Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Aug 14, 2009


Drummer Boys By Kevin Carson

Hi, I'm Kevin and this story is about my relationship with my more-than-a-friend and, well, much, much more-than-a-jack-off buddy. Yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. Lots of it! It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. Getting in trouble isn't cool. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission from me, Kevin. I'm the only one. Copyright 2009.

I know it's been awhile, but I would like to express my sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has written to me about this story. I really appreciate your comments, feedback and questions. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, -kevin.

Part 45.

It was kind-of a strange feeling, after we were done playing our mini-concert that Sunday night. It was all good, though. We worked so hard all week to make it perfect, and for the most part, everything was perfect. We were strong... we were the Bluebirds! Now I wished we had played ten more songs!

The way I felt... it was sorta like how you feel after being really super-horny all damn day. You know... you've been thinking about "doing it" for like... forever! How all you wanna do is jerk off and you just can't wait any longer... all that's on your mind is how bad you wanna cum. And then you finally "do it"... you get the chance to jerk off and you moan and beg and sweat and breathe heavy, and your heart pounds and you scream and say all kinds of crazy stuff, like "oh shit," and "oh fuck," and "oh God, and "UHHH... I 'M GONNA CUM!" and then BOOM!! You blow your load all over the place!! A real mess!! It's THE orgasm of your life... it's what you were waiting for, and it was well worth the wait... right?? And then what??

It's over.

That's how I felt after we played the last song. Then what?? All the excitement leading up to the last 40 minutes of the evening, and it's over. Even though we were all really happy about everything, we still felt a bit lost and lonely, at the same time. After planning, worrying, thinking, practicing and hardly sleeping or eating the last week or so... it was all over in one short evening, all in my backyard. Done.

So... then what??

Well, for one thing, we mingled with everyone, and thanked them all for coming to the party. Everybody said how much they enjoyed it... the food, the music, meeting Allie and Nick... all of it. And while that made me feel good – great, actually – I still sorta felt let down.

I did a lot of thinking, too. I dunno... I thought about how it all happened... how we met Allie – totally unplanned – and became friends, and how we'd finally gotten together with Nick and how I made the whole thing work with him and Matt. Actually, they are the ones making it work, but I like to think I played a small part in it.

I thought more about how important it was that we had the party and the mini-concert, and how I unexpectedly had that emotional-yet-meaningful out-of-this world reconciliation with Townsend... everything I had been hoping for. I miss him so much. And for a moment, I also thought about how I couldn't wait until it was my time to go to heaven too, just so I could be with Townsend again. I mean, I knew I couldn't leave Mark, and I'd never want to, but I also realized more and more just how special Townie was, to me and to everyone else, and what an impact he had made on our lives... especially mine. I'm still not over losing him. I don't think I'll ever get over it.

And speaking of things "unexpected," there was the other situation that we were facing, with Mr. Lamson's so-called "confession" about the accident. What the fuck was that all about? It seemed so last-minute... so contrived. I knew in my heart something wasn't right when he called me Saturday afternoon when I was at the mall waiting for Nora. That was all too strange.

Actually, looking back, I guess I knew something was creepy about that family the first time I met them... the way Mrs. Lamson seemed like she was drunk, with her smeared lipstick and slurred speech. And the way Marcie paraded around in the backyard almost naked, especially when I was mowing... she's a slut, for sure. Oh, earning the money by cutting their lawn and painting their porch was nice, but that was about the only thing that was nice. I wished I'd never met them and was embarrassed about getting involved with all of that. But I couldn't blame Keith for hooking me up with the job, because he was only trying to help. And besides, he never had any problems there... none that I knew of, none that he had told us about. I just wanted those people to go away. You know, it's so messed up.

And I also thought about how so many things seemed different all of a sudden... it's like our lives were changing, right before our eyes, so fast. I wondered why, and then I realized, maybe it's because we were growing up. New people, new situations, new relationships... sometimes wanting what we used to have, other times wanting what we can't have. Then, when you realize you've got to accept what all you have now, even though it might not be perfect, it's what you have. The people, the situations, the relationships, the acceptance. It's so bittersweet.

Anyway, as the evening was winding down around 11:00, people started to leave... all four of my grandparents, Aunt Laura and my cousins, and the parents: the Eckerts, the Grahams and the Kramers. And we also finally said goodbye to "the Ryans" and Andy, Joey, Brigette and the others kids, too.

I thought for a moment that Allie and Jon were going to stay longer, but they said they really needed to get back to the city, and Allie gave me a huge hug. Jon seemed like a good sport, like he was really trying, and I appreciated his coming all the way out to our house, especially after driving up from Philadelphia earlier in the day. I could tell he was beat. Nick, on the other hand, decided to stay!! I was thrilled about that, but at the same time, I wondered what was gonna happen, like with him and Matt. That new relationship was off to a great start! Oh God!

"Is it OK?" he signed as he asked Allie and me both...

"Well, it's fine with me... I guess... but, Kevin, are you sure?"

"No problem!" I said, "That is, unless we all decide to stay up all night." Everyone laughed when I said that.

"Yeah right, Kev. You turn into a frog at midnight, remember??!" Mark teased.

"Funny, Mark... real funny." I shot back, with an evil grin to rival his usual, loveable, heart-stopping smile. Haha, I swear, sometimes I wanna lick that smile right off his face!

"I'm gonna pay big-time for that one!" he laughed, raising his eyebrows. I pretended like I was ignoring him. That's right, I said "pretended," because we all know I can't ignore Mark no matter what. I'm addicted to him and I love him!

"Tell you what... we can all take the train in tomorrow," I said, ensuring that we'd get Nick back to Allie and Jon's safe and sound on Monday. "The loft is all yours... and we have extra towels and toothbrushes and blankets and pillows and all, so, yeah... we're all set!" Allie hugged us all again, squeezing me tight.

After she and Jon took off, it was just Keith, Nora and Lisa cleaning up the patio and deck. Really, there wasn't much of a mess, just the normal after-party kind-of stuff... a few bags of trash and some tables and chairs to move around. Eric, Matt and Scott packed up their guitars and amps, and Mark, Nick and I helped load their gear into their cars. Then it was time to take all my drum equipment back down to the drumroom. Since Jen had already left with Amy, who knows if Eric was gonna get lucky later that night.

Inside, my Dad and Ms. Kirsch quietly finished straightening up the kitchen, when it occurred to me that, at first, it didn't seem like she was planning on leaving anytime soon. But I was wrong. She said goodnight to everyone, while signing to Nick, and thanked me again and again for inviting her to such a wonderful party. I thanked her, too, for coming and for all her help, but really didn't know what else to say. Then she smiled at Dad and he walked her out to her car. I'm really starting to like her and all, but there's no way I want her spending the night with Dad. I mean, I know it's their business, and certainly not mine, but I just wasn't ready for that. Not then, anyway.

Dad came back in and headed up to bed, noting it would be an early morning for him and Grandpa since they had to go to the police station about Mr. Lamson. I was glad Keith and I didn't have to be there, but I made sure I told Dad to let me know the outcome. "Call me, Dad. I wanna know what happens."

I thanked Scott and Nora a million times for all that they did. "You two are amazing. I guess I always knew that, but seriously guys, I really appreciate everything." I kissed Nora, and she playfully smacked my ass and told me to behave myself! Scott gave her a ride home, then Keith left with Lisa. And guess who else decided to stay overnight? Matt!

So... I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Here's what happened later that night with Nick and Matt: Nothing. Yes, that's what I said... absolutely nothing.

The four of us – Mark, Nick, Matt and I – finally all went up to the loft. Me, being the perfect host, I got the toothbrushes and fresh towels for everyone so they could clean up if they wanted. And I got the extra blankets and pillows, too! We sat around and talked for quite a while, until Mark said he was really tired and wanted to crash... in MY room!!! YES!!!

"Can't keep my eyes open any longer, bud." He said, with a yawn. I went down to the kitchen to get something to drink, and when I came back upstairs, my guy was already sound asleep. I took off my clothes and sat on the edge of my bed looking at him as he slept. I wondered what was going through his brain. I wondered if Mark dreamed about me like I dream about him.

A few minutes later I poked my head in the loft and Matt and Nick were still sitting there, fully clothed, and talking. That's right. Talking. The only reason I mention that is because I think they are both too classy to "get it on" right there in my house after only having met for the first time a few hours earlier. They just wouldn't do that. And I think that's fine. They were becoming friends, something I think they both really, really wanted. It's not all about sex, even though I'm definitely sure there is a physical attraction between them. No doubt the urge is there for all us, but we CAN control ourselves... right, guys??

Matt rubbed his eyes and we all said goodnight, again. I went back to my room, not wanting to sleep, but still knowing my lack of it is a problem. I was restless and sat on the bed next to Mark again and lightly touched him. I kissed him and he smiled in his sleep. I know he knew what I did.

Then I went back to the loft, putting my ear to the partly-open door. I heard nothing, and even sorta surprised myself by what I did next: I went in. Very quietly... but I went in. Through the dimness, I saw that Matt and Nick were both asleep, too... Nick on the twin bed and Matt on the couch. That was at 2:00AM. And it was the same situation at 3:00 o'clock... and again at 4:30. I wasn't really spying on them, since the door was never really completely closed. And besides, I was in my own house, after all. But I suppose it would have seemed like I was spying if one of them had woken up, only to see me standing there, in the middle of the room, wearing only my boxers and a t-shirt, looking at them. Or maybe they'd have thought I was a perv. Who knows?

In between checking in on Mark and Matt and Nick, I snooped around the rest of the house, too. At one point I even went out in the garage and sat in the Volvo, tempted to take it for a late night spin. But that idea wouldn't work since I wasn't wearing very much. I thought it would just be my luck that even if I did something harmless like drive it around the block, Officer Flashlight and Officer Hard-ass would probably be on patrol and sure as fuck they'd find me and pull me over. Busted!

Anyway, I went back upstairs to peep in the loft at Matt and Nick again, then back to my room to touch, kiss and lay next to Mark. And periodically I'd go back downstairs to prowl around the house even more, still wearing only my underwear.

Honestly, I wonder about the stuff that goes through my head, the things I think about. Sometimes I can't believe what I do late at night.

Finally, though, I gave in, and around 5 o'clock in the morning, I fell asleep curled up next to Mark. We were like two bugs in a rug. I'm not much of a cuddler, but at some point, my hand ended up inside Mark's boxers. I love it.

We woke up around ten o'clock, which is really late for me. My fingers were clenched around Mark's morning wood, and I couldn't resist! We had to be quiet. And fast! I jerked him off, and it only took about thirty seconds for him to cum. What a load! It went all over his lower stomach, and even dripped down over the side by his hip bone. I licked up every drop! It was tasty, too. And just so you know, Mark didn't return the favor. There just wasn't time! Besides, we didn't want to take the chance on being heard or walked-in on. I can be sorta loud, remember?? Anyway, just so you know, I took care of myself when I took my shower!

By 10:15, everyone was up. Since I "slept in," I missed Dad leaving for the police station. Oh well. I drank three cups of coffee that he had made, and offered the guys cereal and juice. Matt and Nick were pretty silent at first, but then we all slowly seemed to perk up. I guess that's pretty normal behavior the morning after such a big day and a long night. Mark and I showered, separately of course, then we took Matt home so he could get cleaned up and change clothes there. At the Kramer's, Scott showed Nick around, telling him all about their guitars. We invited Scott to go into the city with us, but he said he'd pass. But he also hugged Nick goodbye and told him he couldn't wait until we could all get together again soon.

By that time it was almost noon, and Mrs. Kramer offered us lunch, but we all said no, and headed out to the train station as soon as Matt was ready. I had plenty of money with me, especially since I didn't really know what all we'd have time to do once we got into Manhattan. I know we wanted to do more than just drop Nick off, say goodbye and come back home. Since we were making the trip into the city, why not make a day of it?!

Once you're on the train, it seems like it doesn't take very long to leave the endlessly quiet, upscale communities of suburban Nassau County... the place we call home. But as soon as you're in Queens you quickly notice the difference in surroundings... the pace is much faster, the people are different... everything changes. Yesterday being Sunday, the city is only slightly less busy than on a weekday. But now it was Monday, back to work and business as usual. Nick seemed fascinated by the grittiness and hustle and bustle of the city. Even though there are lots and lots of other big cities in the world, New York is a different animal altogether. It's all the stuff we take for granted, like the traffic and tunnels and buses and bridges... the taxis and trains and honking horns and HOV lanes. So much above you and whatever's below you. And Jesus... all the people.

Just as we arrived at Penn Station, Dad texted me, only to say "wrkd a deal. call when u can." I wondered what that meant, that they "worked out a deal." What the fuck? So I was nervous as hell, and as soon as we got the subway down to Union Square and were back up to street level, I called him.

"So, Dad! What happened???"

"Well, Kev, I think it's all gonna be OK. Grandpa's still working on a few things with the DA's office, but basically, you were right. Mr. Lamson was covering. I guess guys have it in them to protect their families, and that's what he was doing. Anyway, I'll tell you and Keith more tonight. Not to worry. And you boys be careful."

"But, Dad!!!"

"Say goodbye to Nick for me! Gotta go!"

Shit. He hung up and I still didn't know all the details. But what I do know is that Dad and Grandpa together can do things other people can't do. So something big must have happened.

As soon as we got to Allie and Jon's apartment, we met Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, who were extremely nice to us. Typical mom and dad stuff. Actually, maybe it's because I had grown so fond of Allie, but it seemed like we had always known them, too. I mean, they're definitely Texans and not New Yorkers, but if they ever moved here they'd fit right in. I know Dad and all our friends' parents would love them. Nick wanted to shower and change clothes, which didn't take him very long, and while he did that we had some snacks that Allie put out.

Matt was more talkative than ever, and was a big hit with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Who knows what they thought, because all we said was that we were all "just friends." Allie had already told them how she and Jon met Mark and me on our camping trip at Indian Ridge. Ha! And come to find out, Mr. Stewart plays guitar, too! So he and Matt certainly had lots to talk about.

Since we had all day, we decided that it would be sorta cool to go to Ground Zero. I guess it's something you've got to do, at some point or another. You gotta go there at least once. It's sorta sacrilegious or unpatriotic if you're in New York and you don't go. If nothing else, to be respectful. Mr. Stewart said he'd treat us all to a late lunch/early dinner afterward, which was nice. But, before we went ...

As I said, Nick didn't take long to shower and change, and he looked hot as hell when he came back in the living room. God, he was cute, especially with that long brown, wet hair! This time he had on a yellow polo shirt and jeans... sorta dressed like I would dress. But he also had on cowboy boots. Now, I must say, although I'm not much of a cowboy myself, I sure was liking those boots!

"I love those! They're sooo cool!" I said directly to him.

Nick just smiled and said, "What?? My shit-kickers?"

"Is that what you call them?" I asked. "Shit-kickers??"

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Allie and Nick all laughed. "In Texas we do!"

Hmmm... "shit-kickers"... that's a new one! Nick let me try them on. They fit me perfectly! Size 10! The boots were very plain, smooth brown leather, with a rounded toe, straight heels, no fancy, gaudy designs... just very basic, and they certainly do not scream "cowboy"! They're soooo my style. "Where'd you get them?" I asked.

"Oh, at this really cool place called 'Lone Star Leather'.

xxx OK, so, in my mind, I'm thinking 'Lone Star Leather' is in Texas, right? I mean, Texas IS the 'Lone Star State' isn't it??

"Seriously," I said, "If I give you the money, would you get me a pair and send them to me? I can pay you now, plus extra for the shipping. I mean it. I'm serious."

Nick just grinned and said, "Ahh, I don't know..." He glanced over at Allie, sorta like he was giving her some kind of signal.

"Please??" Jesus, what the fuck was the big deal? I didn't want to seem whiney, but shit. "Come on Nick!"

"Umm... no, I don't think so." The two of them exchanged an odd look and then they disappeared in the kitchen together. It was all too secretive and mysterious.

The conversation with the rest of us in the living room changed, but I had this weird feeling. I dunno, a feeling like I was being rejected. But why? All I did was admire his cowboy boots and ask him to get me a pair. I got real quiet and wanted to leave. Why would Nick and Allie seem so rude to me, of all people, all of a sudden. Was I completely wrong about them? I went to the ends of the earth to make them feel so welcome at my house... so comfortable with my family and friends... so much a part of my LIFE!!

I really had trouble concentrating, and even whispered to Mark that maybe we should go. He told me to suck it up and not let it bother me. "It's no big deal, sweetie. Just forget it."

I tried to let it go. Believe me, I tried, but it was tough. I excused myself and went to the bathroom to pee, and when I returned to the living room a few minutes later, everyone – including Mark – all seemed so happy and chipper. Are they all stupid asses?? Were Mark and Matt both in on this nasty scheme to make me feel like a pile of shit? Or, was I just being a little too sensitive about a god-damned pair of stupid fucking cowboy boots? Then suddenly, Nick came over to me...

"Come on Kevin, let's go!" He said, smiling.

"Ahh, no... I'm fine right here."

"No! Come on, we have to go someplace."

"Where? What's going on?" I asked. "What are we doing?"

"Kevin... go with Nick, and don't ask any questions." Allie commanded, nodding her head. Nick motioned for me as he walked to the door. Reluctantly, I followed.

"Nick... where are we going?"

"Just come on! You'll see!"

We walked about a block and a half away, over to 2nd Avenue, past a stupid flower shop, a few stupid restaurants, some trashy jewelry stores, a creepy dance studio and a fucking art gallery... and then... we walked into a place called 'Lone Star Leather'!!

I was speechless. I couldn't believe it. 'Lone Star Leather' was right there, deep in the heart of the East Village... not deep in the heart of Texas! And, sure enough, there were the boots, just like Nick's, on a display table! "I'm sooo confused. Would you please explain what this is about??"

Nick just continued to grin. He put his hands on the boots and told the dude working there, "Size 10, please!" He also signed as he spoke so deliberately, and so did the man, who I think was the owner, and who also seemed to have impaired hearing.

"Another pair so soon? Did you wear them out that fast?"

"No, I have them on. These are for my friend!" Nick turned to me when the man went into the back room to get the boots. "I got the boots here, Kevin, not in Texas. So that's why when you asked if I'd get a pair and send them to you I said no, I wouldn't, because I didn't get them at home. I got them right here! Allie and I are buying these for you... to say thanks!"

I was still a little confused. But, I dunno, a little voice was telling me, "It's OK Rim-shot... let Nick give you the boots." I looked around the leather shop, and even though Nick, the owner and I were the only ones in there, I swear Townsend was there too, whispering to me. "Haha, unlike me, he's doing this right... he's paying for them!" Yep, it was Townie's voice!

I had a lump in my throat and just looked down at the floor. I was hoping I hadn't made too much of an ass of myself.

"Nick... no..."

"Don't be an idiot, Rim-shot!" I heard Townsend's voice again. "Let him do this."

Nick looked at me, straight in the eyes. "Allie and I want to do this. And I'm sorry we teased you back at the apartment. It's my sense of humor, I'm kinda crazy with people I like. We shouldn't have done that to you. I'm sorry."

Who could resist Nick? He's such a puppy. And once again, Mark was right... I should just lighten up and not take things so seriously. "Nick... listen... it's all good. I sorta over-reacted I guess... I was surprised, and I should have known better. Maybe it's because I didn't sleep very much. But really, you and Allie... well... I wanted to invite you guys to my house, and I wanted to introduce you to Matt, and you don't have to get me a gift..."

"We want to, Kevin." After Nick paid for the boots, he handed the rather large box to me. "Here... they're yours!"

I must have said "thanks" eight million times on the way back to Allie and Jon's. Everyone cheered when we walked in. Allie and Mark both hugged me, and I thanked her and Nick again. "You guys had me going there for a minute!" I laughed. But I was also blushing. Deep down, I don't like the attention.

"Kevin... the minute you said you loved my brother's boots, we both had the same idea at the same time. I swear, Nick and I, we have ESP. We'd been talking about what we could do to say thanks."

"Really, you didn't have to do anything. But just don't tease me anymore, OK??!! I can't take the stress!!!" We all chuckled. "And you were in on this, too... weren't you Mark? And you, too, Matty... I knew it!"

What a relief. And a huge surprise!

Not long after that, we left the apartment and we weren't planning on going back there, so, of course, I had to take the boots with me. It wasn't all that bad carrying them around. Since it was another beautiful day... a little cooler than Sunday, we took the subway over to lower Manhattan and walked the rest of the way down to Ground Zero. It was a day not unlike September 11th itself, a day none of us will ever forget, and I can't describe the haunting grief that overcomes you when you visit the site.

It's sacred ground, for sure, even thought it's all under construction now. There's lots of equipment and big fences with canvas curtains to somewhat block the view, but you can still see in a little bit, and there are big displays to explain what the new Freedom Tower will be like. I know right now it's really only like a temporary memorial to all those who lost their lives on that tragic day. And other than the usual sounds of the city, and the roar of the earth movers, dump trucks, cranes and concrete mixers, it was all extremely quiet. No one spoke at all, not even a whisper. I couldn't look up.

We walked around Ground Zero for about half an hour, but when we left walking north on Church Street, we did snap out of the somber, reflective mood. We ate at a small restaurant that we just happened upon, nothing fancy at all. Don't get me wrong – it was a great time and all, except I knew in the back of my mind it was all going to end soon. We'd have to say our goodbye's and Mark, Matt and I would head on up to Penn Station, while the Stewarts would go their way, back to Allie and Jon's ... and God only knows when we'll see them again. But I know we will.

Mr. Stewart paid the check, and that's when the hugfest began. Everyone agreed they'd become Facebook friends, except me, of course, because I don't do the Facebook thing. I dunno, I think it's too time consuming to look at everyone's pictures and write on their walls and do all of that. I can't sit still that long. I don't have the attention span.

Allie teared up. "Kevin, you're sweet. Thanks for everything."

"You can't be a stranger, Allie, because you know where I live now! There's no excuse for you not to come out to Long Island and visit us."

Nick hugged all of us, but it was a longer and tighter hug for Matt. "And you all have to come down to Texas. Anytime! I mean it!!"

"It's a deal," Matt said, and we all shook our heads.

Mr. Stewart said we could definitely all get together again if they decide to come back for Christmas, although he wasn't sure if they were. But it gave us all something to look forward to.

We must have stood there on the sidewalk for another ten minutes talking. But after about eight million more "thank you's" we had to leave. I know we'll see Nick again. I know it.

When we got off the subway back at Penn Station, we went up to street level and Mark and I smiled when we walked past the Starbucks on 7th Avenue and 31st Street.

"I need some caffeine!" I yelped. "Let's go in!"

"Easy, sweetie, you're wired enough as it is!"

"Yeah, I'm, tired-wired, but I'm in a good mood, too!"

"So what is it with you two and Starbucks?" Matt wondered.

"Oh... I dunno!" I smiled. "If you go visit Nick in Austin you and him should just go to a Starbucks and hang out one night. Just sit and talk and drink something sweet and gooey..."

"And you'll have a blast!!" I got the famous grin from Mark when he said that about "having a blast." Matt may not have caught on, but I sure as hell knew what he meant!

The city was busier than hell, being that it was already close to 6:00, the height of rush hour. Although I've left the city before at that time of day, it's not an easy task. But it sorta does help take your mind off of "other things."

Finally, we boarded the LIRR on track 19, and all the way home Mark made us laugh. Our conversations jumped from topic to topic, and at one point Mark point-blank asked Matt how he felt about Nick.

"It's just that usually I'm sorta shy meeting new people, but this was different. At first, Kev, I thought I was just doing you a favor by agreeing to meet Nick, but he and I hit it off from the start. He's such a great guy. And he's so cool, I totally want to get to know him more."

"So maybe it really IS a possibility you can go visit him in Austin?" I asked.

"I want to, Kev. I really really want to!"

We continued to act sorta silly, giggling and laughing. I even tried on my boots!

"Now THAT's hot as hell, Kev! Cowboy boots and cargo shorts!"

"Mark... I'm warning you! Stop teasing me!!"

"Your legs are sexy too, babe!!!"

"Hey Mark, let's start calling him Tex!" Matt laughed.

"Yeah, his new name can be Sexy Texy!!!"

I couldn't help but laugh too. "Shut the fuck up! Both of you!! I AM a fucking sex god!! You guys have no idea!!"

Mark flashed that big grin, raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat. "Lick lick, sweetie! I'm sorry!" I think Matt definitely got the hint. It's all good.

The three of us laughed our asses off all the way home, until the train stopped at our station. Although I didn't want the day to end, we all admitted we were beat. We piled in the Jeep, and I rode in the back as we took Matt home. To be polite, he invited us in, but we declined since we were all so tired.

"I'll call you, Matty!" I shouted out the window after I climbed in the front seat.

"Gotcha!" he said.

"And, hey, Matt... go for it, you know... just go for it, and don't look back..."

"I will, Kev. I will!" I know he knew exactly what I meant.

We took off, and just for the hell of it, I cranked up the tunes... especially "Blankest Year" by Nada Surf. Haha, the ending is sorta fitting for me, so I sang along with it... "Oh fuck it (fuck it) I'm gonna have a party!" I confessed to Mark that, as usual, I didn't want to be alone.

"Yeah, I know, sweetie. But I better not stay over at your house tonight. I haven't been home much, and my mom's gonna be on my case big-time!"

"Come on! I bet she won't mind."

"I know!! Why don't you stay at my house instead? We can go by your place right now and get your things."

"Cool! Then I can talk to my Dad about the Lamsons."

Dad was in the family room, and immediately turned off the TV to talk to Mark and me.

"Hey, you two! How was the day in New York?"

"Great Mr. C! But Ground Zero is another story. It's really sad, but definitely worth seeing."

"We got to meet Allie and Nick's parents and they took us out for a little something to eat afterward. They're so nice, Dad. I know you'd really like them."

"Maybe we could all get together the next time they visit. I'd love to meet them!"

"Yeah, Dad, and Nick said we could all go down to Texas, too! But I dunno if we'll really do that... but I bet Matty Kramer will! He and Nick got along great!"

"Well, I know you've all had quite a time the last couple of days. And both of you look really tired, especially you, Kev. You look like you haven't slept at all..."

"I'm fine, Dad. Don't worry about me," I swear, my father knows me like a fucking book. I can't hide anything from him! "So... enough about us... I wanna know what happened with the police and the DA and all."

"Like I said, Kev, Mr. Lamson was trying to hide the fact that it was Mrs. Lamson behind the wheel."

"WHAT??? No way!!" I was flabbergasted! "You mean it was HER???? It was Mrs. Lamson who was driving??? No way!! I would have put money on Marcie! I'd even bet my shit-kickers!"

"Somehow, late that night, she got the keys to Marcie's husband's car, and God-knows-why she took off. Marcie apparently went out to look for her, and Mr. Lamson had no idea what was going on. I really believe he was in the dark on the whole matter, at first. But as the investigation pushed on, and he found out about the situation, he decided he'd try to cover things up by taking the blame himself. Not good, but that's what happened."

"I can't believe it, Dad. This really pisses me off. Keith and Lisa could have been killed. Doesn't anybody realize that??

"Yes, we do, son. This is serious, believe me, we know that. The deal is, they can still charge her with Driving While Impaired, and believe me, the DA wants to. But we talked it down to a lesser charge. Only problem is, since she wasn't apprehended at the time, there's no direct evidence... no blood test, no breathalyzer, no video, no behavioral observation... nothing. It's a kind-of a gray area with New York State law, because all they have now is a fake confession which ultimately led to the real admission of what happened."

"Is she in jail? I mean, they gotta put her away. For good, I say!"

"I just can't see her going to jail. That wouldn't be right, and it wouldn't do any good. But she is being charged with reckless operation and some other things, and we got the obstruction of justice charge dropped against Mr. Lamson. It's all on the condition that she goes into rehab. There's a place out in Suffolk County that she'll be going to, and we're hoping like hell that it works."

"But, why was she after Keith and Lisa? Was it just a coincidence?"

"Evidently, it was. It's still unclear why she was following them. She may have seen him briefly and thought she recognized him. Who knows? I don't think it was malicious."

"This really sucks. Does Keith know about all of this?"

"Yeah, I told him, and he's OK with it now. It's not easy, though. But, try to understand where Grandpa and I are coming from. The main thing is, we're glad your brother and Lisa are OK. Cars and trees and fences can be replaced. But your lives are waaay more important. And Mrs. Lamson needs help. We were insistent about that. Actually, I insisted. Your grandfather was relentless. And it helps that Grandpa knows Jerry Schurman, the Lamson's attorney. He was in full agreement. And they will make full restitution for all the property damage."

"Wow." That's all I could say, and Mark and I just looked at each other. "So that's it??"

"Yeah, in a nutshell." Then, with a bewildered look, Dad asked the big question: "Umm... Kev... did I hear you say a few minutes ago that you'd bet your 'shit-kickers'??"

"Oh, yeah, Dad. My shit-kickers! They're my new cowboy boots! I guess I forgot to tell you. Nick and Allie bought them for me," I said, as I took the boots out of the box to show Dad. "Nick has a pair and I fell in love with them, so he and Allie bought me a pair, too... after teasing the heck out of me! But, yeah, that's what they call them... shit-kickers!"

"Hey, that was really nice of them. A thank-you gift, huh?"

"Yeah, but at first I said they didn't have to give me anything. I was sort-of embarrassed about it," I felt like I had to explain further. "Well, really what happened is, I saw Nick's and asked if he'd get me a pair and send them to me if I gave him the money. He said "no," then he and Allie sorta laughed and were kinda secretive... and I guess I was a little irritated by that..."

"To say the least!" Mark interrupted, laughing... "You went all hormonal on me, dude!!"

"Did not!! But, anyway, then Nick took me to this boot shop on 2nd Avenue called 'Lone Star Leather' and he and Allie paid for them. It was totally a surprise."

"You ended up handling it well, though, Kev." Mark admitted.

"I bet he did!' Dad smiled as he messed up my hair.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them. "You two are as bad as Nick and Allie!" I laughed. "I'm gonna get my things. I'm staying at Mark's tonight, Dad."

"Well, son, you have GOT to get some rest, because Mr. Walters called to remind you that practice for the drumline starts Wednesday. I hope you boys remembered that."

"We did." God damn! I can't believe it's time for band to start up all over again.

By the time we got over to Mark's we were pretty hungry again. Mrs. Graham, for some reason, seemed to be in a really good mood. I mentioned it to Mark and he said he didn't notice, that his mom is like that all the time. Yeah, right. I didn't know if he was kidding around or what. I think he was because he's told me before that he knows she can be a handful sometimes.

"You boys look really, really tired. Particularly you, Kevin. You've got dark circles under your eyes and your face is sorta pale." There she goes again! She sounds like Dad! 'Ellen Graham, MD,' with her diagnosis on my wellbeing! "You're like a zombie."

"Hey mom, is there anything to eat? I'm really starving!" Mark sorta barked at her. Then he turned to me and asked, "You hungry, sweetie?"

"Well... I guess so."

Mrs. Graham offered up her unique culinary abilities. "Let me see what I can whip up," she said, looking in the freezer. "How about some hot pockets and tater tots? Would that be OK?"

"Sure, Mrs. Graham. Yours are the best! They're delicious!!" I said with a mischievous grin.

She turned fast on her heels, came into the family room, and sat down next to me on the couch. "Kevin, you are sooo full of it!" she smiled.

She's got my number, doesn't she! Maybe she knew I was being a bit sarcastic, maybe she thought I was just being funny. Either way, it didn't matter. Because she saw me for what I am... she saw me as me. And, on a very personal level, I saw Mrs. Graham for what she really is, too: a mom. I think I sorta began to notice that for the first time at the party, by the fun and affectionate way she interacted with Nora's little brother Dylan. It was touching.

Pulling me close, she hugged me and held me tight, kissing me on the forehead, like mothers do. I unexpectedly had that warm and fuzzy "cared-for" feeling... something I hadn't experienced since I was five years old, and Keith was seven. And now I crave it.

The wall between Mrs. Graham and me seemed to be gone. I realize now that it was a barricade that I, myself, had put up all along...

"You're like another son to me, Kevin. You're like another son." That's all I remember her saying, and then I fell asleep in her arms.

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 46

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