Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 26, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

============ Chapter Thirteen ============

When the motor home reached the original warehouse, Matt got out, unlocked the big door and opened it so Ted could drive inside. Matt was so pleased to have the motor home back, since they had a performance coming up next week near Columbus. They locked up the RV and then the big padlock on the main door. Jeff was waiting in front of the warehouse in the van to pick them up.

After settling inside the van, Matt asked Ted if he would come home with him for lunch. He quickly got in, "And yes, Jeff, you can come home with me, too." Both seemed to like the idea of eating with their professor. "I'm hoping Hardy has gotten home and started lunch, but I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't. But, we'll whomp something up." He smiled at the two young men as if welcoming them to his circle of friends, real friends.

Matt got to thinking that he had no idea what was at home to eat, so quickly decided to take them to the Hob Nob for lunch. When they had finished, Matt asked Jeff to take Ted home and bring the van back so he could take Jeff to his dorm.

"Don't worry about that, Matt, I'll leave it at your house when I get back, I only have a couple blocks to go."

When Jeff dropped Matt off at his house, Matt stayed in the van for a minute. "Remember, Ted, remember what my story is and stick to that no matter what. I do have to call the police so they know the RV has been recovered, and they may want to talk to you. I'll tell them what we discussed. Okay?"

Solemnly, Ted answered, "Yes, Matt," his eyes sparkling again, "I can't thank you enough for rescuing me from the trouble I got myself into." He giggled and smiled, "I'll be your slave for life, Mr. Dr. Matthew B. Ridgway, sir, Matt."

Then Ted leaned over to whisper in Matt's ear, "I really like you."

Matt gave Ted a strange look, not sure just what Ted was declaring to him, but he smiled at the young man and shook hands. "See you in band, Ted. I can work with you on the trombone if you'd like."


Matt had grown to like Ted very much in a short length of time, appreciating his short but stocky body, his cute face and brown hair. The dark eyes seemed to be holding secrets, but he would take his chances. He turned to Jeff O'Brien.

"Thanks, Jeff, for all your help. See you later."

Before checking the mail and phone messages, Matt called Brian in River City.

"Hi, Brian, I want to thank you so much. You are the silver knight riding to my rescue whenever I get into trouble."

Brian laughed, then, "That's okay, Matt, it gives me something to do when the days are dragging by." He giggled, "Just so you keep getting into trouble, I'll be happy."

"Say, Brian, can you and Mike make it to Columbus to our concert next Friday?"

"Of course, Matt, we wouldn't miss it. I want Mike to see the motor home since he hasn't seen it yet. Let me know how it rides and all that."

Matt repeated, "Thanks, again, Brian. We'll see you there. Bye."

"Sure, bye."

Matt saw a message waiting on his answering machine. Once he heard Steve's call, he phoned him immediately.

"Hi, Steve, what do you think is up with our lovely parents? I'm not giving them anything at all. They didn't want to know me, and that's the way it stays."

"Okay, Matty, but I still have to talk to Gary so we can see if they can sue us and win. I don't want to give them any money, either. They have enough money. They should be horse- whipped for what they did to you."

"And for what they might have done if we had loved each other all those years. That really burns me up that you had to do what you did, ignoring me, but I still am glad you did, saved us, maybe."

"Well, Matty, I'll see what Gary says. We may have to make a peremptory strike, so to speak. By the way have you been paid yet?"

"Steve, there are some new accounts at the Windsor National Bank, one with $500,000 in it, another with $250,000 and a third with around $200,000. Now, of course, taxes have to come out of those piddling amounts, ha! And, Steve, wait until you see what I have found. We located the RV at last on a farm belonging to the grandfather of one of my band members. That farm is for sale, not occupied, but the student has been taking care of it, the house, barn, dairy barn and grass areas."

"Steve, I want to buy it, love, it is gorgeous. The house is old but looks very well preserved though probably built in the late 1880s. And, I can tell there are many rooms, maybe even enough for all of us. The kids would love being on the farm, I'll bet. We could even get some animals. I wish you could come up to see it."

"Matty, that sounds great. I wouldn't mind getting out of the city. I can do all my work online on computer. But there is my studio to be considered, too."

"Hey, Steve, there is a former dairy barn with a cement floor. It would need a new smooth layer on top, but should work well for you. Most of the farm is leased out to neighboring farmers who use it for pasture and for raising crops. It would depend on taxes and such as to whether I would have to buy the whole thing or just the few acres around the house and barn."

"Where is it?"

"It is five miles south of Windsor near the small town of West Jefferson on Ohio Route 15, maybe seven miles north of Bryan with a beautiful setting." He suggested, "Let me get some pictures, Steve, and I'll send them to you, see what you think. I've got to go, Steve, talk to you later. Bye."

"Back to you, too. Love you, Bye."

The next day Ted Anthony went to 'his' farm as soon as he could, no classes that day before noon and that would be band. He had not thought about anything but Matthew Ridgway since yesterday. Matt had called him late yesterday to say that the police have been informed but probably wouldn't bother him. For that Ted was very pleased. He actually glowed as he worked around 'his' house, giving everything a thorough cleaning because Matt said he would be coming to see the place after band rehearsal. Ted was going to hop a ride to Windsor with a friend who lived close by, then ask for a ride home with Matt. He grinned to himself, 'That name feels so good on my tongue. And tickles my dick, too.' he giggled and had to admit.

After Ted prepared some stuff for Matt to see, and experience, he drove home to clean up and wait for his ride. He couldn't wait to get to band rehearsal and especially to see Matt. Ted knew that Matt and Hardy were a couple, almost all the band members knew that, but no one ever said anything outside of the band organization.

Following the band practice, Ted and Matt drove to Ted's farm near West Jefferson.

"Matt, are you really interested in buying this farm?"

"Yes, Ted, I am interested, but nothing is set yet. My brother and Hardy will have to see it first. That's why I brought the camera today. I'll send my brother pictures by email and see what he thinks. Whether I buy would depend on a lot of factors; price, financing, what would need to be done to it, and so on."

"But, Matt," Ted complained, "I've got it all fixed up, already to live in."

Matt smiled at Ted, "Yes, I'm sure you have, Ted, but," he hesitated, "well, for instance, my brother is a sculptor and would need a studio to work in, and that's absolutely necessary. I noted the old dairy barn, thinking that might do it. I suppose it has a concrete floor, right?"

"Yes, Matt, but I have to admit that is pretty rough. Maybe a top coat of cement?"

The van turned into the drive to the farm then stopped. Matt got out and took four pictures of that scene, especially the tunnel of huge oaks. He returned to the van to drive to the farm house and park there. Matt kept taking pictures constantly to have a complete record for Steve and Hardy. He got a picture of Ted as they exited the van. Ted looked as if he belonged to that place, light hair with a tinge of red, blue eyes set in his oblong face, his prominent chin and its dimple and freckles across his nose and upper cheeks. Rural American youth.

Matt and Ted walked in the front door of the farm house and the older man could only hold his breath. This was a real, old-time farm house, but upgraded in many ways, he already noted. The extensive woodwork seemed lighter, but also looked solid and complete. The wooden floor in the living room was gorgeous, lustrous with a deep glow, only covered with a few small area rugs. And there was a large fireplace in this room.

"Ted, this is beautiful. This room is large, well decorated and furnished. How many rooms are there?"

"On the first floor there are seven rooms; a living room, a family room, the kitchen, dining room and den. Besides that, I put in a so-called 'mother-in-law suite' with separate bath and lounging room, changed some of the original rooms around, moved walls and doors and such, then rearranged the rooms, halls and equipment. The ceilings were twelve foot and still are. I must admit that I didn't do the decorating, I know I'm not good at that."

"It is wonderful, whoever you had. How did you ever do all this? This is expert work. How about upstairs, how many rooms?"

"They are still much the same as before. There are five bedrooms, plus four bathrooms, one for the master bedroom and one between each two regular bedrooms. Two of the bathrooms are new."

Matt looked into Ted's eyes, dark but flashing, "Ted, just who owns this property?"

Ted smiled wisely, all knowing, "Dr. Ridgway, I own the farm, this whole property."

"What? You own it? How did that come about?"

"He-he, my grandfather was a smart old bird. He didn't like any of his children because none of them wanted to run the farm. So he gave it to me." He grinned, "Well, it's not mine yet until I'm 25, but I'm taking care of it and he said if I could find someone good who would buy it, I could sell it and keep the money."

"I am really impressed, Ted, you have done a wonderful job. And the outside grounds also look great. I would be proud to own this place, if I could possibly strike an agreement with the owner!" He laughed with Ted, putting his arm around the young man's shoulder.

He couldn't see Ted's eyes, but they almost rolled all the way back up in his head, and he wasn't breathing too well, either. He recovered quickly when Matt removed his arm.

"But first I'd have to see upstairs and the rest of the farm. Uh, Ted, is most of the land leased to neighboring farmers?"

"Yes, there would be just about 20-30 acres around the house and barns for sale, maybe more if you really wanted it. That would include those two stands of evergreens trees over there. Lots of fun for hide and seek, if you have any kids; or hide and jerk if you don't." He laughed.

Matt laughed, too, "I really doubt if I'll have any myself, but my two young nephews would love it. That and hikes and picnics they would delight in."

"And see, I can continue to earn money off the other land at the same time."

He added, "Come on, Matt, you have to see upstairs. Lots to see!"

Matt kept snapping pictures right and left, up and down. Fortunately he had 120 mbs of storage space in his camera saved to disk. Occasionally, Matt deviously took a picture of Ted.

Ted showed him one of the bedrooms, and the associated bathroom between it and the next bedroom.

"Geez, Ted, you've spent tons of money on this? You sure it isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg, or other appendage."

"No, Matt, this property cost me nothing and I've done most of the work myself and enjoyed it.

"Matt, why don't you go through the other bedrooms and baths, and I'll get set in the master bedroom, there is something there that you need to see. Okay?"

"Sure, I'll be there in a couple minutes."

"Ted?" Matt couldn't find Ted in the master bedroom.

"In here, Matt," Ted called from the master bath.

Matt walked into the huge bath and finally found Ted in the Jacuzzi in the far corner; he could see that the young man was naked.

In Columbus Matt and Steve's parents had driven that afternoon from their home in Westerville to I-71 heading south, then past downtown Columbus they connected with I-70 going toward Wheeling. They exited at Livingston Avenue in Bexley. By heading to the north side of the small city on College Avenue on the south side of Capital University, then turning onto Drexel Avenue, they crossed Main Street and then Broad Street on to North Parkview Avenue, near Maryland. They knew the correct number of Steve's house, but hadn't been there. By disassociating themselves from their sons, the aging couple had cut themselves off from any family.

There had been plenty of bitter rows between the couple, married for 35 years, but they were not in agreement about their sons. Blanche didn't want to have anything to do with Matt and Steve, though she had loved her grandsons when they were little. But Matt's confession that he was gay had ruined everything for her. How could he do that to her? Steve had kept away from Matt for all those years, but now is supporting him, probably loving him, too.

Gerald did not win their arguments. He didn't care if Steve and Matt were homosexual or bi-sexual or liked cows unnaturally, they were his sons and he didn't want to lose them. But he had, because of Blanche's refusal to see them or talk to them, and now they've both come into some money. No, that's not right, they have both worked very hard and earned what they have gotten. He did love his wife, but wondered if she had developed some deep psychological problems. After thirty-five years he thought he knew her, but obviously he didn't.

Now she wants to extort money from them, even though they didn't need any. Gerald had retired early from his company, but they had enough to live on, and live pretty well. It was her idea to buy the new house and move without telling anyone. He wanted to tell the boys, but she would have found out and he didn't want to lose her, too.

With Gerald driving very slowly, the couple passed Steve's house, marveling at its size and architectural beauty, particularly the location. Blanche made him turn around to go by it again.

Right in front she ordered, "Stop, Gerald," which he did. "I'm going to see if he's home, I want to talk to him."

Gerald tried to dissuade her, but his words had no effect.

"Just stay right here, I'll be quick."

Gerald watched his wife walk up the curving cement through attractive low shrubs. He knew he was being a wimp, but just couldn't confront her or even go against her wishes in secret. Ever since Matt told her he was gay, she'd practically become deranged. But even before that she'd hammered away at him to find a girl, get married and have grandchildren. Maybe that is what changed her, not that he was gay, but that there would be no more grandchildren.

Steve saw his mother coming up the walk, amazed at her brazen approach, still undecided whether to talk to her or not. Fortunately, Anne was gone with the kids to her house. They could play there with Hardy's old toys while she could take care of personal business and see to the house. He realized that she probably had two complete wardrobes, one at his house and another one at hers. Oh well, she could easily afford it.

The doorbell chimed, then the knocker was rapped, suddenly, nervously. That made the decision for him, he knew he was in no shape to tangle with her. He still hadn't talked with Gary about their possible indemnity, what protection against future damage or liability they had. Looking at her from a side window he thought, 'She has change dramatically, she looks so desperate.' He began to feel sorry for her, but quickly remembered what she was trying to do to them.

After ten minutes or so, she finally gave up, walked back to the car and had her husband drive away. Steve sighed in relief, but needed someone to talk to. He knew Matt was looking over the farm he found and Gary was in court. 'Maybe', he considered, 'I could talk to Hardy.'

Hardy was home in Windsor, and gladly talked to Steve. He listened to Steve's close call with his mother and how that went. Hardy really didn't comment, just listened. When asked about the concert at Otterbein, Hardy explained what they were working on for the event next week. Hardy was excited and said that the whole group was excited. Being in Westerville would be their closest program to a really big city, Columbus, not 10 miles south.

Steve reported that all of their 'family' would be at the concert. Little did he know that his statement would turn out to be more true than he expected or wanted.

"What are you doing, Ted? Showing off?" Matt meant the Jacuzzi, but Ted thought he meant himself.

"No, not showing off, Matt," he grinned, "what have I got to show off?" Matt didn't want to answer that. Ted continued, "Over there in the walk in closet you can change. I've set out some speedos, one of them must fit you."

"Oh, no, Ted, thanks, I don't need to get in."

"Matt, if you are going to buy this place, you need to experience everything. This thing is great. Just imagine you and .. ah, well.. ah ... what's his name, you know who I mean?"

Matt laughed, "Oh, what the hell, I guess it would be all right." Later, Matt thought to himself that he gave in rather easily, but, hell, who could resist sexy Ted.

A few minutes later Matt came back into the bath, complaining, "Ted, are these speedos all old ones of yours? My butt's too big to fit in any of them." He had on a pair that covered his jewels, but only a small part of his butt.

Ted was giggling, having a fit. "They fit ... g ... gre ...great, Matt. Come on in." He didn't think Matt's butt was any too big, just right. However, it looked like his equipment was huge.

Matt climbed over the side of the spa, slowly sinking into the hot, bubbly water, almost opaque with all the jets and bubbles. He sat on the opposite side from Ted, yet still only a couple feet away from him. 'Lord,' Matt thought, 'that kid does really work hard on the farm. His small body is so tightly built and defined.' Ted didn't have bulging muscles, just very defined and clearly blocked in, all the way down to his jock. Matt wondered about his ass, it had looked good in his jeans, so relaxed and low that his back pockets were practically behind his knees..

Both men relaxed back on the curved side, warm, comfortable and almost asleep.

Matt was zoning out when he felt a small foot pressing on the bulge in his speedo, then rubbing his cock inside it. His breathing stopped, his heart running harder and Matt couldn't decide what to do. This young man really attracted him, but what would Hardy say? The devil on Matt's shoulder whispered, 'Well, didn't Hardy get it on with Roger a while ago? Hmmm?'

So, Matt didn't do anything, just lay back and enjoyed the feeling with his eyes closed. His eyes suddenly threw themselves open to see Ted standing in front of him as he felt some small fingers pulling at his speedo, releasing his now hard cock and balls. But it felt so good, he didn't say anything, just lifted his butt when Ted tried to pull off his speedo. Soon he was naked.

Before he could say anything, Ted spoke, "Shut up, Matt. Lay back and enjoy this, I just can't stay away from you, you are so hot."

Matt mumbled, "So are you, Ted, so are you."

Ted was very pleased to hear Matt say that to him, especially since he was partnered with Hardy, who had a much better body than Ted did. Well, maybe just bigger. Ted smiled. He's had a glimpse of Hardy's dick in the men's' room in the music building. Even soft, it was big, for sure a lot bigger than his own.

Ted was then leaning over, playing with Matt's cock, rock hard and hot, even under the water. But within a couple of moments, he felt Matt's hands on the back of his thighs, slowly sliding up and up to his tight, firm buttocks, until Matt's fingers slipped between the cheeks. He started pulling on them toward the young man's feet, sliding them down as his hands caressed those buttocks, then his thighs to his feet.

Both pair of eyes stared at the other's, looking deep into their dark spaces, while they froze their position until Matt looked down at Ted's cock and balls. They weren't large, but well formed, solid and oozing already. Matt pulled at Ted's body, wanting it on top of his own body, naked flesh against naked flesh.

So, Ted lay down on Matt, a completely smooth body on a lightly haired one, contrasted in Ted's deeply tanned flesh from working out on the farm. Matt noted that Ted was completely tanned, top to bottom, 'Wonder where he tans nude?' With Ted's face beside his, Matt let his hands drop to Ted's buttocks, so smooth but pert and solid, small but tight. Matt loved them and kept playing with the meat there, massaging and caressing to send his feelings to Ted.

Ted's ear was next to Matt's mouth, "You planned all this, didn't you, Ted. I know you did, and I appreciate it very much, but you are a little guttersnipe." He snickered.

Ted raised up to look directly into Matt's face, smiling but quizzical. "Now just what would a guttersnipe be?"

"Don't you read, Teddy? You should read to learn about life. What do you read.?"

He grinned, Well, I do read some, I've read all of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings."

"That's good. A guttersnipe was a street urchin who lived in the streets of London many years ago." He thought, " But maybe I'm wrong, you must be a Hobbit, a delightful, wee person , like a child. That's what you are, Teddy."

Ted leaned into Matt again and whispered, "Well Matt, this child loves you. I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, but I still love you."

"And I love you, too, Ted, but, and that's a big butt" as Matt slapped Ted's butt, "Hardy and I are committed and I am IN love with him. I hope you can enjoy being with me now because this is the first and no doubt last time." He hugged the younger man tightly, "Can you live with that, Ted?"

Since their cheeks were together, Matt couldn't see Ted's face which teared up, but he said, "Matt, yes, I can live with that, but if you two ever split up, I got first dibs. Okay?"

Matt laughed and kissed Ted's cheek, "Yes, that's fine. I hate to tell you, though, we will not be 'splitting' as you so hopefully termed it."

Ted immediately kissed Matt, hard, on the lips. They worked their way together for a good while, sharing juices, tongues and breaths. The older man held his smaller friend against him, running his hand s up and down Teddy's back, especially over those pert, smooth ass cheeks, partly under the water, so slick and slightly rubbery. Matt would have dearly loved to have eaten them, one by one, in orgy of passion.

The thought came to Matt that he hadn't asked Ted anything about his sexual experience.

"Ted, I should know just how much sex you have had to this point, a little or a lot?"

Ted was pushing his crotch into Matt's, matching cock to cock. "I'll tell you anything you want to know. I've jerked off since I was about 13, and have jerked off with a few friends, but we didn't touch each other. I've dated some, but I'm a complete virgin around women. I must admit that they don't attract me, I'm afraid."

"Is that all?"

"Well, I gave you a reason why my grandfather gave me the farm, but there is a reason other than that one." He was somewhat ashamed to tell Matt. "Matt, when I was young, about 10 to 12, I often slept with my gramma and grandpa when we lived with them in this house. Usually, gramma got up first and grandpa and I slept longer. Finally I noticed that Grandpa didn't go back to sleep, but would play with my dick. I could get a little hard on. When I did notice, I asked what he was doing. He said that he was checking if I was growing up okay, since I was rather small."

"This went on for a few more months until I finally could spurt. At that time he said I was doing great. My grandma passed away soon after, so, many times I would still sleep with him, sort of helping him get over her loss. Actually, it is still going on, but not as often. I'm more often out early and in late, so don't get to sleep with him much. I do love him, you know.

"He started sucking me off as soon as I could cum, and I learned how to suck his huge dick, and play with his balls and so on. He is getting almost beyond it, but I try to keep him in good spirits.

"That's it, Matt. I love my grandpa and would do anything for him." His eyes twinkled and he smiled sexily, "Maybe that's why he is giving me the farm, who knows?"

"And, I'm sure you deserve everything you get, Teddy, I'm very happy for you."

The older man lifted Ted a bit, "Teddy, would you stand up a few minutes? I love looking at your ass and want to see it up close and tight." He smiled and kissed his young friend on the way up.

The young farmer stood with his back to Matt, sort of pushing his ass out a little, trying to entice the older director. "Matt, there it is and it is yours."

Sitting up, leaning toward Teddy, Matt pressed his face against those soft cheeks, those meaty young glutes, tender yet tough. His thumbs worked between them, searching for Ted's asshole, just feeling around.

"Matt, nobody's ever been there before, or seen me there. I've not done anything with it."

"That's okay, Teddy, I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do."

Spreading Ted's tight cheeks, Matt massaged them to relax the muscles. When he finally saw the object of his desire, it emerged as a tiny hole, it's lips were wrinkled and puckered, slightly darker red around it. Gently, Matt eased into the opening, stuck his tongue out and swiped it along the asshole and his cleft from bottom to top.

"Oh, god, Matt, what are you doing to me? I'm going to cum if you keep that up much."

Matt looked around the boy's body to see his cock rigidly pulsing, sticking straight out. "Haven't you ever played with it, Teddy?"

"No, but keep going, Matt, it is fantastic, sensations I've never felt before, you are making me shiver and shake."

Matt continued with his rimming of Ted's anus, loving the feelings it gave him, too. He squeezed his face completely into the crack and shoved his tongue as far as he could in the hole. It took a bit of work, but Ted's asshole finally relaxed enough that Matt could get it in there.

Ted was bent way over, his hands resting on his knees, "Matt, that's too much. I can't take much more." He yelled, "It's here! It's cumming."

Immediately, he swung Teddy around and gathered his whole cock in his mouth just as the young man started shooting, on Matt's tongue, down his throat and all over his mouth.

"Aaaaagh! Ooogh! That's so good, so super," his body still shaking, "Matt, let me down, let me hold you."

Ted again lay against Matt's body, feeling the huge cock pressing into his crotch, spreading precum all over. Ted was surprised that his cock wasn't going soft, it was as hard as before. "Matt, I've never cum like that before, I about passed out. What were you doing?"

"That's called rimming, I was rimming your asshole, sensitive little thing, isn't it?"

"I would never say no to that again."

"How about if someone wanted to put their hard cock into that tiny hole?"

Teddy hesitated, "Uh .. I don't know, Matt." He lifted off Matt a bit and held Matt's cock in his hand. "That's such a big cock. Would it really fit inside me?"

Matt talked to Ted about what they would do, plenty of lube and practice, if he wanted to try.

"What do you need, Matt?"

"Can you find some lotion, something very slippery?"

Ted dripped out of the jacuzzi and across the floor to the medicine chest. Proudly, he returned holding a bottle of skin lotion, "Will this do, Matt?"

"Sure," Matt agreed. He took the bottle and had Ted lay over Matt's thighs, his butt out of the water. Taking one finger, Matt lubed it and slowly tried to insert it inside Ted. He rubbed Ted's back with the other hand. Soon, the young man's asshole began to relax and not resist. Matt then inserted two fingers, then three fingers well lubricated.

"Okay, Teddy, I think you are ready. Try to stay relaxed as much as you can."

Matt sat on the edge, out of the spa, then lay on his back. "Now, Ted, we are going to try this, but you will be in charge. You will kneel over my dick, then gradually lower your butt for my cockhead to touch your hole. Then you can stop any time you need, and go when it feels right."

The lotion flowed over Matt's hard, red cock, pulsing with his heart, eager to enter this young ass, so beautiful and delectable. Ted positioned himself over the head which pressed against the tiny opening, gradually forcing its way inside. Suddenly, Matt found his cockhead inside the sphincter, testing the heat and moisture there, waiting until Teddy could adjust to this intruder

"God, Matt, it's wonderful."

"Doesn't it hurt, Teddy? I don't want to hurt you, but you go ahead as you want."

Matt was holding on to Ted's thighs, then his shoulders, playing with his pecs and with his nipples, too. With his cock he could feel Ted sliding down to his base, almost millimeter by millimeter. Ted's body was getting very red, sweating, his face concentrating on his progress and feelings.

"Is it okay, Ted?"

Ted didn't speak but kept up his travel south, waiting to hit Matt's light brown pubes, to feel them on his buttocks. Ted was feeling full, stuffed actually, but he didn't hurt. The only real feeling inside him was the huge cock pushing against his rectum, spreading heat and velvety soft sides. Suddenly, Ted found his bottom resting directly on Matt's crotch, his balls like silky sacs to grace Matt's abdomen.

Ted sounded shaky, trembling a bit, and he looked into Matt's deep orbs, "Matty, I've made it," he shyly grinned, "you are all the way inside me. I can't believe it, and I don't hurt. Aren't you supposed to fuck me now? Aren't you?"

Matt reached up to hold Ted as best he could, caressing his body where he could touch. "My dear Teddy, I can't believe this. You've really never had a cock in your chute before?"

"No, Matty, maybe my grandpa did it when I was asleep, but I'm sure I would have noticed that."

"Okay, Ted, lay down on me and I'm going to hold on to you, then I'll turn and lay you on your back under me. I want to keep my cock just where it is as we do this."

Within a couple minutes Matt had accomplished his idea and they were on the soft bathroom carpet, Matt's dick still inside Ted, still throbbing gently against Ted's anus and rectum.

"Now, Ted, I'm going to start to move in and out of you. If anything hurts, let me know, right away."

Ted's legs were sprawled wide, his feet on Matt's thick shoulders, his ass opened fully for Matt to make love to him. Slowly, Matt started his pumping his cock in, then out. He couldn't believe it when he realized that Ted was tightening his sphincter as he pulled his cock out, loosened when he pushed in. Both men were sweating, very hot and very red, their blood boiling, erotic progression taking over their bodies, like chords moving in the music.

"Teddy, I'm going to cum, I wish I could keep going." He groaned, "It's cumming, it's cumming, baby, keep holding tight, love, cum with me."

Matt grabbed Ted's rock hard cock, oozing precum all over his abdomen. As he began to pump the slippery dick, Ted yelled, "Oh, Matty, I'm cumming, too. Keep pumping."

Matt kept moving his pelvis along with his hand on Ted's cock, in rhythm, and faster and faster, harder and more fierce.

"Aagh, uggh, it's here," Matt groaned as he felt his cock force stream after stream of his love juice into Ted's ass, loving the hot, exciting feeling throughout his whole body. He still watched what Ted's cock was doing, stretching and swelling, the head swollen to twice it's usual hard size. Ted's body jerked and shook when the shots, one after the other, flowed out of his cock to puddle between his pecs, in his navel, running off his sides.

Matt lay down on top of Ted and they cuddled tightly, holding each other for dear life. Matt's cock wasn't going down anytime soon, he felt. However, his partner's anus soon forced it out of the channel, to lie hanging along Ted's butt cleft..

"Teddy, I shouldn't have done that, but I will be forever grateful to you for having me. You are a real wonder, few men could tolerate that the first time they were fucked. Are you okay?"

Ted caressed Matt's face, "It was fantastic, Matty," he grinned broadly, "when can we do it again?" Then he giggled, "I know, I know, but a guy can always have hope." He kissed Matt.

When Matt got back to their house, he didn't tell Hardy about the sex with Ted. The first time he and Hardy were in the hot tub themselves, he would explain what happened.

Hardy was telling him about Steve's call, how their mother had come to call but he pretended the house was empty. Steve felt he was lucky because he didn't have to explain to Gary or Anne.

"Has he had any talk with Gary about preserving our fortune?"

"He said he hasn't, but would as soon as he could." Hardy was leaning over Matt on the computer, holding him and watching as picture after picture of the farm house appeared on the screen."

"Wait a minute. Go back one." Hardy wanted to see something again. "There, oh, is that Ted Anthony? I guess I should know him."

"Yes, Hardy, and he owns the farm. His grandfather gave it to him, though he doesn't have full title until he is 25. I'll tell you the whole story later, a bit of incest in the family."

"Hey, I've never really looked at him, he sure is cute, isn't he?" He said, "Incest, huh?"

Matt said 'sure' and moved on quickly. "See here, Hardy, there is a jacuzzi in the master bedroom." He emphasized, "And that is our room." He took one of Hardy's hands in each of his, "I can't wait, Wolfie, until we're there together with our combined family." He scowled, "And that doesn't include my parents."

Hardy kissed Matt on the neck, the cheek, the nose and his lips, moving around until he was sitting on Matt's thighs facing him. "Oh, Matty, I will love that farm just as I love you. I'm so happy going where you are taking me, this has been a wonderful ride and can only keep going up."

"Well, Hardy, if you will get off of my crotch, I will sent these pictures to Steve and Gary so they can look it over. We have to get them up here."

"Steve did say, Matt, that the whole family will be at the concert in Westerville at Cowan Hall."

"OK, Dukes and Duch, for the next piece, you will end up with the two trumpets, LJ and Rick with BJ on tuba keeping the music going, mostly counterpoint with three themes while Chris and Hardy dance in the style of a madrigal by Gesualdo. That soon creeps into the form of a dance by Cole Porter with a similar basic rhythm pattern."

"Take it from the top and try to make the transition as smooth as possible, and your dancing must barely change from second to second. Hardy, when you pick Chris up, hold her in your arms and spin until you two are like one. Okay?"

After that rehearsal, Matt said they had done enough for that night, then released them.

"In a few spots we are missing some parts so try to get that music down by tomorrow. We have just four days until the concert and I'm counting on each of you, in fact, each of us is counting on each of us, n'est-ce pas?" He paused, "Oh, before I forget, since we are leaving on Friday morning, be sure to have your work in your other courses finished before we leave. The instructors are good enough to excuse us, but you need to have the work done. Okay?"

They all nodded glumly, but perked up when he reminded them that they would be using their motor home for the first time. And, the donor might be at the concert, too. "So be good, guys, just as I will be."

They all laughed with Matt, enjoying his badinage, appreciating his closeness with them. Matt did notice that when Rick Balsaam went by Jamal he quickly cupped and squeezed his left buttock. Jamal smiled and nodded his head. 'Oh, I hope they are careful', Matt thought.

Telling the janitor that he was finished for the night, Matt and Hardy walked to his van. He also watched to see who walked away with whom. The two Jeffs together, Rick and Jamal and just friends Chris and Roger followed the others to the Hob Nob. 'This group really sticks together', Matt concluded, 'I love them all.'

After refreshments, Rick and Jamal headed for Rick's room. Rick's roommate had not come back from his weekend at home, supposedly he was too ill to make it, his mother told Rick. So, these two could use Rick's room and Jamal could stay the night. Since it was dark, they held hands while walking, once in a while playing a little grabass after checking that they were alone. No sense in getting 'outed' when it isn't necessary, or, in getting beaten up.

While Rick was unlocking his dorm room, Jamal stood behind him, pushing his already hard cock into these luscious buttocks, firm, but so squeezable. Rich had always been wary of bringing Jamal to his room. His roommate was a stupid bigot besides. Well, that's an oxymoron for sure.

Letting Jamal into his room, Rick said he was just going to check his mail. "Take it easy, Jamie, I'll be right back."

Descending to the first floor, Rick went to the wall of mail boxes, found his, dialed the combination and got his mail. A guy from the dorm whom Rick didn't know, yelled across the hall, "Hey, Ricky, who's that nigger in your room?"

Rick was stunned, but knew he had to have a comeback fast. "You got a name?"

"You know me, Ricky, I'm across the hall, remember, Hot Rod."

Then Rick knew. This guy, Rod something, kept joking with Rick and his roommate about being 'light on their feel'. Usually they ignored him.

"Hey, Hot Rod, he's the best cock sucker I can find, unless you want to take the job. Are you a good cock sucker?"

Rod immediately turned beet red, mumbling something about 'motha fuckers', and stomped up the stairs. Rick smiled to himself, 'Wait 'til I tell Jamie, or maybe I'd better not."

Back in his room, Rick found Jamal completely naked, laying on his bed, either asleep or doing a good job of faking. Rick decided to pick the first choice and let him get some rest. He hung up Jamal's clothes neatly on his desk chair.

He held his lover's white boxerbriefs in his hands and put them up to his nose. His lover's scent was so recognizable to him, he would know it anywhere. Rick breathed in the aroma of Jamal's crotch, full of maleness and a little touch of brownness. 'Am I right about that, or is it something else, soap, maybe, maybe something connected with having a foreskin. Well, I'll never know because I'll never ask.'

Rick undressed himself, finally releasing his jewels from his own boxers, a little sweaty perhaps, and perhaps a touch of urine left over from his last pee. He took his soft, limp penis in the fingers of both hands, not playing with it but just exploring this piece of his body he'd had for all his years. When he was home at Christmas, he and his father were talking about his growing up. Rick loved his father so much, he always had, loving to be held by him, to run and jump into his arms. He also remember that his father's hands were all over him then. He especially liked it when he held his butt with both hands, holding his son tightly to his body.

The young man was startled to see his cock was full grown, hard and solid, even dripping a bit. 'Good god, I was just thinking about my father and I get a hard on. Wonder if I did back then.' He might ask his father sometime, sure that he would answer him.

Rick, feeling cool being naked in the room, looked at Jamal, deciding that he would cuddle Jamal and if he wakes, so be it. He needed to nuzzle with his lover.

With the first touch of Rick's hand on Jamal's back, the light brown man smiled and turned over to face Rick. "Good morning," he said, "or isn't it morning yet." Jamal reached around Rick with both arms, hugging him closer, kissing him when he could reach his lips. "Hi, babe, I see you are with me and all ready. Jeez, you are already hard, " he noticed against his leg.

Rick blushed, but told Jamal what he'd been thinking about, about his father that he loved so much.

"Baby, don't be embarrassed about that. I've seen your father, remember, and I think he's hot, a real hunk. I think I'm in love with him too." He giggled, "But seriously, Ricky, I've been there and learned a lot."

"Jamie, are you telling me you had sex with your father?"

"I always loved my father, as early as I can remember. I knew he loved me, too, he expressed that frequently to me. He also watched my growth and development, following them in all aspects. When I was about 13, he noticed a lot of wadded up balls of Kleenex in the wastebasket.

"That night he came in my room late, I heard the click of the lock after he shut the door. My mind whirled, I couldn't imagine why he was there. 'Hi bud,' he said, and crawled on the bed behind me, spooning himself to my back and I felt his big dick pushing against my butt."

"One hand crept over my hips to find my dick, exploding with blood. 'Take it easy, bud, I want to help you.' He continued to jerk me off and I finally shot into a Kleenex he'd brought.

"As he left, I said, 'Thanks, Daddy,' and he answered, 'you are welcome.'"

"The next night, Daddy came in again at the same time and got on the bed behind me. He pushed me onto my back, pulled down my shorts and filled his mouth with my dick and balls. As before, I came, the first time in anybody's mouth, my biggest cum in my short life. As he left, I said 'Thanks, Daddy,' and he answered, 'you're welcome'."

"The third night, Daddy sat on the bed in front of me. I was on my side and he started to caress my buttocks, first on top of my shorts, then under my shorts. At that point I was scared. I'd seen my Daddy's hard cock and knew it was huge. I said, 'No thanks, Daddy, no more help.'"

"Daddy patted my butt, 'Okay, bud, but when you are ready, let me know.' I got on my feet beside the bed and hugged him as tightly as I could. 'I love you, Daddy.' He said he loved me, too."

"Wow," Rick moaned, "that was neat, you had a nice Daddy."

"Not for much longer. A few months later, I was sitting in the living room of our apartment with Daddy when two men, thugs I thought, burst in the door, yelling at Daddy. I rushed one of the men and tried to take his gun. He pushed me away, "I'll take care of your kid for you, sucker," he said to my father, then hit me with his gun. I was out, on the floor and didn't wake up for a while."

"When I woke, I didn't see Daddy until I went into the bathroom. He was laying in the bathtub with a huge hole in his head, blood all over the place. I collapsed on the floor, screaming and bawling. Finally, Mama had come home and came in and saw him."

"She didn't seem to care one way or another that my Daddy was dead."

"I whined at her, 'Mama, my Daddy is dead, he's dead!' I curled into a fetal ball, my eyes dripping."

"Mama said, 'Don't you worry none about him, Jamie, he wasn't your Daddy. Just some guy I kept around. He got his hand caught in someone's money box, I guess Never was too smart.'"

"I screamed at her, 'Mama, he loved me and I loved him, too. More'n I ever loved you.'

That did it, she laid me over her knee, pulled down my shorts and whomped my butt good and hard. "She told me then, 'Baby, don't go gettin' hot for some man, they'll always do you wrong. I know.'"

"She never mentioned him again, nor did I, but to me I loved him with all my heart. And, the worst thing, Ricky?"


"I never got to tell him he could have my butt," he sobbed, "And I would have loved it."

Jamal shook and trembled, sobbing and he crawled half on top of Ricky, one leg over his leg and one arm around his chest. Rick held his despairing lover and pulled a blanket over them both. His hands caressed Jamal's slim, hard body, loving the velvet skin and especially his full, brazen buttocks, a tempting appetizer.

Jamal was soon calm, and then asleep and Rick quickly after him. They comforted and were comforted, loved and were loved.

All week Matt had kept the D&Ds very busy, working on their routines, especially some new ones. They would be trying out a new tricky routine and, of course, always new music, this time a short portion of a fugue from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier which fit their style perfectly, the intricate polyphony weaving gradually into one of Elton John's graceful songs, Candle In The Wind. His kids loved the switch, contrasts and comparisons.

Too soon the day was Friday and at 9 AM they were heading to Columbus for their concert that night at Otterbein College Cowan Hall. This would be their biggest audience yet, maybe up to a thousand people in the auditorium. Matt certainly expected many of his friends from graduate school, students from his former high school and his own family.

The Duke's motor home sat outside the front door of the Music Building, engine running to warm the inside since the temperature was around 25 degrees. The instruments had been safely packed aboard while the costumes hung from rods in the closet inside the RV. Matt had hired a professional bus driver for that day's trip, and part of his responsibility would be to keep the instruments and costumes, especially, safe. Matt had a very nervous stomach as he always did before a performance which fortunately left just as soon as it started. Then his mind was totally occupied with the production, performers and music.

That morning Matt and Hardy woke up early, a half hour before the alarm which was set much earlier than the usual Friday. Hardy rolled over on Matt's nakedness, embracing him while pressing his body close, their eyes barely open when both jumped out of bed to head for the bathroom. Their heavy yellow streams of urine splashed noisily into the water, quickly coloring the surface, creating mountains of bubbles floating around the bowl. They each had a hand on the other's buttocks, petting, caressing and squeezing the soft/hard masses of flesh, and kissing while they did all that.

Matt spoke, "I think we better get ready to go, love, I don't want to be late." He grinned and felt Hardy's cheek, "We sometimes lose track of time when we are having fun, but I don't want to be late. Okay with you?"

Hardy put on his whiney tone and his original pout, "But, Matty, why not. We won't take too long. I'll watch the time."

At that Matt immediately started laughing, knowing that Hardy's mind would be other places, and finally Hardy started to laugh, too, giving up his whine and pout. "Okay, Matt, we'll wait until tonight in the motel." He started to pout again, "But I do wish we could go to Steve's house, that would be more fun."

A quick slap from Matt's hand on Hardy's luscious butt brought him into line. "I wish we could, love, but we need to stay with the group. 'Sides, we are rooming together this time." He waggled his eyebrows, a la Groucho.

At that Hardy smiled and hugged his lover, "That's sounds good, Matty, I'll be good from now on!"

"Hah," Matt exploded, "don't you dare be good, I want you bad .... sometimes."

Both handsome men continued with their preparations, shaving together, showering together and using the toilet alcove ... apart. That would be too much togetherness. They dressed casually; jeans, flannel shirts and jogging shoes, since they both would dress formally for the performance. Matt had planned to have breakfast treats on the RV for everybody with coffee, tea or cocoa while they were traveling, so they didn't eat at home.

The RV contained five captain's chairs, a table with a bench on either side and a sofa. All seats were equipped with seat belts. The original bed stayed in the rear, still available for a member who wasn't feeling well. Otherwise, it was not to be used for casual lounging. Matt claimed the table for himself, holding his briefcase and appropriate paper work concerning the whole performance. Even though every part had been well planned, Matt felt the need to check and recheck, aided by Hardy.

Hardy's most recent suggestion to Matt was that they should claim the bedroom in the rear for themselves, or maybe rent it out to couples for an hour or so. Matt just looked at Hardy with a gentle smile, and a mild voice, "I don't think so, Wolfie." They grinned at each other, then hugged, kissed fervently. Matt held Hardy against himself by his buttocks, "Break a leg, hon," and they took the van and left for the music building.

Milling around the Music Building and their motor home, each of the Dukes exhibited unusual excitement, getting ready to board the motor home and head for Columbus. They had performed a number of times before, but this was the big time to them. In spite of that, they felt confident with everything except the new routine which made them just a bit anxious.

BJ and LJ sat on the steps of the music building, close together but not touching, and talked quietly, calmly and somewhat detached. Rick and Jamal stood leaning against the building, not talking either, just looking at the other and away, as if questioning then affirming their relationship. Both were thinking of their revelations to each other the previous day.

And there was Roger with no partner who noticed Christine was in the same situation. He approached, "I guess we are on our own, Chris, we'll just have to pair up, okay?"

Thoughts of their experience earlier in her parents basement drifted through her mind, but she threw that off and said, "Yes, Rog, I guess you are stuck, everyone else seems to be taken."

"I would say you are stuck, Chrissy." They held hands and both laugh easily.

Matt hollered, "Okay, everyone, make sure you have everything with you, I hope you remembered we are staying overnight and brought your toothbrushes in those bags." Then he directed, "All Aboard!"

Matt was especially pleased with the number of instructors and students who were on the front lawn to watch the Dukes and Duchess leave for Otterbein College in Westerville. He was also pleased that his work seemed to be coming to fulfillment on the talents, minds and strong bodies of these talented students. He could hardly contain his pride. A few of the teachers came over to Matt to shake his hand and wish them luck. Even Karl Nordstrom and Sunshine came over with the usual 'break-a-leg' quote. Handsome pair, Matt thought.

Dean McAllister showed up to tell everyone to knock 'em dead! When he shook hands with Matt, he said, "Show the snobs down there how good we are at Windsor."

Of course, Dr. Powers, head of the Music Department, did not show. Probably, he was thinking up some more deviltry. Matt shuddered.

Each student grabbed a seat and buckled up while Matt and Hardy did the same at the table. In total there were nine on board including the driver; Jeff (Little) McGruder, Jeff (Big) O'Brien, Rick Balsaam, Chris Griffith, Hardy Wolfe, Roger Adams, Jamal Woods and Director Dr. Matt Ridgway.

Once the RV steadied out on I-475 and I-75 headed for Findlay, he had Roger and Jamal break out the drinks and sweet rolls for the whole group's breakfast. Probably forty-five minutes were taken up by everyone feeding their face and becoming more relaxed.

Getting everyone's attention, Matt informed them, "Our host, David Drumm, professor of bands at Otterbein, has arranged a place in the Cowan Hall where he will have a reception for us after the concert, our friends, relatives and others in the audience. Keep your white ties, tails and slinky gowns on while we welcome our visitors."

"Hey," Chris challenged, "who else is wearing a slinky gown?" She stood up, looking around threateningly, to spot the interloper. When no one spoke or raised a hand, she nodded and said, "Okay, and let's keep it that way."

The whole bus was rocking and rolling with the laughter from the riders then. They settled down finally for the rest of the trip.

At one point Matt and Hardy took over the bedroom for a private talk with Roger Adams.

Matt closed the door and asked softly, "Roger, are you happy with what Hardy did for you?" He interjected, "Now, Rog, don't be embarrassed, Hardy told me everything. Remember, Rog, he and I are equal partners, trust each other and talk everything over."

Roger reddened, "Yes, Matt, I feel very privileged that Hardy helped me." He looked up at Hardy, thankfully. "He showed me how my life would be headed, and I am convinced and proud of what I am. Does that answer your question?"

The two men were sitting on the bed, next to each other, while Hardy stood, and Matt took one of Roger's hands in his two. Matt smiled at Roger, "Yes, that does. Now I hope you don't think I am sticking my nose in your business," he laughed, "but I am." This time Roger and Hardy laughed with Matt, "If you don't mind, I would like to introduce you to a young man I know who lives in Columbus and who will be at the concert tonight. His name is Todd Fowler. Hardy knows him, too."

Roger's eyes widened when he realized who that might be. "Is that Ms. Fowler's son?"

"That's right, Rog, I know I shouldn't try matchmaking, but I know him and believe he would be a good friend to you." He paused, "I'd be pleased if you would meet him and talk with him during the reception. Maybe he could help you and Jamal clean up the stage area, putting away the instruments and stuff. He lives with my brother and takes care of his boys as a full time 'nanny'. However, when you get to see him, you will note that he is a perfectly masculine man, just as you are, Roger Adams." He continued, "Roger, the next bit is not for publication of any sort, but Todd might be coming to Windsor to live, by summer probably."

"What does he ... ah ...uh ... er ...?"

Matt pulled from his pocket a photo of Todd Fowler, "You can keep this, if you wish."

All Roger said was a soft, whispered, "Oh, man." He showed a very big smile.

In a modest frame house in Westerville Blanche and Gerald Ridgway again were reading that day's Columbus Dispatch. Gerald had seen the notice about the Dukes of Windsor group performing at Otterbein College in their city, but he tried to hide it. He didn't want Blanche demanding to go to the concert. But, unfortunately she found that part of the paper and noticed that Dr. Matthew Ridgway was directing a brass quintet from Windsor College. She immediately insisted that they go that night. Gerald as usual acceded to her demand.

The whole Dukes group was deposited at the campus center about noon, just in time to have lunch. They were directed to a private room for their meal, but most of the Dukes would rather have eaten in the main room. However, they'd follow the original plans.

With their Motor Home parked next to the center, their name on the sides caused a bit of a stir among passing students and motorists. Matt sort of wished he'd had them dress up to travel, but soon realized that they fit in this environment as well as anyone.

Before they finished eating, Dr. Drumm greeted them in their private dining room. He was nowhere near as laid back as Dr. Ridgway the party decided, and also nowhere near as cute. He passed out programs to the Dukes so that they could see what they were like. He had produced a fine looking introduction of the Dukes to the Columbus area with a handsome picture of Dr. Ridgway inside the program and a closeup picture of the Dukes on the back.

Matt and Dr. Drumm had decided a while back that there would be no charge for their concert and the Dukes' expenses would be absorbed by both colleges. With Matt's slush fund from Brian, he could reserve motel rooms at his expense for the Dukes. After their lunch, Matt took the Dukes to Cowan Hall to check out the acoustics, the facilities and dressing rooms.

"Hey, Matt, are we going to practice now?" Roger hollered across the room.

Dr. Drumm looked strangely at Matt, probably wondering about the student addressing his teacher by his first name.

"Hey, numb nuts, wha' chu sayin'? Matt was trying to play with Dr. Drumm's head. After a minute, Matt started laughing as did everyone else around them.

It only took a second or two for David Drumm to realize he'd been had. Then he laughed along with the others.

"Everybody," Matt announced, "we are going to the motel and will be back here about 6 P.M. to warm up and so on. I'd suggest that you rest until then but, hell, who ever listens to my suggestions.?"

Christine spoke up, "Now, Dr. Ridgway, you know we follow your every whim ... ha .... ha .. " She couldn't hold the poker face and started laughing, which everyone else joined.

Matt took huff, sniff a few times and yelled, "All aboard." He looked around, but no one had moved. "Well, I'm leaving. Bye." He winked at David Drumm and walked to the RV.

At the Cross Country Inn on State Street near I-270 in Westerville Matt gave the Dukes their room keys. LJ and BJ were together, Rick and Jamal together, Hardy and Matt together and Christine with a separate room and so did Roger. He didn't want to put more than two Dukes in one room, and since Christine needs a room of her own, Roger would have a room of his own.

Matt had talked to Steve about his idea for Roger and Todd, wondering if Steve could work it out for Todd to stay over at the motel with the Dukes, assuming that Todd and Roger click. They had everything worked out if Todd wanted to stay.

That night at 7:00 the Dukes were dressing and Matt was in a position to see the people coming in without anyone seeing him. The numbers flowing through the gate were impressive and Matt was pleased until he realized he was looking at his parents going by, his mother's mean face set in a glowering frown. He thought that didn't bode well for the night. The next ones he saw were Ted Anthony and an older man, maybe 60, but husky, handsome and hard. 'That must be Ted's grandfather. Wow, he is hot. They came all this way.' He stayed until he saw Steve, Gary, Marty, Todd and the boys and Anne come in. He was surprised to see that Brian and Congressman Mike Keith were in the party with Steve and gang. Someone got them all together, I wonder who? Probably Brian, he thought. He was a 'take charge' type man. Then his heart settled down and he walked back to the stage and his Dukes and Duchess wonders.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 14

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