Drive in Pisser

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 10, 2011


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Drive in Pisser part 8

"Holy shit," Eric exclaimed, "you've got a hickey!" I tipped my head and peered in the outside mirror, sure enough, I had a rather large hickey. "I don't need three guesses to know how you got that, do I." Eric clapped me on the shoulder. "Well he may claim you as his property, but you're always gonna be my bitch." He threw himself on to me as we drove, and kissed my cheek. Not really ready to face Eric's taunting, I shoved him away, playfully;

"Get off, dude, I'm trying to drive," we both laughed. At least he seemed to be taking this well, but still; "It's not what you think. We just got a little carried away, that's all."

"A little," Eric squealed like a little girl. He moved from his seat and went behind me. Tipping my head to the side, I heard him suck in a sharp breath. "A little carried away, shit Jimmy, what is he a vampire? He drew blood!" I could feel Eric's fingers gently touching me.

"Cut it out man, sit back down." I said trying to pull away from him. Eric did return to his seat, but the childish kidding continued. Thank god we were finally pulling in to work. We drove the long drive alongside the theater, and I pulled up to the ticket booth. Phyllis was on duty tonight. The wife of a trucker, she was a hard looking woman with a heart of gold.

"Howdy boys, gonna be a packed house tonight." Phyllis drawled in her somewhat southern accent. "Boss wants to see you in the office Jimmy, and you, you little shit head," looking past me at Eric, "Boss said to have you close the side gate and check the back lot." Eric nodded. I told Phyllis that I was expecting a friend tonight, and gave her a description of Josh's truck. "Okee dokee," she drawled, "you needin me to call you on the radio when he gets here?"

"No mam,I told him where to find us." Phyllis pointed to her neck, nodding to me, "Looks to me like you been found already," she whispered. "You boy geta going, Boss is waiting." She waved us on and we drove into the theater.

"Hey drive me up to the back lot real quick," Eric asked, "then go park." I drove him up to the back gate and Eric jumped out. "See you in a bit, bitch," he laughed, slamming the door. I then drove over the humps down to my normal parking spot. Grabbing my shirt from the back, I headed to the office, putting my shirt on as I went. Rounding the corner of the snack bar, I realized Phyllis was right, the place was filling up. I crossed the drive to the building that housed the projection booth and the office. The door was open, and I saw Rob sitting at his big desk talking on the phone. He saw me and waved me in, motioning for me to close the door. I didn't know who he was talking to, but I would not want to be whoever it was. Rob was very angry and telling whoever off. "Fine," Rob slammed the phone down, "fucking bastard." He looked up at me and smiled, as if nothing was wrong. "Hey Jimmy, just talking to my mom," Rob burst out laughing and leaned back in his chair. I just gave him a strange look. He motioned for me to have a seat.

"Um, sorry we're late boss, but Eric's..." Rob cut me off;

"No worries kiddo, we got a problem. I was hoping you could help me out."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Sky Ray's lineup changes tomorrow, and the films were to arrive today and they got shipped to the wrong place. That was the fucking courier, just now on the phone; he's already down in Fall River and can't make the exchange. So I was hoping, I know you're off tomorrow, but, I was hoping I could get you to pick up the film at sky ray and then head up to Weirs Beach drive in, and swap the sky ray films for the films at Weirs. Then come back and drop off the other film at sky ray."

"Sure boss, now or tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, I wouldn't ask, but I'm all tied up with deliveries and Roger just can't do it," Referring to Roger the projectionist. "Talk to Roger about what time to meet him at sky ray, he'll get you the films. Sue, up at Weirs knows you're coming and will be there all day. Now," Rob got up and walked to the huge safe cemented in the wall. With a few flicks of his wrist, he opened the heavy door and pulled out some cash. I watched as he peeled of two twenties, "That should cover gas up and back," he peeled of two more twenties, "that's for you and boy wonder to grab some chow," and then pulling from the middle of the wad, he lay a hundred dollar bill on top, "and that's to put in your pocket. If you tell anyone I gave that to you, I'll have ta shoot ya." I picked up the money, and turned to leave.

"Thanks boss, very much," I said. Rob waved me off;

"I'm counting on you, don't let me down." I turned and as I grabbed the door knob he added; "Oh and, ah, thanks for... well you know."

"I do, and you're welcome, any time." I left and stuffed the cash in my pocket, suddenly feeling super important. I walked to the other end of the building, to the projection room. Inside Roger the projectionist was busy setting up the films for tonight. "Hey Rog, I called out over the hum of the fans and generators." Roger, a tall stocky French man, always with a pipe in his mouth, turned and nodded with his head to come in. we talked about the pick up tomorrow and then gave me his number so I could call him when we were on our way back. I left him just as I found him bustling round, threading the large projectors.

The night went along quickly, the place was packed, and that meant Eric and I had little time during the first feature and intermission, to goof off or socialize. Finally the second feature started, we did our trash rounds, and headed to our little compound. I was finally able to tell Eric about having to swap films tomorrow.

"I can't dude, I have to get my car fixed." I suddenly remembered his car. "That would have been cool; maybe old Rob would have slipped us some cash too." Eric said, not knowing he already had. We kicked back and smoking a joint when Josh came around the dumpster,

"What's up guys", he said. I momentarily forgot Eric was there, and I jumped up and rushed to him. As I gave him and hug and kissed him, it dawned on me where I was and that Eric was right there. I sheepishly backed up and cleared my throat. Eric burst out laughing,

"Oh dude, that was so priceless, should've seen your face." He almost fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard.

"Fuck you," was all I could manage to say. Josh joined Eric in laughing, "fuck you both," I laughed. I moved some crates for Josh to sit on and I moved my crates near his. I told him about the trip I had to do tomorrow and asked if he wanted to come along. Eric told him he couldn't go because his car was dead. The two of them started yacking about what was wrong, leaving me completely out of the conversation. As they chatted away, I leaned back, and lay against Josh's chest. He kept right on talking about Eric's car, but wrapped his arms around me. I noticed that Eric took notice of this and that he seemed to approve. I was lost in the feeling of Josh's arms around me, when he shook me.

"Hey you awake," he asked. I nodded, trying to sit up but his arms held me where I was. "When you guys are done here, I'm gonna go take a look at his car, if that's ok with you."

"Yeah way cool," I said, lighting the roach and passing it back.

"JIMMY?" Came Rob's voice. "JIMMY, pee ice." That meant I needed to ice the troughs again. I started to get up, but Eric, said he'd handle it, and ran off.

"You sure you're ok if we go to see about his car," Josh asked, brushing the hair from my eyes. "I know you wanted me to spend the night, but it shouldn't take long."

"No, really it's cool. Just being with you is great." I turned and faced him and kissed him deeply.

"MMM, I have to take a leak," shifting on his crates. I moved and unzipped his shorts, reaching in and fishing out his cock. "Wait, here? Someone might see." I ignored him as I took the head of his cock in my mouth. A slight dribble coated my tongue, as josh looked around nervously. Slowly more piss started to come, until his full stream was gushing into my mouth and down my throat. He tipped his head back and held my head in his hands, his cock sliding just slightly back and forth. There was no play; this was just a much needed piss. The intensity began to lessen and as it sis Josh slide his entire soft cock into my mouth, the last bit of piss bypassing my mouth and going right down my throat. Sliding his cock from my mouth, I sucked and licked the last few drops of pee that dripped from his slit. I held his cock and kissed the head and then tucked it back into his shorts. I stood up and after thanking him, I kissed him deeply again.

"How'd it go tonight," I asked. Josh gave me a quick rundown on the break up. He said it was like she expected it. He explained the she shrugged her shoulders and said ok whatever. He said he was expecting her to put up a fight, but after he told her she was like fine see you around, and he left.

The rest of the night was a bit busy for me and Eric, bathrooms and trash, Josh hung out in my van waiting for us. Finally we were done, and Josh followed us to Eric's house. After a quick inspection, Josh told Eric, he'd need to have his car towed in to the shop, but said to take it to the garage where he worked and he'd fix it for the price of the parts. Eric's dad came out while Josh was checking the car out. His dad gave Josh the third degree, about where he worked and what training he'd had. Finally satisfied, he agreed to have the car towed over in the morning. Josh explaining it'd take a day to get the parts and, just a couple hours to get it running again. After a hand shake, his dad went back inside, and Eric, hinted about wanting to go back to my house, but not wanting to be a third wheel. We assured him he wouldn't be, and he ran in the house to grab some clothes. Josh headed out to my place, and I waited for Eric. When he got into the van, he asked one more time if I was sure it was ok.

"Shit, yes, it's fine," I said, tired of repeating myself. "Although there is one condition, ok? I don't want to hear anymore crap about this or any other hickeys."

"No prob, dude, let's roll, and make it fast I'm about ready to piss myself." We drove off, and were soon pulling into my driveway. Josh was already there and since his truck was empty, I assumed he was already in the house. When Eric and I walked in, we found Josh and my dad, who was just in shorts, drinking a beer in the kitchen. Josh pulled me to him and gave me a kiss, nothing sexy, just a peck. Eric grabbed a beer form the fridge, and I lit a joint. Eric took his stuff to my room, while the rest of us move to the living room. I called out to Eric to grab the pipe while he was there. Josh, me and my dad sat on the couch with me in the middle. Eric came in and sat on the hassock, in front of me. The conversation was light and funny, it was obvious to me my dad had already had a few beers, and was buzzed. I got up to get more beers for Josh and my dad, Eric followed me into the kitchen. When I closed the door, Eric was dancing whispering he had to piss, and to open up. I told him to make it fast and bent over taking his cock in my mouth. Eric sighed as his piss washed my mouth and down my throat. I could hear my dad and Josh talking about something but I couldn't hear what. Eric's piss was hot and acidic, but still tasted good. He finished and mussed my hair saying I was a good bitch. When we walked back into the living room, Josh was leaning towards my dad showing him how to hit the pipe! I was in shock, my dad smoking pot? No way! Eric sat on the floor, in front of the couch where I'd been sitting. I climbed over Josh and sat with Eric on the floor between my legs.

It wasn't long before you could see the pot affecting my dad, he was laughing and snorting and making a fool of himself. It made me feel good to see him really having fun. The house was warm and soon Josh, Eric and I had stripped off our shirts and foot wear. Josh had his arm around me and Eric had moved my legs so they draped over his shoulders, his hands resting on my knees. My dad cleared his throat;

"You know, tomorrow, you're all grounded for making me smoke this crap," taking another hit form the pipe. "However, I can understand, why you guys like it so much." We all laughed at the sound of his voice. Eric, began to stroke my calves, and then brought my legs up, my feet resting on his abs. I looked at Josh, to judge his reaction; he just leaned to my ear and said;

"You're all mine."

My dad noticed what Eric had done, and tried to sit up. "Well shit," he gasped. "I think I need to be getting up and letting you guys get to whatever it is you're going to do. You don't need an old fuddy duddy hanging around." He again tried to stand up, but fell back into the couch. "I don't think I am going to make it." Again he tried, but only succeeded in falling back, this time more on top of me, his hand falling onto my inner thigh. "Well shit, will one of you studs help this old man up?" Eric turned his head laughing and said hang on. Eric un-wrapped my legs from around him and jumped up. He took a long look at my dad who had somehow sunk really low into the couch. Shaking his head, he reached out and took my dad's hands and pulled. My dad didn't move. Eric gripped tighter;

"You have to help you know," a joking aggravated tone in his voice, "push with your legs." This attempt did manage to raise him up a bit, but failed. Eric fell into my dad, his body hovering over him. Both laughing hysterically as it happened.

"Watch out smart ass, you're still not big enough to make me not spank you," my dad pushing Eric back, his hands on Eric's chest. They were both laughing almost uncontrollably now;

"You and who's army," Eric snorted, spittle flying all over my dad. Without another word, but still laughing, my dad pants Eric, yanking his shorts around his knees, Eric's cock hanging over his plump balls. My dad slapped Eric's ass with a crack, and Eric winced and fell to the couch his knees on each side of my dad, Eric's crotch rather close to my dad's face. My dad, in trying to keep Eric from falling had grabbed his hips, but his hands now slid to Eric's rounded ass cheeks, his cock swelling just a bit. I watched as Eric looked down at my dad, and as my dad stared at Eric's cock, they were nearly frozen. Josh who was also watching nudged me. Standing he said;

"Here, like this," I saw both my dad and Eric turn their attention to Josh as he ripped open his shorts, his cock semi hard. Then taking my head and turning it to face him, fed his cock into my mouth. Through my peripheral vision, I saw Eric get his sinister grin and grabbing his cock with one hand, holding himself with the other, he rubbed his cock head against my dad's lips.

"Come on 'daddy' take it. mmm yeah, open up like a good 'daddy' take your boys cock, come on suck my cock 'daddy'." His words so erotic and sexual were turning me on. I could see my dad's lips parting and Eric's cock slipping in. "Yes, I know you want to suck cock daddy, I know you secretly watch your son sucking cock and getting fucked. I know you want my cock in your mouth, so TAKE IT," his last words an order, not a request." Eric slide his cock in about half way and then back out, my dad's lips smacking following Eric's cock as he pulled back. Eric stood up in front of my dad, "Oh yeah lookie here, daddy wants to suck some young cock," Eric grabbed his dick and wagged his cock at my dad. "Oh someone really wants my cock, look guys." Eric continued to wag his cock, but held my dad's head at arm's length. Eric nudged Josh, and Josh withdrew his wet cock from my mouth. Eric grabbed my head and slid his cock into my mouth. "You want me to do this to you? HUH? You want me to feed you my young cock? Do you think you can handle my young cock? I can't hear you?"

"Yes, please," my dad spoke.

"What? Yes please, what," Eric asked as he shoved his cock down my throat. My dad focusing on Eric's cock fucking my mouth.

"Yes please my I suck your young cock."

"Sir," Eric scolded. "Yes please may I suck your young cock...SIR." My dad watching intently as I sucked Eric's cock, slurping and moaning as I did. Josh was smiling, watching Eric dominate my dad.

"Yes please may I suck you young cock Sir?"

"That's more like it," Eric stated, pulling his cock from my mouth and shoving it about half way into my dad's mouth, my dad moaning as he did. Josh wasted no time in plugging my hole with his cock again, and I went right back to sucking him off. I couldn't take my eyes off my dad and Eric. It was so hot to see my dad sucking this young guy's cock and loving it; Loved being dominated by him, being made to call him sir. Eric kept up with his domination and dirty talk, telling my dad he was doing a good job, almost as good as his son. MY dad pulled off Eric's cock, much to Eric's surprise, "What the fuck do you think you are doing," he asked. "I did not tell you to stop pleasing me." My dad licked his lips and without a word, removed his dentures, and then leaning forward, began to 'gum', the head of Eric's cock. Eric gasped, and his knees buckled, my dad holding him up by his waist. "Holy shit, he's chewing on my cock, oh fuck that feels good." What was hot was even hotter now. I could feel Josh's cock getting harder. I stopped sucking and stood, stripping off my shorts. I kissed Josh passionately and told him to fuck me. I knelt on the couch, in such a way so Eric and my dad could both see, knowing my dad got off on seeing Josh's big cock fuck my ass. He lubed my hole with spit and even though his cock was wet from my mouth, he added more spit to his cock.

"Come on baby, fuck me with that awesome cock," I begged. Eric and my dad were nearly silent, with only slight moans and sucking sounds coming from my dad. "Yeah Josh, come on fuck me." I growled as I pushed my ass back toward him. Josh worked the head of his cock against my pucker and pushed the head inside. I moaned at the invasion, but thrust my hips back on to his cock, taking him deeper. I could hear my dad groan as he watched Josh fucking his son. Josh grabbed my hips and shoved his cock fully into my ass. I heard Eric grunt,

"Shit dude, fuck him hard! Daddy likes what he's seeing and is gonna make me cum."

"Makes two of us," Josh said.

"Come here," Eric's voice demanding. He led my dad around and stood him before me. "Strip," he commanded, and my dad dropped his shorts, his cock pointing right at me. "Suck it bitch," he ordered me, and I took my dad's cock into my mouth. Eric moved next to my dad, "That's a good bitch, you suck daddies cock, yeah, and don't forget me," and he pushed his cock at my mouth. I began swapping cocks, taking my dad's then Eric's, working them each a bit and the going to the other. Josh's thrusting was more intense, and I knew he was getting ready to cum. After three more thrusts, he cried out;

"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!" He stabbed his cock into me and began to unload. I was sucking my dad's cock, and he grabbed my head and came in my mouth. All this made Eric go over and as my dad was cuming, he forced his cock head into my mouth and dumped his hot young cum alongside my dad's, in my mouth.

I was close, but not quiet there. Eric told Josh to keep fucking me, and he pushed my dad back a step. Eric put his hand on my forehead and grabbing his cock in front of my mouth, started to give me his piss nectar. I swallowed greedily, my dad standing there stroking his softening cock, eyes fixed to Eric's pissing cock. That was it, I came. My cum blasted out all over the couch below me. My ass contracted tight against Josh's cock and he started thrusting hard again. Before I finished cuming, Josh announced he was shooting another load, and roughly fucked it deep in my ass.

Eric finished pissing and put his arm around my dad. "So, how was that," he asked. My dad just smiled. Josh held me and without removing his cock from my ass, pulled me down to sit on him. He kissed my neck, his breath, rasped hot against my skin. "Was it all you hoped it would be," Eric asked my dad. "Well? Say something." My dad smiled;


There you have it, Part 8. Hope you enjoy, remember to email me and tell me all about it! LOL

To those of you who write to me, could you please put the story name on the subject line? If you don't there is a chance your much sought after email will end up in my spam box - not a nice place to be.

Thanks to all of you who've taken the time to write to me. I really do love all the mail I get, and I will answer all who write. Until next time -Peace! OX - Jimmy

Next: Chapter 9

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