Dudley Fitzhugh

Published on Nov 9, 2022


Dudley Fitzhugh By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

Technically I have an average IQ, and there is nothing wrong with me physically. I was named after my Grandpa, Dudley. Grandpa was a nice man, but he tended to be a harsh realist. He once told me I could lose a race to a sloth. In school I was always called Dud. I liked it because it as easy to spell. It also fit my personality. If you could make a living staring into space with glazed eyeballs, I would be your man. I can also sleep a lot. I made it through school with a D average. The teachers pumped it up to a C- because an empty chair was a better student than I was according to my English teacher.

My parents and teachers didn't recognize my only distinctive trait. I was thirteen when I discovered a new use for my cock other than pissing. I soon realized I was horny as shit. If they gave PhD's in jerking off I would have been a genius. Sadly, horny as shit is not a usual job skill. I had no plans for the future. I assumed my parents would support me.

It didn't occur to me they would die in a freak accident. That was a shock. I am not a deep thinker. They took care of me and I was no back up plan. I hoped that some relatives would come to my rescue. I discovered that being rude to my relatives, the neighbors, and my parents' friends had been an unwise choice.

College and even Community College were out of my reach. After several months I found a job at the Night Hawk Motel. It needed a night porter and room service man to take care of guests. That job consisted of mostly taking overpriced beers to drunken guests. I got a free room and could eat in the kitchen of the Night Hawk Grill. That was mostly eating the untouched food from the guests. It wasn't a dream job, but I didn't starve or die of exposure in the gutter. That made it the perfect job for me.

Sometimes fortune rewards the lazy. The Night Hawk was not giving the Waldorf Astoria a run for the money with respect to catering to an elite clientele. The Night Hawk could have been named the No Questions Asked Motel. We were not in an ideal location for an upscale hotel. The neighborhood had once been a red-light district, but was now dirty bookstores, gay bars and a Turkish Bath serving men. If men wanted more privacy or drank too much, they checked in at the Night Hawk.

While I am lazy and not too bright, I look fine. To be strictly truthful, I do not look good enough to be recruited for Hollywood stardom. I soon discovered that I definitely look good to slightly drunk, very horny men. Up to this point in my short life I had never been able to make use of my only good trait, being horny as shit. This trait was aided by my tendency to be open minded and not picky.

While I was immature, technically I was twenty-three-years-old. You wouldn't get arrested. I didn't charge, so it wasn't prostitution. The tips were good.

My first good encounter was with a businessman named Gene. I guess he was fifty or so, out of shape, and mildly drunk. He ordered a beer. He came to the door wearing an open robe. He had just showered. I gave him the beer and stared at his cock. He had a big one.

"Is there anything else you want?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Why don't you come in and I can think about that?" he asked.

I came in, and shut the door. He sat down. His robe was more open exposing his hairy body. His cock was getting firm.

"You are still staring," he said.

"Does your cock taste as good as it looks?" I asked.

I had tasted a few boy cocks when I was younger. The Motel uniform was a lightweight, polyester, black top with a Thunder Bird on it. The shorts were of the same material and my cock tented the material. I went over to him. He pulled down my shorts and deep throated my cock.

A minute later we were naked on the bed in the sixty-nine position. I had been pretty sure that I would like gay sex. I had no idea how much I would like it. It was more exciting than anything I had experienced before. We broke apart to catch our breath.

"Do you like it in the ass?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I would like yours in me," I said. Playing hard to get is one of my strengths. I actually wasn't that sure about getting fucked. Luckily my ass knew some things I hadn't guessed.

Gene was used to quickies in a dark place, or in a storage room near the showers at his Golf Club. He was able to take his time with me, and he loved it. My sphincter is tight, and I was able to massage his thick cock. He later told me that while he had fucked many guys, he had never made love to a man before. He felt appreciated and he thanked me with long and forceful series of ejaculations.

I was with him for an hour and a half of solid sucking and fucking. My buzzer rang and I had to leave; another guest needed a beer. When I got back to my room, I found $150.00 dollars in my pocket. I never asked for money, but my services were appreciated.

Several days later I met two men, Garfield and Joe. I took a six pack of beers to them. Joe told me they were good friends with Gene. I said he was a nice man. Garfield told me that Gene greatly appreciated my friendly services.

"We sort of hit it off," I said. "I had never been with a man like Gene, but it was fun."

"Do you think it would be more pleasurable with two men?" Joe asked.

"I don't know," I said. "It was so much fun I wouldn't mind trying it with two guys."

Joe and Garfield smiled. Joe was a muscular, well-tanned, bald man with a beard. Garfield was pale and tall. He seemed to have a jogger's body. We stripped. Garfield and Joe liked what they saw me naked. I loved what I saw. The men thought I was young, fragile and delicate. They also thought they hit the sexual jackpot.

"My cock and my ass are available for recreational use," I said. "Do you boys have any limits?"

"If you find it, we will let you know," Joe said. "I haven't had a problem with anything, but I can dream!"

We all laughed and went at it. They were middle aged guys but were almost boyish in their sexual enthusiasm. I was on the bed and hoisted my legs us to expose my ass. Garfield's tongue gave my hole a tender and loving massage. Joe got on the bed and fed me his thick cock.

Making new friends can take time. Erect cocks speed up the process greatly. Cocks don't get offended or insulted. They are ultra-sensitive to any sexual potential or contact. Luckily for gay men, while you might not share the same opinions or thoughts as your sexual partner, there is a good chance his cock and your cock will be in agreement. They both want to be stimulated and shoot off. The objective is to drain your balls into a warm, dark place.

Man to man sex has an advantage, there is no unwanted byproduct. When you shoot off in a guy's mouth or ass you don't need to take care of a child for the next two decades.

It seems odd to me that sex between a man and a woman can cause so many unintended problems. Man to man sex, is much less problematic. Huge number of problems would be solved if men only had sex with men, until they were needed for breeding.

I had no service calls that night. I liked shooting off, but I discovered taking a cock in the ass is more relaxing. Garfield and Joe liked to fuck. They alternated fucking me. Garfield fell asleep after his second orgasm. Joe was fucking me for the third time when his orgasm triggered my orgasm. He loved that and when he pulled out of my cum slicked hole, he sucked my cream from my drooling cock. He was in heaven.

Gene, Garfield and Joe all belonged to the same golf club, the ultra selective Wilton Hill's Club. Its members had been all male and all mindbogglingly wealthy. They had allowed women to join a decade earlier, but that was only for wives and relatives. Curiously, non of the ladies were golfers.

While visiting the Night Hawk Motel, Garfield mentioned that the Wilton Hill's Club's locker attendant had left, and they were looking for a new attendant. He said it only payed $30,000 a but it was easy work. It came with free housing. I said I would be interested. Two weeks later I was the locker room steward at the club. I lived in a little cottage thirty feet from the locker room.

The Club had the locker room, Pro Shop, and Golf Cart in a little compound, apart from the main Club House. The Cub House had been the Wilton Hill mansion, it was built in 1810. It was now the most expensive place to have a wedding or anniversary in party in the area. The Pro Shop had been the barn an I was in the overseer's cottage.

My job was to check the locker room every hour and keep it neat. I had little to do for most of the day. Soon, some club members visited my cottage before or after golfing. Some came by after showering, or when they had the wrong time to tee off and had time to kill.

Only a few of the golfers were into man sex, but there were enough of them to keep me busy. Some times they came with friends. While I was a salaried staff member, there was a box for tips.

I am an affable guy. It is all but impossible to offend or insult me. In spite of being lazy, the clean up the locker room was fine with me. My little cottage had a tub with no shower. I used the locker room showers and I was careful to make sure athletes foot was not a problem.

My lazy nature did not effect my permanent sexual drive. The members appreciated that greatly.

My predecessor as an attendant, William, had been moody. He also had a type he liked, and he tended to be rude to men he described as being trolls. When I was sixteen or so I learned a lot from a nice old man, Tom Deeds, who lived a house on the other side of the block from my house. I had a bedroom on the second floor of my house, so I could see in the bathroom window. He was naked getting out of the shower. I liked that a lot.

A little later I saw him and told him I could see him naked. He apologized and said it would never happen again. I told him that it didn't bother or offend me. I liked what I saw.

"You did?" he asked.

I told him, "I liked what I saw a lot. Your cock looks a lot bigger than the guys in the gym showers."

"Males mature at different rates. They will all get bigger," he said. "You have almost doubled in size in the last year or two. You must be five-feet-ten inches tall now. Has your cock been growing?"

"Will it get as big as yours?" I asked.

"Mine is on the high side of normal," he said. "They all work the same." Eventually he taught me a lot. Tom Deeds was a nice man. At first we didn't do anything, but he told me what could be done. Once I was 18 he slowed me the right way to do stuff. I had played around with guys my age, but the emphasis had been on speed. Not not getting caught was a major part of my life at that time. Tom taught me how to slow down and smell the roses.

Wilton Hill Club was conservative and almost reactionary politically. The club had a boys will be boys attitude. That tended to convert into a men will be boys attitude. It wasn't gay sex; it was messing around. I had a suspicion that whatever happens as a result of gay sex, it is not an unwanted pregnancy, and an unwanted heir.

The club had an unusual benefit. They had a club nurse and a doctor on call. A good percentage of the members were older and many had "life style" problems. Being overweight and drinking too much were common. The nurse was there to provide quick response to heart attacks. He also tested for sexual diseases including AIDS. The members and staff were included.

I provided a way for some of the men to let off some steam. I provided a good interlude with no strings attached. The men loved that.

Some of the men were straight. They told me their wives had lost interest in sex. I wasn't planning to be a second or third wife and I didn't expect jewelry or expensive clothes. Some men said they were new to man sex. I was never sure if that was true since some of them seemed to know the ropes and were quite expert.

Several guys just wanted me to give them a blow job or wanted to fuck. After the first few visits, they gave me a blow job and swallowed my special sauce. My cock was above average size, but would never be on a list of natural wonders. Some men asked me what a cock in my ass felt like. That meant they were interested in some experimentation. Some were new to the scene, but others had no problem at all.

Gene, Garfield and Joe knew most of the men who shared their sexual interests. Those men had friends. After the first few visits to my cottage, everyone who was interested knew about me. My predecessor would serve older men, but without enthusiasm. He was also prone to make nasty comments about them behind their backs. My experience with my neighbor Tom, had been good and I treated older guys well.

I became friendly with the Golf Pro, Hamilton Green. He had had just made it into the major golf tournaments, when an automobile accident seriously damaged his right arm. They had been able to save the arm, but it no longer was flexible.

Hamilton was a neat freak, and William, my predecessor, was casual about cleaning things up. I never thought of myself as an obsessively neat guy, but my Mom had standards. She had a back problem, so I picked up things for her. I noticed Hamilton had trouble lifting heavy boxes. I took care of those. Hamilton didn't want to admit he had the problem, but he became more friendly.

I discovered an unrecognized aspect of my sexual personality in my new job. I suspected that my sexual drive was somewhere between over-the-top and crazed. That was good for my new job at the club. I had regular sex with some of the men. I didn't realize that eventually I would develop relationships with them.

I had been use to the Slam-bang, Thank-you Ma'am school of sex. I discovered the difference between dumping a load of cum in my ass, and sharing an intense moment with another man. While I wasn't prone to fall in love, I was friendly and discovered that sex with friends and men you like was better than one night stands.

One of my new friends, Bunny, was a seventy-year-old man who still used the nickname he had in college. He was one of those men who devoted his life to his job and family. His kids had moved way, his wife died and he retired. He was lost after retirement. Gene told him about me. Bunny came to visit me on a Thursday morning at nine-thirty. That was the quietest time of the entire week. He didn't want his pals to know he came to visit me. I asked him what he wanted.

"I heard that you are a nice guy. Gene told me you are a nice guy and a lot of fun to be with," Bunny said. "I know I'm an old guy, so I understand it if you say no."

"Did he tell you about he sort of fun we had?" I asked.

"He said it was naked fun. I did that once and a while in High School," he said. "It was in the showers and the locker room when the coach was away."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"I did, but I was too afraid to do it when I got older," Bunny said.

"Would you like to try it again?" I asked. Bunny nodded.

"If I suggested that we get naked and see what happens. Are you game?" I asked.

"I don't have the body of a male model," he said.

"Bunny, I'm the shower room attendant," I said. "I've seen it all."

Bunny told me he had a problem getting hard. Once we were naked, I had no problem getting him hard. He just needed more inspiration. Bunny had an uncut cock and low hangers. I peeled the skin back and caressed his delicate cock head with my tongue. I soon tasted pre-cum.

Bunny soon was excited and asked, "What if I shoot off?"

I looked up at him and said, "I like a mid-morning snack!"

Bunny laughed. He shot off five minutes later. His cum was sweet.

When I had his load in my mouth, I asked if he would like to sample his sperm. We kissed and he liked that a lot. He got dressed, but before he left he asked if it would be okay if he came to see me another time. Of course I said yes.

"Do I have to take your load next time?" he asked.

"Only if you want to take it," I said.

"This has been really nice," he said. "Thank you." Bunny became a regular visitor. He also discovered several other men who shared his tastes and also made use of my services.

Next: Chapter 2

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