Dykes Seduce Pizza Girl

Published on Apr 15, 2017



Authoritarian, oral, anal, FF/f

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between a young girl and older women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Copyright 2017 Jan, All rights reserved

Please mail to janmay696@yahoo.com if you have any suggestions for a future story.

Dikes Seduce Pizza Girl



Gloria and I are self-professed dikes. We normally prefer to pick up femmes, but occasionally have sex with each other. On a few occasions we have had sex with each other after a night of bar hopping at my apartment. On a number of occasions after indulging in smoking cannabis we call a local pizza delivery establishment to order a large pizza when we sitcom to the munchies. More often than not the pizzas were delivered by a teenaged girl.

Gloria and I are rather stereo typical dikes. We both work as United Postal Service (UPS) and as such we work in those brownish uniform shirts, shorts, with socks and high topped gum soled work boots. When we dress in our own clothes we prefer comfortable boots, jeans, and men's work shirts. On those occasions that require us to dress up we wear men's suits with ties. We have to buy suits for short stocky men, because we a about five-feet six tall with 44-G sized tits and thick waists and 46 sized butts. Gloria has auburn colored hair with brown eyes and I have blonde hair with blue-green eyes. We get a lot of apprehensive looks from straight women, but we take pride in our ability to please women.

One of evening we had been out drinking, and had not felt like bringing home one or two of the femmes that evening. We decided to smoke a little pot. Of course afterwards we got the munchies we call for a large supreme pizza. While we waited we even speculated if the pizza would be delivered by the teenager that had delivered our pizza before.

The discussion centered about the possibility that we might have an opportunity to seduce her. We speculated about her age. She had to be more than sixteen because that was the minim age to drive. We suspected she was a little older though.

When there was a knock on my apartment door and I answered the door it was in fact that girl standing there with the hot pocket container in her hands. She was a slender girl with a nice figure. She had brown hair pulled back into a ponytail sticking through the adjustable strap of a baseball cap. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt that didn't conceal her pointed breasts.

I invited her in and told her to place the pizza on my little two man table near the window, while I got my wallet to pay for the pizza.

While I made a show of going to the bedroom to get my wallet Gloria started talking to the girl.

"You have delivered pizzas to us before. Can I ask what your name is?"

The girl shifted her weight from one foot to the other nervously, "Donna"

"Would you have time to share some weed with us and help us eat the pizza?"

The girl looked nervous, "I have a couple of more pizzas to deliver tonight."

When I emerged from the bedroom with my wallet in hand, Gloria said, "Lesley...I was just asking Donna here to join us to enjoy some pot and help us eat the pizza!"

I doled out the price of the pizza and a 15 percent tip for her. As I handed it to her I added my voice to the invitation. "Honey...you are welcome to join us if you like! We don't bite much!" and chuckled.

The girl looked deep in thought for a moment, "I can be back in say...an hour and a half!"

We walked her to the door and told her that we would look forward to her return. As soon as we closed the door we speculated if she would in fact return. I said that she looked like she was straight and would have been frightened by a couple of old dikes like us.

We each ate a slice of the pizza to take the edge off of our munchies while we waited to find out if the delivery girl would actually return. Being the pessimist I opted to speculate that she would not come back, but Gloria the eternal optimist assured me that she would come back right at the time she said she would be back..

We were starting to come down off our high, so we took another hit. We spent the time waiting by slipping our hands into each other's pants and rubbing each other's clits. When there was a knock on the door I almost forced her pants open ripping my hand out of her pants rushing to the door.

Sure enough it was Donna standing there. I ushered her in and as I placed my hand on the small of her back. I introduce her to Gloria and me again.

She admitted that she had never tried cannabis before, but she was curious about what it would be like. We assured her that she came to the right place.

We sat her down between us and I put some of our stash in a bong and held a Bick lighter to it while I inhaled. While I held my breath I held the bong to her mouth and kept the lighter over the bowl while she inhaled.

Gloria told her to hold her breath as long as she could.

I was already sputtering and had to exhale. Donna was sputtering too and both water and a little smoke escaped her nose before she exhaled.

She gave me a big eyes look and said, "I don't feel a thing!"

Gloria and I chuckled. I said, "It doesn't happen that quick! 'It will take a little while before you will feel it."

Gloria said, "It will help if I force smoke into your lungs!"

She asked, "How would you do that?"

Gloria smiled I would fill my lungs with smoke and kiss you and blow the smoke into your lungs and keep you from breathing until the smoke had a chance to be absorbed into your bloodstream."

Donna smiled at the idea that Gloria was going to kiss her, but she agreed to try, so Gloria took a big hip on the bong and covered Donna's mouth with hers and blew the smoke into Donna's lungs. She even covered Donna's nose to prevent her from breathing through her nose.

The two of them were sputtering as they tried to hold in a cough. Eventually Gloria had to breathe herself, and removed her mouth from Donna and they both coughed as they expelled the small amount of smoke, and coughed a few times.

As soon as Donna recovered I turned her head and kissed her on the mouth and stuck my tongue into her mouth. Donna didn't struggle. I watched as her irises dilated.

Donna started giggling and asked why we had dimmed the lights.

I assured her that we hadn't dimed the lights and that she was high.

She giggled again.

Gloria and I started pulling her T-shirt over her head. She was wearing a sports bra that compressed her B sized breasts tightly against her body. The two of us pulled it over her head. We each took a tit and squeezed it and sucked on her nipples.

She was like putty in our hands. I unbuttoned her jeans and struggled to pull the pants out from under her tight little butt. She was wearing little blue lace panties. I had to remove her leather cross trainers and socks to finish pulling her jeans off. While Gloria continued to suck on the girl's tits, I set about smelling the crotch of her panties. As they started getting moist I could see the dark shadow of her pubic hair showing through.

I licked her panties until they were soaking wet. When I took hold of the waistband and started pulling her panties down and free of her feet. I sat back to admire the sight of her pussy. There is something so sexy about the sight of a young woman's cunt. Her pubic hair formed a natural triangle and her labia minor was hidden between her lips of her labia major like a little girl's. I rubbed her pussy and Donna responded by moaning. I started licking her pussy like a kitten lapping milk.

Donna was in a sensory overload. Her legs were jerking like a seizure and she was telling us how good it felt. Time was passing slowly for all of us. I could get enough of her pussy. I sought out her clit and sucked on it for all I was worth. She even had an uncontrollable orgasm.

Gloria sat up and quickly removed her shirt and bra before standing long enough to remove her shoes, socks, pants and panties. Then she sat back down and leaned back against the arm of the couch and placed her right legs behind Donna's back, and kept her left leg on the floor.

Donna didn't seem to mind that Gloria was a plump middle aged woman and her flabby breasts rested on her rib cage. Gloria's fat pussy has plenty of hair but they are spaced so far apart that a lot of skin was visible. Her clitoris was protruding well beyond the lips of her pussy. I could smell her cunt from as far as I was away from her. She pulled Donna by her ponytail down to her cunt.

Donna had to get on her knees to be comfortable. She took Gloria's clit into her mouth and sucked on it like a baby sucks on a baby bottle nipple. While she was pussy sucking on her first cunt I couldn't resist taking advantage of her ass sticking up in the air.

I took off all of my own clothes and got on the couch behind her on my knees and admired the sight of her puckered little asshole and the sight of her pussy clam below her asshole. I spit on the valley just above her asshole and watched it trickle down to her asshole, and then I licked it up and licked her asshole. I clamped my mouth over her asshole and blew air into her asshole repeatedly until Donna expelled the air like a big fart. I also licked her pussy wildly until she had another orgasm.

After Gloria had an orgasm, we rested for a short time. The three of us were sitting on the couch. Donna and I had a hand on each other's pussy rubbing until we were horny again. Donna slipped off the couch and knelt between my chubby thighs. My cunt looks very much like Gloria's. Donna sucked my pussy and clit until I had an orgasm. As soon as I recovered I made Donna lay on her back and took hold of her thighs and pulled her up until she was resting on her shoulders and her butt was resting on the couch. Her legs bent until her knees were almost resting against her ears and her toes were digging into the carpet.

In that position her pussy and asshole were stretched open. I spit into her asshole and started stimulating her clit while I tongue fucked her asshole until she had another orgasm. When it was over we were starved and we ate the cold pizza.

Donna slept with the two of us. In the morning she was a little embarrassed about what had happened last night but she got over it when we finger fucked her and sucked her tits again. We eventually showered got dressed and fixed breakfast before we dropped her off at her high school on our way to work. I told her that we would like to take her to a party tomorrow night.

She paused and asked what time?

I told her to be at my place by say six.

She agreed and dashed off to her class.

Gloria and I got home in time to shower and get dressed. Gloria selected a gray sharkskin suit and a navy blue tie. I chose to wear a black pinstripe suit and red Italian silk tie. We grabbed a bit to eat and were planning on leaving shortly after six even if Donna failed to arrive.

Shortly before six thee was a knock, and when I opened the door Donna was standing there with big smile on her face. She looked like a high school girl going to an after school dance. She was wearing a blue cardigan sweater over a white blouse full skirt and white flats.

I pulled her in and kissed her on the mouth, and then I held her at arms-length, "We have to do something about this. Gloria and I led her into the bedroom and told her to strip.

I guested what her dress size was, and luckily I had some clothes in my closet belonging to an ex- girlfriend that would fit Donna. I picked up black pumps with three inch heels and grabbed a little black cocktail dress.

When I turned around Donna was down to just her bra and panties. I told her everything. She slowly took them off, while I pulled a package of new nylons from my dresser. I tossed her the nylons and told her to put them on.

Donna sat her sweet little but on the bed and opened the package, and started putting on the dark nylons with a lace band at the top of the self- supporting nylons. She pulled both of them right up to her crotch. Then I had her try on the pumps. They were a perfect fit. She stood up to test them and we were all pleased with the look. I handed her the dress on the clothes hanger, and told her to put it on.

Donna gave me a questionable look, "Just the dress?"

"Yes...honey you will be the bell of the ball in this dress."

She struggled pulling the dress over her head, even though the dress was made of a slightly stretchable material. I even helped pull the bottom down over her hips. The skirt was just long enough to cover her butt. The only accessory I gave her was hoop earrings. I applied a touch of eye shadow and outlined her lips with an eyebrow pencil and filled in her perfect cupids bow lips with a red lipstick that almost a mauve color.

When Gloria and I stood back to take in the picture we both agreed that she looked good enough to eat. Donna got a look at her reflection in a mirror, and proclaimed, "Don't even recognize myself!"

I happen to be the daughter of an old mechanic, so I am a bit of a grease monkey. I own an old 1953 Ford pickup that I put a coyote engine in. I like it because it has a bench seat in it. We put Donna in the middle as I drove us to the local lesbian cocktail lounge that was having a closed party for the occasion of the marriage of the dike owner and a younger femme.

This was the first time Donna had ever been in a bar let alone a lesbian one. I thrilled in the memory of my first visit to a lesbian bar. I knew that she smelt the stale cigarette smoke, the smell of spilt booze, and a cacophony of perfume and sweat of a bunch of females. I glanced at her eyes as they were wide open in wonder. She was apprehensive both because she was under age and a bit frightened by these women.

A lot of the dikes were dressed like Gloria and I, but there were at least as many of them dressed like any woman she might have met at a wedding party or even in a department or grocery store. There were older women that looked matronly and other's that were not much older than Donna.

When our eyes grew accustom to the darken atmosphere the three of us made our way through the bodies to a booth and settled in.

A girl dressed in tight black pants and a white dress shirt approached our table and gave us a warm smile. Her hair was slicked back as she asked, "May I get you ladies something to drink?"

I asked for a whisky sour, Gloria asked for a I ordered a grasshopper for Donna, because I wasn't sure she had any idea what to drink, and I was sure she would like the minty taste of a grasshopper.

The dance flower was crowded with couples dancing. Gloria and I took turns dancing with Donna. Once while I was dancing with her she whispered in my ear, "All of these women are feeling my butt."

I said, "Honey...you are the sexiest girl in the place."

Almost every woman at the party asked to dance with Donna. One time when she slipped back into the booth she told us, "I's a good thing I'm wearing black because my crotch is soaking wet.

When were in the booth Gloria and I would skip a hand under her dress and finger fuck her. She had several orgasms while we were at the party.

When we brought her home we took her to bed after we undressed. We sucked tits and pussies several times, and asked Donna if she would like us to fuck her. She was puzzled how two women could fuck a girl. We demonstrated by strapping on dildos. To ease the pain we greased her up and our dildos. We got her high before we took her virginity.

After I mounted her and she got used to being fucked I rolled the two of us over so that she was on top of me and Gloria inserted her dildo in Donna's asshole while my dildo was still in her cunt. Donna was being fucked in both holes at the same time.

Donna became a frequent visitor to our place after that. We took pride in bringing out a young femme.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and if you have a story send it to janmay696@yahoo.com.

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