Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on May 4, 2023



"I can't believe I'm letting you do this..."

Jeremy Greenwood smirked nervously as he looked down to his best friend of several years, the one and only David Riley, as the latter was kneeling down slowly in front of him, looking directly as the object of his desire, for many years. He took a deep breath, followed by a sigh and a slight smile.

Jeremy Greenwood...one of the most popular kids in the entire Freedom High, was standing before him with a fucking massive hardon inside his school trousers...well, from his point of view it looked bigger than his own, what the hell did he know? This was insane, this was not really happening, David felt.

And yet, it was. Jeremy had been dumped by his ex-girlfriend Leyla about three weeks ago, and not a moment to fucking soon in David's humble option. Friends ever since they could talk, ever since their mom's had met days after giving birth, they had always tended to celebrate it together. Jeremy knew that he was gay, and as God was his witness, his friend NEVER judged him. Not for one single second.

David looked upwards, questioningly at Jeremy, for what seemed like the millionth that time for just that afternoon, before he slowly, gently, as if he was scared shitless that it would bite him if he did the action too quickly, reached out and touched the bulge that was hiding inside their grey prison.

"Dude...seriously, I'm horny as hell and I had to beg Leyla to even touch my dick, never mind actually putting it in her mouth...you have no idea how much I fucking need this, Davey..."

David smiled and returned his attention towards the sixteen-year-old cock before him. He swallowed slowly, before he once more, more determined than before, reached out and began to unclasp the Billabong belt that Jeremy was wearing. Without much trouble, he pulled the two ends apart, allowing the trousers to easy come down once the belt was loose, allowing it to solemnly slip down the boy's very healthy, and muscled hairy legs.

Staring back at him was just the clothed teenage penis inside those blue and white coloured boxers that his friend was wearing...Lord knows, David was as hard inside his own boxers as he had ever been, but the time was ticking, he would have to settle for jerking off to this moment later on when he was alone in his room...recess was almost over and who knew when and IF, the very straight, very girl-loving Jeremy would ever allow him to do THIS ever again?

Placing both of his hands on either side of the side of the boxers, he slightly tugged it downwards, eliciting a massive inward groan from Jezza above him. Almost no one in school called Jeremy by his real name...to everyone, he was just Jezza. David's mouth started to literally drool as he witnessed his best friend's steel hard six-and-a-half-inch cock literally flop out before him as he pulled said boxers completely down, and suddenly Jeremy Greenwood was semi naked and rock hard in front of him. Sure, as lifelong best friends, they had seen each other naked before, of course, but never...and I mean never, have both boy's dicks been hard, as hard could be, brimming and cooking with rapid sexual tension.

David's heart was beating about a thousand times a minute, rivalling that of a sheer garden mouse, as he reached out, almost as if inside of a dream and gripped the swollen blood-filled phallus in the palm of his right hand. A solid, loud hiss came from above him, as he looked up and saw that Jezza's eyes were closed and his chest was heaving about just as fast as David's heart was now slamming inside his upper body. Jesus. He still couldn't believe this was happening. He was actually holding the penis of the sexiest guy in school in his hands...it was warm and so hard...it was actually quivering with the raid beating of his heart.

David blinked as he pulled the boy's foreskin away from the actual cockhead and he sniffed emotionally, as he saw Jezza's most prized possession before him. He jacked the hard teen dick a little more, only because it felt like the right thing to actually do, when in reality, there was no way that organ could be pumped even fuller of blood, even if Jeremy tried. It was like a film of noir, everything for David was happening in slow motion on his end, as he leaned forward, very much aware of the time before recess would be over and so would be this dream...

...and took the stone hard sixteen-year-old fuck machine inside the warm gob of his mouth.

"Oh...oh wow...oh wow..."

Jezza groaned out loud, before he suddenly remembered where he was, and quickly placed the palm of his hand over his mouth. He really couldn't have helped himself...he could now understand why his best friend was gay...because hold fuck, he had some skills in sucking a cock! More than some, Davey had only been treating his boner with that talented mouth for like, not even a minute, as it already felt like the best head he had ever got! With Leyla, there was also this...notion of not wanting to actually do it, and when she did it, she made it clear that it was only happening because she was doing him a massive favour. Not because she actually WANTED it...or even needed it.

With Davey, he could already FEEL and experience the solid difference. He wanted this, with all his heart.

Jezza placed his hand softly on the head of his best friend, as he continued to guide his throbbing cock in and out of his mouth, his cockhead feeling like it was fucking enveloped in the warmest of warmness, he hissed with pleasure as he felt Davey's tongue as it would glide and smear over his flaring piss slit, over and over and over, he shuddered time and again as as his legs was literally threatening to give way...

`Jesus Davey...man, whoever gets to date you would be a lucky ass mother fucker...keep going...I'm almost there..."

David nodded around the rock-hard phallus, enjoying ever damn moment of this that he possibly could. The volumes of pre cum that as currently leaking from that desperately hard cock was turning him on like you would never believe, saying it tasted good, was a sheer understatement. Jeremy was a healthy ass boy...David imagined that he could actually feel the blood PULSE through every fibre of his best friend's being, having been thrusted out of his super hard teenage dick.

Jeremy looked down and felt like his balls was on fire, he honestly felt that Mario and Luigi were boiling right now with more and more chance of actually blowing to pieces. David fondly fondled the egg-shaped orbs with gusto, as he doubled, and ever tripled his efforts on that by now, wet and red teenage cock. Over and over, in and out, licking, slurping up everything and anything that came out of that organ, David became delirious...he knew how he felt about his best friend...he had known for ages, but because of Jeremy being...well...Jeremy aka Jezza, he never had the guts to actually admit what he felt for his buddy.

The immediate thrusting into his hungry ass gullet told him that the boy was very close to blowing and so it was...Jeremy's eyes were blood shot red after three weeks of having not so much as even touched his dick...with Rugby, school work and this being in the middle of their exams, he literally didn't have time, and he was way too tired at night. His dick was tingling, his body was shaking, his heart felt like it would leap out of his throat at any given minute...

...and then, he couldn't hold it anymore, even I he tried.

"Dude...Jesus Davey, I'm gonna cum, man...dude, you hear me...I said I can't stop it..."

It was like David didn't even bother to hear him. He simply kept sucking that teenage goodness and kept ticking and savouring Jezza's balls, ignoring everything around him, as well as every word that his bestie was saying...

"Davey, seriously dude...I'm gonna fucking flood your...FUCK! DAVEY!"

David gulped as he realised that it was too late if he wanted to remove his mouth...way too late. The white, silvery goodness launched itself straight from Jeremy's tired, exhausted, and now empty balls as his stunningly strong and severe orgasm seemed to totally devour and conquer the boy. It literally felt as if Jezza was having an epileptic fit...his entire body seemed to tremble and shake to the ultimate extend, as he continued to empty as his sixteen-year-old ball sack inside the mouth of his best friend.

Jeremy ran his fingers through his hair as it continued to feel as if his soul was being extracted from his flaring cockhead right into the warmest cave imaginable. His eyes were near rolling back inside his skull...never, EVER, did a girl give him a fucking blowjob as good as this, and he wondered somewhere in his fucked up, misty eyed mind, why he and Davey didn't do this a long time ago. A mouth was a mouth in the end...but as far as he was convinced, boys just didn't do it for him. It took three massive and long weeks without any sexual action happening, that he was finally convinced to have David give him so much-needed relief. He was literally cumming inside his buddy's mouth and he still couldn't quite believe what was happening.

David swallowed what he could, to be honest, there wasn't that much of a choice, as he would have choked if he didn't. The metallic aroma and the sweet taste of pineapples for some reason came to mind, as his taste buds was flooded with the sweet, sweet teenage sperm, straight from the source. Plenty of cum was wasted as it dripped and dribbled onto the dirty bathroom floor of the school locker room, but even David himself wasn't THAT desperate and THAT horny to actually slurp up cum from it. He licked his lips and nervously stood up, his legs pretty much rock solid, as was the dick that he just got off.

Jeremy was taking huge gulps of air, over and over, still running his fingers through his sweaty blond hair, making stand up in all directions possible, and Davey swallowed slowly as a warmth flooded his chest and his lower tummy...over time he had completely forgotten how handsome...how insanely attractive his best friend really was...

A few moments of solid and complete silence seemed to drag by, when in reality it had to be what...a minute to be frank, when David cleared his throat and started fidgeting with his fingers.

"Jezza...look, are we good? You said I could...you agreed...and all of a sudden, you're all silent now...and you're never fucking silent..."

Jeremy took one last breath, before he smiled slightly and patted David on his arm.

"Dude...we are...way more than good...I have no idea you knew what you were doing when it came to this...I always fucking thought that you were a total cock virgin...geez man, on who have you been practising?"

David giggled, but before he could answer, both boys heard a massive commotion coming from the entrance of the locker room, before they both looked at each other in a solid and immediate notion of real panic.

"it's the soccer guys..." David whispered, his eyes as wide as saucers at that moment and time.

Jezza rolled his eyes, but David knew his best friend by now...if it was any other group of boys, he knew that Jezza would simply have shrugged it off, such was the alure that his buddy had as one of the most popular boys that Freedom High had...

...but this was personal. This was the soccer boys, as they were lovingly referred to.

Because in this school...the majority of the boys were divided into two groups. Those who loved soccer, and those to loved rugby.

"Maybe he isn't with them...?" David once more whispered, but a strong voice coming from the group of boys blew the entirety of that theory to shit.

"Who's your daddy? Who's your fucking daddy? Told you I'd have her in my arms by the end of the week, and I fucking delivered! Pay up, losers!"

Jeremy bawled his fists, together until they were as red as his cock was a couple of minutes earlier, before his eyes flashed dangerously over towards the door of the cubicle that they were still locked inside.

"Dude...don't do anything stupid..." Davey whispered once again, but he knew that when it came to Chad Tucker, that there was no reasoning with Jeremy.

The two hated each other. To put things mildly. The rugby groups and the soccer groups just didn't get along...and haven't gotten along for years and years, dating back several generations in truth. Each group felt that the sport that they supported was the best and the ultimate, in typical teenage fashion, so much so, that when new freshman boys would enter Freedom High, they were immediately told to make a decision. Such was the genuine folklore surrounding all of this.

"You stay the fuck in here...don't let that asshole see you...understood? DAVEY!" Jeremy hissed towards his terrified friend, the latter nodding with frightened eyes, that of all God damn people that could have come in here for a piss right now, it had to be Chad Tucker and his posse.

Jeremy composed himself and opened the cubicle door from where they were sure to lock to shit when they first came in here nearly twenty minutes ago, and finally came face to face with his nemesis. Each and every high school out there had their clicks and their friends...as well as their individual enemies...and everyone attending Freedom High knew that you weren't friends with both Jeremy Greenwood as well as Chad Tucker...you had to pick a side, if you wanted to go anywhere near either of them.

Hating each other was kind of an understatement. They LOATHE the crap out of the other, was a more accurate description. Both boys knew, in their heart of hearts, that deep down, although they would never, never admit this in front of a living soul, but behind all that bravado that both always showed towards the other and to their followers at the school, there was a mutual respect that they had for the other. Jeremy would be the last to ever admit that when it came to soccer, that Chad knew what the hell he was doing, and more often than he would like to tell himself, he was surreal impressed with the flare and with the gusto that the boy played the game that he loved. Chad was also a total ladies guy, just like himself, and they actually had a lot in common, come to think of it.

Chad turning towards where the noise from the opened cubicle came from, just finishing the piss that he was having, shook his dick in order to get rid of the nasty, smelly droplets, before he smiled nastily as he saw who it was. Tucking his dick back into his school trousers, he lifted up his hands, as a sign that his buddies should back the hell off from this one. He loved dealing with that upstart fucker Jeremy Greenwood on a daily basis, more often than not getting the win over his die hard enemy and sports competitor.

The same counted for Chad whenever he would watch Jezza play rugby for the school...his pace, his insane ability to read the game, his passion for the sport, his drive and determination...loads of times in the past, whenever the soccer team was behind, Chad hated the fact that he used Jeremy's leadership skills and tactics as a way to motivate his own team in succeeding, but there you were. Both boys found a genuine threat in the eyes of the other, even furthering the hatred between them...because they might have been into girls and very much straight...

...but then again, they weren't exactly blind either. Both knew that the other had looks going for them, and could understand why the other was as popular as he was. That, combined with the old school animosity between the rugby and soccer lovers stretching back yonks in the school, made for a pretty fiery passion of dislike.

"Well, well well...if it isn't Jizza...what the hell are you doing in here...and on your fucking own?" Chad asked, the malice ever so clear inside the pit of his voice, especially when he willingly taunted the other boy by getting his name wrong.

Jeremy smirked and focused on what was before him...he had to protect David...under no fucking circumstances could any of the soccer boys realise that they were in a locked cubicle together...for God's sake not even Chad Tucker was that stupid that he wouldn't realise what had been going on between them before they had stormed in here.

"What the hell do you think I was doing? Taking a piss, just like you were! What else is a person supposed to do in here? Jesus, Chad, I thought you had a brain, but it seems I was mistaken..."

Chad's face reddened the further that Jeremy was talking, and his chest started heaving...Jeremy was all alone in a locker room full of soccer boys...they could take this faggot no problem...but then again, the word would probably spread that Jezza had been all alone, and unable to fully defend himself...the rugby geeks would sure see to that!

Chad walked menacingly over towards his mortal enemy and stared the boy down as much he could, which always turned out to be hella tricky as both of them were pretty much the same in height. Their eyes flashed dangerously over the other's face, and if looks could kill, both sixteen-year old's would have been six feet under by now.

Chad was the first to look down, and a smile wreaked the corners of his mouth.

"You lot have a match tomorrow? Against that idiot reform school from down town? Why even bother turning up...you guys are useless bunch of faggots just wanted to touch each other whenever you want anyway..."

Jeremy's fists were bawled as he stared Chad directly in his eye.

"At least we win games...oh, I forgot...yeah...the only way that you lot of assholes can actually score a goal, is if you dive to win penalties!"

Chad spat on the locker room floor in anger.

"TAKE THAT BACK! You know I didn't dive! That fucker pushed me down so damn hard on the pitch, I nearly lost a tooth! You saw me bleed out!"

Jeremy rolled his eyes and slumped backwards. He had wasted more than enough time...the sooner that he can get these bunch of clowns the heck out of here, the sooner David would be able to sneak out himself, without getting noticed.

"I so won't take anything back! I watched you...all of you! Going down on the pitch when the other team's players so much as fucking touches your sorry asses! Face it, Freak Show...rugby will always be better than your faggot bunch kicking a ball around..."

Oh, Jezza had done it now.

Chad grabbed Jeremy by the collar of his school shirt and viciously, with the speed and the grace of a ninja, pushed him upwards against the locker room wall. His mouth was so close to Jezza's that the latter could actually smell and taste the Coke that the boy had during the recess.

"You keep minding your own fucking business, you hear me? You fucking STAY OUT OF MY WAY!" Chad screamed into Jeremy's face so loud and so much full of velocity, that Jezza could swear he heard David squeak inside the cubicle...Chad snorted and reluctantly placed Jezza down back onto the solid ground as the bell suddenly rang and vibrated out through the school grounds, indicating that recess was over.

"I mean it, Greenwood. You stay out of my way...I don't like you. I never fucking have. You rugby idiots think you're so much better than all of us, just because you win a couple of games now and then..."

"...we've won ALL our games so far actually..."

"SHUT UP! JUST...just shut up..." Chad hissed, his voice hoarse with pent up emotion, before himself and his buddies straightened out their clothes, and with a last, disgusted look at Jeremy, they marched their way out of the locker room as quickly as they had come in, in the first place.

When Jeremy was sure than they were completely gone and out of sight, he quickly jogged over the cubicle...and saw that it was empty. Atta boy, Davey! He must have snuck out when he had tried his best to distract the soccer boys...just what he wanted. Thank God David followed his lead and gotten away.

Jeremy too a few moments to compose himself, before heading to class. On the way there, he relived the wonderful blowjob that his best friend had given him before the Chad Tucker had ruined everything with his mere presence...he stopped a few feet from the class room and stood still, his brain in deep thought.

What would Chad say...Jesus...if he knew what he and David had gotten up to before he had come in...for some reason, it bothered Jezza the whole afternoon, about if Chad would find out he had his dick sucked and his cum swallowed by another boy...would he hate him even more?

"Would you stop talking about Chad Tucker for just a minute, my God!" David said as they left the school gates at the end of the day. There was a huge rugby match the following afternoon and the coach had given them today off in order to prepare and be fresh for it. In the far-off distance, leading up to the school's sports academy, as well as the pitch that both the rugby and soccer teams shared when playing matches, both boys would see the soccer boys arriving for their training.

David's eyes narrowed as he reluctantly caught a glimpse of Chad taking off his school shirt, right there for everyone to see, in order to put on his soccer uniform. Needless to say, there were plenty of girls around, staying after school to watch the boys, namely Chad in particular train and perve all over them...hence the semi strip show from young Mr Tucker himself.

Returning to the conversation they were having, Jeremy had too seen what Chad was up to, and how the latter was flashing his pearly whites as well as his...well, he had to admit, his stunning six pack abs towards the girls in their year, and over some older...he pursed his lips and looked down at his own muscled physique. Being a rugby player, Jeremy was always going to be heavier than Chad, more muscle and more stamina...whereas Chad was more lanky, slim and skinny, still muscled in his own right, however.

"Now why can't I look like that? Sometimes I hate being this chunky..." he murmured only so loud to have Davey can hear him.

"Look like who...oh for fuck sake, if you're gonna say Chad Tucker one more time..." David groaned and swung his backpack over his shoulder in mock protest.

"Well, you gotta admit that girls do prefer a body like his...if I carry on like this, I'm gonna look like one of those bodybuilders on steroids...no wonder Leyla fucking dumped my ass..."

David stopped and looked his best friend directly in the eye, for the second time that day. He held out his arm and stopped Jeremy when he attempted to go past him.

"What? What, David?" the latter asked, confused as to why his friend wouldn't let him walk any further.

For a moment, Davey didn't know whether to say what he really wanted to, because he was afraid that it might damage their budding relationship way beyond repair, but he cleared his throat and shook his head.

"Dude, take it from someone who's literally into guys. There is nothing...NOTHING wrong with your body. So, you're a bit more chunky than the average dude out there. Do you really wanna look like some stick insect like Chad Tucker?"

Jeremy spat out onto the grass they were walking on, before he smiled at his friend.

"He's hardly a fucking stick insect, dude. I don't like the guy, but...that's how someone our age should look, don't you think? All lean and mean?"

David sighed and just kept on walking.

What WAS it with these sporty straight types of dudes? They wouldn't fucking recognise sexy if you paraded it right before them!


The rugby team defeated their opponents handily the following afternoon, with Jeremy once again being crowned as the Man of the Match. Friends and teammates alike all gathered around the team to congratulate them, and of course the soccer boys had turned up as well, as usual, probably hoping that they would have lost, just out of spite, but that was never going to happen once they had scored their first try of the afternoon.

Jeremy gathered his stuff, and saw that Leyla was talking to one of his teammates a little further from where he was standing. The way that she was looking at him, it was literally the same way that she used to stare at Jezza himself, and although she promised loud and proud that there was no other guy, he never believed that story from the beginning.

Jesus...why do girls fucking do this? If she really was dating his teammate, how the fuck was he supposed to look him in the eye again? Actually, play in a team with him? Thinking all the while that he was going to probably stick his dick into her after the match? FUCK!

Davey had apologised earlier that he couldn't stick around for the end of the match as he had a dentist appointment...there was literally not reason to stick around any longer. He was tired as hell, sweaty and filthy from the match...and he REALLY didn't wanna be in the locker room right now with the off chance that Leyla was now with one of his teammates...in the mood he was in now, he could fuck up the first dude that made fun of him or her.

Shaking the hand of the coach, and promising to take it easy for a few days to let his body recover, Jeremy swung his sports bag over his shoulder, and started the walk home, which was only like ten minutes or so. Both his parents worked, and since he didn't have a car of his own, he had no other choice.

Turning into the right lane, that he had to cross on his way into his own street a couple of minutes later, he spotted Chad Tucker standing a little way away from him. He knew Chad didn't live far away from him, but he wasn't quite sure of the exact address...he narrowed his eyes and his ears quirked upwards...Chad hadn't seen him yet. It seemed like he was one the phone to someone, and by the sheer looks of things, Chad wasn't enjoying the conversation one little bit.

Jezza sighed. He HAD to pass here to get home...this was the LAST thing he was in the mood for now. He had such a great afternoon, apart from seeing Leyla with another dude...why did Chad had to be HERE...NOW...when he was too? Fucking hell...

"...I didn't! I promise! Dad, can't we talk about this when you get home? No, I'm outside. Because I don't wanna Samantha to hear all of this! Dad! I need that money for school...the team is going away next week and...Dad, please, don't do this to me, Mom said it was okay? DAD! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Chad nearly tossed his phone right onto the concrete cement pavement, with a violent vengeance, my God, he was so angry. Jeremy swallowed slightly, and proceeded to walk slower, to pretend somehow that he didn't just hear all of whatever that was between Chad and his father...

...but it was too late. Chad wasn't blind, of course he was going to see him coming.

"Jesus...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AROUND HERE?" Chad thundered across the entire lane as he finally spotted Jeremy, his eyes as red as the latter had ever seen them. His eyes, normally so full of zest and so full of life, was downbeat and decrepit...his eyes flickered nervously towards what had to be his house before him, before they flew immediately back towards Jeremy.

"What...dude, would you calm down, I love right down there? Around that corner, second house on the right? I have to pass here...normally my folks or David gives me a ride home, but today..."

Chad looked like volcano that had just decided to erupt after decades of inactivity. Jeremy stopped, and his eyes widened...what the hell was going on here...

"Oh, so normally your faggot ass boyfriend gives you a ride home, but not today, right? Just not today? Bull shit! How much of that did you hear? ANSWER ME!"

Okay, this wasn't a small school problem or situation...this was serious. Jeremy hesitated for just a second, I mean...this was Chad Tucker...he was a douchebag sure, but...there wasn't a chance in hell that he would actually wanna...hurt him for real, was there?

Jezza held up his hands and spoke calmly.

"Okay, Chad...dude...you want me to prove I live at my house, I'll do that...just calm the fuck down...I didn't hear anything..."

"CRAP! You wanna run to all your rugby freaks and tell them that Chad Tucker has daddy issues? You also wanna tell them that his daddy is a flaming DRUNK that spends all the money that we have? I can't...I can't even go on that weekend trip next week because...because..."

Jeremy was stunned, he has literally never seen Chad like this. It was like he was talking to a virtual stranger! Himself and Chad might have been sworn enemies, but it wasn't like they haven't known each other for yonks...



Jeremy paused.

"Nothing. Just lemme get past you so I can go home, and you carry on with whatever you and your dad has going on..."

Chad, quick as lightening rushed his way to stand right in front of Jezza, affectively, blocking his path of actually getting past him. Jeremy sighed. He was tired, and fucking cranky by now. He so wasn't in the mood for this.

"Tucker...lemme go!"

Chad swallowed and shook his head.

"No...no, not gonna happen, unless you fucking promise that you ain't gonna tell everyone at school what you just saw and heard. I'm serious, Greenwood! I ain't playing around with this!"

Jeremy looked down his messed up and soiled rugby shoes, before he looked up at Chad.

"I promise, okay. Nothing to do with me anyways. Can I go now?"

Chad reached out and stop Jezza with both his arms. The latter could actually FEEL the warmth and the shaking of his hands as it pressed against his upper chest. Chad was upset...more than upset. He was angry, and nervous...more scared than he ever was...that someone...anyone at the school where he was treated like a fucking hero by the rest of his peers, might find out that his father was anything but the "rich doctor" that he always told everyone that would listen.

There was fire inside Chad's eyes as he spoke...

"PROMISE ME! I ain't letting you...of all people...ruin my life!"

That did it. Jeremy had more than enough. It was school, it was Leyla, it was the stress and worry of having another boy do sexual things with him, and having himself admit that it was better than Leyla or any other girl had EVER done...and most of all, he desperately wanted his bed and something to eat.

Why he did it, he would never know.

If only...if only Chad Tucker would have allowed him to go, when he wanted to.

Jeremy grabbed hold of his heavy sports bag, and swung it over his shoulder, so that it hung around loosely inside both palms of his hands. With a slight roar, he PUSHED the bag right into Chad's abdomen. The impact of the attack made direct contact, as it was strong and hard enough to completely knock the boy off of his feet, in total surprise, having never could have seen it coming.

Jeremy saw Chad falling backwards onto the pavement, before he solemnly tripped over his own two feet and landed on the ground, and hard at that.


Jeremy's fingers suddenly turned numb, he lost his grip on his bag and allowed it to fall onto the ground before him, having been frozen on the spot by the blood-curdling screams, the sheer and utter horror what was he was seeing before him. There was something sticking out of Chad's knee...and it was starting to swell up pretty damn quickly.

Feelings nauseous as hell at the sight, Chad's intrepid screams and moans making everything that much worse. Finally, finally, it seemed that he had regained control over his limbs and with shaking fingers, swallowing pent up saliva down over and over to avoid himself hurling whatever was in his stomach on the pavement before him, he took out his phone, and quickly dialled the number of the ambulance services, something his parents had MADE him place in his contacts, because as we all know, rugby was a dangerous sport at the best of times, and you never knew what might happen on a seemingly harmless afternoon.

With a voice that didn't even sound like his own, Jezza gave the info to the ambulance service that they needed, before he ended the call, staring at this own reflection in the phone's screen...and holy shit...he was literally as white as a sheet. In front of him, Chad was still severely withering around in sheer and utter pain...

Jeremy stood up and slowly, gingerly, carefully, walked over to where Chad laid, the boy now in so much pain, that the previous screams, was now nothing more than intense moans, almost like a puppy dog with a thorn in his paw. Jeremy knelt by the boy, and because he didn't really know what to do or say, he placed his arm slowly...very slowly, on the boy's shoulder. Chad's eyes flew open, and they caught sight of his own.

"Jezzzzz...help...please...it hurtssss..." he whispered, his voice nothing more than a hoarse wheeze, so much that Jeremy would hardly understand what he was saying.

Jeremy took a couple of breaths, before he nodded.

"I...uh...I called an ambulance. They'll be here soon...I promise. Dude...I don't...I don't fucking know how it happened...Jesus, Tucker, why didn't you just let me go past when I wanted to!? Then nothing would have happened!"

Chad closed his eyes and pursed his lips; the boy was in so much pain. At last, Jeremy heard the sound of an ambulance approaching, and he stood up in order to guide them down the street, and to where they were.

He didn't understand much of the medical terminology, but he knew...Jesus, he knew that whatever was wrong with Chad's knee wasn't good. It wasn't good at all.

He did this. Fuck.

HE did this to Chad.

When he was a kid, his parents had told him to pray...if he ever needed help or advice from someone...and although Jeremy wasn't particularly religious...scenes and happenings like this, tended to change you as a person, and turn to things and people you wouldn't normally do.

Staring in horror as they loaded Chad into the ambulance, the words simply came across his lips...

"Please...let him be okay. Just let him be alright..."


Long story short, Chad Tucker had dislocated his knee in the fall.

It would be a miracle, if he could ever play soccer in time before the end of the season, as injuries such as these in teenagers, took about six to even eight weeks to fully heal, and then he had to be guided back carefully in that regard as well. No...for all purposes, Chad Tucker's season was over.

Jeremy had been waiting for over a week now to have the bomb burst...for police to come around to his home and to arrest him for grievous bodily harm or some shit like that. How was he supposed to know that Chad was so light weight that a push from a sports bag would cause that much chaos?

He felt guilty as sin, and he even faked illness not to attend rugby practice after school. His mind just wouldn't...couldn't let go of what he had done to Chad Tucker. Like he thought...he was amazed that nothing had come of it as yet...he was sure as Sam that Chad would tell everyone who would listen, that it was Jeremy Greenwood who had done it. He knew he should say something...perhaps admit what he did...the truth is, he was way too a coward to do that.

After about a week and half of it happening, another problem arose...since out of all the kids in their class, he lived closest to Chad, their teacher asked if he wouldn't mind taking his homework that he was missing, to him after school. The entire class was silent as roaches...everybody knew of the conflict and the hatred between the two boys...

...and they were even more surprised when Jeremy agreed to do so.

He swallowed slowly and blinked a fair few times, in order to keep his emotional composure.

Doing this for Chad, was the least that he could do. The very fucking least. Afterall, Chad didn't turn him in for causing the injury...for God knows what reason. He felt like he owed it to him. Now, more than ever.


Nervous as anything, Jeremy braced himself and knocked on the door for the modest home where Chad lived. His eyes sadly flickered all over the small building...he could swear that his entire backyard was way bigger than their house.

The door opened, and a smiling young girl over about nine, or ten years of age, stood inside the doorway.

"Hey there! Are you one of my brother's friends? There was a bunch here yesterday too," she said, standing aside for him to come in.

Jeremy blushed, before he nodded and quickly entered. Jesus...the house was even smaller on the inside, than it seemed from the outside...his entire bedroom would fit in here. Clearing his throat, he smiled at the little girl, before showing her the work that their teacher had given him, to give to Chad.

"Yeah...I guess...not really a friend, I guess, we just know each other."

The girl smiled and pointed her finger towards the small corridor, that lead to other parts of the house.

"Turn around that corner, the first door on your left. I'll bring you guys some drinks, do you like Cream Soda? Because that's kinda all we have..."

Jeremy hesitated...he didn't drink or eat anything with sugar in it, as part of his diet...but the little girl was so adamant and so willing to help...and clearly, they wouldn't have anything sugarless except water...he couldn't get it over his heart, to hurt her feelings.

"That will be good, thanks...uh..."

"I'm Samantha. Chad's little sister. You go, he'll be happy to see you!"

I bet...Jeremy thought, rolling his eyes when Samantha wasn't looking.

Finding said bedroom, Jeremy thought it best to knock, which he did.

"You can come in, Sam!"

Jezza closed his eyes, took a few breaths, before he pushed the door open.


Chad Tucker...if that was in fact him...looked a shadow of his former self.

Jeremy's eyes started to water as he realised more than ever, just what he had done, and even more so, when Chad actually turned to face him. The latter's eyes widened as he saw Jeremy Greenwood, his mortal enemy...actually inside of his bedroom. The two boys held eye contact to each other for a couple of seconds, before Jeremy cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"I...uh...I bought your homework. Mr Adler told me to. In case you're wondering."

Chad's lifeless eyes darted over towards the papers and books inside Jeremy's hand, before he nodded slightly and signalled to the boy to place it on his desk, which Jeremy did. Another awkward few silent moments occurred, before Jeremy froze...

...when he clearly felt a tear escaping the corner of his eye.

He quickly reached upwards and wiped it away, before he saw Chad looking right at him.

It was as if the other knew what each would say, before they actually said it...

"I'm sorry..." came the words, together, almost simultaneously.

Both boys seemed at a loss what to do next, before Samantha entered the room, with her happy, cheerful persona, and neatly placed a tray containing the drinks, as well as a full bag of potato crisps down before them.

Chad's eyes immediately flickered towards his sister, and Jeremy didn't miss the feeling of dread that overcame him, as Chad tried to silently convey something to his little sister. After a few seconds, she seemed to understand what he was trying to tell her, because she shook her head, and smiled happily.

"Don't worry, I know they are Dad's crisps; I'll quickly go out and buy more before he comes home. Be back soon!"

"Sam! Sam, wait, you can't go alone! SAM!"

Jeremy...just stood there. Wow...he knew obviously that Chad and his father had their issues...but Samantha having to go all the way to the shops to buy another pack of crisps? What would happen if she didn't? Honestly, he didn't even wanna entertain that thought...if this was the reaction from both the man's kids.

Chad sighed and looked upwards at the ceiling, before his head rolled back, facing Jeremy.

"You...you wanna sit down?"

Jeremy smiled slightly, and saw an old-looking chair situated next to Chad's desk, which he swiftly pulled up and sat down on.

"If you're that lonely and desperate for someone to talk to...sure, I'm game..." he said softly, his eyes suddenly full of the old teasing and taunting...only this time, there was no malice in the worlds.

Chad had to have realised that as well, because Jeremy saw a slight smile curl around the corners of his mouth, and a little flicker of light...just a smidgeon, suddenly, and unmistakably was BACK in the eyes of the injured boy.

"Shut up and just eat the damn crisps..." Chad said, smilingly at that, before he laid back once more.



Feel free to lemme know if you enjoy it, and I'll happily write another chapter xx


Next: Chapter 2

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