Drinking with the Boys

By moc.loa@yob91aI

Published on Oct 1, 1999


I was only 19 years old when I met him. His name was Chad. He attended Boston University. I lived only a couple blocks away. My parents didn't know I was gay. Neither did any of my friends. My name is Chris. I should describe myself a bit. I am 5'11", with dark blond hair and blue eyes. I don't have many features that stand out. I am in good shape and am just a normal kid. No model here.

It was the beginning of the summer, my high school had just gotten out for the summer. I decided to go with my friends to the Java house down on 5th street in the campus area. We usually hang out there and just flirt with the college girls and pretend we were all hot shit.. My friends Jason, Nathan, James and I were sitting on a couch staring at these young college girls who were three tables away. Jason the soccer player always thought the girls were interested in him. Me I just pretended to be interested. I would stare down the guys that walked in. My favorite were the preppy guys that came in to study. Now that the summer was here the majority of people coming in were older since all the freshman went home for the summer.

As I was talking to Nathan about how much I would enjoy boning a piece of ass like some girls.. in walks one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. He had short dark hair covered up in a backwards facing BU hat. He was wearing a sporty tight shirt, CK jeans and running shoes. I noticed his muscles taught as could be underneath his tight shirt. The muscles in his arms looked as if they couldn't extend any farther they were perfect. He was lightly tanned and had the most beautiful eyes. I think he noticed me staring at his chest when I caught his gaze. I instantly turned away and began to fumble and blush.. I hoped none of the guys saw me. I turned back into the conversation at hand about how large some girls tits were. When I realized none of them saw me staring I stole another stare at this perfect bodied boy. I wondered what it would be like to run my hands over his chest and down his abs teasing his waist line slipping a finger in and out.. I began to get a little too excited as I notice something rise up to meet my fascination.. I decided I had better quit staring. I turned around again just day dreaming when he walked up.

"Can I sit down on the end of the couch" he explained poorly that there were no other comfortable seats left.

I grinned and tried to play it cool by saying..

"sure" I said.. but unfortunatly my voice froze and nothing but a low grumble came out. He giggled.

"Whats your name man"

I was amazed why would he be asking for my name. I was nothing special.. who knows I was probably overacting.

"Chris" I said when I told him my name he stuck out his hand and introduced himself. With a nice steady and sweet voice he said,

" My name is Chad.. nice to meet you"

I was flying. I didn't let go of his hand and he looked down at my hand

"You have a strong grip" he said

I again blushed as I immediatlely let go of his hand. My friends had now begun to notice Chad sitting with us and sort of hushed up worried a verbal attack was to follow for berating the women in the cafe. When Chad pulled out a notebook and a book they all relaxed and began talking and acting like schoolboys again. Chad asked me how old I was and where I was from. He was amazed to hear that I lived so close. He suggested that we get together some time. I said yea.. He then spoke up to the rest of the guys and said.. "Hey guys.. you guys into drinking?"

" I have my own apartment and you guys are all welcome tonight for a little party?"

The guys all grinned and said

" fuck yea man.".. Chad then looked at me and said..

"Chris.. will you be there?" I smiled at him deciding that there was more to Chad then met the eye. I gazed into his eyes and almost got stuck.. then I realized that he asked a question. I told him yes I would most definitely be there.. He told the boys again..

"Nobody goes home drunk so everybody stays the nite.. and you better call couch now..".. They began screaming couch.. in order to claim it.. I was not worried I somehow knew that I would have a place to sleep. Chad continued reading and gave me his address and number.. He told us to be there around 8pm. I looked at him as he started to put his books away. He put his hand out and shoook my hand again, he had the softest hands and yet they were also very strong .. I couldn't wait for tonight. He gave me a little smirk as he turned around and left the cafe.

Nathan and James showed up at my house at about 7:30.. they were eager to get going over to Chad's.. They both told their parents that Chad was a friend of my older brother. When my mom asked where I was planning on going I said to a friend of James' older brother. Once my mom said ok.. we all went up to my room and started to pack my bag. I looked at James and noticed that he was staring at me. I never reallly paid any attention to him before. Now I looked at little bit closer as he turned away blushing.. was he blushing?!.. no way.. I chalked it up to an overactive imagination... I went over to my drawers and started pulling out clothes.. James and Nathan sat on my bed and waited impatiently.. they were just staring at the posters on my walls.. the only "fun" one I had was of the backstreet boys.. without their shirts.. I told everybody that it was the only one left at the store so they gave it to me for free... so far nobody had questioned me. I looked into my drawer with my pj's and underwear. James came up to me and said,

"What the fuck are you doing". I took on his playfull attitude and said

"I am fucking jerking off,.. what the fuck does it look like I am doing?" he laughed as he looked in my drawer as I grabbed a pair of pj bottoms.. he looked at me with sarcasm and said..

" Dude... you don't need these.. we're all guys... its not like we have to wear pj's like little kids any more.. hell I sleep in the buff"

Nathan perked up and yelled

"faggot" James laughed and continued..

"Hell I didn't even bring any clothes" he said..

Nathan spoke up and said..

"Me neither.. I can just sleep in my boxers".. I said ok.. and I closed the drawer again. Then I realized that I was wearing a pair of white tommy boxer briefs that you could almost see through. I figured I would have to risk it.. since opening my drawer again would show I was a pussy.. so I decided to drop it.. I looked at james and nathan and said.

"Boys,, let the drinking begin".. they howled with laughter and anticipation.

We went outside to Nathan's dad's new Durango.. it was fucking sweet.. James screamed shot gun before I even thought about it.. so I just got in back.. I was curious what the evening would bring... I looked at the clothes I was wearing.. I thought I looked pretty good... I was wearing a pair of cargoes from abercrombie,, a nice tight YMLA shirt that really accentuated my chest.. and my dox. I figured one way or another I was going to have a good time.

When Nathan pulled up to Chad's apartment building we were all amazed.. it was really nice looking.. who would have thought such a young kid lived in such a nice building. We got out, and walked to the elevator.. next to the elevator was a sign that said all guests must go to main lobby. We decided we would just go straight up. Unfortuneately you needed a key for every floor. So we went to the lobby. When the doors opened on the lobby we were quite surprised.. all marble floors, pillars, plush couches a bar off to the corner.. it was a freaking hotel.. sweet.

Once the security guard allowed us to go upstairs. We got back in the elevator and he hit the floor for chad. We were all pretty excited.. When we got to the door Chad answered it after a couple minutes..

"Hey guys,, sorry I am not ready I was just working out" he was not wearing a shirt and had short little running shorts on... My mouth dropped open.. he looked at us then said.... James kept staring at his chest. I was looking at his beautiful features.. including his chest.. and I think even nathan was staring at how built Chad was.. Chad sort of laughed at the awkwardness of the moment

"Well you guys coming in?"

Let me give you guys the tour of my place.. Nathan was oooing and ahhing the whole tour.. I have to admit it was pretty sweet.. two bedrooms, one turned into an office, a large living room with a huge entertainment center, a huge bathroom with a little hot tub and a sauna,, the shower was 10 ft. square with shower heads at all corners and a bench in the middle and sides.. and the kitchen was awesome.. it was like a chefs'. We loved his apartment finally Nathan asked.. how do you afford this place.. Chad told us that it was wear his dad stayed when he came into town.. which was quite frequently.. and when Chad went to BU his dad just told chad to use his apt. We all were impressed.. Chad pointed out the bar in the back of the living room

"Then told us to help ourselves to anything we wanted.. but not to drink the brandy cuz it was his dads"

Chad then said he was going to take a shower. He looked at me and smiled then said..

"Um Chris.. you wanna see my workout room"


I actually did.... So I followed his gorgeous ass and began to notice how exsquisite his body really was. His calfs were perfect.. his legs were tan and you could see ever light brown hair on them.. I wanted to feel him from his cute feet all the way up those muscular legs to his thighs.. cuz he was wearing running shorts you could see the muscles in them every time he took a step... they were perfect.. not huge.. but nice.. his ass was so round and perfect looking I normally don't notice asses but his I did. Then I moved up to his back.. geez he had a perfect body.. his muscles were all gleaming with sweat.. I just wanted to massage every part of him then give him a tongue bath..... wow I thought I better cool it.. I am going to pop wood if I am not careful.... He turned around and smiled again as we entered his workout room.. which consisted of a bench and various plates and dumbells on the floor with posters of beautiful guys on the wall. I looked at the walls.. he noticed me looking..

"Nice aren't they"

I decided to play it sorta stupid and said

"Umm yea they have great bodies I wish I could look like that"

"Maybe you can.. if you want I can help you" Chad said.. I looked at him and smiled..


"Well I have to go shower.. why don't you go help yourself at the bar,. I will be back in anhalf hour..

"Ok" I said.. ....

James and Nathan had helped themselves to a beautiful bottle of what looked to be whisky.. they were already doing shots and it appeared as if they had already done two apiece. I walked up to the bar and sat down next to james.. he smirked at me and said..

"Where is Chad"

I looked at him and he was giving me this odd look for half a second I almost thought that he knew what was going on.. hell then I thought I don't even know what is going on.. and he is already half drunk.

"Nathan pass me the bottle of rum from behind the bar" I made myself a rum and coke.

James who was sitting in the middle of both of us wrapped his arms around us he pulled us closer as he started to spout off some drivel about how this was one of our last times together. I started to laugh as all of a sudden James started to massage my shoulder.. OH MY GOD.. what the hell was going on.. I sorta looked at him as he was saying..

" I am really going to miss you guys"

then he stared into my eyes.. HOLY SHIT..I retuned his stare but I didn't know what to do.. did james like me?

"I am going to piss" I said as I got up.. Nathan started pouring each of us another shot. I got up and started to look for the bathroom.. I finally found it on the side of Chad's room. The shower was on the side of the room. I walked into the bathroom and lowered my shorts to take a piss.. as I grabbed my dick to piss I noticed that my balls were hanging low and my sak was all loose. I sorta liked it.. I started feeling my dick. I didn't even hear the door open as all of a sudden Chad walked in..

"Oh sorry didn't know you were in her pissing.. I gotta go too .. move over... do you mind?"

I looked down and noticed that while I was busy feeling myself I had gotten hard.. Chad walked up and looked at the toilet...

"Hehehe.. looks like you're a little excited"

I looked down and didn't know what to say..

"Yea, guess it's the liquor"

"How much you been drinking?"

I sorta lauged to myself as I thought about how I had only drank one glass of rum and coke. I told him how much I had.

"Just a rum and coke"

"Uh oh a beginning drinker huh?"

I blushed again.. as he was holding his dick with one hand he put his other arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.. he said,

" I'll keep my eye on you tonight"

I looked at him and smiled.. I was so nervous and embarrassed..

"Meanwhile why don't you take care of this" he said as he GRABBED MY DICK!!!.... I gasped.. he let go and I didn't know what to say..

"Ok" I said embarrassed and excited as it started to soften I zipped it up.. I said

"Chad I am going to get another drink" I said.

I walked out of the bathroom with probably the largest grin on my face.. I walked over to Nathan

"What time is it?"

"It is only 9:30" he said

I looked over at James he had discarded his shirt and socks and was running around in his jeans.. I loved that look his jeans rode high on his hips and dipped down to his pubes.. I could also see the waistband of his underwear.. which were CK ,, nice.. I thought.. I went up to the bar and helped myself to a thing of vodka and orange juice.. then I walked over and sat down on the leather couch next to James.. Nathan walked over and popped in a video.. Usual Suspects I think it was.. Chad who was at the doorway dimmed the lights.

"Anybody want anything before I sit down?"he asked

Nathan yelled

" I'll take a Heiny"

James who was already wasted, screamed

"I gotta fucking heiny for you and stud up to moon Nathan"

James was a little more drunk than he thought and fell on top of me after trying to lower his pants.. he looked up at me and sorta whispered

"Man I am going to miss you,, you're my best bud"

" I will miss you too James"

Then I helped him to sit down next to me again... Chad then came over with Nathan's heiny and a bottle of Absolute, jug of orange juice and four cups. He poured us all a glass of vodka and OJ. Chad sat down next to me and I could swear he got as close as he could.. I sorta liked it. We all started watching the movie I was so happy but yet I was also upset cuz I didn't know what to do.. Well it turned out I didn't need to do anything.. Nathan after three glasses of Vodka and OJ passed out on the couch.. James had his hand resting on my inner thigh and his head on his hand.. Chad had not held me but had been keeping me warm by being so close.. I really liked it.. Finally something happened... somebody had slowly started to massage my crotch with his hand.. I looked down at his hand,, then looked at him as he smiled at me. I sorta new something would happen with him tonight.. but not this early. I felt a warm feeling... It felt good.. it felt really good.. for some reason I was glad that I hadn't jerked off in awhile.. I had the feeling that I would be needing all I could muster for tonight..

Well boys what do you think? Should I go on?.. I would love to hear any critiques, criticsm, or enjoyment you may have fore this story. Please write me at IA19BOY@AOL.COM

By the way.. this story was written for my buddy Chad.

Next: Chapter 2

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