Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 16, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

================ Chapter Twenty-eight ================

Monday morning showed bright sun and warming temperatures, but the big house was cool from the air conditioning. A somber pall had fallen over the house and awaited the wakening residents, though most tried to make the best of the difficult situation. Anne, Roger and Todd rushed to the kitchen and began fixing a super breakfast smorgasbord along the counter. That included scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, Texas toast, pancakes and a fruit bowl plus juice and an urn of coffee..

Both Matt and Steve tried to keep up everyone's spirits, seeing hope in the range of the investigating systems in place. They were confident of their regular search systems, checking with area farmers and residents to see if they had seen two small boys with a couple of men on horseback.

He told the gang that the helicopter would be searching even more territory that day.

"That right, Jedd and Brian?"

"Sure," Brian agreed, "I'm asking Ted to go with Jedd this time, though."

Ted smiled brightly, proud to be asked to help.

Brian continued, "I have an appointment I must make in Columbus by noon. Another chopper will get here within a few minutes to take me there.. Ted will continue with Jedd Parker on our regular chopper to wherever you want them to go." He looked at Jedd, who had spent the night on the couch in Brian and Ted's room. Ted had been really impressed with Jedd when he got on the couch to sleep, clad only in his boxer briefs. They sure revealed a lot about young Mr. Parker to Ted.

Steve announced, "Matt and I will be checking with the local police and the state troopers. The feds have been searching their records for similar M.O.s, and possible kidnapers in the area.

"Anne and Todd are working the phones and keeping records. Mitch and Craig have the Ridgway Boys web site on line with pictures and information, plus where to write or call.

"Gary will stay with the media in the faint hope they might be a help.

"Hardy is checking riding stables and academies in the area. There are quite a few, so this will take a while. It's too bad we don't even have a hunch which one to go to."

Ted and Jedd sat in the chopper while it was warming, checking all the gauges, necessary before lift off. The new type engine required greater than the usual number of inspections. Soon they took off , rising to about 5,000 feet. That was too high for the search, but Jedd wanted to show Ted the range of Williams County. They wandered around the area, not in a hurry.

Jedd asked Ted, "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, Jedd, though I may not answer."

"Well, first have you and Brian been a couple long?"

Ted had sort of expected a question like that since Jedd slept in the same room with them the previous night, and Brian and Ted slept together, though they didn't have sex while Jedd was there.

"Well, first, Jedd, are you from River City?"

"No, I work out of Warren and am called on specific occasions when they want this chopper in the air."

"So, you don't know who Brian is?"

"No, he's just the boss, that's all I know. Is he older than you?"

"No, Jedd, I'm three years older than he is."

"He is very impressive, Ted, he is so under control and knows exactly what he is doing."

"Jedd, I can't tell you much about Brian. I can say he is the partner of a very important man in River City, who is out of town a lot. When he is away, Brian wants to come to stay with us. If you haven't figured it out, we are gay, all except Hardy's mother, Anne. Everyone has their partner. Except me." He saddened, "That's why Brian and I got together and can enjoy each other."

"I guess, Ted, I'm looking for someone like that. I've never had any interest in women, so I guess I'm gay, too, except that I've not had any experiences of any kind." He paused, "I guess I don't have the urge, maybe once a week, by myself." He blushed, never having admitted that to anyone before.

"Jedd, Brian will always go back to his man in River City. He will never be mine and I'm used to that. We have great times." He looked into Jedd's eyes. He smiled, "Are you going to reveal anything to me?"

"Like I said, Ted, I think I mostly want a close friend, someone I could talk to, do stuff with, take trips with. I suppose having sex would be a plus, but not my primary concern."

"How old are you, Jedd."

"I'm twenty-five, Ted, just a little older than you."

"How did you learn to fly?"

"When I was 18, I joined the Air Force Reserve, got my wings later on since I had many hours in the air and decided to specialize with choppers. I was too late for "Desert Storm" and had left before the Iraq war. While I was in the Air Force, I was away from home and never hooked up with anyone. I now work for a small airline which also has helicopters, including this baby. I'd bet that Brian owns that airline or is a partner of the one who does. Actually, I'm kept quite busy serving Brian and his foundation."

"Jedd, I suppose we should start our job today, don't you think?"

Jedd reddened, "Sorry, I was getting carried away. Can we talk later, Ted?"

"Sure, Jedd, any time. Maybe when we get back, we could get a rest. Maybe?"

Jedd just smiled broadly and headed for the fields and much lower altitude.

Hardy also took on his challenge to search for stables and riding business or academies. He had taken the local telephone book to search the yellow pages. Fortunately, they covered a wider range than just local areas. He ended up with 15 riding stables to check first. He borrowed Roger to accompany him, to watch for anything strange while Hardy talked to stable owners. He could nose around the stables without arousing suspicion.

They were searching for the two people who had hired a couple of riding horses soon after noon on the previous Sunday and probably returned them by three o'clock or soon after. These people could have had one small boy on each of the horses with the men.

They started at Great Trails Stables who said they didn't hire out any horses that Sunday. That same result also went for Happy Trails Stables near Montpelier and Horse Cents Stables near West Unity, southeast of Windsor.

Closest to the Farmhouse was Gentle Ladies Riding Stables, where the owner, a very tough looking woman, Maude Randolph, told them that three pair of mares went out to ride their trails about 1 pm. Two riders were a man and woman, then two men and finally two woman took two more mares about 1 pm. Ms. Randolph couldn't tell much about the riders, but she could give their names and credit card numbers.

Hardy asked, "Ms. Randolph, how close to the Old Anthony farm house do your trails come? Approximately."

Ms. Randolph brightened, "Ah, you're here about the two little boys being kidnaped." She thought, "Well, two of our trails get within a couple miles of your place, but getting to it they'd have to cross some private territory for which they would have to ask permission. Not likely, I don't think." She looked sympathetic, "Anybody who'd do that should be fried in the chair.

"Come in the office here, I'll check the books. The two men and the man and women riders have come here for years, I know them very well and can't imagine them doing anything like a kidnaping."

"I didn't know the two women, but they seemed to be very well brought up, about in their late forties, classy ladies if you know what I mean. They were very well dressed, expensive riding habits and Tony, the groom, said they drove in a BMW convertible." She was looking in her pile of records, "I'm looking for my receipts for that day. Those two paid in cash and gave me names and address."

She looked into a drawer in the desk, "I'm sorry I can't find the receipt book, must have misplaced it."

Hardy tried to hold back his anxiety, "Well, when you find it, we'd appreciate the names and address. We still don't have much to go on in hunting for the kidnapers." He looked at Roger who shook his head in denial. "Do you remember when these two ladies came in?"

"Let me call Tony."

When Tony appeared, he could only say that one of the women brought both mares in, leading them by their bridles. He was in the stables and saw just the one woman at that time, about 2 pm.

"Thank you, so much, Ms. Randolph, we'd certainly would like you to call if you think of anything else." He gave her his card with phone number and address.

"Just call me Maude, please." She gave the two of them close looks, "You two are about the best lookin' hunks around here in years. I usually have to put up with Tony, ugh!" She tittered, "Come back anytime."

"Thanks, Maude, we will probably be back."

Hardy and Roger left the stables office, smirking at her comments, "Yeah, right," Roger said.

That day Hardy and Roger visited three more stables in the area, but had no more luck. Some places were getting too far away for the kidnapers to easily reach the farm and get away. They were very discouraged. Thinking about the two women, they pretty much dismissed them as a very long chance to have worked out the plan and taken the boys.

As the family gathered after dinner in the farmhouse living room, they were very quiet. If they talked, it was practically a whisper. No one had been in the swimming pool since the kidnaping, they all missed the delightful chatter and activity the boys brought to the house.

Steve and Matt still looked depressed, yet deriving hope from all the help they were receiving from their friends. Hardy and Roger reported about their visits to stables, mainly Gentle Ladies Stables.

"Ms. Maude Randolph, owner, told us of three groups of two people each who took out horses that afternoon. The two men and man and woman were people she knew and had ridden from her stables often. The third couple were two women whom she didn't know and couldn't find a copy of the receipt she had written when we asked for it. We think that would be so unlikely for two women to have carried out the kidnaping. We'll be keeping on them and we've notified Sergeant Reardon about the possibilities.

Craig and Mitch were receiving at least 20-30 emails a day on the Ridgway Boys web site, but so far nothing had been sent in that sounded at all possible. They forwarded to the FBI all but the idiot ones, letting them assess each one as they got it. Actually, they probably just dumped them quickly.

Even though Mitch's mother remained at Craig's apartment most of the time, her presence didn't deter them, these two new lovers, from being close, touching each other as often as possible in all sorts of places, decent or not. She didn't say anything but smiled from time to time, trying not to look, but enjoying the look in their eyes and smiles on their faces. She hadn't known the kidnaped boys, but prayed for their safety and quick recovery.

Ted and Jedd reported to the group, but had nothing really to say, no new clues or leads. They hadn't found anything new or important. The copter had been up for almost three hours and Jedd was concerned that he needed to get more fuel of the special type to fly this bird.

"Matt, do you know when Brian was to get back?"Jedd asked.

Matt turned and slapped his head. "I forgot, Jedd, Brian called and told me that he probably wouldn't be back until tomorrow about noon. Something about a crate not being satisfactory."

"Matt, I really need to refuel and closest to do that is in Toledo. When Brian knew we'd be in this area for a while, he had a supply of fuel sent to the Toledo Express Airport. I'd like to do that now, wouldn't take long, maybe an hour." He hesitated, "I'd like to have someone with me, how about I take Ted with me as company?"

Matt looked at Steve who wasn't following the conversation at all. His face was dejected and downcast, staring at nothing and sitting quietly with his own thoughts. Matt felt so sorry for his brother, wishing he could cheer him up with some real news. But, nothing yet.

"Sure, Jedd, that would be fine if Ted wants to do it."

Ted tried very hard not to look excited, "Ah ... that would be okay."

Anne and Todd told of their almost 300 phone calls that had come in to the house on the new lines. Most were from people who wanted information about the kidnaping or who wanted if they found the boys yet.

Anne spoke, "Most of them are sincerely sympathetic and concerned, giving support to our family, but had no information to give us." She remembered, "There was one call from a woman who said she saw two women go into a house down the road, one youngster with each of them. She went to look yesterday and today, but there was no car and nobody answered the door. The place seemed deserted and locked up tight. We sent the message to the F.B.I agents, though they probably won't thank us for it."

Matt asked, "Exactly where was that place, Anne?"

"The woman called it Devil's Lake, from here about 15 miles east and then 25 miles north on Route 127 in Michigan." She added, "It didn't sound too hopeful, but you never know, right?"

Jedd spoke up, "We'll get up there early in the morning when it's light."

Young Todd had his arm around Anne, holding her tight to his body, trying to keep her spirits up. She and Todd had been the closest to the boys in the last few months and missed them so dearly. Suddenly, Todd stood up and ran from the room toward his bedroom, trying to stifle his crying as he went. Anne smiled at the others still in the room and started to follow Todd. Roger was aware of Todd's leaving and spoke, "That's all right, Anne, I'll take care of Todd this time. He's had a very difficult two days."

Matt watched him go to comfort Todd and wished somebody would comfort him. "Okay, everyone, we'll be up early tomorrow and hope there will be some good news. Thanks for meeting here in our home where the ........ .." Matt closed his eyes to keep the tears from leaking out. He felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulder, he didn't know who arm it was until he heard the voice in his ear, "Matt, come on, you've been so strong, hang in there a bit longer." Sergeant Reardon had come in the house and heard the last minutes. He knew Matt was about to crash. "Come with me, I'll take care of you, my friend."

The others in the room were a little surprised at the sergeant's actions and his gentle and soothing attitude with Matt, so much like a good friend. They hadn't seen him with that attitude before.

The sergeant held tight to Matt's shoulder, leading and pulling him upstairs to his room. These two men respected and like each other, nothing unusual, just as men can be attracted to each other by companionship and a similar nature.

He got Matt to the bed and laid him down on it.

"Matt, I'm just going to take your shoes off. The rest Hardy can do for you when he gets home."

As soon as he was convinced that Matt was already asleep, he swept the dark blond hair off his forehead. "I pray you have good news soon, Matt, you deserve it," he whispered.

He left the room, not seeing Hardy waiting around the corner because his eyes were blinded with his own tears. Hardy smiled, amazed at the sergeant, taking care of Matt. He then wondered if Sgt. Reardon had any children, or if Matt was to be his first. He very softly giggled to himself, and went to his partner. 'Sometimes you can be so amazed to see someone perform contrary to what you would expect,' he thought.

"Matty, it's me, Hardy." When Matt didn't answer, he began to remove most of Matt's clothing, hoping he could stay asleep without having more horrible dreams before morning.

Hardy stripped Matt and then himself, cuddled up to Matt to press against him and hold him through the night. They both needed the comfort.

The gathering began to disperse to their homes or to the upstairs bedrooms. Gary bent over Steve who sat on a hassock and whose elbows rested on his knees, "C'mon, Stevie, let's get to bed. I know it is still light out, but you have another very difficult day tomorrow." He knelt in front of Steve, and leaned close to his face, "Steve, remember all the people, our friends and relatives, who are working very hard to help us? You need to thank them, Matt has already gone to bed."

Steve was alert, "You're right, Gary, I'll do my best." Steve stood up and cleared his throat. "Everyone, I want to thank you all so much for helping us out here, I'm sure we will succeed soon, so keep up your work." He rubbed his chin, "I guess that's all for now, see you tomorrow night at the same time. Be sure to call here if you have anything, even the remotest idea."

Ted waited, standing by Steve until he finished, "Steve, I'm going to get the fuel with Jedd. We'll be back in just an hour so it will still be light."

Steve smiled at the two young men, a little suspicious, wondering what was going on between them. Jedd was a good-looking, well-setup young man, sandy hair, ruddy complexion and brilliant blue eyes. He had noticed Ted glancing at Jedd frequently over the last hour. 'Well,' he thought, 'Jedd would be a good match for Ted, especially since Brian will be back with Mike soon in River City.'

He moved toward the stairs to see how Todd was doing. He felt so sorry for the young man, thrown out of his home by his mother who wanted no part of him. Matt thought at one point that he had patched it up, but Todd's mother, Carol Fowler, their vocal and choral teacher at the college, had surprised them all by being so biased and vindictive. 'Well, I hope we are providing the family he needs, and I'm sure," he smiled, 'that Roger is helping all around.'

The reddening sun in the west was gradually dimming the brilliant light available to Jedd and Ted in the helicopter while they headed directly east to the airport five miles west of Toledo. After receiving instructions from the tower, Jedd settled them on the taxiway leading to the fuel loading zone for their aircraft. He knew that Brian had requested plenty of the exotic fuel to be at the airport before Jedd had even gotten to Windsor.

The two young men had hardly spoken on the way to get fuel. Neither felt quite comfortable, yet were so wanting to connect. Ted frequently glanced toward Jedd, just a quick eye movement, mainly to assure him the attractive man was still with him.

Ted stayed in the plane while Jedd arranged for the fuel to be pumped aboard, and the tanks filled. "If you need to pee, Ted, there is a little lav at the back of the passenger compartment," Jedd smiled and informed him. Ted watched him every moment he was out of the chopper, moving around the craft and rechecking and rechecking all of the various parts which needed to be assessed. Jedd's flight suit was quite tight on him, especially in the crotch and in the butt. 'Oh, god,' Ted thought, 'he's a real hunk, ah ... such a hot little man.' He also thought, 'Hey, we are about the same size, not tall or big,' he smiled, 'but,' he giggled to himself, 'we are both 'hot stuff'.

Ted decided that he needed to pee, so got up and walked to the lav in the rear of the chopper. He stepped inside, lowered his zipper and pulled out his soft penis and let his urine fly into the bowl. Unfortunately, he started thinking about Jedd and when finished peeing, found he had a hard cock in his hand. 'Oh, shit, now what do I do?' With great difficulty and some pain he worked his erection into his shorts. "Oof," he groaned. He returned to his seat.

When Jedd returned to his pilot's seat, he laid his right hand on Ted's left thigh, "Are you okay, Ted? You haven't been talking much." He smiled and gripped Ted's leg tighter, "I'd really like to see that smile." He snickered, "You are so damn cute, Teddy."

Ted immediately gave him his best, widest, brightest smile, showing practically every tooth in his mouth. "I'm okay, Jedd, I'm with you."

"That's better, Ted, let's get going." He handed Ted a book of maps, "See if you can find Devil's Lake in Michigan, 25-30 miles north of Windsor."

Jedd spoke into his mike, "Roger, tower, will do."

The fantastic helicopter rose smoothly straight up for a couple thousand feet, then headed northwest along Route 223 directly toward Devil's Lake by Cambridge State Park, Michigan. They soon passed Adrian College in Adrian, Michigan, about 14 miles from the Lake.

Dusk was fast coming on as they gained altitude over Devil's Lake, then circled the area from 4-5000 feet above. Jedd nodded, "That house should be in that area of homes off the lake by the dam."

"Now, Ted, I'm going to go in much lower and when I say 'shoot', I want you to pull the trigger on that handle, that's our new super camera. I'm going to make a big circle and move fast, no need to make anyone aware of our purpose. Okay, buddy?" He looked at Ted and gave him a wink. "Just hold the trigger until I say stop."

"Sure, Jedd, I can do it," he put his hand on the handle by the copilot's controls. He looked at Jedd for approval.

"That's it, Teddy, just hang on."

They moved closer quickly, down to one thousand feet or less. Since the craft moved so fast, by the time the sound reached them, they would be way past the houses.

"Okay, Ted, shoot!"

Ted's stomach sank in his body as the chopper sank and wheeled quickly around the lake over 30 to 40 homes. He stared over the side but was unable to see much because of the plane's attitude and speed.


Jedd was staring straight ahead to watch his position and increase their altitude rapidly. He yelled, "Hey, Teddy, that was great!" His right hand reached in front of Ted to pat his thigh. This time, the hand was patting his inner thigh, just millimeters away from his still expanded crotch bulge.

"Okay, now, Ted, get us home."

"I get south southwest, from here, Jedd, maybe forty miles." He smiled at Jedd, "Easy as pie, right?" Ted was proud of his accomplishment and that Jedd had called him Teddy. 'Surely that means he likes me, I hope.'

"Gee, Jake, what was that?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know, Joshie, just a plane flying over, I guess."

"But, Jake, he was so low, just over the houses."

The two boys were playing in the sun room at the rear of the house where they had been kept for almost two days. The two women gave them food from cans, like Spaghetti-o's and Mac and Cheese, sometimes cheese sandwiches. The boys weren't happy but didn't complain to the women, that just made the women irritable.

One of the women started to spank them but the other stopped her. "None of that, what we've done is bad enough but we don't need to hit them."

"Well, the little urchins should show some respect." She flounced off is a snit to find some more wine to drink.

Soon Jacob and Joshua were taken to bed and locked in their bedroom upstairs in the cottage. They had seen the lake and wished they could go swimming at least.

Jacob got them undressed and washed up, they peed and brushed their teeth. Their biggest worry was that they had no other clothing than what they wore when kidnaped. It was getting very grimy by the second night.

They crawled under the light covers. Joshua immediately clung to his brother, this night he was lying right on top of Jacob, holding tight.

"Jake, I can't be good any longer. I'm sorry ....." He laid his cheek against Jacob's and started to sob, crying as if his heart would break. Sniff, "I try, Jake, but I can't stop it."

"That's okay, Joshie, I'm crying too. We need to keep it quiet, though, so they don't hear us. Don't want them to think they've made us sad." He signed, "I know Dad will be here for us soon. Maybe that plane was looking for us, what do you think?"

Jacob rubbed his hands on Joshie's back, gently and tenderly, smoothing the soft, silky flesh. He gradually worked his hands down to Joshie's lush buttocks, small but well-shaped, like two little bubbles bursting from his hips. He kissed Joshua's cheek and helped him get to sleep.

As they brought the helicopter into the farm property, they both noticed that the whole house was dark, though some of the outdoor lights were on.

They walked through the kitchen door, quietly since they supposed all were in bed even if not asleep by then. Then Ted noticed a note from Anne saying she left them some cake out and the coffee in the urn would be hot.

"Hey, Jedd, look, cake from Anne, it is always so good." Ted smiled sweetly as he got two small plates out and served each of them a large piece. Pouring each a cup of coffee, they sat at the counter on stools, close together.

"We better look at the film, Ted, I'll get it set up." Right there in the kitchen, Jedd set up the electronic projector and inserted the film pack.

The viewing area was not large, but they got close and watched as Jedd ran the digital film through slow motion. They searched each house and the surroundings. Sitting very close, Jedd was thrilled to feel Ted's hip and thigh against his own leg. He had a difficult job of keeping his mind on the screen. When they were on the third rerun, Ted gently put his arm around Jedd's shoulder, his fingers hanging against Jedd's upper chest. Ted immediately sprang a hardon, not comfortable because it was scrunched tightly in his pants. He couldn't see Jedd's crotch so didn't know if he might have responded in the same way.

After running the graphics through three times, they decided to look at it again in the morning, maybe even going back to film again at a different time.

As they ate, they held hands under the counter top, feeling free to look into each other's eyes, sharing a feeling of friendship combined with a sense of earnest desire. After cleaning up their dishes and forks, the two young men continued holding hands as they climbed the stairs to Ted and Brian's bedroom.

Ted knew that Jedd was uncomfortable with the situation, so he tried to assuage Jedd's fears and nervousness.

"Jedd, don't worry, I don't want to 'jump your bones'." He laughed, "I like you very much and hope you like me. But," he hesitated, "we don't need to do anything at all if we'd rather not."

Jedd lowered his eyes, "I'd like that, Teddy, I do like you very much, but I also would like to take it slow and easy. Remember this is all new to me, I've no experience at all. " He grinned, "And I want everything to be right when we ... do ... ah, you know," he blushed crimson.

"Good, Jedd, I'm with you. Let's get undressed and use the bathroom, then maybe we could cuddle a little, huh?"

Jedd smiled charmingly, "Yes, Teddy, sounds good." He reddened, "Ah ... could we keep our underwear on this time?"

"Sure, babe, anything you want. I know Brian won't be here tonight, but there will be plenty of times, Jedd, when we will be together."

Ted was devising plans in his mind. He had money, plenty of it, he owned the farm which provided a good income for him and he was free to go to Jedd anytime and anywhere. He knew his grandfather wanted him to find a man he could love and be with for life. Ted's stomach spasmed, nervous and jittery, but he felt that Jedd was that man.

But first, they had to find Joshua and Jacob, as soon as possible.

Ted and Jedd lay on their sides so Ted spooned Jedd's back, enjoying so much the feeling of his hard body, yet so soft where it counted. Already Ted could feel his cock growing, pushing and swelling, but Jedd would just have to put up with it. He wasn't going to try anything. Then.

They both felt the deep warmth of their new friendship between them, the bond developing between their bodies and their emotions to hopefully arouse them to each other.

About one o'clock in the morning a second helicopter landed as quietly as possible near the first chopper behind Steve's studio, the old dairy barn. Two men exited the craft and walked to the studio to get a heavy cart which would hold their crate and it's weight.

Fortunately the helicopter had a lift and winch by which they raised then lowered the big burden onto the cart and wheeled it into the studio.

"Did you see, Tex, what those people did to that beautiful sculpture? They wrapped a sarong around his middle to hide those beautiful genitals. At least they didn't paint on some cover up color, like black. I just got it away in time."

"Gee, Brian, why would they do that? They almost ruined a priceless statue." He looked at the sculpture, "It is a wonderful work of art." He blushed, "A course I don't know nothin' about it, but I do know I think it's valuable."

"Tex, you know a lot, and I appreciate your judgment." Brian led Tex into the living room Steve had build in the studio, an all around room for sleeping, reading and eating. "Now over here, Tex, is the refrigerator, the range and food in this pantry. The bed is all made up for you." Brian giggled, "And, Tex, if you need any reading material to get you going, the mags are in this footlocker. Help yourself." He looked at Tex, his latest pilot, and smiled, "Are you hungry now, Tex." He shook his head, no, and smiled. "If you get hungry, just help yourself. I'm not sure just when we'll head for River City. It just depends what's going on around here. You have my cell phone number. I'll have it with me all the time. Thanks for helping so much."

Tex nodded and looked longingly at the bed, large and very soft appearing. "No, I'll just get to bed, thanks."

Brian moved through the big house very quietly, heading for his bedroom with Ted. "Now if I'm lucky, Ted will be alone. If not, I'll sleep down in the den." He wouldn't want to be in the room when Ted and whoever woke up. They might want to enjoy themselves with each other.

Extremely gently, Brian turned the handle and peeked into the room. It was very dim, but he could see two heads close together on the bed. The covers had been pushed down in the heat so he could see they still had their underwear on their naked bodies. He also noted that Ted's left hand held Jedd's right in it's grasp.

'Well, old Teddy, you are as smart as your grandfather. He was patient with you and you are being highly patient with Jedd. Good, man. 'Softly, softly, catchee monkey', Ted, bide your time and you'll have what you crave most."

Brian crept farther into the bedroom, watching their faces, their contented expressions, so calm and at rest. He noticed that his cock had gotten full hard, stretching down his boxers and toward his knees. With one hand he made it more comfortable, soothing it's length, and left the room. 'It's been a while,' he thought. 'The den would be fine for me, after I've had a little something to eat.'

In the kitchen Brian noticed the projector on the table. 'Jedd must have gotten pictures yesterday. Wonder what they are all about.'

Since Brian knew the system backwards and forward, he ran the electronic shots a few times as had Jedd. "Don't know where it is. I assume it has to do with the boys. Hope so."

Tuesday morning, bright and encouraging, represented almost 48 hours that the boys had been missing. Steve knew that everyone who could help, was helping, and that they should begin to produce results. He, Matt, Gary and Hardy sat at the kitchen table finishing their breakfast. They were quietly talking about the situation they faced, sadly yet trying to encourage each other to more and extra efforts.

Matt had tried to come up with a different angle to their search. "Maybe we need to make a determined effort to visit each and every family in a five mile diameter around our farm. Somebody in that circle must have seen the kidnapers during the crime."

"I think you're right, Matt," Hardy entered, "either we've missed them or they haven't recognized just what they saw." He considered, "Or, we need to expand the circle to 10 miles. Of course, that would exponentially increase the work to do it."

At that moment Brian came in from the den where he'd slept because Ted and Jedd were sleeping in his bedroom. Brian didn't sleep well and looked it, as if he slept hard in his skin all night, and still in his brief sleep shorts.

"Oh, hi, Brian, good morning. Have some breakfast," Matt offered.

Brian only gave a moan and 'mmmm', never really opening his eyes, pouring some coffee.

Hardy couldn't stand it. He went to Brian and started tickling him, all over, his sides, underarms, belly and butt.

"Oh, god, Hardy, no ... no, I didn't sleep ... ha ha .... ha ha .... oh please, stop, man, you got me .... oh jeez .... Hardy, come on," he was yelling and laughing, "Hardy, quit, or I'm going to pee, ... ah .. I mean it, Hardy!" Brian grabbed Hardy's arms, trying to stop him, all the while he was still giggling. "I'm .. oh shit ... I'm ... Hardy," Brian gasped as he fell on the floor and curled into a ball. "Somebody, quick, gimme a towel, now!" Matt gave him a terry dish towel.

Brian took the offered towel and jammed it between his legs, moaning. He yelled, "Matt, where the hell is the nearest shower? Where?"

Matt got his arms under Brian's shoulders to lift him, then dragged him to the bathroom just off the den. Brian jumped into the shower and turned on the water, full force. It was cold but Brian didn't care, he could let his urine freely flow into the tub.

Hardy followed the aroma of urine from the kitchen to the bathroom, "Brian, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go so far, please forgive me," he pleaded to Brian in the shower.

"Oh, that's all right, Hardy, except that I'm all wet and right now you are all wet!!"

Brian had grabbed Hardy and pulled him into the shower with him. Brian had taken off his sleep shorts so was naked, pretending to make love with Hardy as they cooled off under the shower.

Matt decided they could handle the situation so he left and shut the door. He still noticed a slight trail of the scent of urine in the air.

"Brian, that was no fair, now I have to get dressed again." He removed all his soaked clothing, hanging them over the curtain holder. "Look out, I'll get you but you will never know when or where." He giggled when he noticed they both had hardons, straight and rigid.

He put both hands on Brian's long cock, pumping hard from base to head, using soap suds to smooth out the way. Brian had to join in. Hardy was standing beside him, facing the same direction. So Brian reached to Hardy's prominent buttocks. With a finger lubricated by his own pre-cum, he jammed it up Hardy's asshole, finger fucking him with one hand while his other hand jerked Hardy's cock. The two young men lost themselves in their hunger and lust for each other. It didn't take long before both were spraying the shower walls with their hot, white love cream.

Back in the kitchen the tone of the atmosphere had grown serious, the men trying to come up with plans for finding the boys.

Brian and Hardy had dried off and come back absolutely nude, half hard cocks swinging. No one noticed.

The phone in the middle of the table started jingling. Matt picked up the receiver.


"This is the White House calling for Dr. Matthew Ridgway. Is this he?"

"Yes, this is Dr. Ridgway."

"Would you please hold for Hunter Huntington?"


Matt covered the receiver, "This is 'one upmanship, federal level." He told his friends and smiled. He activated the speaker phone in the center of the table so all could hear.

"Dr. Ridgway?"


"This is Hunter Huntington. I am in charge of all entertainment in the White House and I understand your college group has been selected for July 15. Is that your understanding?"

"Mr. Huntington, that is what I understood."


"Would you kindly explain the title of the entertainment group, The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor? You will probably be entertaining some representatives from the British government."

"First, Mr. Huntington, the group in not an entertainment group, they are an educational quintet, five college students trying to bring music education to their public, if they entertain at the same time, so be it." He tried to calm himself, "I am director of the quintet and am the Head of the Music Department of Windsor College, in Windsor, Ohio. They consist of four men and one woman, all instrumentalists, all professional caliber. Thus, we coined the quintet's name. We would be pleased to bring their talents to the White House."

"Ah .... ah ... fine, Dr Ridgway. That explains a bit. I'll tell you why I am calling. We prepare these programs long ahead of time and I need to meet with you here at the White House as soon as possible, this Thursday is scheduled for it."

Matt looked around at his advisors, covering the mike, raising his eyebrows for their opinion. In various ways they all said 'Do it', 'Yes' with a fist pump, and 'Go for it'.

"Okay, Mr Huntington, I will do that." Matt noticed that Brian was on his cell phone, speaking very softly. "I have a couple conditions, though. I would need to bring the Assistant Director of the Dukes with me, so we both know exactly what page we are on. Is than all right?"

"Yes, that would be fine, Dr. Ridgway. Is there anything else?"

"I need to inform you of a situation here in Windsor. My brother's two young boys, 3 and 6 years of age, my nephews who live with me, were kidnaped last Sunday. We haven't found them yet. You might have seen it in the papers, the Ridgway Boys. If an emergency should arise at any time, we would have to leave to return to Ohio immediately."

"Dr. Ridgway, I'm so sorry to hear about your nephews. I hope they are found soon. Keep us informed." He talked to someone at his end, "Dr. Ridgway, we will see that you have plane tickets for you both and hotel reservations where you will stay. I will have someone call you back when they are confirmed."

Brian shook his head 'no' fiercely and handed him a sheet of paper.

"Ah, Mr. Huntington, I don't believe we will need those instructions. We will be staying at the Watergate apartment of Congressman Mike Keith and will have the use of his limo. And we will be flying in on the Congressman's Learjet 45 Wednesday night to be met by the Congressman."

"Oh." Hunt Huntington's voice went dull, not understanding.

"What time should we be at the White House for the meeting on Thursday?"

Huntington was thinking madly to himself. What is going on here? He knew of Mike Keith and of course had to wonder about Dr. Ridgway. Well, he didn't want to upset the Congressman.

"The meeting will commence at 9 A.M. so if you could be there by 8:45 that would be fine. Your passes will be with the guards at the entrance. Thank you, Dr. Ridgway. I'm again very sorry about your nephews, we wish you the best."

"Thank you, bye."

The kitchen was full of comments by everyone there, all agreeing with the decision to go.

Steve agreed, "Matty, this is something that will happen no matter what else happens. I'm sure we will find the boys soon, so don't feel guilty about going. You need to do this and if you take Hardy with you," he smiled at Hardy who smiled back, "you are taking your home with you."

After eating on Wednesday evening, Matt and Hardy and Brian were packed and ready to go. They were to board Brian's helicopter for the short hop to Toledo Express airport where the Howard Foundation's Learjet 45 will be waiting for the flight to Washington.

The search for the boys had not made much progress over the last 2 days. Steve and Matt were becoming very discouraged and Matt really hated to leave Steve at the house. He made Sgt. Reardon promise to stop in to visit with Steve while Matt was in Washington.

Matt grabbed Steve by the hand and pulled him along to the helicopter.

At the door he stopped and hugged Steve, hard. He whispered in Steve's ear, "Babe, if you need me, just call and we'll be on our way back before you hang up. Okay?"

Steve smiled at his brother, "That's fine, but I think we can handle it. You can call us, any time, and we'll talk. I hope we can have good news for you. When will you be back?"

"We should be back here tomorrow night at this time or just a bit later. Brian said the Learjet will stay at the airport and could be airborne within an hour of notification."

The two brothers, in love and in desperation, held each other a few more moments, then Matt followed Hardy and Brian into the helicopter. They settled down, bags in the back, and waited for Jedd to start. Neither was surprised when Ted hopped into the co-pilot's seat, pleased to be able to go on the short trip, and to be next to his Jedd.

As the chopper rose above the farm, Matt and Hardy held hands tightly, expressing their tensions, their fears and hopes. Brian reached over to add his hand to their grips, sending his hopes and comfort to them. They sat close together, comforting each other with their bodies..

The flight in the Howard Foundation's Learjet 45 was smooth and uncomplicated, landing at Washington National Airport. The waiting limousine whisked them quickly through the streets and mild evening traffic. Since Brian had made the trip many times, he acquainted his guests with some tour guide revelations of the passing historic and governmental buildings.

Congressman Mike Keith was waiting outside the entrance to his apartment building. Brian had called him when they left Washington National. He shook hands with Matt and Hardy, having met them before. To Brian he smiled passionately and hugged him tightly. They would wait to kiss after they were inside the apartment.

"Matt and Hardy, I'm so pleased to welcome you to Washington. I wish you could stay longer for my patented tour, but I understand. Maybe some other time."

"Mike, Hardy and I want to thank you for your hospitality. I'm sorry but we may not be very congenial guests." He smiled hesitantly, "However, we were especially pleased to bring along this hitchhiker who has been making himself a pest at the farm house." He pointed to Brian, who blushed. " Since we didn't know what else to do with him, we thought maybe 24 hours with you might curb his hormonal urges for a little." He laughed, "Though I really doubt if that would do any good at all."

Matt walked over to the bar where Brian was mixing drinks. He hugged Brian, "You know I'm only kidding, don't you? You are a delight and pleasure to have around, and man, all the toys you bring with you." He turned to Mike, "Mike, I've never seen a 'boy' with such great toys." They all laughed.

None of them forgot when Matt and Hardy had sex with Mike and Brian, trading partners at the hotel where the Dukes were playing at the time.

Mike also stood to shake hands with Matt and Hardy and to look at their rings. "I must congratulate you two for your wedding and just for getting hitched." He looked at Brian, "We've thought about it, and probably will have a ceremony, but I do want to be elected a few more times. So, we'll have to commit ourselves in private for a while." He laughed, "Of course, we've been doing that for almost two years now."

Hardy spoke up, "Mike, I've been reading your story in "Turning the Page" on Nifty. Is this the apartment where you ... ah ... you ... and Brian had your first ... ah ... coming of age?"

"Yes, come on, Hardy and Matt, I'll show you the bedroom where it first happened."

He revealed the small bedroom, single bed and all, but nicely decorated. "Of course, we both lost our real virginity on our first trip to Ohio and our lake. Now that was an experience." They returned to the living room. "You know, Brian was much more experienced than I, but I am very thankful to Brian's brother for leaving him an anal virgin until we met. His brother Adam was his only sexual partner until he met me. And of course I've totally debauched him!" He grabbed Brian, held him tight and they both laughed.

Matt spoke up, "Mike, and Brian, I'm afraid we need to get to bed. We've not gotten our regular sleep for a few days. I'd like us to be alert and aware on the meeting with Hunter Huntington."

"That's fine, Matt, but first .... I've known Hunter Huntington for a number of years. He was in the House during my first term. And he is one smart cookie, Matt. I know his name doesn't help, but he knows what is going on in his job and in most every other job too. So, please do whatever he says, will you, and just go along. Don't be surprised at anything, okay?"

"Sure, Mike, we will be very good," he smiled. "We won't embarrass you, I hope."

Mike pointed toward the guest room, "Hope you can manage with the small bed, but it's all I have right now." He grinned evilly, "Brian and I would trade rooms with you, but he and I need the larger bed." He looked at Brian and waggled his eyebrows. The others grinned, too.

Matt hugged Mike and Brian then pulled Hardy to the guest room. "Come on, sexy, we only have a limited time to sleep." They slipped into the guest room, shut the door and undressed within one minute.

Hardy grabbed Matt's naked body, kissing him all over."Matty, I love you so much. I need you in me, I hope you brought your supplies?" Hardy began to caress Matt's body, especially his cock and balls, fingering his scrotum through his legs until he reached Matt's ass.

Hardy lay back on the bed, pulled his knees up to reach his ears, baring his ass for his lover. Matt turned off the ceiling light, crawled on the bed and bent down to lick his lover's asshole until it was well lubricated.

"Matty, please feed me your cock as hard as you can - right up my little red lane. OK?"

He giggled, "Though maybe it might be my little brown lane." He laughed until he had to hold his sides. Meanwhile, Matt's cock was all the way up whichever lane it was.

Matt lay on top of Hardy, humping his poker inside and kissing him, dueling tongues.

"I love you, Hardy, I love being inside you," Matt moaned, "and I love you in my life. You keep me sane, considering all the pressures we have."

"Matty, will you shut up and make love to me. Please?"

Not a word was spoken until morning.

Matt and Hardy were up early eating their cereal and a sticky bun, but no one else in the apartment was. They looked at each other, raising eyebrows. Hardy snickered, "They must have been up all night." He kissed Matt, after wiping his milk off his lips. Mike had set the coffee maker before he went to bed to wrestle with Brian a bit. He also knew that Brian might have had sex with a member of the Ridgway family, but knew it was only a release, nothing serious.

At eight fifteen Matt and Hardy were standing in front of the apartment house, waiting for Mike's limousine, looked very cool. "Now, aren't you glad we got you that suit?"

Hardy reddened but said, "I especially loved showing off in front of Craig. That young man is really a hot one." He hugged Matt and almost kissed him when the limo pulled up in front of them. "Not now, Hardy."

In less than half an hour the limo was passing through the White House gates, the driver showing passes for them. A White House guard appeared quickly at the limo door, opening it for Hardy and Matt. The driver told them as they left, "I'll be told when you are ready to leave. Good luck, gentleman." They nodded and turned to follow the guard.

Past the first door a tall man, dressed in a beautiful suit, came up to them and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Hunt, actually Hunter Huntington." He smiled, "Yes, I know, I've made my parent well aware of the absurdity of the name with which they stuck me." He shook hands with them, "So happy to meet you, Matt and Hardy. It will be easier if we stick to first names.

Hunter Huntington was a good looking man, erect, slender and with a most intelligent face. His hair was dark, eyes dark but twinkling, features well formed and balanced with a long but slim nose and lips which seemed to disappear when put together. Talk about thin lips.

As they walk through one beautiful, historic room after another historic beautiful room and quiet corridors, heading for the East Room, Hunt asked how well they knew Mike Keith.

Matt took that question, "We have met Mike a few times, but know Mike's ....ah ... special friend .... quite well, in fact he has stayed with our family for a good while. He had helped me and our college a great deal, personally and professionally. We both are very fond of him."

Hunt nodded, "Yes, I understand. I was a congressman during Mike's first term in the House, and we got to know each other well, working together. In fact I knew Mike before he knew .... his .... special friend, and was at the party where they first ... sort of ... got together. I became very fond of Mike's friend, I'm sorry he's living way out in the sticks." He smiled.

Matt and Hardy smiled broadly, "Yes, we have heard of that. And we are very happy to meet you, Hunt. Do with us as you will."

"Oh, I will, I will. But first," they entered the East Room. "This is where your group will be playing, down at that end. I need to know how many people, what sexes they are, and what size platform you need, and so on."

Matt proceeded to tell Hunt all he needed to know. Hardy supplied some facts that Matt wasn't aware of, especially relating to their latest music.

Hunt continued, "You will have a room in the basement where your people can rehearse and warm up before the program. "

By this time the three men were situated at the far end of the East Room and they were trying to determine just how much room the quintet would need.

"Hunt, when the group plays, there is a lot of movement in their routines which do take some room."

Hardy suggesting, "Hunt, why don't I go through the routines with them and try to get the best measurement I can of their range of movement. If we know soon enough, we can adjust our routines to fit the space you have here."

Before Hunt could answer, an official came up to them. Hunt introduced the president's press secretary, Rusty Combs, to Matt and Hardy.

"Welcome, gentlemen," he turned to Hunt, "are you finished with them?"

"We do have more to discuss but that can be done at a later time. We'll go with you now." Matt and Hardy looked at each other, 'what are we getting into?'

Hunt, Matt and Hardy stood in a softly carpeted corridor somewhere else in the White House by a closed white door. Hunt tried to allay their apprehension, their alarm.

"Maybe Mike told you that something else might come up while you are here. Now that is going to happen. The President's staff explained about the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, and that they thought it would be a great group to entertain when our British guests will be here in July. He would like to explain that to the White House Press Corps."

"The President also knows about your nephews, Matt, and, if you and Hardy don't mind, he'd like to help there too, is that okay?"

Matt and Hardy looked at each other, nodded, then at Hunt.

"We would appreciate all the help we can get. I called home this morning but there is no good news. We would be honored if the President would be willing to help."

The white door quietly opening enough to reveal Rusty Combs, the President's Press Secretary, on the other side. He whispered, "Will you please come in, Dr. Ridgway and Mr. Wolfe. The President is almost finished with the conference."

Combs opened the door so they could enter the room. They were stunned by the grand number of reporters, columnists, critics, photographers and TV cameras which filled the room. The President was standing in front of a lectern on the permanent platform, he was still answering questions about a number of issues before him.

He spoke, "I have another subject to raise, so I would like to end questions now, but I 'd appreciate your attention for the next few minutes. Rusty, will you bring our guests."

Rusty pushed Matt and Hardy forward with an arm behind their backs until they were on the platform and beside the President. He then left the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you Dr. Matthew Ridgway and Mr. Hardy Wolfe. These men are directors of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor. To be specific, they are not from England, they teach at Windsor College in northwest Ohio, not far from Toledo."

"My staff have strongly encouraged me to have the group play when our British visitors will be guests in the White House. These are college students, instrumentalists, who have been formed into a quintet of music educators, and incidentally, entertainers."

"Their title, I believe, was originated by Dr. Ridgway, and seems a good one to me. What our British guests, of whom there may be a Royal or two, will think depends on the occasion. These people, I'm told, are extremely talented and especially good musicians. So we are pleased to invite them to the White House."

"Now, after that good news, I must turn around and give some unhappy news. Dr Ridgway's two nephews, ages 3 and 6, have been kidnaped in Ohio from their own home ground. It is believed that Jacob and Joshua were kidnaped by two people on horseback, and all efforts at finding them so far have failed. On the screen behind me you will see the two boys with their father, Steven Ridgway, Matt's brother. Their mother died a year ago from a brain tumor. It is my hope that we, you and I, can help locate these boys as soon as possible. Please show the pictures and call your local police or F.B.I. if you have any information."

"Dr. Ridgway and Mr Wolfe, you have our sincere sympathy and prayer to God to find them and bring them back. Thank you."

The President shook their hands again, then left quickly be a door behind him. The two Ridgways started to leave when Rusty Combs stood at the lectern and asked for quiet.

"Does anyone have a pertinent question to put to these gentlemen?"

From a reporter in the back, "Dr. Ridgway, is your brother, Steven Ridgway, father of the boys, the noted sculptor?"

"Yes, he is. I know he hopes you will be able to help us."

Rusty Combs interrupted, "To all those watching, on your screen now are phone numbers in Ohio which are being staffed by members of the Ridgway family for any information as to the whereabouts of these small boys, just 3 years old and 6 years old. It is assumed that the boys are not far from their home, probably not more than 50 miles or so. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen."

Rusty turned to Matt and Hardy to shake their hands. "I hope the boys can be quickly found. Please let us know if we can do more for you."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Combs, we appreciate the help very much. Please let the President know how we feel."

"I will, now I think Hunt is ready to lead you back to your car. Good Luck!"

By the time Matt and Hardy reached Mike's apartment at the Watergate complex, Mike and Brian were both home. They had been watching the television, although to the others, they looked as if they hadn't been out of bed long.

"You guys were great," Mike congratulated them, "that was a very good presence."

Matt looked at Mike, suspiciously, "Mike, my friend, I don't suppose you had something to do with the President knowing so much about the boys. If you did, we must thank you so much." Matt moved to confront Mike, finally reaching out to hug him close. Within two seconds, Hardy and Brian wiggled their way into the hug to squeeze between them and finally succeed in bringing their four bodies into complete harmony and total convergence.

They held that position and their unity for quite a few minutes, enjoying the closeness and solidity to each other.

"Matt," Mike spoke softly, "I'll keep watch at this end and if anything comes through, I'll make sure you hear about it fast. I'm so sorry about the boys but I'm sure they are all right."

Both Matt and Hardy began to sob, still holding Mike and Brian, who also caught the significance of his statement and who also began to sob lightly.

Hardy broke in, "Guys, if we don't separate soon, we just might be welded on this spot."

That snapped their joint coming-together, they spread out, grabbing tissues to drain noses and clear tears away.

"I'm sorry, guys, but we need to leave. I'm becoming very anxious to be back home." He faced Brian, "You are coming with us, aren't you, Brian. You know we need your help."

Brian gave Mike a look of such longing, Matt was afraid he would stay, but good will prevailed. Mike and Brian hugged and kissed, lengthy and extended, until Matt and Brian each got around to the four way hug again.

"Brian, we'll try to take as good care of you as Mike would." He paused, "Well, not that good, but we'll try to make you feel at home."

Brian smiled through some tears and kissed Mike again, then licked the tears from Mike's face, promising with his eyes that he was still his forever.

The trip back to Windsor went quickly in Brian's Learjet and helicopter, right to their farmhouse, greeting everyone with hugs and kisses, pats and caresses while they gathered in their bags and all.

"Did you watch the TV, guys, in the press conference?"

Todd spoke up, "We sure did, you guys were great."

The others agreed with Todd's judgment, even expressing their renewed respect and admiration for their president.

"Anybody know where Ted is?" Brian asked hopefully.

Roger raised his hand, "I do, but he didn't want me to say." Then he silently pointed energetically, raising a finger to indicate in which room upstairs Ted would be.

Everybody, every single member of the family, looked at Brian, smiling and embarrassing him to hell. Here he was, just coming back from his devoted lover, his partner for life, and then his 'little piece of ass' that he loved so much is within reach.

Brian faced the crowd, "I'm a bit sleepy, friends, and better get to bed, if you don't mind?"

He took the stairs, two at a time and entered his room within seconds, while everyone was applauding him downstairs. Even Anne took part in the frenzy.

On the next day, Saturday morning, Brian and Ted actually had gone to sleep early, so were awake and downstairs by eight o'clock fixing breakfast for themselves and Hardy and Matt. After finishing their meals, they sat around the kitchen table, talking quietly. Some raps came from the front door so Matt went to answer it. As he left he said, "Damn, we are going to have to get an automatic door opener." He laughed.

"Is Teddy here, Dr Ridgway, you don't know me but I'm your next door neighbor, Silas Deacon? I wondered if I could talk to Ted."

"Sure, Mr Deacon, happy to meet you. Come in, I'll take you right to Ted. We've just finished breakfast, could you use a cup of coffee and maybe a sweet roll made by Hardy Wolfe's mother."

They walked back to the kitchen. When Ted saw Mr. Deacon, he jumped up to greet him and shake his hand. "Hi, Silas, good to see you. What brings you here?"

"Well, you know, Teddy, we've been away on vacation the last few days, from Sunday afternoon until yesterday. . When we got back yesterday, we found out about your kidnaped children. So, I may have some information. Before we left on the vacation, I was back near your forest area, that acre or so between our properties." He pulled out a pipe, filled it and dragged away on the stem. Everyone was on edge, wanting him to go, hoping it might be vital.

"Well, anyway, I was back there, just doing some clean up on the kitchen garden. Since the corn is pretty tall already," he puffed away, "best we've had in years, I was hidden there."

"That's good, Mr. Deacon," Matt encouraged him, "what about the boys."

"I saw two women on horseback, riding just behind your little forest. As I watched, I saw the two little boys emerge from the woods and talk to the women. The boys had a box in each arm, but they put them down and walked over to the horses."

"The first woman reached down to pull the older boy on to her horse. The second woman wasn't able to reach the littler boy from the horse. She had to get off. The women didn't force the boys, they seemed to go willingly, I'd guess eager to sit on a horse."

"Then the first woman hollered, 'Come on, Rhoda, we got to get moving'."

"'Well, he is too little to pull up, but I've got him now'."

"Then they rode off through your pasture heading west. I'm sorry but I didn't know about them being kidnaped until this morning. I hope I helped you."

Matt stood up and grabbed Silas's hand, "Thank you so much. We may want to talk to you later, but thanks for coming. Ted, would you see Silas out please?"

Matt groaned, "Oh god, I've a horrible feeling." He brought out his cell phone, punched in Hamish McAllister's number.

"Hi Hamish, this is Matt. I've got a question, Hamish, is Rhoda there? I wanted to ask her something about the weekend."

"Oh, just roaming around, huh, well I guess I catch her when I can." He hesitated, "Do you have a cottage in Michigan?"

"Where is that? Oh, Devils Lake, I see.'

"No, nothing special. Hey, if you aren't doing anything how about coming out to the farm, we got fixings for a big, big breakfast brunch." He paused, "Oh, sure, come on, Hamish, we'd really like to see you." He waiting, listening, "That's great, Hamish, come on now. Good."

As he hung up, Matt saw that Todd and Roger had come down stairs. "Todd, would you please go up and get Steve and Gary. Be sure they are dressed before they come down." He smiled, "This could be something big."

Matt called Sgt. Reardon immediately asking him to come to the farm, and to please leave his vehicle out behind Steve's studio. He promised he would.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 29

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