Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Jul 28, 2018



Chapter 3

by Donny Mumford

Danny wants me to sleep with him tonight in his unmade bed, claiming this is the perfect opportunity to make-up for our 'missed' buddy-sex this past summer. Huh, I wasn't aware he considered it 'missing'. With Danny, ya just never know...

Anyway, as intriguing as his offer is I've got reservations because it might be construed as a sneaky thing to do considering Robby's dealing with that gruesome business of a death at the workplace. Complicating matters for me is this random crush I have on Danny and that's been known to play havoc with my sensibilities. Plus, we just had Danny's version of lover's/ buddy-sex which didn't do anything to reduce my 'crush'. Yeah, I've been calling my attraction to Danny a 'crush', but that's just me having fun with it. A 'crush' is something you get as a young teen. The correct expression is I've got the 'hots' for him, but it's more fun calling it a crush.

As Danny's getting us beers from the refrigerator I glance over at him and, yep; I'm still crushing on him...haha! Thinking how goofy this 'crush' situation is making me smile to myself, and Danny's like, "What? Why are you smiling, babe?" Taking the offered beer from him, I shrug, "Oh, it's nothing. Hey, that was good buddy-sex we had, huh Danny?" He chuckles and nods, "Yeah, I'm glad you agree. Hayden being sick in bed the last two weeks, and him being my number-one squeeze, I've been missing out on doing 'it', if you get my drift. You being available tonight was fortuitous." Haha, fortuitous, huh?

It's nothing new when Danny doesn't express himself very well. For instance, just now he made it sound like the only reason for having buddy sex with me is because Hayden hasn't been available. A sensitive person could feel that marginalizes Danny's enthusiasm about doing it with moi. And hell, maybe that's what he actually meant, but it's not something a person would say to the guy he just had sex with.

I don't take offense though because I know about Danny's foibles in his efforts to express himself, but more importantly, because he earlier complimented me saying I'm the best sex buddy he's ever been with. So what Danny actually meant in both incidences is up for grabs. For that matter, he probably doesn't know what he meant either.

Danny swallows a couple of chugs from his bottle of beer and then shows his dimpled, sweet and uber-cute grin, asking, "Well, Dylan, have you decided? Are you spending the night with me?" Of course, I'd like to sleep with him in that unmade bed of his, but I'm thinking it'd be disloyal to Robby. I don't know exactly, but isn't having buddy sex one thing but then spending the night ratchet things up a couple of notches? I'm not sure but sleeping over with my buddy sex partner may not be part of Robby's and my arrangement. If not, I'd need to lie to Rob about it, or would I? I could just not say anything at all. Hell, I already told his Mom I'm spending the night at my condo. Jeez though, when I was younger I used to be able to rationalize the shit out of something like this. Now though I admit that not saying anything would still be lying... a lie of omission.

Not getting a response from me about sleeping with him, Danny saunters over to me smirking, as he says, "It's really not that hard of a question, babe. You're either going to spend the night with me or you're not." Naturally, his arm goes around the back of my neck as touchy/feely Danny pulls my head face to face with him. And there's his grin again, as he says, "Pleeeeease, Dylan, I really want you to stay." That makes me snort out a laugh, and say, "I'm thinking about it, alright?" Then I feel obliged to add, "Wouldn't that be disloyal to Rob though." He lets go of me, and says, "Fuck, I never get to spend the night with anybody! This is the perfect opportunity too, and with you no less! Damn, it'd be the highlight of my life, ya know?"

Ignoring the urge to mock that absurd comment, I go, "But don't you agree it'd be shitty of me to do this behind Rob's back?" He says, "No! I absolutely don't agree with that! Robert's fine with you having buddy sex as long as it's with me and sleeping over is just basically buddy sex plus a, um, a night's sleep." Danny saying 'Robert' is Hayden's influencing him without Danny realizing it.

Well yeah, considering it's Danny who's the person in question, Rob's and my arrangement could sort of include this rare random act of spending the night. With anybody else, it'd be harder for me to justify. Rob will understand that I've been away all week on my own and then the night I get back he has business out of town. Yeah, under those circumstances, it should be okay for Danny to substitute for Rob one night. Right? Why am I making such a big deal out of it?

Tapping my beer bottle with Danny's, I go, "Ya know what, dude, I see your point. Let's have that smoke in the garage you mentioned a few minutes ago and we can talk about this some more." Danny brightens up, saying, "Okay, so it's settled... you're gonna sleepover, right?" His arm goes around the back of my neck now as we start walking towards the door to the garage. God, I remember being mortified when Willie insisted on us walking with his arm around me in public. Not now though, and anyway who the fuck can see us here in the house?

In the garage Danny lets go of me to light two cigarettes, passing one to me and then out of the blue, he asks, "Do you want me to change the sheets?" I laugh out loud and then mutter, "Um, that question caught me off guard, dude. Haha, so it's already decided, huh? I'm staying the night..." He goes, "Yeah, it is. Hey babe, believe me when I say this that you do not want to deal with my full-court-press nagging you to stay, and I was fully prepared to do." Oh man, haha. I go, "Well, I suppose there's no compelling reason I shouldn't spend a random night with you, and to answer your question... I don't care if you change the sheets or not." Actually, I do care; I don't want him to. He goes, "Good! I don't feel like doing that and if it doesn't bother you that you spunked on your side of the bed, then it doesn't bother me."

Oh shit, I forgot about that... haha. I get a kick out of Danny and it's fun hanging out with him. Rubbing my nose I'm all of a sudden feeling okay about spending the night. Obviously, Rob won't be thrilled to hear about it, not any more than I'd be 'thrilled' if the situation were reversed. It'll be okay though because it's with our gay buddy, Danny. So that's settled.

To get off that topic for a bit though, I ask something that's been on my mind. "Yo, Danny, how come you and your Mom don't use this garage for the car?" They've got all kinds of stuff in here, junk that you'd normally see in an attic. Huh, maybe they don't have an attic. In any case, Danny ignores my question, like he does with anything I say that he's not interested in. Instead, he says, "Ya know what I'm thinking, babe? Tonight, we'll try different positions for sex. That brilliant idea just came to me!"

After chuckling at his obtuseness, I mutter, "There's a unique idea." He nods, exhaling smoke, saying, "Well, you already know my favorite position for my 'bottom' boys. In case you don't; it's like we just did it, and of course, I'm always the 'top' which I explained the reason for long ago. Other than that though, and as crazy as it sounds, I'm thinking you might prefer that I 'do' you doggy style, or whatever you have in that wild mind of yours. It's totally your choice, babe! You rule!" Oh sure.

I can't help chuckling at him. Danny's such a delicious boy, er, or young man... or whatever the fuck we're supposed to be called now. I go, "Yeah, sure, heh heh, good idea. Different sex positions. Who would have thought of that craziness?" Jesus though, I hope his libido holds up! I mean it hasn't been known to be one of his strengths in the past. Yeah but then he did say he hasn't been having sex recently so he should be okay. If not, what the hell am I spending the night for?

Danny blows some smoke in my direction and then says, "Ya know what, Dylan? The way you agonized about being disloyal to Rob, um, I mean before coming to the realization, with my help, that you wouldn't be disloyal... well as far as that kind of loyalty goes, not the disloyalty part, um, while it's misplaced in this instance it was impressive to me, if you know what I'm saying..." I go, "Huh? What the, um... what? " He nods, "Yeah, babe, I admire your loyalty to Rob, that's what I'm saying, and balls, I wish to hell I had somebody who was worried about being loyal to me. Ya know what I mean? Someone I was in love with." Nodding my head, I go, "Oh, yeah, um... this may sound trite maybe, but it's true that we're still very young so you have plenty of time to find the perfect someone, ya know, to be in love with or something." I almost told him to 'be patient' because that's what he's always telling me. I don't say that though because he was serious about that and I feel kinda bad for him.

Taking a deep breath, he smiles and says, "I guess we are pretty young at that, although twenty-two didn't seem very young when we were sixteen." I mutter, "That's very true, but still..." He's done with that topic though so he interrupts me in mid-sentence, saying, "Um, here's a serious question for you, Dylan. How should I put this? Hmmm, well it's just that I'm wondering if anyone, even Rob, gets you as sexually, ah, shall we say 'stimulated' as much as I can get you? I'm not bragging, just curious." I go, "Jesus, what a question..." He blows out a long exhale of cigarette smoke and frowns at me, saying, "It's a serious question because, holy shit, you really get, you know, super aroused like wildfire with me. And let's face it, we do really good sex together, wouldn't you say?" Trying to lighten up the direction of this discussion, I jokingly mumble, "Well fuck, I've got this stupid crush on you, so whaddya expect?" He says, "I'm serious, Dylan!" Oh balls, I don't know how to deal with him when he's serious. Plus it's hard to tell when he's being serious.

Trying to deflect his inappropriate question, I go, "Hey, I thought you didn't talk about your sex life." He exhales a smoke ring, grinning excitedly he's pointing at the accidental smoke ring, and then says, "That's right, I don't talk about my sex life! I'm talking about yours." I mutter, "Well I don't talk about mine either, but for the record, I think you're an excellent buddy sex partner. One of the best ever! Okay?" Then I remember something that should have been obvious to me from the start of this sleep-over discussion. I go, "Oh shit! This won't work, Danny. Damn, I've got work tomorrow and I'll need to be up at six o'clock, plus I wear a suit to work so that kinda fucks up our plans for tonight."

He thinks about that and then says, "Well fuck no it doesn't. You can get your cute ass up at six o'clock here as well as anywhere else. Plus I've got a suit you can wear." He laughs, "Clean underwear too if you want... haha." Oh, I didn't even consider the possibility he'd have a suit. I'm like, "You've got a suit? I've never seen you in a suit." He goes, "That's because I haven't worn one since we've known each other, um, since high school." I'm like, "Well how the fuck old is this suit? And will it even fit me?" I'm thinking about his wide shoulders. He goes, "It should fit you. I got it for high school graduation and only wore it one time. It's still in the plastic wrap from the cleaners. Mom took it to the cleaners after I wore it for graduation 'cause I threw-up and got some gunk on the sleeve and pants; mostly the pants. You know, at a graduation party. It's a blue suit."

He threw-up on it? I'm dubiously contemplating that, as Danny says, "C'mon, let's check it out," and we both stub our cigarettes out in an ashtray that's shaped like a truck tire. There are a few 'pot' roaches mixed in with Marlboro cigarette butts. I don't care for pot so I hope Danny doesn't have any. The last thing I'd do is mention the word 'pot' obviously, 'cause he might just have some. Or I wonder if the 'roaches' belong to his Mom?

Okay, I'm convinced now it's impossible for Danny to walk anywhere unless he's touching me. Now his hand holds onto the back of my neck as we go inside and then to his bedroom with him sort of guiding me, as he's saying, "The suit has been hanging in my closet since Mom brought it back from the cleaners the week after graduation." I mutter, "Uh huh," and he goes, "Hey, that reminds me... I saw you at Ronny Snyder's graduation party that night. Do you remember? So you did see me wearing a suit! Ronny was the team's shortstop." I go, "Ronny Spencer, huh?" He goes, "No, Ronny Snyder." I shrug, "Whatever. Um, no, not really. I don't remember that, but I was going from one party to another getting hammered, so..." The truth is I don't recall what I did the night of graduation. Probably something with Chubby.

The suit, when Danny brings it out from deep in his closet, is indeed still in the dry cleaner's plastic cover, and it is blue. I'm casually looking for any signs of throw-up on the pants while Danny's taking off the plastic, saying, "Like I said, I only wore this fucking thing one time. My Dad bought it for me at Brooks Brothers; the one in the Framingham Mall. He'd just gotten some kind of promotion at work and he splurged buying both of us fucking Brooks Brothers suits one Saturday afternoon after we got haircuts. I used to go to that barbershop in the Mall. Do you know the one I mean?" Shaking my head, I ask, "Jeez, do you see your Dad at all?" He sounds sad, saying, "Nope, after their divorce was final Dad got transferred to New Mexico. I haven't seen him in almost a year. He wants me to visit him but, oh... never mind. It's complicated, Dylan." Fine! I'm happy to leave it at that... awkward! Why the fuck did I even mention his Dad?

As I take the suit jacket off the coat hanger, I ask, "Have you grown since graduating?" He shrugs, "I don't know. Try the jacket on." To me the suit looks like a typical ' businessman suit' that's so dark blue it's almost black. It's made of really nice material though so I slip it on and it feels okay. "How's it look on me, Danny?" He goes, "Fits you like a glove." Walking over to his bureau I look at myself in the big mirror above the bureau and the jacket does fit okay, but not like a glove. I'm gawking at the shoulders primarily. They aren't a perfect fit but as long as the pants fit this will do fine. I mutter, "Looks okay. Let me try the pants on." Sitting on the edge of the bed I'm first taking off my sneakers because my skinny jeans will not fit over sneakers. In my jockey shorts, I try on the pants and the waist is perfect but the legs are slightly long. That may have been how they were tailored... so the legs break on his shoe tops. I mean, Danny's no more than half an inch taller than me, if that.

So the suit will work okay and then we spend a few minutes looking at the three 'dress' shirts he owns. Danny insists on ironing the shirt I choose, the light blue one. As he's doing that I pick through his three ties, which all look juvenile. I finally, by default, settle on the ugly red one that has gray dots all over it. The other two are out of the question; one has Rudolph the red-nose raindeer all over it, so it's like a Christmas tie I guess, and the other one has little horses on it.

Danny's hanging the ironed shirt on a hanger and it's obvious to me he doesn't do a lot of ironing, but I don't say anything because it was nice of him to try. I mumble, "Thanks, Danny," and then, "Um, what about shoes, or loafers or something. I can't wear sneakers with a suit." He goes, 'Why not? I saw a couple of men in suits on the train going into Boston once and they were wearing sneakers." I go, "Well I'm not gonna be one of them. I'm sorry for being a pain about it, but do you have boat shoes like Docksiders, or loafers maybe that I could borrow for tomorrow? I'll get everything dry cleaned and polished, or whatever, before bringing them back to you."

He shrugs, "Hmmm, let me look, babe." Now he's on his hands and knees going through a lot of things on the floor of his closet. Wow, great ass on Danny! And he's such a good guy too.

After some things get tossed out of the closet Danny comes out holding up a pair of loafers that don't look like they've ever been worn. He goes, "These fucking loafers hurt my feet." His feet are bigger than mine; everyone's feet are bigger than mine... just about. And so are the loafers, but they're too small for Danny so they're only a little bit too big for me. They'll do.

With my outfit for tomorrow morning taken care of, we go in the kitchen to open fresh bottles of beer. I'm basically muttering to myself, "Okay, it's like this: Danny and I had too much to drink and we thought it made sense for me to just sleep here." Danny smiles, asking, "Is that your story for Rob?" Frowning, I go, "No, it's not my story for Rob! It's just the truth, sort of, or... well yeah, it's my story for Rob. Let's make it a true story though." Danny goes, "That's easy 'cause I'm already half shit-faced from four beers. I can't drink very much, but you can so you need some shots of liquor." Huh, he might be right again. I ask, "Well what have you got?" He shrugs, "Nothing. My Mom doesn't drink."

As we're finishing our beers we notice there are only two beers left in the refrigerator so we decide to run over to the Stop & Shop, the one close to Danny's, and get some booze and snacks. Six months ago, the Stop & Shop chain added a section to their stores in Massachusetts that sell liquor products. As I'm driving us there, Danny says, "Well hell, since we're driving to the store we could have just driven to your house and picked-up clothes for you to wear tomorrow." No, no! I go, "That would negate the situation of me getting too drunk to drive home from your house. Plus, I don't have a clean suit."

That's the truth too. My original plan was to wear my dark blue sports coat with tan khakis to work tomorrow. My suits aren't fit to wear. One suit was rained on Monday and is a wrinkled mess. My second suit, the $2000 suit Willie bought me, got mud on the cuffs when I stepped in gunk up to my ankles on Tuesday, and then my third suit, and I only have three, I wore two days in a row and drove home in it so it's wrinkled too. I mumble, "Wearing your clothes is better for authenticity. Oh, and thank you for lending me your stuff, I appreciate it very much." Danny shrugs, "Glad to help." Anyway, his suit is better than a sports coat because I might be dealing with Mr. Dickers tomorrow. He wants the Hartford report so I just might have a confab with him. A private business meeting with the owner of the company, so to speak...

We put a six-pack of beer, a pint of Jim Beam bourbon, some Slim Jim's, a can of honey roasted peanuts, and a bag of popcorn in a shopping basket and I get a brainstorm, thinking: toothbrush! I can use Danny's toilet items except why not have a new toothbrush? I get a travel one that I'll use tonight and tomorrow morning and then probably toss it.

After we do the self-check-out I insist on paying for everything. That's only fair since we drank Danny's beer earlier and he's probably not gonna drink the bourbon anyway. On the short ride back to his house, I ask, "So you've never slept with a guy, huh?" Ripping the wrapping off one of the foot-long Slim Jim's and taking a bite, Danny goes, "Well, not since I was in middle school. Back then it wasn't unusual to have sleepovers with friends. When we got older it was a little more awkward, ya know?"

Huh, he's kinda right. Chomping on the Slim Jim, he adds, "Of course most kids our age back then weren't having sex like we were." He said that so matter-of-factly I feel a twinge of jealousy. I wish I was one of their group in middle school. Of course, I didn't know I was gay back then but if I was in that group I probably would have discovered my sexuality a lot earlier and maybe had sex at age fourteen! Yeah, but I'd never want to give up my time with Chubby during those years. Anyway, because of the twinge of jealousy, I don't ask for specifics of who his friends were back then or any details. Also because I know two of the participants and one of them was Rob.

Danny doesn't say any more about his teen years, probably because he takes those good times for granted without realizing how lucky he was. As I'm turning onto his street though, he snorts out a laugh and then he does reminisce about those years, saying, "Oh fuck Dylan, we had this hand vibrator back then and the shit we did with it as kids, holy hell! It was stupid kid stuff, but really hot too!"

Hand vibrator? What the fuck is that? Oh wait, I think someone, probably Willie, used one on me once. Curious, I ask, "Exactly what do you mean by a hand vibrator. It's not a dildo, right?" He goes, "DILDO? Fuck no, we weren't perverts!" I mutter, "Ya don't need to be a pervert to use a dildo." He looks at me, "Have you used one?" I shrug, "Well what do you think? Christ!" He goes, "No, of course not..."

At his house, Danny carries the bag of booze and snacks inside and we put the beer in the refrigerator and then grab the last two Miller Lites. We click bottles and both take a swallow and then Danny asks, "Ya wanna play a computer game?" I go, "Nah. Ah, do you still have that vibrator thing? I'd like to see what it looks like, that is if you even know where it is after all these years. I can't picture how a hand vibrator would work." He swallows some beer and goes, "Fuck, I'm, ah, not really sure if I still have it," and then he laughs, adding, "Well that's a lie. Heh heh, yeah, I still have it. I use it to jerk off with, um, I mean I used to use it when I was a kid jerking off," and he laughs nervously while his face blushes a bright red. He has that pale complexion so when Danny blushes it's bright red. Holy shit! That's funny and maybe that's the answer to why he seems to have a weak libido; he's whacking-off all the time with the hand vibrator.

Smirking at him, I ask, "You used to jerk-off with it, huh? Well, um, when was the last time?" He yells, "Dylan! That's private! I don't talk about my sex life and I've told you that ten times already." There's perspiration on his forehead, the poor guy. I'm like, "Everybody jerks-off, Danny. No need be self-conscious about that." He goes, "I told you I used to do it. Not anymore though, that's for kids." I mutter, "No, it's not," but leave it at that.

The truth is though I haven't whacked-off for maybe two years. It's so inferior to actual sex with another guy ya can't compare the two hardly at all. Well, jerking off does feel awfully good though, as a last-ditch option for sexual relief. But then any climax is worth the effort. And now that I think about it I've had sex with a few guys who I might as well have jerked-off. That's very rare though.

To get off that topic, I go, "Will you do a shot of bourbon with me?" He's frowning because he's still embarrassed, or his feelings are hurt, or something. He rubs his face with both hands and then mutters, "Ya know what? Yeah, I'll have a shot with you. I wasn't going to but why the fuck not?" I go, "Good," and then, "Do you have shot glasses?" He doesn't, but we use juice glasses. I guesstimate how much an ounce and a half is as I'm pouring the bourbon in the juice glasses until Danny yells, "That's too much!" Making a 'face' at him, I pour some of his in my glass and we pick the glasses up to tap them together and then swallow the burning liquid in one swallow. Gawd, that sucks! We both have watering eyes as Danny goes, "That wasn't bad." Haha, yes it was.

Both of us gulp some beer and then I go, "Well C'mon, show me the vibrator?" He says, "Okay, I guess. But this qualifies as, um, something that's part of my sex life that's private between you and me. I meant to say, used to be part of my sex life. Do ya promise?" I go, "Sure, who the hell am I gonna tell?" He snorts out a laugh and then grins, "C'mon, maybe it's in my bedroom somewhere." For once he doesn't grab hold of me as we go to his bedroom with Danny saying, "It can be kinda fun actually. Goofy fun, but still..."

In his bedroom, we're both chugging our beers, as I ask, "So, when was the last time you even had the vibrator out? Do you really know where it is?" The expression on Danny's face is like he's trying to decide if he wants to come clean about this mysterious hand vibrator, or not. I'm sincerely interested since I've had some experiences with, um, vibration. Not recently though. That was some time ago during my more productive years with casual sex and, frankly, I haven't thought about sex toys since like, well forever.

Drinking my beer, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed as we kid around for a bit about the vibrator until Danny goes, "Oh, fuck it," and he gets the hand vibrator from the same place he got the lubricant; way in the back of the bottom, left drawer of his desk. He brings it out grinning sheepishly and hands it to me.

Huh, no I don't recall seeing one of these before, but somewhere in the back of my mind I sorta think someone had to have introduced me to something like this one. Maybe I was drunk at the time.

Anyway, there's a ten-foot electric cord dragging behind the small, what looks like a chrome motor. It's probably plastic though. Okay, there are two loops hanging underneath the motor that obviously holds this thing on a person's hand. Let's see... imprinted on the top of the faux chrome is 'OSTER Slim-U-Lax Massage'. I look at Danny and he guiltily mumbles, "I don't use that anymore, um, hardly at all." Nodding my head, I gulp some more beer to keep from laughing, then mumble, "There's nothing wrong with using a sex toy now and then, Danny." He gulps, gulps, gulps more beer and then holds out his hand, "Here, let me have it and I'll show you how it works."

Holding it in his left hand, he says, "It's wicked simple," and he slips his right hand in through the loops with the little motor on top of his hand and tells me, "Plug it in, babe." Picking up the plug I look around and Danny goes, "Next to my bed. See the outlet with my bedside lamp plugged in." I mutter, 'Oh yeah," and bend down to plug the vibrator in.

I'm thinking this vibrator play is, I don't know, kinda awkward or immature or something. Or maybe I'm catching Danny's initial uneasiness about it. We're both acting like our parents caught us with naughty pictures or something. Whatever, I chug some beer looking back at Danny as he flicks a switch and a buzzing starts up almost like the sound electric barber clippers make. Danny's hand begins vibrating as he grins at me.

He tries not to, but Danny laughs anyway as he reaches his vibrating hand and grips my arm. Omigod, it gives me chills at first but then feels pleasant enough. I mutter, "Cool..." and he moves his hand from my arm to my shoulder. Oh yeah, that feels really good too. Perhaps encouraged that I'm not mocking his vibrator, Danny says, "Go ahead, turn around, Dylan," and when I do he begins moving his hand across my shoulders and then on the back of my neck. I'm assuming, from the name inscribed on the vibrator, that this is what its manufacturers intended the vibrator be used for... massaging. But unless they're idiots or naive beyond comprehension they also had to realize there's sexual potential to this gizmo as well.

Gulping most of the rest of my beer I put the bottle on the desk to better concentrate on the vibrating massage. The harder Danny presses down with his hand the more vibration I feel. I go, "Holy shit, that thing is borderline awesome!"

After hearing my positive comments Danny clicks off the power and, gaining confidence in his secret vibrator activities, he says, "Go ahead and get undressed and lie on the bed. I'll give you a full body massage that'll leave you feeling fantastic all over." I go, "Yeah? Um, but why do I need to get undressed?" He goes, "It feels better on bare skin. Trust me, go ahead... Um, you can leave your underwear on if you want."

Well yeah, I was born at night, but not last night so I know where this is gonna wind-up. Not that that's a problem necessarily. Shrugging, I'm like, "Yeah, okay, what the fuck..." and take my clothes off but leave my jockey shorts on. I lie on the side of the bed closest to Danny's desk, avoiding my dried cum on the other side. Danny hesitates for a second before muttering, "Hey, that's the side I sleep on." Pulling the pillow from under my head I press it to my face and then take it away, grinning and saying, "Yeah, I can smell you on the pillow. Can I sleep on this side tonight?" He looks a little put out by that but finally mumbles, "You're my guest so I guess so if you really want to. Um, the other side has a clean pillowcase though." I go, "Nah, I like your pillow on this side." Making a 'face', he goes, "Yeah, okay..." He quickly finishes his bottle of beer and then grumpily mutters, "Put the pillow back under your head."

When I do that he turns on the vibrator again, saying, "No, not on your back. You need to be on your stomach to start." Oh, he's going to slowly build-up to the, um, climax, huh? When I flop over he puts his vibrating hand on my head. Oh boy, that feels wicked good. He's using just the pads of his fingers pressing all over my scalp and it soon gets awesomely tingly all over my scalp. Moving down the back of my head, he says with a chuckle in his voice, "This kind of scalp massage will even feel better to you after I give you a short flattop haircut." I don't say anything because this is no time to start an argument. He waits for a response from me and when he doesn't get one, he asks, "Don'cha think it will?" What a ball buster! My face is in the pillow inhaling his subtle scent so I need to turn my head to the side before saying, "Will you please stop teasing me with that shit. They'll be no fucking flattop." He laughs, muttering, "We'll see."

Leaving my scalp feeling better than it's ever felt before in my life, Danny moves his vibrating hand to the back of my neck and across my shoulders. I can't help but shudder and mumble, "Ooooh, that feels good, Danny." His fingers go down my spine and I shudder again getting goosebumps and nice chills. And then, of course, I knew he'd be concentrating on my ass, and then obviously my privates although frankly, I'm not against either area getting a good massage. This could become secretly addictive, I'm serious! Some rich people get a massage every day and maybe more than once a day. If I win the lottery I'll hire Danny to me my personal masseuse... and don't forget your vibrator, Danny! Heh heh heh.

His hand grips my left butt cheek and holds on. Jesus! My dick and balls feel the vibrations underneath me. Danny does each butt cheek and then his hand slips underneath my jockey shorts onto my bare ass with a finger pressing against my anus, or as it's also known as my asshole. It becomes sensory overload very quickly and I'm moving on the bed going, "Aaaah, oooh, Danny, ooh fuck," as my cock tightens up. Danny's giggling as his hand moves between my legs, stretching the shit out of my jockey shorts, to rub against the back of my scrotum. Of course, I knew it would come to this but I didn't expect it to be so, um, astonishing!

He only leaves his hand there for like ten seconds though. Taking his hand off me completely he's laughing, saying, "Go ahead and turn over... if you dare." My body feels like it's shimmering but in a very good way. Really nice! I mumble, "I dare," and flop over.

To Danny's credit, he doesn't go right for my dick but instead does more vibrating on my scalp in front of my head and then my face which feels good for only a couple of seconds before it's too much and I push his hand away. He gets my Adam's apple vibrating like mad as he giggles some more and again I push his hand away. His hand drops down to rub across my chest now and then he's pinching my nipples. Both nipples, one after the other, get hard fast and stick up stiffly... the nip ring nipple standing up almost immediately as the ring vibrates against my pec. Down to my stomach go his vibrating fingers making me shiver and reach for his hand to push it away but he uses his other hand to stop me, saying, "No, babe, keep your hands to yourself from now on."

Slowly he vibrates down my belly with my anticipation building 'cause obviously I know he's gonna grab my dick, which is a semi-boner already. And then he lies the palm of his vibrating hand on my jockey shorts and squeezes a little. In three seconds my back is arching off the bed and my cock becomes a steel boner as both my hands go down there, but he holds onto my package, saying, "No! Keep your hands away!"

He takes his vibrating hand off my crotch in like ten seconds and tantalizingly rubs his vibrating hand on the inside of my left thigh going down to my knee and then my calf. Ooooh, he massages my foot and then the other one and this is so cool. Up my other leg moves his vibrating hand, that awesome hand with the perfect vibrating fingers, and then my groin of course as my back is arching off the bed again. In ten seconds I know I'm going to cum but he takes his hand away and turns off the vibrator, saying, "Massaging you gives my hand a wicked workout too, babe. How'd it feel?"

My body is still tingling all over even as my dick goes soft as I mumble, "You know damn well how it feels. Awesome, that's how. I love that fucking vibrator and your hand!" Danny chuckles, "I'm glad I thought to mention this little surprise package. It's our secret though, right?" Putting my hands behind my head, I'm like, "Sure, if you want, but why does it need to be a secret? There's no need to be self-conscious about having a, um, hand vibrator. Christ, lots of guys, and girls too for that matter have all types of sex toys." As he's taking the vibrator off his hands, he asks, "This isn't actually a sex toy. It's for body massaging. Anyway, how many sex toys do you have?" I go, "Well none, but lots of people have them... and, um, are you done using that vibrator already?"

He looks up, "What, you want me to go all the way?" Taking my hands from behind my head it's my turn to grin sheepishly, muttering, "What exactly would that entail, um, what you said: Going all the way?" I'm positive I know what it entails, but just to be sure I asked. He shrugs and snickers before saying, "It'll get you shooting cum in the air. Whaddaya think it means?" I'm like, "Yeah? Go ahead and try it." He smiles, "Ya sure?" I shrug like, what's the big deal, and he goes, "Okay, see if you can hold off your climax for thirty seconds." Oh, fuck!

Putting the straps on the palm of his hand again he turns on the vibrator. It makes that barber clippers noise as he leans over me to pull the elastic waistband of my jockey shorts out with his left hand and then he puts his vibrating hand inside my underpants cupping my nuts, saying, "It's so cool you shave your pubic hair. Nice smooth belly. I'd do that too except I'd get ostracized in the locker room during baseball season at Merrimack." I mutter, "Oooh, uh huh." That's all I'm able to respond because I'm too intent on acting cool with my nuts being vibrated, but for only like three seconds and then I'm sucking on my lips as my back arches off the bed like before and I suck in air noisily. Danny's chuckling again staring into my eyes grinning like mad as his hand squeezes my nuts and then slides up to get a grip on my cock. Pulling my cock straight up his fist gets a good grip on it and then, without even stroking it, he just holds it tightly and my cock reaches levels of hardness it never before imagined.

I gasp and snort out a chuckle as my feet start moving, my heels kicking on the sheet with me groaning, "Aaaah, aaaah!" while I'm watching my cock turn into the hardest boner mankind has ever seen, the foreskin quickly pulling off the head as the head expand and the piss slit spreads open wide. My balls churn as an orgasm builds ridiculously fast. I'm squirming on the bed as Danny's fist travels up my boner until his forefinger is touching the swollen head of my cock. The pulsating head vibrates along with Danny's finger and my hips hump as cum flies straight up in one long string... "Aaaaaaah!"

Laughing, Danny keeps the pressure on my boner and my face gets red and hot, my back still arching and, as my first streak of cum is splashing on my stomach I try for another shot of cum. Nothing more comes out though and now it doesn't feel so good so I sit up and grab at Danny's hand. We hand wrestle until I pry his fingers loose and he stands back, bent over and laughing his balls off. My piss slit burns as I wipe at the cum on my stomach, mumbling, "Felt good until my balls went dry. Oooh, fuck, that was weird, dude."

Turning off the vibrator Danny's wiping laughter tears from his eyes, saying, "The look on your face was priceless. You lasted a pretty good forty seconds though! That was good." I'm like, "Whoa, that was, um, surreal..." He goes, "Jesus, that was funny. Ya know, as kids fucking around with this thing we'd cum in like ten seconds. Of course, back then we were overflowing with teenage sperm. Ya know, at that age. Fuck, we'd do it to each other four or five times a night."

My balls are still not back to normal as Danny sits on the edge of the bed and does that thing of his fingers-combing my hair so it stands up, as he smirks and says, "Not everyone looks good in an old-fashioned flattop, but you do. Rob showed me a picture of you two when you both had flattops and you looked much better than Rob with that haircut." Christ, what made him think of that after we just did amazing hand vibration therapy... haha. And he makes me chuckle the way he said that so seriously; so sincerely. I go, "What the fuck's that have to do with the hand vibrator you just used getting me to blow my load?"

Leaving his hand on top of my hair, he goes, "Oh okay, here's the history of the vibrator. At first, us young boys started vibrating each other while fully clothed just holding the vibrator against each other's crotch until we'd shoot off in our pants. A week later we dared each other to strip to our underpants and then eventually worked up the balls to take our underpants off. Once we got used to touching each other's dicks with the vibrator things advanced after that. This fucking vibrator broke the ice for us kids way back in the days of bubble gum and zits, so to speak." I laugh again, but at the same time feel that twinge of jealousy.

Damn, I wish I was there to see and do that with them! Trying for casual, like I'm not green with envy, I mutter, "Damn, you guys were pioneers." He pushes my hair backward, running his fingers through it over and over, as he mutters, "Hayden was the instigator initially. Rob was shy, but couldn't back down from a challenge, and I just did whatever Rob did. No wait, it was actually Bobby Simmons who brought the vibrator around and Hayden was in cahoots with Bobby back then. It was those two mostly... at first anyway." I go, "Who the hell is Bobby Cootie?" He goes, "It's Bobby Simmons and he and Hayden were the joint instigators, in cahoots, with the vibrator shit which led to us eventually doing all kinds of gay stuff together." I go how'd you end up with the vibrator?" He shrugs, "I forget. Bobby moved and I guess the last place we used the vibrator was at my house. I don't know. What difference does it make?"

I mutter, "None, but damn, my dick still burns from the cum flying out so, um, hard and fast." He uses both hands to totally mess up my hair and then gets off the bed, mumbling, "You pussy. C'mon, get up! It's my turn now." Swinging my legs off the bed, I go, "Oh, you want me to message you now? Okay, we'll see who's a pussy." He says, "Well, you gotta start like I did. First the scalp massage and then work your way all over me. Ya can't go right for my dick!"

Seeing a comb on his bureau I get off the bed to go over and comb my hair, saying, "Sure, I'll do everything you did ending up with your very nice cock in my fist." Danny starts taking his clothes off as I mumble, "Ya know, you're right though, this fucking thing is goofy fun." Okay, of course, this is way more appropriate behavior for Danny and the boys at an earlier age but I wasn't there so I'm fucking around with it now to catch up. It's not something I'll probably ever be stupid enough to do again, not at my advanced age anyway. By the way, getting old blows!

As I'm fiddling around with the hand vibrator, getting the straps comfortable under my hand and looking for the switch to turns this thing on and off, Danny lies on the bed wearing nothing at all. I go, "Hey, I think it's sexier if you wear your underpants. Ya know, leave something to the imagination." He goes, "No, it's not sexier." I shrug, muttering, "Says you, I think it is!" It's odd that he doesn't mention Hayden's vibrator. The one he broke-out that time Danny, Hayden and I had the three-way in that hundred degrees basement of Hayden's. Maybe this is the same vibrator. Huh, I don't want to get Danny off on some tangent though so I'll ask him about it later.

Anyway, it's impossible not to start grinning as I turn on the vibrator and begin massaging his head while gawking at his naked body. Unlike before I'm now thinking Danny doesn't really have all that special of a body. Not in the flesh, and I'm not saying it's horrible at all, just that it's not really special, like Rob's for example. Sure Danny's slim, which is my preference, and his skin is great too; very pale and free of any unsightly blemishes or moles or anything. There's no real definition in his chest or stomach though. He's a strong mother-fucker, but without the aforementioned typical definition that usually goes with that. And oddly his wide shoulders actually look too wide for the rest of him when he's lying flat and naked like this. Just saying...

Frankly, he looks better, as in sexier, with his clothes on. He also has the kind of chest hair that only grows between his pecs in a patch which isn't a plus, sex-wise. I kinda like a hairy chest across the pecs as long as it doesn't continue to the guy's shoulders or, God forbid, to his back or extend up to meet the beard growth on his neck or... well, there's only certain kind of chest hair I find sexy. Mostly hairless bodies are still my favorite except I do get a hard-on for really hairy legs on a guy, and Danny does have fairly hairy calves... so that's good. Hayden has the hairiest legs though. Bottom line, in my opinion, Danny looks sexier with his clothes on, that's all I'm saying.

I repeat everything with the hand vibrator that Danny did on me as best I can remember it. I'm enjoying the hell out of feeling his whole body with the palm of my hand and/or with the pads of my fingertips. It's like his body belongs to me while I'm doing this because he lies there and lets me do whatever I want. That's not to say he's not very demonstrative about how good it feels. He's squirming and chuckling more than I did and I see goosebumps popping up all over his creamy/white skin. A couple of times he tries moving my vibrating hand off an especially sensitive area, like his nipples, but I mimic him, saying, "No hands, Danny!" Yeah, it's fun stimulating his body's nerve endings and watching his facial expressions. Cute face on this guy too and as I've noticed before, this haircut Rob's been doing looks good with Danny's brown hair. I don't care for it with my hair though so I'm getting a different style next time.

By the time I finally grab Danny's cock in my fist he's already about to blow his load and he only lasts like twenty seconds, and I can tell he's trying to hold off his climax, but to no avail. I'm disappointed he shot off so fast because I liked the feel of his boner in my fist. He does shoot off more spunk than I did though, and it's so cool watching that creamy, white load explode from his boner. Also for the first time, I get to see close up his cock expand into a longer and fatter boner than I thought he had. Of course, I felt it expand inside me when he fucks me but I didn't realize the extent of it until now. It's a very nice cock on this lad, but I already knew that.

Done climaxing Danny moans and flops over on his stomach which spreads his cum on the sheet as he's mumbling, "Oh God, I feel funny-weird." Damn, now there's cum on both sides of this double bed. Mine on the other side and his on this side. I try rubbing his back with the vibrator, but he goes, "No, Dylan, I've had enough." It is sensory overload actually, so I turn it off and put my clothes back on, saying, "Let's get another beer." He goes, "I'll be there in a second. I want to lie here for a bit. I need to calm down some more."

Walking out of the bedroom in my barefoot and carrying our empty beer bottles I go into the kitchen to get another beer. Damn that was, um, random... but cool and 'HOT!'. I need a cigarette so I'm drinking some beer walking back in the bedroom. Stepping into my sneakers and patting Danny's shoulder lightly, I mumble, "I'll be in the garage. That was goofy cool, and fun, dude. C'mon, join me..." Danny turns his head, "You thought it was cool, Dylan?" I go, "Yeah, sure! Have some beer..." and I hold the bottle to his mouth. His lips suck on the bottle's opening, getting some beer, and then I drink some after that feeling a sexy jolt sucking off Danny's saliva. My fucking crush makes me do shit like that.

In the garage, smoking, and drinking, I snoop around at the junk and spot a box filled with old photo albums. Huh, prior to everybody on the planet having smartphones, people took pictures with a camera of some sort and then got the film developed at the Drug Store, or wherever.

The first couple of albums are early pictures of Danny's Mom and Dad with him as a baby or toddler. All babies are kinda cute but ultimately uninteresting. I go for another album and right on the first page are four boys about thirteen. Obviously, they're Robby, Hayden, Danny, and that kid who was in cahoots with Hayden and the vibrator. I already forget his name. Omigod are they fucking cute boys though! Hayden was just as tall, or short I guess, as the other boys back then. Too bad he stopped growing. Looking at these pictures you'd never suspect thirst that they were jerking each other off every chance they got... not with those cute innocent faces you wouldn't.

"What'cha looking at, babe?" Jesus! I jump like I just got caught whacking off as a twelve-year-old. I go, "Hey! What the fuck? Don't sneak up on me like that." He laughs and mutters, "What a cunt." Then he looks over my shoulder, saying, "Oh balls, let me see that." He takes the album and we both look at the pictures as Danny turns the pages. None of the pictures show any of these four angels with their pants off masturbating each other with a hand vibrator. They look like innocent uber young boys in swim trunks or with a basketball or baseball glove in their hands.

Danny gets into looking at all the albums and at first, it's kinda interesting but I lose interest after a while. Hell, I'm not in any of the pictures so, you know.... I go inside to get us a couple of beers. Finally, Danny loses interest in the pictures too. After two cigarettes each in the garage while looking around at the other junk scattered around we finally go back in the kitchen. I remember I'm supposed to be too drunk to drive home, so I go, "I'm doing another shot of bourbon," and Danny mutters, "Don't be cheap, pour me one too." This from a guy who claims he can't drink for shit and he never does shots. He's drinking beer for beer and shot for shot along with me though.

We do the shots and drink beer talking about a lot of stuff. Danny's goes into esoteric facts about the courses he's taking that have to do with his Physical Education Degree, which he needs if he hopes to someday coach high school baseball. He tells me there isn't such a thing as a full-time high school baseball coach. They all teach courses too, like Physical Education and sometimes other subjects like health-related studies. There are also coaching clinics run by successful college and professional baseball coaches that usually run six or seven days each, and they can be expensive. Even so, Danny plans on attending a couple of those baseball clinics next summer.

Oh hell, we talk about a lot of things and nothing Danny says changes my opinion of him. He's sincere about everything albeit clueless about some things, but there's not a mean-spirited bone in his body. Really nice guy and I'm betting he's gonna do great in the real adult world. He won't be rich but I probably won't either and I don't especially care about that anyway. I mean everyone would have lots of money if it was a choice, but since it's not some people would rather follow their passion than follow the dollar. Some do both of course.

We have a few more shots and a few more beers and I'm enjoying myself when Danny interrupts his own monologue. Yeah, right in the middle of telling me about his junior year on the high school baseball team, he stops and says, "Ya know what, Dylan? We're forgetting to catch up on our missed buddy-sex!" Fuck, I can't believe I forgot that. Danny's like, "Oh man, babe, I don't want to let you down again!" He stands up from the kitchen table, and says, "Just wait here and we'll get crazy, but I'll need to get the lube first." Off he goes leaving me sitting here muttering, "What?" I'm thinking: are you kidding me, Danny gonna do extemporaneous buddy sex in his kitchen?

He's back in thirty seconds, asking, "Are you okay with fast, buddy-sex for now? I mean, later in bed, of course, I'll do a really long drawn-out fuck on your ass that you'll remember for quite some time. That should catch me up on any buddy sex I've missed with you this summer, but if you don't think it does then I guess I'll fuck you fast and hard before you leave for work in the morning. Whaddaya say?" Jesus! That sounds great except he makes it seem like it's something he has to do rather than wants to.

I try not to sound irritated, saying, "It's not like we're keeping score, Danny. And it's not like you have an obligation or anything. You must have had your reasons for, um, passing up our opportunities for buddy sex this summer, and I'm okay with that. But, please, don't make it seem like you're doing me a favor, ya know?" His eyes open wide as he goes, "No! That's not what I meant at all!" Oh man, my bad. I slipped there for a second by taking what he said at face value. That was dumb on my part because I know he has a convoluted way of expressing himself sometimes, so I go, "Yeah, um, ah, forget it. Forget I said that, okay?" He's rubbing my shoulders, quietly saying, "Seriously, babe, you're too sensitive." No, I'm not!

The fact is my sexual experience with Danny is very limited now that I think about it. This summer he's had to 'service' three bottom boys, according to him in his unintentionally clueless way of expressing himself. Using the word 'service' is off-putting, but it's Danny.

Anyway, I'm thinking perhaps this is new territory for him. I mean considering the past two weeks Hayden's been sick in bed and, according to Danny, he and Rob haven't been able to 'get-together' hardly at all. For all I know maybe Danny's actually a sexual 'stud' who have recently been deprived of his normal heavy load of sex. Seems almost impossible to believe but perhaps he's catching up on his own missed sexual outlets by pretending he's catching me up on ours, or... oh man, with Danny I simply don't know what the fuck to think.

In any case, Danny apparently figures everything in that regard has been totally 'talked out' as he pulls his pants down to just below his balls and unscrews the lid on the lubricant, mumbling, "We're good, right?" I have to snort out a chuckle, muttering, "Sure," and he goes, "Um, babe, so how about pulling your pants down now. And let's see... okay, then you can just grab hold of the kitchen table." Then, as he's squeezing a lot of lubricant on his fingers he laughs, mumbling, "Haha, I've never fucked in my kitchen before," and he begins doing long, tight strokes on his cock.

It must be nice living in your own little clueless world like Danny and have that cute face of his and his above average penis and always lots of guys who want to have sex with him and from the age of thirteen no less! Jesus, I wouldn't know, but I'm guessing it'd be cool. I haven't dropped my pants yet so Danny's looking puzzled, mumbling, "Um, and remember to stick your ass out for me the way I like it, babe. You know what I mean by now I assume, um, whenever you decide to drop your pants that is."

I'm just staring at him hardly believing he's still stroking his cock like that. And I can't get mad at him because he never purposely 'disses' me. Now he's feeling the sensations coming from his cock as he strokes that growing organ of his. He's biting his bottom lip, grinning and muttering, "Maybe I should get that fucking vibrator out again, Whaddaya think, Dylan? Ha ha ha." He laughs as he continues tightly stroking his cock, his fist going up and over and then completely off of the head, grunting, "Damn, babe, this feels good."

He does it again and then looks at me, saying, "Um, ya wanna get your pants down, um, sometime before dawn?" I go, "Oh yeah," and pull my pants down to my knees, like his. Danny chuckles then and grabs my cock stroking it with his overly-lubricated hand. I go to push his hand away but he's into the third stroke by now and I go, "Ummm, ohh," and sort of push my belly out letting him stroke away. He chuckles, stepping next to me with gets his fist moving steadily up and down my hardening cock. Putting his other arm tightly around me, holding me against his side, he chuckles while saying, "I'll milk your nuts before I fuck you. How'd you like that?" I go, "Umm, no, don't..." but its stroke, stroke, stroke as I squirm against him and his arm around my waist comes up my back to go around my neck and he pulls my face side by side to his.

Oh man, this does feel good though and Danny's scent is subtly sexy too, plus his beard is at like at a five o'clock shadow stage. He has more of a regular beard pattern than either Rob or me. Tonight Danny's managed to get me feeling sexually good in the weirdest ways, this being another example of that.

"Oooh, God, that feels good!" My arm goes around Danny's waist as we hug each other. I'm resigned to him jerking me off, I mean it feels so good having someone else do it, but then pre-cum drools off the head of my boner dripping on Danny's fist and then dripping on the kitchen floor. Danny lets go of my hard cock then leaving it sticking straight up, hard as a nail and snug against my shirt. He mutters, "I was only kidding about milking your nuts, babe," and he strokes his own cock a few more times, before adding, "Okay, ya wanna grab the kitchen table now? I'm gonna do a hard, buddy fuck for you. Um, let's see," and he chuckles, "This might be the one you wanted me to do for you five weeks ago, haha."

I frown at that last comment as he strokes his perfect boner making a 'face' like he's in pain, murmuring, "Oooh, this feels so good I could jerk myself off right now," and then he stops stroking, grins at me and says, "Don't worry, I'm just kidding." I mumble, "I'm not worried," and he's like, "Um well, then go ahead, Dylan, turn around and grab the table! What are you waiting for?"

Trying for casual, I take my time doing that and then he's right behind me. The head of his slippery cock is at my asshole and then, in like one second his crotch is tight against my buttock fully impaling me with his perfect boner. There's a shocking microsecond delay before, BANG! my rectum is screaming with pain. He leans against me tightly, kicking my feet further apart while groaning, "Oooh, this feels good. Nice and tight," and he humps against my butt cheeks and then he 'SMACKS!" the bottom of my right butt cheek hard.

I'm not paying any attention to the ass-smack because I'm holding my breath seeing pain bubbles bursting in my head as my ass screams in protest at Danny's forced entry. Unconcerned, Danny massages my shoulders for maybe fifteen seconds and then he begins a fast, hard thrusting. His hands are cupping my shoulders pulling me back into his thrusts, "SLAPSLAPSLAPSLAP!" The pain hangs on for a little bit before transitioning into a neutral state and then the pleasure begins blooming. Oh, thank God!

My ears are full of the "SLAPSLAPSLAP!" sounds but now those sounds are announcing sexual pleasure and not pain, so I let out a long moan of relief and then it's all about thrills of pleasure sensations in my rectum. So much pleasure I think again about the possibility my rectum is a freak of nature with ten times more nerve endings than normal, but whatever I'm feeling the thrills and chills of pleasure that's off the charts. This level of pleasure I only experience during anal sex. I'm freely moaning, "Aaaaaah, mmmmm," and then Danny squeezes my shoulders tighter for a second which I sort of interpret as his response to my moaning like he's acknowledging a compliment. Well, what the hell, it was sort of a compliment...

Oh man, he's doing his full six-inch-plus thrusting like before only much harder and then, when retracting his boner, the swollen head catches onto the lips of my asshole distending them so much I'm afraid, like earlier, the head will slide out completely. I have that worry only for a split second though before the head is plowing very quickly back up my ass and it goes on like that with incredible precision over and over. Danny's a very accomplished 'top' as far as that goes. I mean it's amazing he never accidentally pulls all the way out. That's just another example of his exceptional coordination, in this case with his hips.

The momentary concern that his boner will pull out is merely a quick flicker of a passing thought to me as I'm now totally concentrating on this really good fucking that my ass is getting. It feels spectacular although I don't know how Danny's going to be able to keep up this fast pace.

My entire rectum is pulsating with pleasure and it's nonstop, "SLAPSLAPSLAP!" sounds along with my quiet, "Ooh, oooh, ooooh!" moans and Danny's ragged breathing. He continues smacking my ass hard every couple of fast thrusts and as far as I'm concerned that just add to the sense that Danny's a confident 'top' who knows what he's doing, and why wouldn't he know what he's doing considering he started 'topping' as a young teenager. And, there's a touch of dominance to his 'topping' too. Sweet!

We've climaxed a couple of times earlier tonight so I'm expecting a good long fuck and I've already lost track of time in this ocean of bombastic sensations I'm feeling, like electricity that sizzling deliciously inside me and spreading out all over my body. My toes are tingling as well as the roots of the hairs on top of my head. It's like twenty of those hand vibrators all over me.

Danny's gasping from the exertion of pounding his boner up my ass. His hands move from my shoulders so he can get both his arms around my waist pulling me up as his hips continue fast, hard thrusting. Keeping his arms tightly around me, he rests his chest on my back with the side of his forehead against my right ear but he never slows down his humping his hips that are driving his hard cock back and forth inside me.

By now the pulsating pleasure around my anus and the incredible pleasure that's thundering off my prostate seem to merge into an almost, but not quite, unbearable amount of sensations. Danny's grunting with the efforts, his hot breath on the side of my neck as we're almost completely attached, which is wonderful, but seemingly too soon my climax begins expanding and picking up strength and I know it will very soon take over my world.

"SLAPSLAPSLAP," sounds are music to my ears and the fast rhythm of the sounds is becoming hypnotic to me. No words are uttered, just our moans of pleasure and the accompanying sounds of males fucking in this kitchen and then Danny begins even harder, more desperate humping that moves the kitchen table a little with each thrust causing a scraping sound but the roaring in my ears of my building climax indicates it'll be all over me in an instant. I get stiff as a board and then the world seems to stop for half a second as my boner quivers and moves away from my belly before I squeal with my balls exploding and sending cum shooting up from my boner in three fast spurts. A surprisingly small amount in each shot even though it felt like a waterfall of cum flying out.

That's my entire climax though and I'm almost lying on the table now, my softening cock under me with Danny still on my back, his arms tightly around my stomach and his hips keeping the fast beat. Omigod, my head is swimming with the incredible and indescribable sensations of climax that was a roaring volcanic eruption at first but then it subsides quickly leaving me shaking in Danny's strong arms.

Sighing and feeling weak but fantastic I try to savor my latest exotic climax while Danny's still frantically pounding his cock up my ass and the extra pounding gets my hips hitting against the edge of the table. Well that fucking hurts and it becomes my main concern now as I try pushing us both away from the table's edge but Danny's too intent on climaxing. Relief comes through when he's tight against me humping my buttocks and I suppose climaxing, although I don't feel it.

Then gasping breaths from Danny, his heart thumping against my back for a few seconds and then he steps away pulling his cock out with a gasping laugh from him, and another hard, "SMACK!" on my ass. He goes, "Wow-wee, Dylan, that's as hard as I can fuck an ass, wow!" and another hard, "SMACK!" on my ass and that time his hand splatters in some of his cum that drooled out. He laughs at that too as I'm rubbing my smacked ass with both hands, still lying on the table, muttering, "Yeah, that was a damn good fuck, Danny."

Lifting up from the kitchen table I'm looking at my shirt which feels sticky. Yeah, it's sticky with my cum, but also... is that grape jelly? I think it is, plus a Slim Jim wrapper is also sticking to my shirt. I didn't notice either the smear of jelly or the wrapper when I grabbed hold of the table's edge. My mind was on other matters obviously.

Pulling off the Slim Jim wrapper and dropping it on the table I hear the water running in the sink and Danny saying, "Wow, that was really awesome! You've got a magic ass, babe. It was grabbing my dick, haha. I'm serious! I thought aliens were up there." My asshole meanwhile is in the familiar 'opened' position after being well fucked. I never really have gotten totally used to my gaping open asshole. It feels funny back there like it always does and then there's Danny's sperm that wants out and is drooling down my butt cheeks adding to the unpleasant feeling. On the other hand, I've still got some good vibrations remaining from that good, hard fucking so I feel obliged to mumble again, "Nice fuck, bro." He's excited, "Yes, it was, but it wasn't just me. You were a small part of it too," and he laughs to show he was sort of kidding about the 'small part' comment.

We're both at the sink cleaning up now with Danny doing his normal good deed of wiping the cum off my ass. He's always considerate like that, or usually considerate I should say. Once in a while, he gets too enamored with himself. Damn though, with each passing second I'm more and more impressed with that sex we just had. I mean considering how different it was from my four or five previous times with Danny. This time there was no lover's foreplay at all and he was rough! It was strictly buddy sex and good buddy sex at that. Plus, after two previous climaxes tonight for both of us, I gotta reevaluate Danny's much-maligned libido; maligned by me I mean.

Danny's drying my ass with a paper towel chuckling and saying, "Omigod, ya know what, Dylan? Not only is it awesome getting my rocks 'off' servicing the two of your asses, I get the biggest kick out of spanking you and Rob. It's so cool I get to give a hard spanking to both my idols, ya know? And neither of you ever complain about it as I can't help grinning going smack, smack, smack on your cute butts. Let me tell ya though, one of these days you're both gonna really get it over my knee maybe." I go, "Lots of ass smacking goes on during anal sex; not just when we do it." Danny's rinsing the soap off his hands saying, "Yeah, well Rob says he doesn't do it to you enough because he doesn't like to, ya know, hurt you and..." He stops abruptly then, gets this shocked expression on his face, and goes, "I shouldn't have said any of that. Fuck!" Then, turning to me and grinning his cute grin, like a little mischievous kid, he covers my ears with his hands, saying, "You didn't hear that! Right?" Huh, did he say Rob likes to be spanked?

Taking his hands away, Danny says, "It's those shots of bourbon! I cannot drink shots! Haha, I get drunk, my tongue gets loose and I start blabbering and saying things out of school." Shrugging, I go, "I wasn't paying all that much attention, Danny. Don't worry about it. I'm not sure what it was you said." He goes, "Oh thank the good Lord for that," then he holds my head between his hands and does a lover's style kiss for fifteen seconds. Jesus, with Danny you just never know what to expect next... he probably doesn't know either.

After the kiss, he mutters, "Thanks for not hearing what I said." Smirking and pretending I didn't hear the word, I go, "About what?" and he says, "What I said about me spanking Rob and you and how I might spank you two over my knee one of these days," and I burst out laughing. He goes, "What...?" I say, "Nothing. Let's get another beer and have a smoke." Danny's nodding his head, saying excitedly, "Awesome idea," and on the way out to the garage, he asks, "Aren't you glad I talked you into spending the night?" I go, "Yeah, but I'm gonna be sorry tomorrow morning when I wake up with a hangover at six o'clock."

In the garage I guess he thought about the last thing I said, and he says, "That's right, fuck! You mentioned getting up at six o'clock earlier, huh?" I nod, "Yeah, I gotta get up for work and take a shower, whatever..." He nods his head, "Jesus though, that's wicked early, but no matter. It's wicked early but if you say we still have some sex to catch up after I fuck you in bed tonight, ya know, I'll be up for doing it again in the morning... somehow." There he goes again acting put-out he needs to fuck me.

I'm rolling my eyes as Danny looks like he's thinking and then says, "Yeah, I'm thinking before we fall asleep I'll do that long slower type fuck on your ass like I told you about. Oh, haha, if you don't mind though, I've got that doggy style on my mind now; you know, with you on all fours. I can't get it out of my mind, so... heh heh. Bow wow. Can you bark?" I give him a 'look' and mutter, "Doggy style is good." He takes a deep breath then, saying, "And then like I said if you want we'll do buddy sex in the morning too. Gawd, before six o'clock?"

Yeah, he just did it again! He's acting as if he's doing me a favor, or he's fulfilling an obligation. I gotta keep in mind that that's just Danny though. He says some things in a fucked up manner.

Danny lights two cigarettes again passing one to me. I don't know why he's doing that; lighting my cigarettes. I have my own smokes. Exhaling, he goes, "Oh, I was wondering what the proper thing to do after our night time sex, Dylan. Um, should I hug you until you're asleep, or...?" I give him a strange 'look', and he adds, "You know since I'm taking Rob's place as the guy in charge and all... the, um, leader." I'm still giving him this, 'What the fuck...?' look. He goes, "What? Why are you looking at me like that? You know, I'm in the man's role, ya might say, and need to make sure you get to sleep okay after being fucked, or... well I'm not sure if that's proper or what." I try not to smile but he sees me sort of doing it and he gets mad, yelling, "That's why I'm asking how or what I should do in that regard, smartass..."

Hmmm, what in the fuck is Rob telling this guy? Or more likely, what did Rob say that Danny misinterpreted. And yeah, again I realize I should probably rethink Danny's libido situation if he thinks he can handle all the fucking he's talking about...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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