Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Mar 20, 2007


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you from around the world who have written to me. I mean that with all my heart. I am forever grateful for all the new friends I've made along the way. You're awesome!

I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, Kevin.

Part 21.

Son of Bitch!!! That damn buzzer on my alarm clock. I couldn't believe it was time to get up already. It seemed like I had just fallen asleep and started to dream about Mark. But my dream wasn't long enough! I covered my head with my pillow and clumsily banged around on my nightstand trying to hit the snooze button on my Sony dream machine. Wait a minute... Mark's my dream machine! Seriously, I just had to allow myself five more minutes of restful torture before I dragged my ass out of bed. Six-fuckin'-thirty! Damn! What was I thinking??

Oh yeah, I remember now. I wanted to get up before Keith, so I could have the bathroom first, all to myself. And for as long as I wanted! Keith usually didn't get up until about 7:10, and he got ready fast, so by me getting up a little earlier I'd have time to beat off in the bathroom. It just makes the clean-up a little easier in the morning. Even though I was a bit sore from the falls on the ice and while skiing, my adrenaline and anxiousness to get to school got me out of bed. I grabbed a clean pair of underwear and a t-shirt was in the bathroom within seconds of staying under the covers those few extra minutes.

I locked the door, turned on the fan and heat lamp and started the shower. Mmm, nice and hot and steamy! I was already hard. My boxers were a bit crusty from wiping up last night, and I remembered I decided to save them for Mark. I was in such a hurry to beat off that they got hooked around my stiff morning boner while hurriedly trying to take them off. Shit! I damn near lost my balance and almost fell.

I decided to use some lotion for a slick, wet jerk session, and slathered plenty on my ball sac and hole, too. My middle finger felt comfortable going in as soon as I squatted on the bathroom floor. My asshole started to pulse and twitch as I rotated my middle finger and I knew I was gonna cum any second. Never fails! BOOM!! Blast after blast I volleyed onto the bathroom floor. I was able to get off so quick because of my mental pictures of Mark, along with the squishing sounds of the lotion in my clenched fist around my dick. That, along with the relentless sounds of the water spray from the shower head, and my own moaning and gasping. The only thing hotter would be to have Mark in there with me.

And that just gave me an idea. Maybe Mark and I need to be a little more daring with each other when we're fooling around. Maybe experimental is a better way of saying it. Oh, you know we've done our share of the unusual. Dangerous places, almost getting caught, you know... but I just think we need to be a little more... bold! I guess that's the right word.

So, I wiped up the creamy mess on the floor and in my hand and showered fast. I dried off, got half-dressed and was out of the bathroom well before my brother had the chance to force me out with his insults. However, since I was ready first and he was running late, he called me a "pussy" and threw his keys at me, demanding I start his car to let it warm up.

"If you want me to give your ass a ride to school, then go start my car!"

"What's gotten into him?" I wondered to myself. I just did what he said and didn't argue. I was in too good a mood, knowing I'd be back at school and would get to see Mark and be near him again. Especially after school. After I got Keith's car going I ran back upstairs and put last night's crusty underwear in the box in my closet. I'm saving those for later!

Sure enough it was back to the regular drill, all the familiar faces, all the chit-chat about who got what for Christmas, where everyone went, what all they did. Everyone was bragging their asses off. I was beaming; I guess because I could top them all, if I were to brag about what I got, where I went and what I did... all with Mark. I just kept it low-key and told everyone my holiday was great and I got "lots of stuff."

I didn't see Mark, so I texted him, "want 2 get lucky?" Next thing I knew, at my locker, someone came up behind me, covering my eyes with their hands, and whispered like Austin Powers, "Yeah, baby, after school!"

Of course it was Mark, and of course I almost forgot where I was, and of course, I almost kissed him!

"Control yourself, dude, we're back in school!" he warned, playfully. "Hey look, there's your friend..." Oh, God, it was Emily DeMarco.

"Hi, Kevin. Happy New Year." She said, in that sing-songy voice of hers.

I just glared at the bitch as she sauntered by. "OK, I'm gonna puke for sure, now." I told Mark.

"Sorry, sweetie," he whispered. "It's just too funny. You hate her and she's just trying to be nice." Mark joked.

"OK, don't you have a class to get to?" I teasingly shot back at him.

"Yeah, sorry... couldn't resist! Forget about her."

"So, hey, are we gonna meet with Townie and the Kramers at lunch... don't you have that free period after your lunch today?"

"Yeah, planning on it. And hey, seriously, after band tonight I'll give you a ride home, alright?"

"Yeah... planning on it!!" I mimicked him.


So we parted, each going to our respective homerooms. I thought about what Mark said... 'forget about Emily'... but I couldn't. She always pops up out of nowhere and causes problems. It's gonna take someone bigger and better than me to stop her. She's such a bitch.

My morning went by fast. English, math, biology. All out of the way, one, two, three, boom, then it was lunch. I had my usual Mountain Dew, Townsend bought his lunch and the Kramers brown-bagged it from home. We all bumped fists and sat at a round table. They ate, I drank, and the next thing Mark and Eric joined us.

Townsend took over, I guess he was gonna be the leader of our little project, since he was the star of the show. Makes sense. He had the sheet music and guitar tabs and lyrics for everyone, and we mainly talked about where we were gonna practice.

"This has gotta be perfect." He said. "We can practice at my house, I was thinking, we got the whole basement. It's just... Kev, Mark... how do you guys wanna handle your drums? Do one of you just wanna bring your set to my house and leave them there and the other can use mine... or what? That'd be easier than both of you bringing both of your sets over all the time."

"Yeah," we all agreed. "But I think for final practices and all, I want to use mine, since I'm used to them and all..." I said.

"Me too, 'and all'," Mark laughed, making fun of me.

"Fuck you 'and all,'" I teased back.

"Well I was thinking that maybe the week before the concert you could both bring your sets here to school, because I'll want to definitely use the grand piano here." Townsend suggested.

"Sounds good."

Even though Scotty and Matt are twins, they're not identical. But there is a really strong resemblence and they are awfully cute! I know, I shouldn't be looking at them, but everyone looks at everyone, right? I can look but don't touch, right?? They looked over the music and listened to the song "Red Hot" on Townsend's iPod, deciding to trade off playing lead and rhythm. I thought I'd just do a basic backbeat and let Mark show off his banging skills LOL! (You know he's got excellent banging skills!!) And we all agreed to practice at Townsend's every Wednesday night and Saturdays, maybe Sunday afternoons, too. This was going to be so much fun. Silly, but fun.

As for rock orchestra, those practices were going to be intense. In band, Mr. Walters gave us the music for "Love On A Train," the song by Tangerine Dream from the movie Risky Business, that he had talked about. Cool! Townsend on electric keyboards, Mark on marimba and me on vibraphone. That's gonna be hot!

We broke up into sections and started going over our parts, getting used to the music individually. But after band, my day got a little easier. Art, study period and pop culture and I was done. We had to be back at six for practice, so after school Mark and I went to grab something to eat, then he drove over to the library. We did a little homework, and I signed up for a computer to check my email (I sent one to Mark and told him I was gonna suck him off first chance I got, just to tease him!). He checked out a book on biking and I checked out the restroom.

"Nah," I thought. "Too public. Well lit, mirrors everywhere, only one stall, and it was real close to the urinals. Plus, with so many kids from school at the library the chances we'd be seen were too great. So that was that. I had to see for myself. No restroom sex at the library. But that driveway around back, after closing... now that's an idea!

"Hey, it's 5:30, we better get to practice." Mark reminded me.

We worked on "Love On A Train" as a group, and some other cool stuff, just kind-of sight-reading. Mr. Walters seemed a little testy, not with Mark or me, but some of the kids were goofing off, and he ended up keeping us until 9:15. Finally, as everyone was leaving and Mark and I were covering up the marimba and putting all the percussion stuff away, I told him I didn't want to go home.

"Are you gonna do what you said in that email you sent me?"

"Oh, you saw it." I nodded 'yes' as I blushed.

"Now??" He asked. I nodded 'yes' again.

"Here??" he smiled.

I shook my head 'no'... "A the library!"

"What??" he asked, bewildered.

"Just come on. Let's go..." We grabbed our coats and bookbags.

Mark drove back over to the library. It was about 9:40, it had long since closed and the parking lot was empty. "Let's go behind the building. It's dark and secluded back there, remember? No one's gonna see us there. Come on, I can't control myself." I insisted.

Mark drove back, well past the book drop-off and put the car in 'park' but didn't turn the motor off. I was already very hard and my heart was beating fast. I was so anxious and horny. I immediately put my face in his lap and went to work. He told me to slow down, so I just did my thing that much faster. I unbuckled his belt, unzipped his jeans and untucked his shirt in a matter of seconds. I began to pull his underwear down, but stopped only for a second to gaze up into Mark's piercing eyes. "I love you," I told him, then I freed his hard cock from the tightness of his underpants. I returned my mouth to his cock, kissing his dickhead and licking it like an ice cream cone. Then I sucked on the whole thing, while attempting to repeatedly say "I love you." It was pretty muffled, as you can imagine, with a mouthful of cock.

I gently ran my fingers over his smooth balls, which were barely out of his underwear. They were nice and plump, but soon, with my handywork, they'd be drained. The steering wheel was sort-of in the way, but Mark managed to extend his long legs as far as he could to the pedals, widening his knees to spread them as far apart as he could. Better than nothing! I now had a little more room. I got my nose right in there and sniffed that day-long boy-smell we both have, and I swear I got high from it. I took as many deep breaths as I possibly could, inhaling his scent. Mark was breathing heavier, too, although probably for a different reason.

I continued to suck and sniff, as I buried my finger between his legs, rubbing that area between his nuts and asshole. After a few seconds of that he started to stiffen. He sat up, his legs went straight out, and he took my head in his hands, running his fingers wildly through my hair.

"Oh God, oh yeah... fuck yeah... ahhhhh... ahhhhh... fuck!!!! Uhhhhh... fuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!! Ohhhh fuckfuckfuck!!!"

I pressed even harder, almost on his hole, and he felt slippery wet there, from sweat I guess. If we were home I'd be licking that up. I jacked him as I sucked and he continued to moan.

"Fuck. Fuck! Shit!! Fuck!! Mmmmm!! Ohhhhhhhh....."

Then I knew it was time. Mark squeezed his cheeks tight, then relaxed them, then squeezed, then relaxed, over and over again as he shot.

"Ohhhhhooooooooaaaahhhhhhh, I'm gonna cum some more!" So I kept my hungy mouth in place for more of his sweet cream."

I was out of breath, too. "Ohhhh shit, I love that!" I whimpered, licking my lips. Mark was still running his fingers through my hair with one hand, while rubbing his stomach and balls with the other.

"I need a minute," he whispered, as I sorta sat-up. I wanted to kiss him so bad, so I did.

"I've been wanting to do that all day," I said.

"What?? Kiss me??"

I laughed. "Well, yeah... that too!"

"God, I know," Mark smiled, as he turned off the ignition. We got situated, meaning Mark got his jeans back up and zipped and I reached down inside mine to rearrange things. You know, it's not that I wear my pants all that tight or that I'm all that huge, but I must say it gets a little crowded in there. Sticky, too!

It was very dark where we were parked, even though there was a dim light over the book drop-off, but that was way down at the end of the building. We were pretty far past that. And ahead of us, around the far corner there was, I guess, a service entrance but no light. It seems like there should have been one. I sure hoped there weren't any security cameras.

I liked giving Mark head in our new-found spot. It seemed a little risky, but less of a chance of getting busted than in our driveways. Plus we were far enough from anything that if we did see headlights or someone approaching we'd hopefully have enough time to get our pants up and covered with our coats. And thank God for bookbags, they're great to set on your lap to "hide things."

I still didn't want to go home. But it was close to ten o'clock. Mark and I sat and talked, and I think he noticed my hardon hadn't gone away, so he started feeling my leg and worked his way to my crotch. He wasted no time getting his hand in there to get a firm hold on my dick. He was kissing me hard, exploring my mouth with his tongue and exploring between my legs with his fingers. He smeared the precum I was leaking all through my pubes, kind-of laughing while still kissing me.

"Damn, dude, you're soaked!"

"Oh... am I??" I whispered, putting my lips back to his.

Mark was pumping me harder and faster, while still kissing me and feeling my back and neck. Occasionally he would lick my neck and around my ears. That tickled! I wanted him to feel my butt, but there just wasn't time to get re-positioned to have enough room to get my pants further down. Of course taking them completely off was out of the question, but that would have been hot. Maybe in the summer. Just kidding!

I could feel the impending tension in my balls as he gripped my dick even harder in his fist. He went wild with his tongue on my mouth and face, kind-of different, and definitely hot. I tried to spread my knees and thighs apart, and I did try to get my pants down a little further. I rubbed my own inner thighs, brushing past my balls. I could feel my soon-to-be-released geyser about to erupt and I think Mark knew it was going to happen, too. He stopped kissing and licking me and gave one final long tug downward on my pole towards my loose balls, which sorta tightened up. So did my abs and my buttcheeks... tighten up, that is. I said "Oh no!" and we both looked down at my cock, still in Mark's firm grip and throbbing.

"Uuuhhhh!!!" I eeked out, in a shrill whisper. "Look!!" I gasped. We both watched as the first watery stream jetted out of my cock, followed by a long creamy spurt which shot up and over, landing in my pubes. The next three or four didn't shoot as high, they just dripped down the length of my shaft to the base. Some of it went between my leg and ball sac, too.

"Damn, look at that!" Mark smiled.

"I'm sorry." I said, still looking at my gooey flood. Actually I was quite proud of myself. And Mark, too! Any type of sex with him is amazing! Anytime!

"You're amazing, sweetie! Shit! I can't get over that. It's more than usual, huh?"

"I don't know," I laughed, "You make me cum like that all the time, I think. It's 'cause of you, you hot fucker. I can't get enough of you."

"Shit, I don't have any kleenexes." Mark fumbled around thru the console and I looked in the glove box. It was too messy for him to try to lick up, so he just smeared it around then licked his fingers.

"Don't worry about it." I said as I pulled up my underwear and pants and zipped up. "It's not like I haven't had my underwear full of jizz before because of you! I'll just clean up at home."

Mark started the car again and turned on the defroster full blast because the windows were a little fogged up. We sat there talking for a while as the car heated up and the windows cleared. My dick went in and out of various stages of hardness, just looking at Mark, the hottest, coolest, neatest, most amazing fucker on the planet. I noticed it was almost 10:30 already, so we decided we'd better get going.

I just gave Mark a quick kiss goodnight in the driveway when he dropped me off. Once again, for selfish reasons I didn't want to get out of the car. I wished he was coming in with me and we could just say "Hi" to Dad and Keith, and they'd think nothing of it. Then we could go up and take a shower together for as long as we wanted. We could kiss and play with each other's dicks, balls and asses while the warm water ran all over us. We could run our soapy fingers in each other's cracks and lick each other's rosebuds. We'd rinse, then only slightly dry each other off and quickly run in my room, getting in my little bed, naked and still a little wet. We'd giggle and cuddle and kiss and fall asleep tangled up together... I drifted off...

"...and blah, blah, blah, blah... right after school tomorrow, OK sweetie? ...Kev?? Kev??"

"I'm sorry... what were you saying?? I just sorta zoned for a minute..."

"Yeah, no shit! I could tell you weren't listening to a word I said..."

"I was just thinking about something important."

"And I'm not important?" Mark wondered.

"Get real, Mark! YOU were what I was thinking about!"

"Oops! Sorry, sweetie! Oh well, I just said even though we have rock orchestra practice again, I gotta go home right after school tomorrow. You can come with me, we'll have something to eat, then we can go back to practice at 6. OK??"

"Yeah, it's fine. Remind me tomorrow."

"OK, see ya tomorrow morning. Luvya, sweetie!"

As he backed out of my driveway, I dropped my bookbag and ran back up to the Jeep. Mark rolled the window down. "Wait! Mark... hey... can we go back to the library again tomorrow night?"

"Oh you little devil! You're thinking the same thing I'm thinking!" Mark smiled and winked at me, gave me a 'thumbs up' and sped away. I watched the taillights of the Jeep brighten as Mark put on the brakes at the end of my street, then they faded away as he turned the corner. I picked up my backpack and went into the house through the garage. Dad was in the kitchen. It was dim; only the under-cabinet lighting was on.

"You're kind-of late, aren't you, Kev?" Dad observed, without even looking at me.

"Uhh, yeah, but I can explain..."

"Kevin," Dad was very firm with me. "I expect you home on time, and if that changes you need to call me, whatever the reason. You have a cell phone... you need to use it. Are we together on this?"

"Yeah, Dad." God, what now? Somehow it's not gonna fly if I call Dad and say I'm gonna be late because Mark and I want to go make out behind the library.

"Are you hungry? I know it's late, but there's plenty of food..."

"No, Dad, really, I'm OK. I just ate something a little while ago, so really, I'm not very hungry. But thanks..." That gave me an idea. "Dad, like sometimes after practice, I know it's late and all, but Mark and I just like to talk a little bit and goof off, or maybe get something to eat then. So, can we just set it up that I'll be home like at this time every night there's practice? It's really not a problem, see, and I got all my homework done, so... would it be OK?"

"Well, I guess, but what I want you to understand is that whatever time you say you're going to be home, that's what I expect. Don't say you'll be home at 9:00, then come walking through the door at 10:30. If it's 10:30, then it's 10:30...whatever... just do what you say you're going to do. Clear?"

"Yeah, Dad." I started to run up the back steps, but ran back down. "So it's OK, Dad, that Mark and I hang out a little after practice?"

"Yeah, as long as I know..."

"Cool!" I ran back up the steps part-way, than came back down to the kitchen. "Love you, Dad!" and I gave him a big hug. Then I really did go upstairs. I had to pee, but I poked my head in Keith's room to say hello. Luckily, he spared me the insults and nasty smartass shit he usually says to me, and was actually nice for a change. Maybe he got laid.

I went in the bathroom, and pulled my pants and underwear down so I could check out my genitals while I pissed. My pubes were all gooey from the half-dried cum-flood that Mark smeared around. There was plenty of cum in my underwear, too, sure to leave the familiar smells and stains that I'd be too embarrassed for someone else to find. I guess that means I better do laundry tomorrow!

I shook the last drops of piss off my cock, played with my balls a little, then zipped up and brushed my teeth. It didn't occur to me that I didn't even wash my hands until I had my fingers in my mouth and could taste that drying, less-than-an-hour-old cum taste. Mmmm! I contemplated my sleeping options: Sleep naked, sleep with clean underwear on, or sleep in the messy pair I was already wearing. That was my choice! I decided to sleep wearing the damp, smelly, cummy ones, and I couldn't wait to get into bed. I didn't jack off in bed, either, since I had just gotten off a half-hour ago. I was so tired, but so happy.

The rest of the week went by pretty normal. We got into a routine. I say that like it's something bad, but it's not. I just mean we quickly adjusted to a hectic, busy schedule doing the things we love. Even though we had band practice during the school day, we had the lengthy rock orchestra sessions at night, thanks to our perfectionist music director, Mr. Walters. Plus we had the Wednesday and Saturday rehearsals at Townsend's for our special group project. Demanding and intense, we had to be damn-near perfect for our late winter concert in early March, just eight weeks away. Our lives were consumed by music, which I love. And I did double-duty: My life was also consumed by Mark, whom I love! So I was even happier.

I had already cleared it with Dad that I'd be home later, like 10:30, on the nights we had rock orchestra practices. He knew Mark and I would be together, talking and hanging out. He just didn't know exactly what we were doing and where. But that was between Mark and me. And I knew I had to be home on time or face Dad's wrath, which was a very, very rare event. I wouldn't let him down and I wouldn't let Mark down either.

So, yes, every night after rock orchestra practice, like clockwork, Mark and I put the percussion instruments and equipment away, got our stuff, then drove over to our own Lover's Lane... the darkened driveway behind the library. We'd kiss, lick, grope, feel, finger, moan, giggle, and even scream. But always in a matter of minutes our pants were unzipped and least part-way down. We'd suck each other off, jack each other off, jack ourselves off...whatever it took to cum in each other's presence. And we always came prepared after that first time doing it there. I mean, we made sure we had plenty of kleenexes, or napkins from fast-food restaurants so we could clean up our puddles of boy goo. But swallowing each other's mess was always fun and a few times we did have to mop up with our underwear again. Oh well.

Orchestra practices were going well. We sounded great. I was mesmerized by Mark, watching him play marimba while I stood facing him at the vibes, playing 'Love On A Train'. He was so in to it, and I was so in to him being in to it. Hot! I sorta tuned out everyone else in the orchestra; almost fantasizing it was just Mark and me, alone. No one else.

And our nightly sex ordeal over at the library. We loved it. So secluded, so dark, so...dangerous! And so hot! Just Mark and me, alone. No one else...

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 22

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