Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 23, 2023


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul@mail.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

On the way to Windsor, Will and Greg took their time on the short trip to Windsor, mostly discussing what they needed to do while visiting Matt and Hardy Ridgway.

"I've figured out what schedule I would like, but just have to hope they can work it all in. I would be taking 1518 hours per quarter, That is, plus extras such as band. I brought my horn hoping that Matt and/or Hardy can audition me while we are at the farm."

"I'm sure they will do everything they can for you, you hunk of sexfilled jeans, or maybe it's your chromosome genes." Greg snorted with glee at his play on words. He reached his right hand between Will's legs, cupping his genitals with gentle fingers.

Will protested with a smile, "If you keep that up much longer, I won't be able to walk in the house with soaked jeans, whatever you want to call them." He grabbed Greg's hand, pulling it off his swelling cock, then turned toward the passenger window, presenting his butt to Greg.

"Okay, now play with that for a while, I can take that." He waggled his ass in Greg's direction, practically hanging himself on the shifter.

Greg ignored his quirky lover, but did give him a whack on the butt beautiful, searching for the farm on this Route 15.

"Ahha, here it is." Greg drove down the long lane to the house, slowing to hold onto the effect of the oak trees forming a tunnel down the lane. He had told Hardy they would get to the house, about 5 pm. And they did.

As soon as they exited the truck and got their baggage out, Hardy had opened the front door and came out to help them. Greg had their two bags of clothes and stuff, but Will was carrying his trumpet case. Hardy came out of the front door, smiling with pleasure.

"Hi, guys, so good to see you again. Come on in. I see you brought your trumpet, Will."

"Yes, I hope maybe I could audition for you. I know it is late, but if I can make it, I want to schedule band first of all." He smiled, a very hopeful smile, with just a little concern behind it.

"Will, I'm sure we can manage that. About scheduling, the Dean is our best friend and will take care of whatever we need." He led them to the front door. "Wait a sec, I think this evening you and I will go to the music building by ourselves and you play and I'll listen. OK?"

"Fine with me, Mr. Ridgway."

"Hey, Will, I'm Hardy to all my students and I know you will be one. Hardy."

Brilliant smile from the smaller young man, just 18, meeting the man who would take him to the heights of musicianship and above as a performer. Will's heart was filled with joy and happiness, loving this man even more already. Hardy had helped Will with his swimming, even with only half of one leg, a few weeks back.

Inside the beautiful ranch house, Greg and Will were welcomed by Matt Ridgway, the boss, (he thinks), Hardy's mother, Anne, the two small boys, Jacob and Joshua and Todd, their caretaker, and Roger, Todd's live in partner, also part of the Dukes..

Matt shook hands with them after Roger had taken their bags to the bedroom not occupied at that time. Brian Whitlow, a special friend of the Ridgways, used it whenever he would visit, though he was busy elsewhere at the time.

"Hi, guys, I'm so happy to meet you, especially you, Will. I understand you are going to play for us. Is that right?" Matt had fallen for this young man, the partner of Hardy's old friend. Only once in his life had Matt fallen in love in an instant. That was when he first saw Hardy. But this young man made the second time.

Will smiled bashfully, "Yes .... I mean .... Hardy is going to give me an audition."

Matt put his arm around Will's shoulder, "I'm sure you will do just fine. And don't be scared of Hardy, I taught him all he knows just last year. He caught on pretty well." He grinned widely so Will would know he was kidding.

"Thanks." Will was in love with this man already. He's die for him if he had to.

He noticed that Greg and Hardy were having a serious talk at the entrance to the swimming pool. Then they both smiled and clapped each other on the back, walking toward Will and Matt.

"Say, Will, we won't be having dinner for a couple hours yet so why don't we go ahead to the Music Building and you can let me hear you play. Okay?"

Will wasn't nervous about playing, he'd played so much and for so many people, he rarely felt concerned or afraid. "Sure, that's fine with me. Do you suppose you'd have time to help me in the pool again, you know, with this?" Will tapped his prosthesis.

"I think that would be great, Will, then we can be fresh for dinner. The audition won't take very long. Tell Greg where we are going and we'll take off."

At the music building Hardy led Will to the band room, moving slowly because of Will's leg. He thought the boy was walking better than when he'd been with him a few weeks ago.

The music room contained permanent risers for the band, sitting at different levels, with music stands all over, heavy black stands. Hardy hadn't started to prepare for the new year's season for the bands. The upcoming year would necessitate having a second band because of the large increase in the number of instrumentalists.

On the upper level of the room, Hardy took a stand from a row in the back of the band arrangement.

"Unless you want me to sight read, Mis..... Hardy, I won't need a stand." This Will said calmly, no nerves at all.

Somewhat surprised, Hardy left the music stand where it was. "I have some phone calls to make, take me maybe 10 minutes, how about warming up a bit while I'm gone."

Will smiled confidently, "That would be fine." Will knew just what Hardy was doing. He would be close and listen to his warming up techniques. He smiled, "Nice man."

Will warmed up slowly, he'd have plenty of time. However he didn't show off, just used his usual exercises, nothing very fancy, and he didn't go nearly as high as he could. That would come later.

Within five minutes Hardy was back, ready to listen.

In the next half hour, Will played from memory sections of trumpet solos from the most difficult of trumpet repertoire.

He played a set of variations on Carnival of Venice arranged by Winton Marsalis, Concert Valse by Anton Arensky, Valse by Reinhold Gliere, Allegro from Hummel's Concerto for Trumpet and orchestra.

Hardy sat listening, stunned, knowing he could have stopped Will while listening to his warmups without hearing any more. Will's trumpet playing sounded exactly like the young Russian trumpet artist, Sergei Nakariakov, fantastic tone, extreme ranges, a firm professional musicianship and lips that just wouldn't quit. Like Sergei, Will had conquered the instrument for the finest in tone, facility, intonation and feeling. He easily performed double and triple tonguing, and showed his ability to play gorgeous 'pedal' tones on the instrument. He could jump from the lowest notes to the highest with complete effortlessness. Just a wonder. 'Now', Hardy thought, 'now what am I going to tell him' He remembered that Nakariakov was just 15 when he recorded his first CD of trumpet repertoire. 'And now, we have another one.'

Will swabbed out his horn, polished the metal with a soft cloth to remove his finger marks and replaced it in the case. He turned to look at Hardy who was wondering how to tell him he was the greatest trumpet artist he'd ever heard.

"Will, pull up a chair in front of me. Don't look worried, everything was perfect."

Will sat in front of him and Hardy pulled closer until their knees touched.

"Will, I'm going to tell you things that you will have to keep quiet about. I'm not sure that I can teach you anything. And that is because you are so far advanced in your performance already." He paused, put his hands on Will's knees, "Right now you are much better than any trumpet player on campus. You are better than some of the professional trumpet artists playing professionally in this whole country." He squeezed Will's thighs, "Do you hear what I'm saying, my friend?"

With a somber face Will nodded solemnly, not changing his expression one bit.

"I honestly don't quite know what to do with you. First, who were you studying with?"

"I've only studied with Peter Forchione, principal trumpet of the Toledo Symphony.


Hardy grabbed Will's hands, holding them in his own hands. "I'm wondering if you could work with him still. Would he still teach you? And we could arrange to pay him as an music adjunct instructor."

"Oh, I'm sure he would. We get along so great."

"Did he ever suggest that you make some CDs published for sale?"

"He did once, but I convinced him I wanted to grow up in private, not as a celebrity."

"Does he know you have a lover now?"

Will reddened, looking down at the floor, "No, he doesn't, but I know he has one." He smiled brightly, "I saw them together one day at the mall. He sure was cute, well, they both were cute and obviously in love."

"Will, you are ten times better than the first chair in my best band here in Windsor." He had a thought, "Say, Will, what if I put you in the Dukes along with Rick who is first chair trumpet. I know you could play anything they do, but I'm a little concerned about the dancing," nodding toward his left leg, "but you've come so far in such a short time, probably nothing will stop you. And I would ask you to play the second part in the Windsor Band without letting Rick know that you are ten times the performer that he is. . Rick will graduate at the end of this school year, but you will be the first trumpet for the next three years. Okay? Could you do that?"

Will smiled, holding Hardy's hands harder, "I could sure try." Will looked into Hardy's eyes, "I know I'm not ready to be a professional performer, not because of any deficiency in my playing, but primarily because of my age, my lack of experience and what I think is a touch of innocence." He laughed and blushed at the last, "I want to acquire all that at Windsor."

Still Hardy sent hot vibes through his hands on Will's to his crotch. Will could feel his sex moving around in his shorts. This guy was absolutely the sexiest man he'd ever seen, or been near. Well, after Greg his partner.

Hardy knew Will was being stimulated by their holding hands, he could see it in his face and eyes and the red spots on his cheeks. He hadn't meant to do that, the kid has enough problems to deal with. He sure is in love with Greg, and who wouldn't be. Hardy frowned then pulled Will up as he stood up with him, "Will, I can only see a fantastic career in the future, and I hope you can find the guidance here at Windsor with us. What do you think?"

With a youthful eagerness Will lunged forward to grab Hardy around his body and hug the breath out of him. "Hardy, I know what you want and I will stay in the background for this coming year. Then I guess I'll have a miraculous development in all aspects of my playing. I know I'm going to love it here with you and all the guys, so let's see what kind of a schedule I can get."

"Okay, Will, my friend, let's go back to the farm house and see about that swim before dinner." Will had squeezed the breath out of Hardy who had forgotten about all his muscles.

Most of the residents at the farm house were either away somewhere or were busy in their rooms. Will had put his trumpet case in his room and donned a speedo bikini. Of course he had to leave his prosthesis in the room, traveling to the pool with his forearm crutches, unconsciously waving his little bubble butt at all and sundry. The room was empty of swimmers and he left his crutches on the side while he jumped in the pool with a huge splash, wetting Hardy down as he appeared beside the pool.

They both laughed and Will apologized to Hardy, unable to take his eyes from Hardy's championship body and especially his bulge. Challenged by Will's cannonball jump, he did the same and spread water all over the pool room.

"Uh oh," Hardy yelled as he surfaced, "my Mom is going to get me for that." He smiled at Will and they laughed again with an intimate companionship feeling.

Hardy wasn't a whole lot taller than Will, maybe a couple of inches, but his body was shaped by a sculptor with the talent of Matt's brother, Steve, a sculptor of the first rank, world wide. He stood in the middle of the pool with Will, explaining certain tricks he wanted Will to try in their little swim lesson.

He had Will lay on his back in the water on top of Hardy's arms that supported the young man's body, just on the surface. Will felt relaxed there, loosening his limbs and muscles, even closing his eyes. Hardy moved Will through the water slowly, just having him feel the water flowing over his skin and flesh, absorbing the liquid motion around him.

Hardy had one hand under Will's shoulders and the other under Will's buttocks, trying to get him to relax enough to understand how he would be supported by the water itself. The younger man was dreaming of that, but still never felt the sensation of Hardy's hand under his buttocks until his thumb 'accidentally' traveled onto Will's perineum between his legs.

Hardy pulled Will's body toward the shallow end where he could stand.

"My friend, you are at a disadvantage because of your left leg, but you can learn to compensate for that by altering the application of your other limbs. Because you have no left foot, you are limited in the propulsion attained from your legs almost by half."

"Now, turn on your stomach and we'll float you down to the deep end. I'll be there to hold you, so don't worry. Don't use your arms or legs yet. That will come later."

This time Hardy held Will up with one hand under his chest and the other under his thighs. Will twitched when he first felt the hand close to his jock.. 'Well, I guess Hardy knows what he's doing.' He smiled to himself, 'And I'm not going to tell him to move it.'

After an hour of that exercise, and the many time Hardy's had bumped Will's bulge, Hardy decided that Will was getting tired, so they headed for the shallow end and the steps. When Hardy got out to retrieve Will's crutches, Will was frantically forcing his erection down between his legs.

Finally on his crutches, he looked into Hardy's blue eyes surrounded by the blond curls around his head and face. "Hardy, I want to thank you so much for the lessons." He blushed, "And for what you said about my playing. I guess I knew I played pretty well, but not that much. I don't think I'll really believe it for a good while."

Hardy put his arm around Will's shoulders, "You can believe it now, or later. You will find out it is the truth eventually. You'll have to do your lesson practicing where you will be living so no one will hear you. You are too good to hide your talent. I'm so happy Greg brought you here to school. You won't regret it."

"Hey, guys," Matt was calling, "hurry to get changed because dinner is almost on the table. Hope you had a good swim and lesson." He smiled so graciously, sending his love of Hardy directly to him with just a twitch of his eyes.

Greg, standing beside Matt send his own love straight at Will. "Will, I'll help get you upstairs and get dressed." Will hopped toward Greg, "Excuse us, please," Greg nodded, "we'll be down in a flash.

Well, it wasn't a flash at all. When Greg pull down Will's speedo in their bedroom, he couldn't help taking Will's cock in his mouth. Greg looked up at Will's eyes, "Geez, Will, you've been putting out precum, I can taste it."

Will was worried, "Oh, Greg, I'm sorry, but when Hardy had his hands on me I just couldn't ignore them. He didn't do anything bad at all, but that man is so hot, molten lava hot, I couldn't make it lie down." He pointed at his cock in Greg's mouth.

"Don't worry, hon, he can make me plump up without a touch, just a look from him will do it. And just think, Matt has to deal with that all the time."

"Oh, that's a real shame," Will grinned wryly.

"Get dressed, we need to hurry." Greg was agitated. He handed clothes to Will for him to put on. And, he gave Will's dick a sweet, little kiss and his bare bottom a tender lovetap.

After dinner, Matt, Hardy, Greg and Will met in the den having been served a little brandy as an afterdinner drink. They each found a chair, though Greg and Will sat in the same chair, a wide one.

"Greg," Matt started, "I've been making some phone calls since you two arrived about our conversation earlier. I think we might have something great for you. I talked to the director of the Fire Education and Technical Department and he is shorthanded this fall. You and he will have to talk tomorrow, right in this room, he'll be here for lunch. There seems to be a good possibility for a job in your field. He said he had already gotten your transcript from your BA degree, and I faxed him the recommendation from your Captain in Bryan Safety Department. So just having you and him talking together should do it." He smiled at Greg, "I am also going to suggest that you and Will stay right here in our house until you can find a place to live.

"Windsor College freshmen normally are required to live in the dorms, but since your home will be here in Windsor, Will can live at home. I would worry about him doing well socially, but since I hear Will will be a member of the band, he'll be able to meet a lot of great kids. Our kids' sitter, Todd O'Brien, will be a freshman this year so you two would have a lot in common."

He turned to Greg, "Does Will have a car or is he going to get a car? He would be allowed to do that since he'd be living at home in Windsor and is handicapped." He watched Will immediately turn to Greg with hope in his eyes, excited about maybe a car. "If you don't happen to find a place to live close in, he could easily get to campus then."

Greg was about to say that he could take Will to campus himself, but suddenly thought, 'I should let Will find his own way, not depend of me.' He has the money, he can get himself a car. "I think that's pretty much up to Will," he smiled warmly at his lover, "His father wouldn't let him get a car before the leg problem, but I don't think it presents any difficulty. And I think it could help him be more independent."

Will spoke up, still eager, "I'll just have to think about a car, maybe I don't really need one." He asked Matt a question, "Is Todd here now? I assume he isn't since he wasn't at dinner."

"Will, Todd took our little boys to the Columbus Zoo to get it in before school starts again. They'll be staying overnight at Anne's home in Upper Arlington and come up here in the morning. The boys were eager to practice their animal voices in front of their favorites."

"I remember meeting them the last time we were here. They sure are neat kids

Greg and Will made it up the carpeted stairs to their bedroom. Will had thought he'd have a better time with the prosthesis, and he was right. He climbed the stairs with less difficulty, but held onto the railing just in case.

While they were stripping, Greg told Will that he probably had a job in Windsor.

"I have to meet with the head of the Community Safety Department of the College. He has an opening for an instructor this year." Greg clapped his hands, "Hear that, Will, I'll be coming to Windsor, too," he smiled brightly, "are we ever going to have a great time, love."

He was sitting on the kingsized bed, taking off his shoes and sock, "Come here, baby, I want to hold you." He held out his arms for Will to fill.

"Oh, GG, I am so in love with you, my cousin, hold me tight."

Greg held Will between his legs, his arms around Will's bare buttocks, caressing them with both hands, and his face pressed into Will's silken pubes. Greg was sniffing Will's young man aroma, at least one half 'boy' aroma, enjoying the feeling of his loved one in his arms.

"Come on, GG, get your clothes off, get naked," he rasped, "I need you and it's been too long." He grabbed Greg's tshirt and tore it from his body, "If I have to strip you, you won't have any clothes left, 'cause I'll rip them up." He started laughing, tickling Greg on his sides.

"Oh, no, none of that, little boy, my little baby boy, I'll rip YOU apart." He was also laughing in spite of losing his clothes in pieces. They wrestled on the bed, scrambling around on the spread and sheets until they ended up on the floor, giggling at each other. Finally, they quieted, and lay naked against each other, trading juices from one tongue to the other.

"Will, I am so happy right now. We are going to be together in our own home, living as a couple, man and man. I'll have a good job and you will begin your college career." He frowned at Will, "Please try to keep your gay life hidden, it could be bad if we are found out. Okay?"

Will placed a loving kiss on Greg's lips, tentatively running his tongue over those shiny, red rims. Greg's lips lunged and captured Will's tongue between them, trying to pinch it, but Greg's speech muscle was too slippery.

"Sure, Greg, I understand. I probably better find a girl soon, then try to include myself with guys in the band, too. I know I'll have to watch myself all the time." Will brightened and flashed his eyes, "Greg, couldn't we be brothers? That sounds much better than just cousins. It would make me feel so much closer to you and more protected. Huh?" Will's face glowed with hope, though his eyes said he was afraid.

Greg grabbed Will's buttocks with both hands, working his fingers against the small, yet tough muscles as he pulled his body closer.

"I'm sorry, Will, I'd like that too, but I don't think that we can get away with it legally. If we just decide it ourselves, we may have legal trouble later. I suppose it wouldn't hurt with your new friends here, might sound better to them, two brothers living together rather then two cousins." Greg made a face, "We have a problem, all the people at the Ridgway farm we are cousins, not brothers. That could make for big mixups, don't you think?" Greg helped Will up and onto the bed.

"Hey, Greg, what if you adopted me? I'm eighteen and on my own. My parents have no hold on me. What about that?"

Will's face fell to a dour look, "Okay, I guess we'll have to be cousins. No matter what, I love you, cuz." Will turned himself around on the bed with his head even with Greg's crotch and Greg would have an easy time capturing Will's cock in his mouth.

Will's move worked, they sucked in the other's hard dick to the base, the pubes tickling their noses. Most of their energy was spent working on the top head, wearing away at it with their tongues and lips. The young men had worked themselves into a frenzy of sucking and caressing each other's naked flesh, back, butts and taut thighs.

With a flurry of groans and moans the excited men headed for eroticism and sexual sensitivity all over and finally popped together, sending streams of hot cum pouring into their mouths, tasting, feeling and enjoying the flavor and the thrill of sexual release.

Neither one wanted to move after that and fell asleep as they lay, after turning around, clutching their two naked bodies into one.

Bam, bam! Knocks on their bedroom door woke Will and Greg.

"Who's there?" Greg asked.

A boy's voice recited, "I'm Jacob Ridgway and I'm here with my brother, Joshua Ridgway. We were supposed to wake you up. Can we come in?"

Quickly Greg and Will straightened themselves in the ben and pulled the sheet up over their naked bodies. They thought that would be okay.

"Ok, come on in."

The door opened and two delightful boys walked in and over to the bed.

"Hi," Greg spoke, "I'm Greg Gooding and this is my .... ah ... my cousin, Will."

That gave the small boys an opening and they took it, jumping on the bed, bouncing between the two men. "Hi, we are supposed to get you two up because breakfast will be served very soon in the kitchen." Jacob looked at them and noticed they weren't moving. He smiled, "That means you should get out of bed right now!." He was a demanding little soon-to-be second grader.

Will stuttered, "Yes, we will do that, but we're naked and don't have any clothes on."

"That's okay, Will. My daddy and his partner sleep without clothes and so do my uncles Matt and Hardy. Nobody hardly wears anything to bed here," he gave a big grin, "especially our friends Todd and Roger." He and Joshua giggled, "We love to get to wake them up. They get so embarrassed and red, sometimes all over." They kept laughing, still looking back and forth at Will and Greg.

"Well, Will, when in Rome we must do as the Romans do." Greg threw the sheet down over the small boys and got out of bed. He and Will grabbed boxers to put on, then got the sheet off of the boys. Will had put on his prosthesis, too.

"Hey, that's no fair, we're supposed to get to see you naked, that's in the rules." Joshua pouted, Jacob sat up stiff on the bed, also pouting.

Will looked at Greg, "Greg, if those are the rules, guess we better obey them, don't you think?"

Greg nodded and the two of them whipped off their boxers to show themselves in the raw to the eager boys.

"Yeah, yeah," They jumped off the bed and clapped, running around the room and around the two men standing there.

Will and Greg were surprised to feel small hands giving their buttock little smacks. Finally they each picked up one of the boys, holding them in their arms, giving them little kisses on their faces.

"We are happy to meet you young men and thank you for the great welcome. Isn't that right, Will." Will was kissing Joshua, then whirled him around a bit by his arms.

"Don't you guys have to go to school today?" Will was interested.

Jacob proudly said, "Not yet. I'm in the second grade, but Joshie won't go until next year. Todd is still teaching him and taking care of him." He looked around, "Really, Todd and Roger are both helping Joshie, since they aren't back in school yet."

At the moment two young men walked into the room, one tall, slender and dark and the other shorter, lighter and a real muscle builder.

"What are you guys doing, you were just supposed to wake them."

"Hi, I'm Greg Gooding and this is my cousin, Will Gooding. Actually, the boys were great, they woke us very well and then told us of the rules." Todd and Roger made a point of shaking hands with the newcomers, naked or not. They purposely didn't look at Will's leg.

"What rules?" The muscle man spoke and look fiercely at the boys.

Greg grinned, "Oh, mostly about the rule that they get to see us naked since they woke us up." He smiled at Will, "So, what could we do but obey the rules. See?"

Actually Roger and Todd had been looked directly at Greg and Will's bodies, especially Will. They tried not to look at his leg.

Greg spoke up, "Hey, guys, how about we wash up and get dressed and we'll see you in the kitchen in a flash." He was smiling at Jacob and Joshua, "Then we can talk to all of you without feeling underdressed."

That broke up Roger and Todd, They laughed at his remark, "That's a good idea, Greg. Come on, boys, let's go see Nana, see what she has for breakfast." Todd grinned and looked at Greg and Will. "Sorry about this, guys, sometimes they are just irrepressible. Come on down, we'll have some breakfast and talk." He waved to the new visitors and left the room with Roger moving the small boys off with gentle nudges.

Will shut the door and grabbed Greg, hugging him in relief. "I was afraid they'd give me a hard time, wanting to see the leg, but they are good kids. Cute, too?"

"Yep," Greg patted Will on his beautiful bubble butt, "Now, let's get dressed and get down to breakfast, I'm starved."

Will giggled, "Gee, I thought I fed you a lot last night."

For that he got smack on the butt, "Move it, buddy."

Will wanted to try descending the long stairs without his crutches, so Greg walked right beside him just in case. Will could only take one step at a time, both feet on the same step, one real and the other not.

Roger and Todd were sitting at the table, eating their meal, "Hi again, guys, you do look a little better now," Todd laughed, but his partner disagreed, "I thought they looked super just the way they were." He turned toward Will, "Will, the only times I've seen a physique like yours, I've been with a champion gymnast. Right?"

Will smiled broadly, "Yeah, Todd, last year, my senior year in high school, I won the all around state championship in gymnastics." He looked down at his leg, "And then this happened." His face lost all expression, then brightened, "Well, I've got other plusses." He sat down, "Let's eat, GG."

The other three men laughed, as did Hardy's mother, Anne, when she set down plates for Greg and Will. They thanked her sincerely, "A couple of charming boys woke us up today, Anne. Were they your grandsons, Anne?"

"Yes, those are my babies." She gave them a smile and a knowing look, "Just that rule did they pull on you?"

Greg smiled with a mouthful of scrambled eggs, and mumbled, "The 'Get Naked' one and we fell for it." He blushed, "Everybody won, the boys saw us naked as did Todd and Roger. I think they knew what the boys would do and were there at the right time."

Todd spoke excitedly, "And, Anne, you should see Will, he's fantastic."

"Boys, I don't think I want to go there if you don't mind." Anne finished serving the four men, enjoying their repartee and good natured dueling with words.

Todd and Roger stood. "If there is anything we can do for you, guys, just let us know. Do you need a ride anywhere?" Todd offered Greg and Will. Roger agreed. Both of them were obviously sincere and honestly wanting to help their new friends. Greg replied that they had a pickup.

Greg and Will finished their coffee, emptying their cups before standing to shake the hands of their new friends.

"Thanks, guys, we both have to see Dean MacAllister this morning though not at the same time. I also need to talk to the head of the Community Safety and Fire Department. So, we'll be back later." Greg and Will waved and left to drive into Windsor to find the administration building under the leafy shelter of huge oak and maple trees.

Matt sat at the desk in his office in the new Music Building. As head of the department, he rated a large office for himself personally but he made sure that Hardy's was the same size. Amazingly, the decor in them was practically the same, comfortable and easygoing, muted colors and a few bright spots. The former head of the music department who persisted as a sore point in Matt's side, bent on getting him in trouble and accusing him of being gay, had died the previous year. 'Not any too soon,' Matt thought.

A knock on the door and a 'Come in' brought Greg Gooding into Matt's lair, where he pointed to a comfortable seat in from of his desk. Greg had brought in two cups of coffee, good strong coffee the way he'd been told Matt liked his men, hot and strong.

"Hi, Greg, how did it go with the Dean? Good, I hope." He had locked hands with Greg as he welcomed him. "Thanks for the coffee."

Greg was excited and eager to explain. "Oh, Matt, it was better that I could have hoped. I have a full time job with the School of Community Safety, and will be teaching 12 semester hours. That means Will and I will be looking for a place to live and will get out of your hair at home."

Matt got up and shook hands again, congratulating Greg with his good luck. "Don't be in any hurry away from our home, it's yours and Will's too." However, Matt didn't tell him that the head of Community Safety was a good friend and a member of the gay 'family'. He had put in a good word for Greg, any friend of Hardy's was his friend, especially since he was gay, too. Actually, he doubted that his recommendation had helped at all, his slant on Greg was that he had to be good, no question about it. Of course since Hardy knew him well, it was a nobrainer.

"Well, Greg, tell me about it."

"Sure. First I really like the Dean, that's a man who glows with confidant ability and immediate understanding. It was as if he could read my mind."

Matt laughed lightly, nodding his head, "Yes, I'm positive he does that, usually he knew what I wanted before I did." He leaned toward Greg, sincerity written on his face, "Greg, you will come to love that man very soon. He is a treasure in this school and to his friends." He sat back, his face now smiling all over, "Let me tell you a story about him." Matt settled back in his chair, rocking back and forth slightly, deep into the tale.

"Hamish, you know his name is Hamish, very Scottish, last year took into his home two young men from Windsor who had been kicked out of their home by their father. You met them the last time you were up here. The oldest, Moose, is 22 and the younger is Mike, now 19. Mike is about the same size as your Will, however, Moose is what you would expect from his name. Some day ask Moose or Mike how Moose got his name. Their father kicked them because he found out they were gay, and specifically, were in love with each other, doubling the crime, gay and incestuous.

"Those boys are honest, intelligent, faithful to each other, reliable and so in love that nothing else matters." He stopped to sip his coffee, "And Hamish has practically adopted them. He is divorced, always wanted kids, but his wife never would have any. Or adopt. And now he has two handsome, wonderful boys, well, men. And he's happy he missed all the diapers and all the teen angst. His biggest problem is that the boys won't let him do anything around the house. They are trying to pay him back, that he doesn't want to happen. Finally, I mediated the unrest and told them in no uncertain terms that they must let Hamish work a little around the house and they positively MUST let him support them, monetarily and with a father's love. Finally they saw the light for a happy home with them and their 'Dad'."

"They must be terrific young men, I was glad to meet them a few weeks ago."

"And you will again this evening. I invited them and Hamish for dinner tonight, hoping you and Will can make it. By the way do you know how Will has done with his school schedule, I was concerned that he wouldn't ask for extra time between classes. He should have that consideration."

"I do know that Hardy put in for a music scholarship for Will with the dean. Hardy is very excited about Will being in the music department. Have you talked to him?"

"No, not about Will, though I know he was excited about his talent and ability. We'll see tonight."

"Are you picking up Will?"

Greg looked at his watch, "Oh, shit ... excuse me," he blushed, "I was to meet him ten minutes ago. I better head out. Thanks for seeing me."

"Sure, anytime, Greg, and we'll see you tonight. Have a swim when you two get home."

"Thanks again," Greg was thoroughly taken by this wonderful man and felt his affection and devotion deeply. He stood and shook hands again with Matt. Suddenly he was seized with an urge to hug Matt. He quickly gave Matt a quick hug, strong but not long, said "Thanks", and left.

Matt was just a little stunned because he hadn't pictured Greg as the type to hug so soon after meeting. But he hugged back and watched him out of the office door, appreciating the nice pair of cheeks that hung along with his new friend.

Will was finishing up with the head of the Arts School of Windsor College and had received permission for most of what he had requested.

"So, Mr. Gooding, I think you have good idea of what you want and I hope that you will find it here at Windsor. By the way Hardy Wolfe has requested a scholarship for you in the music Department and I know we can grant that. The music department has a special fund sponsored by a private donor that will supplement the college's scholarship funds. So," the school head smiled, "we are very pleased you will be at our college.

Will was stunned that Hardy had gotten him a scholarship for the music department for him. That was great, but hard to believe. And he should refuse it, give other kids a chance.

Will stood, seriously thanked the school head while shaking his hand. "I know I will find what I need here. Thank you." He smiled and turned carefully to negotiate the walk to the door. He hadn't brought any crutches with him, just his prosthesis.

"Ah, Mr Gooding, would you wait a minute? I don't mean to pry, but are you wearing a prosthesis, is it on your left leg?"

"Yes, I am, Dr. MacGregor, I lost the lower part of that leg in an accident. That was last May and I'm still learning to get around. Normally I have crutches in the car, but my cousin is picking me up in a few minutes."

Dr. MacGregor nodded, but continued seriously, "Mr. Gooding, maybe we should have made sure you have time to get from class to class. That could be a trial for you, couldn't it?"

Will turned back to face the Assistant Dean, determined, "I know I'm still getting used to my new leg part, but I need to improve my walking anyway. By the time school starts, I expect to be able to move around well. This campus isn't that big, if I can't make it, I may have to get me an electric chair." He smiled wryly, "But I'd rather not."

"I admire your spirit, Will. You seem to have overcome your tragedy well, I hope you have someone to help you at the few times you would need it. I'm pleased to have you here as Windsor, come to see me any time you have a problem."

Will shook hands again with the thoughtful and solicitous Assistant Dean. "Thank you again. Yes, my cousin is my guardian now and takes very good care of me. See you later."

Will turned to leave and made a more adept move that time. He walked out with pride and confidence in himself, maturing all the time. He wondered if Greg would notice.

Will was stunned when he saw Moose Monahan again. He looked at him a little sideways to figure out if he was really real. When he stuck out his hand, he wasn't sure he would get it back.

Beside him, Mike was having a laughing fit. He consoled Will, "If he doesn't give it back, Will, I'll beat him up. He promised that last time he wouldn't do it again."

So, to make amends with Moose, he lurched ahead and gave him a huge hug, as good as he could do with his hands not meeting around his back. Moose was so pleased that he picked up Will and swung him around. Will could feel that his huge man was very happy Will had hugged him, and he wasn't going to hurt him.

And he didn't. Moose set him down on his feet, well, one foot and one block of plastic, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Will felt a little woozy and discombobulated, but smiled up at Moose and gave him a cheeky kiss. He then looked at Mike and raised his eyebrows as if you say, 'Was that okay?"

Mike smiled and nodded, "That's okay, Will, but you can kiss him only when I'm there too. We both were awed by your physique at the swim party, and he's dying to see you again." He looked directly at Will, "Actually, I'd like to also. What say we swim a bit?"

They had met at the Ridgway farmhouse, waiting for dinner to be served. Will had also met Hamish MacAllister, the Dean, who gave Will extreme friendliness and comfort.

Matt broke in to their conversation, "Okay, guys, dinner is served, so I think you'll have to wait until this evening for a swim." He called out, "Everybody, all come, dinner is served."

The dining table was crowded with Matt and Hardy, Steve and his lover, Gary Stuart, Todd and Roger, Moose and Mike, Greg and Will and Anne. She had fed the small boys much earlier so they could take a more relaxed pace with their eating.

The food was delicious, plentiful and appealing to the guests who uneasily tried not to overeat. The conversation was friendly and comfortable, much of it involving Greg and Will, the newcomers.

Matt was inspired to relate Greg's job assignment with the Windsor College Community Safety Department as an instructor in Emergency Medical Techniques and basics of fire safety. "Greg will be a valued member of the department this year, and I think that importance will grow as he really gets to dig into the job. Greg, we all welcome you to the Halls of Windsor College."

Greg eagerly faced the others, wanting to express his elation. "I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have been hired here, where you all have spent so much time." He looked at Will, smiled warmly, "We will find a place for us to live and quit bothering you all."

Will nodded, "I've enjoyed being here and will hate to leave all of you." He nodded toward the pool room, "Especially I'll miss the pool. That is wonderful."

Hardy laughed, "Geez, Will, if you could lift it, we'd let you take it with you." The others groaned softly at Hardy's silly remark.

"Greg and Will, we hope you will become members of our 'family' and will come any time to swim and enjoy yourselves." Anne stood and put her arms around their shoulders,

"You will be great additions to this group, thanks for coming." She gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. Both men showed a distinct deepening red on their faces. Anne had struck home.

Matt looked toward Moose and Mike, "We're sorry that Hamish couldn't make it, guys, he missed a good meal, be sure to tell him all about it when you get home."

Moose and Mike looked at each other, trying to keep from laughing. They knew that their 'Dad', Hamish, was home sitting on the toilet, waiting for a suppository to work. He'd been constipated since that afternoon and hadn't gotten any relief by dinner time. They had teased him unmercifully before they left, threatening to tell the group just where he was while they were eating the delicious food.

They had more fun pushing the suppository in their 'Dad's' asshole and ramming it as far in as they could. Finally they decided not to tell what Hamish was doing at that moment. Mike spoke up, "I know he regrets not being here and hopes he might be able to get up and some for tomorrow." Moose and Mark had difficulty keeping a straight face while the others were sorry that Hamish was ill. .

Besides the wonderful food, everyone had been served a goblet of red wine with the meal. Matt stood, "I think everyone is finished, including Moose," he kidded, embarrassing the big man, "so how about standing for a toast." With grunts and groans of very full stomachs and noise of the chairs, the whole assemblage rose to their feet to salute, "To our most gracious mother and grandmother we salute Anne Wolfe for the most wonderful meal. Bless you, Anne."

"Hear, Hears" and "Go Grammas" and "Hot Mamas" were uttered at full volume by the respective guests and residents. Anne bowed to them with an appreciative smile and thanks.

Matt nodded to Moose and Hardy nodded to Mike while those men moved quickly around the table. Without warning Hardy and Mike reached Will, picked him in their arm and headed for the pool. At the same time, Moose and Matt managed to pick up Greg moving a little slower toward the pool with their heavier burden. Mike and Will were approximately the same size, on the short size and fairly light weight. Even though Moose had built Mike's body into a fine physique with lots of defined muscles, he still remained smaller. Will, on the other hand, had the finely shaped muscles of a gymnast on a smaller frame.

The rest of the guests realized quickly what was going to happen, Will and Greg were going to be initiated to the Ridgway farmhouse pool. Anne of course disappeared to the kitchen but could still hear the riotous and joyous noises coming from the pool.

Within a couple of minutes both Greg and Will had been stripped naked and were thrown into the pool. Hardy and Mike were very careful with Will, helping him to remove his prosthesis while they were stripping him. They carried the naked young man cautiously over to the pool to heave him in. Hardy knew that Will could keep himself afloat and could swim fairly well. He wouldn't drown.

Almost before the initiates were aware, the others had stripped completely and were swimming around totally naked in the pool, playing as usual a game of "Yank the Dick" and "Pat the Butt". As Hardy had told Will the day before, when they all swam nude, woodies would occur from time to time and nobody cared. However they did stare a lot, he had smiled.

Everyone in the pool was aware of Will and his 'problem' and they watched out for him in the melee of bare bodies and flying arms and legs. He realized they were being careful of him, so he stayed in the middle of the pool where he could still touch and join the two games to his best ability, grabbing dicks and pinching butts wherever he could. When the others realized what he was doing, they joined in to give him the real 'treatment'.

Will was enjoying himself terrifically, more fun than he'd had for about six months. At one point he was shedding tears from his happiness that were not noticed because of all the pool water on his face. One person noticed and knew his lover was overjoyed with their reception to the group and in the house. Greg had been watching Will closely, knowing he was losing it himself, loving his cousin so much he shed some drops of his own.

Matt was swimming beside Greg and looked where he was staring. 'Ah ha', he thought, Greg and Will were so in love, adoring each other as much as Matt's family did. 'What a great pair of young men, we'll have to support them as best we can'.

Soon the energetic play was quieted so the swimmers floated around or just bounced, talking together, especially getting to know Will and Greg. They hadn't decided whether to tell their story in full, or just a bit.

In the lull of 'battle', Hardy asked Greg how he and Will had gotten together. As Greg started explain, everyone in the pool headed toward he and Will.

Greg explained their meeting, finding out they were cousins. Will's parents caught them in a compromising position, in bed, and told Will not to come home, he didn't have one. Will took it from there, explaining his tragedy in a car accident and Greg's help as a medical technician.

The whole group was paying close attention, even Anne had come out near the pool at Hardy's suggestion to listen. Will and Greg were a little embarrassed but no one else was. They accepted the situation with slightly reddened faces, trying to hide their genitals behind their hands. That soon gave way to a relaxed feeling of their discomfort. They then noticed that the 'couples' were close together: Matt and Hardy, Steve and Gary, Todd and Roger, Moose and Mike, usually against the sides, arms over the edges. . Greg realized what they were doing so he got behind Will, holding him tightly while he told his story. He was so proud of his lover, (lover( was more important than (cousin( to him. Cousin was just an incidental relationship. Lover was their highest link, physically and emotionally. They were totally 'hitched'.

The swimming and playing lasted for about an hour before one by one they got out to get dressed again. Dry towels could be found all around the pool, available to anyone. Greg picked up his lover in his arms, holding him tightly and walking with his total erection swaying, brushing by Will's butt as his body moved. By then he wasn't abashed or in discomfort, the whole atmosphere of the farmhouse was one of respect and unconcern about purist proprieties.

All the guests and house residents had left, going to their rooms, to their homes or dorms.

Will and Greg cuddled on their bed, spooning with Will pushing himself into Greg's concave body, contacting solidly with his chest and crotch. They rested, mired in their own thoughts, not unaware of each other, just mentally apart for a bit.

Greg was running over in his mind the wonderful part, that he got a job right away after quitting The Safety Forces in Bryan. He wasn't far enough away that he wouldn't see Eddie and his Dad. He had called his father in Bryan before he and Will left, explaining what had happened and how he found himself unable to stay on the EMS as just part of a crew. He'd been a crew chief too long, enjoyed it too much to be just part of a crew again.

'This is great here,' he thought, 'but I miss Eddie and the crew, even old Ben, the SOB.' His mind retreated a few years before, 'I'll miss seeing Dad most every day, but we'll have to set a schedule for driving 15 miles to see him'.

'And I'll be happy to be somewhere other than Bryan in case Will's parents decide to search him out, attack him in some horrible way.' Will had gotten a statement from his bank in Toledo that showed his savings all accounted for. The cousins were paying Will's attorney to keep his eyes and ears opened to Will's parents and their intrusions in Will's affairs. The lawyer hadn't told Will that he was called by his agent at the bank with the message that Will's parents were trying to assume control of Will's assets. The lawyer had immediately told the agent to stall them until he got there. At the bank he threatened the parents that he would send an accusation of fraud and conspiracy against them to the police. 'Will's assets are mine,' Greg thought, 'especially his best asset, his ass'. He smiled, feeling that bubble butt pushing on his cock and balls right then.

For some reason Will felt he needed to grind his butt deeper into Greg's crotch, reminding him he needed comfort, too. 'I've never been happier in my life', Will was thinking. 'I'm scheduled for school in the field of my choice, Hardy thinks I'm the greatest trumpeter ever, and I'm in the arms of the love of my life.' He reminded himself of his lost leg, 'I'm happier that I was before my leg was taken.' Will's gymnastics career in high school had been his joy then, particularly the championship, but that seemed only immediate, not the rest of his life. Greg suddenly spasmed to hold Will even tighter in his arms. That affected Will's inner sentiments enough to bring tears to his eyes, a lump in his throat and intensity to his heart, giving his whole body a rush of love, sex and the knowledge that he needed Greg in his life, his love and his whole being.

"Are you awake, baby?" Greg spoke softly to his cuddling partner.

"Sure, and I love it when you call me baby." He turned to kiss Greg, clutching him with arms of steel, those arms that kept Will from falling off the Horizontal bar, helped him swing and pivot on the Rings. "I was just thinking how happy I am. Happier that winning the gymnastics championship, happier than graduating and happier than even living before I met you." He paused, then choked a little, "Greg, please don't ever leave me. Keep me, lover."

Greg knew that Will was crying, or almost crying, feeling his shiver in his arms. He could only hold him and promise to never leave him. He sensed the desperation in Will's voice and sought to allay his fears. He pulled Will on top of his body, their cocks playing tag between them and as Greg clutched Will's buttocks, they invaded each other's mouth with tongue/swords slashing at each other, fighting for an edge, an extra point in the battle.

They weren't at that conflict very long, their bodies writhing together, arms and legs spasming in their torturous lovemaking when, with sudden jerks and wrenches, their collective psyches boiled over and threw their love juices out onto their bodies. It took a while for them to calm down, then to reawaken from their daze. Will crawled off Greg's body, grabbed a crutch and soon returned from the bathroom with warm, wet washcloths to clean up their puddles and lines of man juices, life force sperms.

"Thank you, love," Greg hummed into Will's throat, "that was one of the best. We just keep getting better and more ecstatically wonderful."

Will leaned down to kiss Greg's softened cock, lying on his thigh. "And this is the culprit that caused all that." He smiled evilly and leaned back down, then inhaled Greg shrunken dick into his mouth, just tasting and absorbing Greg's scents and flavors. "You taste and smell, Greg, like a million dollars. Maybe I should put you into my safety box in the bank."

Greg lifted his Will by his hips to land beside himself. "You silly nut, then we'd both have to live in there. Not fun." He gently kissed Will on his long, slim nose, "Baby, you are mine and will be forever. Okay?"

"Ditto." Will murmured while falling to sleep.

Greg pulled up the sheets to cover them, those boys might be back in the morning to waken them again. He smiled to himself, 'They are the cutest little guys, I think we both love them already. They may be nutty, but they must grow on you."

The next morning Greg and Will were disappointed that Jacob and Joshua didn't come knocking on their door. They quickly did the three 'S' and dressed for the day. Will really didn't have much to shave, just his chin. Good clothes this time since they would be looking for a house.

Anne welcomed them into the kitchen. "Sit down guys, your breakfast will be ready in a second. Don't expect this every day, I'm trying to break you in gently." She hehawed a few times.

Will piped up, "We understand, Anne, but where were the boys this morning? We missed seeing them?"

"Gentlemen, if you will notice the clock, it is rather late. They did want to wake you up, but I forbade them to do it." She turned away and back quickly, smiling, "And that was the last time I will stop them. They are the devils in this house and think they have the right to do what they want. Far be it from me to stop them. You are now officially on the 'call' list." She laid their plates in front of them on the table, tousling their hair as she went by."

"Aw, Nana, it took me fifteen minutes to comb that right. Shucks."

"Well, I didn't think it looked messy enough. You could try a comb on it this time." She went back to the sink, laughing and singing, 'You've got to get up in the Morning".

Greg tried to bring some civility to the meal, "We will be out and around, accompanied by a real estate agent to search for a house. Do you know anyone we should see first?"

"Yes, Greg, there is. Mark Anthony, the man who sold us this farm, he knows a lot of realtors locally and may be able to help your hunt. He lives about a mile south of us on the other side of the road. Name is on the mailbox. He has many interests. Hah! Wait a minute. I'll just give him a call."

She grabbed her cell phone punched in the number and called.

"Hi, Ted, is Mark there? This is Anne."

"Thanks, I'm great. See you soon, I hope." She waited.

"Hi Mark. How you doin'?'

"I've got a couple losers here at the house today, and they would like to see if you could help them find a house. They are two men, one named Greg Gooding and the other is Will Gooding. They are really sweet and wonderful, Mark, if you could help them or find someone who would, we'd appreciate it."

"Greg will be teaching at Windsor College and Will is enrolled there. They just got into town two days ago. Okay, Mark, thanks a lot. They'll be down right away. See you soon."

"You guys are in luck. Mark is free right now and his grandson Ted is there with him. Mark had given Ted this farm and house and Ted spruced it up wonderfully. You will like Ted a lot. He's one of our favorites!

Greg and Will stood up, "You are the greatest, Anne, we love you already." The two men kissed her on the cheek and walked out to their truck. Will had some crutches with him in case his leg got too tired.

As Anne watched them walk out, she had quickly adopted them into 'her' family. 'Lovely men and good lookers, too'. She smiled, 'They probably have no idea how close they have become to the rest of the Ridgway family. Every one loves them, with a special fondness for Will, overcoming his trials with sound intelligence and a warm and gracious personality.'

The first words out of Mark Anthony's mouth were, "Are you guys queers like al the rest of them?" He looked fierce, maybe a homophobe?

Young Ted Anthony came into the living room, "Damn it, grandad, invite them in or you don't get no more nookie from me!"

Greg and Will were aghast with Mark's opening remarks and with Ted's threat. 'What was going on here.' they thought.

They moved close together, looking at the old man and the young man, both Anthony's.

"Hey, guys, I'm Ted Anthony, and the idiot who spoke first is Mark Anthony, my grandfather. He should have been drowned at birth. Well, just sometimes," He smiled at his grandfather and they hugged each other.

Now the visitors were completely confused. What goes with these guys?

Ted moved to them, held out his hand and shook hands with both. "Sorry about my grandpa. He's just a nut who loves to confound people. He doesn't go spouting off like that to just anyone. He found out that you guys charmed Anne Wolfe totally so obviously figured you two are as gay as the rest of the house. Well, except for the little boys and Nana Wolfe."

Greg smiled and told them what they wanted to know. "Yes, guys, we are gay, but really don't want to be outed. Can you hold onto that?"

"I'll tell you, Greg and Will, if you join the Ridgway family, people will normally assume that you are gay. And, honestly, it won't hurt you. Just don't be stupid and you will be fine."

Greg and Will smiled at Ted, getting the message of his last statement. Both men thought Ted was gorgeous, even with the red hair and freckles and muscles everywhere. Greg decided to turn the tables.

"Ah, Ted, have you got a guy yet? You know, one to stick with through all."

Ted tried to play it casually, "Oh, no not yet, but I have my eye on someone."

"Do we know him?"

Ted thought, but decided that Jedd, his good friend, wouldn't have been around. "No, guys, he's a helicopter pilot who often stops at the Ridgway farm. He usually has other business in the neighborhood." He was thinking of Brian Whitlow, their family almost billionaire.

"We'd like to meet him." Greg was reminded of their job. "Oh, would you be able to show us some houses, Mark," he looked hungrily at Ted,"maybe Ted could keep us company?"

Mark spoke up, "I don't know why not, he has a business but doesn't work at it much, right Teddy?"

Then Ted was embarrassed, but said he sure would go with them in case his grandpa got lost.

Matt and Hardy were in Hardy's office, almost a twin of Matt's.

"Matt, I just can't tell you enough about Will's talents. He is unbelievable for an 18 year old. My jaw drops when I think of his tone and I get shivers up and down my spine. He was studying with the principal trumpet of the Toledo Symphony and I suggested he get with him again. Maybe we can get him some lesson money or something. "

Matt looked quizzically at Hardy, "You are sure about this? Positive?"

"Damn it, Matt, I know what I heard. I'm not crazy. You listen to our CDs of Sergei Nakariakov on trumpet. I swear Will is better, even now. Sergei is 25 and Will is 18, but I still think he is better." He shook he head, "I'm sorry, Matt, I got carried away. I need you to hear him. That's the only way you will believe." His eyes lit up, "Hey, I'll get Will over here tonight after they get back from house hunting, and will have him play a couple of the pieces he played for me. I don't want him to know you are in the building, so don't get too close. Okay?"

Matt looked around out the open door then went back to give Hardy a serious kiss. "Okay my love, I'll listen to your protege." He winked, "And he better be good."

Matt walked quickly back to his office where Hamish MacAllister was waiting.

"Sorry, Hamish, Hardy and I got to talking and I didn't watch the time."

Hamish smiled, "Talking, eh? That's not what I saw when I walked by." He gave Matt a "Gotcha" look, then sat down. Matt knew what he saw and reddened, just a little embarrassed.

"What's up, Hamish?"

He looked Matt in the eye, "Did my boys tell you why I couldn't get to dinner last night?"

The question surprised Matt, "No, Hamish, why should they?"

"Mostly to embarrass me, they like to tease a lot. I was on the toilet because I had been constipated all day and was not feeling good. I needed a suppository that my boys were delighted to place in the proper orifice, gleefully, teasing all the time. That's why I thought they might have told."

"Hamish, I'm surprised at you. Your boys would never tell that in public .... and they didn't."

The Dean looked chastened, he bowed his head. "Yes, Matt, I certainly should have known, I know they love me as I love them. I'll have to confess and beg their forgiveness." He took a deep breath, "I talked to one of your new residents, Greg Gooding is a fine man. A good asset for your 'family'. I haven't met Will, but hope to soon. Moose and Mike were in awe of the young man, especially his physique. I understand he was a gymnastics champion in state."

"Yes, Hamish, he's a miraculous young man and Hardy tells me, a master musician. I think he will ask you for scholarships for him. I admit he is cute and intelligent, and damn cute."

He turned toward Hamish, "And he and his cousin Greg are deeply in love. They didn't even know they had a cousin until they met accidentally in Maine a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure his parents kicked him out when they learned he is gay. Fortunately he had Greg to take up the slack."

Hamish got up to close the office door, and slowly walked back to the nearest of the two easy chairs in front of Matt's desk. "Matt, please come sit here, will you?" Hamish pointed to the chair next to him.

"I need to talk about something and I have no one else to tell. Not even the pastor." He hesitated, not sure how to begin. "I'm afraid that I'm in love with the boys." He blushed,"I hate to admit it, but I'm believing it is true. I've loved them since the day you brought them to me, but after ... what? ... six months, my feelings have gotten so much deeper. I know you told them that I was completely straight that I surely thought I was, but now ..... "

Matt had no idea what to say. He actually was stunned by the Dean's confession.

"Mac, you know I love you, we all do, and we won't have any problem with your loving the boys. They are no longer minors, they are men in their own right." He wiped his face with his right hand, taking time to think. "Have you said anything to the boys"

"No. I'm terribly afraid to. I wouldn't want to lose them, Matt, they are the ones who are keeping me sane and living a good life. What if they hate me. I'd die."

Matt stood up and pulled Hamish up with him, they embraced. "Mac, let me think about this. To the bottom of my heart, I don't believe they would desert you, ever! They are your boys, Mac, they need you as much as you need them. They are in love with each other and with you. I wouldn't doubt that they are as much IN love with you as you seem to be with them.

Releasing each other, Matt and Hamish headed for the office door. "No one can talk to them for you, not me, certainly not your pastor. You are going to have to bite the bullet and tell them how you feel."

Hamish turned to look into Matt's eyes. "I've never told anyone this either. The boys and I sleep in the same bed, every night. And they and I are comfortable with that. We've never crossed the line to having sex."

Matt put his arm around Hamish's shoulders, "Hamish, I'll tell you one thing. You are way too late, they know it and I think you know it. They know you are in love with them and surely they return the feeling. After work, you go home to wait for them. Then you must sit down together and tell each other of your feelings. You won't regret it, Mac, I promise you, you will not regret it." He placed a quick kiss on Hamish's one cheek, then the other. "Go home, man, and love those boys of yours." He swatted Hamish's butt, learning that the older man was well constructed back there.

Hamish brought Matt to him, pulled his head down and kissed his lips, then flew out of the office, hurrying home.

Matt stood in the open doorway, amazed, startled at the interview with Dr. Hamish MacAllister. He would never have believed it. He touched his lips where the feeling of Hamish's lips still burned. He almost turned to go to Hardy's office to tell .... 'Oh, no,' he thought, 'Mac will have to tell those he wants to know'.

THANK YOU. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David, Tim and Jesse for editing chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

To Be Continued:

Next: Chapter 44: Dukes of Windsor II 6

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