
By Justin Jordan

Published on Dec 14, 2004


This is a fictional story containing M/M sex, slave training and BDSM If you are under 18 or it is not legal for you to read this material in your state, log off now. Safe sex and use of condoms can save your life. So if you indulge in any of these practices, be sure to do it safely.

Part 8

The next morning you awaken at.6.30am as usual. At first you are a little disorientated and wonder where you are. Then you become aware of my weight pressing down on you as I lie stretched full length along your body. My breathing is slow and regular and you realise that I am still asleep. This presents a quandary for you; should you move and get up as your training dictates at this time of the morning or should you lie still until I awaken. If you do not get up will you be punished? You decide to lie quietly until I rouse and take whatever happens. After all, you exist for my pleasure and surely it is better for me to sleep than for you to move. As you lie there you re-live in your mind the previous nights experiences and revel in the remembered pain. Around 7am I start to move and I know exactly where I am. I am lying on top of my young slave, having used his smooth muscular body as my mattress. My bladder is full of my morning piss and, as I am still inside you, I just release it. You feel the warm golden fluid filling you and you give a contented sigh that I am using you and giving you this gift. I slowly with draw and you concentrate on contracting your anal ring so that none of the fluid leaks out and soils my bed. I roll off and you rise to begin your morning's routine. You go to your room and, since your gut is already full of fluid, you perform your 20 jumping-jacks before releasing it. You then give yourself a regular enema and repeat your exercises before taking a cold shower. This done, you return to kneel by my bed in case I wish to use your further before breakfast. I dismiss you and you go to the kitchen to make my breakfast and your bowl of porridge which you eat on the floor beside my chair. After you have cleaned up I tell you to present and you immediately assume the position. I look you over and the first thing to catch my eye are your balls. They are bruised and swollen and you have been walking very slowly and carefully. I motion for you to rotate so I can see your back. The diagonal stripes across you back are present but fading and they are set off nicely with the horizontal ones across your ass. I tell you to turn again and you flinch and take in a quick breath when you see my arm extended and the hand cupped. It is a wordless command and you move to obey. You step forward and place your balls in my hand and close your eyes and wait for the pain that usually follows. However I just gently fondle them. I want to assess whether I can put your CB3000 back on or if we have to wait. I decide that it is not appropriate at this time and tell you to go and fetch the small leather thong to support your cock and balls during our morning run. When you return I strap it on firmly. Then I sign for you to kneel and you immediately obey. I tell you how proud I am of you and how much the other masters complimented me on having such a wonderful slave and how well you have been trained. You probably do not realise it but only 5 masters used you the previous night and I tell you that two have asked for rain checks. I reach behind me and remove from a box, a black leather collar 1.5 inches wide with silver studs. I show you the small plaque on the front . Engraved on it is "Slave Peter, the property of Master Justin". You tear up as the importance of this strikes you. You have a permanent home and belong to me, body and soul. I place it around your neck and lock it in place. You stand and stand tall and proud. I kiss you full on the mouth, letting my tongue penetrate deep inside. I am already changed for the run so we leave to beginning our day. Upon our return to the house you go to the exercise room for an hour of weighs. Your daily routine is on lists on the wall and you follow it exactly. Then you have your household chores to do before lunch and I leave you to get on with them while I work on my computer. When you are done you come and kneel beside my chair until I swivel round to face you and indicate that you can snuggle into my crotch. I lift up and you slide my running shorts off and begin to lave my jock, revelling in the smell of sweat and stale piss. You nuzzle my cock and it becomes hard. You gaze into my eyes and I give a slight nod and you remove my jock and bury your face in my cock and balls. Your tongue flicks out and tastes the sweat on my balls and you set about licking them clean. My cock lies along your cheeks and you run your tongue up the shaft and around the head. You lick it like a lollipop and then purse your lips and slide them over the head and engulf my cock, shoving down until your nose is buried in my pubes. Your eyes never leave my face as you look for approval and encouragement. You start to move up and down the shaft getting faster and sucking gently. My already hard cock seems to get even harder and swell in your mouth. You become aware that my balls are now tightly up against you face and you know that you will soon be rewarded with your masters cream. You feel it surging up the shaft and spurting hard into the back of your throat. I withdraw slightly so some cum lands on your tongue so you can savour it before swallowing. Your service is not complete until you have cleansed my cock with your tongue and sucked out the very last drop of my fluid. You had given me great pleasure so I thought after lunch I would do something to please you. I had noticed that you kept glancing into the sitting room as you were going about your morning chores and it was not too difficult to know what was attracting you. You are not allowed to go into the sitting room without special permission and your new latex suit was lying in there spread out on the coffee table. This had been a particularly thoughtful gift on the part of the group as I am not really into latex wear, preferring to see your young muscular body naked in all it's glory and would not have likely indulged you. I tell you to fetch it and bring it down to the dungeon. You carry it lovingly in your arms and hold it to your face to inhale its aroma. I tell you to get the baby talc powder from the bath room and take off the jock. A light dusting of the talc applied to our smooth skin helps you slip your lower limbs into the legs and then it takes a little time to get your cock into the cock tube. I place a small sensor under your left breast. It will transmit to my computer your heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature. I want this to be completely safe but I have no intention of sitting in the dungeon all afternoon. Next your arms go in and I fasten you in with the zipper up the back. It fits snugly around your neck. It is difficult for you to bend over in the tight suit so I help you put on the boots and then the gloves. Before placing the hood on, I put earplugs in both your ears and a penis gag in your mouth. You lie up on the restraining table and I fasten you down with a broad belt around your chest, hips and thighs. Small clamps are placed over your wrists to hold them in place. Finally I place a blindfold over the eye holes and you are completely cut off from outside stimuli and unable to move. I look you over and I am pleased with what I see. The latex suit fits you like a skin and shows off your defined musculature. I am pleased to see that your balls are squashed tightly against the front of our thighs. I cannot resist giving them a good hard slap as a parting stimulus and I leave you to do some work in the garden. I carry a beeper that keeps me in touch with your vital functions. You lie on the table in total darkness and total silence and completely motionless. You have no idea of the passage of time. You do not know if you have been there for ten minutes or an hour when you start to hear a very faint sound. It seems to have a rhythm and it is repeated over and over again. First you recognize the timbre of my voice. Gradually it gets louder until you can hear the words . They are slow but insistent and you concentrate hard on them. "You are a slave. You belong to me. You exist for my pleasure." You feel a joy building inside you and you acknowledge the rightness of your mantra. Then, just as it started it gradually fades away and you feel a deep sadness and try to shout to get it to come back but no sound comes through the gag and hood. Time passes and you again begin to hear a faint sound and you strain to catch the words. It is the same mantra and again you experience a joy that comes from knowing that you are owned. You have completely lost track of time and you are surprised when you feel your wrists being released and the straps removed from around your chest, hips and thighs. I help you divest the various parts of the suit and you need help also to stand as you feel faint when upright after so long horizontal. You are surprised when I tell you that you have been in your suit for eight hours. I send you to have a shower and to take the suit with you as the inside is soaking with sweat and once it is clean, lay it out horizontally on the shelf in your room. Then come to the kitchen for a drink and something to eat. I have been deprived of the use of your body for eight hours so I have you come and lie on the coffee table in front of my chair so I can fondle you. I recognize that you are exhausted after your first ordeal in total confinement. I decide that if your balls can stand being confined in the suit for eight hours there is no reason why you cannot be wearing your CB3000. I do not want to give you the opportunity to fall from grace and play with yourself. So you stand before me while I squeeze your balls into it and I send you early to you room. Once there you kneel with your head on the floor and repeat your mantra three times; "I am a slave. I belong to Master Justin. I exist to please him." You crawl into your cage. You are no sooner there than the light clicks out. You are asleep shortly after. You waken in the night and lie in the cage thinking about your suit which is on the shelf. You want to feel the smooth rubber against your skin. So you carefully and quietly unlatch the door of the cage and crawl out. As you stand up the light comes on and my voice booms from the grill telling you to get back into your cage. You scurry back as quickly a you can and pull the door closed behind you. The light goes off and you lie awake, shivering and shaking knowing that you will be punished in the morning. Eventually you doze but it seems no time at all before the light comes on again and it is time for you to begin your day. You cleanse yourself internally with three rinses and jumping jacks between and then take your cold shower. You stand by the door and wait for the click that signals that the electronic lock has released. You come down the hall and silently enter my bedroom and kneel beside the bed. As you kneel, you wonder what you punishment will be. I start to rouse and you put an exploratory hand under the duvet only to have it pushed away. You are crushed that you will not be allowed to perform your normal morning services and you hang your head and wait. I rise and ignore you as I walk to my shower. You remain kneeling in place and start to cry quietly. The tears run down your cheeks and you put out your tongue to lick them up. I ignore them. I send you to the kitchen to make my breakfast and your usual bowl of porridge. When I am dressed for the morning run I come to the kitchen and you serve me before placing you bowl on the floor and eating. Nothing interferes with the morning run; not weather or disobedient slaves. In fact this morning I decide we will go twice the distance. You do not excel at running and this in itself is punishment. On our return I go straight to the dungeon and you follow. You wonder what form the punishment will take; the cane across the buttock, the whip, the flogger. However I have decided that a more prolonged punishment will give you time to reflect on your transgression. I lead you to the stocks and make you bend over and place your head in the semicircle and your wrists out to the side. I lower the top bar and clamp it shut. I use the crank to lower the bar so you are bent horizontally and spread your legs wide and attach cuffs to your ankles. These I chain to the floor. You sigh inwardly as you think that you can handle this. But I am not finished. I introduce a small metal sound into your cock and slide it well in before fixing it in place. I attach a wire which dangles over a small cup of mercury but does not touch. The cup of mercury has a lead to a capacitor and then to a battery. The other electrode is a large plate attached to your left leg. As your muscles get tired and your back sags or you move to relieve a cramp, the end of the wire will touch the mercury and there will be an instantaneous spark which will send a shock into your cock. That will waken you up and you will jerk back into position until you sag again. You will sweat as you concentrate on staying in place but knowing that you will tire and the shock will come again. I leave you alone to contemplate your error. You were not able to see what I was doing with your head clamped looking forward so the first shock came as a complete surprise. I had left the dungeon door open and I was pleased to hear a very satisfying yelp as the current shot through your cock. I sat back in my chair and continued to read my book as I awaited the next.

This is the second part of my first story. I would welcome any comments or suggestions. Many thanks to all those who have written with encouraging words already. Send any thoughts to

Next: Chapter 3

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