
By Justin Jordan

Published on Jan 11, 2005


This is a story about a master/slave relationship and contains descriptions of BD/SM and sex between males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read such material or it offends you, then please log off. Remember unprotected sex can kill. So always play safe and use condoms.

Part 10

Next morning you waken early. You are not sure what caused this. Is it the soreness in your left chest or the naked body lying next to you. You move your left shoulder and it feels stiff. You tentatively finger the charred scar on your chest. It is tender but feeling it gives you a wonderful glow. It is the outward sign to all the world that you belong to me and you are marked forever. You have a permanent home with a master who loves you and will care for you always. You bask in the glow of these pleasurable thoughts. But then you again become aware of the smooth naked body that you are spooning. It is lucky you are wearing your CB3000 or your cock would be hard and lying in his ass crack. What of this boy? What does he mean for you and your secure life? Why did master buy him? Is he getting tired of using just me and feels he needs some other outlet? Master seemed quite attracted to him. Can I share master with him? I don't have any choice. If that is what master wants he will just do it. I have no say. Things are different today. You start to re-live the events of last evening. Master left you to be used by another for his pleasure. The other master was pleased with you and master was proud or your performance but it was not the same for you as serving your own master. It was a duty and not a pleasure. You guess you will have to get used to it and accept it. Master could have left you tied to the anal or sadism Pleasure Pillars and he did not do that. But maybe next time he will. You would then have to do whatever was required. You want to be the best slave of all of them because you belong to the Dominus. Then you remember your disappointment when I chose the slave from the anal pole and that you let your face display it. Worse still, you know I noticed and that you would be punished for it some time today. You know that I never let punishments hang over from one day to another but deal with them as soon as is practicable. What will I do? Will this new slave get to watch and humiliate you further? You suddenly realize that the sun is coming up and you have probably day dreamed through your rising time. You scurry out of the cage and Sean rouses. You tell him to lie still and you scurry to give yourself your morning clean out; your three enemas interspersed with jumping jacks. You see Sean watch you intently. You know you cannot speak to him from that distance without the sound detectors activating. Whispering last night close to his ear was one thing. Out right speech is too risky. You quickly jump in the shower and the cold water wakens you up. You switch on the fan to dry yourself but before you finish you hear the click of the electronic lock and you rush to get out the door and come to my room. You assume your kneeling position beside my bed and wait. And wait. As you wait your anxiety level grows. What will your punishment be? Will I just deny you the morning piss or will there be some thing later. At last I stir and you move your hand from between your thighs where you had kept it warm. Tentatively you inch it under the downey and reach my cock. It is morning hard and you lightly grasp it and stroke it. You let out a quiet sigh when I do not reject your hand. You are surprised when I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed and part my thighs. Without a word from me you move forward and cover my cock head with your mouth and look up into my eyes. I reward you with a slow steady flow and I look down and see a look of relief and then joy that the morning routine is not disturbed. You take this as a good sign. When I am done and you have sucked the last drop of fluid and licked my cock gently I get up and go into your room. You follow. I release Sean's cuffs so it can rise from the cage and I take off the penis prison so it can pee. I tell you to instruct it in the morning cleaning ritual. It had watched you through your performance so it was not surprised and submitted peacefully. I shower and dress and that gives you time to go to the kitchen and make breakfast. You find another stainless steel bowl and place it on the floor beside yours for Sean to eat. Before Sean can eat I replace the penis prison. I will have to look later for the CB2000 I had in a cupboard. We eat in silence. I am not a morning person. I like quiet as I prepare for the day. The pair of you clean up the kitchen and then prepare for the morning run. You find an old pair of runners for Sean but they are a bit big for it and you have to get a couple of pairs of socks to fill up the extra space. Sean is quite slim and has nicely muscled legs and it is obviously a runner. So much to your disappointment we are able to run four miles today. On our return you make my coffee and bring it to the study where I sit at my computer and write a couple of letters. You and Sean drink water in the kitchen and then come to the study and kneel quietly waiting my pleasure. This is the usual time for punishment to be meted out so you are a bit fidgety. I am aware of this but ignore it and continue with my task. It always gives me pleasure to keep you on edge. At last I am done and I stand and gesture to you to follow me. Sean makes to move but I indicate it is to stay. We go to the play room and I tell you to get into the sling. You back up to it and lift yourself up and lean back. I put wrist and ankle cuffs on you and then fasten your arms and legs up with your thighs nicely spread. I remove your CB3000 and this is almost a relief for you as you surmise you are to undergo some cock and ball torture. You have had this many times before and you know what to expect. You can deal with the known. You prefer it when I stand between your thighs and beat your balls with hand, tawse or other instrument. However at times, when I have other things to do , I use a little device that I built myself. The striker is a patella hammer with a rubber covered metal end and a whippy handle about 12 inches long. The rest is a timer and spring. The mechanism pulls the hammer back and the timer releases the spring. I can vary the timing. It can fire at random from a few seconds after being charged to ten minutes. In that mode you never know when the next blow is coming. However I prefer the other mode. I set the timer for an exact time interval and I place a clock within your line of vision. You can watch the second hand sweep around the clock face and know exactly when the blow will fall. Sweet torture. You are therefore mystified when I place a blind fold on you. You hear me attach chains to the bottom of the sling and wonder what they are for. You hear me leave the room and return after a short time. This is getting to you. You are back to the unknown. I take your cock in my hand and gently stroke it. This is most unexpected and feels great and you are instantly erect. I continue for a little while being careful not to let you cum. Then I change hands and the sensation on your cock is different. My hand is now sliding over your cock, up and down, coating it with some ointment. Being deprived of your vision you have been straining your ears to detect any hint of what is happening around you. Strangely it is your sense of smell that gives you the first clue. You detect an unusual smell. It smells like menthol. My hand roams over you sac and rubs your balls around. Then behind the sac and over your inner thighs and around your hole. Finally a finger tip enters you. You have a cool feeling where ever my hand has been. Then you sense a prickling. Then a warmth which increases moment my moment until you feel your cock, sac and crotch are on fire. You struggle to get away from the pain but you are held tight. There is no escape. You yell and plead all the time knowing that it will do no good. This is punishment not pleasure pain. The chains jingle as your squirm. I know it will last about two hours before it wears off and this will give me time to spend getting to know Sean and having some fun with him. As I walk back to the study I hear the continuing jingle of the chains and your cries and it is music to my ears. I smile to myself. Sean is where I left him and it looks some what fearful as it hears the cries from along the corridor. I motion to it to rise and follow me and we move into the sitting room. There I have it sit on the end of a long coffee table and then lean back. Its knees are bent over the end and I attach its ankles to the legs at one end. This spreads its thighs and exposes its balls as they lie loose in their sac. I then take its arms and bend them under the table top and fasten them together. This effectively pinions it and pushes its chest forward, accentuating the little nubs that are its tits. I attach electrodes to each of its tits and its balls. The wires are connected to a small control box and I can direct the current in three ways; ball to ball, ball to tit or tit to tit. I can also vary the voltage. I start with simple questions about its family and where it lived. Even the slightest hesitation in answering is rewarded with an immediate jolt and every time the voltage is increased slightly. I ask about its schooling and sports it played. About its exposure to gay sex and how it started. No consecutive questions are on the same subject and some times I ask the same question over later. It gets no time to think. It knows that any hesitation has its reward. At times it tries to answer before I have completely formulated the question. Soon it has an anxious appearance and has a sweat on its forehead. Answers come immediately. Gradually I get to learn about its former life and, more importantly, about its age. After half and hour I take a break and sit it up and give it a drink and talk gently to it. After this I lie it down again but move it further up the table so its head is off the end and extended. Just the right height and lying the right direction for a nice quiet face fuck. It opens its mouth as it sees my cock approach and its lips close gently around the head. It obviously has done this before. I know that because it came out in the questioning. I start slowly and just enjoy the warmth and wetness but of course that cannot last too long and soon I am pumping in more strongly and reaching the pillars of its throat. With an extra push I am through and feel that delightful grip of its throat muscles as it swallows to accommodate my size. I am careful not to cut off its air for too long as I stroke back and forward, trying to prolong the sensation but knowing that completion will come all too soon. With a final burst of hard thrusts deep into its throat I unload a gusher of cum in several long spurts and slowly withdraw so it can taste it and lick my cock clean. That made a very pleasant interlude for both of us. Then it is back to the question and answer game. This is what I discovered. It is the youngest of three brothers. One is two years older than it and the other ten years older than that. It hardly knew its oldest brother. It gave its birthday as June 1986. Its older brother graduated from high school 2004. This did not compute. During the first session it told me that it went to high school in 2000 and in the second session that it was 14 when it went to high school. It had memorized a correct birthday to be eighteen tears old but did not have time under pressure to quickly calculate the other corresponding dates and had forgotten in the second session the questions asked in the first. Conclusion. It is only sixteen years old. It had been introduced to oral sex by its older brother at the age of twelve and had been performing for him and his pals ever since. It had jerked off fantasizing about its older brother for some time before and had come to realize that it is gay. No one had fucked it. It had found that it only felt complete when serving the other boys and performing any demeaning task that they demanded; sucking their toes, rimming ass, drinking piss. Now That I know its age, I have to decide what to do with it. I let it up and go to release Peter. The cries and jingling had gradually decreased while I was interrogating Sean. I find him spent and limp and lying in the sling. The skin of his groin area and sac is bright red and warm but there will be no long term effect. I tell him that he never criticizes what I do by word, look or manner and that he must remember that lesson as I do not want to have to repeat this punishment. He is most repentant and begs me to forgive him. I release his wrists and ankles and help him up. He falls to his knees and kisses my feet and weeps tears of repentance. He thanks me for correcting and punishing him. I lift him to his feet and I kiss him deeply and tell him I love him. Then I send him and Sean to have cold showers and refresh themselves before lunch.

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