Drummer Boys

By Kevin Carson

Published on Sep 25, 2006


This story is about my relationship with my friend and jack-off buddy, and yes, it includes gay teen sex stuff. It's based on true experiences but some of the names and places have been changed for privacy. Hey, if this is illegal where you're at or if you're too young to be reading this, then you better not. All rights reserved. No reproductions permitted without prior permission.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate your emails. I love your comments/feedback and questions about this story. My email is: kc.drummerboy@yahoo.com.

Sincerely, kev.

Part 6.

"Shhhh..." Mark whispered. He put his arms around me and his face against mine. "I feel exactly the same way..." We ended up on my bed, facing each other, holding each other for a long time. I finally broke the silence.

"You probably think I'm stupid."

"Why would you think I think you're stupid? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Kevin. You know that, right?"

"No, Mark...you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Me. Remember that first day of band practice, before school even started? When I first saw you that day, that's when I knew.

"Knew what?" Mark chuckled. Then, he got serious, which he doesn't do often, but when he does, I melt. "Yeah, that's when, umm, I knew too. I looked at you looking at me, and I knew too."

We stayed on my bed forever that night. Mark gave me a backrub, he said I was really tight, LOL! So, of course I begged him to "loosen me up!" As he massaged my ass and legs, too, I laid there thinking, about a lot of things. Since we got over that emotional roller coaster I felt a lot better. I was much closer to understanding my feelings, and Mark's too. And a lot closer to understanding our relationship. Well, Mark is magic to me.

It was late, after midnight in fact, but for some reason we weren't sleepy. Relaxed, but still very much awake. Keith was still out and I think Dad had gone to bed. I undressed without even realizing it, keeping only my underwear on. Mark and I went downstairs and raided the fridge...actually I stood there with the refrigerator door wide open staring at all the shit I didn't want to eat. "Way too much food," I thought, and told Mark to help himself, have whatever he wanted. I grabbed a Code Red from the pantry and added ice. That'll keep me even more awake! I was shivering like hell, when Mark said maybe it was because I only had on my boxers and nothing else. He shook his head grinning and I muttered, "Hmm, I guess you're right." He's gotta think I'm stupid. "Oh, well, I don't give a shit, it's just us..."

Just then Keith and Lisa walked in from the garage, I didn't even hear them pull in. Mark thought that was the funniest thing he ever saw, I guess. Skinny me wearing baggy boxers looking like a deer caught in headlights. No way was I gonna let Lisa see me like that, so I ran up the back steps to put on some clothes. But I wasn't quite fast enough. She got an eyeful of my bony ass and yelled up the steps behind me, "Hey Sexy! Wanna get lucky?!" And I heard the three of them laugh when my brother told Mark and Lisa I was an exhibitionist. I threw on my jeans and a t-shirt and went back down to the kitchen.

"Where did you park, asshole? I didn't hear your car."

"On the street, you little twit. And what the fuck were you doing prancing around half naked in front of Mark? You're a fuckin' perv." Keith teased. "Mark, I'd stay away from him if I were you. He might attack you." Little did my brother know that's exactly what I wanted to do! I remained the target of their jokes while the three of them pigged out on whatever cold, shitty snacky stuff they could find. "I hope all three of you get fat!" I snapped, kiddingly, of course.

Finally, I saw Mark yawning and said we better get some sleep. We went back upstairs and I guess Keith and Lisa made out in the family room in the dark for a while. I stayed awake for quite a long time and heard them leave quietly around 1:30. Keith got back about 2:00. I used the bathroom and when I got back in my room a minute later, Mark was sound asleep on my bed, dead to the world. Me? I was still wide-awake. Yeah, that Code Red really works for me. Not to mention my natural nervous energy. I sat at the foot of the bed with my knees up to my chin and my arms over them, just looking at him. Mark. The most amazing person on earth.

At some point I fell asleep, too. I woke up to daylight streaming through my window, spooning Mark from behind, my arms around his waist. We didn't have any sexual action last night, but even so, I woke up happy. He was still sleeping like a baby so I decided to wake him up gently. He had fallen asleep with his clothes on, actually "passed out" is more like it. My morning stiffie was poking him in the rear, and I couldn't resist rubbing his ass and legs. I slid my hand under his shirt, then slowly and quietly worked down to the button and zipper on his jeans. I felt his massive morning flagpole, and decided to free it from its white cotton prison called boxer briefs. I pulled everything down to mid-thigh and lifted up his shirt. I sniffed his pubic hair and balls and lightly kissed them. What a beautiful sight. I hesitated, but couldn't resist taking his entire pole into my mouth in one gulp. I didn't gag, but believe me, I had a mouthful! I loved the taste, a little salty and a lot sweet. I bobbed up and down on that delicious cock, hands-free, until his cream filled my mouth. As he started to cum, his eyes opened, his back arched, and Mark exclaimed, "What a way to wake up!!" Smiling Mark!

"Dude, I couldn't help myself. So...umm...how long have you been awake?" I asked, blushing.

"Oh, since you first started poking me in the ass with that rod of yours."

There was no need for me to be embarrassed, but I was anyhow. "You bastard! You let me do all that to you and pretended to be asleep? You owe me, fucker."

"OK, I owe you then. Lay down."

Mark completely took off his clothes and squatted over me, removing those damn baggy boxers I had on. I had already leaked a considerable amount of precum in them, which Mark held up to his nose and mouth. "God" he said as he inhaled my lower body scent and tasted the clear stickiness I left in them. He dangled his big carrot over my mouth for a second to tease me, allowing his balls to swing above my lips, then bent down to kiss me. I put my arms around his neck and lowered his mouth to mine. In no time he was licking my nipples, then my belly button. Then he took the entire length of my cock in his mouth, sucking it wildly. All the time he had a firm hold on my balls. He also managed to press on my hole, but didn't go in. I went off almost immediately, which made him suck harder, and he swallowed every drop of boy juice. "Yeah...oh, ohhh, uhhhhhhh, oh, ahhhhhhhhh." My orgasm was so intense, my body unexpectedly made a few sounds I didn't want it to make. "Ooops!" I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom. You wanna talk about embarrassing??!!

Well, we showered...separately, I might add...since Dad was up, and then went on about the day. Mark and I walked back to his house around three o'clock, since that's when his parents were due back. Before we left my house Mark thanked Dad, and Dad said "Anytime." That was music to my ears! An open invitation for Mark to stay over!

As we walked, I wanted to hold Mark's hand. But I didn't since it really was daylight this time. "What a weekend," I said.

"Yeah," Mark said, in a dull tone.

"What?" I asked. "Are you disappointed?

"No," Mark laughed. "Not at all. It's just that, well, I would have rather just been alone with you from Wednesday night until now! And then some! I wish we could have just been alone, just you and me. Selfish, I know."

"I'm sorry, we probably shouldn't have gone to Townsend's..."

"No, no, that was fine. I just..."

"Just...what?" I asked.

"I dunno...just...nothing. Now you probably think I'm the one who's stupid."

"Tell you what," I added. "I won't think you're stupid if you don't think I'm stupid!"

Mark said we're both a little stupid, and we laughed as I kinda led us into the woods. "Mark," I blurted out. "I know we're both horny as hell, and I get that, it's normal, right? But, stuff's happening kinda fast, you know, with us, and we really haven't talked about it, and in fact, I'm a little shy about talking about it now, but I need to, and I think this is sorta what I wanted to talk about last night but didn't know how to say it, and...and ...please help me out here, Mark...know what I'm saying?" Suddenly I was even more of a babbling, nervous wreck.

"You're right, Kev, we probably should talk about it, and it is a little weird. But I just wanna be with you. The other day, on the train, I was thinking...about you, about us. I hope you feel the same way I do...I think you do. But, I was thinking, you know, like what we do, I never thought of it as gay or anything. It's hard to think of myself as...gay...and you, too."

"I don't think 'gay' is bad, but I do have a fear of what would happen if people found out. I mean, everyone, not just Keith or my Dad. You know that night when you first kissed me, I was stunned. I don't know why, I just was. But it was so right. And I didn't feel like it was 'gay' or anything. It was just...right."

"I know what you mean," Mark added. Believe me, it wasn't like I just wanted to kiss a guy, any guy, just for the hell of it. Only you. I only feel this way about you, Kev. You're right...it's just...right, for us."

"Same here. Although, I've never really had a girlfriend and never really wanted one. I've just never been attracted that way. I guess when I think about it, I've known I was 'gay' for lack of a better term, for a while, but never ever did anything until you."

"We so think alike, Kev. Exactly alike. You know, at first, the other night when you said we needed to talk, well, I was afraid you were gonna say...well, I don't know what you were gonna say, but I was scared."

"Before that, at Townsend's, when he asked if we were jacking off together, I almost shit. I was like why the fuck is he saying that? You were so funny the way you put him in his place."

"I've known old Townie a long time, and he really is cool. And even if he did know about us, he'd be cool with it. Totally cool. I think he's bi. I can't prove it, I just have a hunch."

"Maybe. You're great, Mark, you know that? You're really great." I beamed.

"Stop the mushy shit, fucker, and kiss me!" Mark was serious. So we kissed. Right there in his driveway!

"Shit! I didn't realize we were at your house already! I'm just dreaming here, listening to you, and we kissed right here in your driveway."

"Settle down. We're at the back door, and it was just a little peck. No one saw. Quit worrying, silly."

"Easy for you to say." And we laughed. Close call. Lisa just pulled in.

"Hey sexy!" Lisa smiled at me. "You, too, slime ball," She stuck he tongue out at Mark. "Just teasing! Hey, Keith's really hot, I like him. We had a great time this weekend, but don't tell him I said that, wink, wink!"

"Yeah, you bet!"

Then Lisa told Mark she was getting something for dinner so their mom and dad wouldn't have to worry about. They both said they were sick of pizza. Lisa asked me if I wanted a ride home, and called me a little hottie. "I'm gonna call you Keith junior, since you two look so much alike. You're just a skinny version of him."

"I am not! I'm nothing like Keith!" The three of us giggled and laughed. "But he's alright, I guess. Big brothers!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Big sisters!" Mark added.

"Little brothers! You're a pain in the ass!" We laughed some more, then Lisa ran in the house to get something, and Mark and I said goodbye. I told him I was glad we talked some more and he agreed.

"Don't worry, Kev. The last couple of weeks have been a little strange at times, things moving so fast with us, but it's all good. I'll call you later."

Lisa came back out and she and I took off. We drove a few blocks and I didn't say much. I didn't have a chance to, even if I wanted. Lisa did all the talking. About Keith! I honestly wasn't really listening. I was thinking more about Mark and what he means to me, all that stuff. I thought about the 'are we gay' thing and felt a lot less confused now, and definitely more comfortable.

"Hey Lisa...could you drop me off at Walgreen's...?

"Sure, babe. I gotta get a highlight kit there anyways."

We parked, went inside and split up. Lisa went to the hair stuff aisle and I looked for Nora. Sure enough, she was cashiering. Lucky me!

"Hey Nora! What's going on?"

"Hey Kev, not a whole lot, just working till 5. Then I'm off, thank God. Is this place your new hangout?"

"That would be a 'no', but, umm, I wanted to ask you something..." Just then Lisa came up to the counter with her hair coloring stuff and checked out with Nora. They said 'hi' and talked about their hair. I told Lisa I'd walk the rest of the way home, it was cool, and she said 'OK' and left. I was finally alone at the counter with Nora.

"Nora, I was wondering, could you buy me something?" I whispered.

"Me? Buy you something? Like, what?"

"Well, see, it's really not for me, but, umm..."

"Yeah, right. You know we don't sell beer here and I'm not old enough to buy it anyways, you know that."

"Yeah, but no, I don't mean beer, or anything like that, I mean, umm, well..."

"Spit it out, Kevin."

"Condoms," I whispered. Just then an elderly woman came up to the counter behind me and surprised me.

Nora looked a bit shocked "Oh. Yeah. Sure." Go get what you want and I can take care of it. Actually I don't have to buy it myself, I can just ring you up."

"It's cool, then?" I waited for that old lady to leave, then told Nora again they weren't for me. I got the ultra thin ones with the little bubble thing at the end, and a small tube of KY jelly.

I gave them to Nora with a twenty-dollar bill. She smiled and asked if I had a hot date planned and said that I was starting young. She kind-of nodded toward the door, meaning Lisa. I said no, it's not for me and her, that she's dating Keith. "Well, then, it looks like you'll have a good time, with whoever!" LOL!

"Nora, please don't say anything to anyone about this. Really they're for my friend, not me. Thanks." I must have told her that line four or five times, and she probably believed me less and less. But, old Nora came through and agreed to keep my purchase only between us. She handed me my change and I left. I was proud of myself. Mission accomplished!

I got home, grabbed a few French fries Dad had just taken out of the oven, and said I wasn't hungry. I really wanted to jack off, so I went up the steps, two at a time. I went into the bathroom and got a bunch of kleenexes and a towel. I knew this was gonna be a messy one!

I locked my bedroom door and stripped, except for my socks. I kneeled down and sat back on my feet in front of my mirror. I tore open a condom and rolled it down over my pole, then smeared a big blob of KY up and down my dick, and on my stomach and abs, too. I started to stroke myself, slowly at first, then picked up speed. I was liking this... the rubber slightly squeezing my cock was a totally different sensation. I was tingling and felt warm. I thought about Mark, and how I'd like to be doing this to him. I tried to keep my moaning to a minimum, but I was breathing heavy. I couldn't stop, and soon I began to feel the usual spasms, and started to fill up the cum-catcher at the tip of the condom. I was on another planet.

"Kevin!!!" Dad yelled up.

Fuck! Was that the phone ringing?


Jesus, I wasn't done cumming yet, god-damn it.

"Kev-in...phone call..."

"OK.....I'm cumming!!!" (Can't really lie to my Dad).


Shit, my Dad was already upstairs and knocked at my door.

I was so out of breath, I didn't know what to do first. I tried to wipe up with the kleenexes. And the condom didn't seem to want to come off easily at first, but then some of my jizz dripped out onto the carpet. What a fucking mess. I was trying to put my clothes back on and I put all the evidence of my jack-off session in the towel and threw it all in my closet.

I heard the muffled sound of Dad on the phone outside my room. "It was Mark. He said to call him whenever you're done doing...whatever you're doing." Dad heard the banging of drawers and doors as I frantically got myself together.

"So...what are you doing in there?"

I opened the door. "Uhh, a special project Dad, you know. And uhh, cleaning...cleaning my room. See... And laundry, Dad, I have so much dirty laundry..."

"Oh. Strange," Dad said as he looked at me skeptically, but with his usual loving smile. "You know, Kev, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were in love."

(To be continued...)

Next: Chapter 7

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