Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 22, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=============== Chapter Twenty-nine ===============

Sgt. Reardon was the first to arrive after Matt's phone calls. Matt hated to do this to his Dean, Hamish McAllister, but he felt that Hamish could explain a lot. After he made sure that the sergeant had parked his patrol car behind Steve's studio, he led him to the kitchen dining area and gave him coffee and some of the sweet rolls Anne had baked. He knew that was the way to keep a policeman very happy, for a while anyway.

Matt and Steve heard Hamish's car stop out front and the door slam. When the raps on the front door came, they both answered.

"Hi, Hamish, come on in."

"Hi, Matt, hi Steven. Good to see you. I'm glad you called, I've been wanting to express my hope for your boys, Steve."

"Thanks, Hamish, we appreciate it." They sat in the easy chairs in the den.

"Hamish," Matt started. "We have some questions to ask. I'm sorry if this hurts, but I don't know any other way to do this. I'm going to tell you some news we have had this morning from a neighbor of ours."

Matt went on to explain what Silas Dean had told them, including the fact that one of the women called the other 'Rhoda'. He stopped and waited for a response from Hamish. The tension in the room was horrendous for all three men.

Hamish slowly realized what Matt had said, that his wife had been in on the kidnaping.

"Oh god," Hamish mumbled softly. His body language reflected complete resignation to his worse fears. "I wondered where they have been this week."

Steve spoke, "Hamish, do you have a summer cottage somewhere in the vicinity?"

Slowly Hamish nodded his head, certain he was going to his doom.

"Yes, we have a cottage on Devil's Lake in Michigan. We haven't used it, at least, I haven't used it since our son died there ten years ago. I just couldn't face being in the place where he died." Tears blossomed in his eyes, "Oh, god, Matt and Steve, I'm so sorry."

Very softly, Matt asked, "Hamish, do your wife and her sister ride often?"

Again, Hamish nodded, unable to speak.

Matt sat down beside Hamish on the couch, putting his arm around his shoulders, trying to comfort him. "Hamish, I'm sorry to do this, but I also invited Sgt, Reardon here this morning. I would like to have him in here if you would answer his questions. Okay?"

Hamish raised his tear-streaked face to Matt, "I'll do whatever I can to right this terrible wrong to you and your family."

The next half hour Hamish ran the gauntlet of the sergeant's questions until they knew all he knew about the situation. Matt set up the projector Jedd had used and ran the digital movie of the shores of Devil's Lake. Finally, Hamish was able to orient himself and pick out his cottage from the thirty or forty others. "Hamish, would you be willing to drive up there and help us get in the house without harming the boys?" Matt was asking a lot from his friend and boss.

"Of course, anything I can do."

"Sergeant, can you organize the operation with the Michigan State Police? I know you have no authority in Michigan." Matt frowned, "I'm certainly not sure I want the F.B.I. in on this if we can keep it from them. I don't want a hundred law enforcement people screwing the damn thing up."

Sergeant Reardon, "Dean, do you think you can get the women to let the boys go?"

"No, Sergeant, I probably can't, once the two women are together they are totally bull-headed. Duella has the hardest head, and a one tracked mind with complete tunnel vision. My wife would follow her anywhere, as we have seen from their actions last Sunday.

"The next thing would be for you to draw a complete floor plan of the house. The boys are probably locked in an upstairs bedroom and it would sure help if we could get in there from the rear of the house."

When Brian heard the news and what would be happening, he called Mike in Washington.

"Mike, I think we need some help here."

"What kind?"

"Well, Matt and Steve know where the boys are being held in a cottage at Devil's Lake in Michigan. Our main worry is that with all the safety forces which might get in on the rescue, they will screw it up and the boys will be hurt."

"What can I do?"

"Do you know the Congressman from this area, northwest Ohio, or maybe one of the Ohio senators?"

"Ah, I see where you are going. Let me check my Congressional Register. Ah, oh yes, Tom Baker, good man. I'll call him right away, Brian, and bring him up to speed. I know he will stick his nose right in the middle of everything. He knows the Junior Senator from Ohio, he's from the same area. Don't worry, Brian, we'll get on it right away. We'll have top brass talking to top brass right away. Tell Matt and Steve we'll be watching what's going on. Must go, love, I so enjoyed having you here with me, especially when we ..... oh, better not. Okay, I'll talk to you later, love you."

Brian reported to Matt what he had done and what Mike would be busy with. Matt was very appreciative and felt more hopeful of success with the rescue.

However, within an hour of the conversation with Mike, the farm house was full of police and safety officials from everywhere. The F.B.I. had joined the group along with the Michigan police.

"How the hell did they all find out?" Matt complained. "Shit, we need someone big, and I mean big to help us little folk."

A tall, strong looking man of 60 or so came in through the front into the jammed living and dining rooms, spilling over into the den. He spoke with a deep, firm voice intimating that nobody better mess with him.

"Is Matthew or Steven Ridgway here somewhere?"

The brothers stood up and went to greet the new official, not knowing just who he was.

The new man's voice boomed above all the chatter in the room. "I am Gerard Foraker, my job is Attorney General of the State of Ohio. I have been requested by Congressman Tom Baker of this district to take charge of the rescue of your two boys. Fortunately, I was in the area and able to be with you all."

"General Foraker, we are particularly pleased to have you here." Matt nodded to the large group around him, "We were feeling a bit overwhelmed. We just want our boys back safely."

"Dr. Ridgway, I personally guarantee that will happen." He looked around, "I would like to see a representative of the Windsor City Police Department, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, the F.B.I. and Michigan police ... ah ... in the kitchen, if we may, Matt." Matt and Steve nodded and pointed the way. "And," General Foraker continued, "don't tell me you can't work with me, or work together. We are going to work together! I have already conferred with the Michigan officials and they agreed to go with my direction." He looked around for any dissenters, then headed for the kitchen.

The brothers put their arms around each other, squeezing tight. "I was hoping for someone like that to take charge." Matt spoke, "I think we might get out of this."

Approximately fifty miles north of Windsor, Jacob and Joshua were still locked in their bedroom that morning, the women hadn't come to get them. And they were hungry and they were scared. Jacob had gotten them washed up, peed and dressed again in their filthy clothing. He was as tender with Joshua as he could be. They got no comfort at all from the two women, the 'witches' they began calling them. They always hoped that Rhoda would come get them because the other one was mean, 'mean as cat dirt' as Jacob remembered his mother saying once.

The boys didn't know that their captors had gotten drunk the night before and were still asleep, one in their bedroom and one on the living room couch, really out. If the boys had been able to break out of their room, they could easily have left the house to get help. But Rhoda had remembered to lock their door when she shoved them in there last night. Jacob got on the bed on his back and patted the space next to him. Joshua crawled sadly up on the bed and lay half on his brother on his stomach. His head was resting on Jacob's chest, his right leg over Jacob's leg.

Jacob's right arm was tight against Joshua's back, his hand on top of Josh's buttocks, patting them, while his left hand caressed his brother's head, smoothing his hair softly, gently. They had not slept well the night before and were still tired, so finally fell asleep again, nestled together.

Steve and Matt were called into the kitchen war room. General Foraker asked them, "Gentlemen, do either of your boys have asthma or another breathing problem?"

Matt and Steve decided that they didn't. "Why?"

"One of our options would be to shoot tear gas into the house all around, then send in men with gas masks who could quickly extract the boys from the place."

Matt suggested, "General, I'm sure our boys are scared to death right now and being tear gassed and grabbed by big men in gas masks might just send them over the edge." He waited, "Our original thought was to have Dean McAllister, husband of one of the women, just stop as if on the spur of the moment. The cottage belongs to him and his wife.

"We hadn't figured out anything more than that, but we sure do not want a battle royal with the boys in the center. Can we please work out something without violence?"

The general spoke calmly, "Matt, what we are trying desperately to avoid is a hostage situation which would lead to a stand off and a more difficult situation than we have now.

"Is Dean McAllister here?" He called.

The dean had made a detailed drawing of their property along with some pictures of the place he had gotten. There was little cover if any around the house. Anyone coming up to the house would be exposed clearly and identified quickly.

Steve turned to the general, "General, we would so much like to handle this ourselves, Matt and me. These women are not hardened criminals, they have gotten twisted in their minds and I think we can handle them with Hamish's help. Would it hurt to let us try?"

Every officer of the law in the house was aghast at the suggestion. But, fortunately, the General was not such a skeptic. "Matt and Steve, I admire your courage and daring, but what if they have weapons?"

"Well," Matt began, "thinking about this, I believe with Hamish going in first and us following, we can surprise them, even shock them into revealing where the boys are. We are willing to try. I don't think we will be threatening the lives of our boys any more than they are right now." He urged, "Please let us try. Please. If we fail, then you can use your tear gas."

"Gentlemen," Anne spoke up, "I am these boys' grandmother and I've know Matt and Steve forever. I know how strong and able they are, and how dedicated they are. Your only problem would be if they decide to kill the women then and there." She nodded forcefully, as if to say, 'So there, you idiots.'

"Okay, Gramma, you got it." General Foraker smiled at Anne and walked over so they could 'high five'. "That's what we'll do, and I pray you are successful. We will be close behind you, but with just a few men, dressed as fishermen with poles and everything, but ready to close in." He looked for the sergeant. "Sergeant Reardon, could you find equipment enough for the Staties, maybe four of them. And, by God, if you FeeBees jump in where you aren't wanted, I'll request both of you be sent to Death Valley. You look like Digger O'Dells anyway."

Matt and Steve's plan worked perfectly. They entered the cottage just after Hamish went in, to greet Rhoda and Duella in the living room, forcing their way around the room. Steve went to stand at the bottom of the stairs to the second floor where they assumed the boys were.

It only took a few minutes before the two women had figured out what was going on. The first clue came where Duella tried to climb the stairs and ended up on the floor with Steve sitting on her back. She was fighting hard, but he finally got control of her arms, after some scratches on his face, and grabbed her hair and pulled hard, reining her in, painfully!

Rhoda tried to get past Matt but he gave her an uppercut to the jaw which sent her to the floor. "Sorry, Hamish, I don't like hitting a woman, but that gave me the greatest pleasure." He could see that Hamish was in shock. He yelled, "Hamish, will you call in the troops, please?"

As soon as the police had the women in custody, Matt and Steve raced to the second floor, yelling for Jacob and Joshua.

"Where are you, boys, it's Daddy and Uncle Matt?" From hearing their answer, the brothers knew where their boys were. "Boy, please stand back away from the door. I'm going to kick it in."

Crash! The door opened and slammed against the wall. Steve raced in and picked up Joshua, both of them crying while Matt had Jacob in his arms, tears in their eyes too.

"Oh, boys we love you so. Sorry we couldn't get here sooner. We didn't find out until this morning just where you were." Steve was squeezing and kissing Joshua, Matt was clutching Jacob to himself so tightly the boy complained just a little.

"Uncle Matt, I can't breathe very well."

"Sorry, Jacob, we are so glad to see you, we've missed you terribly." He kissed him again, "How about we go home, huh?"

The boys yelled, "Yes, yes, let's go home."We're hungry."

Jacob asked, "Did you get the witches?"

Steve and Matt laughed, "You mean the ladies?"

"Those were not ladies, that Duella was mean as hell," Jacob said.

"You are not to say hell, Jake," Steve reprimanded, "except this one time." He smiled and kissed his boy.

As they were carrying the boys downstairs, Matt told them, "The police are going to want to talk to you, guys, to tell them what happened before you forget anything. We hope to put those women, no, not ladies, away in jail so they never get out."

Steve immediately got out his cell phone, hoping it wasn't broken in his tussle with Duella , and called the farmhouse.

"Anne?" He checked, then shouted, "We got the boys and they are all right."

"Oh, Steve, that's wonderful. You coming right home?"

"Yes, we'll be there in less than an hour. Tell everybody that the boys are fine, but hungry. Can we have something for them when we get there?"

"I can't wait to see them, and sure, I'll have food ready for everybody. See you soon."

Steve was still holding on to his son, Joshua, tightly, not wanting him out of his arms for a second. "Matt, bring Jacob and we'll get out of here. If the police want to talk to the boys, they'll have to do it at our home."

All the way home the boys couldn't stop talking, telling about their experiences. They said that Rhoda was usually nice to them, but Duella was mean and nasty. She hurt them sometimes. Neither man said anything to that, somehow they would exact some measure of punishment for the women's behavior.

By the time they reached the farmhouse, the place was jammed with cars; police, newsmen, TV cameramen and reporters plus many of their friends. Hardy and Todd and Roger had organized the parking so the driveway wasn't jammed. The whole front lawn was covered with vehicles, leaving enough room for Steve and Matt to get to the house.

Holding the boys in their arms, the brothers climbed the steps to the front porch. They turned to face the crowd of most news people and officials.

Matt spoke to them. "Our boys are back and in good shape except they're hungry and we are hoping to fix that very soon. My brother and I want to thank everyone who helped locate the boys. That would be the media, the safety forces and so many of our friends and neighbors. Our next door neighbor, Silas Dean, gave us the big clue as to who the criminals were.

"I realize that the police, and District Attorney, will want to talk to the boys about their experience. We were so appreciative that the Ohio police and Michigan police were able to work together to solve the kidnaping. However, we will have to ration time with the boys so they can recover from the ordeal they have had. I would like one person to coordinate that, Sergeant Reardon of the Windsor Police. He knows the family and is a good friend and will deal respectfully with our young men. Thanks again to you all."

The whole gathering applauded the Ridgways and themselves, pleased that the rescue had a good outcome. Slowly, the media and police drifted away and out of the Ridgways' lives, forever they hoped.

Jacob and Joshua were fed and courted by the whole family. In between bites they gave a mostly garbled version of their kidnaping, but their parents were recording everything they said to have on hand in case they forgot. They didn't want to take any chances of giving the defense lawyers any room to negotiate.

That night, after letting Joshua and Jacob swim in the pool a while, Todd and Roger put them to bed in pajamas and everything. They hugged them until they fell asleep, loving them and sorry it had been their misfortune to be kidnaped.

By the time Matt and Steve got to their bedroom to kiss them good night, the boys were asleep and had taken off their pajamas. They lay as they had in the cottage at the lake, Jacob on his back and Joshua on his stomach, halfway on top of Jacob, Jacob's right arm along Josh's back, his hand on his naked buttocks.

"Matt, do you see how our boys are sleeping? Maybe that was Jacob's way of making Joshua feel safe and comforted."

"Yep, Steve, these are chips off our own blocks, that's just the way you used to hold me at night. And I'll tell you now, that was the best feeling, I felt so safe with you." The two men held each other tightly, their love so solid and all-consuming in their brotherhood.

Matt left the room to be with his partner for life, Hardy Wolfe, the handsomest hunk in the house and adorable too.

All the residents of the farm house were particularly concerned with Josh and Jake, trying to be with them as much as possible to make up for their ordeal.

Hardy, specially, loved them as the others did, but felt a closer bond with them because he was so close to Matt and Steve. He loved both boys equally and had set up a routine. He and the boys would meet at the pool first thing in the morning. Hardy was working on the Dukes every day starting at 9, rehearsing and arranging music for them, giving private instruction when one of them has a problem with the music, dancing or routines.

The day after Jake and Josh were returned from their ordeal with Rhoda and Duella was their first day with Hardy in the pool. Hardy wore his speedos and waiting in the pool a few minutes for the boys, idly floating in the pool, dreaming about the previous night. He and Matt had the wildest sex in a long time, their release from the tension and worry about the boys helped. They had cum three times each using mouths and assholes equally, adoring each other's body, very serious at first, then actually having fun the next time, and deadly serious of their love for each other the last time in the wee hours. Hardy's ass was still sore and burning, but it was great!

They were exhausted and almost numb, but held each other the rest of the night. Hardy was able to get out of bed without waking Matt in the morning, after a quick cleanup, he put his speedo on and glided down the stairs to the pool. He looked at the smooth sheet of blue water, no ripples or waves at all, just lightly steaming into the cool air over the surface. That aspect of the pool room scene helped him to feel comforted after the week of worry about Jake and Josh.

He slid silently into the water, feeling the surface glide up his body from ankles to his throat, every square centimeter of his skin sensing the liquid warmth. It seemed that he had just sunk into a huge ball of cotton, soft and muffling what he heard and felt.

Suddenly, his peace was interrupted by the yells of two fantastic boys, absolutely naked as usual, jumping into the pool very near Hardy. He watched them come to the surface and shake their heads, smiling broadly all the while.

"Hardy, Hardy, here we are."

Hardy could only laugh in delight, until a wave of sadness covered his face, remembering that they had almost lost these wonderful characters. The wave passed quickly, his pleasure returning in full force, and he cleared the tears in his eyes by ducking his head under the water.

"Hi guys, glad you could make it," and he dunked both of them, then gathered them into his arms, one in each, his arms under their bare bottoms, holding them tightly to his body.

He tickled them and each swam away from him in a different direction, their little butts mooning him as they swam. He loved every bit of the two wunderkinds, held them closely in his heart.

Hardy swam around the pool, watching them closely. They swam to the shallow end and were whispering together, conspirators, to be sure. Before he knew it, they were all over him, Josh climbed his body until his legs were over his shoulders, his body pushing into his face. While Hardy was attending to Joshua, he felt two small hands on the top of his speedo and rip it down his legs and off. 'Oh, hell, Jacob has depants me!' He tried to retrieve his suit, but Jacob had thrown it into the far corner of the pool room and Joshua held on..

He thought, 'so that's what they were dreaming up, getting me naked, too.' He knew no one else was out of bed at this hour, so he said to himself, 'oh, what the hell.'

Hardy and the boys played tag in the water, getting plenty of exercise in a short time. Whenever Joshua or Jacob got near him, they touched him, either on his butt or giving a quick pull on his cock. He was starting to get embarrassed because they were giving him a hard on. After they were in the water for a half hour, Hardy said they had to get out. That was enough for the day, but they would meet in the pool again tomorrow, he hoped.

They agreed, so happy to be with Hardy and enjoying the pool. Hardy picked the boys from the water, one hand under each naked buttock, and climbed onto the pool surround. He headed into the house with them, and was shocked to run into his mother in the hall near the stairs. Then he remembered he was naked, and had a hardon.

He reddened and said, "Oh, Mom, I'm sorry, we just got to playing ... and ....uh ... Oh well," he blushed more, "see you, Nana," The boys echoed his statement. And up the stairs to the boys room they went.

"Now, guys you need to shower to get the chlorine off. Then you will feel better."

"Okay, Uncle Hardy, we love you. Thanks for swimming and playing with us," the boys gave a devilish grin then, "see you tomorrow."

Hardy hunkered down, stood the boys on their feet and gave each tender butt a light slap.

"Love you guys!"

"Love you, too, Hardy."

Hardy was working with the Dukes that morning in the old music building, mainly testing a new arrangement for them which ended up with "The Yellow Rose of Texas" with a few measures of "Boo-la, Boo-la" thrown in. He felt that would be politic in view of the home state and college of the President.

"LJ and Rick, you aren't quite together with those runs at Letter C. How about you two woodshed those this afternoon for a while. And Chris, you have to be louder near the end, the others are playing loud so you have to accommodate them."

"Well, Hardy, I think they should accommodate me and not play so loud." Chris was a little incensed. "Anyway, I can't play very well in these jeans, they're too tight."

LJ laughed and spoke up, "Chrissie, those jeans are so low the only thing they are pressing on is your pubes." He laughed again and so did everyone else, except Chris. She looked very irritated so LJ walked over to her and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, Chrissie, that wasn't nice of me." He waited, "True, but not nice."

Even Chris laughed with everyone at that dig.

"Okay, let's run the whole thing again, dancing and all."

While Hardy was watching and listening, he also heard his cell phone in his jacket hung on his music stand.


"Is this Matt Ridgway?"

"No, this is Hardy Wolfe."

"Oh, Hardy, this is Hunt Huntington. You're the one I need to talk to, how are you doing? I heard the good news that your boys were found okay and brought home."

"Hi, Hunt, yes, we are so happy and no one was hurt. Matt and Steve were the ones who found the boys and captured the women. We are so thankful. At the present time I'm rehearsing the Dukes madly so we'll be ready. I suppose you are busy, too"

"Always, but I need to have you here tomorrow, Hardy, in Washington, to go over more questions about your performance. I don't think I need to bother Matt, do I?"

Hardy thought, "Not really, Hunt, I don't think he would leave his nephews, anyway. Not right yet." He said, "Um ... Hunt, I'll have to check with Brian to see if the helicoper and Learjet are available tomorrow."

"No, Hardy, you won't have to do that. I already talked to Brian and he is fixing it up. You know, if in doubt, always go to the head man."

"Yeah," Hardy laughed, "He is really a HEAD man. Thanks. Okay, I'll be ready this evening early. Anything else?"

"Just one more thing, man, would you bring your best suit? I want to treat you tomorrow night so you won't get back to Ohio until day after tomorrow. Okay?"

"Sure, Hunt," he agreed, not telling Hunt he only had one suit, "I'll be there tonight about the same time as last time."

"Good, love it, I'll call you at Mike's, right?"

"Okay with me, I'd love to see you again. Bye."

Late that afternoon, Hardy was in their bedroom packing for his trip. Matt was there too, helping him, or rather, hindering him.

"Matt, don't you want me to go? I won't if you don't want me to. You know that Brian's coming with me. He'll be a great chaperone." Then he snickered.

"Sure, he can watch you, love, but who is going to watch him?"

"Not me."

Matt took Hardy in his arms, "I love you, so much, Hardy, I would not want to live if I didn't have you." They kissed passionately, sloppily and with great heat. Matt bit Hardy's lower lip until it hurt just a little, and their tongues fought for supremacy.

"Oh, Matt, I'm the same way. I couldn't live without you. That's why you scare me so when you go after people like the kidnapers and your mother," he moaned in Matt's ear, "I'm so glad we are 'married', hon, because I can always come back to you, as I will in two days, Love."

Matt slid his hand between them, moving down to Hardy's crotch, finding his cock already big and hot. "I want you to be careful with this, it belongs to me, babe. If you loan it out for a few minutes, be careful it is in good hands."

"My mate, I will always be careful for you and me too. I've got an idea you are a little worried about Hunt, but don't, my man. It probably could happen I might loan it out, but it would only be him. I feel like I trust him, don't you?"

"Yes, hon," he laughed, "to a certain extent."

"Well, I'll keep him within that extent. For instance, my asshole is yours, Matt, and NO one else's."

The two men held each other tightly, clutching arms, hands gripping buttocks, solidifying their relationship all over again.

They carried Hardy's bag downstairs where Hardy picked up the boys as usual, one on each arm, clothes on this time. Hardy explained that he had to go to Washington and wouldn't be able to swim tomorrow or the next day. They kissed and said their love vows until Hardy set them down. Everyone was there to wish Hardy a good trip and to say hi to the President for them. Brian was waiting for them, anxious to get to see Mike.

Only Matt and Hardy and Brian walked back to the chopper, close together, saying their last good-byes to each other. They kissed and Matt said, "Please stay safe, Hardy, I want you to come back in as good shape as you are leaving."

"I will, man, my man, you keep the home fires burning. See you."

Brian urged, "Com'on, guys, we'll never get there this way." He was very anxious.

Mike's limo had met Hardy and Brian at the airport, smoothly running to Watergate and Mike's apartment. As they entered the apartment, Mike and Brian got stuck together with a loud smack. They were hugging and kissing wildly.

At one point Mike pulled away from Brian's lips, "Hardy, there's a call for you. If I were you I'd call him right away."

Immediately, the phone rang. "Answer it, will you, Hardy, we'll see you later this evening." As one they dashed to their old bedroom, pulling clothing off on the way, slamming the door behind them.


"Hi, Hardy, how about I pick you up in five minutes? We both need supper."

"Gee, Hunt, I'm not dressed ..."

"I'd rather you stayed that way," he growled, then, "You are fine as you are, we'll have some supper and get to know each other better. Okay?"

"That's great, Hunt, just give me a few minutes to wash up."

"You better answer that door bell, Hardy, you'd never know who might be there."

Now Hardy had figured Hunt out, he was outside the door.

Hardy let Hunt in and excused himself to freshen up. "By the way, Hunt, don't go anywhere near that bedroom door."

Hunt laughed, "I presume you did bring Brian with you."


Hardy took off his shirt and washed up, pissed and sprayed some of Mike's cologne, then combed his hair and walked out to the living room. He would rather have had a shower, but the time seemed to be racing.

"Hey, Hardy, you clean up good. Now we can go eat."

Hunt fascinated Hardy in the car with anecdotes about life in the White House and the vagaries of politics. He assured Hardy that they were going nowhere near that building, that was his work place and his work was over for the day. He also pointed out the government buildings they were passing, the parks, watering holes and restaurants.

Hardy was amused by the stories about so many well-known people. Hunt explained who was gay and who wasn't, realizing there were a lot more on the gay side of the aisle than he ever thought possible.

He was surprised when Hunt stopped in front of an Automat restaurant.

"You go ahead of me, Hardy, but don't pay, I have a special arrangement with the proprietor. He's a good friend of mine, one of the family. N'est-ce pas?"

They put the food they chose on the trays and Hunt took a receipt. He said he received a big discount which would appear on the monthly bill. Strange business, Hardy thought. Oh well.

While eating, Hunt asked perceptive questions about Hardy's life, about all facets of his past history. Finally, about his sex life and experience.

"Hunt, I've answers all your questions so far, but I think I must stop here."

"Hardy, I'm not trying to be invasive, or I'm not ever going to use the information you give me. My friend, I'm going to need to know you, because ..." he looked into Hardy's eyes, "I am trying to court you - could you see that?"

Hardy looked into Hunt's handsome, patrician face, identifying his points of beauty from his bright hazel eyes to his sensitive, curvilinear luscious, red lips. The man was an absolute god, an adonis and bacchus to boot. 'How can I resist this man? Do I want to resist this man'

"Let me see your palm, Hardy, please?"

Hardy held out his hand, palm up, to Hunt who held it in both of his hands, lightly and tenderly.

"Hardy, I've done this often at parties and usually am right. Now just be quiet for a while."

Hunt smoothed and poked at Hardy's palm, following various lines and wrinkles. He scanned the whole palm, finally holding Hardy's hand between his two hands and interweaving his fingers with Hardy's.

"Hardy, you are amazing. You have the longest passion line I've seen and the longest life line, too. But what is most extraordinary, my friend, is this one line."

He pulled his hands off Hardy's, then pointed to one certain line, a long line. He whispered to Hardy.

"This line indicates the length of your cock, Mr Wolfe," he smiled lewdly, "and it is longer than any man whose palm I've checked."

Hardy smiled, "Hunt, I have a couple friends, including my husband, who must have a longer line than mine." He boasted.

"Oh, Hardy, we've got to set up a visit to Windsor, Ohio, for me, please."

Hardy laughed, "Okay, Hunt, that could be arranged. Now, I'm sorry but I'm very tired, I've been up since six, swimming with my nephews-in-law, rehearsing with the Dukes, flying here and going out with you, and I've enjoyed every minute of it. But I do need sleep and rest. If I understood you correctly, we will work tomorrow at the White House and then you are going to take me to a fine restaurant. Now, are we on the same page?" He smiled sweetly, "And, Hunt, would you please put your hands back around my hand. It felt so good."

Hunt Huntington started laughing, until he coughed and stopped.

"Hardy, you are incredible. I already love you, and I hope you love me enough to spend the night with me."

"Not tonight, my friend, but I will consider your offer, handsome as it sounds, and I will talk to you tomorrow? Are you picking me up in the morning?"

"You bet your bippy, stud. We'll have breakfast, then the White House, then you are mine for the rest of the day and night. Believe me, I look forward to that with great anticipation."

Hunt stopped in front of Mike's apartment in the Watergate complex. He turned to look closely into Hardy's face, took Hardy's left hand in his and pulled it up to his mouth where he kissed the back and held on. Hardy felt Hunt deserved something for his efforts and attention to someone from the sticks, so he leaned toward Hunt's face. Hunt responded by meeting Hardy's lips with his own. It was a short kiss, but raised Hardy's excitement level by an enormous step.

"Hunt, I really can't tonight. But I'll tell you right now, I will be available tomorrow night if you still want me."

Hunt leaned into Hardy and kissed him again, this time sucking with full lips and tongue and searching for Hardy's. Hardy put his arm around Hunt's shoulders, held his shoulder tight. He gave in to his desires and moved his other hand to Hunt's crotch, finding his hard cock, long and slender, squeezed by his dress pants, but furiously alive.

"Hardy, I want you so much, I will be waiting for tomorrow. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, right here." He pointed to the apartment complex door.

"Okay, Hunt, I'll be here. Thanks for supper." He gave Hunt a brief, but heart-felt kiss, a quick squeeze of his dick and headed for Mike's apartment.

He headed for his room, but only heard soft murmurs form Mike's room. 'Wonder if they are worn out all ready, or can keep going until morning.' From the guest room, Hardy found his cell phone and called Windsor and Matt's number.

A sleepy voice said, "Hello."

"Matty, it's me, Hardy. Just wanted to say I'm fine, had a nice supper on Hunt Huntington and I'm getting into bed."

"That's good. Alone?"

"Of course alone, Matty, we go to the White House tomorrow morning. Bye."

He undressed and slid between the sheets on the guest room bed, thankful for the comfort and cool material. He'd set the alarm, assuming he'd be leaving before Mike and Brian were even awake, or lucid if wakeful.

Hardy wished he had told Hunt to come up. He would have loved to have his naked body against his own that night. He had said no and then regretted it. But soon he fell asleep.

Early in the morning he heard soft taps on his bedroom door. He couldn't imagine why Brian or Mike would rap on his door. He got out of bed, pushed his hard cock back into his sleep shorts and opened the door. Hunt Huntington stood in utter awe, his eyes wide, staring at the other bedroom door.

"My God, Hardy, that was Brian who opened the door, in his sleep I believe, and he was naked and he was hard as hell and I'd never seen that before. Oh, hell, how could Mike be so lucky, he should be on top of the world."

Hardy smiled at Hunt, "Hunt, he is on top of the world, he just doesn't believe he could be that lucky. Will you get in this room, please, I'm practically naked and cold." He laughed at the way Hunt was dressed. He was wearing a sweatshirt and sweat pants, running shoes and a knit cap covering most of his head. "Hunt, did you run here from your apartment?"

He smiled shyly, "Yeah."

"Have you gone crazy, Hunt, out on the streets at this time in the morning? You could get killed."

"No, Hardy, I do this every morning. I've never been bothered."

"Okay, Tarzan, I suppose you want me to go running with you."

"No," Hunt grinned, "I was proposing that I get in bed with you, I'm shivering a bit, too." He tried to present a pathetic figure, cold and lonely, pleading for a favor.

Hardy couldn't help laughing at Hunt, "All right, all right, come on."

He slid back into his bed and though it was narrow, Hunt slid in also, warming up to spoon Hardy from his back. Both men hummed softly, clutching each other. Hardy felt Hunt's cock, hard and pulsing, aimed directly at his asshole. He didn't want that. He turned on his other side to face Hunt.

"Hunt, I'm sorry, I can't let you do that. Matt said I could loan out my cock, but my butt is his personal territory."

Hunt kissed Hardy softly and very tenderly, "I'm sorry, too, Hardy. Uh .... does my finger could as an intruder?"

Hardy leaned over and pressed his lips on Hunt's, "Babe, you just leave my total ass alone and we will get along fine."

They hugged together and just enjoyed that much of a statement.

About 9 am Hardy and Hunt walked into the East Room to study the area the Dukes' routine statistics which he had brought with him from Windsor. They walked around the stage area, checking the exact measurements where the Dukes would have to perform.

"Hunt, I will have to alter some of the routines, but it won't make a big difference in our performance. It is good that I came, for that reason, " he smiled at Hunt, "and other reasons."

A voice from the other end of the East Room called, "Oh, Hunt, could I see both of you for minute."

Hunt turned and almost gasped out loud, "Oh my god, Hardy, it's the President. Someone must have told him who you were. We have to go greet him."

"Hi, Mr President, do you remember Hardy Wolfe, uncle of the Ridgway boys who were kidnaped? He and I have been looking over the stage for his group to use next month."

"Howdy, Mr Wolfe, I'm pleased to see you again. And I was specially pleased to hear that your nephews were rescued. And I also hear that the Ridgway brothers were the ones who saved their sons and nephews. That is wonderful. They should get a medal."

"Sir, I don't think they would like that. They don't feel that they were heros, they were just saving their boys. They really wouldn't appreciate any medal or publicity because of the boys.."

"Well, if you say so. What would your relationship be to the little boys be?"

"Mr. President, they are my nephews in law, I am married to Matthew Ridgway, their uncle Matt."

"That's fine, you are married to .... " he realized what Hardy had said, "uh ... uh .... their uncle. Yes, I see." He flushed, "Ah ... ah ... have a good time in Washington."

The President of the United States turned and walked away, slowly shaking his head.

Hunt Huntington, for once in his life, was bright red, embarrassed to the core.

"My God, Hardy, you went and told him the truth."

"Hunt, my friend, my mother told me to always tell the truth, when I could. And I thought he ought to know that all gays are not flaming queens. Right?"

"You know he may never recover, Hardy," he opined, "which might not be all bad." He laughed, "you are a wonder, Hardy, and a surprise any moment. I guess that's why I love you."

Hardy looked around, grabbed Hunt and gave him a brief, hard kiss.

Hunt squirmed to get out of Hardy's embrace, "Please, not here, babe, I have to work here I hope a lot longer." He did manage a smile for his young friend.

"Let me finish our tour, Hardy, I would bet that no one else will ever hear of your revelation to the President. And if they did hear, no one would believe it. You are a man's man, Hardy, all masculine, I think that's why I've fallen in love with you."

"Hunt, as a man's man, I can tell that you are my brother, just as masculine or I would not be enticing you as I have been." He laughed, "Believe that, Hunt, I always tell the truth."

The warm summer evening in Washington, D.C. was all around Hardy and Hunt as they walked into the Le Deux e Deux Restaurant not too far from the White House. They had returned to Mike's apartment so Hardy could put on his suit. Mike and Brian were up, dressed in their robes and nothing else, looking well used but ready for more after a short recovery period. Smiles were affixed to their faces, appreciation of each other and love for the other.

"Hi, there, guys, what have you been doing?" Mike was trying to be a good host.

Hunt spoke out, "Well, you wouldn't believe your friend, Hardy, here. He told the President that he was married to Matthew Ridgway and the boys were his nephews."

Hardy responded, "Hunt, you know he asked me, what was I supposed to do, lie to him."

"Maybe." Then Hunt laughed, "No, I was proud of you, my friend."

Brian say "Hi, nice to see you, we'll be back in Mike's bedroom if you want us, which you don't or won't. Right?" He pulled Mike into the bedroom while Mike looked back at Hardy and Hunt with a 'save me, save me' appearance on his face. They knew he was just playing around..

In the dark, plush restaurant they were led by the maitre d' to a secluded half round booth for two. "Does this satisfy, Mr. Huntington, sir.?"

"Oh, yes Pierre, this is fine, and you may start our dining when you are ready."

Hardy looked around him, taking in the leather booths and chrome and glass furniture along with a forest of live green plants everywhere. Before they sat down, he'd seen other booths like theirs, but all were situated so the occupants weren't visible.

Hardy stared at his friend, "I assumed you have this all set up, right?"

Hunt blushed a little, "Just a little, Hardy, I was certainly hoping you would let me show you some of the wonders of Washington. Our first drinks will be a speciality of the house, sort of an aperitif which I hope you enjoy."

Their male server, dressed in the tightest white pants he'd ever seen, so tight he knew the server was for sure not Jewish. Hardy wondered how he ever bent over to serve in them.

With a flourish of graceful movements the tall drinks were set before the two men.

"I hope you enjoy them, Mr. Huntington."

"Thank you, Felix, I'm sure we will." He smiled up at the young waiter who returned it.

Hunt lifted his glass, pushing it toward Hardy with raised eyebrows.

His 'cheers' was returned by Hardy who clinked glasses, and they sipped.

"That is very good, Hunt, what's in it?" He had removed the orange slice, but a tall stirrer remained.

"I don't know, they won't tell, but, yes, I like them too." He sipped, "One caution, though, never have more than one. Dangerous!" He sipped again, "Hardy, you have to keep stirring this drink to keep the mixture from separating."

Hardy took the stirrer and mixed the liquid, watching the colors combine.

"Hardy, look closely at your stirrer." He was smiling, trying not to laugh.

Since is was so dark in the booth, Hardy held up the stirrer and inhaled a quick breath, "Hell, Hunt, this stirrer is a hard penis, I'll have to take this back to Matt. He'd enjoy it."

The rest of the evening was exotic, colorful and delicious, food Hardy had never been near before and which he found absolutely delectable. The two men were sitting close together, there was no other way, in fact their legs were touching, Hunt on the left and Hardy on the right.

"Hardy, I very much wanted to show you what Washington has for creature comforts. This is one of my favorite places. And, yes it is primarily for gays, but women have been known to show up with their gay husbands." He looked around, "Now, for instance, take Felix. I've only know Felix from being served by him. I would love to know him better, but my nights of sex are shared with very few.

Hardy felt Hunt's slender hand touch his upper thigh and caress it. He wasn't much surprised, but not so soon. The hand began searching the area between his legs and soon found Hardy's still soft cock and balls, fingering them lightly, but passionately.

He ordered each of them an after dinner drink, a Drambuie, another of his favorites.

"Delicious, Hunt, what is this?"

"It's Drambuie, a Scottish liqueur, Scotch whiskey with heather honey and herbs, it has a most unusual and intriguing flavor. I hope you like it." His hand become more insistent, rubbing his cock until it was uncomfortable to Hardy.

Hardy felt like he had to join the party, so he opened his belt, the button and slid his zipper to the bottom. He turned to Hunt and smiled suggestively, "It's all yours, Hunt."

Hunt worked to pull Hardy's cock through his boxers, bringing it into the air where he pumped it delicately, rubbing his thumb over the head, spreading the pre-cum around and giving Hardy extensive electric shocks to his system.

Hardy's eyes closed as he let the sensations flood his body, jolting him erotically and driving him hotly all over his body. He couldn't wait so moved his hand to Hunt's crotch where he found Hunt's cock already out in the open, long, hard and hot as hell. His fist pulled the pre-cum dripping from Hunt's urethral slit onto the shaft, swiped some with his thumb, tasting it.

"Shall I ask for coffee, Hardy?"

"No, babe, I want you to come home with me, right now!"

Hunt smiled hungrily at Hardy, giving him a look of desire and lust he'd never seen.

"Ok, hon, while we are putting ourselves together, I'll call for Felix."

Felix was at the table in just a few seconds. Hunt handed him what looked to Hardy to be a fifty dollar bill. The handsome young man glanced at Hardy who was trying to get his hard cock back into his pants. He smiled at Hardy with a look of 'been there, done that' and nodded to both as he left.

Back in Windsor most everyone was at least in bed if not asleep. Matt had looked in on the boys earlier and found them in the same 'sleep' position as the night before. He thought, 'I'm glad that they have each other and that Jacob can calm and comfort Joshua. He went to bed, crawled between the sheets and wished desperately that Hardy wasn't in Washington.

After tossing and turning in the half empty bed, he sat up to read for a while, but he was constantly aware his cock was solid and straight and dripping. He was just about to turn off his light when his bedroom door opened slowly and silently to reveal Ted, standing there with his tiny boxers barely covering his 'goodies'. Ted raised his eyebrows in a questioning way. Matt looked back and smiled, holding up the sheet for Ted to crawl in. Ted moved quickly to the bed and slid his shorts off his legs. He hopped on the bed to stand over Matt, his legs wide apart and his cock somewhat aroused, but still hanging down over his balls.

He stood with his arms akimbo, his feet wide apart over Matt's naked body. By that time Matt's cock was standing erect and swaying slowly with his heart beat. Ted got a devilish gleam in his eyes and a smile that reeked of evil. He gradually lowered his body, showing great strength in his legs by dropping until his hanging cockhead touched Matt's cockhead, pre-cum meeting pre-cum. Both men held their own cock, controlling its movement. He gently rubbed his cock along Matt's shaft until he finally sat on Matt's thighs, taking both cocks in his fist to pump them, his hands tightly sliding with their pre-cum from head down to their pubes. Ted's pubes were almost sandy colored, not nearly as red as his head.

Matt raised his arms to Ted, drawing the young man to lie on his chest, their rock hard cocks lying tightly together.

"Are you as lonely as I am, Ted?" The young redhead agreed, "I am."

"Our lovers are away, leaving us by ourselves, so I'm glad you came to me, Teddy, you and I have been able to care for each other before. Babe, I need you and you need me, what else can we do."

Ted's cock looked so oversized for his smaller body, the head swollen and bulging, deep purple almost, yet his body was well-developed, defined muscles from all the farm work.

"Matty, I appreciate you letting me come to you. You know I'll always love you."

"What about Brian and Jedd, Teddy, what about them?"

Ted smiled guiltily, "Matt, you know Brian always will be with Mike so I guess I take advantage of the situation when he is here. We are so good for each other and with each other."

"Okay, what about Jedd? He's a real cute one, Teddy. He's maybe a keeper for life, huh?"

"When we got back from Toledo on the chopper, he had to fly back to River City for something. He'll be back to pick Brian and Hardy up at the airport to bring them here."

"Have you had sex, yet?" Matt was concerned about Ted being left alone.

"No, Matt. We've only held hands, even the night we were in the same bed, we only held hands." He laughed, "And that was enough for me to shoot off after he went to sleep. Oh, Matt, he is so cool, but sort of innocent. He's never done anything with anyone, whatever sex."

"Teddy, I'll pray for you that Jedd is the right one to have you. Now make us cum!"

And he did with cum spraying both of their bodies which they licked up and nodded off.

Mike rolled over and smoothed Brian's recalcitrant curls, kissing his cheek.

"Bri, hon, did I hear two men's voices in the apartment."

Brian laughed, "Yes, you did, love, I'll bet you anything that Hardy brought Hunt back here to rape and plunder him. You said Hunt's worth waiting for, right?"

"Yes, dear, I hear he is, but we never really had sex before I seduced you."

"Hey, I thought I seduced you, Mikey, why do you think I drank all that alcohol my first time in this apartment?"

"That may be true, my love, but I was the one who held your head when you were vomiting and cleaned you up afterward. And, I was the one who fell madly in love with you, especially after you sucked me off while I was asleep ... ah ... supposedly."

Brian sat up, bracing on his hands, looking daggers at Mike. "You mean, all this time I thought you were asleep, but .... oh shit."

Mike gave Brian a huge, sloppy kiss on the lips and in his mouth, "Yes, my sweet bottom, I was awake, but I didn't want to embarrass you. In fact, why not give me one of those super special Brian suck offs. And maybe we could exchange again in the morning."

"That's a deal, Mikey. I'm so in love with you that I have no real love left for anyone else.!"

After Matt and Teddy got to sleep, Ted spooned inside of Matt who held him clutched in both arms, his hands tight on Ted's goodies and his chest. They were deeply asleep, exhausted by their activity together.

They didn't hear Joshua and Jacob cry out in their bedroom, but Todd heard them. His ears were attuned to their cries as well as any actual mother of young children. He slowly extricate himself from under Roger who'd had his way with Todd's ass that evening.

Naked, Todd, his cock drooping from being drained, walked next door to the boys' room. In their room he saw Joshua sitting up, certainly still asleep, but crying almost silently then. Jacob was also dead to the world, yet must have been having dreams which frightened him causing whimpering and tiny cries in his throat.

Todd had no other course to take. He separated the boys and quickly lay on his back in between them. He put his arms around them, pulling them to his side on their tummies, their heads on his chest and a leg over his leg. One of Todd's arms was behind the back of each boy, holding them to his body, his hands on their buttocks. When they didn't seem to want to calm down, he gently slid his middle finger of each hand along their buttock's cleft, no more than a slight indentation. Joshua and Jacob felt comforted, settled and slept.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 30

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