Duke of Love

By moc.liamtoh@citnamoreikud

Published on Mar 9, 2002



Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy of my own creation. The characters are not real; they are figments of my imagination. If a consensual relationship between two of age males bothers you then do not read further. If you are under the legal age in your area stop reading now. Duke University is in no way affiliated with the story. The story implies nothing about any official positions of Duke University, any of its faculty, staff, students and employees. Any similarities between a character and a real human being are purely coincidental. Any actions the reader takes as a result of reading this story are not the responsibility of the author. You may print out one copy or save one copy of this story for your own viewing and entertainment. You may not reproduce, post, or distribute this story in any way without the author's expressed written permission. By reading further you agree to the above terms.

Hello Readers, I'm sorry I haven't posted in over 4 months, but life has been hectic, and I lost my muse, but I'm back. I'm trying to write more of this store over spring break and continue to release it, please bear with me! If you have any comments or criticisms send them to dukieromantic@hotmail.com Enjoy!

A Duke Love Story Chapter 3

...Jacob pushed open the door to his room and stepped to the side allowing Paul to enter. Paul stepped into the middle of the room and looked around. 'Wow,' Paul thought to himself, 'this is nice.' Paul looked around against the wall Jacob had his desk with his computer on it. Then just beyond that in the corner next to the window was an extra long queen bed with a Duke blue comforter and many pillows leaning up against the wall. In the other corner was Jacob's dresser on which sat a TV, DVD player, VCR and stereo system. 'Nice,' Paul thought to himself. Jacob had a small table sitting in front of the window with 2 chairs. Next to the table stood a white mini fridge and on top of that a white microwave. Next to the fridge and microwave was a small cupboard. Then there was the closet. On the walls were pictures of different outdoor scenes, and also a framed picture of Jacob with his parents. Jacob walked over to Paul wrapping his arm around Paul's shoulders he said

"Well this is my place. What do you think?"

"I like it," Paul said in reply. "How did you get air conditioning?" Jacob smiled and said

"I really don't know, I just got really really lucky." Jacob smiled down at Paul. "So what do you want for dinner and what movie do you want to watch?"

"Um, I really don't know on either of those. I'm really indecisive, remember??" Paul said in reply ending with a smile.

"Yes I do," Jacob said smiling in return, "but I didn't want to seem too presumptuous and just to order and pick out a movie."

"Well go ahead and presume," Paul said back with a huge smile on his face. Jacob just shook his head and smiled. He walked over to his desk picked up his phone and ordered 2 larger pepperoni pizzas. "Two large pizzas?" Paul asked. "I'm not going to eat that much. Jacob chuckled and grinning replied,

"I know you won't, but I will." Paul laughed softly and shook his head. Paul then looked up at Jacob and asked in a very soft voice

"Would it be ok if I took my shoes off?" Jacob just stared back at Paul. Paul squirmed a little, feeling uncomfortable. Then all of a sudden Jacob scooped him up in his arms, carried him over to his bed and laid him down. He smiled down and Paul and said with a serious look on his face

"No, it would not be ok if you took your shoes off." Paul just stared up at Jacob in disbelief. Jacob's expression softened and he smiled warmly at Paul, "But it would be ok if I took them off." Paul giggled and smiled up at Jacob. Jacob took Paul's shoes off and getting up placed them next to the door. Jacob kicked then walked over to his closet and opened the door kicking his shoes off inside. Jacob then walked back over to the bed and sat down on the bed next to Paul, leaning with his back against the wall. Jacob then draped his arm over Paul's shoulder and pulled him up against him. Paul instinctively laid his head on Jacob's chest and stared forward.

"This is nice," Paul said softly looking up at Jacob.

"Yes it is," Jacob agreed leaning down and placing a kiss on Paul's forehead. Jacob reached over to the table next to his bed and grabbed the remote. He turned on the TV and then looking down at Paul asked, "Is there anything you want to watch?" "No, not really," Paul responded.

"Ok," Jacob said, "I'll just pick something then." Jacob flipped through the channels, eventually deciding there was nothing on TV worth watching. "How about a movie?" Jacob asked.

"Ok," Paul said, smiling back. Jacob got up and walked over to his desk. He opened the drawer, pulled out a CD binder, and began flipping through it. Jacob removed a CD from the binder and walked over to the DVD player. He opened it and put in the DVD. "What's that?" Paul asked Jacob.

"You'll see," Jacob smiled back at Paul. The phone rang and Jacob picked it up. "Hello?" he answered. "Ok, I'll be right down." Jacob hung up the phone and turned to Paul. "I'll be right back. That was the pizza guy. Now be good and don't look at the movie." Paul smiled back innocently.

"I wouldn't look at the movie!"

"Suuuuuuure..." Jacob responded with a twinkle in his eyes. "Be good." That said, Jacob grabbed his wallet and ran out the door. Paul moved up to the top of the bed and sat, with is back against the wall. He let his eyes wander around Jacob's room...

'Definitely a guy...' Paul thought to himself. 'And he actually has good taste, not to mention he's sweet.' Paul's attention was drawn to the picture of Jacob and his parents. Paul looked at how happy they were in the picture. 'They look happy.' Paul thought. Paul's attention was brought back to the door when it opened. Jacob walked in carrying the two pizzas.

"Hey there," Jacob greeted Paul.

"Hello yourself," Paul replied.

"You hungry now?" Jacob asked Paul.

"Sure, I guess, why not."

"Ok then. Let's Eat!" Jacob set the pizzas on the table and then walked over to the cupboard taking out two plates and two cups. He set them on the table. "What can I get you to drink, Paul?"

"Um, what do you have?" Paul queried.

"I have water, milk and orange juice. If you want t soda I can run downstairs to the vending machine and get you one." Jacob replied.

"No, that's ok. Milk is good." Paul grinned at Jacob innocently and Jacob chuckled.

"Good, because milk is healthier for you anyway," Jacob ruffled Paul's hair and pulled out a chair for him to sit in. Paul sat and Jacob poured then each a glass of milk. Jacob sat across from Paul and served them each 2 pieces of pizza. With the Pizza in front of them they both made a sign of the cross and together said "Bless us oh Lord, and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen." They looked up at each other and smiled. "You're Christian?" Jacob asked Paul, still smiling.

"Worse," Paul responded grinning. "I'm Catholic."

Jacob burst into laughter. "So am I little guy, so am I."

"Cool!" Paul said. They then began eating dinner. Paul observed Jacob eating and marveled at how much food he could eat. Paul only ate 3 pieces of Pizza, and when Paul finished his last piece, Jacob finished THE last piece.

"Dear God!" Paul exclaimed. "You eat a lot!"

"Yes I do," Jacob chuckled. "I'm a big boy." Jacob smiled at Paul, his eyes sparkling.

"I'll say!" Paul exclaimed. Jacob giggled and began cleaning up. He took the boxes out in the hall and put them in the trash. He then returned, taking the places and glasses to the bathroom to wash them. Jacob returned to and found Paul sitting in his bed waiting. Jacob smiled.

"Shall we watch the movie now?" Jacob asked.

"Sure!" Paul replied enthusiastically. Jacob sat on the bed next to Paul and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Paul instinctually snuggled up against Jacob, laying his head on his chest. Jacob took the remote and pressed 'START'. They sat together and watched Shrek. Jacob noticed while they were watching the movie that Paul would yawn every now and then. 'He must be tired' Jacob thought to himself. Jacob reached up with his hand and began stroking Paul's hair soothingly. At the end of the movie, Paul was still awake, but just barely. Jacob turned to Paul and said,

"Paul, baby, do you want me to take you home and put you to bed?" Paul just shook his head and snuggled closer to Jacob. Jacob shook his head and smiled. He squeezed Paul close to him and placed a kiss on Paul's forehead. Paul thought to himself 'this is nice, he's good to me. I really like him.' Jacob and Paul sat together watching TV. Jacob noticed after awhile that Paul's breathing had become slow, shallow, and rhythmic. Jacob turned off the TV and looked down to see Paul asleep with his head on his chest. Jacob smiled and placed a light kiss on his forehead and whispered in his ear "Sleep well baby." Jacob adjusted Paul's position so Paul was lying on his side. Jacob then snuggled up behind Paul, pulling him close and wrapping him in his arms. Jacob placed a kiss on the back of Paul's neck, whispered, "Goodnight baby" and drifted off to sleep...

To be continued...

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