Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Jul 22, 2011


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It was the summer of 1984, I was just 18, and was working at my summer job for a local drive-in theater as a custodian. It was an awesome job, I worked a split shift, starting in the morning at seven and I'd work about four hours cleaning up all the trash in the lot, and then scrub out the restrooms. Then I was off until about eight at night when I'd come in and keep the trash cans emptied and ice in the trough. The cleaning of the lot was easy; there were two of us, me, Jimmy 18, 5,10, drty blond hair and blue eyes about 175 gay and Eric, 16 also 5,10 dark brown hair and brown eyes about 145 straight, each with heavy duty blowers. We'd start at the top and blow all the crap down to the front, always keeping an eye open for lost money, and the occasional personal item or drugs. Anything we found we'd split. It had been this way since we started working together two summers ago. Eric and I had become fast friends and were always together it seemed, either working or hanging out after wards. We had two way radios that we used to communicate with each other, announcing the finding of money, pot and the all too often used condom.

I digress, we'd blow the trash to the front and then one of us would jump on this big tractor we called the sucker that had a modified attachment that was like a HUGE vacuum. So as one of us drove the sucker along the piles of trash we'd blown, the other would sweep the pile into the mouth of the sucker. After we'd finish this, it was usually getting hot, making it worse was all the black top absorbing the sun and making it at least 15 degrees hot than normal. So by this time, we were both usually stripped down to just our boots and shorts. We had both developed really nice tans and our chests and backs were always shined with fresh sweat.

We'll our last chore was to scrub the bathrooms, which were even hotter than outside. The woman's room was always the worst. They are fucking pigs, feminine products tossed on the floor, garbage everywhere, and it always smelled like rank pussy. A smell that would make any gay 18 yo puke his guts. So Eric and I would don heavy duty rubber gloves and masks and after sweeping the junk out we'd literally hose done the woman's room, fucking nasty. We'd then take a break and dump all the outside trash cans, trying to cool off from the ovens the bathrooms were. Lastly we tackle the men's room. This room was usually really clean, except for the occasional puke on the floor. This was my favorite room to clean! They had three six foot long trough urinals, where you'd walk up, whip it out and piss in full view of everyone. So after cleaning all this, Eric and I were off to spend our day however we wanted.

At night, our main job was to keep the urinal troughs full of crushed ice, to keep the smell down. This was my favorite job, as it afforded me an endless viewing of cocks. Eric new I was gay and that I loved this job, so he always let me be the one to "ice the pisser".

Ok, so this one hot night in July, I was heading into the men's room to ice the pisser. It was part way into the second show, and not many guys were there. I had a big rolling bin that I would scoop ice from in the trough. I was midway filling the middle trough when these two young guys stagger in, obviously having had too much beer. I was standing at the middle of the trough adjusting the water flow; when they came in and took up position one on each side of me. They were laughing and going on about one of their girlfriend not putting out, and how he have to go home and jack off. I stepped away to get more ice when the guy who'd been on my right turned and said; "hey dude, chuck some more ice in here, were going to have a pissing contest." I said nothing, nodding, and began to through huge scoops of ice in front of both of them. They laughed and waved their cock, spraying their piss all over the fresh ice. The guy who'd been on my left, finished and said he was going to get some food and would meet his friend back at the car. The guy who had been on my right, the one whose girlfriend was not putting out, stood there continuing to piss. When he'd finished, he turned, wobbling, and began to stagger to the door. I called out to him to wait, and he spun around fast almost falling down. He shrugged his shoulders at me in a silent attempt to ask me what I wanted.

"UM, you might want to put that away before you leave," I said, pointing to his cock which was hanging out of the fly of his shorts. A puzzled look on his face he lowered his gaze to where I was pointing. He busted out laughing.

"Crap, thanks man that would have sucked if I'd walked out like this," his hand grabbing his cock and shaking it. He tried in vain to stuff his hardening cock into his shorts, and when he did manage to get it in, he was having trouble zipping up his fly. Exasperated, he dropped his hands to his side, the force of this action only served to make his semi hard cock pop out the fly again. "Fuck-n-a man, what the fuck am I going to do," looking up at me who was still standing there looking at him. "I'm so fucking drunk I can't even get my cock away."

"Sounds like a problem," I said, turning to throw more ice. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him moving closer to me his now almost fully hard cock leading the way.

"Hey, ah, hey bud," he stammered in a hushed tone. "Think you can help a friend out here," gesturing with his hands to his crotch. "I could really use some help with this." His voice almost pleading with me. I stood there as he took two final steps to stand in front of me.

"Friend," I asked him, looking first at his face and then to his cock and back to his face. "I don't know you, how can call me friend?"

"Fuck," he snarled. "OK, look. I'm Joshua, my friends call me Josh. What's your name?" His voice sharp and curt, his hand extended waiting for me to shake it.

"Jim, my friends call me Jimmy." I took his hand and shook it.

"Ok, Jimmy, now we are friends, so now can you help me out?" his voice lower and more friendly, his hand going up to rest on my shoulder, a gentle downward force being applied.

"Depends on what kind of help you're looking for," I stated giving him a wink as I knelt before this really cute guy.

"Whatever you need to do to get that fucker back in my shorts, so I can get outta here." He said thrusting his hips forward slightly, his cock bobbing in front of my face.

"Whatever?" I asked.

"Yeah dude, whatever." Again thrusting his cock just a bit more forcefully.

"OK," I sighed, and I grasped his cock at the base, and opening my mouth, began to suck his piss stinking cock into my mouth. His knees buckled with the sensation, and he nearly collapsed on the floor. Realizing this would be a problem, I released his cock from my mouth, to his moans for me to continue. I nodded to the stalls and said; "In there josh." I led him to the far stall, and turned him to face me. He immediately began stabbing his cock at my mouth. "Hold on," I told him, as I unbuttoned his shorts and slid them down. I forced him to sit on the toilet, and then kneeling, I went back to work on his swollen cock. His hands were on my head guiding me as I sucked. His moans and groans were telling me I was doing a good job. His head was forward and his eyes were open watching as I sucked his cock.

"Ever had a dude blow you before," I asked him as I stopped sucking to lick his balls. He shook his head no.

"Not even my chick will blow me dude, but fuck dude, this is the best." He guided my head back to his cock where I began sucking him again. His hands began exploring my head, neck and shoulders as I brought him closer to cuming. "Fuck yeah," he whispered, "suck my cock Jimmy, you're gonna make me cum real soon." His hands back on my head, forcing me to suck harder and faster. His balls drew up tight and I could feel his cock swelling. He tried to move my head telling me; "shit dude I'm gonna cum, move." I kept sucking until his pleas to move changed to orders to suck harder. "fuck yeah man, gonna nut in your mouth," and with that his cock erupted in me, his sweet cum bathing my tongue and sliding down my throat. For being drunk, he sure came quick and in a huge volume. As soon as he was done, he stood. I pulled his shorts up and buttoned the top button. I gave his cock one final suck, and then stuffed it back in his shorts and closed the fly. I stood and turned to open the door, but Josh, grabbed my shoulder. "Uhn, thanks Jimmy, that was really good."

I nodded and said; "your welcome" and again turned to leave but he held me facing him. He was having trouble looking into my eyes, but managed to finally make eye contact. "um, what's showing next weekend?' He asked. I told him what was playing and he frowned. "Oh, I was kinda hoping you'd be sowing the same thing as tonight," nodding to me in the stall.

"Oh," I said, realizing what he meant. "Yeah that show happens Tuesday through Sunday. Well," I continued, "that show is shown whenever, actually, 24/7." And I smiled as his face lit up.

"Good to know, cuz I definitely want to see that show again. Um is there a number I can call for, um, show times?" He said as we stepped from the stall, relieved to see no one else in the bathroom. I grabbed a paper towel and jotted my name and number on it and handed it to him. He took it and the pen I had and jotted the same information handing it to me. He then walked out of the men's room, leaving me leaning up against the wall, fully satisfied but wondering if he'd call me. I went back to work and when the troughs were full, I went to find Eric.

I ended up drinking a soda, and toking on a joint we'd found earlier, inside the fenced off area where the dumpsters were, when Eric came walking up. This was a semi private area where no one but us went because of the garbage stink, but that stink hide the smell of pot well. We'd fashioned a room with old cardboard and made a table and chairs with mike crates.

"Where the hell have you been hiding?" Eric scolded me. "I had to clean up a huge puke mess in the woman's room by myself."

I laughed, "I was icing the pissers, sorry man."

"The fuck you were, asshole, I checked the men's room, only people in there were a couple of guys getting queer in the stal.." Eric paused; "Oh you got to be kidding me, DUDE! Was that you sucking some dudes cock in the stall?" Eric's voice dropping to a whisper, "Holy shit, do you have ANY class?" I leaned back and took a long toke on the joint, which Eric quickly snatched from my mouth.

"Nope, I don't," I strained to say, sucking in more breath. Eric gave me a high five as he inhaled deeply, coughing and choking as he normally did the first few times.

"So," he finally said as his coughing subsided.

"So, what?" I asked exhaling.

"So what happened? Come on tell me details." Eric pried taking another hit, and patting my chest motioning for me to talk.

"What do you want details for? You straight bitch, you don't want to her about me sucking a straight dudes dick." I laughed grabbing at the joint which I filed to snag. Eric shrugged his shoulders, holding the joint in his fingers over his crotch.

"I just want to her how you managed to score a straight dude in the bathroom is all. Probably some old geezer with a wrinkled dick, huh," He chided me.

"Well, if you MUST know, he was maybe twenty, twenty one. He was really drunk, or so I thought. I then went on and told Eric of my adventure. He listened intently, interjecting questions and comments like; You sucked him right there in the open, and, Holy crap you ate his spunk? I answered his inquiries and finished showing him Josh's number. Which Eric snatched from me with his free hand. I took the opportunity and grabbed for the joint, still in his fingers resting on his crotch. In my haste to grab it, I inadvertently brushed my hand and fingers brushed his crotch, feeling his swollen cock trapped in his shorts. "Hm, seems like my straight bitch got a little turned on listening to me talk about sucking cock."

"Fuck you, faggot," Eric slurred at me, reaching and twisting my nipples, a little game we played. "I did not bone."

I pulled away d=from his tittie twister and started laughing, pointing at his crotch which was really tenting. "looks like a boner to me, so either you boned from me sucking a cock or you boned cuz I touched your little cock." We both started laughing and Eric grabbed me in a head lock giving me a light nuggie. This type of banter was normal for us. Eric knew I was gay and didn't care. We'd even slept in the same bed, in the back of my van, many times. Our little game was interrupted by the manager calling out from the concession stand's back door. "Eric, Jimmy, Ice the men's room!" We continues to push and shove each other while we loaded the bin and moved it into the men's room.

As we filled the troughs, Eric suddenly commented under his breath; "Guess it got really 'HOT' in here after the last icing, huh?" He laughed out loud and slapped me in the ass with his scoop. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure bud," I said turning to look at him, figuring he was gonna ask something about dick sucking.

"Well," he began, "have you?" he stopped talking when a guy walked in and up to the trough to piss. "Never mind, it wasn't important," and he drug the ice cart out of the room. I followed and when I caught up to him, I asked him what his question was. After a brief pause, he lowered his head, "Um, shit never mind, I forgot now." He was lying, I could tell, but decided to let it drop. After work, Eric and I headed to one of our favorite spots up on Uuncanunik Mountain, where all the TV stations had their antennas. I backed the van into a spot and we opened the back door so we could see the wicked view of the city. No one ever came up here so we had privacy to smoke pot and drink while we unwound from the nights work.

We were lying back on the bed in the van, propped up on pillows, passing a huge doobie back and forth getting totally stoned. We weren't saying much up to that point, just enjoying good friendship, good smoke and a good view. I looked over at Eric and he glanced at me. "OK bud, fess up. What did you want to ask me back at work in the bathroom?"

Eric thought for a minute; "forget it, it was stupid. You'd think I was gross or weird."

"No I wouldn't. Come on man, I mean shit you found out I was doing a dude in the restroom, you saying that's not weird. Even gross?" I laughed giving him a push on the shoulder.

"I don't know why I thought of this, but, well when I was a kid taking a bath, sometimes I'd piss on myself. I don't know why I did it, I just did. Would you ever let anyone piss on you?"

I lay there thinking for a second, "No worries, I use to do the same thing in the bath." The comment peaking his interest, he turned to look at me.


"Sure I bet a lot of kids do that. Hell, I still do sometimes." I paused to see if there was a reaction, and I didn't wait long to see it.

"For reals, so cool." Eric squealed

"Now as to letting anyone piss on me, no, not just anyone."

"OK, I see," Eric said. "Wait," he sat right up and turned to face me. After taking a long drag on the hooter, straining to suck in more air while he talked; "What do you mean not just anyone?"

"Simple. They'd have to be someone I knew. Someone I trusted, you know?" I took the hooter from him and took a slow drag, looking over at my friend. Handing him the hooter back, I added; "Not that I'd just let them piss on me, it'd be part of something else."

Eric looked deep in thought, took another hit then continued. "You mean like sex?"

"Maybe, and maybe not. It would really depend on the situation, I guess. Where are you going with this?" I asked him.

"I don't know, just wondering I guess. I figured since you like taking care of the pissers at work, you must like piss, is all"

I started laughing, which I think mad Eric mad. "Wait, wait. Ok I admit I do kinda like to watch guys pissing. It turns me on I guess, but, I also just like to see the guys come in and whip their cocks out."

"Oh," was Eric's only answer. We sat in silence for a few minutes, smoking our doobie.

OK," I said breaking the quiet; "I'm gonna go out on a limb here." Eric didn't look at me. "Do you want to piss on me buddy?" My words falling on empty space.

"No way dude, I aint queer ya know." Eric blurted out finally.

"Never said you were."

"No way man, never. Why would you let me? Eric said turning to look into my eyes.

"Yes." Eric fell back on the bed, a large sigh escaping his lips. "I would because I know you, trust you, so I would be willing to let you do it if you wanted too. If you were willing to take our friendship to that level, but, there would be a couple of conditions we'd have to agree upon first."

"Like what," Eric asked.

"OK, like first no means no. we have to agree to respect each other's limits. Second, It cannot hurt our friendship. I mean it, if it was to happen, you can't do it and then 5 minutes later fell all weird about it and get all mad and hate me." Eric was quiet, lying there thinking. He took another drag and passed the hooter to me.

"OK," was all he said to me. "You hear me," he asked after about five minutes. "I said OK."

"I heard you." I replied; "were you saying Ok that you understood, or OK that you understood and want to do it?"

"Both, I guess." He said quietly. "When?"

"If you have to pee, how about right now? Stand up out there," I said pointing to the ground right behind the van. "Whip it out, and I'll kneel there and let you piss on me." Without saying another work Eric put the hooter down and slid out of the van, and slid his shorts down to his ankles. I took the hint and got out to stand in front of him. I took my time checking him out, although I'd seen his cock many times before, both hard and soft, this was different. I removed my t shirt in as sexy a way as I could. I guess it worked because when I pulled it from my head and tossed into the van, Eric was stroking his already hardening cock. He continued to stroke himself as I knelt about a foot from him, my own cock straining in my shorts. Without taking my eyes from his, I took my own cock and balls out hooking them under the waist of my shorts. Eric kept stroking his cock which was now fully erect. "You want to do the piss thing, or you looking for a blow job?",

Eric shook his head, "huh? Oh, um the piss thing I guess. Well for now, anyway."

"OK, cool, do it then." Eric stood there a few more seconds before his piss began to dribble from his erect cock, I began stroking myself as his stream of piss gained in strength and volume. He was aiming at my chest, which was hot, but I wanted it in my face. I tried to move so his stream would hit my face but he kept aiming at my chest. I finally reached up and grabbing the hand that was holding his cock I aimed it at my face. His piss was hot and powerful, as I guided his hand directing his stream on my head and face and then to my open mouth.

The grip he had on his cock loosened and he let his hand drop. "Go ahead, you can do it."

I continued to move his cock around spraying my face. Eric raised his hands to hold my head, I assumed for balance. As his stream began to lessen, I tipped my head back and moved closer to him, with his cock above my mouth.

"Fuck, this is so hot," he moaned and his cock began to dribble the last bit of piss.

"MMM," I moaned as I swallowed his hot piss. "I know I love it, I want it all." Looking into his eyes I asked; "trust me?" Eric nodded yes, so without hesitation, I raised my mouth and slowly took his cock into my mouth, closing my lips around his hard shaft. Using his hand on my head, Eric groaned and slid my head onto his cock, the final bit of piss going down my throat. I waited for him to release me, half thinking I should prepare for attitude, but instead of releasing me he held my head on his throbbing cock. I took the chance and began to work my tongue around his shaft. "Yeah dude that's feels so good. Don't stop."

"HUH?" I moaned, his cock deep in my throat.

"Fuck it, feels way too good to stop now. Would you consider giving me a blow job? I answered his question, by starting to suck on his cock up and down. "Is this how you sucked that dude earlier," he asked, watching his cock fuck my mouth.

Slurping as I came off his cock, "no way Eric, you get the special treatment," and I downed his cock in one swallow. His knees weakened and he sat back onto the door jamb of the van, thus allowing me better control of my sucking. I began to massage his nut sac, which soon had him moaning that he was going to cum. He asked if he could cum in my mouth. I moaned my approval and within seconds he was thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth, his cum blasting the back of my throat. Having my best friend's cock shooting a hot load down my throat, his piss on my skin was too much for and I shot a hug load of cum on his legs.

We separated, him telling me how awesome that all was. "I don't know why I was so hung up on not wanting you to suck my cock. It's weird, I thought I'd feel all freaked out, you know gay, but I don't." As he talked, I continued to suck and lick his cock clean.

"It's because you're not gay. Just because a guy sucks your cock, doesn't make you gay."

"Well I feel like a dumb ass now, cuz that felt fucking amazing bud. Man I'm glad it happened. Now there are just a couple of problems."

"What," I asked, resting my arms on his thighs, his cock deflating against my lips.

"Well first, what if I want you to blow me again, and again?" He said propped up looking at my face, his cock still resting on my chin.

"Easy, just ask. First time is always hard to get to happen," I explained. "You want it again, tell me."

"OK, that's easy enough. "

"Told you, what the other problem? I asked, moving my tongue to tease his cock.

"When I cum," he said, "I always have to piss right afterward."

"Now?" I asked him.

"Now," he stated.

"That's easy too," I commented. "Here," and I closed my mouth over his cock. I watched his face as he released his after cum piss into my thirsty mouth. He was right he did need to piss a lot after he came. I tried my best to not spill any, but some did leak out and ran down his sac. After he finished, I went down and licked the piss off his balls and then my cum from his legs. I went back up and did one final suck on his sweet cock. As I sucked his soft cock, he ruffled my hair and laughed.

"You know, maybe I am gay." I looked up at him as he watched me suck his cock. "Cuz, I really like your mouth on my dick. If I had any choice in the matter, I'd leave it there forever."

I released his cock, giving it one last little kiss on the underside, then climbed back into the van, Eric following me. We lay down next to each other, "Ya know, I think that could be arranged."

More to come, hope you enjoyed. I love getting email from people reading my stories so drop me a line @

Peace, Jimmy

Next: Chapter 2

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