Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 23, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=========== Chapter Thirty ===========

After their fabulous meal at Le Deux et Deux Restaurant, Hunter Huntington and Hardy Wolfe had driven in Hunt's Mercedes to Mike Keith's Watergate apartment where Hardy had asked Hunt to spend the night. Hunt was way ahead of him because he had brought his clothing for the next day at the White House but didn't tell Hardy until he suggested that Hunt stay with him.

Hardy smiled, "You were fairly hopeful, weren't you?" He slid his hand between Hunt's legs right at the fork where his genitals resided in a very full basket, especially when his hard joint was stretching outward on impulses of desire.

"Yes, Hardy, I was hoping, and felt my hopes were justified. I'm very sorry that you are Matt's partner because I want you more than anyone I've ever known." He was calm, but devoutly wished he had a chance. As he stopped the car in the underground garage of that Watergate complex. "Hardy, I promise not to put any undue pressure on you. I appreciate so much that you will allow me to sample your wares!' He laughed, "Sorry about that, I've been reading Dickens recently."

Hunt's cock had grown to its full size, uncomfortable in his shorts. "I hope we can get inside without someone noticing that I'm very glad to 'see' you." He laughed, "I see you are in the same condition," as they rode the elevator to Mike's floor.

Hunter knew that Mike's condo wasn't very large with just two bedrooms, two baths and a small kitchen as standard. The kitchen formed part of an 'L' with the large living room, all decorated in nice but not outstanding furniture. He also knew that Brian had been pleading with Mike to let him buy a larger, fancier and roomier condo, but Mike said he didn't need it.

He said, "Bri, all I need is room for you and me and an occasional guest. If we need more, we can go to your mansion in Arlington."

The two men, tall and not quite so tall, quietly crept into Mike's apartment, closing and locking the door. Then they checked out the refrigerator, bumping each other's hip and they fought to see what was available.

Hardy swung his body against Hunt's, hips and shoulders together. Hunt didn't move an inch. 'God, this guy must weigh a ton more than me,' he thought after he quit straining.

Hunt turned around, still with the refrigerator door open, and smiled sweetly at Hardy. Suddenly he pulled Hardy into his arms which encircled him tightly. Hunt seemed to have no trouble lifting Hardy high enough so he could wrap his legs around Hunt's waist.

"What the hell have you been eating, Hunt, you are as strong as a bull?"

Hunt smiled the same sneaky smile, "I just eat my Wheaties and steroids every day." He laughed, "Just kidding, no steroids, Hardy. It's all from my genes and a few workouts here and there."

"That I don't believe, please put me down, shut the door and come in the bedroom with me." He was serious.

Hardy led the way, allowing Hunt to go in the room ahead of him and he shut the door. Quickly, he grabbed Hunt from behind, trying to pull him backwards towards the door. "Ugh, uuuh, grrrr," sounds came from Hardy, but Hunt stood like a rock.

"Damn it, Hunt, I'm strong, I know I am, but I can't budge you. Why not?"

"Beats me," Hunt said, "maybe you aren't trying hard enough." He put his hand over his mouth to hide the smile that was pasted there.

"Okay, my friend, I want you to strip, now!" He frowned, "I want to see that body."

Hunt sighed, "All right, Hardy, but honest, I don't turn into Superman."

"We'll see." Hardy found hangers in the closet and took each piece of Hunt's clothing to hang there and be neat. He liked 'neat'.

Hardy couldn't help watching as each piece of clothing was removed. After the jacket and shirt were off, he realized that Hunt's shoulders were much wider than he thought. 'Must be the cut of the suit.' He also was wearing a tremendous pair of pecs and very detailed six-pack above his crotch.

Hunt turned to take off his pants and Hardy was mesmerized by his back muscles which rippled sinuously under the skin as he moved his arms and body. After handing his pants to Hardy to hang up, he waited until Hardy was watching to slowly slid his boxers over his buttocks and down to his ankles.

He realized that Hunt's buttocks were not the bubble type like his own, but were perfectly smooth and hard. When Hunt bent to take off his socks and shoes, Hardy caught his breath to grasp that he was seeing Hunt's tiny red asshole with a pink aureola, but without any hair around it. 'God,' Hardy was amazed, 'Hunt must shave his asshole. Now who would to that, it's dangerous and difficult to do by yourself.' Hardy knew, he'd tried it once and after nicking himself a couple of times, gave up. Those nicks hurt for a couple weeks since they were right on his anus. But after he put some cream on them, they began to heal. He sort of enjoyed sticking his finger with the cream on it in and around his anus.

The light in the bedroom was very good, and as Hardy stared, he noticed that the little red anus was winking at him. He looked up at Hunt and knew he caught him staring at his ass.

"What do you think, Hardy?"

"That's the cutest bung hole that I've every seen, Hunter Huntington, as cute as your name." He laughed, "However, I don't lip read very well and couldn't tell what you were saying."

Hunt stood up straight and turned to face Hardy. His muscles were tight and defined, but his cock wasn't quite erect, longer and thick but mainly hanging over his big scrotum with its large eggs. "I was saying, Hardy, come and get me!"

"Shit, Hunt, you are skinny as a rail, where does your strength come from?"

"Like I said, Hardy, because of my genes. You should see my brothers and my father."

"No, I just like seeing you."

"Well, now that you've seen me, let me see you, you stud."

Hunt stood by Hardy as he stripped, hanging up Hardy's suit, jacket and pants.

"Very nice suit, I don't recognize the tailor's name, though."

Unbuttoning his shirt, "We have one superb tailor in Windsor. I was lucky he would tailor a suit for me."

Hunt closely examined the workmanship and styling in the jacket and pants, "Hardy, that suit would have cost you at least $2000 here in Washington. What did you pay there?"

"Oh, almost that much, Hunt, a bit less, we're in the sticks you know." Hardy could hardly keep a serious look on his face, since he'd paid $200 for the suit. Guess he really got a deal.

Hardy was finally down to his boxers which were white and tight, plus see-through. His cock and balls showed clearly, resting across his thigh, half-hard. He put his thumbs in the waist band, preparing to lower them. But, he teased a bit, pushing them a half inch at a time, down past his pubes, then his cock base in amongst them. Suddenly he turned his back to Hunt, then lowered the back all the way down below his buttocks, bubble-type glutes, full and hot and separated by a deep, mysterious chasm.. After that he let them drop to the floor and off his feet. He also bent way over to remove his shoes, winking his own anus, his sphincter producing waves of his ass lips, almost smiling at Hunt.

Slowly Hardy turned to face Hunt, watching his eyes widen, his mouth drop and his whole face stare in amazement at Hardy's muscular body, large square pecs, a solid six-pack, delts and lats like steel bands and strong, wide shoulders which narrowed to his thirty inch waist.

"My god, Hardy, you are an Adonis personified, finer than any statue I've ever seen, and of course, any man I've seen. I'm so in awe that I'm near you and might even get to touch you."

Hardy moved close to Hunt and enfolded the taller man in his arms, gripping his own wrists tightly. He again tried to move his slender friend. Nothing moved. Hardy tried again. Hunt moved this time but not off the floor.

"My God, Hunt, what the hell are you made of?"

He smiled, "Steel and concrete."

Suddenly Hardy jerked Hunt fiercely and they stumbled around the room until Hardy managed to trip Hunt and they both landed on the carpeted floor. They sounded like a large piece of furniture falling on the floor. "Ugh, oof," came from Hunt since he was on the bottom and Hardy wasn't a light weight. The two men rested for a minute, getting their breath back. The bedroom door opened and they heard Mike's voice.

"Hardy, I'm sorry, but I forgot to warn you about Hunter. He's survived six Iron Man competitions and even won once. And don't even think of Karate or Judo, man, he's a killer."

Hardy and Hunt looked up to see Mike's head in the narrow door opening with Brian's head below Mike's.

Brian smiled at the two naked men tangled up on the floor, noticing what neither of them seemed to realize, they were both hard as rocks, their cocks dripping pre-cum on each other. "I tried to mess with him about a year ago, Hardy, and he did damn near kill me. I still ache on rainy days."

Mike nodded, "Glad to have you here, Hunt, and messing with a favorite of ours. Right, Brian?"

"That's right, see you guys in the morning." He laughed, "Please don't break any furniture, guys, it's rented." He shut the door and they could hear Mike and Brian laughing on the way back to their room.

Still laying on the floor, Hardy and Hunt were holding each other tightly, caressing their bodies, mostly backs and butts until Hardy broke the stalemate by searching for Hunt's tongue behind his lips and teeth.

Quietly, Hunt whispered to his partner, "Hardy, I have a request to make."

"Anything, Hunt."

"I want to make love to you, love your body and yourself. But, no, not in your asshole." He brushed Hardy blond curls back from his face and kissed his face, all over, until finally he reached Hardy's lips, nipping them with his own lips, pulling on them.

Hardy's passion was raised to new heights, his whole body shaking from the shocks to his system. The sensations of Hunt's lips and tongue on him sent shivers and electric itching all over his body, and he felt his cock swell to its largest and longest.

"Oh, Hunt, I love that, but you better be careful, I'm quick on the trigger, especially with you, my new friend." He stood up over Hunt, held out his hand to grab Hunt's.

"Come on, Hunter, let's get to the bed, it is slightly softer."

Hunt held on so Hardy could lift him from the floor and he fell into Hardy's arms, his naked body against Hardy's, his cock and Hardy's meshed together, sliding and slithering from the slippery pre-cum they both spun out. He held Hardy's head still, tilting his own head to orient their noses so his lips could find Hardy's and slip between them into his mouth, sucking out Hardy's tongue as hard as he could.

Hardy's hand slid down to clutch his partner's butt cheeks, foraging between them to search for Hunter's asshole, flicking it with his nimble fingers.

"Hunter, I think I'd like to call you Hunter better than Hunt, the sound and connotation is more fitting for you." They rubbed each other, still on their feet beside the bed. "You certainly are a hunter and gatherer, my friend, as I'm sure I'm about to find out." He kissed Hunter gently, "I'm wondering just where you learned your tricks with your dick and other men's dicks."

Hunt pulled Hardy tighter against him, "I had two wonderful teachers, Hardy, they taught me all I know. One was my brother, Forrest, a real stud."

"And, the other?" Hardy had an idea, "Was the other one your .....?"

Hunt nodded his head, "Yes, it was my father." He wondered how Hardy would take that information.

"How far apart are you and your brother? Three or four years?"

"Three years."

"So, your father taught you first and you taught your brother, right?"

"Well, actually, we both taught my brother. He was bigger than both of us so we had to join up to keep him under control. He wasn't too welcoming at first, but soon saw the light and became a rabid cock hound, raping us continually. He is now a top lawyer in New York City and has wonderful twink partner. They are so cute together, his partner is probably half Forrest's weight and over all size. It's amazing how well they have sex with their disparate sizes."

"You've watched?"

"Sure, we all do, me, Dad and Forrest and Brad. We're quite a team. We all love each other and are happy to show it and be shown by the others."

"Ah, Hunter, we are wasting time, don't you think? I'd like to get in your ass a few times before morning. Plus you need your turns too, to satisfy me."

Hunter pulled the bedclothes down to the foot of the bed, a single bed that wasn't any too wide. He stared at Hardy's naked perfection, beautiful muscles in the right places, his nipples clinging tightly to the lower steep curve of his pecs to his chest, dark red nipples standing tall in the center of his lighter pink aureolas. Hunter leaned over Hardy's chest to lightly tongue his friend's nips with his lips and teeth, lightly scraping them, while his fingers smooth the hair on his pecs. Hardy didn't have a lot of hair, but what there was flowed softly over his chest between his nipples.

Hardy was moaning, twisting his lower body, legs and waving his long, rigid cock side to side over his crotch and dripping pre-cum down the shaft into his pubes. Hunter's crotch hair was a light brown, long and straight, not thick, but flowed from the base of his cock down over his balls and back on his perineum. Hunter's tongue traveled onto Hardy's upper thighs and his perineum between them, licking and teasing his balls too. The electric shocks from that area were enormous, spreading throughout his body from overloaded nerve sensations, tingling up his spine from his crotch.

Hardy was emitting low bass tones, almost growling yet in a impassioned, torrid manner. He had tried to keep his hands off Hunter, but he suddenly grabbed Hunter's ears in strong fingers, pulled his head up over his own face and kissed his hot, red and swollen lips, softly sucking on them, licking across the lips and between them to clean his bright, white teeth, so strong and perfect.

Hardy pushed Hunter's head away and whispered, "My friend, you are nearing my nether regions and I hope you aren't headed for my asshole. Right?"

"Of course not, Hardy, I said I wouldn't be inside your asshole, didn't I?"

Hesitantly, "Well, you were aimed at that route, but if ...."

"Hardy, I promise I will put nothing hard into or near your beautiful winking asshole, even though that will be a great hardship to me." Hunter kissed his hunky friend, lusting after him with all his heart and cock, just wishing ......

Hunter slid down Hardy's tight body, blushing with passion as it was, tight and tense, just waiting to explode, especially into Hunter's mouth and ass. He grinned and just waited. Hunter reached Hardy's cock shaft, sliding his lips up along the hard/soft side, velvet skin and so slippery with pre-cum. When he reached the top, Hunter's lips surrounded the younger man's red and swollen glans, glistening and so soft and delicate, drawing it into his mouth and close to his tongue.

Hardy gasped, inhaling suddenly with the exquisite sensations coming from his cockhead, and worming their way into his nerve cells, shocking and shaking their cores. Hardy could feel his explosion coming, a tremendous climax seemed to be building in his groin, just waiting for release.

"Hunter, I think I'm cuming ... don't stop!"

Hunter stopped immediately, he didn't want Hardy to come so soon.

"Sorry, Hardy, I didn't know you were so far along toward blasting. Just hang on there, my friend."

Hunter spread Hardy's legs apart so he could lay between them. As he got there, he put his hands under his knees and pushed them up and over until Hardy's knees were beside his ears, his knees in his abdomen. In this position Hardy's lower body was almost perpendicular, his asshole pointed to the ceiling.

When Hardy tried to force his legs back to lie on the bed, he couldn't, Hunter was too strong for him, specially in his present posture.

"Hardy, believe me, I will stick to what I just said, don't be afraid, I respect you too much to go back on my word." He placed a kiss on Hardy's wrinkled, pursed hole, just a light kiss. "I won't do any more than that. Okay?"

In Hardy's mind he wondered just how far Hunter would go, but he agreed.

Hunter began to run his tongue over Hardy's ass the length of the cleft between his buttocks which were spread wide by his hands. He laved that whole stretch from below his scrotum to his asshole, sliding his wet tongue along that stretch of sensitive skin.

The taller man went a bit farther, pressing his lips into Hardy's anus, tickling it with his tongue and then sucking the saliva he'd laid there and more. Hunter felt so energized finally being so close to Hardy's anus, to his most secret place, so ripe with his flavors and scents, his body scent, his male scent and the aromas of his ass and rectum. He could feel his cock stretching farther, getting more solid and drooling a flood.

"Hunter," Hardy moaned, "please leave my ass alone, I've let you go farther than I expected, but I can't take any more." He began lowering his legs to the bed, "It's time for me to fuck you silly before I bust a nut. I've wanted you ever since I first saw your hot, super body in the White House, and can't wait any longer."

Hunter relented, eased off Hardy's legs and butt, letting them fall to the bed. "Hardy, thanks for letting me use so much of your body, I'm thrilled with your body beautiful. My body is yours to do with as you please." He smiled knowingly at Hardy, "I'd guess that this will probably be our first and only time together, but I will remember it forever and love you in my own way. You are a priceless man, Hardy Wolfe-Ridgway, you are the man of my dreams. I don't expect you to love me, but if you can just a little, I will be beyond happy, beyond ecstatic to delirious.

Hardy moved aside as Hunter lay where he had been, stretched out, his long limbs reaching to the end of the bed. Hunter's cock was still a rock hot shaft, laying over his thighs, pulsing with his heart, pre-cum sliding slowly out of his piss slit. Hardy looked closely at this slender, muscled hunk, from quarter sized areolas around his nipples which stuck up the size of a pencil eraser.

Reaching out with his hand, Hardy wrapped his fingers around the velvet skin on his iron hard poker, gently stroking it, sliding his pre-cum over the swollen, spongy cockhead. Hunter was squirming on the bed, those sensations coming from his sexual core, sending stabbing, stinging prickles up his spine. His cock lay in a bed of soft, curly dark pubes, thickly surrounding his wild, raging spear, getting harder and longer and thicker as Hardy played with it.

"Turn over, Hunter, please, I need your backside now, not later." Hardy watch closely while Hunter turned over, his smooth muscles moving in their tension, his whole body covered with the smoothest, softest skin masking those powerful sinews. He settled again, his legs together and arms by his sides as his brawn relaxed from the struggle, his buttocks made a glorious curve above his hips, tightly pressed together as if Hunter was worried about Hardy's cock splitting him in two.

Hardy settled his body on top of Hunter, his head against Hunter's cheek as he kissed that soft face tenderly and his rigid cock slid lengthwise inside Hunter's trench, heating up his asshole. Hardy pressed his legs and arms tightly against his lover's limbs, slowly swinging his body back and forth on those magnificent buttocks, giving his slick cock a motion between those sensual butt cheeks.

"Hunter, babe, I'm going to ram my cock into and through your asshole. I'm going to pin you directly to the bed, my shaft will stretch your sphincter wider and open enough to take a telephone pole. How does that sound?"

Muffled in the pillow, "That sounds like my favorite dream, Hardy. Get going before I cum on the bed and ruin the whole drill." He chuckled, muted by his pillow and his visions of Hardy's cock deep in his ass.

Lifting up from Hunter's naked flesh, Hardy pressed his lips wetly to his man's neck, then shoulders from one side to the other. The feeling on his lips was one of sensuous thrills, tiny nerve cells vibrating with excitement, sending the message to his cock and balls. Hardy's lips followed his hands on Hunter's back, down the thick muscles on either side of his spine until he had reached the coccyx, the entrance to Hunter's anal trench.

With his hands pressing tightly to Hunter's sides, Hardy's lips and tongue approached the cleft and he was aware of Hunter's man scent, taking deeper breaths as he delved deeper into his ass, finally allowing his tongue to slide, searching for that wrinkled tissue around the hole itself.

Hunter, by this time, was being driven frantic with all those busy nerve messages filling his brain and groin. He found it difficult to remain controlled, he so wanted to grab his cock and beat it to a froth. He had been rimmed many times, but never with the knack and inspiration of his new love friend.

Finally, Hardy spread Hunter's buttocks wide apart, trying to judge whether his big cock would fit in that little hole, shaved as it was. Hardy knew there was some lube in the bedside table drawer and retrieved it quickly. He spread some on his hand with which he greased up his monster cock, concentrating on his cockhead to heighten his own excitement. Pulling Hunter's cheeks apart, he forced some KY directly into his asshole. He moved into a position to aim his slick, molten shaft directly into that tiny hole.

His glans lightly glanced over the pursed flesh, then settled down to begin it's sensual journey into the depths of Hunter's love channel. Hunter growled deeply, a low, low bass tone, as the cockhead pushed against his sphincter, but Hunter hadn't been able to relax enough to admit Hardy's piece of hot manmeat. Finally Hunter exhaled and shuddered, forcing his ass lips open, after which Hardy was able to push his glans just beyond the sphincter, stretching that muscle even more as the body of Hardy's cock reached it. His eyes were closed tightly while he held his breath, praying the pain would subside soon, bringing on the pain-pleasure combination which gave him so many sensual delights.

Hardy's cock felt as if it was gripped by a pincer determined to nip off the head. 'Geez,' he growled, 'his asshole may rip the head off my cock'. For every millimeter more of his cock going inside the rectum Hardy felt thousands more of his nerve ends vibrate, sending current shocks through him. These jolts gave his muscles extra energy, so he hunched his hips violently and was able to sink his cock down to his pubes into Hunter's body, singeing itself on the torrid heat inside but cooling with the feeling of the soft juices in there.

Hunter grunted from the force of Hardy's thrust as it pushed him into the bed beneath him. The pressure on his own cock from Hardy's tight abdomen added caustic sensations on that rock hard, blushing prick, exuding pre-cum onto his pubes and soft skin. Hunter could hardly contain himself, his excitement building by leaps of passion, hot feelings on his naked skin as he held Hardy's buttocks tightly, his fingers clutching the heated flesh.

Both men were reaching the limit of their ability to hold back, using whatever muscles they could to stretch out their lustful pleasure and keep from cumming. Hardy was lying on top of Hunter's back, kissing him everywhere he could reach. His pelvis alone kept humping Hunter's ass with a quick rabbit-like piston, smacking loudly against his solid, fleshy cheeks. As a result Hardy's fat cock was pile driving in and out of Hunter's hot asshole, giving and receiving those exciting jolting shocks with each movement, hurtling up and down their nervous system and their skeletal pattern, finally reaching all those receptors in his brain to light up his passionate and erotic thoughts.

Hardy suddenly yelled, "Hunter, here it cums, hang on, man, I'm cumming!"

Hunter raised his ass and reached behind Hardy, clutched his buttocks and pulled hard to shove his Hardy's cock as far up his rectum as he could. He was sweating and shivering with excitement, his lust taking over his body, his cock swelled to its fullest and hardest, drooling pre- cum on his abdomen. He closed his eyes to focus his mind on the images of his ass and Hardy's cock, rigid and red, running a race inside his rear end up to his stomach, it felt like.

Hardy gave one powerful ram into Hunter's sensitive, tender flesh and he froze, his cock all the way in and his body in a stiffened muscular frieze. His entire sexual tackle began to pump from inside to outside and into Hunter's rectum shot after shot of his precious life-giving seed to fill his lover's beautiful ass.

Hardy's cock gave some aftershocks, oozing the last of his substantial cum. He pulled himself out of Hunter's asshole which squeezed his shaft to draw all remain cum and Hunter turned onto his back. Hardy gratefully lay on his back beside Hunter, his chest still heaving and his left arm across Hunter's abdomen and his left fist clutching Hunter's red, swollen cock, dripping pre-cum all over, squeezing it strong so that the cockhead grew hugely. He began pumping his hand from head to base, slowly then faster and faster until Hunter yelled, "I'm cumming." The shots of cum left his cockhead to arc some inches above the urethra opening to fall on Hardy's hand and Hunter's balls, pubes and groin. Hardy kept pumping until Hunter's hand gripped his fist and stopped it.

"Hardy," Hunter gasped, "that was the best fuck of my life, and I know I won't be lucky enough to received another one from you," he paused and raised his head and shoulders on one hand and elbow, looking into Hardy's deep blue eyes, "but I want you to know that your loving will stay with me as long as I live. I will never forget." He slowly lowered his head over Hardy's face, lightly pressing his lips onto Hardy's, then, "I do love you, my friend, and am so thankful for your friendship." He lay down again, his head on Hardy's shoulder and his body pressed again Hardy's. Hardy held Hunter's body to himself, feeling some love for this amazing man.

The following morning Hardy and Brian left Washington, and flew to Toledo where they connected to Brian's helicopter. Hardy felt tired but he could laugh every time he glanced at Brian. Brian was completely wiped out. He had slept through the entire trip from Washington and still wasn't completely awake in the helicopter.

"Brian," Hardy spoke in his ear, "Brian, you have to wake up, we're almost at the farm. You do need to be able to talk coherently with the 'family'."

Brian raised his head, his eyes, red and swollen, half open. He smiled at Hardy, "Hardy, my friend, if you had been through two days of loving with Mike, I guarantee you would look this way too." His head fell forward, his chin on his chest. "I figure he won't wake up until tomorrow." He chuckled.

Hardy raised the arm rest between their two seats and moved nearer to Brian. He then took Brian in his arms, holding and comforting him as best he could in that awkward position.

"Just between you and me, Brian, last night with Hunter was as intense a lovemaking as I ever want to see. That man is so strong and passionate that I was lucky to get out of it alive." He laughed, "Not that I didn't enjoy it immensely. When I screwed him, it was the most physical and fierce as I've ever had."

Brian said weakly, "What about when he screwed you?"

"He didn't, Brian, Matt said no getting fucked, so I kept my virginity." He gave a silly laugh, "as if I was a virgin." He squeezed his hunky friend, "And, my dear Brian, I can't wait to get back to Matt, him I am in love with."

"I wonder what Teddy did without me. Do you suppose he found someone to sleep with and to make love to? He is such a great guy and I do love him."

Hardy laughed, "I'll bet he did find a way, Brian, he is a very smart young man."

The helicopter started hovering, then gradually descending to the ground behind Steve's studio. Hardy hugged Brian, gave him a kiss on the cheek and began to release them from the safety belts, then stretched to the height of the cabin. Brian did the same.

Some of the family were out to greet the travelers. Anne and Jacob and Joshua, Todd, Steve and Gary stood near the barn waiting for them to disembark. As Hardy and Brian neared them, they were greeted with hugs and kisses all around.

Brian had considered leaving immediately to River City, but decided, since his cock had gotten hard while they were talking of Teddy, to wait until the next morning. His financial department can get along without him for another few days. He knew that Mike would be home from Washington soon when the House took a recess, and there was so much he wanted to do with Mike at their house in River City. They often swam in the cold lake, sailed Mike's 22 foot sailboat, tromped in the woods and even camped out, some.

In the house Brian went in search of Teddy. He hadn't asked anyone, but headed upstairs. He didn't find Teddy in their bedroom, so decided to look in Matt and Hardy's master bedroom. There was one person in the huge king-sized bed, one young man whose brilliant red hair reminded of no one except Teddy, and who was sound asleep.

Brian crept into the room, stripped naked and quietly slid into the bed behind Teddy. That young man didn't even wake then but pressed his naked body back into Brian, still asleep. Putting his arms around Ted and pulling him to his own body, shoulders against his chest, buttocks against his crotch where Brian's slightly erect cock slid between his luscious cheeks.

Ted started humming, almost singing, slowly awakening and aware of what was happening. He murmured, "Brian, love, I'm so glad you are back."

"How did you know it was me, Teddy?"

"Easy, my butt knows your cock when it feels it. Do you suppose you could manage to get it caught inside my butt, Bri, I sure would love that?"

Brian ran his hands over Teddy's pecs and abs, until one fist grabbed his cock, not long but thick and stiff as a board. "My dear Teddy, you will have to wait a while, I'm afraid, I shot so many loads with Mike, I'm really wiped out. In fact what I desire most right now is to sleep with you in Matt's bed for the rest of the morning. Could we do that?"

"Sure, Brian, if you would unhand my cock and let me go drain it." He squirmed his way back against Brian's hot body, then went to do his business, and came back.

"Thanks, love."

And they slept.

A few minutes after that Hardy came into the room, noticed the two sleepers and quietly left to swim with Jacob and Joshua since he'd missed two of their regular swimming sessions. He did wear a speedo though the boys still wanted to swim nude. He smiled indulgently at them, glad to be back in Windsor to be with 'his' boys.

Along with the boys this time came Todd in a minuscule red bikini suit. "Hi, Hardy, did you have a good time?"

Hardy smiled at the tall, dark-haired young man, the boys caretaker, concerned about his mental state because the boys had been kidnaped. "Hi, Todd, good to see you, how are the boys doing?"

Todd smiled wryly, "They are doing better than I am." He self-consciously flicked his eyes on Hardy, "Roger says I'm coddling the boys, Hardy, and maybe I am, but I can't help it. I was so afraid when they were gone."

Todd and Hardy were standing in the shallow end while Jacob and Joshua swam in the deeper end, playing tag.

Todd continued, "Roger says I've got to quit sleeping with them. But for a couple nights they both woke up crying in the middle of the night. I went to them and held them for the rest of the night." Todd looked down at his hands, then up, "And they did sleep."

Hardy put his arm around Todd's shoulders, "I think you are right, Todd, they will tell you when you aren't needed all night. Just cuddle them a lot, making them feel secure."

Todd put his head on Hardy's shoulder, "Thank you, Hardy." Hardy could feel Todd's tears running down his arm. He held the younger man much more tightly, pulling him against his body to give him a feeling of security, too.

"While you are here, Todd, if you would play with the boys that would let me get started to work."

Recovered from his down time, Todd dunked his head under water to clear his eyes and his face. "Sure, Hardy, I don't have to be at rehearsal today, but of course you do. Take off."

That is exactly what Hardy did. He dressed very quietly in their bedroom where Brian and Ted were still asleep. By closing the door to the bathroom, he could shower yet not wake them up. Once he was all ready, Hardy drove to the college, parking by the old music building. He could see as he walked that Matt was walking around the new music building, checking the progress. He wanted to be able to use the building for classes by September.

Matt traveled around the outside of the new music building, very slowly so he could see what had been accomplished in the last couple of days. Some of it he inspected closely, other parts from a distance of 5 or 10 yards, after which he was pleased with the result. Some people said the building would look like a factory, but he knew that was not true. The manufacturer of the panels knew well how to give them individuality and inspiration of design so that when combined they would form a structure greater in genius than the parts.

Going further he popped in a doorless opening to check on the interior. The inside had been divided into classrooms, offices, practice and rehearsal rooms, all making sense in location and arrangement. He had asked for plenty of windows and actually got his wish. Most of the rooms had been situated along the exterior walls, except for the small practice rooms which made up the core of the interior. All the wiring and plumbing had been built into the walls, conceived to have exact connections to the next panel on the horizontal and vertical levels.

So far Matt was pleased with the progress of the three floors. Here it was the end of June and most of the basic work had been done. The new concert hall had only exterior walls so far and would not be finished before the end of the year since the interior could not be manufactured, but would take many, many hours of labor from artisans and experts in the various trades. Acousticians had been hired to consult on the interior of the hall so they would have perfect sound in all areas of the auditorium. Brian's money was being well spent.

By the time Matt got to the shell of the Concert Hall, he realized that he had company in the huge space, a man bending over near where the stage would be constructed. There was something familiar about him but Matt couldn't figure it out until he was within thirty feet of him.

"My god," Matt muttered, "it's Dr. Powers. I though he was in the nuthouse for good."

Dr. Powers had been the Head of the Music Department until he tried to get rid of Matt and was retired before time. Matt had been appointed to his job.

Matt tried to leave the room quietly, but the concrete floor made too much noise from his scraping feet. He almost made it to the door when he heard the familiar voice.

"Oh, Dr. Ridgway, I was hoping to get to talk to you, I'd been told you often inspect this new building." He walked toward Matt, holding out his hand as he neared him.

Matt considered just walking away from the former head of the music department at Windsor, but he couldn't just ignore the hand, his mother (damn her soul) had taught him to behave better than that.

He looked into Dr. Powers' eyes, unbelieving the warmth and concern in his eyes. The two hands met, clasped firmly but not hard.

"How are you doing, Dr. Powers?" He put real concern in his voice, mainly because he couldn't believe how the man had changed in a few months. His psychiatrist must have been a great one.

"Dr. Ridgway, I'm doing quite well." He laughed, "My months in the 'looney bin' really helped, so much that I'm considering returning to college teaching." Noting the worried look in Matt's eyes, he smiled and quickly added, "No, not here, Dr Ridgway, not at Windsor. I'm looking at the Iowa State U. in Ames, my alma mater. Would that be far enough away?"

He smiled at Matt, pulling his leg a bit. "I am sorry about my actions with you last year and wish I could do it over again." Again he smiled, something Matt had never seen him do in all the previous time he'd seen him. "I misjudged you, Dr. Ridgway, and terribly underestimated you, which you so readily pointed out to my consternation. You put me in a difficult situation from which I couldn't escape."

Matt never expected the man to apologize, ever, and here he was doing just that. "Dr. Powers, please call me Matt, I think you deserve at least that." He smiled, "Anything but Ridgway."

"Thank you, Matt, I appreciate that. I have no actual confirmation of my appointment way out in the midwest, but I do have a name and reputation which is noted and I'm sure that I will be moving very soon."

"I'm pleased to hear that, Dr. Powers," he smiled, "not that you will be moving, but that you will be teaching again. Is Mrs. Powers happy to be leaving?"

"Matt, Mrs. Powers was one of my biggest problems, I've found out. We will be divorced very soon and I will be going by myself." He presented the happiest face Matt had ever seen on him, "I will be leaving expecting to enjoy myself for a few more years anyway."

"I'm pleased to hear that too. I wish you the best. You might write occasionally to let me know how you are doing." He stuck out his hand which Dr. Powers shook, "Feel free to inspect the new building anytime, I hope you like it. It will be the Bryan Howard Memorial Music Building for a friend of the donor who tragically died way before his time."

"Can you tell me who the donor is? I've been wondering as I read about the building."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Powers, I can not reveal the name. He wants to remain anonymous."

Powers asked how Matt's book was selling this year.

"It is doing very well. My new publisher has been busy with a new ad campaign and schools, libraries and book stores are ordering in large numbers."

"Okay, that's good. I wish you good luck, Matt, especially on your performance for the President. But I must leave, thank you for listening to me. Bye."

"Good-bye, sir."

Matt watch the older man walk from the building, still amazed at his attitude toward him. He couldn't believe he apologized for his behavior. 'However,' he thought, 'the stubborn son of a bitch never said I could call him by his first name.' He laughed, determined to forget that man. Later on he would regret that decision.

Later in his office, Matt had listened to a rehearsal of the Dukes, astonished by the improvement that Hardy had secured with the group, especially on the new routines and new songs. 'The Yellow Rose of Texas' was a winner and should please the President, even though Hardy told him we were married. He would have loved to see the President's face when his lover explained to whom he was married. The man deserved to hear reality from an honest gay man of great talent and intelligence, and a hot, hot body. Matt smiled when he remembered being with his dream man, but he had missed him the last two nights. The first night he and Ted had a great 69, but last night they just held each other, giving and receiving comfort.

He raised his head when he heard a rap on his door jamb. He recognized a student to be and his lover, Mitch MacPherson with Craig Lawrence.

"Hi, guys, good to see you, come in and sit. I'd like to talk to you. Mostly to thank you two for setting up the Ridgway Boys web site and tending to it all week." He noticed that the two young men were holding hands. 'How cute they are,' he thought.

Mitch was just 18, getting ready to enter the Music Department of Windsor College as a freshman in the fall. He was short and a bit stocky, but cute as hell with freckles and an adorable round face. Craig Lawrence was almost four inches taller than the 5'10" Mitch and more handsome than cute. He worked at the Gentlemen's Clothier where Hardy had bought his new suit, his only suit. Matt hadn't talked to Hardy since he had gotten back from Washington, but will as soon as he is finished with the Dukes rehearsal.

"Dr. Ridgway, we are going into business together as soon as we can."

"Please call me Matt, guys, we're friends. Now, what business are you starting?"

They looked into each other's eyes and as one said, "Web Site Creation and Support." Craig continued, "Since I have a computer science degree, I have the background and we found we worked so well together while doing the Ridgway Boys site. Mitch has more of an artistic soul than I do." He blushed, "We did have problems though, keeping our hands off each other. But Mitch's mother stayed with us a lot, as a result of which we had to lay off our actual sex. We made up for it after she left to go home."

Mitch bragged, "She did keep the apartment clean and made delicious meals for us, and," he colored, looking at Craig, "she is so supportive of our relationship." He reddened again, "I know she loves watching us kiss and touch each other, and she is very proud and excited to have a son in law."

"Men, I can't tell you how pleased I am with your relationship. And your mother's support. She did call me before the boys were kidnaped, concerned by you two being a couple, but I think I was able to calm her fears. I told her that you weren't stupid and you had plenty of friends to talk to if a problem arises."

Matt noticed that Mitch's hand had surreptitiously crept between Craig's legs at the point where his crotch began, causing a large ballooning of the crotch area in Craig's pants. Neither of them noticed that Matt had observed the hand's intrusion, but Matt though he might say something.

"Guys, may I ask whether you want to be 'out' on campus, and be so known by all the students and teachers?"

Mitch answered, "We hadn't talked about it, Matt, what should we do?"

"I'm an old conservative Mitch, and I would suggest waiting until you are established on campus as a music student and can show off your percussion talents. Are you living with Craig?"

"Yes, it's okay with Mom."

"Well, it's probably be better starting off as a cute freshman, maybe even fraternizing with some girls in your class, but it wouldn't have to be very close. Save your sex with Craig until you are in his apartment. Neither of you are obviously gay, so it is really up to you." He stood up and sat on the corner of his desk, close to his visitors. "For instance, it is fine with me, but it would be better not to put your hand in Craig's crotch like it is now. I see you have caused a large growth in his groin."

Both men groaned and reddened, Mitch answered by pulling his hand away. "I guess we have gotten used to giving each other loving caresses. I agree with you that we must give it up so we don't give away our sexual orientation too soon."

"Good idea. Do you agree with this, Craig?"

"Oh sure, it doesn't bother me, but I'm sure it would to Mitch, the little devil," he smiled lovingly at his partner. "We will do as you suggest, at least for the first semester, anyway."

"Good, I think that would be best." He laughed, "Now can you two get back to your home without pawing each other?"

They laughed, "We hope so," and stood up. Matt stood with them, put his arms around them and kissed each on their cheeks, stretching a bit to reach Craig's cheek.

"I hope so too, guys, because I want you to have a happy life together." He squeezed, "And remember, come to me if you have something you can't solve." He whispered, "I'd sure like to get in bed between the two of you, but ... ah, well, ... I have to remember I have a husband to support." He patted their butts, enjoying the feeling of their solid mounds, so raised and prominent.

"Bye, guys, and Mitch, I'm looking forward to having you as a student."

They smiled broadly and left Matt leaning against his door jamb, enviously wishing they could get together with the hot stud of a professor.

When Matt figured the Dukes rehearsal was finished, he walked to the rehearsal hall, finding only Hardy there, listening to a tape of the rehearsal. He looked around, saw noone and came up behind his lover, pressed his groin against Hardy's buttocks, clutching his whole body in his arms.

"Oh, Matt, I've been so missing you, hold me." He held Matt's hands in his own, pressing them against his chest and crotch. "I want to tell you everything, but I want sex with you, I want to make love to you, my husband, before anything else."

"Well," Matt begin, "I did have a call from Brian and he related some of your adventures. My god, man, you really told the President of the United States that you were married to me? I would have loved to have seen his face. Probably had apoplexy!"

"No, he just shut up and left, saying 'That's fine'. He probably exploded when he got out of the East Ballroom, though Hunter didn't think he would tell anyone what I said."

Matt turned Hardy around to face him and they clinched, bodies close enough to easily merge and lips and tongues in each other's mouth. They kept this up until a female voice hollered from the doorway.

"Hey, how about getting a room, huh?"

Matt and Hardy didn't move. Only Matt's eyes turned to see just who it was.

"Geez, Marty, you startled us."

"I didn't see any sign of you being startled. I thought I'd warn you that Dean MacAllister is coming down the hall." She giggled.

A male voice interrupted, "No, he isn't coming down the hall, he's here." Then the Dean laughed and started applauding with Marty joining in.

Matt and Hardy slowly turned away from the other, and gave a deep, deep bow toward the doorway. The applause increased by the power of ten as the number of students grew exponentially in volume, including all the Dukes.

The two men didn't know it, though they should have, but both crotches had vastly bulging, loaded with their hard cocks. They smiled broadly, turned to insinuate their lips onto the others, then broke completely apart walking to the group.

Matt greeted them, "Thanks for that show of approval, well-deserved we think!" He smiled and saw that Hardy agreed. His statement was met with groans and howls of derision. Then the students left for elsewhere so they could heap insults on the other prey. Summer school in the Music Department was practically nil, except for private lessons under the school's direction. The Dukes left for the Hob Nob for their particular brand of greasy nourishment.

Matt spoke to the Dean, "Hamish, could we talk to you for a minute." When Hamish nodded, Matt suggested they go to his office.

At the office Hardy fixed drinks using ice from Matt's little refrigerator and booze from his cache in the filing cabinet. They got three chairs together and sat around the conference table, sipping their drinks.

"Hamish, how is everything going to you?"

"I thank God this was all in the summer and may not be as horrific as I feared. I am also pleased that the trial will be held in Federal Court in Toledo, not in Bryan." He looked at Matt and Hardy with eyes caught in the headlights of disaster.

"Hamish, I really don't think you would even be called to testify, would you?" Matt was trying to allay his fears. "Steve and I don't blame you at all, you are our friend and we are very fond of you, so don't let that worry you."

"I appreciate that Matt, but I feel I may be called since I was in on the rescue and had, as a traitor, some would say, turned against my wife. I supposed I wouldn't have to testify, but I couldn't not speak against her for what they did to the boys. I've heard that Todd sleeps with them every night."

"Not every night, Hamish, just when they cry for him. I think soon he won't have to console them during that time. When they are awake, there is no problem, some one of us is with them every moment. Don't worry, they will recover quickly. From what they have said, Jacob was a real strong brother to Joshua, comforting him but keeping their routines as much as usual as he could. After almost a week in the same dirty clothes, the boys were as clean as could be. We are so proud of both of them."

"Matt, I'm starting a trust fund for your boys as soon as I can which will mature when Jacob is 16. That is so I can supply their first car to give them enjoyment and maybe pay them back for the struggle they had. Please let me do that for them."

Hardy spoke up quickly, he was afraid Matt would turn Hamish down, "Hamish, that would be wonderful, they will appreciate that so much. Also, I'd say you are now officially Uncle Hamish and welcome to the house anytime. Right, Matt?" Hardy wasn't sure that Steve and Matt would approve of the trusts for various reasons, but he thought Hamish should be allowed to express his feelings that way. Steve and Matt may decide the money should be used differently or be given to charity.

Matt smiled, know what Hardy was doing, "Sure, you are right, and Hamish we thank you for thinking of the boys. I know they like you already, but will soon treasure you as we do."

"Have you talked to Rhoda yet?" Hardy wondered. "Will they let you see her?"

Hamish bowed his head, saddened, "No, I haven't tried. I don't see how I can forgive her, even if her sister was the instigator, the crime is beyond redemption to me."

"Doesn't she rate any sympathy, any compassion at all?"

Hamish answered, "I don't know what the punishment would be for their crime, but since they didn't ask for ransom and treated them fairly well, it might not be too bad. Did you know, Matt and Hardy, that Rhoda did what she did because she thought you were trying to turn me gay and away from her into your family?"

Matt commented, "I imagine that was put into her mind by Duella who asked me if I was married when we saw them in their car."

"Yes, and I guess Duella was furious when she found out your mate was a man."

"If they knew the facts, they would know that you can't make someone gay, either you are from the beginning or you are pretending or positively aren't."

Hardy countered, "Did you know I wasn't gay until I met Matt?" He laughed then, so Hamish would know he was kidding. He'd only had one lover before Matt, and he lasted for less than a year.

"My thought would be that the judicial system is actually vindictive when kidnaping is concerned," Matt contributed, "and I think they want to dissuade others to do the same thing. The punishment is quite severe for that purpose."

"The police forces treat kidnapers very harshly." Hardy felt very strongly about it.

Hamish finished his drink, "I think I agree with the judicial system on that." He stood and headed for the door, "they can't make it any too tough on Duella, that's for sure."

The Dukes, all of them including Big Jeff, Little Jeff, Christine, Rick and Roger who was replacing Hardy on trombone, plus Jamal and Todd, the handlers, sat in a booth at the Hob Nob restaurant. Only Matt and Hardy, directors, were missing their fair share of grease, cholesterol and caffeine, but they had left for home and were busy cementing their relationship with cum.

Christine broke through the inane chatter, "Guys, we have only two weeks left before we play in Washington, D. C. and I'm not sure we're ready. What do you think?" She looked around the group, questioning.

Roger spoke up, "Chris, I really think we are on track for the performance. I believe that we have the new music down pat. I can't believe how good the Texas group is going, Hardy did a great job combining 'The Eyes of Texas', 'Streets of Laredo', 'Deep in the Heart of Texas' and 'Yellow Rose of Texas' perfectly." We could double our rehearsal time, maybe twice a day."

"Wait a minute," Rick cautioned, "now you would be getting into my ah .... ah .... sleep time." He blushed because everyone smiled at him, knowing he meant his time with Jamal. "Well, that's important too, right?" His face glowed but his sincerity came across. Jamal pulled Rick up against him and planted a lip smacker on him. It lasted so long that the rest of the Dukes began to be embarrassed.

"Come on, Jamal, let the poor kid breathe." Chris smiled but mainly wished they'd quit.

Little Jeff broke in as Jamal and Rick straightened up, "We could practice by ourselves so that Hardy or Matt don't have to supervise us."

Big Jeff joked, "That won't work because we'd all be making out, well ... except for Chris, and that wouldn't be fair to her. Right, Chris?"

Then Roger agreed, "Yes, that's not fair. We need to find the perfect man for Chris. I know we all love her, but we are otherwise engaged. I move we settle down and decide just what kind of man she needs." Chris blushed while Roger talked. "You know, height, weight, complexion, hair color, how handsome and size of his dick."

The whole bunch roared with laughter at Roger's suggestion. But Chris got back at him.

"Well, it better be bigger than your's, Rog." Roger turned brilliant red while the rest again burst out in hilarious laughter.

"Touche," Roger admitted. "I do think we should search in Washington while we are there, surely that must be the place where we find the perfect mate for you, dear Chris, and we'll keep trying until we find him and put him in your arms." He smiled so lovingly to Chris, of all the Dukes, he was the most in love with her, but loved his Todd way more. Way more.

On Friday of the next week, Hunter Huntington stood in the White House Green Room, talking to the group of English delegates to the summit meeting coming up the next week. Five men and one woman had arrived early in Washington so part of Hunter's job was to entertain them until the meeting started the next Monday. They had been discussing the decorations and furnishings in that room.

"Mr. Huntington, sir, would you show us where the final banquet will be held? Would that be in the East Ballroom?" The tallest and youngest Englishman seemed to lead the group.

"Yes, Lord Ballard, if you will follow me, I will take you there."

It was not a long walk to the East room but the representatives dawdled, looking at the beauty of each room they passed.

In the East Ballroom Hunter showed them how the room would be set up for the conference. . At that moment the room had been set up for a gala that same evening, so the long tables of seating area were in place and decorated. The performance stage was situated at one end of the room, including all the audio/visual equipment as needed.

"What was the name of the group we will be hearing?" Lord Ballard spoke with a beautiful English upper class accent, well modulated.

"They are from Western Ohio, students at Windsor College. That might help you understand their name, The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor. Four men and one woman."

"Clever," the tall Englishman said. "I'm going to be anxious to hear them. By the way do you have their names?"

"Yes, Lord Ballard, I have them with me. Here is the list."

"Ah, yes." He studied the list, a frown on his forehead. "Ah, the woman with the group, Christine Griffith, the name seems familiar to me. Do you have her picture?"

"No, I'm sorry, they haven't sent any publicity photos, but I can request them for you."

Lord Ballard had a broad smile on his youthful, handsome face, "I'm not sure, Hunter, it was a while ago."

Hunter Huntington gathered his flock and continued the tour of the White House though his mind wasn't concentrating on it. He also felt that Lord Ballard had projected his thoughts backward in time, his mind certainly wasn't on the tour."

The swimming pool incorporated into the family's farm house had a calm, still surface with only two people enjoying the warm water, lazily gliding around on the top. Matt and Hardy weren't swimming together but just idly taking strokes, sometimes backstrokes, side strokes and the crawl, but other times a modified breast stroke or a doggy paddle for resting.

As they passed each other, some contact was made, a hand along a back, a foot feeling a leg and even fingers feeling underneath trying to excite the other's still soft cock. This was occurring during the late afternoon when the house was it's quietest. The two men knew that Roger and Todd were rehearsing at the college, Anne had taken the boys somewhere for a nature study and Steve and Gary had adjourned to their bedroom where they each planned to make love as sensually and erotically as possible.

So, Hardy and Matt had decided to use the pool for their foreplay together and didn't expect anyone to join them for an hour or so. Hardy stopped where he could reach the bottom and still have his head out of the water. He looked toward Matt and held both arms up, his hands out of the water, urging Matt to join him. Since Matt was a bit taller than Hardy, he could easily stand with his lover on the bottom though Matt got behind Hardy. He pressed his almost naked body against Hardy's, hunching his pelvis and cock against Hardy's buttocks.

"Hardy, I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too, Matt. More than you could imagine."

Matt hesitated, wondering if he should. He thought, 'yes'. "Hardy, the night you and Brian left us, Teddy came in our bedroom and crawled in with me." He shivered, "I'm sorry, but we were both missing our lover, ah ... we .... ah .... we had sex," he hesitated, "nothing anal. But I'm sorry."

"Matty, last night, Hunter and I went to bed together, but he didn't touch my ass." Hardy was playing with the truth, but not too far. "I fucked him and he came on his own. It was great and both of us were relieved. Hey, Matt, that man is tremendously strong, Mike said he had been in six Iron Man competitions, and actually won once." He pushed his butt back against Matt's crotch, "But I only want you, Matt, I need your cock in my ass, man, in my ass."

Matt pulled Hardy's speedo down in back below his buttocks and searched with one finger for his mate's love hole, teasing the sensitive opening to his channel of love between them. Hardy pushed back with his butt, forcing Matt's rigid, solid cock between his cheeks, aimed toward his asshole, twitching and biting.

Hardy drew Matt's cockhead into his anus, tight and constricting his lover's hot meat, then slammed his ass into Matt, taking him down to the pubes, feeling them on his tender butt flesh. While Matt grabbed Hardy's pecs, squeezing them in his fingers, pinching his nipples lightly but rigorously. He wished he could suck them but his position prevented that.

Hardy wanted more than just Matt's cock in his ass, he wanted Matt to hold his cock and balls so he gripped Matt's hands, pulling them down his chest and abdomen to force them on top of his iron hard rod and soft, velvety scrotum to tickle and roll his balls around. Hardy had torn his speedo down his legs and off his feet, letting it drift along the bottom like some colorful sea creature, maybe a jellyfish which could change it's shape so easily.

Matt took Hardy's urging and one hand began jerking on his cock while the other cupped his scrotum very gently. Also, Matt was starting to punch his way through Hardy's body by way of his asshole and rectum. He could feel Hardy's ass lips pull outward, then turn inside his body as Matt's large cock pulled and pushed, humping Hardy's beautiful, muscular ass.

Hardy twisted his head around so Matt could kiss him and they could share their tongues and mouth juices. Hardy couldn't stand it much longer. His body was ready to reach the height of ecstasy when he would shoot his semen into the water, his body shaking and jerking, his cock muscles pumping his white, hot cum into the warm water. He didn't think that a little protein would hurt anyone.

Matt was at the same point, his cock also was swollen, bright red and twitching from head to base. Matt's head was dizzy, whirling with the emotion and rapture flowing through his whole body, electric sensations from his groin up his spine to shake up his brain, his whole energy directed toward his lover's ass and entire body. They kissed and each groaned in his own way as their intimate seed rushed out, from Hardy into the pool and from Matt into Hardy's inner being, both thrilled with all the excitement their bodies could absorb.

Holding on to each other tightly, Hardy waited until Matt's cock slipped out of his hole before he turned to hold Matt front to front so they could kiss. Smashing their lips together, they entered their mouths in turn, searching among teeth, gums, lips and cheeks.

"Hardy, I love you more than anything, you are my life, my love. Don't leave me!"

"Never, hon, never, I'm yours forever, ram me and stab me hard anytime."

Matt muttered after a few minutes, "Hardy, we better get out of the pool before someone comes in, and you start leaking from your asshole." He pulled his speedo up to cover his cock and balls. "Maybe I can keep myself from tainting the pool.

Hardy smiled lovingly to Matt, "That's great, and maybe we could slip into the Jacuzzi for a while before everyone comes home."

Holding each other's waist, they slowly climbed out of the pool and up the main staircase to the second floor. Hardy had forgotten to retrieve his speedo, still lying at the bottom of the pool. Everyone would know whose it was since Hardy wore the wildest speedo he could find, bright colors and stripes or zigzags. And, practically everyone would know what Hardy was doing in the pool.

In both their minds was the possibility of a short nap before supper, holding on to their partner with the clutch of having their loving body to body and mouth to mouth.

Neither had his mind on the performance coming up next Friday in the White House, trying to ignore the pressure and stress which they would have to endure. Actually both felt quite confident in the Dukes, they didn't think the group would blow it.

When the tour was completed, Lord Ballard again asked Hunter what the name of the "Duchess" was.

"Yes, Lord Ballard, I have their names with me. Here is the list."

"Ah, yes." He studied the list, a frown on his forehead. "Ah, the woman with the group, Christine Griffith, the name seems familiar to me."

"Do you know her, sir?"

Lord Ballard had a puzzled smile on his youthful, handsome face, "I'm not sure, Hunter, it was a long time ago, back in my youth."

"Oh my," Hunter teased, "that must have been all of 5 years ago?"

Lord Ballard smiled warmly, "Yes, Hunt, all of that."

"I'm sure you will be able to meet them while you both are in Washington."

"I would appreciate that, Hunter, when do they arrive? And please call me Charles, but not the Prince." He laughed at his joke. Hunter smiled.

"All right, Charles, the group will be arriving next Tuesday in the evening to the Watergate Hotel on Virginia Avenue. You have my card, call me anytime you need anything."

"Thank you so much, Hunter." They shook hands. Hunter liked him right away, thinking Charles (not Prince) was very friendly and down to earth, and, he'd heard, extremely wealthy.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 31

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