "Oh." Jason's eyes rolled back in head. "Fuck, fuck, fuck ..." He said it each time Drew slid his fingers into the tightness of Jason's butt. After working with three fingers for a while, Drew put himself in position and Jason put his legs on Drew's shoulders. They kissed passionately and Drew slid the head of his penis into Jason. The sailor groaned in spite of kissing Drew.

"Fuck." It was Drew's turn to say it. He started slowly, and kissed Jason the whole while. Every stroke found more of his dick buried inside Jason until the whole thing was in.

"You all right?" Drew asked, praying Jason would say yes.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jason swallowed and tried to keep himself from coming with each stroke Drew made. "I'm gonna come real soon."

Drew grunted in reply. "Good. I wanna see that." They kissed again, and Drew felt Jason stiffen and his sphincter clamp down. A jet of warm fluid slammed into his throat and filled his nose with the odor of spunk as Jason came. The increased muscle action on his dick was too much, and Drew followed Jason with a moan. Jason could feel the rhythmic pulses of semen shooting from Drew, inside him until he finished with a shudder.

Drew stayed where he was for a moment, panting with exertion and release. Jason smiled and wiped Drew's neck free of the semen.

"Well," he said, "at least it's not vomit this time."

Next: Chapter 2

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