Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

First published May 4, 2023

Last updated Jul 21, 2023


10 Chapters

  1. Chapter 1

    7,540 words

    May 2023

  2. Chapter 2

    7,850 words

    May 2023

  3. Chapter 3

    8,208 words

    May 2023

  4. Chapter 4

    8,664 words

    May 2023

  5. Chapter 5

    8,822 words

    May 2023

  6. Chapter 6

    8,913 words

    May 2023

  7. Chapter 7

    9,325 words

    Jun 2023

  8. Chapter 8

    8,129 words

    Jul 2023

  9. Chapter 9

    8,448 words

    Jul 2023

  10. Chapter 10

    11,309 words

    Jul 2023


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