Duke of Love

By moc.liamtoh@citnamoreikud

Published on Oct 24, 2001


Dear Reader,

This is my first attempt at a work of erotic fiction, so please bear with me. Comments and suggestions are welcome, in fact desired. This is the first chapter in what I hope to be a very long series. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks, ~Paul Direct all e-mail to dukieromantic@hotmail.com

IMPORTANT! READ THIS FIRST! DO NOT CONTINUE ON UNTIL YOU HAVE FIRST READ THIS DISCLAIMER. Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy of my own creation. The characters are not real; they are figments of my imagination. If a consensual relationship between two of age males bothers you then do not read further. If you are under the legal age in your area stop reading now. Duke University is in no way affiliated with the story. The story implies nothing about any official positions of Duke University, any of its faculty, staff, students and employees. Any similarities between a character and a real human being are purely coincidental. Any actions the reader takes as a result of reading this story are not the responsibility of the author. You may print out one copy or save one copy of this story for your own viewing and entertainment. You may not reproduce, post, or distribute this story in any way without the author's expressed written permission. By reading further you agree to the above terms.

A Duke Love Story Chapter 1 "Meeting and Discovery"

Rolling over Paul glanced at his alarm clock. "7:40," he read to himself, and then it registered. "SHIT!" he exclaimed. He jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, picked up his bag, and ran out the door. The whole time Paul was cursing himself for forgetting to set his alarm. He ran down the hall and clumsily scrambled down the stairs. He ran out of Giles and right into the pouring rain. "FUCK!" he exclaimed. This was not going to be a good day, he could tell. He continued running down the quad to the bus stop. He just had to catch a bus; it didn't matter if it was a Science Drive bus or an East-West bus, just so long as he caught a bus. 'Yes! I'm going to make the bus!' Paul thought to himself, and then the bus pulled away. Paul stopped running, his shoulders slumped in resignation, he was already soaked. So he just walked the last twenty feet to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Paul sat on the bench and waited. 'The next bus probably won't get here for 15 minutes,' Paul thought to himself. 'I'm going to be late, and my professor is going to make a fool of me.' He sighed in resignation and continued to wait for the bus...

Meanwhile Jacob, also a freshman at Duke, was starting his day. He stretched and looked out the window. 'Ah, rain!' he thought to himself, 'We've been needing this.' Jacob casually glanced over at his clock and noticed it said 7:40. He yawned, and stretched, rising from bed. He looked around his dorm room and thought "how did I get so lucky as to get a single with air-conditioning on the main quad?" Jacob had a corner single on the third floor in Wilson, a room in a sweet sharing a bathroom with 3 other rooms. He shrugged and pulled his t-shirt off of his 6'8" frame. No, Jacob wasn't a basketball player, although he loved watching it and despite the fact that he was the star player of his team in high school, but he was no where near good enough to play here at Duke. He walked over to the bathroom door, opened it and went in. It was nice having the only room that connected directly to the bathroom. He turned on the shower to let the water warm up and relieved himself. Jacob entered into the shower. He tested the water with the back of his hand, just perfect. He stepped into the spray causing a low moan to escape his lips...

Paul got off the bus in front of the Science Drive Bus in front of the Math and Physics building. It was still raining, and Paul was dripping with water. He opened the door to the building and walked in. He turned right walking down the hall to the stairwell. He went up one flight of stairs to the second floor and walked into his math classroom. He carefully crept down the side isle and sat down in a seat.

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Nussbaum," his professor said loudly. Paul just smiled shyly and sunk down in his seat, very uncomfortable because every piece of clothing he wore was soaking wet. His professor continued with the lecture sparing Paul more humiliation. Paul stared blankly at the board. 'This is going to be a terrible day, I just know it,' Paul thought to himself, 'What more could go wrong?' Paul was suddenly brought back to reality when he heard his professor calling his name.

"Mr. Nussbaum!"

"Yes sir," Paul answered cautiously.

"Since you seem to think you're above everyone else and thus you do not have to take notes, why don't you come up here and do these integrals for me." Paul looked at what was written on the board. The integral of sin(x)^(2)dx and the integral of 1/(x^2) dx from 1 to infinity. Paul walked up to the board, picked up the chalk, and worked quickly through the problems, the answers being [1-cos(2x)]/2 and 1 respectively. His professor glared at him. Paul walked back to his desk and sat down. His professor was finished so Paul gathered his belongings and walked from the room. He walked back into the pouring rain and began his trek over to the Chemistry Building for his Chemistry lecture...

...Jacob walked into his 9:10 Organic Chemistry recitation and sat down in a seat in the back of the room. 'What a waste of time,' he thought to himself, 'this stuff is so easy.' He dozed off and the next thing he knew it was 10 o'clock and class was out. As he wandered through the lobby he noticed it had stopped raining and the sun had come out. 'What a wonderful day this is going to be,' he thought to himself.

"Hi!" a bubbly voice said. Jacob looked down to see another girl staring up at him smiling. He smiled back warmly.

"Hi," he said smoothly. 'Why do you women insist on bothering me?' he asked himself.

"My name is Emily, you're Jacob. I know your name because you're in the face book. I was wondering if you could teach me Orgo because you seem to know what you're doing." She smiled sweetly up at him, and laid her hand on his chest.

"I've never seen you before. Are you in my Orgo class?" Jacob asked, slightly suspicious. He had spent his Thursday night the week before tutoring a girl in Orgo, when she wasn't even taking any science classes.

"Oh, yes, of course I am!" the girl responded, smiling brightly.

Still skeptical Jacob asked, "What are we studying now and, who is the professor?" Her face went blank. He had caught her. He rolled his eyes and walked away thinking 'will they ever leave me alone? If only I could find myself a guy who wasn't interested in me just for my looks.' He sighed and rushed down the stairs...

...Paul was last out of his Chem. class, he didn't want to be seen by anyone. He picked up a copy of the Chronicle and walked out of the door. 'You're taunting me, aren't you?' he asked silently, looking up at the sky. The sun was out, and it wasn't raining. Paul sighed and looked down and his eyes came to rest on the most beautiful boy, no man, he had ever seen. He was huge! He looked to be about 6'7" or 6'8", Paul could never tell. He was built like a rock. He had broad shoulders, big arms and a big chest that tapered down to a small waist. Paul looked up and saw his short cut brown hair with a part down the middle, what appeared to be emerald green eyes and the most disarming smile Paul had ever seen. He saw a girl approach him and lay her hand on his chest. He sighed, and began walking down the stairs slowly. He had just rounded the corner of the stairs to go down the last few stairs when some thing slammed into him from behind. Paul felt himself go flying down the last few stairs, fortunately the path turned and there was grass there. He landed on the grass, but banged his head on a rock, Paul felt the pain and then, blackness...

...Jacob rushed around the corner of the stairs trying to get away from this girl, and then BAM! He fell backwards as he watched this boy go flying. "Shit!" Jacob shouted stumbling backwards but retaining his balance. He looked down the small flight of stairs and saw the boy lying there in the grass. He rushed down and knelt down next to the boy. He wasn't ready for what he saw. There on the grass lay the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. He looked to be about 5'9, not too built, just an average build. He could tell that he had dirty blonde hair but because his eyes were closed he couldn't see his eyes. He continued down looking at his cute little nose, and then his lips, which looked so soft and inviting. 'If only I could taste them,' he wished to himself, but chastised himself for thinking about this boy that way, after all, what are the chances of this boy being gay? Then it occurred to Jacob, the boy wasn't awake. Luckily he was breathing, but not awake. He reached down and gently shook the boy's shoulders. He smiled as he saw the boy's eyes flutter open...

...Paul's eyes fluttered open and there he was again. The giant who had stolen his heart and didn't even realize that he had done it was crouching above him with a look of concern on his face. Paul blushed immediately, stood up and then began backing away stuttering, "I'm sorry for getting in your way, it'll never happen, again, I'm sorry please don't beat me uuuAAHHH!" as he tripped over the rock he had bumped his head on and landed on his ass...

...Jacob stood and walked over to the boy, smiling and shaking his head. He leaned down and silently offered his hand to the boy, who bashfully took it. He hefted him up and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Jacob," he said in a warm friendly tone.

"Hi, I'm Paul," the boy said softly looking down at the ground not making eye contact. The boy started, "I'm sorry for..." Jacob placed his finger under Paul's chin and brought his eyes up to meet his own.

"No apologies," Jacob stated firmly. "It's I who should be apologizing, after all I was the one who ran into you," he finished with a smile.

"Ok," Paul whispered softly.

"So Paul, where are you headed?" Jacob asked, wondering if he would get to spend some extra time getting to know this boy.

"I'm heading back over to East," Paul replied, smiling slightly. Just then Jacob noticed that Paul's hair was damp, and that his clothes were soaking wet.

"What happened that you're soaking wet?" Jacob inquired.

"Oh, yeah," Paul sighed and continued, "I woke up late and didn't check outside to see what the weather was like. So I just threw on clothes and ran out to the bus. I didn't have time to go back to my room to get my jacket or umbrella," Paul stated, shifting nervously on his feet. Jacob sensed his uneasiness and started walking back toward the bus stop.

"Oh, that sucks," Jacob stated, "that's no way to start a day."

"No, it really isn't," Paul replied.

"So Paul, do you have any more classes today?" Jacob inquired, wondering if he could somehow find time to have lunch with this beautiful boy, just to find out, maybe if he's gay, just on the off chance.

"Well, normally I would have a piano lesson at 11 and then DUMB at 4:15, but both of those are canceled today," Paul said.

"Oh cool!" Jacob said. "So you're in marching band?"

"Yeah, I am," Paul stated simply.

"Cool," was all Jacob could think of saying. He mentally kicked himself for being so stupid in his conversation with Paul. This boy was so cute, if only I could get to know him better, he was wishing when Paul asked him a question.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" Paul asked.

"No, I don't. How about you?"

"Nawww, I don't have any special person in my life." Jacob picked up on the "person" immediately. He had to find out if he was just speaking or if he was trying to hint that he was gay.

"So have you dated much?" Jacob inquired. He noticed that Paul seemed caught, deciding on his answer. "I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious. You don't need to answer if you don't want to."

"No that's ok, I'll answer." Paul was saying, when he was cut off by another boy calling Jacob.

"Hey Jacob man! What's going on?" Drew asked Jacob.

"Not much man. Drew this is Paul, Paul Drew," Jacob introduced the two. Paul smiled and shook Drew's hand saying "hi" very softly. Paul was tapped on the shoulder and turned around, and a girl started talking to him. With that Drew whispered to Jacob

"Wow man, he's a cutie. Good Luck," and with that he was gone. Jacob just shook his head and smiled. 'Drew is such a great friend,' he thought. 'I'm really glad I told him that I'm gay. He usually doesn't say good luck though, so maybe that means that he approves of Paul and thinks he's good for me, because drew has always warned me otherwise. Well I'll have to see what I can do.' Just then a bus pulled up and Jacob noticed that Paul was there standing next to him, Jacob smiled down at Paul.

"So Paul why don't we head back?" he asked.

"Yeah I guess so," Paul stated getting on the bus. Jacob walked behind him closely observing him walk, Paul's pants clinging to his ass from the dampness. 'Damn, he's sexy,' Jacob thought to himself. Paul took a seat in on one side of the bus and Jacob sat down next to him. Paul, scooted over against the window so that Jacob could sit all the way in the seat and so that he wouldn't get Jacob wet. Paul was very quiet. Jacob noted the creases on his forehead, and his beautiful smile had faded. He seemed worried about something. Paul just stared out the window during the bus ride back to east campus. Jacob was a little worried. He patted Paul's shoulder comfortingly. Paul looked back at him and smiled. Jacob decided he'd take the chance. He leaned toward Paul and whispered in his ear.

"Paul I want you to know something, you're incredibly cute, and I'd really like it if we could spend the afternoon together. If you're not gay, I'm sorry, and I understand if you don't want anything to do with me. " Jacob inhaled, very nervous, he couldn't believe he just said that. Paul just turned his head and stared at him. Jacob was worried, he wasn't able to read Paul's expression. He just stared blankly at him. Paul broke into a grin and placed his hand over Jacob's and said in reply.

"I'd love to!" Jacob smiled happily and gripped Paul's hand.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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