Due Diligence

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Dec 13, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author

Due Diligence By Chris

Lindsey had noticed for the last two weeks that her supervisor had been playing close attention to her. It seemed that he was coming to her cubical more than normal and asking how she was doing. She usually left her alone and let her do her work. She was not one that needed constant supervision. You told her what to do and she did it. Her work had always been excellent and her end of year reviews were almost all five's out of a possible five in every category. Then last week she started having her show her coworkers what she did everyday. He said that he was just cross training everyone, but she failed to have them show her what they were doing. With all the talk about Pete, the owner of the multinational company that she worked for, selling out made her wonder if she was going to be fired for some reason. Then Pete showed up this morning and met with her supervisor for over two hours. When they came out of her supervisor's office, they both looked directly at her. This made her even more nervous and she decided right then that she was going to talk to Linda and find out what was going on. But as she got up, she saw that Linda, her supervisor was following Pete out. Lindsey waited all day to talk to Linda but she was either not in her office long enough to talk to her or she came in and left immediately afterwards. Then about four, her phone rang and it was Pete's assistant requesting her in Pete's office immediately. Lindsey thought to herself "Well, it is Friday afternoon and about quitting time, I guess I am being fired. That is when this company always do its firings." But what she could not figure out was what she had done that it required Pete to fire her. She shut down her computer, as she was required to do since she worked in the finance department as she worked on sensitive documents.

She got to Pete's assistant's office and told her who she was. The woman told her to go on in as she was expected. She was slightly surprised to see Linda in the office with Pete as well as Larry, the Chief of Finance for the company. She knew she was in deep shit now but still she could not figure out what she did wrong. Then she was shocked to see Pete get up and come over to her.

"Please have a seat and relax, I am not going to chew you out for anything, in fact it is quite the opposite." Pete said as he shook her hand and sat her in the chair facing his desk. Then instead of sitting in his seat behind his desk, he sat on the front edge of his desk.

"First I want to tell you that Larry and Linda here have been telling me how well you have been performing since you have been here. I have been meaning to meet you for a long time but I never got around to it. I have also been checking you out for the past two weeks and I think that you are the person that I need. What I am looking for is someone who knows what they are doing and can keep their mouth shut. You are not part of any of the clicks that tend to form when a company gets big like this one and are single with no ties. That is important."

Lindsey did not like knowing that someone was checking out her personal life and was about to say so when Pete continued not giving her the chance.

"Don't worry, I did not go to deep, just enough to know if you are the person for this job."

"Just what is this job that requires you to go into my personal life?" Lindsey asked with some indignation in her voice.

"Now I know you are the one I need. You don't take shit off anyone do you?"

"No sir, not when it comes to what I do off the job." Lindsey said not caring that she was talking to the owner of the company.

"Well, I don't take any shit either. And I respect people who are like me in that. Now what you are to do. You know that I am selling out. I have been in this long enough and I don't want to have to be on the road any more. I know you have heard the rumors about the companies that may buy me out, but none of them are the one I have actually been dealing with. I have kept them a secret and only a couple of people know who it is, and your supervisor is not one of them, she is just as clueless as you are. So at this point, I am going to ask her to leave the room."

Linda took the hint and quietly left the room, leaving Larry and Pete alone with her. Lindsey felt her stomach turn over and she wished she had stopped at the rest room before coming in.

"To complete the sell, I have to do what is called "Due Diligence," that means that I have to let the other company in on everything they will be buying. That means the financial records as well as the production reports and all the quality related items. I want you to be the point person on this. You will meet with their opposite member at a remote location so that you can give them the information. They will only be allowed to look over the records and make any notes they want but are to never, and I mean never, keep any documents. You will go there and meet with them for a week, then come back here for a week. This will go on until they are satisfied that they have enough information to make a decision. This should take about two months, maybe less but also maybe more. The person that you are meeting will not tell you whom they work for and if you should find out, you are not to tell anyone. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir. But where will I be going if I should do this?"

"Charleston, South Carolina, as neither of us has a plant near there. I'm also willing to make it worth your time and effort to do this. You will have all expenses paid, of course, but also I will pay you fifty thousands dollars to ensure that this is kept quite. I believe that you would not say anything without that incentive but I figured that for all the traveling that you will be doing and the time from home, you will more than earn the extra money. Are you interested?"

"When do I have to make my decision?" Lindsey asked, knowing the answer before she asked it.

"Now," was Pete's quick reply.

"Okay, when do I start?"

"Monday morning, here is what they need the first week." Pete said as he pulled a folder from off his desk. "I have instructed all the managers to give you what you ask for and if they give you any trouble, then call me. If they ask you who the company is, then call me. I will get you what you need but I doubt that you will have any trouble." Pete said as he got up signaling that the meeting was over.

Lindsey got up and shook both Pete's and Larry's hand before leaving. Than as she passed Pete's assistant's desk, the lady handed her an envelope. She knew better than to open the envelope then but she hit the first bathroom she came to and as she peed, she tore the envelope open and saw a five and four zeros after it on the check. She found that her hands were shaking as she held the check. She had never seen that much money before. And when she tried to stand up to pull her panties up, she found that her knees were shaking too much to stand so she sat back down on the toilet and made herself relax before she stood back up. She then was able to pull her panties up and fixed her skirt.

When she got back to the office, everyone was leaving but Linda had her office door open and welcomed her in. They talked a bit on what she had on her desk that someone else would have to finish. They also talked about her new job, but not what went on after Linda left Pete's office.

For Lindsey, the next week flew by. She worked long and hard to get all the information that was on the list that Pete had given to her. By Friday, she had two boxes full of documents and ten CD's full of more financial information. She also had a brand new laptop that the company had given to her with access to the corporate headquarters, in case she needed something else. She had her tickets, first class at that, and she was ready to fly out Sunday afternoon.

Monday morning, she got up early and put on her best pantsuit, it was light blue in color and very professional looking. She wanted to look her best for the first day. She got her stuff together and put the boxes on luggage carrier. She made her way down to the first floor where they had a small conference room reserved. But first, she stopped at the restaurant at the hotel and picked up a bagel and a large cut of coffee. It was only seven- thirty and they were supposed to start at eight but she wanted to get settled in before her counter part arrived. But when she opened the door of the conference room she found a that woman was sitting at the head of the conference table with her eyes glued to her laptop. Lindsey entered the room but the woman did not bother to look up. She started to say something but the woman put her hand up, stopping her before she could utter more than a word. She came on inside, put her boxes on the table, and started to set up her laptop. She got it hooked up and checked her emails, somewhat impatiently. She was about to speak up again when the woman finally looked up. Lindsey found that she was younger than she first thought, probably at or near thirty, only a few years older than herself. But with the way her hair was tied back behind her head and the very conservative dress that she had on that at first glance, she had taken her for a much older woman.

"My name is Nancy Moore and I, of course, work for the un-name company that is thinking of buying the company that you work for. And your name would be?"

Lindsey was a bit put off by the manner that he woman presented herself but decided to give her a break, "I'm Lindsey Abbot." She said as she held out her hand. Nancy took her hand and gave it a firm handshake. This Lindsey liked, as she hated to receive a dead fish handshake. She wanted a firm handshake. That told her a lot more about a person. But the good impression did not last long as Nancy's next statement really pissed her off.

"I hope that you're ready to work, this isn't a vacation you know. We have a lot to do and little time to do it."

Lindsey wanted to reply with, "I am always ready to work, you bitch." Instead she said, "I'm always ready to work. That is why they sent me."

"Good, now let's get to work. These are the things that I need first." Nancy said as she handed Lindsey a list of statements that she wanted first.

The rest of the day went on like this and Lindsey started to get more and more pissed off. She did not like this woman and she did not like the way things had started. She knew that she would not last a week before she told this woman where to go and how to get there. But then she thought about the bonus that she got and she wanted to keep that money right where it was, in her bank account. She would finally be able to pay off her student loans and get a decent car, as well as put a down payment on a real home and thus be able to get out of her apartment.

At the end of the day, Nancy did surprise her by asking her to join her for dinner. Lindsey turned her down as she had about as much of Nancy for one day. Nancy seemed a little disappointed but did write down her room number on the back of a card that she got out of her briefcase. Lindsey got back to her room and lit a cigarette, the first one since seven that morning. She inhaled deeply and the smoke relaxed her. She enjoyed the cigarette before removing her clothes and jumping into the shower. As the warm water washed over her tired and very tense body, she began to relax. Then a thought came to her, maybe having dinner with Nancy would not be a bad idea. Maybe she could clear the air and they could start again. She stood in the shower for a long while and she studied the idea and finally decided that it was a good one. Once out of the shower, she called Nancy and told her that she had changed her mind. Nancy told her that she would meet her in the bar in an hour. Lindsey used that hour to plan her attack on poor Nancy, she was going to set the record straight and get them back on course. She decided that she wasn't going to be treated like she was today, bonus or no bonus.

Lindsey walked into the restaurant and then on into the bar. The first thing that she noticed was a lovely lady sitting at the bar, she was in a pair of old jeans, a light pink top, and matching pink tennis shoes. The woman had long straight brown hair, which Lindsey liked. Her breasts seemed small, probably a B cup and that Lindsey also liked. She wished that she could cancel on Nancy and spend the evening with this woman. Then the woman turned to face her and she realized that she was lusting after Nancy, the woman that she had spend the last nine hours growing a real hatred for. Lindsey noticed that when Nancy saw her, a smile came to her face. At first, Lindsey thought that it was just fake, but Nancy held it too long and Lindsey got the feeling that it really was genuine.

"I am so happy that you decided to join me." Nancy said as Lindsey approached her.

"Well I wasn't going to, but I decided that it would be a good chance to talk." Lindsey said trying to get her lustful mind off Nancy's body and back onto where she needed it to be.

"Okay, let me buy you a drink and we will take it back to a booth where we can talk a little more privately. Then we can order our food." Nancy said as she took her drink and eased off the barstool.

Lindsey ordered a rum and coke and she took it back to the booth where Nancy was waiting on her. As she sat down, she tried to compose what she wanted to say. She wanted to be nice but firm.

"What I wanted to say was that you treated me like..." Lindsey started to say but Nancy interrupted her.

"Shit." Nancy said surprising Lindsey by her honesty.

"Well to put it bluntly, yes." Lindsey said. "I don't like to be treated that way and I won't allow myself to be treated that way. I am good at what I do and that is why my company sent me to work with you. And that is the key words there, work with you. I am not an employee of yours." Lindsey stated in a very firm voice.

"I know I was a bitch and I am sorry. I wanted to start things off right but I didn't. This deal is so important to my company and it was drilled into my head that I had to get it right. If we buy your company and later find all this debt that I didn't uncover then I can kiss my job goodbye, not to mention my career. And I made the mistake in choosing this time to listen to my boss. He told me to start firm and show who is boss. He is an asshole and I let him make one of me. I mean, I tend to be dominating in my own right; I did not need for someone to tell me to be even more dominating. I am sorry. How about we start again, beginning tonight?" Nancy said as she offered her hand to Lindsey.

Lindsey studied Nancy a minute before she smiled and took Nancy's hand. "Fine but the proof is in the pudding, as my mama always said."

"So, I am on probation." Nancy said smiling.

"Yep," Lindsey said as she realized that Nancy was still holding her hand and she had not offered to take it back. Lindsey looked down to where Nancy was holding her hand and she felt herself blushing. There was a fire going through her body and she knew she had to put out quickly before her hormones get the best of her. She slipped her hand from Nancy's and she smiled nervously at her. Nancy gave Lindsey's hand a last pat before she pulled her hand back and took a sensual drink from her glass of wine.

"So we start again, what would you like to talk about. I know a safe subject would have been to tell each other about the company that we work. I know all about yours but you are not supposed to know whom I work. So I can't talk about my company. At least I have not fucked that up today. That you still don't know."

"Actually, you kind-of fucked that up too." Lindsey said with a slight smile knowing that she had something on Nancy. This caused Nancy to wonder what she had done. Lindsey picked up her purse from the seat and opened it. She pulled out the card that Nancy had given her with her room number on it. She gave the card to Nancy with her room number on the blank side. Nancy turned to card over slowly but Lindsey could tell that Nancy already knew what she had done. Nancy saw on the other side of the card her name, title, phone numbers, email address, and of course in big fancy letters the name of the company she worked.

"What are you going to do with this card?" Nancy asked she handed it back to Nancy.

Lindsey took her time as she made Nancy sweat a bit then said quietly, "What card?"

"The card that you are putting into your purse." Nancy said.

"What card?" Lindsey said again as the card disappeared into her purse.

"Oh... Thank you." Nancy said with visible relief in her voice and on her face. Nancy hesitated a second before speaking again.

"Would you mind if I have a cigarette? I can go outside if it will bother you but if I don't have one now, I will have to kill someone."

"Only if you don't mind if I join you." Replied Lindsey as she pulled the same brand of menthol cigarettes from her purse that Nancy did.

"You mean I spend the whole day without a cigarette for no reason. No wonder I was a bitch today." Nancy said with a laugh that finally seemed to break the ice between them as they now had something in common. She then put a cigarette to her lips and lit it. She leaned over and placing her hand on Lindsey's hand as she lit her cigarette. The touch sent a bolt of electricity through Lindsey's body and it took her a moment to get her mind to work again.

"So what do you do when you are not working to buy out companies like mine?" Lindsey finally said, hoping that Nancy did not notice her cracking voice.

Nancy gave Lindsey a knowing smile before starting to talk about her job, which it turned out was basically that same position that Lindsey held at her firm. The rest of the evening went much better now that the air between them had been cleared. But Nancy would touch her hand or arm every chance that she got and at times, she would leave it there for a few moments. Lindsey began to feel the attraction grow that she felt for Nancy when she first entered the bar. But then she didn't know that it was Nancy that she was lusting after and now she did. She knew that she was going to have to spend every other week with this woman working and the last thing she needed was to have a fling with her. But knowing that and stopping her body from feeling the things that it was feeling, were two entirely differently things.

They finally left the bar at about ten and strolled to the elevator. They rode up to the fifth floor, where Lindsey room was located, in silence but then as Lindsey started to exit the elevator Nancy took her hand and squeezed it before softly saying "Goodnight." Lindsey could not help herself as she squeezed Nancy's hand and returned the "Goodnight." As she went on to her room, she wondered why she had done that.

Lindsey walked into the conference room around seven-fifteen and she found that Nancy had beat her there again. Lindsey wondered just what time Nancy did get there, "Probably at five in the morning." She thought. This time Nancy did look up from her laptop but she did not greet Lindsey with a smile, instead she had the same scowl that she had on her face the previous morning.

"I hope you are ready to work harder than you did yesterday." Nancy said with a straight face.

This comment went all over Lindsey and she felt her face go red. She was just going to give Nancy a piece of her mind when she saw Nancy smiling broadly.

"Got ya! I just had to do that." Nancy said with a laugh.

Lindsey did not change her expression as she was still hot and she did not think that was a good joke after all she went through yesterday with this lady.

"I just screwed up again didn't I?" Nancy said, as she turned serious. She then got up and came over to where Lindsey was standing. "I am sorry, that was a bad joke. I just wanted to start the day off with a little laughter."

Lindsey took in a deep breath and let it out before she spoke. "I can take a joke with the best of them but it seems that I did not get my point across yesterday. I..." Lindsey started to say before Nancy interrupted her.

"You did make your point and we are going to work as a team today, I promise. And I won't make any bad jokes." Nancy said as she held out her hand.

Lindsey hesitated before she took the hand, "Okay, let's get to work then." Nancy's hand touching hers gave her a tingle and she hated that her body was not allowing her to hate this woman.

They then got started to work. Nancy went out of her way to be nice and she made sure that when she asked for something, she did so nicely and she also allowed Lindsey to watch as she inputted the data that Lindsey gave her into her system. Around ten, as Lindsey was getting some more paper work out one of the boxes that she brought, she heard Nancy start to utter some obscenities under her breath.

"What is wrong?" Lindsey inquired.

"Oh nothing," Nancy said as she concentrated harder on her laptop and the data that she was working with.

Lindsey stood there a second and then loudly cleared her voice.

"What?" Nancy said as she looked up with a frown on her face, then she relaxed a bit. "I know, we work as a team. I just can't get these numbers that you gave me, to add up in my system. I know that it should be correct but it doesn't add up. It does on your paperwork but not when I put it into my system."

"I think we are long over due for a smoke break." Lindsey declared as she pulled her cigarette case from her purse.

"Let me figure this out first." Nancy said as she went back to her laptop.

Lindsey went over to where Nancy was working and she pulled Nancy's chair from the table. "I think that you need a break now before you throw your laptop through the window."

Nancy looked at Lindsey then back to her laptop before sighing, "I guess a cig would not be a bad idea after all." She then got her cigarettes and followed Lindsey out the door.

When they got outside, they sat down on a swing and lit their cigarettes. Lindsey heard Nancy exhale loudly with the first puff and she knew she timed the break just right.

"I just don't know what is wrong with the numbers, I..." Nancy said before Lindsey stopped her.

"No talk of work when we are on break. Let's talk about something else and relax a bit. I always find that if I walk away from something, when I come back the answer is right there in front of me." Lindsey said.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, how about what you like to do when you are not treating people like shit?" Lindsey said as she stared Nancy down.

This time Nancy hesitated a second before saying, "I, uh,..."

"Got ya!" Lindsey said as her face broke into a smile.

"Okay we are even." Nancy laughed, as she put her hand on Lindsey's and kept it there.

Lindsey wanted to pull her hand away but against her better judgment, she left it there. Nancy then started to talk about how she liked to read and watch horror flicks. She went on to talk about those books that she had read and also the movies she liked best. Lindsey was not much of a horror fan, preferring the tearjerkers or dramas. They talked their way through two cigarettes each before heading back to work.

"Tell you what; let me take a look at the problem and if it is my error I have to buy you dinner from my own money but if it is your error then you have to buy my dinner." Lindsey said as they entered the conference room.

"The deal sounds fine to me, I am confident that I entered everything correctly but we run a different accounting system than you do." Nancy said confidently.

"I noticed that but we used that system while I was in college, I think I can find my way around." Lindsey replied just as confidently.

"Go for it girl." Nancy said.

Lindsey sat down in Nancy's chair and started going over the numbers. This was her company that she was working with so all the numbers were very familiar to her. She knew the error had to be on Nancy's work but after a half hour of working and having the watch the smirk on Nancy's face grow, Lindsey was beginning to sweat. Then she saw the problem, she checked the numbers again and she knew that she was right. She wanted to jump up and pump her fist but she decided that was not quite the right thing to do. So she instead used discretion in pointing out the error.

"I found the error, but there is a problem." Lindsey said with a slight smile.

"First tell me whose error it is." Nancy said.

"Well let me put it this way; I don't know if I want seafood or a big juicy steak tonight." Lindsey said.

"Now I need to see the error before I will buy you anything, smarty pants." Nancy said but Lindsey could tell that Nancy knew the error was hers but just could not give in until the error was pointed out.

"Look here, on this entry you put 1,789, 069.69 when you should have entered 1.789, 096.96." Lindsey said as she pointed first to her papers then to the screen on the laptop.

Nancy looked carefully at both then she eased Lindsey out of her seat and she sat down. She looked again before she changed the numbers and ran the program again. This time Lindsey noticed that it all came out even on the balance sheet. She then sat back and looked Lindsey in the eyes.

"Well, I was always partial to 69's." Nancy said with a devious smile. Lindsey felt herself blush at the sexual innuendo. But before she could say anything Nancy continued, thus rescuing her. "It looks like dinner is on me. Thanks for finding the error; I could have been at this all day."

"No problem, we are a team at this." Lindsey said.

"Yes, we are." Nancy said with a knowing smile and Lindsey knew she was talking about more that just work but she let it pass.

The rest of the day passed quickly for Lindsey, working with Nancy had become fun. They joked and laughed as they worked and took turns inputting the data into Nancy's system. Lindsey also wondered aloud what she wanted for dinner that night with Nancy coming back with "Rub in it why don't you," or "Kick a good woman when she is down, why don't you." But both were doing this in a fun way and this just added to their now good working relationship. They finished their work for the day at about five-thirty and went to their respective rooms to get ready for dinner.

When Lindsey got to her room, she stripped out of her clothing and jumped into the shower. As she let the warm water wash over her, she thought about the day and how fun it had been. She could not think of a day that she had as much fun as she did today. As she washed her breasts and then her pussy she thought about Nancy doing the same thing in her room. This caused a tingle in her pussy and she had to stop herself from carrying the washing of her pussy into caressing it. Nancy was definitely getting to her but she was determined to keep this relationship business only, no matter what her heart desired. Once she had washed, she got a razor out, and she sat on the edge of the tub and shaved her legs, they did not really need it but she shaved them never the less. When that was completed, she felt her pussy and she could feel the stubble beginning to arise. She had not planned to shave but then she decided that it needed to be shaved too. She lathered up the area around her pussy and she shaved it until she was nice, smooth, and completely bare. Once she had rinsed off all the shaving cream, she stepped out of the shower and dried off. She then put a bit of makeup on and walked back into the room to get dressed. She had not packed any evening wear for the trip, only business attire and jeans. She did not want to put on any of her work clothes so that left the jeans. For some reason, she wanted to dress up a bit but she couldn't. Then her brain kicked in, telling her that the last thing she needed to do was dress up for Nancy. She put her jeans on and a knit top and headed out the door.

When she got to the lobby, she found that Nancy was standing there waiting for her. Nancy had on a tight Knit top and accented her b cup breasts and she had on a short tight back skirt that seemed to be molded to her ass. Again, Lindsey felt her pussy give her a tingle and she knew that Nancy was making it very hard for her to ignore what was happing inside her body.

"You look very nice tonight." Lindsey said as she approached Nancy.

"Why thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." Was Nancy's reply.

"Oh, this is just an old pair of jeans. I really didn't pack anything to wear at night." Lindsey said.

"Well, I think you would look great in anything that you wear." Nancy said and Lindsey felt herself blush.

"Thank you, but I am not so sure about that." Lindsey replied.

"I am." Nancy countered and again Lindsey blushed. She then changed the subject to where they were going to eat, as she did not want Nancy to see her continuing to blush. As they drove, Lindsey finally decided on seafood so Nancy drove to a nice seafood place that she had gotten from the front desk of the hotel. The dinner went well and Nancy never let an opportunity to touch or compliment Lindsey. This Lindsey knew Nancy was getting to her and she tried to deflect the compliments but she couldn't stop herself from allowing Nancy to touch her arm or hand. In fact, she kept her hand available for Nancy to touch. She chided herself for doing this but still she left her hand on the table and she felt a jolt of electricity go through her at every touch of Nancy's hand. When they got to the hotel and then into the elevator, Nancy stood close to Lindsey and Lindsey could feel Nancy's body brush against her body. And like the pervious night, Nancy gave her hand a squeeze as Lindsey stepped out of the elevator.

When Lindsey got to her room, she let out a long sigh, she knew that Nancy had been hitting on her the whole night and that she enjoyed every minute of it but again she vowed to herself that nothing would happen between them. She stripped out of her cloths and slipped into bed nude as she always slept. She breasts were aching to be touched and her pussy was demanding attention but she knew that if her masturbated, it would be to the vision of Nancy laying nude beside her. So she turned over on her side and made herself think of work. It took her a long time to get Nancy out of her head but she finally managed to do so and she feel into a restless sleep.

Wednesday went well for Lindsey, they started at seven-thirty and did not stop until six as both were into the work and everything was flowing smoothly. The only time they stopped during the day was to take smoke breaks and to grab a quick bite of lunch at the hotel's bar and grill. That evening they decided that they were both tired so they return to the bar and grill and each ordered a burger and they got a pitcher of beer. They sat in a back booth and talked as they ate. They then nursed the pitched of beer until about eleven or so. They then made their way slowly to the elevator and then up to Lindsey's floor. As the doors opened, Lindsey expected Nancy to squeeze her hand again but this time she took her right hand and turned her so that she was facing Nancy. Lindsey's heart skipped a beat as she thought that Nancy was going to try to kiss her but instead she moved in close and gave her a tight hug. At first, Lindsey did not know what she wanted to do but at the last moment, she moved her arms up and returned the hug but only for a second. She then broke the contact and made her way quickly down the hall to her room.

As she lay in her bed that night, Lindsey thought about how the day went but mostly she concentrated on how it ended. Lindsey was not sure that she could trust herself to make it through two more days. Nancy was doing things to her body and mind that Lindsey found herself not wanting to resist. But she knew she had too, she just was not sure how. Nancy seemed to know just what to do and when to do it. Nancy had let her know that she was interested in her and Lindsey was no fool. She picked up the signs quickly, not that Nancy was trying very hard to hide them. Lindsey knew that first night when Nancy caught her staring at her intently with lust in her eyes, was what got her in trouble. If only she had recognized Nancy a half second sooner, then she would not be in this predicament. But she was and she just had to figure out a way out of it.

Thursday started as the previous days had but Lindsey realized that they were quickly running out of work. Since they had started to work together, the work had gone smoother and thus faster. By mid-afternoon, Lindsey knew that if they worked over, they could finish that day. She started thinking about how to move up her plane reservation a day when Nancy threw her for a loop.

"You know we could finish up today or I may have a better idea." Nancy told Lindsey as she relaxed back in her chair.

"What would that be?' Lindsey asked.

"Well we have been working our asses off since we have gotten here. The only time we really took any time for ourselves was when we went out to eat Tuesday and that was only because you suggested that bet. How about we quit here and finish tomorrow. Then we grab a bit to eat and go to the beach. Believe it or not, I have never been to the beach and it would be a shame to get this close and not go. Who knows if our companies will send us back here when we meet in a week." Nancy suggested.

Lindsey wanted to say no but she could not be the one to prevent someone from seeing the ocean for the first time. She had always love going to the beach so she found herself saying, "Yes." She knew in her heart that she would regret the decision but the die had been cast.

"Great! Let's finish this last part and we will be on our way." Nancy said with more than a little excitement in her voice.

Before she knew what was happening, Lindsey found herself in the passenger seat of Nancy's rental car and they were well on their way to the beach. When they pulled up in the parking lot at the public beach, Nancy raced out of the car, leaving Lindsey to get the food that they had picked up along the way and the blanket that they had stolen from the hotel. Lindsey trekked her way up the sand dune and over to the beach. The first thing that she saw Nancy's shoes on the beach and she looked up to see that Nancy had rolled up her pants lets and was playing in the surf. She heard Nancy call out to her but she took her time in putting the blanket down and the food on top of it. She then took her own shoes off and rolled up her pants legs up. Then feeling that she had made Nancy wait long enough, she rushed down to the shore to join her friend who was playing like a three year old in the water.

"What took you so long?" Nancy said as she ran up to hug Lindsey.

When the hug ended, Lindsey saw that there was pure joy in Nancy's eyes and she could not help but to feel the excitement that she knew that Nancy was feeling.

"Hey you are the one who took off leaving me with all the food and blankets." Lindsey said as she took a step back and swung her leg into the water splashing seawater on Nancy.

Nancy squealed and cried out to Lindsey who by now had turned tail and was running up the beach laughing. "I will get you for that."

"But first you have to catch me!" Lindsey cried out as she looked back over her shoulder to see that Nancy had started after her. Lindsey tried to pick up speed but the fact that she did not exercise much and the cigarettes that she smoked worked against her. She heard Nancy call out to her "I am catching up, you had better be ready." Lindsey could tell that she was getting closer but this time she did not try to run faster. A moment later, she found that she was falling toward the sand and she knew that in fact, Nancy had caught her. Then she found that she was on her back breathing hard and Nancy was on top of her breathing just as hard.

"I caught you girl!" Nancy said between breaths.

"Yes you have, but the question now is what are you going to do with me?" Lindsey said and immediately wanted to take the words back but she couldn't, they were already out of her mouth.

"This," Nancy said as she closed her eyes and she started to lower her head towards Lindsey's.

For Lindsey, time slowed down but her mind did not. She thought about what the kiss would do and she got scared, more scared than she had ever been in her life. At the last second, she put her hands on Nancy's shoulders and pushed her off. She then got up, dusting the sand from her backside.

"Our food is getting cold." Lindsey said as she started back toward the blanket. Her heart was pounding and she did not know if she did the right thing. She was so confused and scared. She did not know how Nancy would react, good or bad. But about then she felt Nancy beside her and she felt Nancy loop her arm in her arm. Lindsey did not say anything and she was glad that Nancy had decided to keep quite.

When they got to the blanket, they sat down and Lindsey got out their sub-sandwiches and opened up a beer for each of them. It was a nice fall evening, the air was warm, and it felt good against her skin. Lindsey tried to think of something to say but nothing would come to her mind except for the near kiss. That she could not erase it from her mind. But a few minutes later, Nancy came to her rescue, she started to talk about work, talking as if the near kiss had never happened. Lindsey wanted to thank her but the only way to do that was to bring up the near kiss and that was the last thing she wanted to do. But Nancy chatted nonstop, until Lindsey finally got her emotions back under control and she could talk.

They talked for a while and then Nancy suggested a nice walk on the beach. Nancy got up first and then she held out her hand to Lindsey who took it and she got up. Lindsey waited for Nancy to let go of her hand but she didn't, instead she slipped in close to Lindsey and she entwined her fingers with Lindsey's. Lindsey wanted to let go but she found that she had slowly closed her fingers gripping Nancy's hand in hers. They walked and talked for what seemed forever up the beach, and when the sun started to set, Nancy turned them around, and Lindsey found that they were heading back. Nancy then let go of her hand and Lindsey found that she wanted the hand back, but then Nancy slipped her arm around Lindsey, pulling her in close. Lindsey resisted for only a moment before she felt herself molding into Nancy's body. They walked in silence back. Lindsey could feel her heart beating and she knew that she was falling and she did not want the feeling to ever stop. When they got back to the blanket, Lindsey started to feel nervous again. She did not know what Nancy would do. She did not know what she wanted Nancy to do. Her mind was a mass of confused neurons, running into each other, not know what direction that they were suppose to go. Lindsey the felt Nancy turn toward her and instead of trying to kiss her again, she felt Nancy bring her in close and hold her tight. Lindsey slowly melted in the arms of Nancy's hug. It felt so nice, she was safe and secure.

The hug slowly ended and then Lindsey found that they were heading back to the motel. The drive back was filled with Nancy talking again. It seemed to Lindsey that Nancy always seemed to know when to talk and let her just listen. It was if Nancy could read her mind and know what she needed at any given time. When they got back to the hotel, Nancy walked her to the elevator and pushed the button to Lindsey's floor. Then Lindsey noticed that Nancy did not push the button for her own floor. This caused Lindsey's heart to start to beat faster. As the door open, she expected to feel Nancy squeeze her hand but instead she watched as Nancy walked out of the elevator in front of her. This left Lindsey with only one thing to do, and that was to follow her.

When Lindsey got to her door, she found Nancy waiting for her. She did not know what to say so she started to take her key card out of her purse, when she felt Nancy's hands on her shoulders and she felt herself being turned around. She felt the beginning of panic start to rise inside of her. Slowly Nancy stepped in close to her and she could feel her heart start to beat wildly. She moved her hands to Nancy's shoulders to push her away. She got them in place and started to push but she found that she did not have the strength to do so. Nancy leaned in close, she felt her back being pressed against the door, and she could feel Nancy's body press against her front. She felt Nancy's breasts press against her own breasts. She saw Nancy's face approach hers and she found strength return to her arms and she began to push Nancy away. Then Nancy stopped on her own accord. She thought that Nancy would back off her but she didn't. Instead, she just stood there, those baby blue eyes of Nancy's seem to grow larger and Lindsey found that she was getting lost in them. She knew that she had to do something fast or she would be lost forever. Lindsey tried to look away but she could not, Nancy's eyes were too strong. They drew her deeper into Nancy's soul. She tried to push Nancy away but her arms lost their strength again. All time stopped and then Lindsey realized that Nancy was giving her a choice. It was up to her, whether the kiss would occur. Lindsey tried to think but there was nothing inside of her brain. Slowly she closed her eyes and then a moment later she felt Nancy's lips on hers. They were wet and warm, and the kiss warmed her soul. She was lost in the moment of the kiss. Nothing else existed except her and Nancy, and the kiss that was bringing out the passion that she had kept in check since Monday night when she saw Nancy sitting at the bar. Nancy kissed her slowly and gently, her lips started a fire in Lindsey's body. Lindsey closed her hands into fists, drawing Nancy's blouse into them. Lindsey's heart was bursting with joy. Lindsey did not know how long the kiss lasted, only that she did not want it to ever end. It felt to damn good. Then slowly she felt Nancy's lips leave hers and she felt the lost. She wanted them back and all she could think to say was "Oh God."

When Lindsey opened her eyes, she saw that Nancy was gone. She looked over at the elevator and she saw Nancy walking inside, but before she did, Nancy flashed her a loving smile that Lindsey had to return. It took her a few moments to get her heart under control but when she did, she turned on shaky knees, and after three tries, she was able to work the card lock and she let herself inside. Once inside, she dropped her purse and went to the bed, where she curled up hugging one pillow to her chest and the other was where her head lay. She lay there in her clothes and all she could think about was the kiss. She knew that she had consented to being kissed and she knew that once it had occurred, she was hooked. Nancy was all that she could think about now. She knew this would affect her working with Nancy and that is what she did not want to happen. She had a lot riding on this job and she had to complete it. She tried to make herself figure out a way to get herself out of the mess that she had set into motion. She just did not know how. She laid there for hours thinking about Nancy and her work before sleep finally came to her but it was not a restful sleep.

The next morning she woke up and looked at the clock, it read eight AM. "Oh Shit" Lindsey said aloud as she jumped from her bed. She then realized that she had slept in her clothes and she had sand in her hair so a shower was a necessity. She quickly stripped out of her clothes as she rushed into the shower. She stepped into the warm spray and only then realized that she had not emptied her bladder before getting into the shower. Having no choice so as she soaped her hair, she released her bladder and she got the relief that she needed as the pee ran down her legs and into the soapy water. Once her hair was washed, she soaped her body, taking only a little extra time to wash the pee from her pussy and her legs. She rinsed and hurriedly dried her body and did a quick blow-dry on her hair. She then dressed and raced downstairs.

"I am so sorry; I forgot to put in a wakeup call for this morning." Lindsey said breathlessly as she ran into the conference room at eight- thirty.

"Well, I could say it was about time you showed up, but to tell you the truth, I just got here only a couple of minutes ago myself." Nancy said.

"Oh good, then I don't feel so bad." Lindsey said as she let out a sigh. But as they started to work she noticed two things. First, Nancy seemed to have gotten a lot of work done for only having gotten there a few minutes before she did. Second, she realized that Nancy did not bring up the kiss from last night. She was thankful for both of these things. They worked straight to one when Nancy made a show of hitting her enter key, thus ending their work for the week.

"I can't believe that we are done." Nancy said as she leaned back in her chair.

"I know, but we earned our pay, that is for sure." Lindsey said as she let out a loud sigh.

"When is your flight out tonight?" Nancy asked.

"It's at eight fifteen, I was not sure when we would be done, so I had them make it for later in the evening. When do you fly out?"

"I was suppose to fly out at six in the morning but I called last night and made it for Sunday. I wanted to go back down to the beach and spend some time there. I loved our evening there that we had last night." Nancy said.

"Yes, it was nice, wasn't it?" Lindsey said and then she knew that she had just left the door wide open.

"Hey, I just got an idea. Why don't you move your flight to Sunday and we can enjoy the weekend without having to worry about work?" Nancy suggested and she gave Lindsey a smile that started to melt her heart.

Lindsey knew the ball was in her court and she found that she was answering before she could put her brain in gear. "Okay," she said in a hesitant voice.

"Oh thank you, this is going to be a great weekend. Let's put this stuff up and we can put it all in my room. I have a suite so we both can stay there; there is no reason for both of us to pay for a room. Go on up and pack up your stuff, check out and move your flight to Sunday. I will meet you up at my room in a few minutes." Nancy said as she rushed Lindsey out the door.

The next thing Lindsey knew she was in the hallway, walking toward the elevator. She could not figure out what had happened. She was normally a dominate person but yesterday and this morning she was acting very submissive. And the bad part of all of this was that it felt nice to be a little submissive to Nancy. Lindsey knew she was going to have to have a very long talk with herself after this weekend was over but for now she had gotten herself into this situation, she may as well enjoy it. Having decided that was the best way to go; she went to her room and packed her clothes. She got a fight out on Sunday afternoon then hauled her stuff to the elevator. Once on the ground floor she left her luggage by the elevator and checked out. She then put her stuff back on the elevator and started up toward Nancy's floor. It was at this point that reality set in for her. She knew that once this weekend was over, she and Nancy would be lovers. Her heart started to beat a little faster and her hands showed her nervousness as they began to shake.

When the elevator doors opened, she moved her luggage out of the elevator and she looked for Nancy's room. Once she had the direction, she picked up a couple of pieces of luggage and started toward Nancy's room and what ever awaited her there. As she turned the corner, she saw Nancy directing a couple of porters putting all of her files into her room.

"There you are." Nancy called down the hallway to Lindsey, and then she turned to the porters saying, "Boys, once you get those boxes inside, go down to the elevators and get my friend's luggage."

Lindsey watched as Nancy came to her and took the suitcase from her right hand and she carried it down to her room. Lindsey entered the room as the porters were going out and they gave her a look and Lindsey knew what they were thinking but she did not care. Lindsey looked around and found that Lindsey did indeed have a nice room. There was a living room with a couch and chair. There was also a work desk in the corner, which had papers spread out and a laptop opened up and running. Lindsey then followed Nancy to the bedroom, where there was a queen size bed and a bathroom attached.

"Shit girl, your company puts you up well. My company just put me in a regular room. It is nice but looks like a cheap motel room compared to this one." Lindsey finally said as she got over the room that Nancy had.

"Actually that is what they put me into too. But I never spend any money so I upgraded the room myself. I figured that if I was going to be spending all this time here then I might as well be comfortable." Nancy replied.

"I can definitely feel at home here." Lindsey said.

"That is what I am hoping for." Nancy said as she came over to Lindsey and gave her a quick kiss.

"Excuse me, we have everything in the room." The older porter said, interrupting their kiss.

Lindsey felt her face blushing but she saw that Nancy took it in stride.

"Thank you," Nancy said to the porter as she went to her purse and got out a twenty to give to him.

"Now where we... oh yes I think we were doing this." Nancy said as she came back to where Lindsey was standing.

Lindsey stood there as Nancy took her into her arms and then she closed her eyes. She felt Nancy's lips touch hers and she had to respond. Lindsey brought her arms up and she slipped them around Nancy's waist as Nancy opened her lips a bit. Lindsey did the same and soon she felt Nancy's tongue enter her mouth. She met it with her own tongue and she felt her body start to respond to the passion of their kissing. She pulled Nancy in tighter to her body and she sucked on Nancy's tongue. Lindsey felt Nancy's hands roam down to her ass and she felt Nancy gripping her ass cheeks. This caused Lindsey to shiver and she knew that they were going to make love very soon. But as Nancy started to kiss her a little harder and more passionately. Lindsey started to feel the nervousness return and she became unsure of what she was doing. She was still kissing Nancy with the same passion as Nancy was kissing her. Their lips would part and then only their tongues would touch before their lips would close back together. For Lindsey, it was as if one part of her mind wanted everything that Nancy was giving her yet another part wanted to stop everything to let her think. At the moment, the part that wanted Nancy was winning, so she kissed and hugged Nancy tightly to her body. Then Nancy began to move her kisses to Lindsey's neck and that was Lindsey passion point. She felt a moan rise to her throat and come out of her mouth. Lindsey was lost in the passion now. She let her head fall back, exposing her neck to Nancy who took the lead and kissed all around her neck, kissing and sucking gently but not enough to leave a mark. Then Nancy pulled back a bit and Lindsey felt her hands moving to her front and up to her breasts. When she felt Nancy cup her breasts and give them a squeeze, Lindsey came back to reality. She got scared again, everything was happening too fast. Suddenly she had to pee and she had to go now.

"I have to use the bathroom!" Lindsey said as she broke away and ran into the bathroom.

She got inside, she pushed her pants and panties down to her thighs, and she sat on the toilet. She released her bladder but only a few hot drops of pee came from her pussy. She tried to go more but she knew that she had peed all that she was going to pee. But she also knew why she had to pee when she really didn't have to pee. It was just that what she had been fighting all week had come to a head. She had two choices, falling in love with Nancy and risking her job or stopping it here and losing Nancy and hopefully keeping her job but if she stopped it here she knew she would not be able to make herself come back the week after next. She would not be able to face Nancy again as she would know that maybe she had blown any possibility of them having something special. But then again, they could have this weekend together and it still blow up in her face. She went back and forth with this argument as she sat on the toilet.

"Are you okay in there?" Lindsey heard Nancy call through the door.

"Ahh... I am fine; I will be out in a moment." Lindsey said and then she said to herself, "It is time to shit or get off the pot, girl." Then she realized that she was indeed sitting on the pot. This made her smile at her un- intended pun. She wiped herself clean and got up. She then went over to the sink and looked into the mirror. She thought about what to do and then made her decision.

"If I am going to fast or you need to talk about this then we can. I know that we both are risking..." Nancy said as she entered the bedroom carrying two glasses of wine but then she stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at Lindsey standing there naked. "I guess you don't need to talk." Nancy said as she put the wine glasses down on the dresser and came to where Lindsey was standing.

Lindsey was hoping that Nancy liked what she saw. >From the way she was looking at her, it appeared that she did but still when it came to Nancy, Lindsey was not sure of anything.

"You are even more beautiful than I thought you would be." Lindsey heard Nancy say right before she felt Nancy take her into her arms and kiss her. Lindsey melted into Nancy's arms and returned the kiss that Nancy was giving her. As they kissed, Lindsey realized that she was being moved toward the bed.

"I think one of us is over dressed." Nancy said as she eased Lindsey onto the bed.

Lindsey scooted up in the bed and placed a pillow against the headboard as she sat back against it with her legs spread out in front of her. She then watched as Nancy first handed her the two glasses of wine. She then went back to the side of the bed and she began to undress. She did it slowly but without trying to do any type of striptease. She unbuttoned her blouse and opened it to reveal a black lacy bra covering her b cup breasts. Nancy then started to unzip the side of her slacks. She started to push then down her hips and Lindsey saw that Nancy was wearing a matching pair of panties. They were just as black and lacy as her bra was. Lindsey knew that Nancy had planned this all along. Lindsey noticed that Nancy did not take her eyes off her as she undressed. This caused Lindsey's nipples to harden and she felt her pussy beginning to get moist. Lindsey drew in her breath as she saw that Nancy was reaching behind her back and was unhooking her bra. Nancy took a little extra time bringing the straps to the front and then she leaned slightly forward and her breasts were released and Lindsey exhaled as she saw Nancy light pink nipples. The areoles were about the size of a quarter and the nipples stuck out about a half inch. Nancy hesitated a second then she put her thumbs to the inside of the waistband of her panties. Again, Lindsey felt herself inhaling deeply and holding her breath as the panties slowly went down Nancy's hips. Lindsey saw the panties go on down and she saw no pubic hair, she then knew that Nancy was bare. That was almost more than she could take as she loved bare pussies as her own pussy was. The panties went on down and Nancy's pussy was finally revealed and Lindsey saw that Nancy's outer lips hid her inner lips. Lindsey let out a long moan and she saw that Nancy was smiling broadly. She panties quickly found the floor and Nancy climbed onto the bed. She crawled up toward Lindsey and sat down on her thighs with her legs to each side of Lindsey's legs. She legs were folded underneath of her so that Nancy was sitting as much on her heals as she was on Lindsey's thighs. This made it easy for Lindsey to support Nancy's weight not that she weighted that much to begin with.

"To us," Nancy said as she took her wine glass from Lindsey.

"To us" Lindsey replied and she tapped her glass against Nancy's. They both took a sip, then Nancy took Lindsey's glass from her and put it on the nightstand, but she kept her own glass. Lindsey watched as Nancy dipped her finger into the wine and coated Lindsey's lips with the liquid. Lindsey wanted to lick it off but she knew that Nancy had other plans and she did. Nancy leaned in and kissed Lindsey gently. The wine made the kiss more favorable but also even more erotic for her, not that this could get any more erotic. She was about to have an orgasm without Nancy hardly touching her. Nancy used her tongue as they kissed to caress Lindsey's tongue. Lindsey put her hands on Nancy's thighs and ran them up and down. But she did not go close to Nancy's pussy, she knew that Nancy was playing the dominate and for once in her life she was okay with that. When the kiss ended, Nancy dipped her finger into the wine again and this time she put drops from one side of Lindsey's neck to the other. Lindsey tilted her head upward as Nancy came toward her. She first felt Nancy's tongue touch her just below her right earlobe and slowly it traced a line to just under the other earlobe. Lindsey let out a loud moan, as Nancy had hit her erotic zone. Nancy then kissed her way back to the right earlobe; there she stopped to nibble on the lobe. Lindsey could not stand the sensations, it was driving her crazy, but she did not want Nancy to stop. Nancy knew what she was doing, so she kissed her way back to the left and then back to the right. Lindsey moan and moaned before letting out an "Oh god, don't ever stop."

Lindsey then heard Nancy say softly, "Don't worry, I will be back." As she gave a last kiss to Lindsey's neck. Nancy sat back up and this time when she dipped her finger into the wine, she held it right over Lindsey's left nipple. She let the wine drip onto her nipple and then she immediately leaned down and sucked the nipple into her mouth. Again, Lindsey let out an "Oh god," only this time much, much louder. Nancy sucked the nipple deeper into her mouth and she then let to pop from her mouth. She then bent back down and started to nibble on it. At first, she was gentle but soon nibbled a little harder, this brought some pain to Lindsey, but she loved it. Nancy let the nipple go and she dropped a drop of wine onto the other nipple. Lindsey watched and waited for Nancy to lean in but Nancy made her wait a second before she leaned in and this time she first kissed it, then she sucked the nipple into her mouth. Lindsey could feel the hard suction that Nancy was using and she could not get enough. She felt her pussy juices leaking from her pussy and down to her ass and then the sheet. Nancy sucked and nibbled on this nipple for a moment. Then she sat back up.

Lindsey waited to see where the next drop of wine would go and she was hoping for her pussy but Nancy surprised her. She put her wine glass on the nightstand and then Lindsey watched as she brought her hands up to her face. She felt Nancy pull her face forward and they kissed. As they kissed, Lindsey felt Nancy's hands go to her breasts and she felt her gently squeezing and caressing them. Lindsey moved her hands from Nancy's thighs to her breasts and she got her first feel of Nancy's breasts. They were a little smaller than her own c cup breasts but they fit her hands and they were nice and firm. She caressed them and pinched the nipples as Nancy did the same to her. Their tongues and lips were in a passion kiss that lasted a good length of time. Nancy then went back to Lindsey's neck, as promised, and Lindsey let out a loud moan. Nancy kissed and kissed every part of her neck before Lindsey had enough. She was dieing to cum and she couldn't wait any longer.

Lindsey took Nancy's face into her hands and brought it up and she kissed her. She then began to push Nancy down. She saw Nancy smile and she went to where Lindsey wanted her but she paused along the way to kiss she breasts and bite them. Nancy scooted on down in the bed and then she put her legs inside of Lindsey's thighs. Instead of moving on down, Lindsey saw that Nancy was reaching for her ankles. Once she had them in hand, she moved them up so that Lindsey's knees touched her chest. It was awkward position but Lindsey always prided herself on being limber. Lindsey knew what Nancy wanted without having to be asked so she wrapped her arms around her knees and pulled them to her chest. She then felt Nancy take her by the hips and pull her down in the bed. Lindsey felt her pussy and ass being exposed and she wondered just what Nancy had planned for her. Nancy put a pillow under her head so that she was comfortable and with her knees blocking her view, Lindsey could not tell what Nancy was going to do.

Lindsey waited as she felt Nancy settle down in the bed. She then felt Nancy's hands on her ass cheeks and she felt her spread them out wider. The next thing that she felt was the tip of Nancy's tongue touch the center of her asshole.

"Oh fuck, girl!" Lindsey cried as she felt the tongue push inside her asshole. Lindsey relaxed her asshole so that Nancy would get more of her tongue inside of her. Lindsey knew her juices were running like a sleeve. Lindsey felt Nancy's tongue move around her asshole then it started to move in and out of it. Lindsey wanted to reach down and rub the hell out of her clit but she let Nancy do as she pleased to her but it was killing her. The tongue fucking went on for a good long wile and Lindsey could only moan. She wanted to orgasm so bad, she needed to orgasm so bad but Nancy would not let her cum. Finally the tongue left her asshole but then she felt something harder enter it and she knew that Nancy now had a finger deep in her ass. The finger then began to move in and out of her asshole and it felt as good as Nancy's tongue.

Now Lindsey was at her wits end, she had to have some relief and Nancy was finally ready to give it. Lindsey felt Nancy's tongue touch her pussy and she felt a small orgasm wash through her. It was intense but not as intense as the real one that was still building. Lindsey recovered from her orgasm quickly and she felt Nancy's tongue working her pussy. It was deep inside her lips, licking and twisting. Lindsey moaned aloud, and pulled her legs in tighter. The finger was still working her asshole and it was moving faster. Nancy pulled on her lips and then bit then gently. Lindsey moaned again and then she felt Nancy move up to her clit. It was super sensitive by now and when Nancy sucked it into her mouth, Lindsey felt her pussy flood with juices. She knew that some of those juices were mixed with pee but she had no control over her body anymore. She felt Nancy lick and suck on the little bud and she felt a massive orgasm build within her. The finger in her asshole was going at a lighting speed and she could feel Nancy's knuckles butt up against her ass as the finger went deep into her bowels. Nancy then began to lick her clit with fast short strokes of her tongue and she was gone. She released her legs and released everything else that she had control over.

When Lindsey recovered, she found that Nancy was still licking her pussy but the finger was gone from her ass. Lindsey reached down to Nancy to pull her up in the bed but instead Nancy took her hands and entwined their fingers. Lindsey opened her legs up more and she sighed as Nancy gently licked her pussy. She felt Nancy's tongue move up and down her slit and then go deeper into it. The tongue moved all around her pussy but stayed away from her clit, it was too sensitive to be touched now, and Nancy knew that. Soon Lindsey felt a finger then two fingers enter her pussy. They too moved slowly in and out at first before gathering speed. Lindsey moaned as the fingers filled her pussy and fucked her. Nancy was kissing her thighs as her fingers fucked Lindsey. After a few more minutes, Lindsey felt Nancy slow down and she felt the third finger enter her pussy. This really filled her up and stretched her pussy lips out. These fingers moved in and out of her pussy filling her up and then going out before filling her again. After a minute or two of this Lindsey felt Nancy's lips kiss her clit. The clit had calmed down a bit, but was still very sensitive. Nancy was gentle as she licked her, as her tongue moved in circles around the clit. Lindsey was moving her hips to the motion of the fingers fucking her. Lindsey could feel the tension building inside of her body again and she knew that she was near another orgasm. Nancy brought her along slowly but the time had come and Lindsey cried out as the orgasm hit her and she came hard. This time she was at the end of her endurance, she felt her mind drift away from her body, and she just enjoyed the pure pleasure that Nancy had just given her.

When Lindsey started to get her senses back, she felt something wet and cool on her forehead. She opened her eyes to see Nancy with a wet washcloth wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Damn girl, you know how to please a woman don't you." Lindsey said as she curled her right hand around Nancy's neck and brought her head down so that she could kiss her. Lindsey kissed Nancy with all the passion that she had. She smothered her lips with kisses then went to her face as she pushed Nancy onto her back. She was still spent from the orgasms that Nancy had given to her but she was determined to get Nancy cumming a time or two before the afternoon was over. She then started to kiss Nancy repeatedly. When she ended the kisses, she slipped down and she went to Nancy's breasts. She kissed each lightly then she sucked the right nipple into her mouth. She used the tip of her tongue to tease the nipple as she sucked. Then as she released the nipple, she gave it a gentle bite.

"Harder, baby." Lindsey heard Nancy say and then she knew that Nancy liked her sex a little rougher. "Well, I can handle that." Lindsey thought to herself.

Lindsey went over to the other nipple and first thing, she bit down on it, this time with the pressure that she thought Nancy wanted. When she heard a groan and then a moan come from Nancy, she knew that she was on the right tract. She then sucked the nipple into her mouth and she sucked hard for a few moments. As she sucked, she used her teeth to grade against the side of the nipple. She could feel Nancy move underneath her. She sucked and nibbled hard on the nipple before again going back to the other nipple. As she did this, she used her fingers to pinch and pull on the nipple that she left unattended. She moved back and forth before she felt Nancy getting impatient for more. She gave a last bite to Nancy's nipples, this time hard than any previous bite and this brought a load groan from Nancy.

Lindsey gently bit and sucked Nancy's belly as she slid on down her body. Lindsey finally made it to her destination. She first inhaled Nancy's musky scent and she knew that Nancy was going to taste good. Lindsey put her hands to Nancy's thighs and she pushed her legs out wide and she watched Nancy's pussy lips open up for her. It was nice and pink inside of her. She could also see all the juices that were running from her pussy. She leaned down and she put her tongue on Nancy's asshole and she got her first taste of Nancy's juices and they were as good as she thought that they would be. Lindsey licked all around Nancy's asshole, getting the pussy juices that had ran there and also teasing the hole a little with the tip of her tongue. Once the juices were gone, she went to the source, she started at the bottom of the slit and licked her way to the clit. There she sucked it into her mouth and teased it with her tongue as she sucked. She licked and sucked on Nancy's clit making her buck her hips and driving her pussy into her mouth. But Lindsey did not let up, she sucked and licked hard as she wanted Nancy to cum. She used her tongue to lick the clit with short hard strokes. It took her a minute or two to get Nancy to have her orgasm but she did and Lindsey moved her mouth down to drink in all of the girlcum that Nancy produced.

When Nancy began to relax, Lindsey stopped licking her pussy and she put two of her fingers into her mouth getting them wet. She then began to stroke Nancy's pussy with those fingers to get them nice and wet. She then placed the fingers to Nancy's entrance and she pushed them in. they slipped right in and she could feel how wet Nancy still was. Her pussy was nice and warm. Slowly she began to fuck Nancy with her fingers as she licked around them. She fucked her for a few minutes slowly going faster and harder.

Just as she was about to go to Nancy's clit with her tongue, she heard Nancy say, "Put another one in me."

Lindsey smiled to herself as she extended her ring finger and slipped it with her index and middle finger into Nancy's pussy. This made it tighter but still was no problem. She started faster this time and she watched as her fingers went in and out of Nancy. Lindsey could see Nancy's lips being pushed in as her fingers went inside of her and then being pulled out as they were on the outstroke. Lindsey felt her own pussy get wet and excited again just watching her fingers fuck Nancy. But again as she was about to go to Nancy's clit with her tongue she heard Nancy say, "One more."

Lindsey was not sure about this but she was more than willing to do as Nancy said. She curled her little finger against her palm and she slowly screwed all four fingers into Nancy's pussy. This really stretched Nancy out wide and she heard her groan but then she felt Nancy begin to push against her fingers. Lindsey began to fuck her with her four fingers and she knew it would not take much to fist her but she was not going to try that today. She pushed in hard and she fingers went in up to her knuckles. She fucked her hard with her fingers and this time she went quickly to Nancy's clit not that there was much room for her mouth but she was able to start to lick the clit. Nancy was moaning and crying out Lindsey's name as she approached her orgasm. Lindsey could feel her fingers going deep and deeper into Nancy's pussy as she relaxed her pussy. Then suddenly, Lindsey felt her fingers being clamped down on by Nancy's pussy muscles. Nancy cried one last time, and she came hard. Lindsey quickly removed her fingers from Nancy's pussy and replaced them with her mouth so that she could catch all of Nancy's girlcum. She sucked and licked until Nancy had no more girlcum to give her. She then licked her fingers clean, climbed up in the bed, and lay down beside of Nancy whit them both on their backs.

"I would kill for a cigarette and a glass of wine." Nancy said with a satisfied sigh in her voice.

"I will get it." Lindsey said as she started to get up.

"No honey, I did not mean for you to get it. I was thinking out loud but I was too lazy to get up myself." Nancy said as she reached out to stop Lindsey and get up herself.

"I know that you didn't, I didn't take it that way, but I was thinking the same thing myself." Lindsey said as she got up.

"How about you get the wine and I will get us some cigarettes." Nancy offered.

"Deal." Lindsey said as she picked up their wine glasses and headed into the kitchen. Once there, she stopped at the refrigerator and thought a second on what had just happened. She had to admit that making love to Nancy and having Nancy make love to her was nice but she also knew that there was something more to it than that. She was not a person to go out and find a one-night stand. She needed more than that to satisfier her, and she was afraid that Nancy was more than willing to give her what she really needed. And she knew that she was more than willing to give Nancy the same thing. Then Lindsey realized that she was avoiding the one word that she was afraid to say so she said to herself, "Just say it, you are falling in love with her. Okay I said it, now what are you going to do about it. I don't know, I fucking don't know."

"Who you talking to, honey?" Nancy said as she came around the corner with her pack of cigarettes in one hand and an ashtray in the other.

"Oh, just to myself. I am a little crazy if you had not guessed yet." Lindsey said flashing a smile to Nancy and chiding herself for talking aloud.

"Don't worry, I do the same thing. I am cool with it. and I know that I should keep my mouth shut but I have never been known for my ability to do that so I will say what is on my mind. I feel the same way about you. We are in a difficult situation and I realize that. Maybe you more so than me but we can work it out. Just give me, give us a chance." Nancy said.

Lindsey thought for a second about what Nancy was saying and again she realized that Nancy seemed to know just what to say or do when it came to her. Lindsey then turned and slumped against the refrigerator. She then burst into tears. She barely heard the ashtray hit the floor but she definitely felt Nancy take her into her arms. She wrapped her arms around Nancy and cried. She did not know it, but she had twisted herself into knots about what her relationship to Nancy should be, and those knots just came untied. She cried for a few minutes then began to gather it all in. she straighten up and let go of Nancy. Then she looked into Nancy's eyes and saw that she was crying too.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to make a fool of myself here, and I didn't mean to make you cry." Lindsey said as she tried to smile.

"Well let me tell you two things about myself. I never pass up a good chance to cry. I see someone cry and I cry with them. I may act tough and I am tough but there is a soft side to me. Secondly, you are not the only one to be worried about what we were getting into. I saw the confusion in your face and at first; I had the same confusion. But I kept thinking about Monday evening when you risked everything because you were not going to take any shit off of me. I knew then that you worth fighting for, you were what I have been looking for. We have all weekend to work this out. We don't have to settle it all tonight."

"I don't know about you but I really need that cigarette and glass of wine." Lindsey said as she wiped the last tear from her face.

"I think that I could handle both of those and maybe we can sit on the couch and talk." Nancy said.

"That would be nice." Lindsey said with a smile. Lindsey then got the wine out and after helping Nancy clean up the cigarette butts and ashes off the floor from where she had dropped them; they went into the living room. Before Lindsey sat down though, she told Nancy she would be back in a moment. When she returned, she was wearing a thick cotton robe and was carrying another one.

"If you don't mind, would you put this robe on? I need to concentrate on what I want to say and I don't think that I can do that if I have to stare at your beautiful body. I might get a sudden attack of horniness." Lindsey said as she handed the robe to Nancy.

"No problem, I think that I can understand where you are coming from." Nancy said smiling. She then stood up, put on the robe, and sat down. She gave Lindsey her glass of wine and then lit her cigarette. They sat in silence as they smoked their cigarettes, for Lindsey this allowed her time to think about what she wanted to talk about. But the more that she thought, the more unsure of what she wanted to say, she became.

"What are you thinking about?" Nancy asked, "You look like there is something that is really bothering you."

"That is just it, I don't know what I want to say or maybe how to say it. I mean, I want to tell you how I feel about you and yet I am afraid to do that. I want to tell you that I think we should end this right now before we go too far and yet I feel as if I am already past the point of no return. I just don't know where to start." Lindsey said and she felt so inadequate.

"How about I tell you how I feel about us and then you can go from there." Nancy suggested.

"Thank you," Lindsey said with relief.

"Like I told you earlier, my attraction to you started when you told me what you thought of how I treated you on Monday. I respected that but in a way, I think that is not completely true. My attraction to you started a little before that. It was when I saw that you were staring at me with more than a little desire that Monday night when you came into the bar." Nancy said.

"I was hoping that you didn't notice that." Lindsey interrupted with a slight blush.

"I try not to miss much." Nancy said and she put her hand on Lindsey's arm but she didn't leave it there.

"But back to what I was saying. You earned my respect that night and you made me realize that you may be interested in something more than a working relationship. I thought about you all that night. I tried to figure out what would be right to do and like you, I did not know. But I knew that I had an attraction to you. I have also been through a number of relationships and none of them worked for me. Then I looked to see what you might have that they didn't have. Just to see if maybe I could stick with you or you stick with me. Then about three in the morning, it finally hit me what that might be. You have twice the backbone that any of them did. You had the guts to risk your job to tell me that you would not take any of my shit. That earned my respect. From that moment, I admit that I tried to make sure that you would end up here today. Now for my feelings, do I love you? Yes, in a sense. I mean that I am not at the "To death do us part" stage but love you, I do. And finally, lets say we decide to continue our relationship, where do we go when out work together is over. Do I move to where you live, do you move up to be with me? Do we both start looking for a new job where the other lives and whoever gets a job first moves. Hell, I don't know. I figure that we will have to cross that bridge when we get there. Did I leave anything out? Do you have any questions?" Nancy asked once she was done.

"No, but I guess it is my turn to talk." Lindsey said as she took a sip of her wine and lit another cigarette. This gave her time to think another moment.

"You don't have to say anything. That is okay. This is not I show mine and you show me yours." Nancy said with a little laugh.

"No, we already done that." Lindsey said and she had to laugh.

"I guess we did, at that." Nancy said as she joined in on Lindsey's pun.

"Well, I have put this off long enough, I need to talk or forever hold my peace, to keep with the wedding theme." Lindsey said but she knew she had to say something so she did as Nancy did and started when she first met Nancy.

"I will admit that I thought you were the biggest bitch this side of the Mississippi as we worked Monday and there were times I wanted to tell you off right then. Somehow, I held my tongue, which is unusual for me. And the only reason that I called you that night and accepted the dinner offer was to set the record straight. And yes, when I saw you at the bar, I was thinking "Why can't I be working with this lovely creature instead of the bitch I was stuck with?" Then you turned around and I found out that the lovely creature and the bitch was the same person. But then before I could cuss you out, you turned into someone that I could like. And I knew that you were trying to seduce me, I am not stupid, but it did cause me a lot of confusion. I wanted to do well at this job and falling for you might just ruin any chance that I had at that. Then I thought about how you were a dominate personality and I knew that I was a dominate personality. But then when we were together after work, I found that I was playing a more of a submissive role and I liked it. That confused me more. When you tried to kiss me on the beach, I decided that I would end this. Then what did I do no more than an hour later; I let you kiss me and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I thought all night about that kiss and again I decided to stop it before it started to go any farther. The next morning I woke up late and you had to hit me with staying over. Before I could think, I answered yes. Again in the bathroom, I had the make the decision yet again, only this time I said yes. Like you, I have had too many relationships go bad, and I decided that I would be stupid to pass on the chance for love. It doesn't come around to often enough to let it pass you by. But I still worry what will happen. I can't help myself. I tend to worry, that is just something that you will just have to get use to when you are with me. So that is my story, and I am keeping to it." Lindsey said with a nervous giggle.

Nancy took a sip of her wine before replying, "I guess we are both at about the same place then, but what do you want to do now? Do you want to continue with this relationship in the direction that it is going right now. I do, if that makes a difference." Nancy said and Lindsey could see by the expression on her face that Nancy really needed to know what she wanted to do about their relationship.

Lindsey didn't reply in words but let her actions speak for her. She carefully set her wine glass on the coffee table in front of her. She then slid over to Nancy and took her face into her hands. She stared into her eyes for a moment and then gently placed a kiss on Nancy's lips. She then felt Nancy pull her in tight into her body and kissed her a little more passionately. Lindsey, of course, returned the kiss with equal passion. They kissed a few moments before Lindsey felt Nancy's hand start to slip her hand inside of her robe. Lindsey caught Nancy's hand and held it into her own. When the kiss ended, Lindsey kissed Nancy's roaming hand and softly said, "Lets just talk a while, okay."

"I can do that." Nancy said as she pulled Lindsey down so that she was lying on her side with her back against the back of the couch. Nancy then lay down in front of her on the couch.

They kissed and smooched for a while, not letting or wanting the kisses to get to passionate. This was just a time for them to kiss and to learn how the other liked to be kissed. Their hands roamed a bit but not to the most sensitive areas. Those were to be touched later. Finally, they stopped and just caressed a minute.

"I know I am the one that stopped the sex from happening a minute ago but I am curious about something." Lindsey said.

Nancy smiled and said, "You only stopped it for the time being. I believe that we will soon be making love."

"True, very true," Lindsey said and she knew that they would indeed be back at it before the evening was over.

"So what did you want to know?" Nancy asked.

"When we were making love before, you had me put more and more fingers into you. One more and I would have been fisting you. Have you ever done that?" Lindsey asked.

"No, but I have thought about it. But I have not found anyone that I trust enough to try it with or their hands were too big." Nancy said as she picked up Lindsey's hand and studied it. "I think your hand might just be small enough to try it with and I know that I can trust you to do it as I tell you. I do like to be filled and your hand will do that for sure."

Lindsey looked at her hand and saw that Nancy was right, she did have a small hand, but it fit with the rest of her. She was tall but slim. Lindsey then looked at Nancy's hand and while small like hers, it was not something she wanted inside of her.

"Don't worry, I won't try it on you. Do you like penetration or just oral?" Nancy asked.

"I like it some but I like oral more, anal and vaginal. I don't mind having a dildo being used on me every once in a while or being fucked by a strap-on but nothing huge, okay."

"That is cool, I can handle that. I like to lick and I think that I have a few toys that you will enjoy. To bad that I did not bring them this trip but you can count on me bringing them when we meet again." Nancy said.

"I can just see the baggage men going through your luggage now. You will give them all wet dreams." Lindsey said with a laugh.

"I bet that I will. But they will have to just settle for wet dreams, my pussy is reserved for just you for the foreseeable future." Nancy said and she kissed Lindsey. The kissing was just getting interesting when Lindsey heard her stomach growl.

"I think someone is hungry." Nancy said with a laugh.

"I guess that I am. I have not had anything since this morning and that was only a pastry. You kind-of missed up my sleeping last night with that kiss." Lindsey said.

"Well you ruined mine, I was up all night worrying whether you would consent to staying this weekend with me. I ended up starting to work at six this morning." Nancy said and then she stopped when she saw Lindsey's face light up.

"I thought that you said that you got to the conference room just before I got there." Lindsey said with her eyebrows arched.

"Well, I did just get there right before you did. I had just got back from a smoke break when you got there." Nancy said with a big smile.

"I think that you are splitting hairs there. You lied to me and you know it." Lindsey said in an accusatory note but not a hash one.

"You knew that I was lying to you when I said it this morning." Nancy said.

"Yea, I knew. You had too much work done to have just started a few minutes before I got there. But that doesn't change the fact that you lied to me." Lindsey said.

"So what you going to do about it?" Nancy asked.

"This," Lindsey said as she started to playfully slap Nancy on the side and arms. This started Nancy to try to catch Lindsey's hands and they played that way for a few minutes before Lindsey moved forward a bit to get better leverage and about this time she saw Nancy start to slip from sight as she fell off the couch and hit the floor with a thump.

Lindsey eased over to the edge of the couch to see if Nancy was all right and found her starting to laugh. Lindsey then started to laugh but then she saw a hand reaching for her and before she could move away, the hand gripped her arm and she came over on top of Nancy. They laughed a minute and then Lindsey planted a kiss to Nancy's lips.

"Are you okay?" Lindsey asked when the kiss ended.

"I wasn't until you kissed me, then I was all better." Nancy said and then her stomach growled.

"It is dinner time." Lindsey said as she got up and helped Nancy up.

"So do you want to go out or eat in?" Nancy asked.

"Let's go somewhere, you pick this time. Seems like the last time we went out I got to pick the restaurant. Why was that, I wonder? Oh yes, it was because I saved your ass." Lindsey said as she started to run into the bedroom.

"Saved my ass, hell. I would have figured it out sooner or later." Nancy said as she gave chase. But as she entered the bedroom, Lindsey grabbed her as she was laying in wait behind the door. She flung Nancy to the bed and jumped on top of her.

"Yes, I saved your ass, my dear." Lindsey said as she kissed her. They kissed for a few minutes before both of their stomachs growled. Then they got up and took a shower together. There they kissed some more and fondled each other as they washed each other's body. But eventually they made it out of the shower and got dressed. It was then off to dinner, this time to a Chinese place. There they talked and enjoyed the food as they both were starving at this point. They ate well, but both made sure not to over eat, as they knew that there would be more lovemaking done that night. After dinner, they drove around awhile to let their food settle. Then on the way back, Nancy suddenly pulled into a drug store.

"Sit tight, I need to pick up something." Nancy said as she jumped out of the car and ran into the store. This left Lindsey wondering just what Nancy was up to, but she knew she would find out sooner or later. A few minutes later, Nancy appeared from the store carrying a bag. Lindsey waited for Nancy to say what was in the bag but Nancy kept quite and she also kept the bag away from Lindsey so she could not sneak a peek.

Soon they were back in their room and Lindsey began to get a little nervous. She knew that she wanted to make love with Nancy but she did not know how to start the process. But Nancy, always knowing what to do, came to the aid of her friend. She led Lindsey out to the balcony and lit a cigarette for both of them. They smoked and enjoyed the evening air as they talked about nothing in particular.

It was beginning to cool off so as they finished their cigarettes, Nancy turned Lindsey toward her and slipped her arms around her waist. Lindsey allowed herself to be pulled in close. She felt Nancy's breasts press against her own breasts as she felt Nancy's lips touch hers. It was a soft kiss at first but then Nancy began to bite on Lindsey's lower lip. Lindsey had to moan as Nancy nibble on her lip. Lindsey gripped the back of Nancy's tee shirt and pulled her in closer. She felt her nipples begin to harden and her pussy begin to moisten. Soon Nancy was through her biting and was back to kissing her lips and face. They kissed in the open air not caring that they were out on the balcony where anyone could see them, if only they would look up. Lindsey felt Nancy's hands go from her back to her ass. She could feel Nancy caress her butt cheeks through the material of her jeans. Lindsey pushed her hips forward and began to rub her pussy against Nancy's. The kissing and the caressing that Nancy was doing to her were definitely turning her on. Lindsey then felt Nancy's hand move from her ass to the front of her jeans. Then she felt Nancy unsnap her jeans.

"No, not here, let's go inside." Lindsey pleaded through the kisses that Nancy was giving to her.

"Shhhh" Nancy said as she unzipped Lindsey's jeans. Lindsey then felt a hand slip under her panties.

"Noooo..." Lindsey started to say then she felt Nancy's fingers touch her clit. She opened her legs unconsciously and she let out a moan as Nancy's fingers caressed her clit. Lindsey put her head on Nancy's shoulder and started to kiss her neck as Nancy's fingers went on down and began to caress her wet lips. It was a tight fit with her jeans still on but that just added to the pressure Nancy's palm was placing on her clit as a couple of her fingers dipped into her pussy. Lindsey was lost in the pleasure that Nancy was giving her. She felt the fingers dip deep into her pussy and they began to fuck her. Lindsey then felt Nancy's other hand at her left hip and she felt her jeans being pulled down. The hand then went to the other side and her jeans went on down. Soon the jeans were at the top of her thighs and Nancy's hand that was working her pussy had more room. The fingers went in deeper and Lindsey had to moan. She could feel the cool night air on her panty-clad ass but she could not and would not stop Nancy. Lindsey felt Nancy go from her pussy to her clit. She could feel how moist those fingers were as they stroke her clit. She knew that the moisture came from her pussy. The fingers worked her clit hard as they rubbed up and down. She pinched her clit between her fingers and Lindsey almost screamed from pain and pleasure. Nancy was getting her close to a climax when she moved her finger away from her clit. Lindsey quickly reached down and pulled Nancy's hand back to her clit. She wanted to cum now and Nancy allowed her to do so. Nancy circled the clit with her fingers for a moment then she started to rub directly on the clit. The orgasm started at the tip of her toes and went from there up to her head. She buried her head into Nancy's shoulder and moaned as loud as she dared. She felt her knees go weak and if it had not been for Nancy holding her up she would have crumbled to the floor.

"I ought to kill you, masturbating me out here where anyone could see me. And then you pulled my damn jeans down. I am out here with my panties showing for god sake." Lindsey said as she held onto Nancy.

"Yeah, but it was a good orgasm that I gave you and I am going to give you a better one when I get you to the bedroom." Nancy said as she led Lindsey into the room and back to the bedroom.

Lindsey did not say a word as Nancy pulled her tee shirt off and then her bra. Nancy kissed her nipples and gently bit them before she dropped to her knees and finished pulling Lindsey's jeans down. Lindsey lifted her right foot up and let Nancy pull off her shoe and sock. Then she pulled the jeans off that leg. Next came her left foot and she was naked. Nancy then put her face to Lindsey's pussy and she began to lick. Lindsey spread her feet out wide and she felt Nancy's fingers at her pussy. She felt Nancy pull her open and then her tongue going deep into her pussy. Lindsey put her hands on Nancy's shoulders to hold herself up. Nancy's tongue moved all around inside of her pussy. It covered her outer lips and then went up and down her slit only to go back deep inside of her. Lindsey was having a hard time standing up. Her knees were weak again but Nancy's tongue on her pussy felt so damn good. She moaned and groaned as Nancy licked her. A moment later Lindsey felt a couple of fingers caress her pussy lips before she felt them enter her. They went deep inside of her before Nancy took them completely out. This time they went in deeper and faster. Nancy started to fuck her pussy with those two fingers. They felt good as the filled her pussy and Nancy's tongue felt even better as it started to lick her clit. Nancy started to fuck Lindsey faster with her fingers as her tongue coated her clit with saliva. Lindsey felt her orgasm begin to build deep within her belly. It churned and boiled before it exploded inside of her pussy and she fell back onto the bed.

Lindsey lay there for a moment as her orgasm coursed through her body. She felt wave after wave of pleasure but slowly the waves ebbed to just a euphoria that made her want to stop everything and just lay there. But she knew that was not possible and as she felt Nancy's nude body against her own, she knew that it was time to make her new lover feel as good as she did.

Lindsey opened her eyes and saw that Nancy was looking down at her with a sweet smile on her face. This made Lindsey smile and then she pulled Nancy's head down to her. She kissed her softly, to show her the love that she was feeling for her at that moment. Then she opened her mouth and kicked up the passion of the kiss. She pushed Nancy onto her back and rolled over on top of her. She used her legs to open Nancy's legs, not that Nancy resisted this. As she continued to kiss her, Lindsey pressed her pussy down onto Nancy's pussy. She moved her hips to cause friction to increase the pleasure they both were receiving.

When she heard Nancy begin to moan and the pressure on her own sensitive clit began to get to her, Lindsey eased down Nancy's body. She stopped when her head was over Nancy's breasts. She lowered her head down and she gave a sharp bite to first the right nipple, which caused Nancy to groan, and then she kissed it. She moved her head to the other breast and she bit sharply before placing a kiss to the nipple. Again, Nancy groaned but then she let out a moan. Lindsey stayed at this breasts and she drew the nipple into her mouth. She bit and chewed as she sucked. Lindsey used her hands to squeeze and caress both breasts as she went from one to the other kissing and biting the nipples. When she finished with Nancy's breasts, the nipples were hard as a rock and slightly red from the sucking and biting that she had done.

Lindsey gave a last kiss to each nipple and then to Nancy's lips before she scooted down Nancy's body. When her head was over Nancy's pussy, she could smell Nancy's arousal and she could see the moisture at the outer lips. She wanted to make Nancy wait for her but in reality, Lindsey herself could not wait so her lowered her mouth to Nancy's pussy and began to lick. Nancy's juices tasted so good to Lindsey. She knew that she could lick Nancy all night long. She licked the slit for a few moments; slowly going deeper and deeper into Nancy's slit. She then took her fingers and opened Nancy's lips so that her tongue could go even deeper inside of Nancy. Lindsey moved her tongue around the entrance of Nancy's pussy before pushing it on inside. She twisted her tongue around the entrance and inside as she heard Nancy start to moan. She could also feel Nancy begin to move her hips up wanting more of Lindsey's tongue. Lindsey instead moved her tongue to Nancy's clit and she could feel the hard bud on the tongue as she licked it. Lindsey then began to slip both of her index fingers inside of Nancy's pussy. She pushed them all the way in and then as she pulled them out she pulled outward so that she stretched Nancy's pussy open. She pushed her fingers back in and again stretched Nancy's pussy open as they came out. All the while, she was working Nancy's clit. She did this for a few minutes when she moved her middle fingers in so that she was pushing four fingers inside of Nancy and pulling her open on the outstroke. Nancy moaned and groaned but Lindsey could tell that Nancy was loving it. She could feel Nancy's pussy relax a bit as it got use to the four fingers inside of her. Lindsey concentrated on Nancy's clit and she slowly brought her to a small orgasm, but Lindsey knew this was only the first of many that she wanted to give Nancy tonight and that is why she let her cum so quickly. As Lindsey pulled her fingers out of Nancy, she licked them clean of Nancy's girlcum, and then she started to lick up the rest of Nancy's girlcum from her pussy.

After a minute or two, she felt Nancy rubbing her face. When Lindsey looked up, she saw that Nancy was smiling and she was also holding a bottle of lubricant. "So that is what she bought in the drug store." Lindsey thought to herself.

"Are you sure?" Lindsey asked with trepidation.

"Yeah, I am sure." Nancy said.

"I am not sure what I'll be doing; I don't want to hurt you." Lindsey said.

"You won't, just take it slow and let my pussy get use to each increase. I will tell you if I can't handle it." Nancy said as she tried to reassure Lindsey with her voice.

"Okay, but you had better not let me hurt you and if it doesn't feel good then you stop me, you hear." Lindsey said.

"I will, now stop worrying and get going before I do it myself." Nancy said and then she pushed the bottle of lube toward Lindsey.

Lindsey took the bottle and she felt herself getting nervous but also excited at the thought of her hand being inside of Nancy's pussy. She had never thought about fisting anyone before and was surprised by how excited she was getting, just thinking about it. But the time had come and she had to actually do it. She opened the bottle and let a little of the slippery stuff run onto Nancy's pussy. She heard Nancy draw in her breath as the cold liquid hit her hot pussy.

"Hey, you could have warned me before you did that or better yet warm it in your hands first." Nancy said and this caused Lindsey to look up, as she was afraid that Nancy was already mad at her. But when she saw that Nancy was smiling, Lindsey relaxed and went back to work.

She used her right hand to smear the liquid around Nancy's pussy lips. She got them nice and slippery before she put some more of the lubricant onto her hand and then she began to work the liquid inside of Nancy. She just used a couple of her fingers to press some of the lubricant inside of Nancy's pussy. She worked that in and as she moved her ring finger in, she put a little more of the lubricant on the fingers. She moved these fingers in and out and she took a moment to lick on Nancy's clit, to keep her excited but from the way that Nancy's was producing her own lubricant, she was very excited. Lindsey moved these fingers in and out going deeper and harder as she went. She fucked Nancy this way for a few moments, then she stopped and curled her little finger in and she gently pushed her fingers inward. She could feel Nancy's pussy lips stretch and she heard Nancy groan a little. She got her fingers in up to her knuckles. She stopped there and let Nancy get use to this. She moved her tongue to Nancy's clit and she licked her to help Nancy to relay her pussy. It slowly worked and she felt her fingers wanting to go further inside of Nancy. Lindsey moved her fingers back out and then back in. She slowly fucked Nancy with just those four fingers. After a few moments, Nancy began to work her hips back toward Lindsey and she knew that Nancy was ready for her hand. Lindsey withdrew her hand completely and she could see deep inside of Nancy's pussy before it closed a bit. Lindsey took the bottle of lubricant and coated her hand with it. She had it running down her arm, as she wanted to make sure her had was super slippery.

Lindsey drew in her breath and then she placed her fingertips at the entrance of Nancy's pussy. She slowly pushed them inside of Nancy's pussy. She could see Nancy's lips being pulled inward as she forced her fingers into her. Lindsey pushed her fingers in up to her knuckles. She then curled her thumb in and she put a little more pressure. She watched as her knuckles got to the entrance. She could feel how tight Nancy was and she heard her groan. Lindsey stopped and she took her left hand and using her thumb, she began to caress Nancy's clit. She felt Nancy's pussy began to relax again and she could feel her hand going in deeper. Her knuckles passed the entrance and Lindsey knew that she was about in. Nancy's whole pussy was gripping her hand and if felt good. She looked up at Nancy and saw that she was straining a bit. Then she saw her smile and she knew that Nancy was okay. Lindsey moved her hand around a bit and was able to push her hand in a little more. She was almost in at this point. Lindsey gave one more push and Nancy's pussy sucked her hand in. Her hand was now into up to her wrist.

"Oh god, you did it baby! I am in up to my fucking wrist." Lindsey almost shouted. "Are you okay baby?"

"Yea, just give me a second and then start to fuck me. I am wanting to cum so damn bad." Nancy said as the sweat dripped off her brow.

Lindsey gently rubbed Nancy's clit and she could feel how tight Nancy's pussy was gripping her hand. It felt so weird to have her hand in so deep but as she looked down at her wrist, it also looked so weird, not be able to see her hand. That was all inside of Nancy's pussy. Then after a moment, she began to pull her hand back until she felt Nancy's pussy lips began to expand over her hand. When she got to that point, she stopped and pushed her hand back in. she pushed it in as far as she dared then back out. She worked her hand in and out slowly building up speed. She used her thumb on Nancy's clit caressing it with a circular motion. Nancy began to push back and she started to moan aloud. Lindsey fucked her a littler harder, she rubbed on Nancy's clit faster, and she put more pressure on it. Soon Nancy was moving her hips all over the bed and Lindsey knew that she was close. Lindsey worked her hand and thumb faster until her heard Nancy scream and she felt Nancy's pussy grip her hand. Lindsey stopped fucking her and she just gently rubbed Nancy's clit as Nancy rode out her orgasm. As it ended and Nancy's pussy relaxed again, Lindsey slowly pulled her hand out. She watched as Nancy's pussy lips expanded up over her knuckles and then her hand popped out. Nancy's pussy stayed open for a few moments and Lindsey could see deep inside of her new lover. She then bent down a licked up the girlcum that was leaking out. When it finally closed, Lindsey licked the girlcum from her hand and then she came up in the bed and hugged Nancy close to her body. She heard Nancy murmur her satisfaction and Lindsey knew that she did okay with her first fisting.

Soon they were both asleep, for Lindsey it was a peaceful sleep. She was able to relax and sleep better than she had in years. As she slowly came out of her dream state, she felt someone lying against her and she knew that it was Nancy. This brought a smile to her face and brought happiness into her heart. She lay there a moment then gave Nancy a kiss before slipping out of the bed. She went to the bathroom and peed before getting into the shower. She thought about the evening before and what all that they had done. She still had a few doubts but for the most part, she felt that it would work out all right at least she hoped so. As she was coming out of the shower, Nancy was coming into the bathroom.

"Morning, sunshine," Nancy said as she gave a quick kiss to Lindsey.

"Morning to you too," Lindsey said as Nancy plopped her fanny onto to the toilet and Lindsey heard a strong stream of pee flow out of Nancy and into the bowl. "I think someone had to go this morning." Lindsey continued.

"No shit, I was about to burst." Nancy said with a laugh. Then she got some tissue and started to wipe when Lindsey noticed that she grimaced.

"Are you okay?" Lindsey asked as she began to fear that she had hurt Nancy last night when she fisted her.

"I am okay, don't worry, just a little sore. You didn't do anything to hurt me and I will be asking you to fist me again, but it won't be today." Nancy said as she got off the pot and gave Lindsey a quick kiss. She then turned on the shower and stepped in.

"So what are we going to do today?" Nancy called out from the shower.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Lindsey asked.

"Ah... I wouldn't mind going back to the beach. It is supposed to be a nice day today; I think the high will be about seventy. Or we can do something else, it doesn't matter to me." Nancy said.

Lindsey knew anything but the beach would be a disappointment to Nancy and she did not want to do that, plus she liked how Nancy acted like a little kid when they went there Thursday night. "I think the beach would be fine but I will have to get me some shorts. I did not bring any with me." Lindsey said.

"That is okay, I didn't either, but I know how to make us some real quick." Nancy said. "How about ordering us a pot of coffee and some rolls for breakfast as I finish my shower?"

"Sure," Lindsey said wondering just how Nancy was going to make them some shorts. But she went out of the bathroom and put on her robe.

They had their coffee and rolls on the balcony as the morning began to warm up. They talked some but mostly enjoyed their breakfast and then a cigarette. Once they had finished them, Nancy had Lindsey put on her jeans as she went to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of scissors. Lindsey loved this pair of jeans but she said nothing as Nancy came over to her and got down on her knees in front of her. Lindsey looked down and watched as Nancy looked over the jeans and then she pulled out the jeans in the back and Lindsey heard a snip. She then felt the cold steel against her skin. She let Nancy move her around as she cut, when she was half way around, Nancy realized how high up her thigh Nancy was cutting. She realized that she was going to end up with a pair of Daisy Duke's shorts. This was more of her leg than she wanted to show but she said nothing. Nancy finished that leg and Lindsey felt her rear end and found that the shorts just covered her ass. Nancy then went to the other pants leg and did the same thing. When she was done, Nancy handed the scissors to Lindsey who got down and started to work on Nancy's jeans. Lindsey made sure that Nancy's shorts were as short as hers were if not shorter.

"Now we are ready for the beach." Nancy declared when Lindsey was done.

"We just need to get some sunscreen on the way." Lindsey warned as they went out the door in their sleeveless knit tops and short shorts.

When they got to the beach, they had the sunscreen as well as some drinks, ice chest and sandwich stuff for lunch. They rented some chairs and a large beach umbrella at the beach, then they set out for the beach. There were a few people out enjoying the late fall warm weather. They first sat and watched the ocean and talked. They went for a walk up the beach barefoot and holding hands. Lindsey loved the feeling of being with Nancy and she liked holding her hand, it made her feel complete somehow. When they got back, they made sandwiches and ate.

"You know what I would like to do." Nancy said a while later.

"What?" Lindsey asked.

"No, you will think it is silly, forget I said anything." Nancy said and Lindsey noticed that she was blushing. This was something that Lindsey knew Nancy did not do much so she was very curious. At first, she thought that Nancy wanted to skinny dip but there were too many people out and the water was much to cold.

"You let the cat out of the bag now, you have to tell me." Lindsey said.

"Promise that you won't laugh." Nancy asked.

"I won't, now tell me girl." Lindsey said very curious now.

"I want to build a sand castle, since I was a kid I have always wanted to do that." Nancy said as she blushed again.

"Then that is what we will do. Hold on I will be right back." Lindsey said as she got up and headed to the place that they rented the chairs.

"Where you going?" Nancy asked.

"Just wait," Lindsey said as she disappeared over the sand dune.

When Lindsey returned, she had a couple of children's pail and a couple of little shovels. This caused Nancy to laugh when she saw a grown woman with no children in tow, carrying children's toys.

"If we are going to build this sand castle then we need the right tools." Lindsey said as she passed Nancy heading toward the water. "Well you coming or not?" Lindsey said over her shoulder.

"I am coming." Nancy said with a childish giggle.

Lindsey stopped at when the tide had gone out but the sand was still wet. She set down the pails down and waited for her friend who was as excited as any child that Lindsey had ever seen. Once there, they set about building the sand castle. Lindsey let Nancy build it as she pleased; only giving advice when it was warranted. It took them about two hours to build the castle, and while it was not the best one Lindsey had ever seen, it was not too bad.

"Wait here a minute," Nancy said as she jumped up and ran up the beach.

"What are you going after?" Lindsey called to her.

"A camera," Nancy called back.

"Hurry," Lindsey called after her, "The tide will be coming back in soon.

A few minutes Nancy came running back with one of those mini cameras. She made Lindsey kneel by the sand castle and she took a few pictures. She then gave the camera to Lindsey to take a few of her. Finally, she flagged down an older couple and made them take the rest of the pictures of them both around the sand castle.

"You know what you have to do now, don't you?" Lindsey asked.

"No, what?" Nancy asked in return.

"You have to destroy your castle." Lindsey stated.

"No, we just spent over two hours building it, I can't tear it down." Nancy pleaded.

"Look, the water is coming back in. Either you destroy it or the ocean will." Lindsey pointed to the waves, as they slowly got closer to their sand castle. Nancy looked at the water and the castle and then the water. She then came to Lindsey and took her into her arms. She started to kiss her and just as Lindsey was getting into the kiss, she felt Nancy give her a shove and they both fell back into castle that they had just built. Lindsey rolled Nancy onto her back once she had gotten her senses back. She then kissed her. It was a nice long kiss that left them both breathless. They then lay there and kissed not caring who saw them until they felt the water touch their feet. They then jumped up and tried to dust the sand off their clothes and out of their hair.

When they got back to the hotel, they both shed their clothes and jumped into the shower together. They first took turns under the water getting the sand out of their hair and the rest of their bodies. Lindsey noticed that there wasn't a place on her body that did not have sand in it from her ears to the crack of her ass. How it got there, she had no clue. But once the sand was gone, Lindsey pulled Nancy under the shower with her and they began to kiss. Their mouths quickly opened and their tongues were moving around in the other's mouth. As they kissed their hands were not idle, they caressed each other's back and then moved to each other's asses. Lindsey felt Nancy's fingers part her ass cheeks and begin to caress her asshole. They moved lightly around it before she felt a finger beginning to press at the center. Lindsey relaxed her asshole and she felt a finger slip inside. Nancy's other hand soon found her pussy and she felt a couple of fingers enter her pussy. Nancy gave a little bite to Lindsey lower lip and she bent down to take her right nipple into her mouth. Lindsey moaned from what Nancy was doing to her. By leaning down, it gave Nancy's arms a little better reach, she felt the finger in her ass go deeper, and the two fingers in her pussy go in a little deeper. Lindsey moaned and she had to grip Nancy's shoulder to hold herself up. Nancy was sucking hard on her tits and her fingers were starting to fuck her ass and pussy harder. She felt the finger in her ass slip out and she groaned but then she felt it back there again but this time a second finger joined it. This was a littler harder to take but she relaxed her asshole more and the two fingers slipped inside her ass. This was a very tight fit but it felt good at the same time. Nancy started to fuck her ass with the two fingers as two fingers continued to fuck her pussy. Lindsey felt a hard bite to her right then left nipple, which made her groan in pain but also moan in pleasure. The next thing that she felt was Nancy's mouth on her extended clit. Lindsey cried out "Oh Fuck Yes," as Nancy licked and sucked on her clit. The fingers in her ass and pussy picked up speed and she knew that she was about to have a massive orgasm. She tried to hold it off but there was not much hope in that. Nancy was too good at this and soon Lindsey felt the first wave of her orgasm hit her. She cried out, "Oh god!" and then she felt herself slipping down the side of the shower. When she came around, Nancy was busy washing her body and that felt nice. Nancy was gentle as she washed Lindsey's body and when she was able, Nancy helped her up so that she would wash her back. Lindsey tried to get Nancy to let her return the pleasure that she had given her but Nancy said to wait until they got into bed.

Lindsey did not want to wait but she did, all the same, she did take the time to wash Nancy's body just as carefully and as sensually as she could. She caressed every part of Nancy body. She used her hands and mouth to make sure that Nancy was fully aroused by the time the shower was over. Once they got out, they dried themselves quickly and hurried into the bedroom. Lindsey started to maneuver Nancy to the bed but Nancy, as always, was a step ahead of her. Lindsey found herself on the bed on her back with Nancy over her. Nancy turned around in the bed and soon her mouth buried in Lindsey's pussy. Lindsey lost no time in pulling Nancy's pussy down to her mouth and she started to lick. She was gentle in her licking, as she knew that Nancy was still sore from the fisting the previous night. That left her asshole available to probe with first her tongue and then a finger. She push the finger deep into Nancy's ass as she tongue licked up and down her slit. Meanwhile, Nancy had two finger in Lindsey's pussy and was fucking away. Lindsey was the first to have an orgasm but she got Nancy to cum soon afterwards. They then settle into a long slow lovemaking session with them both bringing the other to several climaxes. Finally, they were done and Nancy slipped back up in the bed and they kissed and cuddle until they were fast asleep.

The next morning Lindsey woke feeling good but then she realized that the week and the weekend were over. It was time to get back to the real world. The thought scared her, as she did not know what would happen on Monday. Would the owner of the company know that she and Nancy had a thing going? Did he have someone spying on her? She would not put it past him, that was for sure. She tried to wipe the thoughts from her mind as she kissed Nancy awake but she knew the thoughts were still there. They kissed a minute then got up to prepare for the day. They had slept longer than they had meant to, so they only had time for a quick cup of coffee and a cigarette on the balcony before getting ready to check out. Neither said much about leaving until the got to the airport.

"Here is my home phone number and cell number in case you want to call me. I know that we will still see each other in a week but just in case..." Nancy said.

"Oh okay, here is mine, in case you want to call me." Lindsey said as she got out a pen and paper to write the number down. "I had a good time this week and this weekend..." Lindsey continued before Nancy stopped her.

"Don't say that yet, we have more good times to come." Nancy said as she kissed Lindsey and slipped her number in her hand. Then she hurried off toward her plane. Lindsey stood there a moment, watching Nancy walk away, and then she realized that Nancy had not taken her phone numbers. She started to call after her but then she realized that Nancy had never intended to take them. It was up to Lindsey to make the first call. In a way, she cursed Nancy for doing that but she knew that she was the one that had to make the commitment to this relationship, Nancy had already done so.

Lindsey thought about the week and weekend that she had spent with Nancy on the plane ride back and as she lay in her bed that night, all she could see was Nancy building that stupid sand castle and how excited she was. She wanted to see the bitch that Nancy was the first day that they had met but that thought would not come. Only the good times that they had spent together were what she thought of that night.

The next morning, she went into work tired and confused but the first phone call she got was from Pete and he wanted to see her right then. Lindsey's stomach turned over and she had to find the first bathroom that she could find to throw up. She knew that he knew all about her and Nancy and she was going to be fired for letting her hormones getting the best of her. When she walked into Pete's office, he was all smiles.

"So how was the week?" Pete asked.

"It went fine, we had no problems. She seemed to like what she saw but I don't guess it is up to her." Lindsey said trying to sound professional and not the nervous wreck that she felt.

"No you are right; it is up to me for the most part. Did you figured out or did she tell you who she worked for?" Pete asked, getting directly to the point.

Lindsey almost told the truth but decided to trust Nancy and she lied, "No, she kept her mouth shut on that and I did not ask." Lindsey said knowing at least the last part of the statement was the truth.

"Good, Good, well, I have kept you long enough, Larry wants to talk to you then you need to meet with the quality people." Pete said ending the meeting.

"Yes sir," Lindsey said as she stood up, shook Pete's hand, and left the office.

The rest of the day was a blur of meetings and Lindsey had no time to think about Nancy. She got home at seven and took a shower before pulling out her suitcase. She opened it to get the dirty cloths out to clean. The first thing that she saw was one of the toy shovels that they had to use to build the sand castle. Lindsey knew that while Nancy did not take her numbers, it did not mean that she was not leaving everything up to chance. She had hedged her bets. Lindsey sat down and before she knew what she was doing, she had the phone in her hand and was dialing Nancy's number. In a way, she was hoping that Nancy would not be there and she could think it over more and another part of her wanted Nancy to answer.

"Hello," Nancy said after the second ring.

"I found the shovel; you are good, you know it." Lindsey said not bothering with hello.

"Well, I had to make sure that you would call. You are worth pulling out all the stops." Nancy said sincerely.

"Thank you, will I find any other surprises?" Lindsey asked.

"You might. I always try to cover my bets. Now let me ask you something. Did you call just to ask me about the shovel or because you want to continue what we started?" Nancy asked.

"You get right to the point, don't you?" Lindsey said.

"I do, but let me warn you. Even if you don't want to continue, I am going to keep working on you, like I said, you are worth the effort." Nancy said.

Lindsey thought for a second and then her heart spoke for her, "I want to continue with what we started. You are worth the effort, too."

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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