Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 29, 2004

Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

========= Chapter Four =========

Matt woke early around 6 AM, just before dawn. He had decided that he must be up before Glen even stirred. As quietly as he could, Matt washed up in the first floor lavatory, not easy, but he did feel refreshed. Then he remembered, his clothes for the day were laid out in his bedroom where Glen slept, no way could he go in there without awakening him.

Still naked with just his white terry robe on, Matt snuck out the garage door and behind the garage in his garden which had extra tall grasses left over from the previous summer. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket, brought up Steve's number and called. Fortunately Steve was awake and got to his cell phone before it woke anyone else in the house. He also eased out of a side door to the back part of his yard near the bath house.


"Hi, Steve, it's me."

"Oh, love, Matty, I've missed you so much since last Saturday."

"Stevie, I've got important stuff to tell you. First, do you know a Gary Stuart, by any chance?"

"Well, I'm practically standing on his land. In fact I can actually see him in his bedroom window, getting ready for work. He goes to work even earlier than I do."

"Steve, his sister is Marty Stuart, my co-worker and now good friend. Did you know he is a lawyer?"

"I think I did, but we don't have time to socialize much."

"You obviously didn't know his speciality is literary property . Right?"

"You are kidding." Steve couldn't believe the coincidence.

"No, Marty called him last night to help me and he called me after that about what kind of a case I might have with the University press." Matt paused, "He said that I'd better cash that check before they stop payment if and when he sues them, or whatever. So, could you come earlier today and get me at the music building so we can go to the bank. We'll need to set up an account to hold the money, maybe a CD whatever that is." Matt never had much money.

"OK, Matt, we can probably get there by 11 AM at least. I'll pick you up by the music building if you'll be outside waiting."

"Steve, could you catch him this morning, tell him who you are, who I am and what we'll be doing today. OK?"

Steve was moving fast toward their street to catch Gary Stuart.

He panted in the phone, "I think I can, Matt. See you later. Bye."

Steve had run to Gary's front drive just as he was getting into his car.

"Gary, ah ... Gary Stuart?"

Gary turned toward Steve, and smiled, "Ah, you are Steve Ridgway, right?"

"Yes, I don't think we've actually met, but we should. Yes, I live next door with my wife, Becky, and two rug rats, Jacob and Joshua."

"Now, Steve, they are adorable. I've made their acquaintance and we play sometimes in your back yard. Plus, your wife and I share recipes sometimes. You have a great family."

Steve blushed, "Thanks, sorry I haven't been around much, Gary, but I do have another relative up in Windsor, at Windsor College where your sister, Marty, is. I guess you talked to Matt last night. "

Glen smiled at Steve. "So, Matt is your brother. You and your brother are a pair of very talented people whom I feel privileged to have met, or at least talked to. I hope you will show me some of your sculpture, sometime, Steve."

"Certainly, but we are going to Windsor College today with the check for Matt to deposit in a bank there. I understand that is your recommendation."

Glen looked at Steve, seeing a very handsome man, a muscular male of undeniable beauty. He was drawn to Steve with an attraction the strength of which he'd never felt before. "Yes, Steve, I think it is better to cash it before they stop payment, which they will do when I start proceedings with them."

"Steve, I must get to work. Say 'Hi' to Matt for me, I'll call him later." He started to get into the car, "Oh, Steve, how about stopping over after dinner tonight and let me know how you two make out." He smiled broadly as he moved his car down the drive, he thought, 'I'd like to get to know you better, soon.'

Steve waved, "OK, we should be back from Windsor by late afternoon. See you then." He watched Gary driving away, thinking about what an attractive, charming man Gary is. He wished he had met him much sooner. He daydreamed about ...... 'Oh, damn, how could I forget about Matt.' He felt bad, he shouldn't have been thinking about another man when he had just been reunited with his loving brother.

Steve walked around Gary's home, a beautiful red brick colonial with white trim, sort of old fashioned according to the latest designs which Steve did not like. He was a traditional man, not given to flights of fancy, just simple beauty of form and function. Their whole neighborhood was occupied by large homes, mostly from the 1920s but all in excellent condition.

As he walked, Steve's face was covered with despair, and he quietly prayed to himself, still regretting again his treatment of his brother for those fifteen years. Even though Matt agreed that he had done what he needed to do, those years will forever haunt him. Realizing the truth, if they had stayed together as lovers, they would have been discovered and kicked out of the house, probably being split up.

Wiping his face with one hand, Steve reached his bathhouse behind his in-ground swimming pool which was surrounded by wrought iron fences. He unlocked the door and entered the dim interior that was broken up into small dressing room. A second door at the back of the room was locked with two Chubb locks plus an electronic pushbutton security box for which he needed to enter a number password. This was the private studio he'd had built behind his changing room bathhouse.

Opening that door, Steve walked in to face his latest sculpture after removing the cloth covering, a life-sized statue of his brother, Matt, at age 13, a slim, somewhat gawky lad, just past puberty. He stood with his left hip thrust to the side, his left arm bent with the left hand resting on his hip, his right leg thrust forward gracefully. The growth of his body, torso, legs, arms at that time had not progressed equally, so his form appeared a bit awkward, but definitely charming and enchanting. The statue was completely nude, an exact replica of Matt complete with clearly delineated smallish cock and balls.

Steve admired his work, running a hand over Matt's shoulders, down his back to the pert buttocks of an adolescent boy, thinking how well he did to remember that young boy he loved so much and now loved the man he became.

This part of the building was no secret to his family, however they'd never been in it. In fact, none of them had never even been inside the studio. Becky knew all about Steve's sculpture, of course, and the awards he'd received. Steve didn't know what she thought about this room and really didn't care, the secluded studio was his, period. He had other sculpture in galleries in Columbus, in the Cleveland Museum of Art and even one in the New York Museum of Modern Art, that beautiful edifice of Frank Lloyd Wright's genius. If Matt had ever seen any of them, he never said anything. Of course musicians hardly ever pay any attention to the other Fine Arts, so he could be excused since he happened to be one of those musicians. Steve was pretty sure Matt would have said something if he knew. The pleasure of exposing his art to Matt was still to come.

Returning to his house after talking to Steve, Matt soon realized that Glen Vance had left the premises, not even saying good-bye after trying to molest him. He decided that he and Mr. Vance would have words very soon, but first Matt needed a very hot shower to make him feel clean after his near assault. If Glen had succeeded, he would have had to crawl from this house, on a couple of broken legs. Well, maybe not that, but he would be hurt!

By the time Matt got to the Music Building at 9 AM his music pedagogy seminar of seven grad students sat at the round table in the seminar room, yellow pads and pens and pencils, coffee cups and other paraphernalia of students ready for use. Since this was the first class of the new year, Matt passed out the syllabus, talking mostly about what would be expected in the class, particularly the thesis to be turned in at the end of the semester. As he was passing out the syllabus, he handed one to a very handsome young man, maybe 21-22, and froze. 'Oh dear God, help me to love this man, and him to love me.' He froze and couldn't say anything for some seconds.

Finally, when all were staring at him, Matt could say, "Here are your first instructions."

He suggested that they divide into twos to work together on their theses, choosing the subject and direction of their research. Because the class held an uneven number of students, Matt would have to figure out something for the seventh member. The class contained none of his band students, but that was to be expected. These were grad students who normally didn't play in the college band.

A hand was raised. "Dr. Ridgway, I've heard you are planning a professional type quintet of brass for a special assignment within the music department. Could that include a graduate student who was not an instrumental major? "

Matt smiled, "First, everyone, when you ask a question, please tell me who you are, in a few days I'll know all your names. Thank you." He turned to the handsome blond. "Your name is?'

"Dr. Ridgway, my name is Hardy Wolfe," he smiled, "actually it is, and I play trombone. I don't have time with all my school work and job to sign up for the concert band, however, I am pretty good. You might check with Ms. Stuart, she has heard me play a number of times."

Matt was quiet. "Hardy, I hadn't even thought about it, but off the top of my head, I would say we want the best players enrolled on campus, so maybe that could include you. And yes, I will check with Ms. Stuart." Matt noticed Hardy staring at him, it seemed closer to his crotch more than his face.

"Now, any other questions? Ok, for Monday, check the first page of the syllabus, read the references and answer the questions. I want you to pick your thesis subjects as soon as possible. I am happy to see you all, I hope we can get as far as possible in our subject. See you Monday, Thanks."

Before he left the building, Matt walked in on Marty's class and beckoned her outside the door. "Marty, I had a grad student tell me he's a good trombonist. He might want to try out for the quintet. Who would that be?"

Marty smiled eagerly, "That would be Hardy Wolfe, no question. He is really great, Matt, a super, super talent." She grinned slyly, "And, if you hadn't noticed, he's hot as hell, right?"

Matt blushed and shushed her, but nodded and waved her back into her room. Just as he walked to the street in front of the building, Steve pulled their van to the curb.

"Hi, guys, great timing." Matt greeted his nephews, sat between them in their safety seats and kissed his sister-in-law. "Let's go to the First National Bank, Steve. Head for the next street and take a right, the bank will be about 2 blocks farther." He turned to include everyone in the van, "I can't tell you how happy I am that you could come up." His eyes became moist and he choked on a lump in his throat. He had a real brother now and was so thrilled about it he had a hard time calming down.

Becky put her hand on Matt's and squeezed, letting him know that they were all with him and he was part of their entire family.

Matt looked at Becky and wondered, she wasn't looking as fresh and radiant as usual, as if she weren't feeling well.

Matt and Steve entered the bank and asked for an officer. Mr. Landsdown appeared from somewhere in the back, "May I help you?"

Matt spoke up, "Yes, I would like to deposit a fairly large check into savings or a CD or something. I don't need the cash immediately, so you will have time to check it out."

"Would you come back this way to my office."

Within half an hour, Matt's money was deposited in a short term CD, but with unfortunately little return for the time being. Matt had wanted Steve's name on the CD, too, so that was done, including survivorship terms.

"Thank you, Dr. Ridgway, and welcome to the City of Windsor and the college. I hope you like it here." He shook Matt's hand, then the same with Steve. "And you, too, Mr Ridgway." Mr. Landsdown was very impressed with these two brothers. 'Where have I heard the name Steven Ridgway? Can't remember.'

"Thanks, talk to you later."

Matt spoke, still concerned about his money.

"Well, that's done. They can't get it back, can they?"

Steve shook his head, "No, I don't think so, but I wouldn't put anything past them to try."

"Hope not. Steve, I have to get back to the music building. I'd like you all to come and hear a rehearsal of the symphonic band. Not super yet, but it will be, I think. And then we'll go to my house and look around, then get some lunch." He listened to the boys complaining that they were hungry. He whispered to Steve, "And, I have a bunch of cookies in my office. You can find them in my bottom drawer next to the bottle of .... you know what!" He grinned at his brother, his lover! "Keep the cookie monsters happy!"

Soon the whole troop ambled noisily into the rehearsal room, Steve and Becky, Joshua and Jacob, while Marty snuck in behind them to watch Matt's family, sitting in audience chairs in the small auditorium. These were the people that Gary, her brother, knew, living next door and sometimes he swam with the small boys. She watch closely as Matt walked over to Steve to talk a few minutes while the band members were setting up. 'Oh, Lord,' she thought, 'I have to tell Matt that he must stop looking at Steve like that. Practically anyone could tell they are in love.'

Along the way, Matt had noticed that Hardy Wolfe had come in to listen. Now Matt was going to be very nervous, hoping that he projected an appearance and character that would appeal to Hardy.

Marty slowly looked around to check what Becky was doing. Fortunately, the young mother was watching her small boys and not her big boy. Probably she doesn't realize where his interests lay. Marty didn't know that Becky was the one who told Steve to help Matt move.

That day, knowing his brother and family would be there, Matt had scheduled rehearsal of an arrangement of some of John Williams' music, including his movies. He bet at least Jacob Ridgway would know the music. He rarely scheduled pop music with his bands, but once in a while their audiences appreciated something more familiar to them. He had gone over to talk to Steve, asking how they could get away from the others, at least for a few minutes.

Steve promised to figure something out, leave it up to him.

Matt noticed that Marty was watching him and Steve, then she turned to watch Becky with the boys, he wondered, 'why was she doing that.' He'll talk to her later on today, maybe ask her to lunch with them. Matt had finally been paid and felt flush with so much cash.

Steve had met Marty just once, but he knew she and Matt were close and he felt he could ask her to take Becky and the boys for a quick tour of the music building. Maybe demonstrating their new harpsichord since he knew she was a specialist on that. He just had a feeling that Marty had a good idea how he and Matt felt toward each other.

Matt worked the band well, though practically no repetitive practice on short sections. He treated the rehearsal almost as if it were a performance, playing the numbers almost straight through for the benefit of his impromptu audience. 'Can't skip over some poor playing,' he thought.

"People, I appreciate how well you have followed me today. I didn't do much boring sectional practice since we have some guests with us; my brother, Steven, his wife Becky and their two boys, the irrepressible Jacob and Joshua. So, please put everything away while I attend to my guests. This is Friday, so a whole weekend to practice our problem sections. See you Monday."

Over the noise of his band members he overheard one of the flutes saying to another, "Man, is that Steven Ridgway? It must be. I want to meet him." She seemed to be overawed.

Again, Matt was puzzled by the special attention given to his brother which he knew nothing about. But he decided not to ask the girl to explain why she wanted to meet him.

Walking over to Steve, he noticed that Becky and the kids were leaving with Marty, to the student caf, he bet. His brother was on the job.

"Man, when you take on a job, you really succeed." He smiled broadly at Steve, "Let's go to my office where we can talk."

Steve nodded and followed him out of the auditorium.

In Matt's office, with the door locked, Steve hugged Matt and spoke first, "Matt, you and I have some stuff to talk about. You agree?"

Matt kissed his brother on the lips, slowly, with great feeling. "Yes, I think we do. Shall I go first?"


"Steve, you need to tell me how you feel about us, not the fact that we are in love with each other, that's a given forever, but what is going to happen now. I'll be blunt. I assume you have decided to stay with Becky and your boys. Right?"

Steve was slow to respond, but finally, "Matty, my first wish would be that you and I live together. But I must admit that is not practical or possible. I've thought about this a lot, but just don't think I can leave them. Are you with me?" His face had reddened with the effort expended not to cry.

"Yes, Steve, I understand and even though I wish it weren't so, I'm sure that you really don't have any choice. At least for some years," he stopped, then continued, "And I have to tell you where I stand right now. Since I can't have you in my life all the time, I'm going to need to find someone to be my lover and partner, to share my life and love. I feel such a great need, Steve, that I don't think I can be happy without someone. But that doesn't mean that my love for you would ever change, and I mean that." Matt's eyes were shining with unshed tears, crowding but not falling.

Steve hugged Matt again, holding him tight against his body, kissing his neck and cheek. "Matty, I agree completely with you, and nothing will change my love for you, but I am in a similar situation, I need someone for my own life. We're agreed."

"Yes," Matt pressed many kisses on his brother, "That is what we both need. Now, just how do we do that?"

Steve smiled broadly, and grabbed Matt's buttocks, "Please don't tell Marty, but I just met someone." He even giggled, "Gary Stuart and I talked a bit this morning, and I feel a great oneness between us even though we never said anything to that effect." He pulled Matt's body against his own, their cocks fighting for space between them.

"You sly devil, you've gotten ahead of me, but I'm not far behind." He also giggled and grabbed Steve's butt, squeezing hard. "I have one picked out and he's gorgeous. I have no idea that he might be gay, but he's a graduate student, only six years younger than I am. He's been watching me pretty close. His name is Hardy Wolfe, and he's in my graduate seminar, and he wants to join my small brass group. I'll have to audition him, Marty says he a fantastic trombonist."

"Talk about sly devils." He gave Matt a kiss on his lips with plenty of tongue enjoying the response from his brother. They both had raised huge erections sliding against their groins. "Here's to us, Matt, we're hot stuff and going to be hotter." He smiled broadly, "And I want you down in Columbus as soon as you can come and visit. I want you to meet Gary, and anyway, he knows that we are both gay, thanks to his dear sister, Marty. And I have stuff to show you, surprises!"

"I think you are going to have the more difficult time, aren't you, Steve, to be so careful with him living right next door."

Steve shook his head, "I've thought of a number of ways that I hope will work."

"Well, we better get back to the ladies and kids. We're going to owe Marty a bunch for this one."

Matt became the guide to show everyone around the campus, then his house which he could tell Becky didn't like much, and then a restaurant which would hold all of them. As they finished their meal and left, Matt noticed a couple of girls approach Steve, asking for his autograph, which he gladly gave. Matt cursed himself because he had meant to ask that of Steve when they were alone. Well, he'll ask soon. His relatives then drove back to Columbus after Matt expressed extreme thanks to them for bringing his check to him, and he promised to come down soon.

Jamal Woods, the favored bassoonist of Matt's band, had taken time while in the music building to find a free practice room to rehearse the band music, quite a bit of difficult music, while he could since he had no more classes for the day.

Jamal knew that the practice room beside his was busy, some trumpet player was making great sounds, flying scales and arpeggios, double and triple tonguing. He peeked into that room and saw Rick Balsaam, a sophomore in the band, a fine looking young white man, light brown hair on a cute, youthful face, a man Jamal had noticed but not really closely. He was slender and tall, maybe 6' or slightly above, the short sleeves on the summer shirt revealed Rick's arms, well muscled but not bulging or heavy. Maybe a swimmer's arms. Wide shoulders and narrow waist led Jamal to believe that Rick had a proportionate, curved-in-the-right-places natural physique. He couldn't see his butt, but hoped he would before too long maybe.

With the music stand set up and music on it Jamal started warming up, testing three different reeds, hoping to find one that played well enough for practice. He finally decided that he'd have to make two or three back in his room before the next band rehearsal so Doc Ridgway didn't come down on him like an angry tuba.

Jamal finally got one reed working and read through two pieces they were doing, finding them not too hard, just a couple places where the fingering wasn't obvious. He was ready to start the next when a light knock sounded on the practice room door.

"Come in, Rick." Jamal had taken a chance that Rick wanted to talk or something.

The door opened and Rick's cute face peered around the edge, "Could I talk to you, Jamal, I've got a problem."

"Sure, bring a chair in, I'm all out of them." He smiled at Rick, waving his arm around the tiny room, only the one chair and one stand. "Did you want help with your practicing?"

Sliding a folding chair into Jamal's room, Rick nodded then left to get his stand and music from the other practice room. They settled down beside each other, sitting closely to see each other's music.

"My problem is in the Overture at letter F where you have the solo melody and I'm supposed to come in with you on the fourth beat of measure 89. I'm having trouble counting the beats correctly from measure 75 on. Could we do it together?"

"Man, that's cake, I'll show you. I'll start at 75 and you come in at the right time. Ok?"

Rick laughed, "Sure, if I can do it. I lose track of my counting during the syncopation on these four measures." He pointed to his music.

Jamal smacked Rick on his back, leaving his hand on Rick's shoulder, patting him, "Sure you can do it, now just follow me."

Jamal started playing, tapping his foot loudly to help Rick, and then Rick came in four beats early. Jamal looked at Rick and laughed until Rick laughed with him.

"Let me count this with you. Measure 75." He started counting the four beats in a measure, patting Rick's right thigh as he did, feeling the slender muscle, tight but still supple, then said, "And come in ..... ah ..... three ..... and ....now!"

"Well, that was closer, Rick, you were on the right page." He roared at his own joke, but tickled Rick's side until he giggled a bit.

After four more trials at that same passage, Jamal was getting just a bit frustrated. 'How do teachers do it, how do they keep from shooting themselves?' "Ok, Rick, I have an idea. Are you free now?" Rick nodded. "Let's pack up, get some beer and head for my room and we can practice over and over until one of us gets it right. I've got a single so we won't bother anyone."

Rick agreed so that's what they did.

Jamal's room was as neat as any college dorm room could be, clothes were picked up, no pop cans, pizza boxes or grocery bags lying around the room, just one desk, one single bed and one dresser. His laptop computer fit neatly on the small desk, hiding a printer underneath it.

Jamal set up a portable music stand by the bed, then sat on the edge of the bed. "Now, Rick, bring your horn and sit on the bed in front of me, so I can see the music." Rick fit himself between Jamal's legs, pushing his butt back so he touched the handsome light brown man.

Jamal wrapped his arms around Rick's chest, then pulled him back into his crotch tighter and said, "Now, Rick, let's get started." He pointed at a place in the music, "Right here, measure 66, start there and we'll both count carefully until after the two instruments come together."

"One, two, three, four," and Rick started. Jamal kept counting and kept the beat with his right hand on Rick's right thigh, patting that muscle in time. "Here it is, one, two, three and a."

"Hey, Rick, that was almost it, almost right on." He threw his arms around Rick's chest, pulling him back against his own chest, "Now just one more time, and I think you got it."

He let Rick sit up again, started counting again, still patting on Rick's thigh, actually he was getting very close to Rick's crotch, tapping lightly almost on top of the younger man's hardon. Jamal thought, 'Hmmm, little Ricky has a hardon, what ... have .... I ...... done?" And he was smiling broadly inside.

"One, two, three and a ... do it. Yes," Jamal yelled, that was it. We got it!"

Rick bent over, set his trumpet on the floor then grabbed Jamal's right hand in both of his hands and pressed the lighter palm to his lips. He kissed the soft skin, leaned back and crammed the hand onto his crotch where Jamal could feel the ramrod straight cock easily through the pants.

"Rick, what are you ...... "

"Shut up, Jamal, you know damn well what I'm doing. I'm doing what you've wanted to do for the last hour. Are you saying you don't want to?"

Jamal apologized, "Rick, I'm sorry. I should have made my intentions clear from the beginning, or at least when we came to my room. I apologize, my friend, and want you to know that I think you are a very handsome man, dude, and if my color doesn't bother you, I'd like to make love with you."

Rick had been still and quiet, just listening to Jamal's voice, not too deep but smooth and definitely a man's voice. When he finished, Rick said, "Jamal, your color is part of what makes you YOU, and that is a wonderful thing for you to be. I've watched you a lot, never daring to think you might want me."

"Now we're even. I was so happy when I saw you in the next practice room. I must thank you for allowing me to have a chance at being close to you." He rubbed Rick's head, his dark, silky hair, with one hand.

Quickly, Rick leaned back against Jamal while he opened his belt, unbuttoned his pants then ran the zipper to the bottom notches. In one swift move he had slid his pants and underwear off his butt to his knees.

"There you go, Jamal, there is my cock. I hope it is big enough for you!"

Jamal leaned up to look over Rick's shoulder, he saw a huge cock, 6 - 7 inches straight up from his crotch, waving back and forth and pulsing slightly to his heartbeat.

Jamal laughed, "Rick, are you referring to that old story that all black men's cocks are at least a foot long? Is that right?"

"Aren't they?" Rick asked innocently.

When Jamal finally stopped laughing, he told Rick, "Ricky, love, if you will get off of me I will give you a vivid demonstration."

Rick sat up, gave Jamal a quizzical look, thinking 'what you talkin' 'bout, man?'

However, Rick still watched Jamal closely as he stood up, pulled off his polo shirt, unzipped and dropped his cargo shorts to reveal his crotch hidden tightly inside some bright red bikinis. Rick was wondering how a foot long cock could possibly fit in there, even when soft. Jamal was slender too, but quite muscular over his whole torso, nice little pecs and a bit of a six pack, too. Just a little dark hair.

Jamal was still in front of Rick when he gripped the waist band and slowly pulled his bikini down and off his legs. Rick couldn't believe it, Jamal's cock hardly poked through his pubic bush, though the black's balls were a good match for his size. He could just see Jamal's cockhead, barely visible and surrounded by skin. The only penises that Rich had seen had all had been circumcised. He had never seen an uncut penis. He wondered what exactly he was seeing.

Quickly, Jamal went to the floor, kneeling between Rick's legs. He rested his arms on Rick's legs looking up into his eyes. "Rick, are you experienced at this? Have you done much?"

Rick placed his palms on either side of Jamal's head, rubbing his short black hair, "Jamie, I had a good friend through my last two years of high school, but we didn't do a lot. We hugged, and kissed a lot and jacked off, but only in the last summer did we discover sucking. Unfortunately, I was too big for him to suck much, so I'd suck him and he'd jack me off. That's about it, Jamal."

Jamal smiled at Rick, "Ricky, you called me Jamie once, and I liked that. Could you do that when we are together? Ok?" Rick nodded.

Rick assumed from his statement that Jamal expected them to be together more than once. He sure hoped so, he really liked Jamie, in fact he felt like he actually loved the man. Then he felt afraid that he was expecting too much.

In his present position Jamal had Rick's 7 incher right in front of him, bright red shaft and dark red cockhead leaking precum. Rick was still sitting on the edge of the bed with Jamal between his legs, Jamal's hands investigating his buttocks, edging toward Rick's asshole, but the most important action was when Jamal plunged Rick's tall cock directly into his mouth until the head was back in Jamal's throat somewhere.

Rick gasped, noisily filling his lungs, not believing the wild excitement in his cock and balls, his whole nervous system filled with electric shocks, he shook and shivered, wondering how Jamal could take his whole 7 inches. He didn't have much time to think about those things when he realized that the pressure in his balls was being relieved as his semen surged up his urethra, then pumped in streams from his piss hole into Jamal's mouth, down his throat. Rick bent over and hugged Jamal's head against his chest.

When his breathing calmed and his heart slowed, "Oh, Jamie, that was ..... I'd never felt like that .... " He raised his head and smiled into Jamal's eyes. Jamal hadn't released Rick's cock from his mouth, he was still sucking on it, still tonguing the sensitive flesh, even trying to poke his tongue into Rick's piss hole without success.

Rick leaned over again, kissed Jamal on his forehead. "Jamal, let me see your cock. I need to see what it looks like. Please."

Dropping Rick's cock from his mouth, Jamal stood up in front of Rick where he put his fingers into his crotch using them to manipulate his penis, slowly stimulating the organ to a hard shape and feeling. Rick's eyes stared at it, seeing the penis gradually growing longer and thicker until it was about five inches long with his long foreskin showing an additional inch. Slowly, Jamal pulled the foreskin toward the base, revealing is cockhead to Rick.

"So, Rick, that is as long as it gets. Not even half a foot, far from a foot long dog."

Rick reached his right hand up and held Jamie's cock, feeling it, finally pulling his foreskin forward to cover his cockhead, then pushing back. He leaned forward to look closely at it, seeing the light brown shaft, smooth and even, but the glans was swollen tight and tinted dark purple. His other hand cupped one of Jamal's buttocks, his fingers sliding slickly into Jamal's butt crack, tempted to go farther, but he didn't.

Jamal's knees almost gave way when Rick suddenly rammed his mouth all the way to Jamal's pubes, feeling their curly prickliness against his mouth and nose. He had no trouble with a cock the size of Jamal's. Rick's tongue started a whirlwind of swipes against the whole cock, flicking the head with rapid movements tasting his precum, alkaline and a bit salty, but good. Pulling off the cock, Rick kept the head in his mouth and grabbed Jamal's shaft with one hand, pumped back and forth, increased the speed on his hard rod to bring Jamal's fire raging in his loins as exotic shocks shot from his asshole to his head.

"Ah .... Ricky .... I'm coming .... Here .... it is, man ... oh, uhhg uhhg - " and the flood of his semen thrust in streams out of his cockhole pooling on Rick's tongue, sliding down his throat to be swallowed.

Rick loved it, he had never felt a foreskin before and liked its velvet softness, moving with seeming independence from the cock it was attached to. The taste of Jamie's semen was a revelation to him, much stronger than his high school friend, but still very similar.

Jamal slowly leaned over Rick to end up resting on his hands on the bed as Rick lay back, Jamie's cock still in his mouth. Rick grabbed both buttocks, smooth and strong, squeezing them, pulling his cock even further into his mouth.

When Jamal fell over on the bed, his body was lying next to Rick forcing his cock away from Rick, "Ricky, you gotta let go, man, it hurts now, too sensitive."

Rick smiled, "How soon can we do that again, huh?" They cuddled each other hungrily.

On the following Monday, Matt made some announcements to the graduate seminar which he would repeat to the band at noon. He announced when auditions would be scheduled for the new small group, the brass quintet that will consist of two trumpets, one French Horn, one trombone and one tuba. Hardy's eyes were fixed on Matt's, keeping the connection no matter what Matt said. Also that he decided to name the group, The Dukes of Windsor, or the Dukes and Duchesses of Windsor, depending on who is selected to play.

Since Hardy Wolfe would be the only member of this class to audition, Matt gave him a special time to audition. And he gave Hardy the folder of music except for the sight-reading. Hardy's stare drew Matt toward him, literally. His deep blue eyes were so hypnotic.

"Any questions, Hardy? I can reschedule if necessary." Matt knew he needed this young man for the Dukes, and he had some dreams of his own for him.

Hardy shook his head and smiled, "No, Dr. Ridgway, I'll be there for the audition. Thanks." He seemed very pleased with himself, he had connected with 'Matt' in a very personal and intimate way, he thought.

This was Tuesday night and Matt had auditioned 9 performers already when Hardy Wolfe walked into his small practice room, his trombone in hand along with his music.

"All the others have left, Dr. Ridgway, and the custodian said he was leaving, too, and all the doors were locked." He smiled, "And so, that means we are all alone, Doc-tor - Ridg- way." Hardy drew out Matt's name on purpose to get his attention. Little did he know that he had Dr. Ridgway's complete attention in more ways than music.

Matt couldn't help grinning at Hardy, "So we are, but let's do the audition anyway." He ignored Hardy's playful suggestion, pointed at the pile of music, "Play whatever you want to impress me."

Hardy moved over to give his trombone slide space, testing the slide's movement and started to play. He had taken no music from his folder, he just started to play. As Matt listened, Hardy played parts of each piece of music in the folder, from memory, one after the other. That took about 10 minutes, then he stopped but continued with one more selection. Listening to that, he was amazed because Hardy was playing the sight-reading music he had never seen.

As Hardy's last note fell away, Matt heard applause, cheering and yelling outside the audition room. He looked at Hardy who had the decency to blush and look embarrassed.

"They wanted to hear me play, I guess, and snuck in. " He smiled at Matt, "Great kids, don't you think, Doc?"

"So you brought your own claque, didn't you?"

"What's a clack?"

Matt stuck his hand out to Hardy who reached with his and they shook firmly, releasing their hands after a couple minutes, all the while two brown eyes were gripping two deep blue eyes in an emotional trap.

"Thanks you, Hardy, and congratulations. You are the trombone of the Dukes of Windsor, and I'd like to talk to you some more tonight if you have some time."


Matt asked, "Do you know where I live, Hardy." The younger man nodded. "Ok, then I'm going home as soon as I can close up and get everyone out."

Matt remembered to ask, "Do you have a car, Hardy?"

At that Hardy shook his head no.

"Would you like me to drive you to my house?"

Hardy grinned at Matt and nodded, "I would appreciate that, Doctor Ridgway."

Matt drove his car up his driveway and shut it down. They left the car and Matt flipped switches until their way was well lit. By the time they reached the kitchen Matt asked if Hardy would like a beer, which he accepted. They took their beer and walked into the cluttered living room, sitting together on the old couch.

"Hardy, you really amazed me, I don't think I've ever heard a better slide man. There are some who play the valve trombone and feel it is the same, but it certainly isn't. Trombone was my original instrument, but of course I had to learn all of the others since I had to teach them all."

Hardy turned to face Matt, "I'd love to do some trombone duets with you sometime, Matt. Can I say Matt?"

"Yes, Hardy, when we are alone I hope you will. In fact the other guys probably wouldn't mind if you did all the time, would they?"

Hardy shook his head, "No, I don't think they would. But I won't do it when any of the big guns are around." He smiled, "Don't want to get too pushy. I think that you do understand that I like you a lot, don't you?" Hardy looked a little apprehensive at his last remark, 'had he gone too far?'

"Yes, I understand, Hardy, and I reciprocate." He stood up, "Would you like another beer, Hardy?"

His younger friend handed him his empty bottle, sliding his palm along the back of Matt's hand, slowly and provocatively. This young man was really getting to Matt.

After he delivered a new beer bottle into Hardy's hand, Matt sat again beside Hardy, this time a bit closer. "Hardy, the reason I wanted to talk to you was to ask if you would like to be assistant director of the brass quintet, if you can afford the time, that is. You would help me with the planning, scheduling and selecting the players. I'm sure none of them would be better than you are and would not be upset with your advancement. Am I right?"

Hardy stuck out his hand to Matt to be shaken, "Matt, I can't tell you how much I'm pleased and I want to do it so much. I don't think anyone would have a problem unless it might be Professor Powers, our esteemed Department Head."

Matt still held Hardy's hand, gripping it tightly until he realized what he was doing. "I suppose that my argument with that man has made the rounds of the Music Department, hasn't it?"

They released each other's hand as Hardy laughed out loud, "Yes, Matt, they've been saying you gave him a good one. Well, he's needed someone to stand up to him. No one else in the Department would do it." He watched Matt's face,"You know, Matt, you are like a new wave coming in, breaking over all the opposition and I'm so pleased that you are here. I'll not be happy to graduate."

"If my plans for you work out, you might not be leaving, Hardy. Now don't go crazy on me, just accept that as a little hint. Until I say for sure, don't count on anything as written in stone."

Handy turned on the couch, putting one bent leg over the cushion, "You are an amazingly talented man yourself, Matt, how can you have such a wonderful brother, also very talented?"

Matt looked at Hardy quizzically, "What are you talking about, Hardy? I saw you in the rehearsal hall when my family was there, but how do you know my brother? One of the flutes said to another something about wanting to meet him. Then after we ate at the Caf , two other girls ran up to ask for his autograph. What has he done that is so great? I simply don't know, Hardy."

Hardy put his hand on Matt's thigh, looking into his eyes, "You really don't know, do you."

"I told you I have no idea at all."

"Matt, your brother is one of the best sculptors in the country right now, he has pieces in a number of museums and is widely recognized." He looked baffled, "I don't see how you could not know. Any art student in the country would be remiss not knowing his name. He isn't exactly a household name yet, but I'm sure he will be. You have a PhD in music, and he surely has earned one in Art without having the piece of paper."

"My God, I can't believe it, Hardy, I don't understand. I've only thought of him as a computer nerd. When we were growing up, I remember him carving models out of balsa or, after he got some harder woods, he carved some beautiful birds and animals. But I had no idea."

Hardy spoke again, pressing on his thigh tightly, "I still don't understand how you could NOT know. It's as if you two hadn't spoken for years."

Hardy could see tears in Matt's eyes, his face blushing, wrinkles in his forehead as he seemed to fight a battle within himself. Finally he spoke, "Hardy, I'd like to tell you what happened between us, but it will take quite a while." He put his hand on Hardy's shoulder. "Would you, could you stay the night? I only have one bed, but it is a big one. Would you?"

The younger man could easily see that Matt was under a real strain and he decided to do everything he could to help him. Matt was becoming closer to him which is what he wanted.

"Sure, Matt, I've got the whole weekend - oh - " he smiled, "except for a paper which is due in the graduate seminar on Monday." He looked down, "I suppose the professor would really give me a hard time if it were late."

Matt smiled through his shining eyes, "We can fix that, I think."

They were close together as Matt lay back against the cushions and started to talk. It took almost two hours before he had told Hardy what had happened between the brothers during the last 15 years. He told everything, his anger, his angst and finally how they found love between them again. He even described their two sexual meetings, getting a huge hardon during the telling. Matt even told about having anal sex with Steve until finally, Matt was able to break Steve's virgin ass. And how he loved it so much. At the finish Matt felt the heights of happiness and depths of depression combined.

Hardy couldn't help it, he wanted to let Matt know he was sympathizing with him, that he understood his feelings. He slowly reached to Matt's groin and gently caressed the huge cock he found there. Hardy couldn't resist unzipping Matt's pants and pulling his steel-like erection from his underwear, giving it a few tender pumps. Matt smiled at him but went on.

"So, you see, Hardy, I found my brother again, we love each other, just as we did all those years ago, but now we still can't be together. He's staying with his wife and kids, and that's what I think he should do, but it's killing me." At that point Matt broke down, cried and sobbed alone until Hardy scooped him up in his arms, holding him tightly to his own body. Matt absolutely clung to Hardy, his face against Hardy's ear, breathing his shampoo aroma and his personal scent.

Hardy was a bit smaller than Matt and the older man fit very well against his body while Hardy used his hands and arms to rub Matt's back, up and down, not a massage but a comforting and soothing gesture, finally cupping Matt's buttocks to lift him further against his chest, Matt's knees were bent and his legs split around Hardy's waist.

Matt's sobs were quieting slowly, but he sniffled and Hardy searched around until Matt told him to reach into his back pocket to find a fresh linen handkerchief which Hardy used to help Matt blow his nose. They both smiled at that most personal of gestures, which Hardy accomplished with compassion and tenderness.

At the same moment they both decided that they should go to bed. Shutting off the lights as they went, they climbed the stairs to the second floor and into Matt's bedroom, arms around each other's waists but with Hardy leading them with his grip on Matt's precum dripping cock. A small bed light was on but it hardly lit the room. After Matt showed Hardy to the bathroom, they each used the facilities, stripped to their underwear, boxerbriefs in Matt's case and bikini briefs in Hardy's.

Hardy took the lead by hugging Matt as he came from the bathroom, his arms slowly rubbing Matt's back, upper to lower. They just held themselves steady, heads on each other's shoulder, touching their cheeks together with care and gentleness and, yes, love.

Hardy's hand slid down Matt's back again and this time kept going to where his fingers slid underneath the elastic band. His palms followed so that Hardy was cupping Matt's buttocks to feel the firm muscles and smooth skin to arouse himself and Matt.

Matt pulled them toward the bed where they faced each other on the bed, just a sheet over them, lying on their sides. Matt pulled back to look into Hardy's face, and Hardy knew then that he would try to kiss him. Matt moved his head forward, his lips almost on Hardy's when Hardy yelled, "No, no, Matt, you can't do that." He put up his palms to hold Matt away from him.

Matt tried again but this time Hardy thrust Matt away from him until they were separated by the width of the bed.

Matt, desperately puzzled, couldn't understand what Hardy was doing, he asked, "Hardy, what did I do, how did I hurt you, I had the feeling that we were coming together so well over the evening."

Even in the dim light Matt could see Hardy's eyes glistening from unshed tears in them as he lay on his back, silent and unmoving. Matt moved close and pressed his body against Hardy's almost naked flesh, putting an arm around his chest pulling him against his chest.

Hardy spoke, quietly and evenly, "We both have problems tonight, Matty, and I don't know if I can explain mine to you."

"You called me Matty, Hardy, and that's what my brother calls me and I like it when you do, too. You know you can tell me anything and I will understand and will not reject you. OK?"

"Well, you're in for the whole story. I was in a relationship with a man whom I loved. We had a good life, I thought, for over a year, but soon found out I was wrong. You see, I loved him and he only lusted after me once in a while. No honest feelings for me. Then I found out he was running around, looking for more male sex, I wasn't enough for him. So about a year ago, I left, transferred to Windsor College, finished up and now into graduate school." He snickered at Matt, "And I found a professor with whom I can be as open and loving as him. Can't I?" Matt smiled and nodded. Hardy suddenly stopped, a despondent look on his face.

"Just after your band rehearsal this noon, I had a call from my old lover to tell me that he'd been tested and he is HIV positive and ... I ..... I ..... had .... better get checked. No 'sorry' from him. I know it couldn't have been from me. But here I am, I'll have to find a place to be checked."

"Well, at least he did tell you, didn't he?. Maybe he thought more of you than you understood. Can't you go to the college health center?" Then Matt thought, "Oh, I guess you can't, can you?" He considered the options, "How about you go to Bryan. I'll bet there is a good one there."

Hardy smiled wryly, "Matt, my friend, I don't have a car and I don't have the money. I'm ok at the college for anything else, but not HIV tests. I don't want to be forced into coming out."

Matt looked at him seriously, "Does anyone on campus know, Hardy?"

"Not that I know of, Matt. I really doubt it. I hadn't worried about it, but now I do."

The leader of the band looked at Hardy, "So, it is settled. I will loan you the money. You will take my car, if you are crazy enough to drive it, and go to Bryan, takes about a half hour, after you set up your appointment to have your blood taken. And you will do it Saturday, tomorrow. Hardy, I'm doing this for you, but also for myself. I want you around me as much as possible and when I say 'around me' that means AROUND ME. Understand?" His voice was smiling as he said that, and he gathered Hardy against himself. "My friend, I want to do what we can do together, safely and carefully. First, let's get this underwear off. By the way I love those bikini briefs on that marvelous body of yours. You should see my brother's body, you could be twins, built the same and each developed as well as the other."

"Ok, Matt. Go ahead. You know what not to do, I guess."

"Yeah, I hope so. Somehow or other, Hardy, we are going to make love. That's a fact." He stood up, "I need something to drink, what can I get you?"

"Whatever you are having will be fine with me."

Matt brought two cans of pop from the kitchen. He laughed, "I'm glad the lights were out, I forgot I was walking around naked with this hardon directing the band."

Hardy smiled, "That is a handsome baton. I like watching you, especially naked. The first time I saw you at the graduate seminar I honestly said to myself 'that's the man for me'. And here you are," he said as he grabbed Matt's cock, "and here is this wondrous love machine, all for me." He took a quick taste of Matt's precum then Hardy looked up at Matt, "Is this going too fast for you, Matt? Am I coming on too strong? I hope not, cause I need you and I think you need me."

Matt put his hands on Hardy's shoulders, gently laid his forehead on Hardy's and softly spoke, "My friend, we need each other, yes, if only to protect ourselves from those who would hate us and rage against us. We need physical and emotional protection for ourselves.

Matt bent over and kissed Hardy right on the lips before his lover could object. He pushed Hardy back on the bed, lying directly on top of him, their various body parts matching each others. "Once in a while we have to live on the edge, love." He looked embarrassed, "Uh oh, I used the 'L' word, didn't I. Oh, what the hell."

"Before we go any farther, Hardy, I'd like to decide something." He pecked a kiss on Hardy's nose and hugged tightly. "Hardy is your name, right." Hardy nodded. "So, how can I make a nickname out of Hardy. Hard won't hardly work." He giggled, "Sorry about that. But I'm serious my friend, Hardy doesn't make it. What is your middle name?"

"Oh, no," Hardy rose up, even with Matt on top of him. "You cannot use my middle name. I hate it."

"OK, but just tell me what it is."

"No, and that's final." He lay down again, holding tightly to the man in his arms.

Now that set up a contest of wills for Matt, who would somehow find out Hardy's middle name. His new love should realize that he could find out in a second by looking in Hardy's college records.

Matt looked into Hardy's eyes, shyly, bashfully, "How about I use your last name, Wolfe? I sort of like hearing Wolfie, or maybe just Woof or Woofie. Stop me when you hear a name that you like, man."

Matt could just see Hardy laughing inside, sounding those names over in his head, trying to see if one of them would fit him. He decided to play around, postponing the nickname selection.

Matt slid off Hardy to give his hands room to touch this handsome body, so well developed, the muscles hard, yet pliable in Matt's hand. He caressed both shoulders equally, then slid his hands down over Hardy's prominent pecs, stopping to pinch his nipples, deep red and full, about the size of a quarter, bending like Dali's watch over the edge of his pectorals but in no way surrealist at all, very handsome and thoroughly male.

Hardy's cock was standing tall, throbbing and waving over his crotch. Matt pulled his hand down the splendor of that hardness, feeling the silky velvet of the tender skin. Meanwhile he was kissing Hardy's nipples and licking them when the points arose from the base. Matt couldn't seem to get enough of his new lover, feeling him everywhere, rolling him over to massage his buttocks, sliding his fingers between them, tempting Hardy to reach for Matt.

"Hardy, I can't wait, I need you." He rolled Hardy over, holding his cock with one hand and caressing his balls with the other. "I can't believe you could be infected, love, but we won't take any chances. I need you to ram this monster in my ass, Hardy, would you do that?"

"If you have any condoms and lube, my man, I can do that for you anytime you say."

"Right now, Wolfie," he chuckled, "I like that, Hardy, you are now officially my Wolfie."

Hardy grinned broadly, not thrilled but willing to go with whatever his new love wanted. "Ok, Matty if that's what you want, I'll be Wolfie - but not at school, please."

Matt reached into the bedside table drawer, pulling out of whole box of condoms along with a barely used tube of KY, remembering that it was first used with him and Steve.

He lay back on the bed, his legs pulled high over his shoulders, arms behind his knees to hold them high enough to expose his brownish-red asshole, winking spasmodically in expectation of Hardy's cockhead breaching its tough walls.

Hardy bent down to kiss it's wrinkled surface, then swirl his tongue over and around the sensitive opening and its convolutions and whirls, slobbering all over it to prepare the surface. Matt was squirming all over, delighted but almost overcome with the erotic sensations sending electric shocks throughout his whole system.

"Oh, Wolfie, no more tease, get that condom on your prick as fast as you can, love, I'm getting too hot for my own good. Please, man, get it on and give me a good fucking!"

"No, damn it, Matt, I do not fuck my lover. I make love to my best friend and loved one."

Embarrassed, Matt blushed, "I'm sorry, Wolfie, I was wrong, but I got carried away. You have gotten me so damn close to boiling over I don't recognize myself. Even more than my brother, and you do know that we are in love with each other." He looked at Hardy, trying to express his feelings to this wonderful, handsome, sexy young man with those deep blue eyes shining into his own.

Hardy moved up to suckle on Matt's nipples again, exciting them, making tiny Etnas out of each one. Suddenly, he reached for the condoms, tore one open and unrolled it from tip to base of his cock. "Matty, I know you are in love with each other and I think that's fine. I know you two, the men you are, and I'm sure I can fit in with your love and you will love me just the same way, or almost the way you love him."

He pressed the KY tip against Matt's asshole, squirting it around and up the hole, using more to slick up his own sheathed cock. He stuck two fingers inside, working them around to loosen the strong sphincter, preparing Matt for his big cock. Hardy knew his cock wasn't as big as Matt's, but not too far off. He hadn't measured in a while but had found it to be a little bit over six inches, and thick enough to be felt easily by his lover.

After Hardy added two more fingers, he was sure that Matty was ready for him because he didn't seem uncomfortable. And because he again begged him to 'shove that thing up my love channel, OK?'.

Hardy put one hand on Matt's left thigh and the other holding his swollen cock in the right position so one thrust by his hips propelled his eager cock swiftly into Matt's hot and steamy hole, sliding easily through the sphincter. They both groaned, "Oh god, man," Matt moaned, "that's the best loving I've ever had, even with Steve. Of course his cock was a lot bigger and I think sort of numbed my senses down there."

Matt reached beyond his legs to Wolfie's shoulders, grabbing on, pulling him closer wanting to kiss him knowing he can't. "Wolfie, do it, love me hard, harder, drive into me, man, I need it so much." He could feel the hard, solid tube pushing in and out of his rectum, filling and then almost emptying his love chute, the burning and sizzling inside him sped through his whole living, breathing entity. He felt Hardy's flesh, his arms and shoulders, tweaking his nipples and pulling the light hair of his chest.

"Matty, Matty I can't hold much longer .... oh .... no ... Matty I'm coming, hold me tight." Hardy thrust a final time, his balls slamming against Matt's buttocks and his cock exploding to send streams of cum to fill the reservoir end of the condom while Matt shuddered and shook because his own outburst of semen issued to puddle on his own chest and stomach. Matt grabbed Hardy's buttocks in both hands, pulling him even tighter into his ass.

The two young, attractive men who just came as partners in their gamble of loving, have made their first attempt at a life together, a life they need to discover between them. Matt lowered his legs as Hardy's cock slid slowly from his lover's rectum, and Hardy gently lay down on top of him, Matty's cum squeezed between their chests. Matt felt badly because they couldn't kiss, were unable to seal their actions with that sign of their love.

Soon Matt got them up, carefully stripped the condom off Wolfie's cock that had dwindled to a soft, small but beautiful part of Hardy, and led them into his shower. They washed each other, enjoying fully the sensation of their bodies and naked flesh, the slippery soap aided that wonderment in their minds while washing genitals, asses and assholes, back and chests.

Back in the bedroom, dried and warmed, they lay back down, cuddling close together.

"Wolfie, will you spend the weekend with me. I finally got paid and have laid in enough provisions for an army and plenty of drinks. Were you planning anything special?"

"Well, Matty, nothing that can't be undone or even ignored. Oh, there is that paper for someone's seminar on Monday, but maybe I could be excused?"

Matt grinned at Hardy, "Oh, I don't think we can do that, but we could work on one together so you can turn in a paper. We can't just stay in bed ALL the time. Can we?"

"Sure, boss, anything you say. I do love you, you know."

Matt grabbed on tightly, "Yes, and I do love you, too, Wolfie. Is that possible already?

Hardy kissed Matt on his nipples, "Of course. I've fallen in love with you in just as short a time."

"And now we can only get closer within each other."

"Right! I'll be happy to stay with you this weekend."

To himself Matt prayed that this was for real, that their coming together was no fluke, no error in judgment or feelings. He had lost Steve, got him back only to lose him again.. Maybe his 'Wolfie' would be the one who will live out his life term conjoined with him.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

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