Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Feb 28, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you from around the world who have written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 19.

It killed me to not be in the same car as Mark for the three-hour ride upstate to his grandparent's cabin. In spite of the fact that it was the New Year's holiday weekend, and we'd all be having so much fun skiing, skating and swimming at Sugar Valley, I couldn't keep my mind on anything else but him. And I also kept wondering what the fuck Townsend meant by questioning me about remembering my swimming trunks. He was so secretive about it, whispering to me like that at the last minute. Shit, sometimes I just can't figure that kid out.

I think it was noticeable, too, that I was a little pre-occupied. I stared out the window, remembering the same familiar trek on the expressways Mark and I made not even two weeks ago, alone on our own excellent adventure. I hardly paid attention to the conversations between Keith, Lisa and Nora. But after all, those three knew each other before I came along, so in a way they had stuff in common to talk about which I found "boring." They did try to include me, though, a few times.

"God, Kev, you're in outer space today." Nora said.

"Oh, I'm OK. Guess I'm just a little tired today. Mark and I stayed up late working on some stuff for rock orchestra last night."

"Oooh baby, why don't you take a little snooze, we don't mind," Lisa suggested. "We'll wake you up when we get there."

"What are you guys gonna be doing in rock orchestra, anyway?" Nora wanted to know. "It sound like it'll be a lot of fun, and it's so cool you made it in."

"I gotta say, my little brother is one heck of a good drummer." Keith added.

"I'm not sure about everything we'll be playing, but Mr. Walters told Mark and Townsend and me that he has a really cool chart from some 80's movie, 'Risky Business' I think, I dunno. It's by Tangerine Dream, whoever they are. But he said Mark and I would be playing like marimba, vibraphone, stuff like that."

"Oh, yeah...? Cool..." Lisa said, turning to Keith. "I guess a 'chart' is a song, then, huh?" They all giggled.

"Well, yeah, assholes. You don't have to make fun of me just because you're all musically challenged." I told them! Didn't I?

"Shit, lighten up, little dude." My brother commanded. "It's no big deal."

"I'm sorry, guys." I apologized and Nora leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "I think I'll take you up on the nap idea."

"It's OK, Kev." Nora is so understanding. I'm lucky.

It was hard for me to get comfortable in Keith's car. It wasn't the car's fault. It was my ass. God it hurt, and I just couldn't get situated. Mark tore my ass apart the last two nights, and although I loved it, every minute of it, I sure was paying for it now. At the time we were fucking, I just wasn't thinking about how it would feel sitting on it for three hours in the back of a car. I felt like the guy in the Preparation H commercial who's car-pooling and is in severe asshole pain. That was me! But as long as it was Mark who caused the pain I didn't mind one bit.

I was pretty much silent, trying to doze off, all the way until we got to the Tarrytown exit, the one before the Tappan Zee Bridge. The one Mark and I got off at that night, when we got the train and went into the city. That night. I shut my eyes, wanting to do it all over again, remembering it all: Grand Central Terminal, walking down 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue, those postcards we never sent to each other, the toll booth as we got off the Thruway at Rt. 32 to go into Palenville, and that 'Road Closed' sign... all of it. And Mark's unusual nervousness. The only difference was now it was daylight, and although we still had plenty of snow on the ground, we weren't driving in a blizzard. And we wouldn't have to spend the night in jail.

So I was thinking, that yes, although selfishly I wanted Mark all to myself, it was better to be with him and all the others as opposed to me being home alone without him at all. I was just gonna have to do without sex for a couple of days. When I rationalized all of that I was OK, sort-of, and I eventually nodded off to sleep.

I guess I must have been out for about an hour because I when I woke up, to Nora's tapping me on my shoulder, I saw a sign for the Kingston exit.

"Hey Kev, wake up babe!" Nora said.

I thought to myself 'babe'?? What's up with that?

"Hey bro...you hungry?" Keith asked. "We're all stopping to get something to eat."

"I'll pass." I muttered. Damn, my asshole was still burning. I must have been dreaming a little, about Mark, because I had the remnants of a boner in my pants. It didn't feel too sticky, though. And thank God I was sort-of turned sideways, away from Nora. Hopefully, the hardon I sported while I was asleep wasn't too noticeable.

"You gotta eat something, sexy." Lisa said. I think she was trying to be apologetic for some reason. "Come on, I'm buying." We were at a Wendy's. Mr. and Mrs. Graham had already pulled in, and soon Townsend drove up and parked next to us. It was starting to snow a little, so we all hurried inside.

The restaurant was busy, and while we were waiting in line, everyone was talking, like six conversations all at the same time. I heard Eric ask Keith if he was going to snowboard, and Lisa answered that it would be more fun if we all went tubing since not everyone knew how to snowboard. The girls all agreed with Lisa. My brother, ignoring everyone else, told Eric "sure" they could go snowboarding if they want to. Lisa gave Keith a dirty look.

"Oops... second thought, guess not, dude!" I think old Lisa has my brother by the balls! Good!

Then, above all the chattering, Townsend got everyone's attention and suggested tonight we should all go swimming.

"Kev... you up for swimming tonight?" Shit! Townsend singled me out, asking me that point-blank, in front of everyone. Why the fuck didn't he ask Brigette or Mark or anyone else? I'll tell you why. He was thinking about me naked! That's why. Was I just feeling self-conscious or what? And did he have to use the word "up" for swimming? Jesus, now I'll get a boner in the locker room for sure.

"Uhh... yeah... I g-g-guess!" I stuttered.

After we ate (I had French fries), we all piled back in our cars and got to the cabin about a half-hour later. By the time we unloaded everything it was almost one-thirty. Everyone was just kind of doing their own thing. Mark showed the guys around the property as well as inside the cabin. The boys were all going to sleep in sleeping bags in the loft. Lisa got the girls settled in. They'd be sharing two of the bedrooms, and of course Mr. and Mrs. Graham took the biggest bedroom. You know, the one Mark and I fucked in. That made me shake a little.

"Nice job on all the work you two did up here." Mr. Graham complimented. "Grandpa told me he was pleased with all you did." It was nice of Mark's dad to notice. I kept glancing at the couch to make sure we did in fact get the cum stains cleaned good enough. It was chilly in the cabin, so Mark and his father got a fire going right away. Boy, that fireplace! The image of it is in my mind forever. Mrs. Graham was fucking around in the kitchen, and the girls were all giggling in the bedrooms. My brother and Eric disappeared someplace, so that left Townsend and me alone in the loft.

"So, dude, this is gonna be great!" He was so excited. I guess I couldn't blame him. He's so social! A real party animal. But I was a little uneasy, so I just blurted it out...

"Hey, why did you want to know if I remembered my swim trunks?" I asked.

"What...? Oh, that. No biggie. You just seemed a little out of it at the Graham's, when we were getting ready to leave. I was just asking, especially since you weren't at your house and all. I brought an extra pair, you know, so, if you need them..."

In my own mind I was being cynical, wondering if maybe Townie had stolen the other pair of trunks.

"Oh, OK." I mumbled.

"Just looking out for ya, Kev, that's all."

Now I felt bad. And stupid. In my head I'm always judging Townsend, questioning his motives, and I shouldn't. I didn't know that someday I'd regret that. I need to stop. Maybe I should talk to Mark about it...

"That's all?" I asked. "You're just...offering me a pair...in case I forgot mine?"

"That's all, Kev." We sat on the floor in the loft by the sleeping bags and talked quietly. Actually Townsend did most of the talking and I mostly listened.

"You know... don't you?" I whispered.

He thought for a moment. "I know this is hard for you, Kev. It's gotta be..."

Oh God. What did he know and how much? Did he figure it out about Mark and me? Are we that obvious? Surely Mark hasn't said anything...

"You're a good friend, Townsend..."

"Ah, don't mention it."

"I really mean it," I said.

He continued talking and he really threw me off...

"Look, just don't let anyone bully you around this weekend. We're here to have fun, right? You carry everything on your shoulders, bud. I'm telling you, you don't have to. You've been through a lot of shit lately and I just want to help you out. I know sometimes Mark's mom runs hot and cold with you... everyone sees it. And dude, I think Nora's falling for you, and you think your brother treats you shitty, but really he doesn't..."

"Go back to what you said about Nora..." I asked.

"I just mean that she likes you. A lot. All the chics dig us. Who wouldn't?? We're the drummerboys! We're chic magnets, LOL! But just go easy... don't feel like you gotta fuck her tonight or anything. Wait till tomorrow night!!" He punched my arm.

"Oh you're quite the stand-up comic aren't you??!! Asshole!"

"You know what I mean, Kev. Seriously, I like Brigette and all, but I'm not ready for anything serious with a girl, you know. Look at Keith. The dude is fucking pussy-whipped. Did you see the look Lisa gave him when Eric asked him about going snowboarding? He sure changed his tone when she glared at him that way. Shit, I don't want that shit! Know what I'm sayin'?"

"Yeah... right!" I agreed. Just then I remembered that little peck Nora gave me in the car. Townsend's right. I can't have her getting the wrong idea. "I hope she's not looking for some kind of romantic involvement with me."

"Tell you what. If the girls seem like they're getting a little too "close", know what I mean, we'll just start talking about rock orchestra. Well, maybe you and me and Mark. I think Eric's in the same shape with Jen as your brother is with Lisa!"

"It's a plan!" Boy, I was relieved. Townsend's cool. Cooler than I thought. He went easy on me, like as far as the girl thing goes. He didn't admit to anything and he didn't pry too much. Maybe he does know about Mark and me and maybe he doesn't. I'll never know for sure.

"Just remember I'm always here for ya, Kev... Lord willing. At least I hope so. Just relax, bud, and chill out this weekend." We bumped fists.

The giggling got louder and the cabin began to feel warmer. Everyone was gathered around the fireplace. Townie and I went downstairs and Lisa got everyone's attention.

"Mom made some snacks if anyone wants anything, but you can get stuff at the lodge too. Sugar Valley is only about fifteen minutes away, so take your stuff and we can just shower there when we're done swimming."

"We thought we'd have dinner later tonight. That way there's no hurry and you kids can spend as much time at the pool or the clubhouse as you want. How about if you're all back by, let's say... 8:30?" Mrs. Graham added.

So we all got our stuff and headed over to the lodge at Sugar Valley Resort. Cool place! I had never been there before. There's a huge game room with video games, pinball and pool tables, even a bowling alley and snack bar. And the pool is absolutely gigantic, with a spiral water slide and even a waterfall. And lots of tropical plants and trees, all under a domed ceiling with major skylights. There's a fancy restaurant there too, that overlooks the pool.

And oh yeah, the changing rooms. Nice! So I wasn't too embarrassed taking off my clothes and putting on my trunks. I just did it as fast as I could and got my boardshorts on before anyone saw my half-stiff cock. Mark might have checked me out though. But I kept my back turned and tried not to think sexy thoughts too much. Rows of lockers separated the room, so my brother and Eric, as well as most of the other guys there, were out of view. I did get a two-second glimpse of familiar territory, Mark's perfect cock. And if I had blinked I would have missed seeing Townie's bare ass. It's cute, from what I could tell.

Even though I felt a lot better after Townsend's little pep talk, I still wanted to be with Mark and sorta was like I was the night of Townsend's party when I got jealous of Mark talking to other people. But Townsend let me off the hook, when he and I were talking back at the cabin. I sorta started to go there, about Mark's and my relationship, but Townie tactfully skirted around it, so I did too. But I'm sure he knows, right?

We did have a lot of fun at the pool. It was nice that some of the families with smaller children stayed on the other side of the deck area, but everyone was going on the water slide. Me too! We played Marco Polo (of course), and then after a while we all kind-of got out and sat on the deck and bs'd. Things were fine with Nora and me. I was much more relaxed, and she and I sat next to each other, talking. She looks damn good in a wet bikini. She's got it going on, and I suppose if I wasn't involved with Mark I could have a sexual connection with her. Maybe. I wondered if Mark felt the same way about Amy. I did get a little flustered, though, when she told me I was so skinny she could see my ribs and I could stand a little meat on them. I went to the snack bar and bought her a soda and a Mountain Dew for myself. Yeah, I'm a nice guy, I guess.

Then Keith and Lisa decided they wanted to shower and change and hang out in the game room. And so did Eric. Same with the rest of the girls, including Nora. Finally I had my chance to almost be alone with Mark. Well, not really totally alone, because Townie stayed with us, joining us back in the water for a few more minutes.

"Hey guys, I wanted to ask you something, both of you."

"Yeah? What about?" Mark wondered.

"Umm... it's about band. Before Christmas break, Mr. Walters approached me about doing something sorta special for the spring concert, featuring me on keyboards."

"Wow! You gonna do a piano solo or something?" I asked.

"Well, not exactly. What he has in mind is that we open the show with something totally different, really upbeat and fast tempo. Something we've never done before. Do you guys know the song 'Red Hot'? He was suggesting that we perform that, with me on piano and vocals."

Did I mention that Townsend is not only and accomplished drummer and piano player, but that he's an outstanding singer and actor as well. And he's smart and athletic, too, but not as much as Mark and certainly not as much as my brother.

"I think 'Red Hot' is rockabilly, right?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, sure is! And here's the cool part. Wouldn't it be awesome to have dual drums, both of you guys playing set? And since Eric also can play bass guitar pretty well, we'll get him in on the act, too. Plus, we were thinking, Walters and me, that the Kramer twins could also play electric guitars, since they already play in rock orchestra and jazz band. They could alternate rhythm and lead."

"Yeah, I heard Scott and Matt are both really good," Mark added.

"I've heard them both play before, and yeah, they'd be perfect for something like this!" Plus, I thought to myself, the Kramer twins are both really cute, too! I've known them since they moved here when we were in middle school. "But are you sure two drummers would be necessary?" I asked.

"Definitely!" Townsend insisted. "When Walters hit me up with this idea that's the first thing I said to him, that I'd do it if Kevin and Mark both played set, and he was like, go for it!"

"We'll do it!" Mark and I both said. "Did you ask Eric yet?"

"Yeah, he's excited. I just gotta talk to Matt and Scott and I'm sure they'll do it. They're both show-offs, and I figure, there's a reason why they both play guitar, so, yeah, they're as good as in!"

"Wow!" Mark checked the time on his cell phone. "It's almost eight...we better get out and shower and change."

Townie hurried to the locker room ahead of us because he said he wanted to squeeze in a video game or two before we left. Mark and I hung back, just for a minute to gather up our towels and stuff. Damn he looked hot in his wet trunks. Not too loose, not too tight. Baggy enough to sorta hide that special bulge... but just tight enough to keep you guessing what's inside. Only I don't have to guess!

I kind-of froze for a moment, daydreaming. That quick glance at Mark's crotch made me bone up, just thinking about how much I'd love to suck him off right now, right there at the pool. I visioned Mark climbing out of the water, and up onto the pool ledge. His trunks would sag a little in back, just enough to see the top of his buttcrack. He'd turn around and sit on the edge, letting his feet dangle in the water. I'd still be in the pool and swim up between his legs. I'll surface and grab him around the waist, kissing his wet, rippled abs and I'll gently lower his trunks to about mid-thigh. I'd admire his excellent seven-incher as it grows to full-mast in about two seconds, right before my eyes. Look out Mark!! Here comes Jaws!! That's when I lean down and swallow him whole and play with his loose-hanging bag of tricks!!

He leans back, flat on the pool deck, while I'm sucking and slurping, swirling my tongue, licking the stream of clear precum out his slit. Mmmm... I love running it's slipperyness over my teeth and lips with my tongue. Oh! I can hear his moans of pleasure echoing in the cavernous pool area, his squeals of ecstasy. I know he's close, because he's been wanting this and waiting for it all day... Now, as Mark anticipates my one long, final lick, he bends up to watch, like he's doing a sit-up. Our eyes meet as my lips and tongue slowly, firmly glide up the entire length of his hardness, from base to tip. His whole body tightens, he squeezes his butt together, his rigid pole suddenly gets a little bigger, and then... the explosion! I bob up and down, fast and furious, swallowing his sweet cream, to the repeated strains of Mark's wailing, "Ohhh yessssssssss!!" I try to get it all, but some of it drips out of my mouth. I scoop up those delicious ropes and lick my fingers.

But wait! I'm not done! And Mark's not either! I take a little of his jizz on my middle finger, and slightly separating his asscheeks, I zero right in on his hot hole. "Oooohhh," he yelps as I force my finger in deep. And that's when he loses all control and gives me another big blast of his hot spunk. He really knows how to test my gag reflexes!

We collapse, me in a state of shock from that wonderful, but overwhelming experience, and Mark, drained of all energy and consciousness. We kiss as he slides back into the water, our arms and legs wrapped around each other tight...

I'm lost... and I feel a light tapping on my shoulder...

"Kev... Hey, Kev!!!" Mark was trying to get me out of my momentary trance-like state. "Man, you're really in the twilight zone," He laughed.

"Sorry! I kind-of drifted off... I guess maybe I'm hungry or something..."

"Yeah, you're hungry for this!" He teased as he pointed between his legs.

I just smiled and raised my eyebrows in excitement. "You wish!"

"Come on, get out." He extended his arm to help pull me out of the pool.

"I, umm... I can't yet." I half-smiled embarrassingly. "Could you please hand me a towel?"

"No! Get out first!" Mark teased.

"Come on man, just get me a towel!" I was begging and he was laughing harder and harder. And my dick was getting harder and harder.

"Get out of the pool like a good boy!"

"Get real, Mark. I said I can't, and it's your fault! Again! It always is!!"

"Don't blame me!" he laughed. "You're just one horny cocksucker." He didn't exactly whisper that.

"Shhh!!! Just give me the fucking towel!" Still laughing, Mark finally gave me a towel as I scooted my ass out of the pool. Luckily, my wood was starting to go down. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to parade around the pool with a tent in my trunks. As we headed back to the men's locker room, I kept thinking boring, non-sexual thoughts. I carried the towel and my other stuff in front of me so nothing would be obvious.

Townsend had finished showering, had his underwear on and was getting dressed. Mark had already slipped out of his trunks and had a towel around his waist and was heading for the shower. I took a piss, then peeled off my swimsuit in a flash. No boner, thank God. I showered, dried off and got my boxers back on as fast as I could. However, by that time I was half-hard again. It wasn't working too well, trying not to think about sex and Mark, and Mark and sex, and...

It snowed a couple more inches while we were swimming. We all met up outside to drive back to the cabin. I was the last one out and everyone let me know it. It had gotten much colder and my hair started to freeze. Probably because I was hurrying and didn't towel-dry it good enough. Lisa teased me about it in the car. She's always noticing my hair.

When we got back to the cabin dinner was almost ready. Hot Pockets. Yum! That really took a lot of effort from Mr. and Mrs. Graham, putting frozen, already-made sandwiches in the oven. Nothing against Hot Pockets or anything...

The cabin's pretty big, you know, but still seemed a little crowded with all twelve of us trying to eat and talk and get something to drink at the same time. There sure was plenty of ass-kissing going on. Everyone, except me, made a big fuss over such a wonderful dinner. Are they nuts? We sat around the fire for a long time, and even roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. Just like summer camp! I hate s'mores because I hate marshmallows. The only thick, white, hot creamy goo I like is Mark's!

Jen and Eric offered to help clean up the kitchen. How nice. I know it was polite and all, but it's still ass-kissing. Keith and Lisa got on their coats and boots and went out for a little walk. Mark started a movie that Townsend brought (Oceans Twelve), and Mr. Graham tended to the fire again. Mrs. Graham was totally engrossed in a book. And I was curled up on the couch... yes, the couch Mark and I made out on. And fucked on. He was sitting on the other end and Nora was on the floor in front of me.

Even though the movie was on, nobody seemed that interested in watching it. But everyone was excited, talking about tomorrow... Saturday... New Year's Eve. Skiing during the day, partying at night. I looked at Mark. I looked at Nora. I looked at Mark. I looked at Townsend. I looked at Mrs. Graham, then back at Mark. He was slouched down with his right foot up on his left knee, and his left arm laying across his lower stomach, his hand right at the button of his jeans. In a quick glance I swear I saw his fingers slip beneath his waistband. Just an illusion. Then my hot guy leaned forward and his almost-tight untucked polo shirt rode up, exposing his lower back, for only a second. Just enough skin to make me want to see more. I started to feel warm and could hardly hear what anyone was saying. The room started to spin. I had to jack off.

I was rock-hard, but luckily I was wearing a sweater, which I took off. I knew I had to get to the bathroom, the only place I could get some relief. I carried my sweater in front of me, just like I did with the beach towel at the pool. So original, huh?

I thought no one noticed that I left the living room. As soon as I got upstairs to the bathroom I locked the door as fast as I could. I had my jeans and underwear down to my ankles in a split second and I dropped to my knees, sitting back on my feet. I played with my nuts with my left hand, pulling them and lightly squeezing them. I wanked my hard dick with my right hand, jacking so incredibly fast it was a blur. Faster and faster! I shut my eyes and held my breath, saying Mark's name again and again to myself. In thirty seconds it was over. All over. I blew my wad in my left hand as best I could, trying not to make too much of a mess. But I wasn't too successful, at not making a mess.

Still out of breath, I tried to clean up quickly and get back downstairs, hoping my brief absence wasn't too obvious. I washed my hands after licking my fingers, and flushed the toilet. As I opened the door and walked out into the hall, Mark's mom was there to greet me.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 20

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