Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Dec 22, 2008


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

This story is about my relationship with my friend and, well, much, much more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission. Copyright 2008.

Thanks to everyone who has written to me. I really appreciate your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, -kevin.

Part 42.

"KEVIN!!!! KEITH!!!!"

Dad was in the foyer and yelled up to us in an urgent attempt to get our attention. Then he ran part way up the steps, far enough that he could see me. There I was, in plain view, standing in the hall near the landing, clad only in my underwear.

"What's g-g-g-going on??" I stuttered. "Who's h-h-here??"

"Oh Jesus, look at you," Dad shook his head from side to side, obviously concerned by my appearance. "Get your clothes on and get down in the living room. Lt. Kline's here."

Just then my brother opened his door and staggered into the hall, rubbing his eyes. "What's all the shouting about??" Keith asked. "You guys woke me up!" Boy, he sure was in a grumpy kinda mood.

"I need you both downstairs, like NOW! The police are here to talk to us about the accident investigation and I don't want to keep them waiting. So... hurry it up!"

"Do I have t-t-time to take a shower first, Dad?" I pleaded. "I'm a mess."

"Yes, I can see that. And no, you don't have time for a shower right now. Just get dressed and get your butt downstairs. You can shower later. That goes for you, too, Keith."

Dad sure was successful in getting our attention! Even though Keith wasn't fully awake, and I looked like shit, we both met him in the living room within seconds. Lt. Kline was there, along with another detective, a woman. I gotta say, she was very, very attractive for a woman cop. Not what I expected.

I kinda stood behind the piano for a few seconds, leaning on it a bit, staring at her. She had long, dark brown hair and big brown eyes, and giant-size knockers, too. Although she was wearing street clothes, in my mind I briefly pictured her in a skimpy police uniform... a short-short miniskirt, black leather high-heeled boots and her cop hat positioned sorta down low over her eyes. Her mostly-unbuttoned blue uniform shirt exposed the roundness of her pushed-up melons. And with bright red, sexy puckered lips, she purred like a kitten as she swung a pair of handcuffs around in a circular motion.

I imagined her posing that way, like a model, while a good-looking photographer, whose shirt was also unbuttoned, rapidly clicked his camera, snapping pictures of her, maybe for an erotic calendar or a soft-porn magazine. I wondered who was sexier... the woman cop or the hot-looking dude taking the pictures...

In my split-second delusion, I thought to myself, "Could that be Mark and Nora twenty years from now???? OH NO!!!!" Me and my daydreams! Wow.

Then, at Dad's insistence, I snapped back to reality. "Kevin... are you with us, son??"

"Oh yeah, Dad... Sorry, I guess I'm uhh... uhh... whatever..."

Everyone sat down as Dad introduced the woman cop... Detective Marsha Craig. Of course, we already knew Lt. Kline. I was on the edge of my seat, for some reason, as Lt. Kline broke the ice, in a friendly-joking manner.

"Kevin, at this point, I just want to thank you again for coming forward about the mirror. You'd make a great investigator. I'd hire you at the detective bureau in a heartbeat, if I could. Unfortunately, at this point, you're a little young."

"Umm, yeah. But if you did hire me, it would have to be under two conditions..."

"Oh really? And what might those conditions be??"

"Well, first, I'd have to have a bullet-proof vest. There's no question about that. And second, I'd have to be paid a lot of money!"

"Well, son, I'd definitely fix you up with the bullet-resistant vest. That's standard equipment," he laughed. "A bullet would go right through a kid your size. But as far as the pay rate goes... I'm sure you'd be disappointed. The starting salary is pretty low in the police department. You don't get rich being a cop!" Even though we all laughed a little, it sorta made me shiver when he said that a bullet would go right through me. Jesus, the thought of being shot killed me. I guess I better get some meat on my bones!

"So, anyway, lieutenant, how is the accident investigation going? That IS why you're here, isn't it? Please... fill us in." Dad got us back on-point quickly.

Lt. Kline cleared his throat and sorta looked down. "Yes, at this point, I'm pleased to say, we have had some developments. And you were right on track, Kevin. The car involved was, indeed, the Pontiac G-6 you saw at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamson. However, they are not the owners. That car is registered to their son-in-law... a Mr. Derek O'Brien, who happens to be in the Marines, and he's currently out-of-town, at this point."

OK, so far detective Kline hadn't told us anything we didn't already know. It was practically the same shit we talked about before. He was basically only repeating what I had told him!

"Please continue, detective..."

"We have had the opportunity to speak with Mr. O'Brien, and, at this point, he has agreed to assume all financial responsibility for the incident..."

"So... you're saying Marcie's husband was the prick who ran me off the road and almost got my girlfriend killed??" Keith stood up. He was so angry. And I can tell you first-hand... it ain't nice when my brother is pissed! I happened to notice Dad didn't seem angry at him for using the word "prick" when he referred to Marcie's husband. If I had said that, Dad would have been all over my ass.

"Son, sit down," Dad warned. "Where's all this leading, detective? Did you speak to this O'Brien guy in person, or what?"

"No, it was a phone interview, but we do plan to meet with him personally in the near future. And, at this point, we don't believe he was the person driving. He's agreed to have his insurance cover everything, but there is no evidence suggesting he was the driver, or in any way physically responsible."

"So, he has an alibi?" Dad questioned.

"Yes. And that's about all I can say, at this point."

"Well, who do you suspect WAS driving the car? You don't have that many choices." Dad was on a roll. Look out!

"We can't say..."

Lt. Kline had turned his head and wasn't able to see Keith, who mockingly finished the sentence mouthing the words "at this point." I started to laugh, which I know was rude, but it was funny as hell. Old detective Kline must have said "at this point" eight million times already! My father gave me a pissed-off look, but I didn't care. I couldn't help it.

Then Dad smiled, but it wasn't the kind of smile you want from him. "You can't say??" The hint of sarcastic skepticism in his questioning tone was quite clear.

"That's right. We cannot say, at this point, who the driver definitely was." Detective Kline closed his eyes and nodded his head.

When he said "at this point" again I couldn't look at Keith, because I knew I'd start laughing again, and this was way too serious for silliness. But I sure am laughing now, thinking about it.

"There are only four people in that household, and you've seemingly eliminated one of them, so that leaves three. Harold Lamson, his wife and daughter must all be persons of interest, correct?"

"That's correct, Mr. Carson."

I don't know what the fuck was so hard to figure out about all of this. Even I know you bring them all in and question the hell out of them until one of them fesses up. That's what they do on TV! "Like I said before, why don't you throw all of them in jail? Someone will admit it then!" I popped up.

"We'll handle it, Kevin. But, it's not that easy." Detective Craig answered. Finally, she spoke up.

"And I sure hope they have legal counsel. They do have an attorney, don't they?" Dad asked.

"They're working on it." That was Lt. Kline's answer... "They're working on it."

"Oh, that's great!" Although Dad was his usual calm and controlled self, I could tell he was becoming somewhat irritated, as much as Keith and I were. This isn't a normal client situation we're dealing with here. We're his kids... we're all he's got, so Dad was being more "father" than "lawyer."

I think detective Kline was becoming a little uncomfortable, and he knew he better not say a whole lot more or Dad would have him pinned against the wall. "Mr. Carson, I'm sure you understand, these things take time, and the investigation is ongoing. We just stopped by to give you the update of what we know so far, and please believe me when I say we're doing our best. We will keep you posted, I assure you."

"So, how's this gonna work if this O'Brien dude is paying for everything?" Keith asked. "I thought our insurance company is already taking care of it... right, Dad?"

"That's right, son. The insurance companies will handle everything with one another on their end. Believe me, they're not going to lose out at all. But whatever we end up paying out-of-pocket, such as deductibles and medical co-pays, we'll be re-imbursed. When one insurer technically sues to collect from the responsible party, it's called subrogation. Hopefully this will be resolved without any further litigation that we, ourselves, might initiate. The last thing I'd want to have happen is to file a full-blown law suit."

Jesus Christ! Dad talking all that legalese, using those big fancy words, it made my fucking head spin!

So that was about it. Dad showed Lt. Kline and his partner, Det. Craig, the way out, and Keith and I stayed in the living room. Somewhat stunned. And very perturbed. And despite the frustration we all felt, Dad was actually pretty smooth about it all. I heard him say thanks and that he'd be in touch with the insurance company. Then they walked outside and talked a little more. I guess Dad got more information out of the cops, or maybe they had stuff to tell him that they didn't want Keith and me to know. I looked out the window and saw Dad and Lt. Kline shaking hands goodbye.

Dad was a little different when he came back inside, and was more reassuring, after we got a brief lecture about our snickering when Lt. Kline kept saying "at this point" in every fucking sentence.

"You gotta admit, Dad, it was pretty funny when he kept saying that. Jeez!!" Keith said.

"Well..." Dad finally beamed a big smile. "I think you two made him nervous." We all chuckled.

"So... back to the accident... what else is going on about it, Dad?" I asked.

"Well, boys, first let me say, above all else, I'm glad, Keith, that you and Lisa are OK. That's really my first priority... it's the most important thing. Second, it's definitely a step in the right direction that this O'Brien fellow is being cooperative and stepping up financially. My hunch is there's still a lot more we have to learn from him. We have to take this one step at a time."

"Are you gonna question him, Dad?"

"No, son... since criminal law isn't my area I would not be the best person to interview him. Besides, even if it were, it wouldn't be appropriate for me or grandpa to speak with him since we're family members. Professionally speaking, it isn't proper. But we'll take whatever steps we need to, if and when that's necessary."

"So, what happens now?" I wondered.

"We continue to let the police do their job. And we wait."

Keith rolled his eyes, but didn't say a whole lot. I guess because I know him so well, his silence was his way of saying he knew Dad would handle things perfectly, but he was still disgusted. I, myself, though... I was determined that if I ever have the opportunity to say something to someone about this whole mess, I sure as hell will speak up. If I ever have the chance...

The three of us all sorta went our separate ways after that. Dad had things to do, Keith disappeared, and even though I desperately needed to take that shower, I decided to make a few phone calls first. But before I went back up to my room, I poured myself a huge-ass mug of coffee, because I needed the caffeine. One ice cube in it, please... not to weaken it, but to cool it down. The only thing I like in my mouth THAT hot is Mark!

I called Allie first, to tell her about the ballgame. She answered, which was good that we didn't have to play voice-mail tag.

"Hey Allie! You know the other day when we were sorta thinking of things we could do when Nick is here... well I have some great news! I'd like to invite you guys to the Mets game next Sunday, if you're free..."

"Wow, Kevin! That'd be awesome! I'm sure Nick would love to go. I think it'll work out because they're actually coming in a day earlier, so yeah, Sunday's fine. It will just be Nick and me, though, because Jon's going to his folks' in Pennsylvania for most of the day, and I think my parents are meeting up with one of my father's business associates, so... we should be good!"

God, I breathed a sigh of relief! With Jon and their parents out of the way, that solved the problem of only having four tickets. At first I wasn't gonna say anything about that to Allie, but then I thought, what the hell.

"Cool! My grandpa hooked me up with four field box seats, so if it's just you and Nick, that'll work out great, because I'll ask Mark, too."

"Really?? Your grandfather got you the tickets? I heard they're hard to come by."

"Well they're through his law firm, so I guess I'm lucky in that respect. By the way, the Mets are playing the Phillies, so you don't think Jon will be upset, do you?"

"Kevin, don't even worry about that. Jon won't care. He doesn't follow baseball at all. Like, he probably doesn't know the difference between the ball and the bat! Gotta love him, though!"

What a relief! Allie and I talked a bit more, and we sorta planned to meet at Shea Stadium like Mark suggested when I first told him my plan for all of this. It's not hard to figure out which subways for them to take to get there. I'm sure Allie's used to that.

"So, I was also thinking that after the game, like Sunday evening, we could all just go back to my house and have a little get-together with some of our friends. Mark will probably drive, so that's not a problem to bring you and Nick with us back home. It won't be anything big... just stuff to eat, and maybe a little entertainment. And you'll get to meet my Dad!"

"Sounds good! What do you mean by entertainment?"

"Oh, I don't know... I was hoping maybe my friends Scott and Matt could play some music. They're really good guitar players."


"Oh, and if Jon's back from Philadelphia, do you think he'd wanna drive out here Sunday evening too? He's more than welcome. It'd be really cool if he did."

"Yeah, I'll talk to him. That might work out great, and then he could drive Nick and me home. I don't think he'd mind. I mean, he'll be driving back here Sunday anyway, and he likes to drive, so its fine, I'm sure. It bugs him that he really can't drive that much in the city. It's just not worth it with all the congestion and one-way streets. But don't worry... he'll do whatever I say!!"

Allie was hysterically funny, the way she talked about Jon. She was so happy that I called and invited them to the game, and then to my house afterwards... I could tell. It made me feel good, too, that I wasn't in a bind as far as not inviting Jon. I wanted to include him too, as much as I could. I know I'd feel bad if I got invited somewhere but Mark didn't. Maybe I was just lucky!

Allie and I agreed to talk again, later in the week, just to firm up our plans. Anyway, next on the list was the phone call to Matt.

"Dude! I'm having a little get-together next Sunday, the 6th... do you think you and Scott can come?"

"Sure! I'll talk to him, but I'm positive it's OK."

"Cool! But... there's a catch... I was wondering if you guys could bring your guitars and play some stuff..."

"Sure! I'll talk to him, but I'm positive that's OK, too."

"I thought so! You two never pass up a chance to show off on stage."

"Wait a minute, Kev... there's gonna be a stage in your backyard?? How many people are gonna be there??"

"No no no... not a real stage. It'll just be on the deck. But that's sorta like a stage, and I dunno, there'll be maybe twenty of us. I, uhh, invited this girl I met at Indian Ridge, you know, when Mark and I went there a few days before Fire Island. Anyway, her name's Allie and she goes to NYU, and she's got a younger brother our age and I thought it'd be cool to show them around a bit... so we're going to a ballgame Sunday afternoon, then having the thing here at my house."

"Wow! This sounds like a big deal. But yeah, I'm sure Scott will be fine with it. I'll call you."

OK, I could cross that off my list! Two birds, one stone! The Kramers will be there to play some tunes, and I'll get to introduce Matty to Nick, which I'm hoping they'll like each other. I know I'm taking a chance playing matchmaker, especially since I haven't even personally met Nick myself. But knowing all I know about him, and the signals I'm getting from Matt, I just have a feeling I'm on the right path. And maybe they'll just be nice to each other... maybe there won't be some big hot relationship... I know that'll be next to impossible, given the distance between New York and Texas and all. But at least they'll have met, and it will go where it goes. Right?

So next, I called Mark to give him the update. He made me feel good.

"You've done a bang-up job with this, sweetie. That is so fucking awesome that your grandpa got the tickets. And it just so happens I'm off Sunday, so that's all good. And yes, I'll drive!"

"And you know what, Mark... I'm wondering about what kind of food to have. I mean, I don't know how to make party food, other than buying chips and shit like that. And party pizza is so damn boring." I whined.

"No worries... I'll get the catering menu from the store, and we'll order it from there. I help with that stuff all the time, and the food's pretty good. I can get an employee discount, too!"

"God you're such a lifesaver! You deserve a blowjob!"

"Haha, I'll definitely hold you to that!"

"Oh, I know you will!!" I chuckled. But I was serious about that too... you know... the blowjob offer!

"And one more thing, though, Kev... did you know Sunday would be Townsend's birthday? I mean, we don't have to change any plans or anything, and if he were still alive I'm sure he'd have had a party... but, yeah, it's his birthday."

Hmm, I didn't realize that it was Townie's birthday. And Mark was right, it didn't really change anything... except it was on my mind constantly from that moment on. Mark and I no sooner hung up and I was just getting my shit together to finally take my shower, when Matt called me back.

"That was fast, dude! So whatup??"

"Kev, Scott's cool with everything! We'll be there, and we'll play some tunes... but he's got an idea... here he is..."

"Scotty, talk to me!"

"Hey, Carson! OK, we'll play... but on one condition... it's gotta be all of us... you, Mark and Eric too. Sunday is Townsend's birthday, you know, and we're his back-up band, remember?? So we gotta do this for him!"

Why the fuck did everyone know it was Townie's birthday... except me??

"Wow, I dunno... is Eric gonna be home? And who's gonna sing??"

"No worries, Kev... Eric's coming home today, and umm... Mark can sing... have you ever heard him?"

I was sorta shocked by Scott's idea about Mark singing. "Uhh, I dunno if I've ever heard him. Is he good? I sure as hell know I can't sing."

"Yeah, he's damn good!"

That also made me feel like an asshole. The fact that Mark apparently is a good singer and I didn't know it. I'm supposed to know everything about him! I mean, I know a lot about Mark, but I didn't know that! But then I sorta laughed to myself, because... I've made Mark SCREAM, but I've never made him SING!

"Do you think he'll do it?"

"Oh, don't worry. He will. You'll think of a way to ask him. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Graham won't say "no" to you. Just tell him you'll give him a big kiss if he'll sing," Scott laughed. Jesus, what did THAT mean???? He knows something, I'm sure! Now I was a little nervous. No surprise there!

"So, it'll be you and Matt on guitar, Eric on bass, me on drums and Mark lead singer... are you sure??"

"Fuckin'-A, I'm sure!! This is gonna rock!!! Why don't you and Graham come over tonight and we'll discuss!!! Dude, this will be sooo cool!!!!"

Scott couldn't hide his excitement. After we hung up, I settled down a little and thought about his idea of putting together a band, and I realized it really was an excellent idea. After all, he's right, we were Townsend's back up band, and we were pretty damn good, if I do say so myself! This will be the same thing, with only a few changes... like my man being the lead singer!!! I still had to tell him, though! Little did Scott know that it wouldn't be just a kiss I'd give Mark! He was really racking up the blowjobs! And of course, the biggest difference in all of this was that one person - the most important member of the group - wouldn't be there. But I'm sure he'll be looking down watching!

I still hadn't taken my shower.

I remembered I hadn't asked Scott what he had in mind about practicing, so I quickly called him back. He said it'd be a little work, but if we could all get together every night during the coming week he thought we could pull it off, which all made sense.

I also called Mark and gave him the rundown on the conversation with Scott, although I left out a few details until I could think of the right way to present it to him about singing. Mark loved the whole idea, but he started firing questions at me immediately. That's my Mark!

"Just one thing, sweetie... who's gonna sing?" I didn't answer him right away. "Kev... didja hear me?? Who the fuck is gonna be the singer since obviously it won't be Townsend??"

"Umm, well... about that... here's an idea... how about... YOU??!!??"

"OK, you're shittin' me! You really aren't serious, are you??"

"Yeah, Mark. Eric and I can't sing lead, you know that. And Scott and Matt are doing a lot with all the guitar stuff, so that leaves you!"

"Oh, sweetie! You're gonna owe me bigtime for this one!!"

"Come on, Mark. Scott told me you're a good singer. I admit I was kinda shocked I didn't know that. Please??"

"I don't know if I'm all that good, because Townie was always so much better than everyone else. But. Well. This means a lot to you doesn't it? I know it does. So. I'll tell you what. I'll give it a shot. Just for you. But if I sound terrible the deal's off. I don't care how many BJ's you promise me."

"I love you Mark!"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Seriously, you're gonna be awesome, I know it. Scott wants us to go over to their house tonight and talk about everything. Can we??"

"Yeah, but knowing Scott, he'll have it all planned out what we're gonna do before we get there, even though it's your party. What time?"

I still hadn't showered.

I called Scott and Matt back and we agreed on seven o'clock, and I promised that Mark and I would be there. They said they'd get ahold of Eric. Then I called Mark again to fill him in on everything.

But then, I had to make a list of other people to call... Nora, Amy, Jen, Andy, Brigette and some other people from school. I was a little hungry and went downstairs to eat something and told Keith about the plans.

"Wow, Little Dude! I guess grandpa likes you after all! You're supposed to be the blacksheep of the family, but I guess not!'

"You're not funny!"

"Really, though, that's so cool about the Mets tickets. And I'm guessing you want Lisa and me at the get-together, too... right??"

"Of course! Well... I definitely want Lisa there. I don't know about you..." I teased.

"You're a twit, Kev. A genuine little twit." Keith playfully teased me back. "Oh, and by the way, it's awesome that you're doing this on Townsend's birthday. Did you plan that on purpose?"

I gave Keith a blank look. "No, not really."

"Well... you did know Sunday would be his birthday, didn't you? You knew that, right?"

"Uhh... yeah... sure."

"You're lying. Everyone knows when Townsend's birthday is!"

"Except me."

"No worries, Little Dude. You're cool anyways, I guess."

That made me feel kinda good, Keith telling me I was cool. "Thanks, bro. That means I must be a cool, genuine little twit then, huh?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "But you stink. You better take a shower!"

I thought, "fuck it," and took my food out on the deck to eat while I started calling people. I was able to reach most of them; I left messages for the others. Eventually, everyone got back to me, saying they'd be at my house Sunday, late afternoon.

I don't know where Keith went, and Dad still wasn't home as the afternoon progressed, but I managed to putz around, having the house to myself. I briefly thought about what I would do if it rained Sunday, and decided, if we had to, we could put everyone in the garage. But I was praying for sun. And besides, even if it did rain a little, the patio's covered, even though the deck's not.

All of a sudden I noticed it was 6:30. Dad pulled in the driveway and Mark was right behind him. Jesus! Since I'd been on the phone all god-damned day, I remembered I STILL hadn't showered!

I ran inside before Dad had the chance to see me up close and notice I was still the same smelly mess I was since this morning. I yelled to him and Mark that I'd be right down, and I hopped in the shower without even bothering to jerk off first, like I usually do. I did get half hard, though, and laughed to myself that with all the head I promised Mark, I'd just have to save any "activity" until later!

When I got downstairs, Dad and Mark were drinking a soda out on the deck, laughing and talking. That was good to see. What I mean is, even though Dad is cool about things with Mark and me, and he's been nothing but supportive and understanding, it was still comforting that the two of them were just fine talking and interacting alone. That means a lot, that Dad and Mark genuinely get along, that things aren't awkward or superficial between them. They are two classy guys - my Dad and Mark. I love them both for that.

We got to the Kramer's just before seven, and as Mark predicted, Scott had a plan. The dude is amazing.

"I guess we should figure out what songs we can play, and also decide about practicing and all, right?

"Gotcha covered, dude. I'm thinking since Matt and I know a ton of shit, we'll just start tossing around ideas and pick stuff we all think fits. First, though... Graham... you are gonna sing, aren't you??? Tell me yes! Tell me yes!! YOU BETTER SAY YES!!!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... YES!!" Of course, we were all treated to Mark's famous incredible grin. "Kevin talked me into it. You'll never believe what he promised me!"

"Oh, I can imagine!" Scott looked at me and smiled, making a smooching sound with his lips."

I admit, I had to laugh, in spite of my reddened face, and whispered "fuck you" to Scott. In fact, we all giggled. Even Matt.

"We were wondering, Kev, that maybe we could do at least 5 or 6 songs, maybe more."

"Sounds about right. Any ideas?"

"Well, we can cover some old stuff, some new stuff, rock, acoustic... whatever." Scott thought it would be cool if we opened with "Generation" by Emerson Hart, the theme song from "American Dreams." (There's an extended version, one that's a little longer than what they play on the TV show, and by the time the Kramers added their own guitar solos it was even longer!) Then we could segue right into "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love and Understanding" by Elvis Costello. Mark wondered if it would be weird if a guy sang "That's Just What You Are" by Aimee Mann, and Scott and Matt's expert opinion was that it would be totally awesome for Mark to sing it, and that they could work out an arrangement that we wouldn't need keyboards like in the original recording.

Matt said he was thinking maybe we could do some something by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers and suggested "You and I Will Meet Again," and also said we should do something a little newer.

"What do you guys think about "Banquet" by Bloc Party? Scotty and I mess around with that one all the time, don't we bro? It's fun."

"Yep! It's a cool song. But... you gotta be able to hit all those high notes, Graham! Think you can do it?" Scott teased.

"Umm... I dunno... I might have to squeeze my balls in order to sing that high!" Mark made us all laugh. Hell, I'd gladly take on the job of squeezing Mark's balls. I'm pretty good at it, you know! But I just kept that thought to myself for obvious reasons.

"Eric's a huge Beatles fan... maybe we could work something out with that too." Scott added.

"Oh my God... that's it! "We Can Work It Out!" by the Beatles! Excellent!"

I suggested that if they'd wanna give Eric and me a rest for one song they could do "Swing Life Away" by Rise Against. Everyone liked that idea, but Mark had an exception: Eric and I would have to do it with him, singing backup harmonies. Now he had ME by the balls, which, literally is a good thing, but figuratively it was NOT a good thing. I was afraid that singing would put me totally out of my zone. But how could I say "no" to Mark? There's no way I could tell him "no." So I agreed to do it. (And you can figure out what he owed ME!!!)

"What do you think, Kev?"

"I think it all sounds good!

Then Scott came up with yet another idea. "I was just thinking, maybe we ought to do something to remember Townie, since it'll be his birthday and all. Err... well... it would have been."

"Like what should we do?? Sing "Happy Birthday" to him?" I teased.

"No, dough-head... not "Happy Birthday"..."

Mark looked at Scott, and smiled as he asked, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking???"

"We should dedicate a song for him that he'd like. Something he would have wanted to do. Something he would have picked. Something... rockabilly!!"

"Yep!! After all, we were his back-up band!"

With that, Matt's suggestion for the last song, the one we'd play for Townsend... was brilliant. I think we all shouted "PERFECT" at the same time. In fact, I got a little choked up as the words ran through my head. And it still sends shivers up my spine every time I hear it.

The good news was that we were all familiar with most of the songs. Mark thought he'd be fine with the lyrics, and Scott and Matt, being the perfectionists they are, they'd be practicing morning, noon and night, even without the rest of us present. Scott said he'd get the chord progressions and all to Eric for the bass part, and that I can do my drum thing with no problem. "Yeah, just do what you do, Kev!"

I think we were all pretty confident about this. Eric and me - the rhythm section - we'd easily be able to follow Matt and Scott's lead, and Mark would fit right in on vocals. They're all show-offs on stage anyway!

"So, guys... I guess it would be a lot easier to practice at my house, instead of here, right? I wouldn't have to move my drums all the time and the drum room is soundproof." I knew Dad wouldn't mind me offering our house for rehearsals.

"Hell yeah!" the Kramers agreed.

So that's what we did. We worked around everyone's schedules, and met at my house everyday, as soon as we all got up and got our shit together, which really meant we started practices at 2:00 in the afternoon! Me?? I'm up early everyday, but not them. I guess I'm a weirdo.

And... just a little sidebar here... You know, I'm really just a drum guy, myself. But, I gotta tell ya... the Kramers' guitars, Oh My God!!! They alternated playing acoustic on the songs that needed them, and traded off playing electric rhythm and lead on the others. Their guitars are worth thousands, you know. Matt has a Rickenbacker that's to die for. Just looking at it makes my balls tingle. Then, Scott's black Gibson Les Paul Custom... Jesus, I get totally hard seeing it. But I'm a really just a drum guy...

Anyway, we rehearsed practically every minute of every day, and by midweek, we were pretty tight. We were definitely on the way to being ready for Sunday. Mark was sensational as lead singer. He might have been a little nervous at first, but he found his spot and he was a natural. We all noticed he was really comfortable with the frontman duties. And, since he's a percussionist at heart, he played tambourine. God, he looked so cute shaking that thing! And, I must say, that's not the only thing he looks cute when he's shaking it!!

Keith sorta crashed our rehearsal Thursday afternoon. I wanted him to be surprised, but I softened up a bit (no pun intended) when he offered to help set everything up on Sunday while we were at the game. So I let him hear us do a few tunes. As much as my brother can insult me at times, like when he called me a 'genuine little twit'... he was extremely complimentary about our little thrown-together garage band.

"Dudes! You guys rock! This is awesome, really. I mean you're really, really good. You could make some serious money doing this." I told him if he was so sure of that, he should be our booking agent. "You got this good in less than a week?? That's amazing! I think you're even better than you were at the spring concert."

We practiced on Friday, all damn day. Around six o'clock we were pretty exhausted, so we took a little break and had a couple of pizzas delivered. I wanted everyone to eat outside on the deck so our rehearsal studio (a.k.a my drumroom) wouldn't be a mess with food and shit all over the place. I think I was kept alive all day by Code Red, but I do admit to eating only the cheese off a few slices of Smarty's thin crust. We were all still pretty whipped later that night when we got done putting the finishing touches on our mini-concert. Eric was on the phone with Jen and I overheard that horny bastard saying he wanted to stop by her house and maybe they could "do something." Can't blame him for that. I wanted to "do something" with Mark, too!

I started to clean up, and that's when Eric said he had to run, and he got the hell out of there fast. But before he left we all agreed to get together again Saturday evening for one last quick rehearsal. Scott and Matt helped clean up after they put their guitars away and loaded things in their car. Mark mentioned that he had to work at ten o'clock Saturday morning, but he'd stay over at my house anyway. Matt asked me if I wanted to go to Guitar Center with him in the morning, since Mark would be working, and I agreed. The thought quickly ran through my mind that it would be the perfect time for me to talk to him about Nick. Ha! Like I'm some kind of expert! I hadn't even met Nick yet.

Then, to top it off, Nora texted me and wanted to know if I wanted to hang with her for a bit on Saturday. I called her and said that Matt and I were going out in the morning and suggested the three of us meet up for lunch, but Matt said he had to be back home by one o'clock. So... we worked it out that after Guitar Center he'd drop me off at the mall and I'd meet Nora at H&M at 12:30. Perfect! Day planned.

As soon as Matt and Scott drove off, Mark put his arm over my shoulder and said he was proud of me.

"Looks like you're not gonna miss me while I'm working tomorrow."

"Of course I'll miss you. Don't be ridicklious!"

"It's 'ridiculous' sweetie!" he laughed, as he corrected my English.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!"

"Thinking about Nick?" he asked.

"Sorta. I hope he's as cool as I think he is. And I hope Matt likes him."

"I think it's all gonna be fine." Mark reassured me.

"Wanna go to bed?"

"Umm... yeah. I wanna go to bed. But I don't wanna go to sleep though... not yet." We both smiled.

"Oh, don't worry about that! I owe you a few things, remember?"

"And I owe you a little something, too, don't I?"

While Mark was in the bathroom, I contemplated having another Code Red, because I was really thirsty, but figured I was jazzed up enough, and more caffeine would probably keep me awake all night. I sure as hell didn't need that. If I didn't sleep I'd be like a zombie the next day and probably would have hallucinations! But then I thought what the hell. One more won't hurt. One or two. Or three! I got a bottle of water for Mark.

So I guess you know what happened as soon as we crawled in bed! Do I really have to tell you how I kept my word... about giving him the blowjob I owed him?? Do I have to tell you how fast I stripped him naked, pulling down his boxers in less than a second and immediately devoured his cock? Do I have to tell you how much it throbbed in my mouth? Do I have to tell you how much precum I started to leak as I was straddling him, holding his balls with one hand and jacking him with the other as I sucked? Do I have to go into every detail? Sure I do!

My God his cock is delicious. And his moaning was such a turn on it made MY dick get harder and harder. I licked it and slurped, teasing the head and his piss slit with the tip of my tongue and extra spit. Oh, and I'm sure there was a bit of Mark's precum mixed in too! I swallowed him whole, several times, and never gagged. I came up for air once and told him I was gonna turn his magic wand into a cum fountain. I kept my word on that, too!

Mark also got a little wild. He ran his hands through my hair and all over my face and neck, and eventually reached down, grabbing my ass, pulling me up closer. He wasn't rough, but you could hardly say he was gentle, either. I continued to suck him off, he found my butthole and fingered it relentlessly and jacked me off too.

"How's that feel, sweetie???"

"Mmmmmm... Oh God... it feels... Mmmmmmm... Great..." I know Mark's body so well, I could tell from his twists and turns and breathing and sweating and moaning that he was close. Real close. So I slowed my sucking, and I was firmer and more deliberate as I squeezed his cock in my hand, continuing to slide it up and down more slowly.

"Haaaahhhhhhh... Jesus, sweetie, I'm gonna cum!" Of course, I knew that!

"Me too!!"

"OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!" UHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! AAAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Oh Oh Oh Oh FUCK!!!" Mark screamed as he shot spurt after spurt of his boy juice. Some went in my mouth, which I happily swallowed, and the rest landed on my cheek. A fair amount also dripped off of my fingers and thumb. His cum was a mix of watery jizz and hot creamy goo. Different every time! I never know what I'm gonna get. Well... I mean, I DO know what I'm gonna get, it's just that... Oh God, now I'm blushing!

Anyway, I started to shoot before he was completely done, and repeatedly told Mark I loved him. "Oh God, I love you I love you I love you Mark, Jesus fucking Christ I love you!! OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OhGodOhGodOhGOD!!!!!!!! Deeper!!! Oh God, I'm sorry... Ohhhhhh... God DAMN!!!!!!"

We both giggled after I was finally done cumming. I swear, it is so fucking magical to shoot sperm with his finger in my ass. It just adds something to the intensity, you know? It seems the deeper his finger... or his dick... is in me... I dunno, he touches something that drives me crazy. I know that as he did that I bucked and squirmed as I blew my load all over him. He told me he likes the way my asshole squeezes his finger when I shoot. I've notice that myself, too!

We didn't really cuddle, but we did lay extremely close to each other... our sweaty, naked bodies touching the rest of the night. I was thinking, and mumbling, and the next thing I knew, Mark was asleep. He's beautiful. Not beautiful like a flower, or a girl... but beautiful... like... only Mark.

Well, sure enough, all the caffeine in the Code Red did its job. I was awake almost all night. In the morning, Mark got up, showered and left for King Kullen after we both ate a little cereal. He drank about a gallon of milk, but me... I like my cereal dry. Anyway, the only apparent side effect from the lack of sleep was that my eyes itched a bit. Otherwise, I think I felt OK.

It wasn't a sad goodbye when Mark left for work. We quickly kissed since no one was around, and then he took off. Actually, I was sorta looking forward to going to Guitar Center with Matt and meeting up with Nora.

I got ready, and like clockwork, Matt picked me up at 10:30. He needed some new pics and strings for his acoustic guitar. Me?? I browsed around in the drum section for awhile. Naturally! When we left, that's when I told him all about Nick.

"Matt, I'm really looking forward to meeting him, and I think you'll like him, too."

"Well, why Kev? Why me?"

"I dunno, Matty. I was just thinking, you're one of the good guys. You make an excellent friend... maybe more than a friend... you care a lot, you're the real deal. And of all the guys I know, I just feel that you'll hit it off with Nick the most. I think the world of Allie, his sister. And I do know this... Nick's had a few rough spots, and Allie says he's amazing how he handles things."

"What kinds of things?"

I hesitated, then blurted it all out. "He's deaf, Matt. He can't hear. And he's gay. And he's cute as hell."

"Oh, wow," Matt was very serious.

"Does any of that bother you, Matt? Are you upset?"

"No, Kev. No, not at all. Not at all."

"Are you sure? Cuz if it is..."

"Kevin, I want to meet him. I can't wait. I'm glad you told me, though, so I won't be shocked and make an ass out of myself..."

"I know. I'm worried that I'm gonna do something stupid, like talk real loud to everyone or something, so I know what you mean. But I wanted him to meet all of my friends here, to show him what real friends are. I dunno... I want him to meet you most of all. And Allie says he loves music, so that's why I got the idea of us playing some tunes because, I guess he can hear it somehow... and he reads lips and she says he fits in really well, and he likes baseball, and... wow!"

"Dude, this is totally cool. It's awesome. I can't wait 'til tomorrow. Thank you, Kev..."

"Do you mean it, Matt? Really, do you mean it?"

"Yes, I mean it." Matt was so excited, and now, so was I.

"Then... you are what I think you are."

"And what would that be, Kevin? What do you think I am?"

"A real good guy, Matt. A real good guy."

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 43

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