
By Justin Jordan

Published on Dec 5, 2004


This is a fictional story containing M/M sex, slave training and BDSM If you are under 18 or it is not legal for you to read this material in your state, log off now. Safe sex and use of condoms can save your life. So if you indulge in any of these practices, be sure to do it safely.

Part 1

We meet in a chat room for masters and slaves. I am a master, 56, 5..6 165#, good muscular build, brown hair and eyes, moderately hairy but not a bear, 6 inches uncut. You tell me you are 5..8, 150# medium to heavy build, dark brown eyes and hair, smooth and 5 inches cut. I have been without a slave for six months and I have decided it is time I searched to find a replacement. I had met a few young guys with whom I had had some fun. Most of them had just been one night stands and there was no idea of commitment on either part and after the session we had parted never to meet again. One had lasted a week when I was on holiday but we both felt it was not going to work. So we parted as friends and had met occasionally since to spend an enjoyable evening in my dungeon. I was tired of these transient couplings , finding it very unsatisfying, and I wanted to find a young man who was ready to be trained to please me. Then we met and chatted. You confess that you are completely submissive and want nothing more than to serve a master. You are willing to give up your whole life, body and mind, to the right man. We get on well that first night and we exchange e-mail addresses and agree to keep in touch. We start to exchange information by e-mail and then add each other to messenger so we can chat when we find each other on line. You tell me of your need to be controlled and your deep longing for pain. You have tried beating yourself with a belt but it is not what you need. You are a total virgin and want to keep yourself for your first master. You are interested in body building and want to have a body that pleases a master. I encourage you to undertake a series of daily exercises and advise you on the right foods to eat. You have no money to buy supplements. After six months of chatting you ask me if you can tell me something and will I promise not to be mad. You confess that you are fourteen years old! I am shocked as I had absolutely no idea. Our conversations had been so mature. You hope I will still talk with you as you feel very close to me and I agree. This explains for me your reluctance to send me a picture of yourself. You tell me about your family life. You live with your mother and step father and they have a little girl whom you love dearly. Your father has been divorced twice and currently does not have a female companion. You spend occasional weekends with him but you do not enjoy going there since he has discovered that you are gay and makes you service him orally when he has not scored with a woman over the weekend. You have not told your mother about this. It makes you feel dirty and ashamed but, in a strange way, the domination makes you feel whole and you masturbate afterwards thinking about it. We continue to chat throughout your teen years. You suffer several bouts of depression and our conversations help you get through them. When you are sixteen you confess that you love me and want to be with me more that anything else in the world. You want to spend the rest of your life serving me. I start your instruction gently by telling you what to do, trusting in your honesty to do as I say. I impose cum control and tell you to save your money to buy a butt plug. Some days you will not wear underwear and others you will tie up your balls for the day or possibly the night. You also take the big step of coming out to your mother and stepfather although you say nothing of your desire to be a slave. You are very lucky and they are both supportive of you. They arrange for you to see a counsellor, not with the intention of changing your orientation, but to help you deal with gay life. They also encourage you to join a gay/ straight alliance at your school to get support there. We agree that we will wait until you are eighteen before you come to join me and start your enslavement. Among the cards you receive for you eighteenth birthday there is a plain envelop without a return address. You open it and find a one way ticket to Winnipeg for a week from that day and a note saying that I will meet that flight. You may bring only what you can put into a carry-on bag as you are starting a new life and you will not need a whole lot of baggage. If you are not on that flight, cash the ticket in and forget me. You explain to your mother that you will be moving out now that you are eighteen. She is very upset to think that you will not be around but even more so when you tell her that you are moving to the prairies. You explain that you have a friend there and you will be staying with him. You promise you will be in touch regularly. You have led a very sheltered life and leaving home and traveling far away is a big and fearful step. It is also your first time to fly so you have another reason for concern. In the plane you are quite nervous but the man beside you notices this and talks to you and takes your mind off it and, before you know it, the plane is in the air. You relax and begin to enjoy it. You have to change planes in Toronto and you find the airport very large and confusing. The Air Canada assistants are very helpful and you get on the flight to Winnipeg. You begin to wonder again what you will do if I am not there to meet you. You have enough money for a hotel room but insufficient for a return ticket. Your anxiety rises as the plane begins to descend. At the gate, everyone gets up in a hurry to leave and you join them. You appear at the exit door on the arrival level and stop and look around, hoping to see me. As you descend the escalator you look worried and continue to scan the crowd for me. I take pity on you and move through the crowd to greet you at the foot of the stairs. Your face breaks into a wide smile and I hug you. We do not have to wait by the luggage carousel as you are carrying all your worldly possessions. We make our way to the car park and find the SUV. It is dark and we head out for your new home. You are quiet and I do not break into your thoughts. Your new home is set in a quarter section of land. There is a long drive leading to it and the house is completely surrounded by a shelterbelt of trees. You can see yard lights off in the distance but our nearest neighbour is over a mile away. I explain to you that the isolation is not an accident. When I am playing with you it assures us of complete privacy and no one will hear you. You look a little alarmed at this but then realize that this is part of your new life. As soon as we are in the hall, I order you to take off all your clothes and fold them neatly and pile them on a chair. The quicker you get used to being naked the better. I had explained to you before you came that you would be naked at all times around the house. I lead you to my study so I can inspect you. From your reading you know about the present position and you assume that with your hands behind your head and elbows pulled back, Chest out, gut sucked in, feet twelve inches apart. Everything is open to my view. Now you are eighteen your a 6 feet, 205 lbs. You still have some puppy fat and you have love handles. However beneath these imperfections I can see that there is good musculature to work on. I reach out and run my hands over your chest. It is smooth and I notice that you are shaved well. I run my hands down your abdomen and cup your balls. I give them a small preliminary squeeze and you flinch but your cock starts to get stiff. I flick the head with my thumb and it deflates. I order you to turn around and I assess your buttocks. They are smooth and round and firm, just as I like them. I gently push on your back and you bend over opening your crack and exposing your virginal hole. I rub my finger over it gently and it puckers under my touch. I tell you to resume your present. All in all I am satisfied. I tell you the one rule that you need to know tonight. You never sit on any of the furniture. I tell you to follow me and we go into the kitchen. You have been traveling all day so I assume you are hungry and place some bread and some cold meats on a plate. I place the plate on the floor and tell you to get on your knees and eat. I take some cold water from the fridge and put it in a bowl and place that beside the plate for you to lap up. When you are done, I lead you to the back of the house to your room. It is bare. It contains a small camp bed with a thin blanket. In one corner is a toilet and a shower area and a small thin hand towel is hanging beside it. I tell you that tomorrow I will begin your training and I leave you there and close and lock the door.

You woke at 6.30am as usual and looked around. You were in your cage. You had been sleeping there ever since you began your enslavement two months previously. However now you are no longer restrained at night. The first month you were cuffed to the bars and the gate was locked. Now you are no longer cuffed and the gate is unlatched so you can get out in the morning to begin your routine. There is no fear of your playing with yourself in the night as you wear a CB 3000 at all times. You crawl out and slowly stand and stretch. There is not enough room in the cage for you to lie out straight or to sit up. You cross to the corner where you do your ablutions and lift down the enema set. You fill the bag and insert the nozzle in your hole and fill yourself with the first douche. When the bag is empty you do 20 jumping jacks and then release the fluid. You repeat this process several times until the return water is absolutely clear. Then you get in the shower and turn on the water. It is freezing cold. There is only one tap. Slaves are lucky to have showers and cannot expect the comfort of hot water. Once you are refreshed you get out and turn on the wall fan and stand in front of it to let yourself airdry. This causes you to shiver and shake as you are cooled down. Once you are dry you walk up the stairs to my room and enter very quietly so you do not disturb me. You kneel beside my bed and wait. As you kneel there you think how lucky you are to have me as your master and wonder if I will give you the wonderful gift of my morning piss. You have not had it for the last three mornings and are feel the need. Of course you must not ask for it. When I start to stir you let your hand slide under the downy cover and gently find my cock and balls. My cock is stiff. You warm my balls with your hand. As I become more awake you slide your head and shoulders under the downy and start to kiss and lick the precious jewels and my joy stick. I make it easier for you by lying on my side and facing you. I place a hand on the back of your head and guide my cock into your mouth for you to suck and pleasure. I roll onto my back and you have to get up on the bed and kneel over my legs to be able to continue ministering to my cock. I pull you up until you are kneeling over my hips and my cock is touching your hole. With my hands on your hips I force you down onto my cock, all the way in one swift movement, stretching your ring and filling you completely. The only lube has been the saliva you left on my cock head. So penetration is almost and dry and I see you wince with the pain. I let you start a slow movement up and down so I almost done out and then move all the way in again. After a little while I encourage you to go faster and I begin to thrust up into you as you come down. This action gets faster and harder until, with a final deep thrust, I hold you down and spray your gut with my seed. I make you stay there as I gradually soften and then you get a warm sensation in your ass as I fill you with my golden fluid. When I am done, I tell you to get off and be careful not to spill any of my precious gift. You have been trained to hold your ring tight so no fluid escapes. I send you to make my breakfast while I have my morning shower and shave. You have your bowl of porridge on the floor and eat it without using your hands. When we are both done I tell you that today is a very special day for you. One that you will always remember.

To be continued...

When we are both done I tell you that today is a very special day for you. One that you will always remember.

Part 2

I have invited a few friends over this evening. They will be arriving after supper. They are masters and some of them will undoubtedly bring their slaves. This will be the first time that you have been with others of our group. This morning you will spend your time in the dungeon. You will clean it thoroughly making sure that the floor is washed. You will replace all the candles with new ones as they will have to burn for a while. All the leather must be cleaned with leather soap and waxed and the chains all polished. That should keep you busy most of the morning. When you are done I will be in the study. You head off to the dungeon and work diligently doing all that I had told you. You are excited about the coming evening but a little nervous too. When you are done you come and kneel beside my chair as I work on the computer. After lunch I send you to prepare yourself. You may have a hot shower and you are to shave all hairy areas from below the eyebrows and above the knees. You must be completely smooth. I remove your CB3000 so you can make a complete job. You take your time but make a very good job and , when you are done, you report for me to inspect you. You raise your arms to show completely hairless pits and then turn around and bend over with your legs slightly parted so I can see the whole length of your ass crack. There are a couple of hairs on the margins of your brown circumference and these I pull out causing your to yelp and move. This earns you a hard slap on your ass. You turn around and I inspect your pubes, balls and cock. It is satisfactory and you heave a sigh of relief. I instruct you in the etiquette

for the evening. You will only speak to a master if he speaks to you. You will stand and allow him to fondle you if he desires. If he asks you to do anything you will look to me first to get my permission but this is unlikely to happen. You may talk freely with the other slaves but you may not have any physical contact. You will serve the masters the drinks and the food. You will only wear your collar and the pair of leather shorts I have had made for you. They are made from soft leather and they are designed to be very tight to show off your buns and your basket. The front is a "V" detachable cod piece. You may have guessed that the reason for this evening is to present you to the community and you must make me proud of you. You will be the main attraction and of course the entertainment for the evening. You look a little afraid when you hear this as you do not know exactly what I mean. I assure you that I will be there and it will all be fine.

My friends start to arrive shortly after supper. By the time they are all there, there are seven masters and five slaves. One master does not currently have a slave and is looking for a suitable candidate. The other was punishing his slave for disobedience. He had left him stretched on a wrack with a heater under him. You are some what surprised at the appearance of the masters. The are various heights but all in good shape. The thing that surprised you was their dress. You expected them all to be wearing leather but in fact only two had on leather vests and some leather harness. Most just wore shirts and jeans and one came straight from his office in his business suit. The slaves came dressed similarly but then stripped off in one of the bedrooms and came out wearing thongs, briefs, jocks or what ever their master let them. As they arrive I greet all the masters and you stand beside but slightly behind me and I present you to them. When they are all assembled I release you to go and serve drinks and eats among the guests. Some of the masters run their hands over you and enjoy your firm young body. When all are served you return to your place beside me as I chat with my friends. You answer politely when they ask you questions about yourself and your training. Some of them take the opportunity to fondle you. Master Robert let his hands wander all over you and cupped the front of your shorts. I tell you to remove your cod piece to let him appreciate you better. You look very embarrassed and blush but do not hesitate to take it off. He cups your balls and cock and you immediately you get an erection. I tell him to be careful as you have not cum for sixty days and you are not due for release for many more. He removes his hand when you start to leak precum and lets you lick his hand clean. It is now 9pm and I tell you it is time for the entertainment to begin. You are to go to the basement and light all the candles. Then take off your shorts and kneel quietly and prepare yourself mentally for the play

to be continued

You are to go to the basement and light all the candles. Then take off your shorts and kneel quietly and prepare yourself mentally for the play

Part 3

You have been kneeling in the dungeon naked for half an hour wondering what is going to happen. Your fear increases as you imagine what you fate will be. I have said that you will be the entertainment. What does this mean? Two of the more senior slaves come quietly down the stairs. They had been sent to prepare you. They begin by placing leather cuffs on your wrists and ankles. They stand you up and lead you over to the hanging chains. You stand on the small platform under them and they stretch your arms up and out and fasten them there. One takes your right leg and fixes it to a chain in the floor and the other slave does the same with your left leg. They remove the platform and you are suspended by your arms in a perfect "X". Every part of you is exposed and open for a master's pleasure. You have not been hanging there long when you hear more footsteps descending the stairs and excited chatter. It is the group of masters and the remaining slaves are coming quietly behind. The masters stand around you while the slaves back against the wall and try to get a good view of what is about to happen. Before coming down to the dungeon the masters have all drawn a number from a hat, two to seven. I have reserved one for myself. I stand in front of you and look into your eyes. You know I am telling you, without words, to make me proud of you. I ask you your safe word and you answer "Duckling". You chose this because of the Hans Christian Anderson story about the ugly duckling. That was how you thought of yourself. Then I ask you your safe sign when gagged. You extend both your thumbs and wiggle them. "Very good". You lose sight of me as I move away and go to the wall. However you can hear the quiet hiss as the leather of the seven foot whip slips through the metal eye where it had been hanging. I stand behind you to your left. You hear me tell the other masters that I have claimed my right to be the first to pleasure you but they will all get their turn. I have been practising using the whip in both hands as I am ambidextrous. I will limit the strokes to five from each side as I do not want you to come and it is obvious that you are excited as your cock is very stiff and red.. I crack the whip once to get your attention and immediately lay on the first stroke. It catches you from your right shoulder diagonally across your back and leaves a very satisfactory mark. We all hear the air escape from your chest. The next one follow quite quickly and the mark is two inches below. This elicits a grunt. The third is placed again 2 two inches down but I allow the

snake end of the whip to encircle your chest and catch your right tit. That gets a very pleasing howl. The next two follow, each two inches from the last. You are quietly sobbing with some tears running down your cheeks. I move to the other side and again crack the whip to alert you of the coming blow. The first reaches from your left shoulder diagonally across your back. The other four follow equally spaced out in time and place. You are now crying freely and shouting out with every stroke. When I am finished your back is covered with neat Xs and the masters all clap and show their appreciation of my skill. Before continuing I decide it is time to gag you. Both to keep the noise down and to give you something to bite on. However every one appreciated the noise you had been making so far. I go to a drawer and bring out your favourite penis gag and shove it into your mouth and strap it is firmly. The night has just begun. Number two is master Robert. He gives you a few minutes to compose yourself and then his slave comes forward with the rope of anal balls. His slaves coats the first one with a little lube and spreads your cheeks to allow his master a clear entry. The first ball is about 1.5 inches in diameter and it disappears inside you as Master Robert exerts a steady pressure. The next 1.75 and this requires some more force and you struggle against your chains and you feel your anal ring being stretched. The 2 inch one cause you to move again and to groan. You know there is always a string of five and you have two to go. The last and largest is 2.5 inches and this requires five minutes of steady pressure to get it to move inside. He leaves them there for 10 minutes to let you accommodate for them and then, in one swift movement, pulls them all out. Your scream is muffled behind your gag and you bite on it furiously. This elicits another round of applause. It is Master Marc's turn. The two senior slaves come forward and unchain your ankles and hold you legs up while another two lower the chains that hold your arms. Another set of chains that hang from the roof are attached to your ankles and you are stretched out horizontally. He is without a slave tonight so the junior slave is appointed to assist him. He brings a lighted candle and hands is to Master Marc. He hold is over your middle and drops hot wax right into your navel. It is hot enough to sting but not enough to burn and scar. many of the slaves suck in their breath as they watch. Most of them have experienced this at some time. He drips a row upward towards your chest and then pauses before letting several land on your right tit. That makes you buck around and moan and you know that your left tit will be next. You wait, anticipating it and trying to brace yourself. However when it happens you buck around again and try to scream. There is absolute silence in the dungeon as every one, including you, knows where the next wax will land. Your cock is standing up, rigid and engorged. There is an collective in-drawing of breath from the slaves as the wax starts to drip onto the head of your cock and you scream in your throat and thrash around. I watch your thumbs carefully to see if you have had enough but you do not use your sign and I am so proud. The most junior slave comes and lifts the plaques of solid wax off your body. It has to be ready for use by the next master.

to be continued

The most junior slave comes and lifts the plaques of solid wax off your body. It has to be ready for use by the next master.

Part 4

Master Jake has drawn number four. The whole assembly has been waiting for him because his favourite play it to abuse balls and he is recognized as a master of that art. It had not passed notice of all present that he had his thin leather thongs wrapped around is forearms. Of course, since this was your first exposure to the group, you had no idea what they were or what they were used for. You thought they were just part of his mode of dress. The two senior slaves who positioned you before, once more unhook your feet and then another two pull up on the arm chains until you are once again suspended. Your legs are once more immobilized and you assume the perfect "X" again. Master Jake stands in front of you and slowly unwinds the thongs from his forearms. He has been anticipating this time all evening since he fondled your sac and balls upstairs. He knew he had good material to work on. He makes a loop in the end of one thong and pushes your right ball through it and pulls it sufficiently tight so that your ball cannot escape. Another loop encircles the left ball and it is pulled a little tighter. He alternately tightens the loops above you balls and wraps the length of the thong round and around above your balls, pushing them further and further away from your body. The skin of the sac gets very thin and shiny and starts to change colour; first suffused red, then a blue tinge, into purple and finally nearly black. You are groaning and the sweat is obvious on your forehead as you shake your head from side to side, trying to escape the pain. Master Jake lets you get used to this for a little. Then he attaches a small hook to the centre of the thong and hangs a small pan into which he deliberately drops a pound of lead. And then a second one. All the masters have crowded around in front of you to watch both Master Jake at work and to appreciate your pain better. Strangely, throughout this, your cock has remained tumescent and is even leaking some pre-cum. When Master Jake steps back there is a round of applause for his expertise and also for your suffering. It is going to be hard for Master Norman to top that as he is the number five. However his area of pain is more scientific. His slave approaches carrying a tray and, when the cover is removed, there laid out are a stainless steel butt plug and sound and several clips. There is a small black box with leads extending from it. It is an electronic stimulator. Science has produced a computerized version of the old electric shock box. He spreads some lubricant on the plug which also acts as a conductor and inserts in into your chute. Next he lubricates the sound and slides it deep into our cock. It is quite thick and is distends your piss slit. A clip is attached to both tits and you wince with just the pressure. One is attached behind your sac also. Much to his disappointment I will not let him attach electrodes to your abused balls. I am sure he will achieve his end without those and I do not want you harmed. The computer is pre-programmed to deliver shocks to different combinations of electrodes and varying intensities. As the current starts to flow and you jerk about in your chains, the masters guess from your movements which combination is causing the pain. Some of them start to lay bets on which way you will jerk next. It becomes obvious to me that this a modality that I must investigate for later sessions with you as it is very effective. I allow the fun to continue for fifteen minutes by which time I have won $30. There are great howls of protest when I call a halt to Master Normans performance but there are still three masters to go. Master Max is the most junior master present and he has only attended two or three of these evening fun times. He produces a narrow stiff leather tawse and proceeds to beat your cock. He hits it from different angles and pays particular attention to your sensitive purple head. Although his technique is very simple and require little in the way of equipment it is quite evident by your reaction that it is very effective. You start to cry and the tears roll down your cheeks and you try to move away every time you see the tawes swing towards your cock. It is getting quite late so I have to set a time limit on Max's fun so we can get on with the rest of the evening. The seventh is Master Tyler and he produces two long strings with 25 clips on each string. He tells us this will not take long but it is fun while it lasts. Starting on your right upper arm in the front fold as your arms are stretched he pinches the skin and raises a ridge and places the first clip. He proceeds to add clips ever inch along the fold and down the side of your chest and into your loin. He repeats the procedure on the left. He leaves them for a while until you have accommodated to the pain. Then in one swift movement he grabs the string and, starting at the top, he pulls the clips off one after the other. It is like a set of dominoes falling down. There is a ripping sound although the skin is not torn. You buck and shout into your gag and bite down hard. Once the effect has worn off on the right he does it again on the left with the same desired result. The last master is Jason and he selects a very ordinary 4 foot camel cane. This is a good choice. It is a very pure form of pain and it brings us back to the old ways after the more sophisticated forms of pain that we have enjoyed. I know how painful this can be so I limit him to ten strokes. He is quite satisfied with this as he has a tender heart for a master and knows what you have been through already. However he is not sufficiently tender not to use the cane to good effect. You hear a swish as it slices through the air and there is a loud crack as it lands on you buttocks, followed by a muffled scream and jerking. You cannot count them with your gag in place. So the other slaves chant it for you. "One, thank you sir; two, thank you sir..." The count goes on until it reaches ten. You are crying profusely but you know I am so proud of you that you have not used your safe action. I tell the masters that that ends the first part of the evening's entertainment and they all adjourn upstairs for some food and drinks. The slaves follow. I have delegated the two senior slaves to stay silently out of your sight to watch over you but not to let you know that they are there. That way you can hang and think you have been left alone. Upstairs the talk is all about the various tortures and exchanging pointers of technique. Also about how well you endured it. One master declares that he is sure you enjoyed it and I tell him that I am sure he is right. After a time of refreshment I call for their attention as I tell them the next part of the evening.

After a time of refreshment I call for their attention as I tell them the next part of the evening.

Part 5

The slaves in the dungeon let you hang for half an hour as instructed and watch you carefully to see that you come to no harm. Then they carefully get you down and support you while you recover. They remove the weights from your balls but leave the thongs in place. They remove your gag and encourage you to take a long drink of a fortified fruit juice to replace all the fluid that you had lost in sweat and to prepare you for your next ordeal. They massage you and move your stiff limbs to make you feel easier. They lead you gently over to the side of the dungeon and you groan and your heart stops when you realize that they are taking you to the fuck bench. They attach your ankles to the front with your legs spread and then bend you over and attach your wrists to the front. So you are stretched out with your ass fully exposed and your cheeks parted to show your puckered rosebud. While one of the slaves replaces you gag the other comes upstairs to tell me that you are positioned and ready. I call for the attention of the masters and explain to them the next part of the entertainment. I tell them that you are stretched over the fuck bench and ready for them. They will all have the opportunity to use you in the same order in which they played with you earlier. There are just a few things to remember. If they fuck you they must wear a condom and there are plenty of them supplied. You are positioned on the fuck bench but, if any one wants a different position there are two slaves down there to move you and there is a leather sling right beside the bench. If they remove your gag to have you service them orally, they must replace the gag at completion. Finally, they must be careful not to make you cum. You are not due for release for many days hence. One last thing. If any feel that they would like to take a rain check they should come and see me and I will try to arrange something. I have given up my right to be first so

it is Master Robert who leaves the room first. Masters Tyler and Jason approach me and ask if they could have rain checks. They would be fifth and sixth to use you and they feel you might be a little loose by then. I cant help feeling that it is Jason's soft heart that wants to spare you a prolongation of your ordeal. Tyler is the master who is currently without a slave and he asks if it would be possible to have you come to his house for an evening and maybe stay overnight. I am thinking this over when he looks pleadingly and says maybe for a weekend. I smile and tell him I will think about it. Meanwhile Master Robert has descended to the dungeon. He is instantly aroused by the sight of your naked body with your ass so temptingly exposed. One of the slaves helps him remove his pants and shorts and the other falls on his knees to lick and suck his cock and get him fully erect. He has a nicely shaped 8 inch cut cock of average thickness and he is soon ready. The slave unwraps a condom and rolls it on. Master Robert positions himself behind you and lets his cock head touch your hole. You feel it and your anal muscles pucker up. The slaves holds up a tube of lubricant but Master Robert waves it away. The condom is lubricated and there is still some left from the penetration by the anal balls and metal butt plug. He wants to feel the friction and not spoil the penetration by sliding in too easily. It will also mean that you will get to feel more pain of stretching. In one thrust, he pierces your ring and slams into you, so his balls slap forward against yours. Yours had become numb but this assault causes an immediate pain that shoots up into your groin and lower abdomen. Without any pause, he starts to long dick you; almost all the way out so just the head is inside and then hard forward, sinking into the hilt of his sword. This cannot last long and soon he is grunting and getting faster. You are grunting too every time he thrusts into you. He rips his cock out of you and removes the condom quickly as he throws his head back, arching his back, and shoots his creamy load all over your back. He lets one of the slaves clean his cock off and tells them to leave the cum there on you to dry. A fucked slave should smell of cum. On returning to the room Master Robert tells Master Marc that it is his turn and Marc leaves the room. Every one knows it will not be long before we see him again. He has never learned to pace himself. He arrives in the dungeon and strips off with help of the slaves. He has a fine physique and he likes to be admired. He is 6..2, 195lbs of pure muscle, naturally smooth and tanned. His cock is in proportion, nine inches and five inches round. The head protrudes from his foreskin and appears like a purple cap on the end. He is too excited to bother about changing your position and just takes his place behind you. Your hole is gaping slightly so he also declines the use of lubricant. The slave rolls on the condom and he instructs one to hold one cheek to the side and the other to do the same. He presses the head against your hole and it opens up and he slides in. He knows he has to go easily. Not for your benefit but to make it last long enough for him to really enjoy it. He begins a slow rocking motion and than gives minimal movement inside you in his effort to hold off his orgasm. However he has been anticipating this all evening and his anticipation is his downfall. Soon he is shouting and filling the condom inside you with a huge load of man juice. He withdraws from you and one of the slaves removes the condom. Master Marc tells him he can have it and the slave empties the condom into his mouth, savours it and then swallows.

to be continued

The other slave gets to suck the last drops from him. Master Marc dresses and returns to the party. He has been absent all of ten minutes.

Part 6

It is Master Jake, the lover of ball torture, who takes the next turn. He wants to receive oral service. So the two slaves unfasten you from the fuck bench and move you to the sling. They help you onto it and fasten your legs up to the chains and your arms. They arrange you so your head is hanging over the end of the sling in a fully extended position. If you try to hold your head up, your neck muscles will quickly become tired and your head will again flop down. Master Jake does not disrobe. He just allows one of the slaves to take his cock out through his fly. He is already semi-hard and he straddles your face and slides his cock into your mouth. You are a little dazed by now but you automatically start to use your tongue on his cock , running it around the head and applying gentle suction. In no time Master Jake is fully hard and you have to open your mouth wide to accommodate him. He begins to fuck your face and his cock slides a little further into your mouth with each thrust forward. Soon his cock head is pushing at the opening to your throat and you gag a little. He withdraws and allows you to recover and then shoves back inside. As it stimulates your throat you swallow and the muscles work on his cock head. He moans with the wonderful feeling. You start to hum quietly . This is a little technique that I have taught you to give me greater pleasure. The humming sets up a vibration that is transmitted to the cock head and it feels great. Master Jake has never had this before and he greatly appreciates it. It gets him increasingly excited and the head of his cock seems to get even bigger and cuts off your airway. He is aware of your difficulty and withdraws so you can breathe and you both reach a rhythm; you breathe when he withdraws and then suck as he thrusts in. He watches your neck bulge as his cock slides down your throat. He feels very much in control and paces his movements to prolong his pleasure. However even he cannot last for ever and he begins to get more and more forceful and plunges in deeper and deeper. He has less regard for your breathing and a t last he shoves all the way in and shoots his sperm right down you throat. He holds his cock there while he unloads all of his ejaculate. You struggle to get your breath . You hear a rushing sound in your ears and your vision dims and then you black out. Master Jake removes his cock from your throat and you are able to take a deep breath and you gradually return to consciousness. It takes a few breaths before you are back to reality. Master Jake makes his way upstairs and gives the nod to Master Norman. He makes his way down the stairs and is pleased to see that you are already in the sling. He tells the slaves to re-arrange you so that your head is supported and he wants you to be comfortable and he wants to use your ass. One of the slaves helps him to remove his leather pants and jock but he decides to wear his leather vest. Master Norman is a very solidly built man. He is only 5..6 but weighs 180lbs but it is all muscle. He used to be a professional wrestler and looks like a gorilla. He only needs a couple of strokes for his cock to become fully erect and he wastes no time in planting it firmly inside you right after he has been cover with a condom by the slave. His cock is not long but very fat and you feel really stretched like you were with the last anal ball. It causes you to take a sharp breath. Then you relax and try to concentrate on pleasing his cock. You contract your pelvic and anal muscles to give him lots of friction. Partly this is to help him come quickly and bring your ordeal to and end. To make you concentrate Master Norman slaps you blue/black balls and this gets your attention immediately. You clamp down hard with your ass muscles and he pumps furiously to fill his condom with his cream. He slowly pulls out and the slave removes the condom from is cock and cleans it off with his tongue before swallowing the contents of the condom. You are unaware that your ordeal is nearly over as Master Max approaches you. You have lost count of how many have used you and you do not know that two have asked for rain checks. It is getting late and he just wants to get off as quickly as possible. So he has does not have you moved but takes you as you lie in the sling. Master Max joins the group and the slaves get you down from the sling. They support you and, when you are able, they help you up the stairs. You are very shaky and look a total mess. You smell of sex and cum. Your hair is dishevelled and there are dried cum streaks all over you. I approach you and kiss you full on the mouth and tell you how proud I am of you. This brings a feeble smile in response. I tell you there is only one thing left to do and that it will give you indescribable pain.; worse than any you have endured so far. I stand behind you and hold you tightly to help you get through this. Master Jake comes forward and rapidly unwraps the thongs from around your balls. The blood courses in and you let out a curdling scream and double over to try to ease the excruciating pain. The tears pour down you face. Slowly your screams die down to heart rending sobs and you are able to straighten up. When you are composed the most junior slave comes forward carrying a large gift wrapped box. He presents it to you. You look surprised but manage a smile. Everyone crowds round to watch you open it. You uncover a full body latex suit, zippered up the back, and a hood, boots and mitts to match. Your tears start to flow again but this time they are tears of joy. You have been accepted into the group.

Your tears start to flow again but this time they are tears of joy. You have been accepted into the group.

Part 7

One by one the masters take their leave pausing to thank me for a great evening and congratulate me on my new slave. Some of them give you an appreciative pat as a sign of great favour. Master Tyler says that he hopes to see a lot more of you in the near future but you do not understand what he means. When we are alone I send you to take a warm shower and clean yourself up, outside and in and then join me in the hot tub. You look much more refreshed although still tired when you return. You climb in and sit beside me and I put my arm around your shoulders and hold you. We sit there, enjoying beings together. I ask if you would like some thing to eat but you say that you are too tired. I tell you that tonight I will accord you the privilege of sleeping in my bed and tell you to get out, get dried and go to my room. When I arrive you are kneeling beside the bed waiting for me. You know better than to lie on it without my being there. I tell you to get into bed and we lie together holding each other. I inform you that I need to fuck you and that I intend doing that. You smile. Although you are tired and sore, you need this too. I ease you onto your front and I run my hands lightly over the wheals on your back , the result of my whipping. I trace them with my finger and thrill at the feeling of your abused flesh. You do not even flinch. My touch renews some of your pain and you relive the experience. The pain truly brings you pleasure. Your ass also is striped from the caning and I explore these marks too. I smooth your perfectly formed ass mounds and run my finger along your crack, seeking out the pleasure hole. I run my finger over it and you moan as you anticipate the next move. Your ass lifts up slightly from the bed and you push back against my finger and the tip penetrates you. No lubricant is needed as you are still open from the fucking you received earlier in the evening. I am hard and feel a strong need to have your body subjugated. I kneel straddling your thighs with my erect cock placed against your hole. You wait expectantly and I mount you in one long thrust. It is the way I always take you; the way a master takes his slave. I lie out full length along your body and revel in the feeling of our warm soft young flesh beneath me. I have a feeling of ownership which makes me even harder inside you. I begin a slow fucking as I want it to last. After a while I can wait no longer and I start to get faster and pump into your harder. You grunt and moan with pain and pleasure as you are taken. Your cock oozes pre-cum but you know you must not cum. I have not replaced your CB3000 so you must use self restraint. My final few thrusts are hard and deep and you experience an even stronger pain as your ass ring is stretched. I ejaculate into you and fill you with my man cream. I relax right where I am. I whisper in your ear that your safe word is no longer "Duckling" but now "Swan". You have proved yourself worthy as my slave and have grown up and are no longer the ugly duckling. The last thing you hear as you fall asleep are the words "I love you." I also fall asleep quickly, still lying on top of you and my softened cock still invading my slave's ass.

This is the first part of a story I am writing for a friend. I would welcome any comments or suggestions about further episodes. I have some ideas I wish to pursue but will welcome others. contact me at

Next: Chapter 2

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