Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 16, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters, and has been finished. One chapter will be posted each week, if all goes well. P.D.

============ Chapter Eighteen ============

Hardy woke up the next morning sleeping next to Matt as usual. He was up against Matt's back and buttocks, finding his hard cock well wedged into Matt's crevice, warm and slightly moist. He had come home the night before and slid into bed beside his lover.

The younger man lightly kissed his lover's neck and shoulders while he casually rubbed his hands over Matt's body, feeling the smooth, young tone of his skin everywhere on his body.

Matt stirred slightly and straightened his legs, but didn't wake. Hardy didn't want to wake him if he really wanted to sleep some more. 'However', he thought, 'it's just 6:30 am and we don't have classes today because of having the Founder's Day off. So, why not celebrate those strange men who built a college on a deserted crossroads in northwest Ohio.'

He decided that Matt had slept enough, it was his turn to give pleasure. After he and Matt had gotten to bed, Matt tried to console Hardy because of his father's death. The younger man had come to realize that he should feel sorry for his father, but, actually not all that much. He hadn't been much of a part of Hardy's life, away on business most of the time and his son hardly knew him.

So, Matt had started sucking Hardy's rampant cock but they ended up in a sixty-nine position, draining the other's balls thoroughly. Then to sleep.

The early spring warmth had caused them to open their windows the previous night and Hardy inhaled the drifting, wafting scents of spring in the air. That didn't have any adverse effects on Hardy's libido, in fact, it begin climbing the heights of his bodily sensations.

He started running his hands all over Matt's chest, squeezing his pecs and his taut abs while enjoying the light fuzz around his alert nipples. 'Ah ha,' Hardy thought, 'he is waking'.

Matt rolled lazily over toward Hardy, the man he loved more than anyone else. Matt had aroused his brother Steve's awareness to his innate sexual needs which included their love. Steve had been married for seven years, about half of the time that he ignored his brother, Matt, from the time they were 13 and 16. Steve knew he loved his brother as a brother but also as an actual lover, but knew if they acted on that they would be ousted from their family. So Steve pretty much neglected his brother for fifteen years.

Matt still loved Steve intensely, but now Hardy had taken the prime place in Matt's heart, his man of men, his dream of all dreams. So, he was in this bed, hugging Hardy, caressing his body from neck to butt, delivering light kisses all over Hardy's face, neck and mouth.

The two young men began to respond to Matt's call, but suddenly became aware of unusual sounds seeming to come from outside their open window. They both froze trying to figure out what the noise could be, a regular whacking and whanging sounds with about thirty seconds in between each hit, almost like a golf ball being struck by a driver.

They looked at each other at close range, raising their eyebrows between their faces so close together. As one, they pushed down the covers and got out of the bed to walk to the window, still naked and very hard.

An unexpected sight greeted them at the back fence, beyond the dairy barn. A person was whacking golf balls as fast as they could from a line laid in the short grass. Neither Matt nor Hardy knew much about golf except what they learned before falling asleep while watching the latest PGA open. The men were mesmerized by the golfer who appeared to be an excellent player, hitting long straight balls out into the pasture.

Suddenly Hardy had an inspiration, "Matt, I just figured out who that is. That's my mother. How about that?"

Matt looked closer and finally agreed. "Hardy, she's good. Has she played tournaments?"

"Sure, at her club. She wins them all. She tried to enter the men's tournaments but they refused. She was sure they were scared that she would beat them." Hardy laughed, "And, I'm not too sure that she wouldn't have."

Unexpectedly she turned around and stared closely at the house. Then she lifted her left arm toward them with her first finger pointed to them, and then the right arm was raised and she rubbing that pointer finger along the other outstretched finger, as if she were scolding them, furiously, 'bad boys'.

She was far enough away that they couldn't see the expression on her face, but her body language was explicit enough. Matt and Hardy looked at each other wondering. A light bulb appeared above their heads when they realized they were naked at the window and each was pumping the other's cock, very visible behind the glass.

The 'boys' started giggling, pulling away from the window and headed for their master bath. No Jacuzzi today, just a friendly shower between the two beautiful hunks. Embarrassed by Anne catching their sex play, they didn't even jerk off, just washed, dried and dressed quickly, trying to look innocent as ever.

Neither could figure out what Anne was doing out there feeding the cattle golf balls so early in the morning, no breakfast or anything. By the time they reached the kitchen she had returned and greeted them with a fierce look, "I'd have thought your could keep those things under control," she flicked her fingers at their crotches, 'if not, I saw a lot of ewes in the fields giving you the eye!" Then she roared with laughter, finishing with peals of giggles as she knew she'd hit them in a bad spot, their sexual pride.

Finally, when she stopped laughing, they had started to snicker at her ribaldry.

"Mom, what were you doing out there hitting golf balls into the pasture in the first place. We were still in bed when we heard the sounds of your driving and just naturally got up to see what was going on. I'm sorry we forgot that we weren't dressed, or even decent." He had seemed serious at first, but unfortunately broke character and even tittered. He blushed as did Matt, "Sorry, Mom, it won't happen again."

"Don't worry, guys, you keep me young when I see the evidence of your love. And I still love you both."

The men moved to Anne's side, wrapped their arms around her and kissed her tenderly. "Anne," Matt started, "we do love you as our Mom and respect you accordingly. But, what were you doing this morning?"

"Sit down, luvs, and I'll serve breakfast." She took up oven mitts, opened the oven door and pulled out an egg and sausage breakfast delight whose aroma drew the men to the table quickly. "Now, dig in and I'll get some fruit out."

Hardy turned to Matt, "Hey, why don't we have a picnic today. The weather is fairly warm, the school is closed and we can invite the Dukes and other friends. What do you say?"

"I think the first question should go to Anne, what do you think, Anne?"

She thought a moment, "Do know if we have a grill?"

Matt pulled out his cell phone, and called Ted Anthony.

"Hey, Ted, how you doing?"

"That's good, I have a question. Do we have a grill here for broiling?"

"Then you are invited to our picnic on Duke Ranch this afternoon. You can also invite whoever you want. How much should I get?"

"Okay, Ted, see you in a couple of hours. Thanks so much. Right"

Disconnecting, Matt turned to the others, "There is a grill behind the house that heats with natural gas. Ted had used it lots and will be glad to help out by cooking whatever we need."

Hardy spoke up, "I'll start calling, I'll tell them to bring what ever they want to drink - non-alcoholic, of course, and games to play. Would that do it?"

"Anne, do you think of anything. I'll head for the grocery later and get what we'll need if you will write me a list, Mom." Matt grinned widely, as if he put one over on her.

"Okay, boys, I can do that."

Matt and Hardy ate hungrily, enjoying the flavors and warmth of the provisions. Anne ate a bit, then went to her suite for a rest after getting up so early. She told her 'boys' that she wondered if they could put a golf course on their land, or maybe at least a driving range. The nearest golf courses to Windsor were in Bryan, and they weren't very good or difficult. That's why she was out practicing.

Hardy finished eating and left to check out the possibilities of using the barn for parking their cars safely and out of the weather. Matt started to wash up when Todd and Roger came in the room. He immediately knew something bad had happened between them. They were both looking desperate, depressed and at odds. Neither looked at the other, they walked in with heads down and eyes looking at the floor.

"Hi guys," he welcomed, "how about some breakfast? Anne made some great eggs and sausage for us. Sit down and I'll serve you."

The two young men sat across the table from the other, their eyes not meeting and their only sound was a slight grunt after Matt's question. He placed a plate of the breakfast in front of each and both picked up their fork. Roger ate one bite, but Todd just put his fork back down and broke out in tears and sobs. Roger gave Todd a look, a look of distaste and total indifference. He went back to his food, eating another bit.

Matt knew these young were not going to be able to settle their problem by themselves, not this early in their relationship. So, who was going to help them? Who else?

"Todd, Roger, would you come to the den with me, please? Now." He paused, "If necessary, I'll make you more breakfast later. Okay?" Neither young man looked at Matt, or each other, but did stand up. 'Well, that's a start,' Matt thought.

Once in the den, Matt asked them to sit on the couch which they did, but as far apart as they could get. He smiled to himself, yet thinking more positively of success in his effort.

"My dear friends, I love you both and have been thrilled knowing you." Matt actually sat on the floor in front of the couch, not wanting to be in a position of authority over them.

When they looked at Matt, their fierce scowls had eased a bit, their reddened, tear traced eyes had seemed to lose some of their fire.

"And I am so happy to have you both in our 'family'. I just hope I can help you as you need it. Todd, will you please tell me what has happened and Roger, do not say anything!"

Roger gave Matt a fierce look, but Todd took a deep breath and began.

"It started after I watched the Dukes practice and we went to Hob Nob for some food. I have met all the Dukes and Duchess, but don't really know them, I don't feel comfortable with them yet." Now Todd is a man, over six foot, and slender, but a good size, not afraid of much.

"We all went inside and took a six person booth. Roger went in one side to the end of the seat and Jamal followed him. Before I could move, Chris took the end seat on that side. I guess I didn't move fast enough." He hesitated to wipe his eyes, still leaking slightly.

"So, I sat at the end of the other side across from Chris and beside BJ and LJ. I felt abandoned and alone. We ordered and I tried to eat but I had to watch Roger and Jamal talking very quietly, their own conversation occasionally laughing with each other. I couldn't eat and didn't want to break into tears with all the Dukes around.

"I got up, paid my bill and went out to sit in my car. After about a half hour, Roger came out to the car."

At the point Roger took in a gasp of air, ready to respond to Todd. Matt gave him his ultimate 'don't go there' glare and he subsided.

Matt spoke softly to Todd, "Is that all, Todd?"


"What were you thinking, Todd, tell both of us please."

Tears started up again, "I felt all terrible. I was sure that Roger was going to leave me and I wanted to just curl up and die."

Matt broke in, "But what did Roger say when he got in your car."

"He asked me what was wrong. I said 'nothing' because I couldn't explain then. After a sleepless night and horrible thoughts, I didn't know what to do. I took my pillows and tried to sleep on the floor. I guess it sounds as if I'm pretty insecure, and I suppose I am."

Then Roger broke in too, "But, Toddy, I did too, I slept on the floor, too."

Matt started, "I'll sort of recap, if you will, Todd, that you felt as if Roger had already left you, right?"

Todd nodded his head.

"And you decided that you were going to be cut off just like when your mother did it. Right?"

Todd again nodded and curled even further into a ball.

Matt reached up with both hands, "Will you please take one of my hands? Both of you."

Soon Matt had Roger's right hand in his right, and Todd's left hand in his left.

He smiled at Roger and then Todd. "My opinion is that both of you have not been thinking clearly nor have you been trying to understand your partner. Roger, you forgot that Todd is not a part of your group and needs attention from you, and Todd, you will need to allow Roger his friendly relationship with the Dukes and not feel left out. Now, what do you say?"

Roger looked at Todd, "Toddy, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault because I never thought about you and I should have been helping you become part of the group. Please forgive me, love. I need you so much and I will try to do better. Okay." He gave Todd the most pleading look Matt had ever see.

"Rog, I'm sorry too, I took what has just a friendly conversation as something unfriendly." He stopped and looked hard at Roger, "It was just a friendly conversation, right?"

Roger smiled broadly at Todd, "Jamal and I were trying to decide what to give Chris when the baby is born. Some of his suggestions were entirely obscene, so we laughed at them. I am so sorry, Toddy, I should have made sure that you sat beside me."

With a sudden leap Todd sprang onto Roger, pinning him to the couch. Their hands were ripped from mine so they could hold each other. They were writhing and squirming on the couch.

Matt was getting worried, and even more worried as he watch Todd open Roger's jeans, pulling down the zipper with one hand. 'He's been practicing,' Matt thought. Then he noticed that both pair of jeans and underwear were down to the young men's knees.

Matt yelled, "Hey, guys," they turned to him, "Guys, this is no place for your reconciliation, Okay?" By that time both cocks were breathing in the fresh air. "And, guys, I don't need to see this. Please, pull up your pants and head for your room. NOW," he yelled.

Like startled deer in the woods Todd and Roger gathered their pants in their hands right in front of their genitals and headed out the door. Matt had a quick peek of two beautiful asses, bouncing and flexing in full view of their family head, which brought a saying to Matt's mind about 'they high-tailed it out of town'. And those were high class 'tails' if he'd ever seen any.

A female yell came from near the stairway, "Hey, what are you guys ...." The message trailed off into the distance. Matt walked quickly to the stairway and found Anne rather startled by the young men and their butts hanging out as they climbed to the security of their room.

Matt couldn't help laughing at Anne, he'd loved to have seen her face when she was actually confronted, or is it conreared, by the two full, round pairs of saucy buttocks attached to a pair of very happy young men.

As he put his arm around Anne's shoulders, he explained what had happened and he didn't want cum stains on the good leather furniture in the den.

Anne gave him a frown, "Dr. Ridgway, have some couth, please, for my tender ears." Then they both laughed together, hugging and kissing.

"Okay, Mom, I'll try, but remember I ain't had no good upbringin'."

About an hour later Matt climbed the stairs to the boys' room and knocked.

He had already called the grocery in town for meat, rolls, chips and relishes which would be ready for him to pick up about noon. Hardy told him that he had called all the Dukes and many of the band plus Dean MacAllister and tried the faculty but only reached Marty Stuart and Kurt Nordstrom who would bring 'Sunshine'. The rest of the faculty had left town, he guessed.

"Guys, could I talk to you a minute?"

A long pause of silence.

Todd's voice, "Okay, Matt, come on in."

He poked his head in the door, "Is everything all right, guys?"

The young men were sitting up in the bed, covered up to their waist, broad smiles painted on their faces. Roger said, "Come over here, Matt, and shut the door, please." Matt also locked the door just in case.

Matt walked near their bed and suddenly felt the hands, arms and legs of two completely naked young men were all over his body. He fell on the bed with them on top, kissing him all over his face, neck and ears.

He groaned, "Not the ears, guys, not the ears. I'm too sensitive there."

He didn't know what to do with his hands, then decided not to worry and grabbed their bodies wherever, hands feeling the smooth young flesh. There was no question, Matt had gotten a huge boner which was not to be hidden. Cupping their buttocks had contributed the most.

When Todd and Roger realized what they had done, they stopped playing.

"Matt," Roger started, "we just wanted to thank you for helping us. We might have even split up though we both would have been devastated. We know what to do now, we hope."

Matt spoke though their lips were on his, "Try very hard to do one thing, men, don't ever go to sleep when you are angry with each other. Talk it out, hard as that may be. Okay?"

They nodded, licking Matt's face all the while. Then they went back to the ears.

Matt knew what was happening but not how to stop them. He felt his pants being undone and then pushed down to his ankles along with his boxers. What could he do? They again lay on top of Matt, their cocks pressing against his hips while he rubbed their buttocks, wondering who hurt.

"Who has the sore butt today?" Matt asked between kissing each young friend.

Todd and Roger grinned at each other, then proudly, "Matty, we were both a bottom and a top. We like it that way. Now will you please not do anything, just let us please you?"

"I give up," Matt surrendered. He rationalized that they wanted to thank him. Ha!

The two healthy, naked bodies slipped slightly lower on Matt until their lips took one nipple apiece, sucking and nipping, tonguing the tip and around the areola, both large since Matt's nipples were the size of a quarter, lying over the edge of his pecs.

'Oh, man,' Matt thought, his crotch filling with erotic sensations from the sucking, 'this must be what a mother of twins would feel. Enough to send me to Cumland.'

"Oh, please, guys, not the tits any more, it's too much."

Both men put their hands on Matt's eight inch cock, solid and full-strength, his head flushed and swollen, dripping precum too. The two young men placed their lips on Matt's cock head, on opposite sides and worked it, tonguing, sucking and getting their lips around it. Todd held it upright and still while Roger got one hand around Matt's scrotum, working the balls inside the scrotum around with his fingers.

Getting to their present position meant that the young men's groins were flopping in and about Matt's head. He brought his arms up to hold their buttocks still so he could grab their cocks and bring them in vicinity of his mouth. He could suck them off too. He swivelled his head back and forth, licking and sucking one cockhead in his mouth then turning to the other one. Todd's cock was about 7 inches he estimated, not thick though but solid and smooth, no veins sticking out as yet. The head was a common helmet type, complete with a deep flange making it easy to hold onto with his lips.

Roger's cock was thicker than Todd's, but not much, and not quite as long. The base was wide and the shaft narrowed as it reached the head which almost followed the contours of the shaft. When erect, the head did open up some, but nothing like Todd's.

While enjoying their mouths on his cock, Matt told Todd to kneel over his head, facing his feet. Grabbing his buttocks, Matt pulled down on them until Todd's cock slid smoothly into Matt's mouth. Nothing pleased Matt more than a young man's rock hard cock down his throat, leaking precum that tasted so youthful and fresh. Matt kept on attacking Todd's cock until he felt the younger man's body begin to shake. He decided not to make him cum yet.

Matt was feeling tight stirring in his crotch, a warning, a preliminary to his explosion. In spite of that, he released Todd's cock, grabbed his butt and pulled it to his face, slathering the crevice between the cheeks with his tongue. He pointed his tongue right at the wrinkled hole, sliding it around and into it, thrilled with the flavor of soap and some of Todd's maleness. Obviously, the guys had showered well after their anal intercourse.

"Oh, god, Oh," Matt groaned and tensed so tightly, his joints cracked as his muscles cramped but his cock erupted with streams of thick white semen, spread all over Roger 's and Todd's faces. They licked the cum from each other's face, loving the flavor of their 'hero' as Matt had become.

The two young men turned around and knelt beside Matt's hips, leaned over him to kiss his face while they jerked off, their fists moving with lightening speed along their cock shafts. Very quickly they both realized their goal, they came furiously on Matt's body, pooling their cum on his chest and some on his face too. The three hugged and kissed, relaxing from their exertions and passionate outpourings of love and sperm.

Rapid knocks came from their bedroom door, outside, made by little fists.

"Toddy and Roger, Nana says for you to get up and take us out into the pasture."

No one spoke. What were they going to do?

"Okay, boys," Todd spoke up, sounding sleepy, "we just woke up and will come down in a few minutes. Okay? Can you help Nana for a little while?"

Grudgingly, they said "Okay", and left, the men hoped.

Swift showers for the three men, hugs and kisses and into clothes.

Matt drove into Windsor to pick up the groceries. He would also have liked some beer for the picnic, but if the others couldn't have anything alcoholic, he couldn't either. Oh, well. I said it so I have to live by it. He had left Steven and Gary helping Anne getting ready for the picnic. They found some picnic tables when told by Ted that they were in the barn. They were light aluminum, not the very heavy wooden ones, and easy to carry.

The tables were situated between the house and the barn, out of the wind which, though not frigid, wasn't very warm. They hoped everyone would come well dressed.

"Hey, Gary, couldn't we use the basement rooms too, you know, especially if it gets much colder."

"Yeah, I guess, Steve, but it would be better outside. Let's aim for that."

They walked over to Ted, resurrecting the old grill, still in good shape. Whoever had put it away the last time, did a good job of cleaning the grease off. This grill was large, easily able to cook a three dozen hamburgs plus a few packages of hot dogs at the same time.

"Ted, are there any tools you will need to cook with?"

Ted opened the door of the cabinet below the grill to reveal a drawer full of spatulas, large forks and spoons plus tons of paper plates and cups.

"When I put this away, I guess last fall, I made sure everything was in place. This thing will warm up quickly. Besides the grill, it has a griddle for cooking pancakes, bacon and even steak if you want."

"That's great, Ted, we really appreciate your work and thanks for cooking." Gary looked at Steve, turned back, "Neither of us would be much good at it." Steve punched Gary playfully on the arm. Ted looked on with considerable envy.

"Anne, that's Hardy's mother, is busy making potato salad and baked beans. This will be a great picnic."

Steve yelled, "Look out there, Todd and Roger are being chased by the wild animals," he laughed, "and they are running scared, I think."

The three watched Todd and Roger running from Jacob and Joshua, 'accidentally' falling down so the boys could 'capture' them and tie them up. Steve didn't know who taught the boys to tie knots, but they did a good job. After the boys came back to the house and hid behind Steve and Gary, Roger and Todd got up with difficulty and hobbled back with their legs and arms tied.

"Come on, guys, help us. Those animals," Todd nodded to the little boys, "tied us up and we can't get loose."

"Okay, we'll do it, but you are going to have to live with the shame," Steve laughed at the young men. "I'd suggest not quite such a violent game."

By three o'clock that afternoon probably 50 people had joined the growing party. All the Dukes were there, plus quite a few of Matt's regular band, a few faculty and friends of those men and women. This was no all gay party, quite the contrary. Anne was the reigning queen with her court making up to her. The beautiful princess was Christine Griffith, famous for her role in the Dukes playing and dancing group.

Most of the band members brought their girl friends as did faculty members. Hamish MacAllister brought his wife, a beautiful slim woman who enchanted everyone she met.

Not quite the same could be said of Kurt Nordstrom's golden boy friend, Sunshine, who was so good looking that he was a special focus of interest at the party. Kurt introduced him as his younger brother, but practically no one believed him, though no one challenged Kurt.

Ted Anthony cooked hamburger after hamburger and wieners for those so desirous. He flipped burgers fast as any professional grill chef, keeping up a running commentary while he cooked and drank Pepsi after Pepsi. The older men tried to relieve Ted but he wouldn't stand for it. This was his job and he would do it.

After most everyone had eaten, games were brought out, including badminton, horseshoes, volleyball, pitch and catch and touch football. Some teams were soon formed and the games were on.

The Dukes decided to concentrate on volleyball, dividing into two teams; Whites and Purples for school colors. BJ, LJ, Rick and Jamal were on White while Hardy, Roger, Todd as a guest, and Chris were Purple.

The game was fast and furious, but the teams were equal in talent. Jamal on White was not the best. He always had said that he was a relative of Tiger Woods, but couldn't play golf. On the Purple team it was Todd who lacked the skills. Roger promised himself to take his lover in hand to build up his athletic ability. But he smiled lovingly at his Toddy who tried his best.

The Whites took the first game and were leading in the second. Little Jeff hit the ball well with his fist, over the net and between Chris and Hardy who both raced for it. Unfortunately they arrived at the same time and ran together with a hard thump. Hardy ended up hitting the ball back over the net, but Chris fell to the ground and didn't get up.

Roger was kneeling beside her, his ear at her mouth. "I'm hurting, Rog, inside and down low. I think I should go to the emergency. Would you take me, please."

"Sure, love, but wouldn't calling 9-1-1 be quicker."

She shook her head, 'no', "Please, Roger, quickly, you know why."

Roger sent Hardy to bring Matt's van right where Chris was laying.

Within a couple minutes Hardy had the van at the volley court with the doors open. Roger lifted Chris and laid her across the second seat and crawled inside, while Todd got in on the other side.

"Ok, Hardy, let's go."

From that point the van was at the emergency entrance to the Windsor Hospital in 10 minutes and Chris in a cubicle in another minute. Hardy took care of the business at the desk. Roger and Todd were sick that they wouldn't be allowed to be with Chris.

A nurse soon came into the waiting room, asking for someone named Roger.

"That's me," Roger said, "can I see her?"

"Follow me," the nurse said flatly, no compassion at all.

Roger found Chris laying on her side on the gurney, looking very pale and weak.

She started to talk to Roger, but began to cry instead. He took hold of her hand, kissed her forehead, "Chris, dear, if it is bad news, we'll deal with ... together." He kissed her again.

"Oh, Roger, they think I may have lost the baby, but they won't know for some hours. I'll be alright here, dear, you go home with Hardy and Toddy and I'll call you when I know."

"No, Chris, we're going to stay here with you. Don't be silly, we won't leave you."

Chris had been given a sedative and was becoming very sleepy. "Now listen to me, Rog, I want you to obey me, I ... don't ... want ... you .......", she closed her eyes and slept.

With another kiss on her forehead Roger reluctantly released her hand and returned to the waiting room. Hardy and Todd immediately gathered with him in a huddle.

"Well, Rog, what's going on?" Todd asked.

Roger took a deep breath, then said, "Chris says the doctor thinks she may have lost the baby, but they won't know for at least 24 hours. She doesn't want us to wait around, but I really hate to leave right now. She's asleep and probably will be until morning."

Hardy considered, "Roger, she is probably right. I know you want to stay, but you won't be able to talk to her or help her. We'll go back to the house and come back here early in the morning. Okay?"

"I guess," Roger agreed unwillingly, "we'll have to tell everyone what has happened. I don't think we should talk about a baby. Chris didn't want that, so what should we say?"

Hardy said they needed help. He pulled out his cell phone.

"Hi, would you put Matt on the phone? Thanks."

"Matt, here."

"Matt, it's Hardy. We got Chris to emergency in good time. The doctor's think she may have lost the baby, but won't know for 24 hours. We're coming back, but don't know what to say about Chris when we get there. What do you think?"

"I hate to lie to them, but she didn't want it known, so you will just have to say she twisted her knee and it's not bad, but they will have to keep her overnight."

"Okay, Matt, we can do that."

"Right, and tell Roger and Todd not to look gloomy or down hearted. Those two guys would be instant giveaways."

"Gotcha, Matt. See you in a few."

The picnic continued almost until dark, fairly early in the late winter. Matt and Steve were pleased that everyone had a good time, as they were told by all those leaving. The field next to the house made a great parking lot. Since they expected to have many social times like that day, the space will come in handy so they probably won't landscape it like the rest.

When questions were asked about Chris, the inquirers were given the stretched ligaments answer and she would be fine in a few days. Best of all, before they left, the young people helped to clean up the area, putting tables and chairs away. They also without exception, thanked one of their hosts; Matt, Steve, Hardy, Gary or Anne, very appreciative of the offer to sponsor the picnic.

After all the guests had left, the house was quiet, almost somber. They were all afraid of what might happen to Chris and were having a hard time waiting, especially Roger. He and Todd went to bed early, laying wrapped together for the first couple of hours, not being able to sleep. Finally, Todd went to the kitchen, made them some cocoa which he took back to their bedroom. The warmth and milk seemed to help since they cuddled and kissed, then dropped off to sleep.

Everyone retired for the night. Matt and Hardy also lay awake for quite a while but never thought of enjoying each other's body, sex and passion had no place in their thoughts. At four o'clock in the morning Matt finally awoke to answer their phone which probably had been ringing for a while.


"Is this Dr. Ridgway?"


"This is Dr Allen at Windsor Hospital. Miss Chris Griffiths asked me to call. She would like you to be with her in the hospital now. I'm afraid she did lose the baby, sad to say. And she feels too close to her boyfriend who was here earlier. Could you come, now?"

"Of course, Dr., I'll be there within .. oh ... 15-20 minutes."

"That would be fine. Dr. Ridgway, I know who you are, but in the hospital I will call you Doctor in front of the staff. The less they know the better, and it's not a lie." He grinned.

"Excellent. I and a few others knew about her pregnancy, but she didn't want it broadcast over the city. She is over 21 and I don't think anyone need try to call her parents. Her insurance is her own through the College."

"I understand, Doctor, we'll try to keep it quiet."

At four in the morning the parking lot was empty so Matt was inside within seconds of arriving at the Hospital.

He was greeted at the emergency door by a tall, young man wearing a tag that said, "Dr. John Allen."

Assuming the man entering the hospital was Dr. Ridgway, he immediately pinned a name tag on Matt, reading "Dr. Matthew Ridgway". They shook hands and John Allen led Matt to his office.

"Matt, we've met before," Matt nodded, recognizing him from an open house at Windsor Castle honoring someone or other. "Chris is very depressed with losing her child. She told me she didn't know who the father was. Is that right?"

Matt smiled, "That is true. She and her doctor applied to a sperm bank and the pregnancy was the result. Therefore, she never knew who it was."

"That young man who was with her earlier seemed so close to her I assumed he was the father."

Again Matt smiled, "That was Roger Adams. He had been admired greatly by Chris, but had to decline. That young man is gay, though he still loves Chris. He's smart enough to realize that their union would not be a good thing. And he has his own partner now."

"I see. I guess you will have to do since there are no parents. We didn't try to find them because Chris said they weren't in the country."

"That's probably correct, John, and that's why I'm a doctor, since I'm not a relative, right?"

"Yup. Let's go see Chris. Do your best, Matt, she needs someone badly."

"Is she in her own room now?"

"She's on the second floor. After the D&C procedure, she was moved to her own room."

Matt looked strangely at John, "D&C? What's that/"

John smiled, "We call it the Dusting and Cleaning that comes for a procedure Chris went through after the miscarriage."

"Whatever you say, Doc."

Matt eased himself through the door to where Chris was laying. He sat on the stool beside her bed, reached out and brushed her hair from her forehead. Her eyes opened wide suddenly, saw Matt and she sat up. She reached out for him desperately, so Matt sat on her bed beside her.

He held the fragile young woman, her body shaking with deep sobs, her face pressed against his as he held her tightly. His hands rubbed her bare back, bare because of the hospital gown she was wearing, or half wearing.

"Oh, Chris, I'm so sorry that you lost your baby. We all had great hopes for you and your new life, you are our dream duchess, remember that."

Chris only moaned, crying and keening softly. "Matt, thank you for coming. Roger is wonderful but not what I need now. I know you are only 8 years older than me, but you are the father I can only wish I had."

Matt kept rubbing her back, trying to relax those tense muscles.

"You're going to be okay, aren't you?"

Chris pulled away a bit to look him in the eyes, "Yes, Dr. Allen says so. He's so wonderful, Matt, I'm going to hate to leave here."

"I've been thinking, would you like to stay at the farm house for a few days. We have a spare bedroom and a full tine nurse. Anne Wolfe would be delighted to help you." He looked at her again, "How about it?"

She pulled herself against Matt again, "Oh, Matt, that would be wonderful, thank you. So much better than going home just to be alone." She hesitated, "I think I better lay down again, I think I can sleep now."

"Okay, Chris, dear, take it easy and we'll talk some more, later today."

Chris lay her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. She had a hold on Matt's thumb, and wasn't about to let go. Chris was talking very softly, so Matt put his ear close to her mouth.

"I was going to name him Matthew."

Matt stood, leaned over her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Chris just moaned a bit and was asleep. He was able to pull his thumb from her grip.

Matt walked into the hall and met Dr. Allen.

"Was the baby a boy, John?"

John Allen shook his name, "I don't know, too early. I asked her what she thought it was and that's why I said a boy."

"She's sleeping now, John, I hope I did some good. She's going to come and stay with me and my family. We have the old Anthony farmhouse, down on Rt. 15."

"I know where that is. Great place. That's will be good for her. Thanks for coming in."

"When would she be able to leave?"

"I would say this afternoon, maybe around three. But check with the nurse." He smiled.

"I'm sure a couple of her friends will want to see her later. Can they?"

"Yes, Matt, I'll leave instructions that she can have visitors."

Matt nodded and handed back his badge. "Bye"

"Bye." They both had smiled conspiratorially and shook hands.

By five o'clock Matt was stripping naked to slide in the bed with Hardy. He hated to wake his lover, but he was freezing and the quickest way to warm would be to cuddle up against his hot blooded young stud. He smiled to himself, 'You know you're going to wake Hardy, so go it.'

Matt slid his body onto Hardy's side of the bed and plastered his own body against the other, holding him with his arms.

"Oh, god, what is it. Oh, it's you Matt, where have you been, in the freezer? You are ice cold, man, you are taking all my body heat, love."

"I'll try to replace some of that, Hardy, luv, a bit later, but hold me now, please?"

Hardy let Matt nestle against him, "So, where HAVE you been?"

"I got a call from Chris's doctor, John Allen whom I've met before. He said that Chris had lost the baby ....."

Hardy broke in, "Oh, Matt, poor Chris, she'll be desolate. We ought to go to her."

"Lover, that's where I've been. I was at the hospital a little after four and just got home. I consoled her and hugged her. I think she'll be alright, but I invited her to stay with us for a few days. I know we have to be at school tomorrow, but Anne will be here and maybe if Chris helped with the boys, it might help."

"Yes, I think you are right. " He groaned, "Oh, you poor man, so cold and up so early. I'll take of you, I'll really warm you up."

Hardy dove under the covers until his head rested on Matt's stomach, his face aimed toward Matt's frigid cock, small and practically cowering between his legs. By moving further down, Hardy could wrap Matt's prick gently in his mouth, providing warmth. While he sucked on it like on a mother's tit, Matt's cock wasn't getting any larger. He wondered what was going on but then heard Matt's characteristic low snore. He went to sleep while Hardy was sucking him. 'Oh, well,' Hardy thought, 'maybe later this morning.'

"Here they are, Joshy, they are still asleep." Matt and Hardy heard Jacob's small voice as if it were inside their ears. Joshua ran into their bedroom, jumping up on the bed as Jacob had done. "Let's get under the covers and wake them up."

Both small boys burrowed between the two young men who were gradually waking up and very concerned because they were naked and both had boners. "Oh, what the hell, Hardy, they've seen their father and Gary in this state, so why not us."

The two men each grabbed a young squiggly boy in their arms, squeezing and tickling until they were screaming with laughter. They soon relented and let the boys grab hold of them and hug and kiss everybody. Matt and Hardy were laying on their backs, each with a young boy body laying on top of their chests. And occasional kick with a leg or foot smacked into one or the other of the erections, standing tall, ready and eager.

Soon Matt and Hardy gave in to the knowledge that they weren't going to get any play time that morning. Then Hardy had a thought. He whispered to Matt, "Matt, let's carry them into our shower and we'll take our shower with them. Huh?"

"Sounds good to me, Woofie, let's do it."

The little boys screamed with excitement as they were carried to the master shower where Matt and Hardy stripped them of their pyjamas, set the temperature and entered the huge shower area. The little boys were soon slick and wet, chasing each other in the forest of the mens' legs.

Hardy and Matt sat on the tile floor, each grabbing a kid and holding them against their naked bodies. The erections which they had woken up with had returned in full force and were quickly noticed by Joshua and Jacob.

Jacob yelled, "Uncle Matt, you look just like Daddy here," as he pulled on Matt's cock.

"Jacob, remember that your Daddy is my brother, just like you and Joshua, so we are going to be alike. Yes, I'm just like your Daddy."

Joshua was sitting in Hardy's lap, comparing his own cocklet with Hardy's big one. "You are awful big, Hardy, but I like you." He stood up and kissed Hardy smack on the lips, wrapping his arms around Hardy's neck.

"Come on, guys, we're supposed to be getting washed and clean." Matt got two bars of soap, gave one to Hardy and they began to apply suds to each naked little body. Neither of the men were pedophiles at all, but the feeling of the boys' bare skin increased their eroticism. Never would they have sex with a child, but they were being excited nevertheless.

Matt knew that sometimes little boys would get hard ons, but neither Jacob or Joshua were in that condition. They stood in front of their washing man as he rubbed their body with soap and hands, fronts and a quick whiz over their genitals, then their backs and those beautiful little buttocks each boy carried. Neither man could help spending a little time feeling those pert, juicy little butts, then a little inside to clean their assholes.

As soon as the boys were done, Matt announced that he and Hardy needed to wash. One bar of soap was used by the men while Jacob and Joshua walked around the men washing their legs, and, with a stretch, the men's buttocks and balls and cocks. They even managed to squirrel their fingers inside the rears to wash.

Naturally with the boy's endeavors at washing the big guys, they had reclaimed their hard cocks, swinging back and forth as they moved. All of a sudden Matt knew they had to quit the whole party. Hardy nodded in agreement, knowing he was heading toward a climax quickly. Sex with the boys was not in order.

Both boys were thoroughly rinsed, held under the spray and 'flown' like little planes in the wash. When Matt and Hardy were rinsed, too, they opened the doors and all scampered out to find towels. A fine time was had by all. Except Matt and Hardy missed their 'time' together.

When Matt was ready for school, he knocked lightly on Anne's suite door. Anne answered and he said he needed to talk to her before he left.

The door opened and Anne was fully dressed, ready for her day.

"Morning, Anne, we have a problem. Chris lost her baby last night, I was out at the hospital about four a.m. to see her. She mainly needs people support so I invited her to spend a few days with us here at the Duke Ranch. Do you think that was OK?"

"Of course, Matt, when will she be here? Ah, wait, she probably shouldn't climb stairs for a while. She can have my room."

"Super, doesn't that couch in your living area open up into a double bed?"

"Matt, I don't know what I'm going to do with you." He patted his face, smiling, "Chris will have my bed, and I will take the couch. Then I can be close if she needs me in the night."

With band rehearsal over Matt just had the Dukes rehearsal around five. He had time to see if Chris was ready to go to his house. He told Hardy what he was going to do. When Hardy offered to go along, Matt said that he needed him to stay at the music department in case Matt didn't get back in time for the Dukes rehearsal. Hardy agreed.

Matt walked into Chris's hospital room to find her all dressed and ready to go.

She smiled broadly, "Dr. M., we need the nurse to take me down to the entrance and then I can go. When she comes, maybe you could go bring your van by the front entrance."

"That's what I can do, Chris," he kissed her on the forehead, "I'll be right back in a flash with the Nash." He snickered, "Just a little automotive humor."

"Yes, very little," Chris countered, "I do know what a Nash was, my grandfather had one. He told me why they were so popular."

As the nurse arrived, she looked at Matt, "Dr. Ridgway, what are you ....? Oh, I know. The Dukes and this is the Duchess."

"Right on, Mary," giving her a big wink and smile. He had looked at her badge.

Matt opened the van door for Chris, holding her arm as she carefully and gently sat on the cushioned seat. When they started out, Chris asked if she could stop by the house to get some clothes and 'stuff'.

"Sure, but do you have to climb stairs?"

"Yes, dear Dr M., but it is Ok, I didn't actually deliver so I'm not under restrictions."

"Well, don't tell Anne about that and you will get the better bed."

"What?" Chris looked at Matt weirdly.

"Never mind, you'll understand later."

By four o'clock that afternoon Matt delivered Chris to The Duke Ranch. He had talked to Anne before he had gone to the hospital, explaining what he was doing and could she be ready by four. At her positive answer he went ahead to pick up Chris.

Matt carried Chris's bag into the house where they ran into Anne Wolfe waiting for them.

"Now Chris, let's get you comfortable and the man over there," pointing at Matt, "can just go to his Dukes rehearsal."

"By the way Chris we aren't replacing you at all, they will just work around you. We'll just work over some of the old stuff, nothing new until we see where we will be playing in the future. Bye, dear. " He kissed Chris on the forehead, "Gee," he whispered, "I'm getting to enjoy this very much."

Chris peeked at Matt from under her lashes, "You mean .... maybe?"

"No, no, Chris, no orientation switch, just an appreciable difference in texture and softness." He said 'Bye,' and left.

Anne led Chris into her suite and into the bedroom.

"This is where you can put your things," as Anne showed her a bureau with two drawers completely cleared out. "Put your toiletries in the bathroom there, and since I want you in bed for a while, find something appropriate to wear."

Chris was immediately fond of this older woman, Hardy's mother. "Anne, I appreciate your help a lot, but I don't want to put you out of your bed." She indicated the queen sized bed, "This is yours, isn't it?"

"No, dear, it's yours now, I have a bed in the other room which will be fine." She quickly turned toward Chris, "And I want not backtalk!" She smiled to east the temper of her words.

Anne headed for the door to the living area, "Give me a call, Chris, when you are already in bed, I'll come in and we'll talk a bit."

When called, Anne walked toward her bed, marveling at the beautiful girl in the bed who was so pale and tired looking. She sat on the bed beside Chris and took one hand in hers.

"Chris, you have had a terrific blow to your system and your emotions. You need rest, and I'm going to see that you get it. Okay?"

"Thanks you so much, Mrs. ....."

Anne broke in, "I'm Anne to you, Chris, please. I'm Mom to Hardy and Matt, Steve and Gary, but Nana to Jacob, Joshua, Todd and Roger. I have lots of names and I love them all."

She walked toward the door, "Chris, I'll be in the next room, reading or knitting, and I want you to call me if you need me. Anytime. Okay?"

"Thanks, Anne, I believe I will sleep now."

Chris shut her eyes and let her mind drift. Before going completely out, she said to herself, 'Bless you, little Matt, wherever you are.' A tear fell from one eye and she slept.

Dean MacAllister worked at his desk, mostly with paper work which he hated, but which his job required of him. He would love being a teacher again, watching students grow and learn, but that would mean a lower salary for him. And he knew Mrs. MacAllister wouldn't stand for that. He loved his wife but sometimes had a difficult time being patient with her.

Suddenly, the door to the outer office swung open with a swish of air. In the doorway stood Dr. Powers, Head of the Music Department.

The Dean wondered where in hell was his secretary, she take a leave of absence?

Powers spoke stertorously directly at the Dean.

"Hamish, I wondering what has happened to the invitations for the Dukes to perform. I can't find them anywhere."

Hamish stared brusquely at Powers, "Dr. Powers, those invitations were not yours to act on. They were mine and Dr. Ridgway's. You took off, played politics in Columbus and told the committee that the Dukes would play for the SMEC. We found the notice in the Columbus paper that they would play, even before Dr. Ridgway got the invitation. You had no right to do that, sir. That's was Dr. Ridgway's prerogative to schedule wherever and whenever he felt the Dukes were ready. Fortunately, the group played spectacularly in that case.

"You are forthwith notified by me, and I will put it in writing, that you have absolutely no rights concerning The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, ever. You did everything you could to stop their formation and their performances. It was galling that Dr. Ridgway was forced to have them play for the trustees just for approval of their organization.

"You are walking a fine line here, Dr. Powers, I was ready to suspend you without pay for the rest of this school year for leaving without authorization and for giving your secretary two weeks vacation with pay." He glared at Dr. Powers, "Is that clear to you?"

At least Dr. Powers gave a semblance of rueful regret as he nodded his head.

"And if you ever come in my office again without permission, you will be fired."

Hamish MacAllister put his head down to finish his desk work.

He spoke, "You are dismissed."

One of the Dean's office runners reached the music auditorium just as the Dukes practice was finished. He told Matt that the Dean would like to speak to him at his convenience. Matt couldn't help staring at the young man's prominent buttocks as they bounced out of the room. As he looked back, he caught Hardy looking at him and smiling.

Abashed and blushing, Matt looked at his lover, shrugged and smiled in all innocence, he hoped. He told Hardy where he was going and to wait for him, although he could ride back with Todd and Roger if he wanted.

"I'll wait, lover." He spoke very quietly and wanted to hug the man, but couldn't, too many students around.

"Hi, Matt, I just wanted to tell you that I have chewed Dr. Powers out royally and if he gives you any more trouble, you will take over his job immediately because I'll fire his ass!"

Matt had never seen Hamish so upset, so he said, "Come on, Hamish, don't let that old buzzard get your shorts in a twist, easy does it." Matt grinned cheekily at the Dean.

Hamish couldn't help smiling back.

"Ok, Matt," he handed Matt a manila folder quite filled with requests for a performance by the Dukes. "Here, there are 46 invitations for the Dukes."

"Wow, look at all these invitations," Matt declared, "no way can we do this many. I guess we'll have to pick and choose. We shouldn't do more than maybe four before the year end. Okay?"

"Matt, I just had a fight with Powers about that. You are on your own. Pick what you want to do, or don't do any." He changed the subject, "How does the group look for next year?"

"All the seniors in the Dukes will be in graduate school here and can play. The only change will be Roger Adams for Hardy Wolfe. It is my choice that Hardy be the new director of the Dukes. Yes, I will supervise him closely, but I know he can do it. And if I'm Head of the Department that will free my time for other things."

"Matt, that sounds great. I'm glad we'll have Hardy back. He's a great guy, don't you think?" Hamish squirreled his face into a mock questioning look, knowing full well that Matt and Hardy were a couple.

"I'll get you for that, Hamish, just you wait." He thought, "Hey, did you have a good time at the picnic yesterday?"

"I sure did, thanks, your place is perfect for that. I hope there will be many more."

Matt headed for the door, "Sure will be. We love them too." He waved, "Bye"

Hardy and Matt headed back to the ranch in Matt's van.

Hardy snickered, "Hey, Matty, since I have all your money, I could go buy a car - maybe a Porsche, or like that?"

Matt knew Hardy was kidding, he sure hoped he was, "Or maybe a Ferrari? Huh?" He thought, "Or maybe, Hardy, even better, a new John Deere tractor. We didn't get any farm equipment in our purchase. Someone has to mow the grass, remember."

"Hey, Matt, there's Ted. Maybe he needs a ride." The young man was walking.

Pulling over by the sidewalk, Matt stopped the van while Hardy rolled down his window.

"Ted," he waved at the young man, "do you need a ride?"

Ted smiled at the two men, "I sure do. I came with Jake this morning, but he had to stay for a makeup exam. This is great."

Ted pushed back the sliding door and slipped into the second row. "Matty, that was a great party we had, wasn't it?"

"Yes," Matt answered, "and we have you to thank for the great hamburgs and stuff. You must have done that quite a few times."

"Yeah, I did all our family gatherings over the past ten years anyway. My grandfather got me started way back when I was still in grade school."

The van passed The Duke Ranch. Matt was heading for Ted's home now.

"How is your grandfather, Ted?" Hardy asked. "We haven't seen him for a while."

"Just pull into our driveway for a few minutes, Matt. Okay?" The van stopped.

Both Matt and Hardy turned to look at Ted. They immediately noticed that Ted was down, not happy. He actually looked as if he were almost in tears.

"Matt and Hardy, I know you like my grandfather as he likes you. But he is sick and won't see a doctor. I'm so afraid he has cancer of some sort, I know he's in a lot of pain and he just takes aspirin. But what can I do?"

"I can't imagine what we can do, but maybe if we talked to him if might help. What do you think?"

Ted actually smiled, "That would be great, guys, but he's out of town today and tomorrow, so how about the day after that?"

"Yes," he thought, "How about you and your grandfather come to the farm for supper Thursday night. We eat about six, if that would be okay? I know it's a lot of people, but we love a crowd." Matt shook his head, "No, that's a perfect night. Some of our family are going back to Columbus for a while, trying to make the leap from the big city to living up here in the sticks."

Ted pulled the big door, "That's great, guys, thanks so much. I'll tell Gramp when I talk to him on the phone tonight. And thanks for the ride. See you."


Hardy smiled at the taut retreating buttocks of Ted, a small but a well put together body. "I really like him, Matt, even if he did steal our Motor Home."

"Me, too, Hardy, and we have to try to help his grandfather. Maybe he will talk to us if he won't to his grandson."

The two men just got in their new house when a bellow came from the second floor for them to get to Gary and Steve's room.

"Hardy, would you go up and soothe the savage beast? I want to see how Chris is doing so far." Hardy agreed and Matt headed for Anne's suite where he knocked quietly on her door.

"Come in."

Matt walked into Anne's suite to find Chris, Joshua and Jacob lying on the floor with Chutes and Ladders between them. From the noise Matt assumed they were having a great time. Even Joshua was playing though he suspected that Chris was helping him. 'They' were keeping up with Jacob very well.

The boys saw 'Uncle' Matt, jumped up and ran into his arms where he hugged and kissed them with patience and love.

"Hey, Uncle Matt, Chrissie's helping us play games. She's neat." That ultimate mark of honor from Jacob.

Joshua put his palms against Matt's cheeks, forcing his face toward his own, "Uncle Matt, Cwissie knows lots of games to play. Can we keep her?"

Matt laughed, looked at Chris who was beaming,"Well, we'll have to ask her. But, kids, she has a house of her own. She's just spending time with us to get to know the 'family'."

Joshua pouted just a little, "I sure hope she can stay a while, anyway." He ran over to Chris who was sitting on the floor and jumped into her arms.

Matt was worried that Chris would think of her lost boy and become mournful. However, she hugged Joshua to her, kissing him all over his little face, certainly enjoying this little boy. "Josh, whenever I have some spare time I'll be here to see you, and to Jacob, too." At that statement Jacob pushed for room in her lap. They embraced her and threw a lot of kisses back to her.

Matt was so pleased that his idea worked and Chris had taken to the boys whole- heartedly. He was also sure that Anne deserved a lot of the credit. She was sitting in her arm chair, watching the goings on with a big smile toward the kids and Chris.

"Boys, your Dad was calling to me when I came home so I better go up and see what he wants. I'll talk to you later. Enjoy Chris while she's here and treat her real good. Okay?"

"Okay, Uncle Matt, see you later."

Matt leaned over Chris to plant a kiss on her forehead and a light pat on her back.

She smiled and nodded to him that everything was all right.

Entering Steve's bedroom, Matt found Hardy and Gary sitting around the computer table in one corner while Steve paced the carpeted floor.

"Matt, we got more problems. Tell him, Gary."

"Okay, I've found out quite a bit today. First, your court date has been set back a month. Your mother fired her lawyer because he was dragging his feet, very sure that he wasn't going to get any money out of the case. He didn't think she'd win.

"I talked to him since I do know him, and he thinks she is nuts, out of her gourd. Now, here's the biggie. He said she's been showing him your and Steve's financial records, the actual bank statements concerning your checking and all savings accounts including CDs, Treasury notes, and all. Now, the question is ... where did she get them?"

Matt looked at Steve who looked back. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Wouldn't all your stuff be in your Bexley house, Steve?"

"Yes, Matt, I didn't bring any papers like that up here. Where are yours?"

"Except for the very latest ones, they are at your house. I'm been keeping them there so Gary would have access to them. But they weren't in your safe." Matt was worried now.

He asked, "How could she get in your house? Hire a second-story man?"

Steve spun around. "I know one thing. We have to get down there fast to see what is going on. If someone has broken in, we need to get the police on it, and maybe hire a security company. If she got into my studio, I'll kill her! I don't give a damn if she is my mother." He hesitated, "I talked to Anne and she said she'd stay here with the boys and take care of Chris. You and Hardy have to stay, but Gary and I will head there tonight. We were just waiting for you two to get home so we could relate all this and head south. Okay?"

"Sure, Steve, I hope you can figure out what is going on. Everything I own is in Hardy's name so I try to keep very close to him." He laughed and hugged Hardy who returned the gesture. "Good luck."

The old man sat in his favorite leather chair opposite the den fireplace. He took a sip from the glass of scotch whisky in his hand. That hand shook rhythmically in tiny spasms, a movement of which he took notice with regret.

"Before that damn man came here, I didn't have any palsy, migraines or hypertension. Now I'm a wreck. I can't sleep and have to limit my diet so my stomach won't rebel."

He rose from his chair, faced the roaring fire on the grate and mused on his predicament. As yet, no ideas had emerged from his thinking, but he was positive he would be able to fix that man good.

"See you later, Dr. Matthew Bunker Ridgway."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor

Next: Chapter 19

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